Exemple #1
 public function testAssetModelAdd()
     $assetmodel = factory(AssetModel::class, 'assetmodel')->make();
     $values = ['name' => $assetmodel->name, 'manufacturer_id' => $assetmodel->manufacturer_id, 'category_id' => $assetmodel->category_id, 'eol' => $assetmodel->eol];
     $this->tester->seeRecord('models', $values);
Exemple #2
  * Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
  * @return array
 public function rules()
     $rules = ['name' => 'min:2|max:255', 'model_id' => 'required|integer', 'status_id' => 'required|integer', 'company_id' => 'integer', 'warranty_months' => 'integer|min:0|max:240', 'physical' => 'integer', 'checkout_date' => 'date', 'checkin_date' => 'date', 'supplier_id' => 'integer', 'status' => 'integer', 'asset_tag' => 'required'];
     $model = AssetModel::find($this->request->get('model_id'));
     if ($model && $model->fieldset) {
         $rules += $model->fieldset->validation_rules();
     return $rules;
Exemple #3
 public static function modelList()
     $models = AssetModel::with('manufacturer')->get();
     $model_array[''] = trans('general.select_model');
     foreach ($models as $model) {
         $model_array[$model->id] = $model->displayModelName();
     return $model_array;
  * Run the migrations.
  * @return void
 public function up()
     DB::getDoctrineSchemaManager()->getDatabasePlatform()->registerDoctrineTypeMapping('enum', 'string');
     $f2 = new \App\Models\CustomFieldset(['name' => "Asset with MAC Address"]);
     $f2->timestamps = false;
     //when this model was first created, it had no timestamps. But later on it gets them.
     if (!$f2->save()) {
         throw new Exception("couldn't save customfieldset");
     $macid = DB::table('custom_fields')->insertGetId(['name' => "MAC Address", 'format' => \App\Models\CustomField::$PredefinedFormats['MAC'], 'element' => 'text']);
     if (!$macid) {
         throw new Exception("Can't save MAC Custom field: {$macid}");
     $f2->fields()->attach($macid, ['required' => false, 'order' => 1]);
     \App\Models\AssetModel::where(["show_mac_address" => true])->update(["fieldset_id" => $f2->id]);
     Schema::table('assets', function (Blueprint $table) {
         $table->renameColumn('mac_address', '_snipeit_mac_address');
     // DB::statement("ALTER TABLE assets CHANGE mac_address _snipeit_mac_address varchar(255)");
     $ans = Schema::table("models", function (Blueprint $table) {
         $table->renameColumn('show_mac_address', 'deprecated_mac_address');
Exemple #5
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     if ($this->confirm("\n****************************************************\nTHIS WILL DELETE ALL OF THE DATA IN YOUR DATABASE. \nThere is NO undo. This WILL destroy ALL of your data. \n****************************************************\n\nDo you wish to continue? No backsies! [y|N]")) {
         if ($this->option('soft')) {
             DB::statement('delete from accessories_users');
             DB::statement('delete from asset_logs');
             DB::statement('delete from asset_maintenances');
             DB::statement('delete from asset_uploads');
             DB::statement('delete from consumables_users');
             DB::statement('delete from custom_field_custom_fieldset');
             DB::statement('delete from custom_fields');
             DB::statement('delete from custom_fieldsets');
             DB::statement('delete from components_assets');
             DB::statement('delete from password_resets');
             DB::statement('delete from requested_assets');
             DB::statement('delete from requests');
             DB::statement('delete from throttle');
             DB::statement('delete from users_groups');
             DB::statement('delete from users WHERE id!=1');
         } else {
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS accessories_users');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS accessories');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS asset_logs');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS asset_maintenances');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS asset_uploads');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS assets');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS categories');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS companies');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS consumables_users');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS consumables');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS custom_field_custom_fieldset');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS custom_fields');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS custom_fieldsets');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS depreciations');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS groups');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS history');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS components');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS components_assets');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS license_seats');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS licenses');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS locations');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS manufacturers');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS models');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS migrations');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS password_resets');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS requested_assets');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS requests');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS settings');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS status_labels');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS suppliers');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS throttle');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS users_groups');
             \DB::statement('drop table IF EXISTS users');
Exemple #6
              <a href='#' data-toggle="modal" data-target="#createModal" data-dependency="model" data-select="model_select_id" class="btn btn-sm btn-default">New</a>
              <span class="mac_spinner" style="padding-left: 10px; color: green; display:none; width: 30px;"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i> </span>

       <div id='custom_fields_content'>
         <!-- Custom Fields -->
         @if ($asset->model && $asset->model->fieldset)
$model = $asset->model;
         @if (Input::old('model_id'))
$model = \App\Models\AssetModel::find(Input::old('model_id'));
         @elseif (isset($selected_model))
$model = $selected_model;
         @if (isset($model) && $model)
           @include("models/custom_fields_form",["model" => $model])

       <!-- Status -->
       <div class="form-group {{ $errors->has('status_id') ? ' has-error' : '' }}">
           <label for="status_id" class="col-md-3 control-label">{{ trans('admin/hardware/form.status') }}</label>
               <div class="col-md-7 col-sm-11{{  (\App\Helpers\Helper::checkIfRequired($asset, 'status_id')) ? ' required' : '' }}">
Exemple #7
  * Validate and process asset edit form.
