Exemple #1
 public function accounts($increaseon = false, $usedAccounts = [])
     $rows = (new \yii\db\Query())
     		->select(["t.id AS id", "case when (t.code < 0) then t.name else concat (t.code,' - ',t.name) end as name,t.increaseon,t.isbalance,t.exchangable"])
     		->from(AccountCode::tableName()." AS t")
     		->leftJoin(AccountCode::tableName()." AS a", "t.id = a.parent_id")
     		->where(($increaseon?"t.increaseon = :increaseon AND ":"")."a.id is null AND not (t.id = ANY(array".json_encode($usedAccounts)."::integer[]))",$increaseon?['increaseon'=>$increaseon]:[])
     $rows = AccountCodeSearch::find()->select(["" . AccountCode::tableName() . ".id AS id", "case when (" . AccountCode::tableName() . ".code < 0) then " . AccountCode::tableName() . ".name else concat (" . AccountCode::tableName() . ".code,' - '," . AccountCode::tableName() . ".name) end as name," . AccountCode::tableName() . ".increaseon," . AccountCode::tableName() . ".isbalance," . AccountCode::tableName() . ".exchangable"])->leftJoin(AccountCode::tableName() . " AS a", AccountCode::tableName() . ".id = a.parent_id")->andWhere(($increaseon ? "" . AccountCode::tableName() . ".increaseon = :increaseon AND " : "") . "a.id is null AND not (" . AccountCode::tableName() . ".id = ANY(array" . json_encode($usedAccounts) . "::integer[]))", $increaseon ? ['increaseon' => $increaseon] : [])->orderBy("name")->asArray()->all();
     return $rows;
Exemple #2
 public function actionRe_arrange()
     $transaction = Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction();
     try {
         $account = AccountCodeSearch::find()->andWhere("parent_id is null")->orderBy("id")->all();
         $res = true;
         foreach ($account as $m) {
             $res = $m->re_arrange();
         if ($res) {
             return $this->redirect(['index']);
         } else {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $transaction = Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction();
     try {							
     	$accounts = AccountCode::find()->andWhere("parent_id is not null")->orderBy("id")->all();
     	$res = Yii::$app->db->createCommand("update ".AccountCode::tableName()." SET (id_left,id_right,id_level,isdel) = (-1,0,0,1) WHERE parent_id is not null")->execute();			
     	$res = Yii::$app->db->createCommand("update ".AccountCode::tableName()." SET (id_left,id_right,id_level,isdel) = (1,2,1,0) WHERE parent_id is null")->execute();						
     	foreach ($accounts as $account)
     		$parent_id = $account->parent_id+0;
     		$res = Yii::$app->db->createCommand("update ".AccountCode::tableName()." SET parent_id = null WHERE id=".$account->id)->execute();
     		$account0 = AccountCode::findOne($account->id);							
     		$account0->parent_id = $parent_id;
     		$account0->isdel = 0;				
     		$res = (!$account0->save()?false:$res);								
     	return $this->redirect(['index']);	
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     	die('Error saat import');
Exemple #3
    public function getHtmlIndex($id = false, $name = false)
        $module = Yii::$app->getModule('cap');
        $search = $id;
        $sql = 'id = :search';
        if ($name) {
            $search = $name;
            $sql = 'name = :search';
        $account = AccountCodeSearch::find()->where($sql, ['search' => $search])->one();
        $value = 0;
        $value = $account->sisa * ($account->increaseon == 0 ? 1 : -1);
        $div = pow(10, max(0, floor((strlen($account->max . "") - 1) / 3)) * 3);
        $html = '<li>
					' . ($account->parent_id != null ? $account->code . ' - ' : '<h4>') . Html::a($account->name, ['view', 'id' => $account->id]) . '<span class="pull-right">' . number_format($value / ($div == 0 ? 1 : $div), 2, $module->currency["decimal_separator"], $module->currency["thousand_separator"]) . '</span>' . ($account->parent_id != null ? '' : '</h4>') . '
					<ul id="account-codes-' . $account->id . '" class="navs" style="clear:right">';
        $children = $account->accountCodes;
        foreach ($children as $child) {
            $html .= Account::getHtmlIndex($child->id);
        $html .= '	</ul>														
        return $html;