public function sendMessage($society, $type) { $soc = Society::find($society); $input = Input::all(); $alldat = array(); if ($input['leaderoptions'] == "everyone") { $allhouseholds = Household::with('individual')->where('society_id', '=', $society)->get(); foreach ($allhouseholds as $hhh) { foreach ($hhh->individual as $iii) { if ($iii->id == $hhh->householdcell) { $dum = self::PopulateRecipient($iii); if ($dum['cellphone'] != "" and $iii->memberstatus == "member") { $alldat[$iii->id] = $dum; } } } } } elseif (isset($input['groups'])) { $groups = $input['groups']; if ($input['leaderoptions'] == "allmembers") { foreach ($groups as $thisgroup) { $group = Group::with('individual')->find($thisgroup); foreach ($group->individual as $indiv) { $dum = self::PopulateRecipient($indiv); $alldat[$indiv->id] = $dum; } } } elseif ($input['leaderoptions'] == "leadersonly" or $input['leaderoptions'] == "leadersandlist") { foreach ($groups as $thisgroup) { $group = Group::with('individual')->find($thisgroup); foreach ($group->individual as $indiv) { if ($group->contact == $indiv->id) { $dum = self::PopulateRecipient($indiv); if (!isset($alldat[$indiv->id])) { $alldat[$indiv->id] = $dum; } if ($input['leaderoptions'] == "leadersandlist") { if (isset($alldat[$indiv->id]['grouplist'])) { $alldat[$indiv->id]['grouplist'] = $alldat[$indiv->id]['grouplist'] . $group->id . ","; } else { $alldat[$indiv->id]['grouplist'] = $group->id . ","; } } } } } } } if (isset($input['indivs'])) { foreach ($input['indivs'] as $individ) { $indiv = Individual::find($individ); $dum = self::PopulateRecipient($indiv); if (!isset($alldat[$individ])) { $alldat[$individ] = $dum; } } } if ($type == "email") { if (isset($input['htmlbody'])) { $message = nl2br($input['message']) . file_get_contents($input['htmlbody']); } else { $message = nl2br($input['message']); } $message = HTML::decode($message); $subject = $input['subject']; $sender = Input::get('sender'); Mail::queue('messages.message', array('msg' => $message), function ($message) use($subject, $soc, $alldat, $sender) { if (Input::file('attachment')) { $message->attach(Input::file('attachment'), array('as' => Input::file('attachment')->getClientOriginalName(), 'mime' => Input::file('attachment')->getMimeType())); } foreach ($alldat as $thisrec) { $name = $thisrec['name']; $email = $thisrec['email']; $household = $thisrec['household']; if (isset($thisrec['grouplist'])) { $grouplist = $thisrec['grouplist']; } else { $grouplist = "No group"; } $message->from('*****@*****.**', $soc->society . " Methodist Church"); $message->to($email, $name)->replyTo($sender); if ($subject == "") { $subject = "Email from " . $soc->society . " Methodist Church"; } if ($grouplist != "No group") { $ggl = explode(",", substr($grouplist, 0, -1)); foreach ($ggl as $gl) { $repdata = app('App\\Http\\Controllers\\ReportsController')->show($gl, true); $tg = Group::find($gl); $message->attachData($repdata, $tg->groupname . ".pdf"); } } $message->subject($subject); } }); $results = array(); foreach ($alldat as $tdat) { $result['name'] = $tdat['name']; $result['address'] = $tdat['email']; $result['household'] = $tdat['household']; $results[] = $result; } } else { $final = array(); foreach ($alldat as $thisdat) { $ndx = intval($thisdat['household']); if (Input::get('economy') == "household") { if (array_key_exists($ndx, $final)) { $keyhouse = Household::find($ndx)->householdcell; $keycell = Individual::find($keyhouse); if (SMSfunctions::checkcell($keycell->cellphone)) { $final[$ndx]['cellphone'] = $keycell->cellphone; $final[$ndx]['name'] = $keycell->firstname . " " . $keycell->surname; $final[$ndx]['household'] = $ndx; } } else { $final[$ndx]['cellphone'] = $thisdat['cellphone']; $final[$ndx]['name'] = $thisdat['name']; $final[$ndx]['household'] = $ndx; } } else { $dummy['cellphone'] = $thisdat['cellphone']; $dummy['name'] = $thisdat['name']; $dummy['household'] = $ndx; $final[] = $dummy; } } if ($soc->sms_provider == "bulksms") { if (count($final) > SMSfunctions::BS_get_credits($soc->sms_username, $soc->sms_password)) { return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors("Insufficient Bulk SMS credits to send SMS"); } $url = ''; $port = 80; } elseif ($soc->sms_provider == "smsfactory") { if (count($final) > SMSfunctions::SF_checkCredits($soc->sms_username, $soc->sms_password)) { return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors("Insufficient SMS Factory credits to send SMS"); } } $seven_bit_msg = Input::get('message') . " (From " . substr($soc->society, 0, 1) . "MC)"; foreach ($final as $sms) { if ($soc->sms_provider == "bulksms") { $transient_errors = array(40 => 1); $msisdn = "+27" . substr($sms['cellphone'], 1); $post_body = SMSfunctions::BS_seven_bit_sms($soc->sms_username, $soc->sms_password, $seven_bit_msg, $msisdn); } $dum2['name'] = $sms['name']; $dum2['household'] = $sms['household']; if (SMSfunctions::checkcell($sms['cellphone'])) { if ($soc->sms_provider == "bulksms") { $smsresult = SMSfunctions::BS_send_message($post_body, $url, $port); } elseif ($soc->sms_provider == "smsfactory") { $smsresult = SMSfunctions::SF_sendSms($soc->sms_username, $soc->sms_password, $sms['cellphone'], $seven_bit_msg); } $dum2['address'] = $sms['cellphone']; } else { if ($sms['cellphone'] == "") { $dum2['address'] = "No cell number provided."; } else { $dum2['address'] = "Invalid cell number: " . $sms['cellphone'] . "."; } } $results[] = $dum2; } $data['results'] = $results; } $data['type'] = $type; $data['results'] = $results; return View::make('messages.results', $data); }
public function sms($society, $id, $send) { if (Helpers::perm('admin', $society) or Helpers::perm('edit', $society)) { $soc = Society::find($society); $extra = array(); $data['society'] = $society; $extra = Input::get('extrainfo'); $data['extrainfo'] = $extra; $daysofweek = array('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'); $data['roster'] = Roster::with(array('group'))->find($id); $data['rosterday'] = $daysofweek[$data['roster']->dayofweek - 1]; $dday = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('next ' . $data['rosterday'])); $rosterdetails = DB::table('group_individual_roster')->join('groups', 'group_id', '=', '')->join('individuals', 'individual_id', '=', '')->join('rosters', 'roster_id', '=', '')->select('surname', 'firstname', 'cellphone', 'groupname', 'message', 'dayofweek', 'group_id', 'household_id')->where('rosterdate', '=', $dday)->where('roster_id', '=', $id)->orderby('groupname')->get(); foreach ($rosterdetails as $detail) { $dum['cellphone'] = $detail->cellphone; $dum['message'] = $detail->message . " (" . $detail->groupname . ")"; $dum['household'] = $detail->household_id; if ($extra and array_key_exists($detail->group_id, $extra)) { $dum['message'] = $dum['message'] . " (" . $extra[$detail->group_id] . ")"; } if (strpos($dum['message'], "[dayofweek]")) { $dum['message'] = str_replace("[dayofweek]", $data['rosterday'], $dum['message']); } if (strpos($dum['message'], "[groupname]")) { $dum['message'] = str_replace("[groupname]", $detail->groupname, $dum['message']); } if (strpos($dum['message'], "[firstname]")) { $dum['message'] = str_replace("[firstname]", $detail->firstname, $dum['message']); } $dum['recipient'] = $detail->firstname . " " . $detail->surname; $data['rosterdetails'][] = $dum; } $data['rosterdate'] = $dday; if ($send == "preview") { return View::make('rosters.sms', $data); } else { if ($soc->sms_provider == "bulksms") { if (count($data['rosterdetails']) > SMSfunctions::BS_get_credits($soc->sms_username, $soc->sms_password)) { return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors("Insufficient Bulk SMS credits to send SMS"); } $url = ''; $port = 80; } elseif ($soc->sms_provider == "smsfactory") { if (count($data['rosterdetails']) > SMSfunctions::SF_checkCredits($soc->sms_username, $soc->sms_password)) { return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors("Insufficient SMS Factory credits to send SMS"); } } foreach ($data['rosterdetails'] as $sms) { $seven_bit_msg = $sms['message'] . " (From " . substr($soc->society, 0, 1) . "MC)"; if ($soc->sms_provider == "bulksms") { $transient_errors = array(40 => 1); $msisdn = "+27" . substr($sms['cellphone'], 1); $post_body = SMSfunctions::BS_seven_bit_sms($soc->sms_username, $soc->sms_password, $seven_bit_msg, $msisdn); } $dum2['name'] = $sms['recipient']; $dum2['household'] = $sms['household']; if (SMSfunctions::checkcell($sms['cellphone'])) { if ($soc->sms_provider == "bulksms") { $smsresult = SMSfunctions::BS_send_message($post_body, $url, $port); } elseif ($soc->sms_provider == "smsfactory") { $smsresult = SMSfunctions::SF_sendSms($soc->sms_username, $soc->sms_password, $sms['cellphone'], $seven_bit_msg); } $dum2['address'] = $sms['cellphone']; } else { if ($sms['cellphone'] == "") { $dum2['address'] = "No cell number provided."; } else { $dum2['address'] = "Invalid cell number: " . $sms['cellphone'] . "."; } } $results[] = $dum2; } $data['results'] = $results; $data['type'] = "SMS"; } return View::make('messages.results', $data); } else { return view('shared.unauthorised'); } }