  * @author [A. Gianotto] [<*****@*****.**>]
  * @param int $assetId
  * @since [v1.0]
  * @return Redirect
 public function postEdit(AssetRequest $request, $assetId = null)
     // Check if the asset exists
     if (!($asset = Asset::find($assetId))) {
         // Redirect to the asset management page with error
         return redirect()->to('hardware')->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.does_not_exist'));
     } elseif (!Company::isCurrentUserHasAccess($asset)) {
         return redirect()->to('hardware')->with('error', trans('general.insufficient_permissions'));
     if ($request->has('status_id')) {
         $asset->status_id = e($request->input('status_id'));
     } else {
         $asset->status_id = null;
     if ($request->has('warranty_months')) {
         $asset->warranty_months = e($request->input('warranty_months'));
     } else {
         $asset->warranty_months = null;
     if ($request->has('purchase_cost')) {
         $asset->purchase_cost = e(Helper::formatCurrencyOutput($request->input('purchase_cost')));
     } else {
         $asset->purchase_cost = null;
     if ($request->has('purchase_date')) {
         $asset->purchase_date = e($request->input('purchase_date'));
     } else {
         $asset->purchase_date = null;
     if ($request->has('supplier_id')) {
         $asset->supplier_id = e($request->input('supplier_id'));
     } else {
         $asset->supplier_id = null;
     // If the box isn't checked, it's not in the request at all.
     $asset->requestable = $request->has('requestable');
     if ($request->has('rtd_location_id')) {
         $asset->rtd_location_id = e($request->input('rtd_location_id'));
     } else {
         $asset->rtd_location_id = null;
     if ($request->has('image_delete')) {
         unlink(public_path() . '/uploads/assets/' . $asset->image);
         $asset->image = '';
     // Update the asset data
     $asset->name = e($request->input('name'));
     $asset->serial = e($request->input('serial'));
     $asset->company_id = Company::getIdForCurrentUser(e($request->input('company_id')));
     $asset->model_id = e($request->input('model_id'));
     $asset->order_number = e($request->input('order_number'));
     $asset->asset_tag = e($request->input('asset_tag'));
     $asset->notes = e($request->input('notes'));
     $asset->physical = '1';
     // Update the image
     if (Input::has('image')) {
         $image = $request->input('image');
         // See postCreate for more explaination of the following.
         $header = explode(';', $image, 2)[0];
         $extension = substr($header, strpos($header, '/') + 1);
         $image = substr($image, strpos($image, ',') + 1);
         $directory = public_path('uploads/assets/');
         // Check if the uploads directory exists.  If not, try to create it.
         if (!file_exists($directory)) {
             mkdir($directory, 0755);
         $file_name = str_random(25) . "." . $extension;
         $path = public_path('uploads/assets/' . $file_name);
         try {
             Image::make($image)->resize(500, 500, function ($constraint) {
             $asset->image = $file_name;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $messageBag = new \Illuminate\Support\MessageBag();
             $messageBag->add('image', $e->getMessage());
             \Session()->flash('errors', \Session::get('errors', new \Illuminate\Support\ViewErrorBag())->put('default', $messageBag));
             return response()->json(['image' => $e->getMessage()], 422);
         $asset->image = $file_name;
     // Update custom fields in the database.
