public function dump($dump) { $h = new Framework\Html(); $h->b('pre', 0, 1); var_dump($dump); $h->b('pre', 1, 1); }
public function subscribeButton($channelId) { $html = new Html(); $attr = '{"class":"g-ytsubscribe", "data-channelid":"' . $channelId . '", "data-layout":"full", "data-count":"default"}'; $html->b('div', 0, 1, '', $attr); $html->b('div', 1, 1); }
public function sections($routerId, $dir, $articleAlias, $outerElement) { $h = new Framework\Html(); $this->routerId = $routerId; $this->articleAlias = $articleAlias; $sections = scandir($dir); $h->b($outerElement, 0, 1, '', '{"id":"' . $this->articleAlias . '"}'); foreach ($sections as $sectionKey => $section) { if ($section != '.' and $section != '..') { $searchSection = strpos($section, PHP_EXT); if ($searchSection == false) { $sectionExplode = explode('_', $section); $this->sectionId = $sectionExplode[0]; $this->sectionType = $sectionExplode[1]; $this->sectionAlias = $this->sectionId . '-' . $this->sectionType; if ($this->sectionType == 'section') { $h->b('section', 0, 1, '', '{"id":"' . $this->sectionType . '-' . $this->sectionId . '"}'); require $dir . '/' . $section . '/' . 'section.php'; $h->b('section', 1, 1); } elseif ($this->sectionType == 'parallax') { require_once $dir . '/' . $section . '/' . 'parallax.php'; $h->b('section', 0, 1, '', '{"id":"' . $this->sectionType . '-' . $this->sectionId . '", "style":"background-image: url(' . $parallaxBackground . ');"}'); $parallax = scandir($dir . '/' . $section); foreach ($parallax as $parallaxKey => $parallaxSection) { if ($parallaxSection != '.' and $parallaxSection != '..') { $parallaxSearchSection = strpos($parallaxSection, PHP_FILE_EXT); if ($parallaxSearchSection == false) { $parallaxSectionExplode = explode('_', $parallaxSection); $this->parallaxSectionId = $parallaxSectionExplode[0]; $this->parallaxSectionType = $parallaxSectionExplode[1]; $this->parallaxSectionAlias = $this->parallaxSectionId . '-' . $this->parallaxSectionType; $h->b('section', 0, 1, '', '{"id":"' . $this->parallaxSectionType . '-' . $this->parallaxSectionId . '"}'); require $dir . '/' . $section . '/' . $parallaxSection . '/' . 'section.php'; $h->b('section', 1, 1); } } } $h->b('section', 1, 1); } } } } $h->b($outerElement, 1, 1); }
public function build($menutype, $element, $active, $id = '', $class = '') { $h = new Html(); $data = ''; $load = $this->load($menutype); foreach ($load as $key => $val) { if ($id != '') { $count = '-' . $key; } else { $count = ''; } if ($val['id'] == $active) { $this->activeItemAlias = $val['alias']; if ($class != '') { $activeClass = ' active'; } else { $activeClass = 'active'; } } else { $activeClass = ''; } $h->b($element, 0, 1, '', '{"id":"' . $id . $count . '", "class":"' . $class . $activeClass . '"}'); $h->b('a', 0, 1, '', '{"href":"' . $val['link'] . '&Itemid=' . $val['id'] . '"}'); $h->e(1, $val['title']); $h->b('a', 1, 1); $h->b($element, 1, 1); } }
public function deploy($id, $itemId, $showLimit, $template, $alias, $view, $categoryTitle, $schema = '') { $html = new Html(); $attr = '{"id":"' . $alias . '-' . $view . '"}'; $html->b('main', 0, 1, $schema, $attr); $html->b('h1', 0, 1); $html->e(1, $categoryTitle); $html->b('h1', 1, 1); $this->content($id, $itemId, $showLimit, $template); $html->b('main', 1, 1); }
<?php //ARTICLE //FAQ //SECTION #3 //QUESTIONS use Antfuentes\Titan\Joomla; use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $menu = new Joomla\Menu(); $h = new Framework\Html(); $sch = new Framework\Sch(); $string = new Framework\String(); $css = new Framework\Css(); $article = new Joomla\Article(); $item = '{"class":"item acc-item"}'; $itemTitle = '{"class":"item-title acc-title"}'; $content = '{"class":"content acc-content"}'; if ($this->counter == 0) { $this->counter = 1; } else { $this->counter++; } $h->b('li', 0, 1, '', $item); $h->b('h2', 0, 1, '', $itemTitle); $h->e(1, $this->counter . '. ' . $this->array[$this->key[0]]); $h->b('h2', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $content); $h->e(1, $this->array[$this->key[1]]); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('li', 1, 1);
