Exemple #1
 public function index($s = null)
     $paytxfee = Parameters::find('first');
     $txfee = $paytxfee['payxgctxfee'];
     $getrawtransaction = $greencoin->getrawtransaction($s);
     $decoderawtransaction = $greencoin->decoderawtransaction($getrawtransaction);
     foreach ($decoderawtransaction['vout'] as $out) {
         foreach ($out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'] as $address) {
             $username = $greencoin->getaccount($address);
             $Amount = (double) $out['value'];
             if ($greencoin->getaccount($address) != "") {
                 $Transactions = Transactions::find('first', array('conditions' => array('TransactionHash' => $s)));
                 if ($Transactions['_id'] == "") {
                     $t = Transactions::create();
                     $Amount = $Amount;
                     $comment = "Move from User: "******"; Address: " . GREENCOINX_ADDRESS . "; Amount:" . $Amount . ";";
                     $transfer = $greencoin->sendfrom($username, GREENCOINX_ADDRESS, (double) $Amount, (int) 0, $comment);
                     if (isset($transfer['error'])) {
                         $error = $transfer['error'];
                     } else {
                         $error = $transfer;
                     $data = array('DateTime' => new \MongoDate(), 'TransactionHash' => $s, 'username' => $username, 'address' => $address, 'Currency' => 'XGC', 'Amount' => $Amount, 'Added' => true, 'Transfer' => $comment);
                     $userName = str_replace("SiiCrypto-", "", $username);
                     $details = Details::find('first', array('conditions' => array('username' => (string) $userName)));
                     $dataDetails = array('balance.XGC' => (double) ((double) $details['balance.XGC'] + (double) $Amount), 'XGCnewaddress' => 'Yes');
                     $details = Details::find('all', array('conditions' => array('username' => (string) $userName)))->save($dataDetails);
                 } else {
                     $Transactions = Transactions::find('first', array('conditions' => array('TransactionHash' => $s)))->save($data);
 public function trade($key = null)
     if (!$this->request->data) {
         return $this->render(array('json' => array('success' => 0, 'now' => time(), 'error' => "Not submitted through POST.")));
     if ($key == null) {
         return $this->render(array('json' => array('success' => 0, 'now' => time(), 'error' => "Key not specified. Please get your key from your settings page under security.")));
     } else {
         $details = Details::find('first', array('conditions' => array('key' => $key)));
         if (count($details) == 0) {
             return $this->render(array('json' => array('success' => 0, 'now' => time(), 'error' => "Incorrect Key! Please get your key from your settings page under security.")));
         } else {
             if (!$this->requestAPI("trade", $details['username'])) {
                 return $this->render(array('json' => array('success' => 0, 'now' => time(), 'error' => "Too many requests from your IP. Try after some time.")));
             $type = $this->request->data['type'];
             $pair = $this->request->data['pair'];
             $amount = $this->request->data['amount'];
             $price = $this->request->data['price'];
             if (!($type == "Buy" || $type == "Sell")) {
                 return $this->render(array('json' => array('success' => 0, 'now' => time(), 'error' => "Type is incorrect! Should be 'Buy' or 'Sell'." . $type)));
             /*				if(!($pair=='BTC_USD' || $pair=='BTC_GBP' || $pair=='BTC_EUR' || $pair=='BTC_LTC' || $pair=='LTC_USD' || $pair=='LTC_GBP' || $pair=='LTC_EUR')){
             					return $this->render(array('json' => array('success'=>0,
             					'error'=>"Pair is incorrect! Should be 'BTC_USD','BTC_GBP','BTC_EUR','BTC_LTC','LTC_USD','LTC_GBP','LTC_EUR'.".$pair
             if ((double) $amount <= 0) {
                 return $this->render(array('json' => array('success' => 0, 'now' => time(), 'error' => "Amount less than or equal to ZERO! Should be greater than ZERO." . $amount)));
             if ((double) $price <= 0) {
                 return $this->render(array('json' => array('success' => 0, 'now' => time(), 'error' => "Price less than or equal to ZERO! Should be greater than ZERO." . $price)));
             $first_curr = strtoupper(substr($pair, 0, 3));
             $second_curr = strtoupper(substr($pair, 4, 3));
             $data = array('page.refresh' => true);
             $details = Details::find('first', array('conditions' => array('key' => $key)));
             $id = $details['user_id'];
             $user = Users::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $id)));
             $Action = $type;
             $commission = Parameters::find('first');
             $commissionRate = $commission['value'];
             if ($Action == "Buy") {
                 $PendingAction = 'Sell';
                 $FirstCurrency = $first_curr;
                 $SecondCurrency = $second_curr;
