echo "cliFormat: " . $listDid->dids[0]->callerId->cliFormat . "<br/>";
 echo "cliValue: " . $listDid->dids[0]->callerId->cliValue . "<br/>";
 echo "cliPrivacy: " . $listDid->dids[0]->cliPrivacy . "<br/>";
 echo "t38Enabled: " . $listDid->dids[0]->otherOptions->t38Enabled . "<br/>";
 echo "dtmf: " . $listDid->dids[0]->otherOptions->dtmf . "<br/>";
 echo "dtmfInbandMute: " . $listDid->dids[0]->otherOptions->dtmfInbandMute . "<br/>";
 echo "codecs: " . $listDid->dids[0]->otherOptions->codecs[0] . "<br/>";
 echo "ringback: " . $listDid->dids[0]->ringback . "<br/>";
 echo "dnisEnabled: " . $listDid->dids[0]->dnisEnabled . "<br/>";
 echo "blockOrdinary: " . $listDid->dids[0]->blockOrdinary . "<br/>";
 echo "blockCellular: " . $listDid->dids[0]->blockCellular . "<br/>";
 echo "blockPayphone: " . $listDid->dids[0]->blockPayphone . "<br/>";
 echo "smsOutbound: " . $listDid->dids[0]->smsOutbound . "<br/>";
 echo "webRtc: " . $listDid->dids[0]->webRtc . "<br/>";
 //Get DIDGroup
 $didGroups = $controller->getDidgroups("DNK", 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
 echo "<br/><br/><br/>";
 echo "<b>List DID Group content</b><br/>";
 echo "didGroupId: " . $didGroups->didGroups[0]->didGroupId . "<br/>";
 echo "countryCodeA3: " . $didGroups->didGroups[0]->countryCodeA3 . "<br/>";
 echo "stateId: " . $didGroups->didGroups[0]->stateId . "<br/>";
 echo "didType: " . $didGroups->didGroups[0]->didType . "<br/>";
 echo "cityName: " . $didGroups->didGroups[0]->cityName . "<br/>";
 echo "areaCode: " . $didGroups->didGroups[0]->areaCode . "<br/>";
 echo "rateCenter: " . $didGroups->didGroups[0]->rateCenter . "<br/>";
 echo "stock: " . $didGroups->didGroups[0]->stock . "<br/>";
 echo "setup100: " . $didGroups->didGroups[0]->setup100 . "<br/>";
 echo "monthly100: " . $didGroups->didGroups[0]->monthly100 . "<br/>";
 echo "available: " . $didGroups->didGroups[0]->available . "<br/>";
 echo "regulationRequirement: " . $didGroups->didGroups[0]->regulationRequirement . "<br/>";
 echo "featureId: " . $didGroups->didGroups[0]->features[0]->featureId . "<br/>";
 echo "<br/><br/>";
 echo "<b>createCart (to be deleted) Response</b><br/>";
 echo "cartIdentifier: " . $createCart2->cart->cartIdentifier . "<br/>";
 echo "customerReference: " . $createCart2->cart->customerReference . "<br/>";
 echo "description: " . $createCart2->cart->description . "<br/>";
 echo "dateAdded: " . $createCart2->cart->dateAdded . "<br/>";
 echo "orderProducts: " . $createCart2->cart->orderProducts[0] . "<br/>";
 $cartIdentifier2 = $createCart2->cart->cartIdentifier;
 //Delete Cart #2
 $deleteCart = $controller->deleteCart($cartIdentifier2);
 echo "<br/><br/>";
 echo "<b>Delete Cart #2 Response</b><br/>";
 echo "status: " . $deleteCart->status . "<br/>";
 echo $cartIdentifier2 . " has been deleted.";
 //Use cartIdentifier to add to cart
 $didGroups = $inventoryController->getDidgroups("DNK", 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
 $didGroupId = $didGroups->didGroups[0]->didGroupId;
 echo $didGroupId;
 $quantity = 5;
 $didCartItem = new DidCartItemModel($didGroupId, $quantity);
 $body = new CartItemModel($didCartItem, NULL, NULL);
 $addtoCart = $controller->createCartProduct($cartIdentifier, $body);
 echo "<br/><br/>";
 echo "<b>addtoCart Response</b><br/>";
 echo "status: " . $addtoCart->status . "<br/>";
 echo "<br/><br/>";
 //Get orderProductId for removeCart
 $listCart = $controller->getCartDetails($cartIdentifier);
 echo "<b>Get orderProductId (listCart) Response</b><br/>";
 echo "orderProductId: " . $listCart->carts[0]->orderProducts[0]->orderProductId . "<br/>";
 echo "orderQuantity: " . $listCart->carts[0]->orderProducts[0]->quantity . "<br/>";