/** * Execute the job. * * @return bool */ public function handle() { $this->metric->user_id = auth()->id(); $this->metric->name = $this->request->input('name'); $this->metric->symbol = $this->request->input('symbol'); return $this->metric->save(); }
public function run() { DB::table('locations')->delete(); //Create Location $location = new Location(); $location->name = 'Nonlocated'; $location->save(); $location = new Location(); $location->name = 'Tools'; $location->save(); DB::table('metrics')->delete(); $metric = new Metric(); $metric->name = "Stk"; $metric->symbol = "stk"; $metric->save(); }
/** * Returns a new form for the specified metric. * * @param Metric $metric * * @return \Orchestra\Contracts\Html\Builder */ public function form(Metric $metric) { return $this->form->of('metrics', function (FormGrid $form) use($metric) { if ($metric->exists) { $method = 'PATCH'; $url = route('maintenance.metrics.update', [$metric->getKey()]); $form->submit = 'Save'; } else { $method = 'POST'; $url = route('maintenance.metrics.store'); $form->submit = 'Create'; } $form->attributes(compact('method', 'url')); $form->with($metric); $form->fieldset(function (Fieldset $fieldset) { $fieldset->control('input:text', 'name')->attributes(['placeholder' => 'ex. Tonnes, Pounds, Grams']); $fieldset->control('input:text', 'symbol')->attributes(['placeholder' => 'ex. T, LBS, G']); }); }); }
/** * Returns a new form for creating a new inventory item. * * @param Inventory $inventory * @param bool|false $variant * * @return \Orchestra\Contracts\Html\Builder */ public function form(Inventory $inventory, $variant = false) { return $this->form->of('inventory', function (FormGrid $form) use($inventory, $variant) { if ($inventory->exists) { if ($variant === true) { // If the inventory item exists and we're looking to create a form // for a variant, we'll set the forms options accordingly. $method = 'POST'; $url = route('maintenance.inventory.variants.store', [$inventory->getKey()]); $form->submit = 'Create'; } else { // Otherwise we'll set the options to update the specified inventory item. $method = 'PATCH'; $url = route('maintenance.inventory.update', [$inventory->getKey()]); $form->submit = 'Save'; } } else { $method = 'POST'; $url = route('maintenance.inventory.store'); $form->submit = 'Create'; } $form->with($inventory); $form->attributes(compact('method', 'url')); $categories = Category::getSelectHierarchy('inventories'); $metrics = Metric::all()->pluck('name', 'id'); $metrics->put(0, 'None'); $form->fieldset(function (Fieldset $fieldset) use($categories, $metrics) { $fieldset->control('select', 'category')->value(function (Inventory $item) { return $item->category_id; })->options($categories); $fieldset->control('select', 'metric')->value(function (Inventory $item) { return $item->metric_id; })->options($metrics); $fieldset->control('input:text', 'name')->attributes(['placeholder' => 'ex. Nails']); $fieldset->control('input:textarea', 'description'); }); }); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function delete($id) { //Soft delete the patient $metric = Metric::find($id); $metric->delete(); // redirect return redirect()->to('metric.index')->with('message', trans('messages.metric-succesfully-deleted')); }
/** * Execute the job. * * @return bool */ public function handle() { $this->metric->name = $this->request->input('name', $this->metric->name); $this->metric->symbol = $this->request->input('symbol', $this->metric->symbol); return $this->metric->save(); }
/** * Deletes the specified metric. * * @param int|string $id * * @return bool */ public function destroy($id) { $metric = $this->metric->findOrFail($id); return $metric->delete(); }
/** * @return \Illuminate\Routing\Route|null|string */ public function ingnoreId() { $id = $this->route('metric'); $name = $this->input('name'); return Metric::where(compact('id', 'name'))->exists() ? $id : ''; }