<?php use Antfuentes\Titan\Joomla; use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $article = new Joomla\Article(); $string = new Framework\String(); $h = new Framework\Html(); $article->sectionContent($this->articleAlias, $this->sectionAlias); $introtext = $string->breakExplode($article->introtext); $introtextSlice = array_slice($introtext, 4); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"row", "data-min-height":"70"}'); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"vertical"}'); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-xs-12"}'); $h->b('h1', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"h1 col col-xs-12"}'); $h->e(1, trim($introtext[0])); $h->b('h1', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"left-img-col col col-xs-2", "data-mh":"home-section-3-col"}'); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"left-img", "style":"background-image:url(' . trim($introtext[2]) . ')"}'); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"left-col col col-xs-6", "data-mh":"home-section-3-col"}'); $h->b('ul', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"left-list row"}'); $string->breakByGroupSize(3, $introtextSlice, __DIR__, 'list'); $h->b('ul', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"right-col col col-xs-2", "data-mh":"home-section-3-col"}'); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"vertical"}'); $h->b('video', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"right-video", "src":"' . trim($introtext[1]) . '", "autoplay ":"", "loop":""}'); $h->e(1, 'Your browser does not support the video element.'); $h->b('video', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1);
<?php //ARTICLE //FAQ //SECTION #1 use Antfuentes\Titan\Joomla; use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $article = new Joomla\Article(); $string = new Framework\String(); $h = new Framework\Html(); $article->sectionContent($this->articleAlias, $this->sectionAlias); $row = '{"class":"row", "data-min-height":"30"}'; $vertical = '{"class":"vertical"}'; $container = '{"class":"col col-center col-xs-11 col-sm-10 col-md-9 col-lg-8"}'; $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $row); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $vertical); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $container); $string->breakByGroupSize(2, $string->breakExplode($article->introtext), __DIR__, 'boxes'); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1);
<?php use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $h = new Framework\Html(); if (!is_file(trim($this->content))) { $h->b('p', 0, 1, '', '{"id":"p"}'); $h->e(1, $this->content); $h->b('p', 1, 1); }
<?php use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $h = new Framework\Html(); $wallopItemImg = trim($this->array[$this->key[0]]); $wallopItemTitle = trim($this->array[$this->key[1]]); $wallopItemSubTitle = trim($this->array[$this->key[2]]); $wallopItemRow = '{"class":"row", "data-min-height":"80"}'; $wallopItemVertical = '{"class":"vertical"}'; $wallopItemContainer = '{"class":"col col-center col-xs-11 col-sm-10 col-md-9 col-lg-8 "}'; $wallopItemH1 = '{"class":"h1"}'; $wallopItemH2 = '{"class":"h2"}'; if ($this->counter == 0) { $wallopItem = '{"class":"Wallop-item Wallop-item--current", "data-min-height":"80", "style":"background-image: url(' . $wallopItemImg . ');"}'; $this->counter++; } else { $wallopItem = '{"class":"Wallop-item", "data-min-height":"80", "style":"background-image: url(' . $wallopItemImg . ');"}'; } $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $wallopItem); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $wallopItemRow); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $wallopItemVertical); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $wallopItemContainer); $h->b('h1', 0, 1, '', $wallopItemH1); $h->e(1, $wallopItemTitle); $h->b('h1', 1, 1); $h->b('h2', 0, 1, '', $wallopItemH2); $h->e(1, $wallopItemSubTitle); $h->b('h2', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1);