     // Validation for these fields is handlded through the AssetRequest form request
     // FIXME: No idea why this is returning a Builder error on db_column_name.
     // Need to investigate and fix. Using static method for now.
     $model = AssetModel::find($request->get('model_id'));
     if ($model->fieldset) {
         foreach ($model->fieldset->fields as $field) {
             if ($field->field_encrypted == '1') {
                 if (Gate::allows('admin')) {
                     $asset->{\App\Models\CustomField::name_to_db_name($field->name)} = \Crypt::encrypt(e($request->input(\App\Models\CustomField::name_to_db_name($field->name))));
             } else {
                 $asset->{\App\Models\CustomField::name_to_db_name($field->name)} = e($request->input(\App\Models\CustomField::name_to_db_name($field->name)));
     if ($asset->save()) {
         // Redirect to the new asset page
         \Session::flash('success', trans('admin/hardware/message.update.success'));
         return response()->json(['redirect_url' => route("view/hardware", $assetId)]);
     \Session::flash('errors', $asset->getErrors());
     return response()->json(['errors' => $asset->getErrors()], 500);
 public function run()
     factory(AssetModel::class, 'assetmodel', 5)->create();
  * Select the asset model if it exists, otherwise create it.
  * @author Daniel Melzter
  * @since 3.0
  * @param array
  * @param $category Category
  * @param $manufacturer Manufacturer
  * @return Model
  * @internal param $asset_modelno string
 public function createOrFetchAssetModel(array $row, $category, $manufacturer)
     $asset_model_name = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "model name");
     $asset_modelno = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "model number");
     if (empty($asset_model_name)) {
         $asset_model_name = 'Unknown';
     if (empty($asset_modelno)) {
         $asset_modelno = '';
     $this->log('Model Name: ' . $asset_model_name);
     $this->log('Model No: ' . $asset_modelno);
     foreach ($this->asset_models as $tempmodel) {
         if (strcasecmp($tempmodel->name, $asset_model_name) == 0 && $tempmodel->modelno == $asset_modelno && $tempmodel->category_id == $category->id && $tempmodel->manufacturer_id == $manufacturer->id) {
             $this->log('A matching model ' . $asset_model_name . ' with model number ' . $asset_modelno . ' already exists');
             return $tempmodel;
     $asset_model = new AssetModel();
     $asset_model->name = $asset_model_name;
     $asset_model->manufacturer_id = $manufacturer->id;
     $asset_model->modelno = $asset_modelno;
     $asset_model->category_id = $category->id;
     $asset_model->user_id = $this->option('user_id');
     if (!$this->option('testrun')) {
         if ($asset_model->save()) {
             $this->log('Asset Model ' . $asset_model_name . ' with model number ' . $asset_modelno . ' was created');
             return $asset_model;
         } else {
             $this->jsonError('Asset Model "' . $asset_model_name . '"', $asset_model->getErrors());
             return $asset_model;
     } else {
         return $asset_model;
Exemple #10
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     $force = $this->option('force');
     if ($this->confirm("\n****************************************************\nTHIS WILL PURGE ALL SOFT-DELETED ITEMS IN YOUR SYSTEM. \nThere is NO undo. This WILL permanently destroy \nALL of your deleted data. \n****************************************************\n\nDo you wish to continue? No backsies! [y|N]") || $force == 'true') {
          * Delete assets
         $assets = Asset::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
         $assetcount = $assets->count();
         $this->info($assets->count() . ' assets purged.');
         $asset_assoc = 0;
         $asset_maintenances = 0;
         foreach ($assets as $asset) {
             $this->info('- Asset "' . $asset->showAssetName() . '" deleted.');
             $asset_assoc += $asset->assetlog()->count();
             $asset_maintenances += $asset->assetmaintenances()->count();
         $this->info($asset_assoc . ' corresponding log records purged.');
         $this->info($asset_maintenances . ' corresponding maintenance records purged.');
         $locations = Location::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
         $this->info($locations->count() . ' locations purged.');
         foreach ($locations as $location) {
             $this->info('- Location "' . $location->name . '" deleted.');
         $accessories = Accessory::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
         $accessory_assoc = 0;
         $this->info($accessories->count() . ' accessories purged.');
         foreach ($accessories as $accessory) {
             $this->info('- Accessory "' . $accessory->name . '" deleted.');
             $accessory_assoc += $accessory->assetlog()->count();
         $this->info($accessory_assoc . ' corresponding log records purged.');
         $consumables = Consumable::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
         $this->info($consumables->count() . ' consumables purged.');
         foreach ($consumables as $consumable) {
             $this->info('- Consumable "' . $consumable->name . '" deleted.');
         $components = Component::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
