  * Set up the MWS configuration
 public function boot()
     //Set up the MWS configutation as defined in the LaravelSettings Object by app.
     Setting::set("storeName", "mystore");
     // This will be the key to store the configuration, you pass this as an option to objects you instanstiate with setstore()
     Setting::set("authToken", "");
     //Mws Auth Token - For third party users.
     Setting::set("merchantId", "");
     //Seller ID
     Setting::set("marketplaceId", "");
     //Marketplace ID
     Setting::set("keyId", "");
     //Key ID
     Setting::set("secretKey", "");
     //Secret Key
     Setting::set("amazonServiceUrl", "");
     // Set to your relevant URL if different from default
     Setting::set("muteLog", "false");
     //To log requests, make it true on production to stop logging.