function editGameQuestionsData()
     $rules = array();
     foreach (Input::get('question') as $key => $val) {
         $rules['question.' . $key . '.question.question_text'] = 'required';
         foreach (Input::get('question')[$key]['question']['answers'] as $key2 => $val) {
             $rules['question.' . $key . '.question.answers.' . $key2] = 'required';
     $messages = array('required' => 'שדה :attribute הינו שדה חובה');
     // do the validation ----------------------------------
     // validate against the inputs from our form
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules, $messages);
     // check if the validator failed -----------------------
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         // get the error messages from the validator
         $messages = $validator->messages();
         // redirect our user back to the form with the errors from the validator
         return redirect()->back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput(Input::all());
     } else {
         $qs = Questions::where('game_id', Input::get('game_id'))->get();
         foreach ($qs as $q) {
             Answers::where('question_id', $q->id)->delete();
         foreach (Input::get('question') as $qus) {
             $questions = new Questions();
             $questions->game_id = Input::get('game_id');
             $questions->question = $qus['question']['question_text'];
             $index = 0;
             foreach ($qus['question']['answers'] as $ans) {
                 $answers = new Answers();
                 $answers->right_answer = $index++ == (int) $qus['question']["right_answer"] ? 1 : 0;
                 $answers->answer = $ans;
                 $answers->question_id = $questions->id;
     return redirect('/game/' . Games::find(Input::get('game_id'))->unique_id);