Exemple #1
  * Clears the current object, sets all attributes to their default values and removes
  * outgoing references as well as back-references (from other objects to this one. Results probably in a database
  * change of those foreign objects when you call `save` there).
 public function clear()
     if (null !== $this->aUser) {
     if (null !== $this->aParticipant) {
     $this->user_id = null;
     $this->chosen_participant_id = null;
     $this->chosen_result = null;
     $this->medal = null;
     $this->alreadyInSave = false;
  * Exclude object from result
  * @param   ChildUser $user Object to remove from the list of results
  * @return $this|ChildUserQuery The current query, for fluid interface
 public function prune($user = null)
     if ($user) {
         $this->addUsingAlias(UserTableMap::COL_ID, $user->getId(), Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
     return $this;
  * Filter the query by a related \ApostaAiApi\Models\User object
  * @param \ApostaAiApi\Models\User|ObjectCollection $user The related object(s) to use as filter
  * @param string $comparison Operator to use for the column comparison, defaults to Criteria::EQUAL
  * @throws \Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException
  * @return ChildBetQuery The current query, for fluid interface
 public function filterByUser($user, $comparison = null)
     if ($user instanceof \ApostaAiApi\Models\User) {
         return $this->addUsingAlias(BetTableMap::COL_USER_ID, $user->getId(), $comparison);
     } elseif ($user instanceof ObjectCollection) {
         if (null === $comparison) {
             $comparison = Criteria::IN;
         return $this->addUsingAlias(BetTableMap::COL_USER_ID, $user->toKeyValue('PrimaryKey', 'Id'), $comparison);
     } else {
         throw new PropelException('filterByUser() only accepts arguments of type \\ApostaAiApi\\Models\\User or Collection');
namespace ApostaAiApi\Routes;

use ApostaAiApi\Middleware\NotLoggedInMiddleware;
use ApostaAiApi\Middleware\LoggedInMiddleware;
use ApostaAiApi\Models\User;
use ApostaAiApi\Models\UserQuery;
 * Class UserRoute
 * @package ApostaAiApi\Routes
$this->group("/user", function () {
    $this->post("/register", function ($req, $res) {
        $postData = $req->getParsedBody();
        $user = new User();
        if ($user->emailExists()) {
            return $res->withJson(["Message" => "Email already exists"], 409);
        if ($user->save()) {
            return $res->withJson(["Message" => "Registered"], 200);
        } else {
            return $res->withJson(["Message" => "Error while registering"], 403);
    })->add(new NotLoggedInMiddleware());
    $this->post("/login", function ($req, $res) {
        $postData = $req->getParsedBody();