Exemple #1
 public function getNextGamesDate($entity)
     $focus_game = Games::first(array('conditions' => array('fieldsite_id' => $entity->_id, 'game_time' => array('$gt' => time())), 'order' => array('game_time' => 'DESC')));
     if (!$focus_game) {
         $focus_game = Games::first(array('conditions' => array('fieldsite_id' => $entity->_id), 'order' => array('game_time' => 'DESC')));
     if ($focus_game) {
         $focus_time = $focus_game->game_time->sec;
     } else {
         $focus_time = time();
     return date('Y-m-d', $focus_time);
Exemple #2
 protected function dateSearch()
     if (!isset($this->request->query['date'])) {
         $error = 'No date provided.';
     } else {
         $query_params = $this->request->query;
         $start_time = strtotime($query_params['date']);
         $end_time = $start_time + 24 * 60 * 60;
         $conditions = array('game_time' => array('$gt' => $start_time, '$lt' => $end_time));
         if (isset($query_params['league'])) {
             $conditions['league_id'] = new \MongoId($query_params['league']);
         if (isset($query_params['fieldsite'])) {
             $conditions['fieldsite_id'] = new \MongoId($query_params['fieldsite']);
         $games = Games::find('all', array('conditions' => $conditions, 'order' => array('game_time' => 'ASC')));
         if (empty($error) and $games->count() == 0) {
             $error = 'No games found.';
     return $this->render(array('data' => compact('error', 'games'), 'layout' => false));
Exemple #3
 public static function getImage()
     $game = Games::find('first', array('conditions' => array('id' => Session::read('game_id'))));
     $word = Words::find('first', array('conditions' => array('id' => $game->word_id)));
     $img_number = self::MAX_IMAGE_COUNT - $game->max_wrong_tries + $game->wrong_tries;
     if ($game->max_wrong_tries == 5) {
         switch ($game->wrong_tries) {
             case 1:
                 $img_number = 3;
             case 2:
                 $img_number = 5;
             case 3:
                 $img_number = 7;
             case 4:
                 $img_number = 9;
             case 5:
                 $img_number = 11;
             case 0:
                 $img_number = 0;
     return self::HANG_IMAGE_PRE . $img_number . self::HANG_IMAGE_POST;
 public function trychar($char)
     // do we have an active game session?
     if (!Session::check("game_id", array('name' => 'default'))) {
         return $this->redirect('games::index');
     // state: 0 = in-game, 1 = won, 2 = lost, 3 = already won, 4 = already lost
     $game = Games::find('first', array('conditions' => array('id' => Session::read('game_id'))));
     $word = Words::find('first', array('conditions' => array('id' => $game->word_id)));
     $resp = array("success" => 0, "wrong_tries_left" => $game->max_wrong_tries - $game->wrong_tries, "placeholders" => Games::getPlaceholders(), "image" => Games::getImage(), "message" => "", "state" => 0, "word" => "");
     // game already won
     if ($game->state == 1) {
         $resp['message'] = "You already won!";
         $resp['state'] = 3;
         return $this->render(array('type' => 'json', 'data' => $resp, 'layout' => false));
         // game already lost
     } elseif ($game->state == 2) {
         $resp['message'] = "You already lost!";
         $resp['state'] = 4;
         return $this->render(array('type' => 'json', 'data' => $resp, 'layout' => false));
     // ist der gesendete buchstabe erlaubt?
     if (!Games::isValidChar($char)) {
         $resp['success'] = 0;
         $resp['message'] = "Non-valid char used.";
         return $this->render(array('type' => 'json', 'data' => $resp, 'layout' => false));
         // falls der gesendete buchstabe schonmal gesendet wurde
     } elseif (stripos($game->input_text, $char) !== false) {
         $resp['success'] = 0;
         $resp['message'] = "Char was already used.";
         return $this->render(array('type' => 'json', 'data' => $resp, 'layout' => false));
         // buchstabe ist valid und wurde nicht schon gesendet
     } else {
         $game->input_text .= $char;
         $resp['success'] = 1;
         $resp['placeholders'] = Games::getPlaceholders();
         // buchstabe kommt in gesuchtem wort vor
         if (!(stripos($word->value, $char) === false) && stripos($word->value, $char) >= 0) {
             $resp['image'] = Games::getImage();
             // alle zeichen erraten, gewonnen
             // WIN!
