Exemple #1
  * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
  * @param Exception $e
  * @return mixed
 public function render($request, Exception $e)
     if ($e instanceof \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException) {
         $api = new ApiController();
         return $api->respondNotFound($message = 'Not Found');
Exemple #2
  * Define the application's command schedule.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule  $schedule
  * @return void
 protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
     // $schedule->command('inspire')
     //          ->hourly();
     $schedule->call(function () {
         $controller = new ApiController();
 public function testShowAllGirlsArchievedInJsonFormat()
     // Test setup
     $expectedResponse = new JsonResponse([], 200);
     $girlServiceMock = $this->getMock('App\\Services\\GirlServiceInterface');
     $controller = new ApiController($girlServiceMock);
     // Test execution
     $response = $controller->allGirls();
     // Test assertion
     $this->assertEquals($expectedResponse, $response);
Exemple #4
  * Assign dependencies.
  * @param Auth $auth
  * @param JWTAuth $jwtAuth
  * @param AuthTokenTransformer $transformer
  * @param Application $app
  * @param Cache $cache
 public function __construct(Auth $auth, JWTAuth $jwtAuth, AuthTokenTransformer $transformer, Application $app)
     $this->auth = $auth;
     $this->jwtAuth = $jwtAuth;
     $this->app = $app;
  * DriversController constructor.
  * @param AuthManager $auth
  * @param User $users
  * @param JsonRespond $jsonRespond
  * @param UserTransformer $userTransformer
 public function __construct(AuthManager $auth, User $users, JsonRespond $jsonRespond, UserTransformer $userTransformer)
     $this->user = $auth->user();
     $this->userTransformer = $userTransformer;
     $this->users = $users;
 public function __construct(DriverLocationTransformer $driverLocationTransformer, AuthManager $authManager, JsonRespond $jsonRespond)
     $this->user = $authManager->user();
     $this->jsonRespond = $jsonRespond;
     $this->driverLocationTransformer = $driverLocationTransformer;
 public function __construct(ClassTransformer $classTransfomer, GenTransformer $genTransformer, AttendanceTransformer $attendanceTransformer)
     $this->classTransformer = $classTransfomer;
     $this->genTransformer = $genTransformer;
     $this->attendanceTransformer = $attendanceTransformer;
 public function __construct(AuthManager $auth, OrderTransformer $orderTransformer, JsonRespond $jsonRespond)
     $this->user = $auth->user();
     $this->orderTransformer = $orderTransformer;
     $this->jsonRespond = $jsonRespond;
  * AdminsController constructor.
  * @param UserListTransformer $userListTransformer
  * @param User $users
  * @param JsonRespond $jsonRespond
  * @param UserTransformer $userTransformer
 public function __construct(UserListTransformer $userListTransformer, User $users, JsonRespond $jsonRespond, UserTransformer $userTransformer)
     $this->userTransformer = $userTransformer;
     $this->users = $users;
     $this->userListTransformer = $userListTransformer;
 public function __construct(StaffTransformer $staffTransformer, TransactionTransformer $transactionTransformer, NotificationTransformer $notificationTransformer)
     $this->staffTransformer = $staffTransformer;
     $this->transactionTransformer = $transactionTransformer;
     $this->notificationTransformer = $notificationTransformer;
  * Prepares for custom data transformations.
 public function __construct()
     // Without this $controllerErrors will not get merged into the error list
     // Differently from the LeaseTransformer, ResourceTransformer this one is not controlled by Fractal for 2 reasons:
     // a) transformation is needed even BEFORE data is used by ApiController
     // b) since the collection structure is change, Fractal's transform() is not sufficient
     $this->transformer = new ResourceTransformer();
 public function __construct(BaseModel $parentModel, TransformerInterface $transformer)
     $this->parentModel = $parentModel;
     if (!$this->relationName) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You must specify relationName in ' . static::class);
     if (!method_exists($parentModel, $this->relationName)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Relation ' . $this->relationName . ', required by ' . static::class . ', does not exist in ' . get_class($parentModel));
  * Show the application dashboard to the user.