         $this->info($components->count() . ' components purged.');
         foreach ($components as $component) {
             $this->info('- Component "' . $component->name . '" deleted.');
         $licenses = License::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
         $this->info($licenses->count() . ' licenses purged.');
         foreach ($licenses as $license) {
             $this->info('- License "' . $license->name . '" deleted.');
         $models = AssetModel::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
         $this->info($models->count() . ' asset models purged.');
         foreach ($models as $model) {
             $this->info('- Asset Model "' . $model->name . '" deleted.');
         $categories = Category::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
         $this->info($categories->count() . ' categories purged.');
         foreach ($categories as $category) {
             $this->info('- Category "' . $category->name . '" deleted.');
         $suppliers = Supplier::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
         $this->info($suppliers->count() . ' suppliers purged.');
         foreach ($suppliers as $supplier) {
             $this->info('- Supplier "' . $supplier->name . '" deleted.');
         $users = User::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->where('show_in_list', '!=', '0')->withTrashed()->get();
         $this->info($users->count() . ' users purged.');
         $user_assoc = 0;
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             $this->info('- User "' . $user->username . '" deleted.');
             $user_assoc += $user->userlog()->count();
         $this->info($user_assoc . ' corresponding user log records purged.');
         $manufacturers = Manufacturer::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
         $this->info($manufacturers->count() . ' manufacturers purged.');
         foreach ($manufacturers as $manufacturer) {
             $this->info('- Manufacturer "' . $manufacturer->name . '" deleted.');
         $status_labels = Statuslabel::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
         $this->info($status_labels->count() . ' status labels purged.');
         foreach ($status_labels as $status_label) {
             $this->info('- Status Label "' . $status_label->name . '" deleted.');
     } else {
         $this->info('Action canceled. Nothing was purged.');
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     $filename = $this->argument('filename');
     if (!$this->option('testrun') == 'true') {
         $this->comment('======= Importing Assets from ' . $filename . ' =========');
     } else {
         $this->comment('====== TEST ONLY Asset Import for ' . $filename . ' ====');
         $this->comment('============== NO DATA WILL BE WRITTEN ==============');
     if (!ini_get("auto_detect_line_endings")) {
         ini_set("auto_detect_line_endings", '1');
     $csv = Reader::createFromPath($this->argument('filename'));
     $duplicates = '';
     // Loop through the records
     $nbInsert = $csv->each(function ($row) use($duplicates) {
         $status_id = 1;
         // Let's just map some of these entries to more user friendly words
         // User's name
         if (array_key_exists('0', $row)) {
             $user_name = trim($row[0]);
         } else {
             $user_name = '';
         // User's email
         if (array_key_exists('1', $row)) {
             $user_email = trim($row[1]);
         } else {
             $user_email = '';
         // User's email
         if (array_key_exists('2', $row)) {
             $user_username = trim($row[2]);
         } else {
             $user_username = '';
         // Asset Name
         if (array_key_exists('3', $row)) {
             $user_asset_asset_name = trim($row[3]);
         } else {
             $user_asset_asset_name = '';
         // Asset Category
         if (array_key_exists('4', $row)) {
             $user_asset_category = trim($row[4]);
         } else {
             $user_asset_category = '';
         // Asset Name
         if (array_key_exists('5', $row)) {
             $user_asset_name = trim($row[5]);
         } else {
             $user_asset_name = '';
         // Asset Manufacturer
         if (array_key_exists('6', $row)) {
             $user_asset_mfgr = trim($row[6]);
         } else {
             $user_asset_mfgr = '';
         // Asset model number
         if (array_key_exists('7', $row)) {
             $user_asset_modelno = trim($row[7]);
         } else {
             $user_asset_modelno = '';
         // Asset serial number
         if (array_key_exists('8', $row)) {
             $user_asset_serial = trim($row[8]);
         } else {
             $user_asset_serial = '';
         // Asset tag
         if (array_key_exists('9', $row)) {
             $user_asset_tag = trim($row[9]);
         } else {
             $user_asset_tag = '';
         // Asset location
         if (array_key_exists('10', $row)) {
             $user_asset_location = trim($row[10]);
         } else {
             $user_asset_location = '';
         // Asset notes
         if (array_key_exists('11', $row)) {
             $user_asset_notes = trim($row[11]);
         } else {
             $user_asset_notes = '';
         // Asset purchase date