             if (stripos(Games::getPlaceholders(), self::PLACEHOLDER) === false) {
                 $game->state = 1;
                 // won
                 $resp['state'] = 1;
                 // won
                 $resp['message'] = "You won! Play a new game?";
                 $resp['wrong_tries_left'] = $game->max_wrong_tries - $game->wrong_tries;
                 return $this->render(array('type' => 'json', 'data' => $resp, 'layout' => false));
                 // buchstabe stimmt, aber noch nicht alles erraten
             } else {
                 $resp['wrong_tries_left'] = $game->max_wrong_tries - $game->wrong_tries;
                 $resp['message'] = "Nice! Guess the next char!";
                 return $this->render(array('type' => 'json', 'data' => $resp, 'layout' => false));
             // buchstabe kommt NICHT vor
         } else {
             $resp['image'] = Games::getImage();
             // hat der benutzer die maximale anzahl versuche überschritten?
             // LOOSE!
             if ($game->wrong_tries >= $game->max_wrong_tries) {
                 $resp['wrong_tries_left'] = 0;
                 $resp['message'] = "Out of tries. New Game?";
                 $resp['state'] = 2;
                 // lost
                 $game->state = 2;
                 // lost
                 $resp['word'] = $word->value;
                 return $this->render(array('type' => 'json', 'data' => $resp, 'layout' => false));
                 // falscher buchstaben eingegeben, benutzer hat weiteren versuch
             } else {
                 $resp['wrong_tries_left'] = $game->max_wrong_tries - $game->wrong_tries;
                 $resp['message'] = "Nope. Try again!";
                 return $this->render(array('type' => 'json', 'data' => $resp, 'layout' => false));
     return $this->render(array('type' => 'json', 'data' => $resp, 'layout' => false));
 public function reportScore()
     $game = Games::find($this->request->id);
     if (!$game) {
         $redirectUrl = $this->request->env('HTTP_REFERER') ?: '/';
         $this->flashMessage('Game not found.', array('alertType' => 'error'));
         return $this->redirect($redirectUrl);
     if (!isset($this->CURRENT_USER) or !$game->canReport($this->CURRENT_USER)) {
         $redirectUrl = $this->request->env('HTTP_REFERER') ?: '/';
         $this->flashMessage('You do not have permission to report scores for that game.', array('alertType' => 'error'));
         return $this->redirect($redirectUrl);
     if ($this->request->data) {
         $doSave = true;
         if ($game->scores) {
             $old_score_report = $game->scores->export();
             $old_score_report = $old_score_report['data'];
         $team_ids = array();
         // NOTE: This code also lives in the Games Controller (for editing games that already have scores)
         // This should probably be abstracted and put in the games model
         $new_score_report = array('reporter_id' => $this->CURRENT_USER->_id, 'report_time' => time(), 'reporter_ip' => $this->request->env('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'rainout' => false, 'forfeit' => false);
         if (isset($this->request->data['rainout'])) {
             $new_score_report['rainout'] = true;
         } else {
             if (isset($this->request->data['forfeit'])) {
                 # make sure winner is in team list
                 # save winner with forfeit score (wherever that is)
                 $doSave = false;
             } else {
                 $max_score = -1;
                 $winner_id = null;
                 foreach ($this->request->data['scores'] as $id => $score) {
                     $score = abs(intval($score));
                     if ($score > $max_score) {
                         $max_score = $score;
                         $winner_id = $id;
                     } else {
                         if ($score == $max_score) {
                             // This means we have a tie, somehow
                             $winner_id = null;
                     $new_score_report[$id] = $score;
                     $team_ids[] = new \MongoId($id);
         $game->scores = $new_score_report;
         $game->winner = $winner_id;
         if ($doSave) {
             if ($game->save()) {
                 if (isset($old_score_report)) {
                     // Log the previously-reported score
                     $conditions = array('_id' => $game->_id);