  * @return Response
 public static function login(Request $request)
     $input = $request::all();
     $username = $request::get('username');
     $password = $request::get('password');
     if ($username == null || $password == null) {
         return ApiController::wrongDataFormat();
     $user = User::where('username', '=', $username)->first();
     if ($user == null) {
         return UserApiController::usernameNotFound();
     if (!Hash::check($password, $user['password'])) {
         return response()->json(['code' => 4]);
     return response()->json(['code' => 0, 'user' => $user]);
Exemple #14
  * Render an exception into an HTTP response.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @param  \Exception  $e
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function render($request, Exception $e)
     $api = new ApiController();
     $message = 'Sorry, something went wrong.';
     $extra = [];
     if ($e instanceof Tymon\JWTAuth\Exceptions\TokenExpiredException) {
         return $api->respondUnauthorizedError("token expired");
     } else {
         if ($e instanceof Tymon\JWTAuth\Exceptions\TokenInvalidException) {
             return $api->respondBadRequestError("token invalid");
         } else {
             if ($e instanceof Tymon\JWTAuth\Exceptions\JWTException) {
                 return $api->respondUnauthorizedError("token absent");
             } else {
                 if ($e instanceof NotFoundHttpException) {
                     $message = "The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested does not exist";
     // If the app is in debug mode
     if (config('app.debug')) {
         // Add the exception class name, message and stack trace to response
         $extra['exception'] = get_class($e);
         // Reflection might be better here
         $extra['message'] = $e->getMessage();
         $extra['trace'] = $e->getTrace();
     // Default response of 400
     // If this exception is an instance of HttpException
     if ($this->isHttpException($e)) {
         // Grab the HTTP status code from the Exception
     // Return a JSON response with the response array and status code
     return $api->respondWithError($message, $extra);
  * DriverOrdersController constructor.
  * @param OrderTransformer $orderTransformer
  * @param JsonRespond $jsonRespond
 public function __construct(OrderTransformer $orderTransformer, JsonRespond $jsonRespond)
     $this->orderTransformer = $orderTransformer;
     $this->jsonRespond = $jsonRespond;
 public function __construct()
     $this->beforeFilter('auth', array('on' => array('post', 'put', 'delete')));
Exemple #17
 public function loginSso()
     $api = new ApiController();
     $user = $api->_getUserAttributes(\Cas::getCurrentUser());
     $_user = User::where('username', $user->username)->first();
     if (!$_user) {
         $_user = new User();
         $_user->email = $user->email;
         $_user->nip = $user->nip;
         $_user->username = $user->username;
     return redirect('/');
  * AdminsController constructor.
  * @param Order $orders
  * @param JsonRespond $jsonRespond
  * @param OrderTransformer $userTransformer
 public function __construct(Order $orders, JsonRespond $jsonRespond, OrderTransformer $userTransformer)
     $this->orderTransformer = $userTransformer;
     $this->orders = $orders;
 function syncInbox()
     $this->msg_cnt = imap_num_msg($this->conn);
     $unseen_messages = imap_search($this->conn, 'UNSEEN');
     if ($this->msg_cnt === 0) {
     echo "no unseen mails\n";
     $in = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->msg_cnt; $i++) {
         if ($unseen_messages && in_array($i, $unseen_messages)) {
             $body = imap_body($this->conn, $i, FT_PEEK);
             $header = imap_headerinfo($this->conn, $i);
             $structure = imap_fetchstructure($this->conn, $i);
             echo $structure->encoding;
             if ($structure->encoding == 4) {
                 $body = imap_qprint($body);
             echo 'faschismus';
             $in[] = array('index' => $i, 'header' => $header, 'body' => $body, 'structure' => imap_fetchstructure($this->conn, $i));
             //check if msg is from iridium msg service
             if (true) {
                 echo 'got unseen mail from msg.iridium.com:';
                 echo $body;
                 //create case
                 if (strpos($body, 'safepassage -create') !== FALSE) {
                     $body = trim($body);
                     //remove syntax from beginn
                     $json_string = str_replace('safepassage -create ', '', $body);
                     //the iridium go replaces the "{" and "}" at the end and beginning of the json string
                     //with "(" and ")" so it has to be rereplaced again
                     $json_string = '{' . substr($json_string, 1);
                     $json_string = substr($json_string, 0, -2) . '}';
                     $json_string = str_replace('":("', '":{"', $json_string);
                     $json_string = str_replace(')}', '}}', $json_string);
                     echo "\n";
                     echo $json_string;
                     echo "f**k\n";
                     $case_array = json_decode($json_string, true);
                     //$case_array['location_data'] = json_encode($case_array['location_data']);
                     $case_id = \App\Http\Controllers\ApiController::createCase($case_array);
                     echo $case_id;
                     self::sendMail($header->fromaddress, 'Re: ' . $header->subject, "Your case has been submitted. Case-ID: " . $case_id);
                     imap_setflag_full($this->conn, $i, "\\Seen", ST_UID);
                 /*if(\App\Http\Controllers\Admin\VehicleController::addLocationFromIridiumMail($header, $body)){
                       echo 'adding location from'.$header->fromaddress;
                       imap_setflag_full($this->conn, $i, "\\Seen", ST_UID);
                       $body = imap_body($this->conn, $i);
                       echo 'not now';
                       /*$status = imap_clearflag_full($this->conn, $i, "\\Seen \\Flagged");
                       imap_close($this->conn, CL_EXPUNGE);
     $this->inbox = $in;
  * Mostrar la ficha de información de transportista
  * @param Request $request Objeto de Laravel que contiene la información
  *  de la request.