<?php use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $h = new Framework\Html(); $wallopDotImg = '{"src":"' . trim($this->array[$this->key[0]]) . '"}'; if ($this->counter == 0) { $wallopDot = '{"class":"Wallop-dot Wallop-dot--current"}'; $this->counter++; } else { $wallopDot = '{"class":"Wallop-dot"}'; } $h->b('li', 0, 1, '', $wallopDot); $h->b('img', 0, 1, '', $wallopDotImg); $h->b('li', 1, 1);
<?php //ARTICLE //FAQ //SECTION #1 //BOXES use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $h = new Framework\Html(); $column = '{"class":"column col col-xs-4"}'; $background = '{"class":"background vertical", "data-mh":"faq-section-1-col"}'; $container = '{"class":"col col-center col-xs-11"}'; $title = '{"class":"title col col-xs-12"}'; $content = '{"class":"content col col-xs-12"}'; $h->b('section', 0, 1, '', $column); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $background); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $container); $h->b('h1', 0, 1, '', $title); $h->e(1, $this->array[$this->key[0]]); $h->b('h1', 1, 1); $h->b('p', 0, 1, '', $content); $h->e(1, $this->array[$this->key[1]]); $h->b('p', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('section', 1, 1);
<?php require_once 'templates/what/vendor/james-heinrich/getid3/getid3/getid3.php'; use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $h = new Framework\Html(); $string = new Framework\String(); $fileExt = $string->getFileExt($this->content); $getID3 = new getID3(); if (is_file(trim($this->content))) { $content = trim($this->content); $ID3 = $getID3->analyze(trim($this->content)); $ID3_Title = $ID3["tags"]["id3v2"]["title"][0]; $flag = $this->key / 3; if ($this->counter == 0) { $h->b('audio', 0, 1, '', '{"preload":"auto", "tabindex":"0", "controls":"controls", "type":"audio/mpeg", "id":"audio", "class":"col col-xs-12"}'); $h->b('source', 0, 1, '', '{"type":"audio/mpeg", "src":"' . $content . '"}'); $h->b('audio', 1, 1); $h->b('ul', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-xs-12 playlist", "id":"playlist"}'); $h->b('li', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"active", "id":"li"}'); $h->b('i', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"fa fa-play-circle"}'); $h->b('i', 1, 1); $h->b('a', 0, 1, '', '{"href":"' . $content . '", "id":"a"}'); $h->e(1, $ID3_Title); $h->b('a', 1, 1); $h->b('li', 1, 1); $this->counter++; } else { if ($this->counter != 0 and $this->key != $this->count - 1) { if ($flag != 1) { $h->b('li', 0, 1, '', '{"id":"li"}'); $h->b('i', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"fa fa-play-circle"}');
<?php //ARTICLE //FAQ //SECTION #3 use Antfuentes\Titan\Joomla; use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $article = new Joomla\Article(); $string = new Framework\String(); $h = new Framework\Html(); $article->sectionContent($this->articleAlias, $this->sectionAlias); $introtext = $string->breakExplode($article->introtext); $content = array_slice($introtext, 1); $row = '{"class":"row", "data-min-height":"50"}'; $vertical = '{"class":"vertical"}'; $container = '{"class":"col col-center col-xs-11 col-sm-10 col-md-9 col-lg-8"}'; $title = '{"class":"title col-xs-12"}'; $list = '{"class":"list acc-list"}'; $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $row); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $vertical); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $container); $h->b('h1', 0, 1, '', $title); $h->e(1, $introtext[0]); $h->b('h1', 1, 1); $h->b('ul', 0, 1, '', $list); $string->breakByGroupSize(2, $content, __DIR__, 'questions'); $h->b('ul', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1);