         if (array_key_exists('12', $row)) {
             if ($row[12] != '') {
                 $user_asset_purchase_date = date("Y-m-d 00:00:01", strtotime($row[12]));
             } else {
                 $user_asset_purchase_date = '';
         } else {
             $user_asset_purchase_date = '';
         // Asset purchase cost
         if (array_key_exists('13', $row)) {
             if ($row[13] != '') {
                 $user_asset_purchase_cost = trim($row[13]);
             } else {
                 $user_asset_purchase_cost = '';
         } else {
             $user_asset_purchase_cost = '';
         // Asset Company Name
         if (array_key_exists('14', $row)) {
             if ($row[14] != '') {
                 $user_asset_company_name = trim($row[14]);
             } else {
                 $user_asset_company_name = '';
         } else {
             $user_asset_company_name = '';
         // A number was given instead of a name
         if (is_numeric($user_name)) {
             $this->comment('User ' . $user_name . ' is not a name - assume this user already exists');
             $user_username = '';
             $first_name = '';
             $last_name = '';
             // No name was given
         } elseif ($user_name == '') {
             $this->comment('No user data provided - skipping user creation, just adding asset');
             $first_name = '';
             $last_name = '';
             //$user_username = '';
         } else {
             $user_email_array = User::generateFormattedNameFromFullName($this->option('email_format'), $user_name);
             $first_name = $user_email_array['first_name'];
             $last_name = $user_email_array['last_name'];
             if ($user_email == '') {
                 $user_email = $user_email_array['username'] . '@' . config('app.domain');
             if ($user_username == '') {
                 if ($this->option('username_format') == 'email') {
                     $user_username = $user_email;
                 } else {
                     $user_name_array = User::generateFormattedNameFromFullName($this->option('username_format'), $user_name);
                     $user_username = $user_name_array['username'];
         $this->comment('Full Name: ' . $user_name);
         $this->comment('First Name: ' . $first_name);
         $this->comment('Last Name: ' . $last_name);
         $this->comment('Username: '******'Email: ' . $user_email);
         $this->comment('Category Name: ' . $user_asset_category);
         $this->comment('Item: ' . $user_asset_name);
         $this->comment('Manufacturer ID: ' . $user_asset_mfgr);
         $this->comment('Model No: ' . $user_asset_modelno);
         $this->comment('Serial No: ' . $user_asset_serial);
         $this->comment('Asset Tag: ' . $user_asset_tag);
         $this->comment('Location: ' . $user_asset_location);
         $this->comment('Purchase Date: ' . $user_asset_purchase_date);
         $this->comment('Purchase Cost: ' . $user_asset_purchase_cost);
         $this->comment('Notes: ' . $user_asset_notes);
         $this->comment('Company Name: ' . $user_asset_company_name);
         $this->comment('------------- Action Summary ----------------');
         if ($user_username != '') {
             if ($user = User::MatchEmailOrUsername($user_username, $user_email)->whereNotNull('username')->first()) {
                 $this->comment('User ' . $user_username . ' already exists');
             } else {
                 $user = new \App\Models\User();
                 $password = substr(str_shuffle("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"), 0, 20);
                 $user->first_name = $first_name;
                 $user->last_name = $last_name;
                 $user->username = $user_username;
                 $user->email = $user_email;
                 $user->permissions = '{user":1}';
                 $user->password = bcrypt($password);
                 $user->activated = 1;
                 if ($user->save()) {
                     $this->comment('User ' . $first_name . ' created');
                 } else {
                     $this->error('ERROR CREATING User ' . $first_name . ' ' . $last_name);
         } else {
             $user = new User();
         // Check for the location match and create it if it doesn't exist
         if ($location = Location::where('name', e($user_asset_location))->first()) {
             $this->comment('Location ' . $user_asset_location . ' already exists');
         } else {
             $location = new Location();
             if ($user_asset_location != '') {
                 $location->name = e($user_asset_location);
                 $location->address = '';
                 $location->city = '';
                 $location->state = '';
                 $location->country = '';
                 $location->user_id = 1;
                 if (!$this->option('testrun') == 'true') {
                     if ($location->save()) {
                         $this->comment('Location ' . $user_asset_location . ' was created');
                     } else {
                         $this->error('Something went wrong! Location ' . $user_asset_location . ' was NOT created');
                 } else {
                     $this->comment('Location ' . $user_asset_location . ' was (not) created - test run only');
             } else {