  * @param int $id Identificador del transportista a mostrar.
  * @param string $entity Nombre de la entidad sobre la cual se quiere 
  *  consultar un elemento
  * @return \Illuminate\View\View|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory
 public function view(Request $request, $id, $entity = self::ENTITY)
     return parent::view($request, $id, $entity);
 public function __construct(BaseModel $model, TransformerInterface $transformer)
     $this->model = $model;
  * Assign dependencies.
  * @param Timezones $timezones
  * @param EloquentModelTransformer $transformer
 public function __construct(Timezones $timezones, EloquentModelTransformer $transformer)
     $this->timezones = $timezones;
  * DispatcherDriversController constructor.
  * @param UserTransformer $userTransformer
  * @param JsonRespond $jsonRespond
 public function __construct(UserTransformer $userTransformer, JsonRespond $jsonRespond)
     $this->jsonRespond = $jsonRespond;
     $this->userTransformer = $userTransformer;
 public function __construct(CourseTransformer $courseTransformer)
     $this->courseTransformer = $courseTransformer;
 public function __construct(NotificationTransformer $notificationTransformer)
     $this->notificationTransformer = $notificationTransformer;
 public static function createCase($req)
     $all = $req;
     if (!is_array($all['location_data'])) {
         $location_information = json_decode($all['location_data'], true);
     } else {
         $location_information = json_decode(json_encode($all['location_data']), FALSE);
     //array to object
     $location_information = json_decode(json_encode($location_information), FALSE);
     $location_information->heading = 0;
     if (isset($location_information->longitude)) {
         $all['operation_area'] = \App\Http\Controllers\ApiController::getLocationArea($location_information->longitude, $location_information->latitude);
     if (!isset($all['boat_status'])) {
         $all['boat_status'] = 'distress';
     if (!isset($all['boat_condition'])) {
         $all['boat_condition'] = 'unknown';
     //no operation area;
     if (!$all['operation_area']) {
         $result = [];
         $result['error'] = 'no_operation_area';
         return json_encode($result);
     $emergencyCase = new emergencyCase($all);
     $emergencyCasePositions = [new emergencyCaseLocation(['lon' => (double) $location_information->longitude, 'lat' => (double) $location_information->latitude, 'accuracy' => $location_information->accuracy, 'heading' => $location_information->heading])];
     $result = [];
     $result['error'] = null;
     $result['data']['emergency_case_id'] = $emergencyCase->id;
     $result['data']['operation_area'] = $emergencyCase->operation_area;
     return json_encode($result);
Exemple #27
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return string
 public function handle()
     $this->comment(PHP_EOL . ApiController::Currency() . PHP_EOL);
 public function __construct(StudentTransformer $studentTransformer)
     $this->studentTransformer = $studentTransformer;
Exemple #29
 function __construct(PostTransformer $postTransformer)
     $this->postTransformer = $postTransformer;
  * Assign dependencies.
  * @param  Countries $countries
  * @param  EloquentModelTransformer $transformer
 public function __construct(Countries $countries, EloquentModelTransformer $transformer)
     $this->countries = $countries;