                 $Commission = (double) $commissionRate;
                 $CommissionAmount = number_format((double) $commissionRate * (double) $amount / 100, 8);
                 $CommissionCurrency = $first_curr;
                 $Amount = (double) $amount;
                 $PerPrice = (double) $price;
                 $BalanceAmount = $details['balance'][$second_curr];
                 if ($amount * $price >= $BalanceAmount) {
                     return $this->render(array('json' => array('success' => 0, 'now' => time(), 'error' => "Amount exceeds your balance! Balance: " . $BalanceAmount)));
                 $NewBalanceAmount = round($BalanceAmount - $amount * $price, 8);
                 $Currency = 'balance.' . $second_curr;
                 // Update balance of user with NewBalance Amount
                 $data = array('balance.' . $second_curr => (double) $NewBalanceAmount);
                 $details = Details::find('first', array('conditions' => array('user_id' => $id)))->save($data);
             if ($Action == "Sell") {
                 $PendingAction = 'Buy';
                 $FirstCurrency = $first_curr;
                 $SecondCurrency = $second_curr;
                 $Commission = (double) $commissionRate;
                 $CommissionAmount = number_format((double) $commissionRate * (double) $amount * (double) $price / 100, 8);
                 $CommissionCurrency = $second_curr;
                 $Amount = (double) $amount;
                 $PerPrice = (double) $price;
                 $BalanceAmount = $details['balance'][$first_curr];
                 if ($amount >= $BalanceAmount) {
                     return $this->render(array('json' => array('success' => 0, 'now' => time(), 'error' => "Amount exceeds your balance! Balance: " . $BalanceAmount)));
                 $NewBalanceAmount = round($BalanceAmount - $amount, 8);
                 $Currency = 'balance.' . $first_curr;
                 // Update balance of user with NewBalance Amount
                 $data = array('balance.' . $first_curr => (double) $NewBalanceAmount);
                 $details = Details::find('first', array('conditions' => array('user_id' => $id)))->save($data);
             $data = array('Action' => $Action, 'FirstCurrency' => $first_curr, 'SecondCurrency' => $second_curr, 'CommissionPercent' => (double) $Commission, 'Commission.Amount' => (double) $CommissionAmount, 'Commission.Currency' => $CommissionCurrency, 'Amount' => (double) $Amount, 'PerPrice' => (double) $PerPrice, 'DateTime' => new \MongoDate(), 'Completed' => 'N', 'IP' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'username' => $user['username'], 'user_id' => (string) $user['_id']);
             // Create Order for the user
             $orders = Orders::create();
             $order_id = $orders->_id;
             $data = array('refresh' => true);
             Trades::find('all', array('conditions' => array('trade' => $title)))->save($data);
             $ex = new ExController();
             $ex->SendEmails($order_id, $user['_id']);
             //	=Pending Orders=================================================================================
             $FirstCurrency = $first_curr;
             $SecondCurrency = $second_curr;
             $query = array('conditions' => array('Action' => $PendingAction, 'FirstCurrency' => $FirstCurrency, 'SecondCurrency' => $SecondCurrency, 'Completed' => 'N', 'user_id' => array('$ne' => $user['_id']), 'PerPrice' => (double) $PerPrice), 'order' => array('DateTime' => 'ASC'));
             $PendingOrders = Orders::find('all', $query);
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($PendingOrders as $PO) {
                 if ((double) $PO['Amount'] == (double) $Amount) {
                     $data = array('Completed' => 'Y', 'Transact.id' => $order_id, 'Transact.username' => $user['username'], 'Transact.user_id' => $user['_id'], 'Transact.DateTime' => new \MongoDate());
                     $orders = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $PO['_id'])))->save($data);
                     $orders = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $PO['_id'])));
                     $data = array('Completed' => 'Y', 'Transact.id' => $PO['_id'], 'Transact.username' => $PO['username'], 'Transact.user_id' => $PO['user_id'], 'Transact.DateTime' => new \MongoDate());
                     $orders = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $order_id)))->save($data);
                     $ex->SendOrderCompleteEmails($order_id, $user['_id']);
                     $ex->SendOrderCompleteEmails($PO['_id'], $PO['user_id']);
                 if ((double) $PO['Amount'] > (double) $Amount) {
                     // Update Previous Order with New Order Amount and New Commission and Transact User
                     if ($PO['Action'] == "Buy") {
                         $PrevCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * $Amount / 100, 8);
                         $CurrCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * ($PO['Amount'] - $Amount) * $PO['PrePrice'] / 100, 8);
