Exemple #1
  * Gets Tag objects from cache or DB
  * @param CacheHandlerInterface $cacheHandler
  * @param TagRepositoryInterface $tagRepo
  * @return array
 public function getTagsForUser(CacheHandlerInterface $cacheHandler, TagRepositoryInterface $tagRepo)
     // Check to see if there is a cache item
     $tags = $cacheHandler->get(CacheHandlerInterface::TAGS);
     // No tags found in cache, check DB, cache them, and return them
     if (!$tags) {
         $tags = $tagRepo->all(Auth::user());
         $tagNames = [];
         foreach ($tags as $tag) {
             $tagNames[] = $tag->name;
         $cacheHandler->set(CacheHandlerInterface::TAGS, $tagNames);
         return $tagNames;
     return $tags;
  * Get items for display
  * @param Request $request
  * @param CacheHandlerInterface $cacheHandler
  * @param ItemRepositoryInterface $itemRepo
  * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\View\View
 public function getAll(Request $request, CacheHandlerInterface $cacheHandler, ItemRepositoryInterface $itemRepo)
     $pageRequested = $request->input('page');
     $isMainPage = (is_null($pageRequested) or $pageRequested === 1);
     if ($isMainPage) {
         // Load from cache if available
         $items = $cacheHandler->get(CacheHandlerInterface::MAINPAGE);
     } else {
         $items = $itemRepo->getItemsPaginated(20, Auth::user());
     // Main page data not available in cache
     if (!$items) {
         // Get paginated items for user
         $items = $itemRepo->getItemsPaginated(20, Auth::user());
         // Save in cache for next request
         $cacheHandler->set(CacheHandlerInterface::MAINPAGE, $items);
     $title = "List";
     return view('all', ['items' => $items, 'title' => $title]);
  * Generate the cache item for a specific Tag with the given Links
  * @param $tag
  * @param CacheHandlerInterface $cacheHandler
  * @param SearchHandlerInterface $searchHandler
  * @internal param $links
 private function generate($tag, CacheHandlerInterface $cacheHandler, SearchHandlerInterface $searchHandler)
     // Find items for the requested Tag
     $filters['must'] = ['tags' => $tag->name];
     $filters['should'] = ['discovery_setting' => 'attributed'];
     $filters['should'] = ['discovery_setting' => 'anonymous'];
     $links = $searchHandler->filteredSearch($filters, null, 'created_at', 'desc', 10);
     $cacheHandler->set(CacheHandlerInterface::DISCOVER_TAG, $links, $tag->name);