static function authenticate($redirect = "/") { if ($_SESSION['auth'] == true) { return true; } elseif ($redirect) { \app\inc\Redirect::to($redirect); exit; } else { \app\inc\Redirect::to("/nosession.php"); exit; } }
new \app\controllers\Wms(); } elseif (Input::getPath()->part(1) == "wmsc") { Session::start(); new \app\controllers\Wmsc(); } elseif (Input::getPath()->part(1) == "wfs") { Session::start(); $db = Input::getPath()->part(2); $dbSplit = explode("@", $db); if (sizeof($dbSplit) == 2) { $db = $dbSplit[1]; $user = $dbSplit[0]; $parentUser = false; } else { $user = $db; $parentUser = true; } Database::setDb($db); Connection::$param["postgisschema"] = Input::getPath()->part(3); include_once "app/wfs/server.php"; } elseif (!Input::getPath()->part(1)) { if (App::$param["redirectTo"]) { \app\inc\Redirect::to(App::$param["redirectTo"]); } else { \app\inc\Redirect::to("/user/login"); } } else { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); echo "<h1>404 Not Found</h1>"; echo "The page that you have requested could not be found."; exit; }