                         $PrevCommCurr = $PO['FirstCurrency'];
                         $CurrCommCurr = $PO['SecondCurrency'];
                     } else {
                         $PrevCommAmount = round((double) $PO['CommissionPercent'] * (double) $Amount * (double) $PerPrice / 100, 8);
                         $CurrCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * $Amount / 100, 8);
                         $PrevCommCurr = $PO['SecondCurrency'];
                         $CurrCommCurr = $PO['FirstCurrency'];
                     $data = array('Commission.Amount' => (double) $PrevCommAmount, 'Amount' => (double) $Amount, 'Completed' => 'Y', 'Transact.id' => $order_id, 'Transact.username' => $user['username'], 'Transact.user_id' => $user['_id'], 'Transact.DateTime' => new \MongoDate(), 'Order' => 'P>C: Update Previous Commission and Amount and Complete Order');
                     $orders = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $PO['_id'])))->save($data);
                     // --------------------Complete
                     // Create new Order for Previous Order so that the order tallies
                     if ($PO['Action'] == "Buy") {
                         $PrevCommAmount = round((double) round((double) $PO['Amount'] - (double) $Amount, 8) * (double) $PO['CommissionPercent'] / 100, 8);
                     } else {
                         $PrevCommAmount = round((double) round((double) $PO['Amount'] - (double) $Amount, 8) * (double) $PO['PerPrice'] * (double) $PO['CommissionPercent'] / 100, 8);
                     $data = array('Amount' => (double) round((double) $PO['Amount'] - (double) $Amount, 8), 'Action' => $PO['Action'], 'FirstCurrency' => $PO['FirstCurrency'], 'SecondCurrency' => $PO['SecondCurrency'], 'CommissionPercent' => (double) $PO['CommissionPercent'], 'Commission.Amount' => (double) $PrevCommAmount, 'Commission.Currency' => $PrevCommCurr, 'PerPrice' => (double) $PO['PerPrice'], 'DateTime' => $PO['DateTime'], 'Completed' => 'N', 'IP' => $PO['IP'], 'username' => $PO['username'], 'user_id' => $PO['user_id'], 'Order' => 'P>C: Create New Previous Order with Balance details');
                     $orders = Orders::create();
                     //Update New order with Transact User
                     $data = array('Completed' => 'Y', 'Transact.id' => $PO['_id'], 'Transact.username' => $PO['username'], 'Transact.user_id' => $PO['user_id'], 'Transact.DateTime' => new \MongoDate(), 'Order' => 'P>C: Update current order no change in commission or amount');
                     $orders = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $order_id)))->save($data);
                     //To update Balance
                     $ex->SendOrderCompleteEmails($order_id, $user['_id']);
                     $ex->SendOrderCompleteEmails($PO['_id'], $PO['user_id']);
                 if ((double) $PO['Amount'] < (double) $Amount) {
                     // Update Previous Order with New Order Amount and New Commission and Transact User
                     if ($PO['Action'] == "Buy") {
                         $PrevCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * ($PO['Amount'] - $Amount) / 100, 8);
                         $CurrCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * ($PO['Amount'] - $Amount) * $PO['PrePrice'] / 100, 8);
                         $PrevCommCurr = $PO['FirstCurrency'];
                         $CurrCommCurr = $PO['SecondCurrency'];
                     } else {
                         $PrevCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * ($PO['Amount'] - $Amount) * $PO['PerPrice'] / 100, 8);
                         $CurrCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * ($PO['Amount'] - $Amount) / 100, 8);
                         $PrevCommCurr = $PO['SecondCurrency'];
                         $CurrCommCurr = $PO['FirstCurrency'];
                     if ($PO['Action'] == "Buy") {
                         $PrevCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * $PO['Amount'] / 100, 8);
                     } else {
                         $PrevCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * $PO['Amount'] * $PO['PerPrice'] / 100, 8);
                     $data = array('Commission.Amount' => (double) $PrevCommAmount, 'Amount' => (double) $PO['Amount'], 'Completed' => 'Y', 'Transact.id' => $order_id, 'Transact.username' => $user['username'], 'Transact.user_id' => $user['_id'], 'Transact.DateTime' => new \MongoDate(), 'Order' => 'P<C: Update Previous Record');
                     $orders = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $PO['_id'])))->save($data);
                     // Update current order with new commission and amount
                     if ($PO['Action'] == "Buy") {
                         $CurrCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * $PO['Amount'] * $PO['PerPrice'] / 100, 8);
                     } else {
                         $CurrCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * $PO['Amount'] / 100, 8);