                 $this->comment('No location given, so none created.');
         if (e($user_asset_category) == '') {
             $category_name = 'Unnamed Category';
         } else {
             $category_name = e($user_asset_category);
         // Check for the category match and create it if it doesn't exist
         if ($category = Category::where('name', e($category_name))->where('category_type', 'asset')->first()) {
             $this->comment('Category ' . $category_name . ' already exists');
         } else {
             $category = new Category();
             $category->name = e($category_name);
             $category->category_type = 'asset';
             $category->user_id = 1;
             if ($category->save()) {
                 $this->comment('Category ' . $user_asset_category . ' was created');
             } else {
                 $this->error('Something went wrong! Category ' . $user_asset_category . ' was NOT created');
         // Check for the manufacturer match and create it if it doesn't exist
         if ($manufacturer = Manufacturer::where('name', e($user_asset_mfgr))->first()) {
             $this->comment('Manufacturer ' . $user_asset_mfgr . ' already exists');
         } else {
             $manufacturer = new Manufacturer();
             $manufacturer->name = e($user_asset_mfgr);
             $manufacturer->user_id = 1;
             if ($manufacturer->save()) {
                 $this->comment('Manufacturer ' . $user_asset_mfgr . ' was created');
             } else {
                 $this->error('Something went wrong! Manufacturer ' . $user_asset_mfgr . ' was NOT created: ' . $manufacturer->getErrors()->first());
         // Check for the asset model match and create it if it doesn't exist
         if ($asset_model = AssetModel::where('name', e($user_asset_name))->where('modelno', e($user_asset_modelno))->where('category_id', $category->id)->where('manufacturer_id', $manufacturer->id)->first()) {
             $this->comment('The Asset Model ' . $user_asset_name . ' with model number ' . $user_asset_modelno . ' already exists');
         } else {
             $asset_model = new AssetModel();
             $asset_model->name = e($user_asset_name);
             $asset_model->manufacturer_id = $manufacturer->id;
             $asset_model->modelno = e($user_asset_modelno);
             $asset_model->category_id = $category->id;
             $asset_model->user_id = 1;
             if ($asset_model->save()) {
                 $this->comment('Asset Model ' . $user_asset_name . ' with model number ' . $user_asset_modelno . ' was created');
             } else {
                 $this->error('Something went wrong! Asset Model ' . $user_asset_name . ' was NOT created: ' . $asset_model->getErrors()->first());
         // Check for the asset company match and create it if it doesn't exist
         if ($user_asset_company_name != '') {
             if ($company = Company::where('name', e($user_asset_company_name))->first()) {
                 $this->comment('Company ' . $user_asset_company_name . ' already exists');
             } else {
                 $company = new Company();
                 $company->name = e($user_asset_company_name);
                 if ($company->save()) {
                     $this->comment('Company ' . $user_asset_company_name . ' was created');
                 } else {
                     $this->error('Something went wrong! Company ' . $user_asset_company_name . ' was NOT created: ' . $company->getErrors()->first());
         } else {
             $company = new Company();
         // Check for the asset match and create it if it doesn't exist
         if ($asset = Asset::where('asset_tag', e($user_asset_tag))->first()) {
             $this->comment('The Asset with asset tag ' . $user_asset_tag . ' already exists');
         } else {
             $asset = new Asset();
             $asset->name = e($user_asset_asset_name);
             if ($user_asset_purchase_date != '') {
                 $asset->purchase_date = $user_asset_purchase_date;
             } else {
                 $asset->purchase_date = null;
             if ($user_asset_purchase_cost != '') {
                 $asset->purchase_cost = ParseFloat(e($user_asset_purchase_cost));
             } else {
                 $asset->purchase_cost = 0.0;
             $asset->serial = e($user_asset_serial);
             $asset->asset_tag = e($user_asset_tag);
             $asset->model_id = $asset_model->id;
             $asset->assigned_to = $user->id;
             $asset->rtd_location_id = $location->id;
             $asset->user_id = 1;
             $asset->status_id = $status_id;
             $asset->company_id = $company->id;
             if ($user_asset_purchase_date != '') {
                 $asset->purchase_date = $user_asset_purchase_date;
             } else {
                 $asset->purchase_date = null;
             $asset->notes = e($user_asset_notes);
             if ($asset->save()) {
                 $this->comment('Asset ' . $user_asset_name . ' with serial number ' . $user_asset_serial . ' was created');
             } else {
                 $this->error('Something went wrong! Asset ' . $user_asset_name . ' was NOT created: ' . $asset->getErrors()->first());
         return true;
  * Validates a custom fieldset and then deletes if it has no models associated.