public function load($itemId, $pages_total) { $html = new Html(); $menu = new Menu(); if (isset($_GET['page'])) { if ($_GET['page'] <= 1) { $back = $_GET['page'] == 1; } else { $back = $_GET['page'] - 1; } } else { $back = ''; } $html->b('section', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"row", "data-min-height":"10"}'); $html->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"vertical"}'); $html->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-center col-xs-8"}'); $html->b('ul', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"pagination"}'); $html->b('li', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"back"}'); $html->b('a', 0, 1, '', '{"href":"' . $menu->link($itemId) . '&page=' . $back . '"}'); $html->e(1, 'Back'); $html->b('a', 1, 1); $html->b('li', 1, 1); for ($i = 1; $i <= $pages_total; $i++) { if (empty($_GET["page"])) { $_GET["page"] = 1; } if ($_GET["page"] == $i) { $class = 'active'; } else { $class = ''; } $html->b('li', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"' . $class . '"}'); $html->b('a', 0, 1, '', '{"href":"' . $menu->link($itemId) . '&page=' . $i . '"}'); $html->e(1, $i); $html->b('a', 1, 1); $html->b('li', 1, 1); } if ($_GET['page'] >= $pages_total) { $next = $pages_total; } else { $next = $_GET["page"] + 1; } $html->b('li', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"next"}'); $html->b('a', 0, 1, '', '{"href":"' . $menu->link($itemId) . '&page=' . $next . '"}'); $html->e(1, 'Next'); $html->b('a', 1, 1); $html->b('li', 1, 1); $html->b('ul', 1, 1); $html->b('div', 1, 1); $html->b('div', 1, 1); $html->b('section', 1, 1); }
<?php use Antfuentes\Titan\Joomla; use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $menu = new Joomla\Menu(); $db = new Joomla\Database(); $string = new Framework\String(); $h = new Framework\Html(); $h->b('div', 0, 1); $h->e(1, 'HELLO'); $h->b('div', 1, 1);
<?php use Antfuentes\Titan\Joomla; use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $article = new Joomla\Article(); $string = new Framework\String(); $h = new Framework\Html(); $article->sectionContent($this->articleAlias, $this->sectionAlias); $introtext = $string->breakExplode($article->introtext); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"row", "data-min-height":"70"}'); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"vertical"}'); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-xs-12"}'); $h->b('ul', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-xs-12"}'); $h->b('ul', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-xs-12"}'); $h->b('ul', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-xs-12"}'); $h->b('ul', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1);
<?php use Antfuentes\Titan\Joomla; use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $menu = new Joomla\Menu(); $db = new Joomla\Database(); $string = new Framework\String(); $h = new Framework\Html(); $h->b('ul', 0, 1); $menu->build('mainmenu', 'li', 1); $db->tables(); $result = $db->q("SELECT * FROM {$db->categories} WHERE id = '{$this->categoryParentId}'"); $cleanAlias = $string->replaceString('-', '', $result[0]['alias']); $menu->build($cleanAlias, 'li', $this->routerId); $h->b('ul', 1, 1);
<?php use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $h = new Framework\Html(); $css = new Framework\Css(); $h->b('li', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-xs-12 li"}'); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-xs-2 i-div", "data-mh":"home-section-3-i-div"}'); $h->b('i', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"' . trim($this->array[$this->key[0]]) . ' i"}'); $h->b('i', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-xs-10 content-div", "data-mh":"home-section-3-i-div"}'); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"vertical"}'); $h->b('h2', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col-xs-10 h2"}'); $h->e(1, $this->array[$this->key[1]]); $h->b('h2', 1, 1); $h->b('p', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col-xs-10"}'); $h->e(1, $this->array[$this->key[2]]); $h->b('p', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('li', 1, 1);