                     $data = array('Commission.Amount' => (double) $CurrCommAmount, 'Amount' => (double) $PO['Amount'], 'Completed' => 'Y', 'Transact.id' => $PO['_id'], 'Transact.username' => $PO['username'], 'Transact.user_id' => $PO['user_id'], 'Transact.DateTime' => new \MongoDate(), 'Order' => 'P<C: Update current record');
                     $orders = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $order_id)))->save($data);
                     //Create a new order of pending amount
                     if ($PO['Action'] == 'Buy') {
                         $CurrCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * (double) round((double) $Amount - (double) $PO['Amount'], 8) * $PerPrice / 100, 8);
                     } else {
                         $CurrCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * (double) round((double) $Amount - (double) $PO['Amount'], 8) / 100, 8);
                     $data = array('Action' => $Action, 'FirstCurrency' => $FirstCurrency, 'SecondCurrency' => $SecondCurrency, 'CommissionPercent' => (double) $Commission, 'Commission.Amount' => (double) $CurrCommAmount, 'Commission.Currency' => $CurrCommCurr, 'Amount' => (double) round((double) $Amount - (double) $PO['Amount'], 8), 'PerPrice' => (double) $PerPrice, 'DateTime' => new \MongoDate(), 'Completed' => 'N', 'IP' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'username' => $user['username'], 'user_id' => $user['_id'], 'Order' => 'P<C: Create New Previous Order with Balance details');
                     $orders = Orders::create();
                     $ex->SendOrderCompleteEmails($order_id, $user['_id']);
                     $ex->SendOrderCompleteEmails($PO['_id'], $PO['user_id']);
             //  =Pending orders=================================================================================
             $Order = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $order_id)));
             $result = array('Order_id' => String::hash($Order['_id']), 'pair' => $pair, 'type' => $type, 'Commission.Amount' => $Order['Commission']['Amount'], 'Commission.Currency' => $Order['Commission']['Currency'], 'amount' => $Order['Amount'], 'price' => $Order['PerPrice'], 'time' => $Order['DateTime']->sec, 'Completed' => $Order['Completed'], 'username' => $Order['username']);
             return $this->render(array('json' => array('success' => 1, 'now' => time(), 'result' => $result)));
Exemple #3
 public function x($currency = null)
     if ($this->request->query['json'] == true) {
         $this->_render['type'] = 'json';
     if ($currency == null) {
         $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'ex', 'action' => 'dashboard/'));
     $first_curr = strtoupper(substr($currency, 0, 3));
     $second_curr = strtoupper(substr($currency, 4, 3));
     $title = $first_curr . "/" . $second_curr;
     $currencyStatus = Trades::find('first', array('conditions' => array('trade' => $title)));
     $this->SetGraph($first_curr, $second_curr);
     $user = Session::read('default');
     $id = $user['_id'];
     //		if($id==null){$this->redirect(array('controller'=>'ex','action'=>'dashboard/'));}
     $details = Details::find('first', array('conditions' => array('user_id' => $id)));
     // if trade order is submitted by post ----------------
     if ($this->request->data) {
         $data = array('page.refresh' => true);
         $data = array('refresh' => true);
         Trades::find('all', array('conditions' => array('trade' => $title)))->save($data);
         $commission = Parameters::find('first', array('conditions' => array('commission' => true)));
         $SellMultiple = $this->request->data['SellMultiple'];
         $BuyMultiple = $this->request->data['BuyMultiple'];
         $SellIDs = $this->request->data['SellIDs'];
         $BuyIDs = $this->request->data['BuyIDs'];
         $Action = $this->request->data['Action'];
         if ($Action == "Buy") {
             if ((double) $this->request->data['BuyAmount'] <= 0) {
             if ((double) $this->request->data['BuyPriceper'] <= 0) {
             if ((double) $this->request->data['BuyCommission'] <= 0) {
             if ((double) $this->request->data['BuyCommissionAmount'] <= 0) {
             $PendingAction = 'Sell';
             $FirstCurrency = $this->request->data['BuyFirstCurrency'];
             $SecondCurrency = $this->request->data['BuySecondCurrency'];
             $Commission = $this->request->data['BuyCommission'];
             //				$CommissionAmount = $this->request->data['BuyCommissionAmount'];
             $CommissionCurrency = $this->request->data['BuyCommissionCurrency'];
             $Amount = $this->request->data['BuyAmount'];
             $PerPrice = $this->request->data['BuyPriceper'];
             $BalanceAmount = $details['balance'][$SecondCurrency];
             $CommissionAmount = $Amount * $commission['value'] / 100;
             $NewBalanceAmount = round($BalanceAmount - $Amount * $PerPrice, 8);
             $Currency = 'balance.' . $SecondCurrency;
             // Update balance of user with NewBalance Amount
             $data = array('balance.' . $SecondCurrency => (double) $NewBalanceAmount);