  * @author [Brady Wetherington] [<*****@*****.**>]
  * @param  int  $id
  * @since [v1.8]
  * @return View
 public function destroy($id)
     $fieldset = CustomFieldset::find($id);
     $models = AssetModel::where("fieldset_id", "=", $id);
     if ($models->count() == 0) {
         return redirect()->route("admin.custom_fields.index")->with("success", trans('admin/custom_fields/message.fieldset.delete.success'));
     } else {
         return redirect()->route("admin.custom_fields.index")->with("error", trans('admin/custom_fields/message.fieldset.delete.in_use'));
  * Get the JSON response to populate the data tables on the
  * Asset Model listing page.
  * @author [A. Gianotto] [<*****@*****.**>]
  * @since [v2.0]
  * @param string $status
  * @return String JSON
 public function getDatatable($status = null)
     $models = AssetModel::with('category', 'assets', 'depreciation');
     switch ($status) {
         case 'Deleted':
     if (Input::has('search')) {
         $models = $models->TextSearch(Input::get('search'));
     if (Input::has('offset')) {
         $offset = e(Input::get('offset'));
     } else {
         $offset = 0;
     if (Input::has('limit')) {
         $limit = e(Input::get('limit'));
     } else {
         $limit = 50;
     $allowed_columns = ['id', 'name', 'modelno'];
     $order = Input::get('order') === 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
     $sort = in_array(Input::get('sort'), $allowed_columns) ? e(Input::get('sort')) : 'created_at';
     $models = $models->orderBy($sort, $order);
     $modelCount = $models->count();
     $models = $models->skip($offset)->take($limit)->get();
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($models as $model) {
         if ($model->deleted_at == '') {
             $actions = '<div style=" white-space: nowrap;"><a href="' . route('clone/model', $model->id) . '" class="btn btn-info btn-sm" title="Clone Model" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-clone"></i></a> <a href="' . route('update/model', $model->id) . '" class="btn btn-warning btn-sm" style="margin-right:5px;"><i class="fa fa-pencil icon-white"></i></a><a data-html="false" class="btn delete-asset btn-danger btn-sm" data-toggle="modal" href="' . route('delete/model', $model->id) . '" data-content="' . trans('admin/models/message.delete.confirm') . '" data-title="' . trans('general.delete') . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($model->name) . '?" onClick="return false;"><i class="fa fa-trash icon-white"></i></a></div>';
         } else {
             $actions = '<a href="' . route('restore/model', $model->id) . '" class="btn btn-warning btn-sm"><i class="fa fa-recycle icon-white"></i></a>';
         $rows[] = array('id' => $model->id, 'manufacturer' => (string) link_to('/admin/settings/manufacturers/' . $model->manufacturer->id . '/view', $model->manufacturer->name), 'name' => (string) link_to('/hardware/models/' . $model->id . '/view', $model->name), 'image' => $model->image != '' ? '<img src="' . config('app.url') . '/uploads/models/' . $model->image . '" height=50 width=50>' : '', 'modelnumber' => $model->modelno, 'numassets' => $model->assets->count(), 'depreciation' => $model->depreciation && $model->depreciation->id > 0 ? $model->depreciation->name . ' (' . $model->depreciation->months . ')' : trans('general.no_depreciation'), 'category' => $model->category ? $model->category->name : '', 'eol' => $model->eol ? $model->eol . ' ' . trans('general.months') : '', 'note' => $model->getNote(), 'actions' => $actions);
     $data = array('total' => $modelCount, 'rows' => $rows);
     return $data;