                     $query = array('$push' => array('old_scores' => $old_score_report));
                     Games::update($query, $conditions);
                 // Mark teams as needing an update
                 $conditions = array('_id' => array('$in' => $team_ids));
                 $query = array('$set' => array('stats.needs_update' => true));
                 Teams::update($query, $conditions, array('multiple' => true));
                 $this->flashMessage('Your score has been successfully reported.', array('alertType' => 'success'));
                 return $this->redirect($this->request->env('HTTP_REFERER') ?: '/');
     $league = $game->getLeague();
     $teams = array();
     foreach ($game->teams as $t_id) {
         $teams[(string) $t_id] = Teams::find((string) $t_id);
     return compact('game', 'league', 'teams');
Exemple #6
 public function getGames($entity)
     $conditions = array('teams' => $entity->_id);
     $order = array('game_time' => 1);
     return Games::all(compact('conditions', 'order'));
 protected function updateLeagueStandings()
     // Compile a list of all teams needing an update across all leagues
     $conditions = array('needs_standings_update' => true);
     $fields = array('_id');
     $leagues_needing_update = Leagues::all(compact('conditions', 'fields'));
     foreach ($leagues_needing_update as $l) {
         $team_list = array();
         $conditions = array('league_id' => $l->_id);
         $leage_teams = Teams::all(compact('conditions'));
         foreach ($leage_teams as $t) {
             $team_list[] = $t;
         usort($team_list, function ($a, $b) {
             // One of the team has no reported scores, other team wins by default.
             if (is_object($a->stats) and !is_object($b->stats)) {
                 return 1;
             } else {
                 if (is_object($a->stats) and !is_object($b->stats)) {
                     return -1;
                 } else {
                     if (!is_object($a->stats) and !is_object($b->stats)) {
                         return 0;
             // Criteria #1: winning percentage
             $a_pct = $a->stats->wins / ($a->stats->wins + $a->stats->losses);
             $b_pct = $b->stats->wins / ($b->stats->wins + $b->stats->losses);
             if ($a_pct != $b_pct) {
                 // Needs to return an int, these percentages won't be ints.
                 return intval(($a_pct - $b_pct) * 100);
             // Criteria #2: Number of wins
             if ($a->stats->wins != $b->stats->wins) {
                 return $a->stats->wins - $b->stats->wins;
             // Criteria #3: Head-to-head wins / Criteria #4: Head-to-head point-diff
             $conditions = array('teams' => array($a->_id, $b->_id), 'scores' => array('$exists' => true));
             $joint_games = Games::all(compact('conditions'));
             $head_to_head_wins = 0;
             $head_to_head_pnts = 0;
             foreach ($joint_games as $g) {
                 // Note: Lithium does not support $and yet, so we can't do this optimally
                 if ($a->_id != $g->teams[0] and $a->_id != $g->teams[1] or $b->_id != $g->teams[0] and $b->_id != $g->teams[1]) {
                     // This game isn't head-to-head, doesn't count;
                 if ($g->winner == $a->_id) {
                     $head_to_head_pnts += $g->getScoreDiff();
                 } else {
                     if ($g->winner == $b->_id) {
                         $head_to_head_pnts -= $g->getScoreDiff();
             if ($head_to_head_wins != 0) {
                 return $head_to_head_wins;
             if ($head_to_head_pnts != 0) {
                 return $head_to_head_pnts;
             // Criteria #5: Head-to-head point-diff
             if ($a->stats->point_differential != $b->stats->point_differential) {
                 return $a->stats->point_differential - $b->stats->point_differential;
             // Still tied?
             $a->stats->tied = true;
             $b->stats->tied = true;
             return 0;
         // Assign their ranks, handle ties correctly:
         $rank = 0;
         $tied_rank = null;
         foreach (array_reverse($team_list) as $t) {
             if (!isset($tied_rank) and $t->stats->tied == true) {
                 $tied_rank = $rank;
             } else {
                 if ($t->stats->tied == false) {
                     $tied_rank = null;
             $display_rank = $tied_rank ?: $rank;
             $t->save(array('stats.rank' => $display_rank));