             $details = Details::find('first', array('conditions' => array('user_id' => $id)))->save($data);
         if ($Action == "Sell") {
             if ((double) $this->request->data['SellAmount'] <= 0) {
             if ((double) $this->request->data['SellPriceper'] <= 0) {
             if ((double) $this->request->data['SellCommission'] <= 0) {
             if ((double) $this->request->data['SellCommissionAmount'] <= 0) {
             $PendingAction = 'Buy';
             $FirstCurrency = $this->request->data['SellFirstCurrency'];
             $SecondCurrency = $this->request->data['SellSecondCurrency'];
             $Commission = $this->request->data['SellCommission'];
             //				$CommissionAmount = $this->request->data['SellCommissionAmount'];
             $CommissionCurrency = $this->request->data['SellCommissionCurrency'];
             $Amount = $this->request->data['SellAmount'];
             $PerPrice = $this->request->data['SellPriceper'];
             $BalanceAmount = $details['balance'][$FirstCurrency];
             $CommissionAmount = $Amount * $PerPrice * $commission['value'] / 100;
             $NewBalanceAmount = round($BalanceAmount - $Amount, 8);
             $Currency = 'balance.' . $FirstCurrency;
             // Update balance of user with NewBalance Amount
             $data = array('balance.' . $FirstCurrency => (double) $NewBalanceAmount);
             $details = Details::find('first', array('conditions' => array('user_id' => $id)))->save($data);
         $data = array('Action' => $Action, 'FirstCurrency' => $FirstCurrency, 'SecondCurrency' => $SecondCurrency, 'CommissionPercent' => (double) $Commission, 'Commission.Amount' => (double) $CommissionAmount, 'Commission.Currency' => $CommissionCurrency, 'Amount' => (double) $Amount, 'PerPrice' => (double) $PerPrice, 'DateTime' => new \MongoDate(), 'Completed' => 'N', 'IP' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'username' => $user['username'], 'user_id' => $user['_id']);
         // Create Order for the user
         $orders = Orders::create();
         $order_id = $orders->_id;
         $this->SendEmails($order_id, $user['_id']);
         //			$this->SendFriendsEmails($order_id,$user['_id']);
         	$PendingOrders = Orders::find('all',
         		'conditions'=> array(
         			'Action' => $PendingAction,
         			'FirstCurrency' => $FirstCurrency,
         			'SecondCurrency' => $SecondCurrency,
         			'Completed' => 'N',
         			'user_id' => array('$ne' => $user['_id']),
         			'PerPrice' => array('$gte'=>(float)($PerPrice)),
         	$PendingOrders = Orders::find('all',
         		'conditions'=> array(
         			'Action' => $PendingAction,
         			'FirstCurrency' => $FirstCurrency,
         			'SecondCurrency' => $SecondCurrency,
         			'Completed' => 'N',
         			'user_id' => array('$ne' => $user['_id']),
         			'PerPrice' => array('$lte'=>(float)($PerPrice)),
         	foreach($PendingOrders as $PO){
         		$PreviousOrder = 	$this->ChangePreviousOrder($PO['_id'],$order_id,$PerPrice,$user);
         		$NewOrder = $this->ChangeCurrentOrder($order_id,$PO['_id'],$PO['Amount'],$user);					
         		$order_id = $NewOrder;
         //				 exit;
         $this->redirect($this->request->params);			// get out of this page and load the page again without POST!			
         if ($SellMultiple == "Y" || $BuyMultiple == "Y") {
             if ($SellMultiple == "Y") {
                 $IDs = $SellIDs;
             if ($BuyMultiple == "Y") {
                 $IDs = $BuyIDs;
             $ids = explode(",", $IDs);
             foreach ($ids as $id) {
                 if ($id != "") {
                     $PO = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => new MongoID($id))));
                     //							print_r($PO['user_id']);
                     //							print_r($PO['username']);
                     $data = array('Completed' => 'Y', 'Transact.id' => $order_id, 'Transact.username' => $user['username'], 'Transact.user_id' => $user['_id'], 'Transact.DateTime' => new \MongoDate());
                     $orders = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $PO['_id'])))->save($data);
                     $orders = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $PO['_id'])));
                     $data = array('Completed' => 'Y', 'Transact.id' => $PO['_id'], 'Transact.username' => $PO['username'], 'Transact.user_id' => $PO['user_id'], 'Transact.DateTime' => new \MongoDate());
                     $orders = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $order_id)))->save($data);
                     $this->SendOrderCompleteEmails($order_id, $user['_id']);
                     $this->SendOrderCompleteEmails($PO['_id'], $PO['user_id']);
         //Start FOR loop-----------------------------------------------------
         $PendingOrders = Orders::find('all', array('conditions' => array('Action' => $PendingAction, 'FirstCurrency' => $FirstCurrency, 'SecondCurrency' => $SecondCurrency, 'Completed' => 'N', 'user_id' => array('$ne' => $user['_id']), 'PerPrice' => (double) $PerPrice), 'order' => array('DateTime' => 'ASC')));