<?php //ARTICLE //CONTACT //SECTION #2 use Antfuentes\Titan\Joomla; use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $article = new Joomla\Article(); $string = new Framework\String(); $h = new Framework\Html(); $article->sectionContent($this->articleAlias, $this->sectionAlias); $introtext = $string->breakExplode($article->introtext); $introtextSlice = array_slice($introtext, 2); $row = '{"class":"row", "data-min-height":"70"}'; $vertical = '{"class":"vertical"}'; $container = '{"class":"col col-center col-xs-11 col-sm-10 col-md-9 col-lg-8"}'; $title = '{"class":"title col col-xs-12"}'; $content = '{"class":"content col col-xs-12"}'; $form = '{"class":"form row", "method":"post", "action":"/"}'; $list = '{"class":"list col col-xs-12"}'; $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $row); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $vertical); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $container); $h->b('h2', 0, 1, '', $title); $h->e(1, $introtext[0]); $h->b('h2', 1, 1); $h->b('p', 0, 1, '', $content); $h->e(1, $introtext[1]); $h->b('p', 1, 1); $h->b('form', 0, 1, '', $form); $h->b('dl', 0, 1, '', $list);
<?php use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $h = new Framework\Html(); $css = new Framework\Css(); $h->b('li', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col li"}'); $h->b('figure', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-xs-12 figure", "data-mh":"home-section-4-figure", "data-min-height":"10"}'); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"vertical"}'); $h->b('img', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-center col-xs-10 image", "src":"' . trim($this->content) . '", "alt":"' . trim($this->content) . '"}'); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"style":"background-image: url(' . trim($this->content) . ')", "class":"div-img"}'); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('figure', 1, 1); $h->b('li', 1, 1);
<?php //ARTICLE //CONTACT //SECTION #2 //ITEMS use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $h = new Framework\Html(); $labels = array(0 => 'name', 1 => 'email', 2 => 'subject', 3 => 'message', 4 => 'copy'); $listLabel = '{"class":"list-label col col-xs-12"}'; $listContainer = '{"class":"list-container col col-xs-12"}'; $listInput = '" class":"list-input col col-xs-6"'; $listCheckbox = '" class":"list-checkbox"'; $listBtn = '" class":"list-btn"'; if (array_key_exists($this->key, $labels)) { $h->b('dt', 0, 1, '', $listLabel); $h->b('label', 0, 1, '', '{"for":"' . $labels[$this->key] . '"}'); $h->e(1, $this->content . ' *'); $h->b('label', 1, 1); $h->b('dt', 1, 1); } switch ($this->key) { case 0: case 2: $h->b('dd', 0, 1, '', $listContainer); $h->b('input', 0, 1, '', '{"type":"text", "id":"' . $labels[$this->key] . '", "required":"", ' . $listInput . '}'); $h->b('dd', 1, 1); break; case 1: $h->b('dd', 0, 1, '', $listContainer); $h->b('input', 0, 1, '', '{"type":"' . $labels[$this->key] . '", "id":"' . $labels[$this->key] . '", "required":"", ' . $listInput . '}');
<?php use Antfuentes\Titan\Joomla; use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $menu = new Joomla\Menu(); $h = new Framework\Html(); $sch = new Framework\Sch(); $string = new Framework\String(); $menu->categoryBlog($this->catid, $this->id); $menu->article($this->id, JRequest::getVar('Itemid')); $text = $string->breakExplode($this->introtext); $img = json_decode($this->images); $link = 'index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=' . $this->id . ':' . $this->alias . '&catid=' . $this->catid . '&Itemid=' . JRequest::getVar('Itemid'); //echo '<a href="'.$link.'">'.$this->title.'