         foreach ($PendingOrders as $PO) {
             if ((double) $PO['Amount'] == (double) $Amount) {
                 $data = array('Completed' => 'Y', 'Transact.id' => $order_id, 'Transact.username' => $user['username'], 'Transact.user_id' => $user['_id'], 'Transact.DateTime' => new \MongoDate());
                 $orders = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $PO['_id'])))->save($data);
                 $orders = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $PO['_id'])));
                 $data = array('Completed' => 'Y', 'Transact.id' => $PO['_id'], 'Transact.username' => $PO['username'], 'Transact.user_id' => $PO['user_id'], 'Transact.DateTime' => new \MongoDate());
                 $orders = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $order_id)))->save($data);
                 $this->SendOrderCompleteEmails($order_id, $user['_id']);
                 $this->SendOrderCompleteEmails($PO['_id'], $PO['user_id']);
             if ((double) $PO['Amount'] > (double) $Amount) {
                 // Update Previous Order with New Order Amount and New Commission and Transact User
                 if ($PO['Action'] == "Buy") {
                     $PrevCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * $Amount / 100, 8);
                     $CurrCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * ($PO['Amount'] - $Amount) * $PO['PrePrice'] / 100, 8);
                     $PrevCommCurr = $PO['FirstCurrency'];
                     $CurrCommCurr = $PO['SecondCurrency'];
                 } else {
                     $PrevCommAmount = round((double) $PO['CommissionPercent'] * (double) $Amount * (double) $PerPrice / 100, 8);
                     $CurrCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * $Amount / 100, 8);
                     $PrevCommCurr = $PO['SecondCurrency'];
                     $CurrCommCurr = $PO['FirstCurrency'];
                 $data = array('Commission.Amount' => (double) $PrevCommAmount, 'Amount' => (double) $Amount, 'Completed' => 'Y', 'Transact.id' => $order_id, 'Transact.username' => $user['username'], 'Transact.user_id' => $user['_id'], 'Transact.DateTime' => new \MongoDate(), 'Order' => 'P>C: Update Previous Commission and Amount and Complete Order');
                 $orders = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $PO['_id'])))->save($data);
                 // --------------------Complete
                 // Create new Order for Previous Order so that the order tallies
                 if ($PO['Action'] == "Buy") {
                     $PrevCommAmount = round((double) round((double) $PO['Amount'] - (double) $Amount, 8) * (double) $PO['CommissionPercent'] / 100, 8);
                 } else {
                     $PrevCommAmount = round((double) round((double) $PO['Amount'] - (double) $Amount, 8) * (double) $PO['PerPrice'] * (double) $PO['CommissionPercent'] / 100, 8);
                 $data = array('Amount' => (double) round((double) $PO['Amount'] - (double) $Amount, 8), 'Action' => $PO['Action'], 'FirstCurrency' => $PO['FirstCurrency'], 'SecondCurrency' => $PO['SecondCurrency'], 'CommissionPercent' => (double) $PO['CommissionPercent'], 'Commission.Amount' => (double) $PrevCommAmount, 'Commission.Currency' => $PrevCommCurr, 'PerPrice' => (double) $PO['PerPrice'], 'DateTime' => $PO['DateTime'], 'Completed' => 'N', 'IP' => $PO['IP'], 'username' => $PO['username'], 'user_id' => $PO['user_id'], 'Order' => 'P>C: Create New Previous Order with Balance details');
                 $orders = Orders::create();
                 //Update New order with Transact User
                 $data = array('Completed' => 'Y', 'Transact.id' => $PO['_id'], 'Transact.username' => $PO['username'], 'Transact.user_id' => $PO['user_id'], 'Transact.DateTime' => new \MongoDate(), 'Order' => 'P>C: Update current order no change in commission or amount');
                 $orders = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $order_id)))->save($data);
                 //To update Balance
                 $this->SendOrderCompleteEmails($order_id, $user['_id']);
                 $this->SendOrderCompleteEmails($PO['_id'], $PO['user_id']);
             if ((double) $PO['Amount'] < (double) $Amount) {
                 // Update Previous Order with New Order Amount and New Commission and Transact User
                 if ($PO['Action'] == "Buy") {
                     $PrevCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * ($PO['Amount'] - $Amount) / 100, 8);
                     $CurrCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * ($PO['Amount'] - $Amount) * $PO['PrePrice'] / 100, 8);
                     $PrevCommCurr = $PO['FirstCurrency'];
                     $CurrCommCurr = $PO['SecondCurrency'];
                 } else {
                     $PrevCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * ($PO['Amount'] - $Amount) * $PO['PerPrice'] / 100, 8);
                     $CurrCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * ($PO['Amount'] - $Amount) / 100, 8);
                     $PrevCommCurr = $PO['SecondCurrency'];
                     $CurrCommCurr = $PO['FirstCurrency'];
                 if ($PO['Action'] == "Buy") {
                     $PrevCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * $PO['Amount'] / 100, 8);
                 } else {
                     $PrevCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * $PO['Amount'] * $PO['PerPrice'] / 100, 8);
                 $data = array('Commission.Amount' => (double) $PrevCommAmount, 'Amount' => (double) $PO['Amount'], 'Completed' => 'Y', 'Transact.id' => $order_id, 'Transact.username' => $user['username'], 'Transact.user_id' => $user['_id'], 'Transact.DateTime' => new \MongoDate(), 'Order' => 'P<C: Update Previous Record');
                 $orders = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $PO['_id'])))->save($data);
                 // Update current order with new commission and amount
                 if ($PO['Action'] == "Buy") {
                     $CurrCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * $PO['Amount'] * $PO['PerPrice'] / 100, 8);
                 } else {
                     $CurrCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * $PO['Amount'] / 100, 8);
                 $data = array('Commission.Amount' => (double) $CurrCommAmount, 'Amount' => (double) $PO['Amount'], 'Completed' => 'Y', 'Transact.id' => $PO['_id'], 'Transact.username' => $PO['username'], 'Transact.user_id' => $PO['user_id'], 'Transact.DateTime' => new \MongoDate(), 'Order' => 'P<C: Update current record');
                 $orders = Orders::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => $order_id)))->save($data);
                 //Create a new order of pending amount
                 if ($PO['Action'] == 'Buy') {
                     $CurrCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * (double) round((double) $Amount - (double) $PO['Amount'], 8) * $PerPrice / 100, 8);
                 } else {
                     $CurrCommAmount = round($PO['CommissionPercent'] * (double) round((double) $Amount - (double) $PO['Amount'], 8) / 100, 8);
                 $data = array('Action' => $Action, 'FirstCurrency' => $FirstCurrency, 'SecondCurrency' => $SecondCurrency, 'CommissionPercent' => (double) $Commission, 'Commission.Amount' => (double) $CurrCommAmount, 'Commission.Currency' => $CurrCommCurr, 'Amount' => (double) round((double) $Amount - (double) $PO['Amount'], 8), 'PerPrice' => (double) $PerPrice, 'DateTime' => new \MongoDate(), 'Completed' => 'N', 'IP' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'username' => $user['username'], 'user_id' => $user['_id'], 'Order' => 'P<C: Create New Previous Order with Balance details');
                 $orders = Orders::create();
                 $this->SendOrderCompleteEmails($order_id, $user['_id']);
                 $this->SendOrderCompleteEmails($PO['_id'], $PO['user_id']);
         // End FOR Loop -----------------------------------
         //			exit; // Temporary EXIT
         // get out of this page and load the page again without POST!
     // submitted by post!
     // without POST... load the page!
     $details = Details::find('first', array('conditions' => array('user_id' => $id)));
     $mongodb = Connections::get('default')->connection;
     $TotalSellOrders = Orders::connection()->connection->command(array('aggregate' => 'orders', 'pipeline' => array(array('$project' => array('_id' => 0, 'Action' => '$Action', 'Amount' => '$Amount', 'Completed' => '$Completed', 'FirstCurrency' => '$FirstCurrency', 'SecondCurrency' => '$SecondCurrency', 'TotalAmount' => array('$multiply' => array('$Amount', '$PerPrice')))), array('$match' => array('Action' => 'Sell', 'Completed' => 'N', 'FirstCurrency' => $first_curr, 'SecondCurrency' => $second_curr)), array('$group' => array('_id' => array(), 'Amount' => array('$sum' => '$Amount'), 'TotalAmount' => array('$sum' => '$TotalAmount'))), array('$sort' => array('PerPrice' => 1)))));
     $TotalBuyOrders = Orders::connection()->connection->command(array('aggregate' => 'orders', 'pipeline' => array(array('$project' => array('_id' => 0, 'Action' => '$Action', 'Amount' => '$Amount', 'Completed' => '$Completed', 'FirstCurrency' => '$FirstCurrency', 'SecondCurrency' => '$SecondCurrency', 'TotalAmount' => array('$multiply' => array('$Amount', '$PerPrice')))), array('$match' => array('Action' => 'Buy', 'Completed' => 'N', 'FirstCurrency' => $first_curr, 'SecondCurrency' => $second_curr)), array('$group' => array('_id' => array(), 'Amount' => array('$sum' => '$Amount'), 'TotalAmount' => array('$sum' => '$TotalAmount'))), array('$sort' => array('PerPrice' => 1)))));