</a>'; //echo '<br>'; if ($resultsKey == 0) { $h->b('section', 0, 1, '{"class":"row section", "data-min-height":"80"}'); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"vertical"}'); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-center col-xs-8", "data-mh":"audio-cat-div"}'); } $h->b('article', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3", "id":"article", "data-mh":"artists-catergory-article"}'); $h->b('a', 0, 1, '', '{"href":"' . $menu->articleLink . '", "class":"col col-xs-12 artists-a"}'); $h->b('figure', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-xs-12 figure"}'); $h->b('img', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-xs-12 image", "src":"' . $img->image_intro . '", "alt":"' . $img->image_intro_alt . '"}'); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"style":"background-image: url(' . $img->image_intro . ')", "class":"div-img"}'); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('figure', 1, 1); $h->b('a', 1, 1); $h->b('a', 0, 1, '', '{"href":"' . $menu->articleLink . '", "class":"col col-xs-12 artists-a"}'); $h->b('hgroup', 0, 1, '{"id":"hgroup"}'); $h->b('h2', 0, 1);
<?php //ARTICLE //AUDIO use Antfuentes\Titan\Joomla; use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; require_once 'templates/what/vendor/james-heinrich/getid3/getid3/getid3.php'; $db = new Joomla\Database(); $article = new Joomla\Article(); $menu = new Joomla\Menu(); $string = new Framework\String(); $h = new Framework\Html(); $article->content($this->routerId); $audio = scandir(AUDIO_PATH . $article->alias); $audio = array_slice($audio, 2); $getID3 = new getID3(); $introtext = $string->breakExplode($article->introtext); $content = array_slice($introtext, 2); $img = json_decode($article->images); $fbCommentsLink = $menu->link(JRequest::getVar('Itemid')); $article->getCatergoryPath($this->routerId); $city = ucwords($string->replaceString('-', ' ', $article->path_1)); $artist = ucwords($article->path_2); $row = '{"class":"row", "id":"article-audio", "data-min-height":"80"}'; $vertical = '{"class":"vertical"}'; $container = '{"class":"col col-center col-xs-11 col-sm-10 col-md-9 col-lg-8"}'; $title = '{"class":"title col col-xs-12"}'; $imgCol = '{"class":"img-col col col-xs-6", "data-mh":"article-audio-col"}'; $imgVertical = '{"class":"vertical"}'; $imgContainer = '{"class":"col col-xs-12"}'; $img = '{"class":"img", "src":"' . $img->image_fulltext . '", "alt":"' . $img->image_fulltext_alt . '"}';
<?php use Antfuentes\Titan\Joomla; use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $article = new Joomla\Article(); $string = new Framework\String(); $h = new Framework\Html(); $article->sectionContent($this->articleAlias, $this->sectionAlias); $introtext = $string->breakExplode($article->introtext); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"row", "data-min-height":"70"}'); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"vertical"}'); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-xs-12 bg-div", "data-min-height":"35"}'); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"vertical"}'); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-center col-xs-8 div"}'); $h->b('ul', 0, 1, '', '{"class":"col col-xs-12 ul"}'); $string->breakByGroupSize(1, $introtext, __DIR__, 'logos'); $h->b('ul', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1);
<?php use Antfuentes\Titan\Joomla; use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $article = new Joomla\Article(); $db = new Joomla\Database(); $string = new Framework\String(); $h = new Framework\Html(); $article->sectionContent($this->articleAlias, $this->sectionAlias); $wallop = '{"class":"Wallop"}'; $wallopList = '{"class":"Wallop-list"}'; $wallopNext = '{"class":"next fa fa-arrow-circle-o-right"}'; $wallopPervious = '{"class":"previous fa fa-arrow-circle-o-left"}'; $wallopPagination = '{"class":"Wallop-pagination"}'; $itemsArray = $string->breakExplode($article->introtext); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $wallop); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $wallopList); $string->breakByGroupSize(3, $itemsArray, __DIR__, 'items'); $h->b('i', 0, 1, '', $wallopNext); $h->b('i', 1, 1); $h->b('i', 0, 1, '', $wallopPervious); $h->b('i', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1); $h->b('ul', 0, 1, '', $wallopPagination); $string->breakByGroupSize(3, $itemsArray, __DIR__, 'dots'); $h->b('ul', 1, 1); $h->b('div', 1, 1);