     $SellOrders = Orders::connection()->connection->command(array('aggregate' => 'orders', 'pipeline' => array(array('$project' => array('_id' => 1, 'Action' => '$Action', 'Amount' => '$Amount', 'user_id' => '$user_id', 'username' => '$username', 'PerPrice' => '$PerPrice', 'Completed' => '$Completed', 'FirstCurrency' => '$FirstCurrency', 'SecondCurrency' => '$SecondCurrency')), array('$match' => array('Action' => 'Sell', 'Completed' => 'N', 'FirstCurrency' => $first_curr, 'SecondCurrency' => $second_curr)), array('$group' => array('_id' => array('PerPrice' => '$PerPrice', 'username' => '$username', 'user_id' => '$user_id', 'id' => '$_id'), 'Amount' => array('$sum' => '$Amount'), 'No' => array('$sum' => 1))), array('$sort' => array('_id.PerPrice' => 1)), array('$limit' => 20))));
     $BuyOrders = Orders::connection()->connection->command(array('aggregate' => 'orders', 'pipeline' => array(array('$project' => array('_id' => 1, 'Action' => '$Action', 'Amount' => '$Amount', 'user_id' => '$user_id', 'username' => '$username', 'PerPrice' => '$PerPrice', 'Completed' => '$Completed', 'FirstCurrency' => '$FirstCurrency', 'SecondCurrency' => '$SecondCurrency')), array('$match' => array('Action' => 'Buy', 'Completed' => 'N', 'FirstCurrency' => $first_curr, 'SecondCurrency' => $second_curr)), array('$group' => array('_id' => array('PerPrice' => '$PerPrice', 'username' => '$username', 'user_id' => '$user_id', 'id' => '$_id'), 'Amount' => array('$sum' => '$Amount'), 'No' => array('$sum' => 1))), array('$sort' => array('_id.PerPrice' => -1)), array('$limit' => 20))));
     $YourOrders = Orders::find('all', array('conditions' => array('user_id' => $id, 'Completed' => 'N', 'FirstCurrency' => $first_curr, 'SecondCurrency' => $second_curr), 'order' => array('DateTime' => -1)));
     $YourCompleteOrders = Orders::find('all', array('conditions' => array('user_id' => $id, 'Completed' => 'Y', 'FirstCurrency' => $first_curr, 'SecondCurrency' => $second_curr), 'order' => array('DateTime' => -1)));
     $page = Pages::find('first', array('conditions' => array('pagename' => 'ex/x/' . $currency)));
     $this->SetForecastGraph($SellOrders, $BuyOrders, $first_curr, $second_curr);
     $title = $page['title'];
     $keywords = $page['keywords'];
     $description = $page['description'];
     $settings = Settings::find('first');
     return compact('title', 'details', 'SellOrders', 'BuyOrders', 'TotalSellOrders', 'TotalBuyOrders', 'YourOrders', 'YourCompleteOrders', 'keywords', 'description', 'settings', 'currencyStatus');
Exemple #4
 public function hard()
     if ($this->__init() == false) {
     if ($this->request->data) {
         $Withdrawal = Parameters::find('all')->save($this->request->data);
     $Withdrawal = Parameters::find('first');
     return compact('Withdrawal');
Exemple #5
 public function funding_ltc()
     $title = "Funding LTC";
     $user = Session::read('default');
     if ($user == "") {
         return $this->redirect('/login');
     $id = $user['_id'];
     $details = Details::find('first', array('conditions' => array('user_id' => (string) $id)));
     $secret = $details['secret'];
     $userid = $details['user_id'];
     $paytxfee = Parameters::find('first');
     $txfee = $paytxfee['payltctxfee'];
     $transactions = Transactions::find('first', array('conditions' => array('username' => $user['username'], 'Added' => false, 'Paid' => 'No', 'Currency' => 'LTC')));
     return compact('details', 'address', 'txfee', 'title', 'transactions', 'user');
Exemple #6

use app\models\Parameters;
$Comm = Parameters::find('first');

<p><strong><u>Become a Customer</u></strong></p>

<blockquote>To become an SiiCrypto customer please click <a href="/users/signup">signup</a>. Registration implies you have read and agreed to our <a href="/company/termsofservice">Terms of Service.</a>
<li>We charge <strong><?php 
echo $Comm['value'];
</strong>% per transaction.</li>
<li>If you <strong>buy</strong> 1 Bitcoin our fee is <strong><?php 
echo $Comm['value'] / 100;
</strong> Bitcoins.</li>
<li>If you <strong>sell</strong> $100 worth of Bitcoins our fee is <strong><?php 
echo $Comm['value'] * 100;
</strong> cent.</li>

 public function CheckServer()
     $parameters = Parameters::find('first');
     if ($parameters['server'] == true) {
         return $this->render(array('json' => array('Refresh' => 'Yes')));
     } else {
         return $this->render(array('json' => array('Refresh' => 'No')));
Exemple #8

use lithium\storage\Session;
use app\models\Pages;
use app\models\Details;
use app\models\Parameters;
if (!isset($title)) {
    $page = Pages::find('first', array('conditions' => array('pagename' => 'home')));
    $title = $page['title'];
    $keywords = $page['keywords'];
    $description = $page['description'];
$user = Session::read('default');
$detail = Details::find("first", array("conditions" => array("user_id" => $user["_id"])));
$parameters = Parameters::find('first');
//Pagetime Start
$mtime = microtime();
$mtime = explode(" ", $mtime);
$mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
$pagestarttime = $mtime;
//Pagetime End
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
echo $this->html->charset();
Exemple #9
 public function Commission()
     $commission = Parameters::find('first', array('conditions' => array('commission' => true)));
     return $this->render(array('json' => array('Commission' => $commission['value'])));