public function css($dir) { $html = new Html(); //INCLUDE ANY .CSS IN CSS FOLDER $css = scandir($dir . CSS_PATH); foreach ($css as $cssKey => $cssFile) { if (stripos($cssFile, CSS_EXT)) { $html->b('link', 0, 1, '', '{"href":"' . INCLUDE_PATH . CSS_PATH . $cssFile . '", "rel":"stylesheet"}'); } } }
<?php //ARTICLE //CONTACT //SECTION #1 //ITEMS use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $h = new Framework\Html(); $titles = array(0, 6, 8, 10); $open_subtitles = array(1, 7, 9, 11); $close_subtitles = array(5, 7, 9, 12); $item = '{"class":"item"}'; $itemTitle = '{"class":"item-title"}'; $itemList = '{"class":"item-list"}'; $itemListItem = '{"class":"item-list-item"}'; $itemListLink = '{"class":"item-list-link", "href":"mailto:' . trim($this->content) . '"}'; if (in_array($this->key, $titles)) { $h->b('li', 0, 1, '', $item); $h->b('h3', 0, 1, '', $itemTitle); $h->e(1, $this->content); $h->b('h3', 1, 1); } else { if (in_array($this->key, $open_subtitles)) { $h->b('ul', 0, 1, '', $itemList); } $h->b('li', 0, 1, '', $itemListItem); if (strpos($this->content, '@')) { $h->b('a', 0, 1, '', $itemListLink); $h->e(1, $this->content); $h->b('a', 1, 1); } else {
<?php //ARTICLE //CONTACT //SECTION #1 use Antfuentes\Titan\Joomla; use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $article = new Joomla\Article(); $string = new Framework\String(); $h = new Framework\Html(); $article->sectionContent($this->articleAlias, $this->sectionAlias); $introtext = $string->breakExplode($article->introtext); $introtextSlice = array_slice($introtext, 3); $row = '{"class":"row", "data-min-height":"80"}'; $vertical = '{"class":"vertical"}'; $container = '{"class":"col col-center col-xs-11 col-sm-10 col-md-9 col-lg-8"}'; $title = '{"class":"title col col-xs-12"}'; $subTitle = '{"class":"sub-title col col-xs-12"}'; $itemsCol = '{"class":"items-col col col-xs-6"}'; $items = '{"class":"items"}'; $imgCol = '{"class":"img-col col col-xs-6"}'; $img = '{"class":"img", "src":"' . trim($introtext[0]) . '"}'; $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $row); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $vertical); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $container); $h->b('h1', 0, 1, '', $title); $h->e(1, $introtext[1]); $h->b('h1', 1, 1); $h->b('h2', 0, 1, '', $subTitle); $h->e(1, $introtext[2]); $h->b('h2', 1, 1);
<?php //ARTICLE //FAQ //SECTION #2 use Antfuentes\Titan\Joomla; use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework; $article = new Joomla\Article(); $string = new Framework\String(); $h = new Framework\Html(); $article->sectionContent($this->articleAlias, $this->sectionAlias); $string->breakExplodeVars($article->introtext); $row = '{"class":"row", "data-min-height":"30"}'; $vertical = '{"class":"vertical"}'; $container = '{"class":"col col-center col-xs-11 col-sm-10 col-md-9 col-lg-8"}'; $title = '{"class":"title col-xs-12"}'; $article = '{"class":"article row"}'; $subTitle = '{"class":"sub-title col-xs-12"}'; $content = '{"class":"content col-xs-12"}'; $link = '{"class":"link col-xs-12", "href":"' . $string->text_3 . '"}'; $btn = '{"class":"btn"}'; $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $row); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $vertical); $h->b('div', 0, 1, '', $container); $h->b('h1', 0, 1, '', $title); $h->e(1, $string->text_0); $h->b('h1', 1, 1); $h->b('article', 0, 1, '', $article); $h->b('h1', 0, 1, '', $subTitle); $h->e(1, $string->text_1); $h->b('h1', 1, 1);