/** * 删除 * @param $id * @return bool */ public function delete($id) { $config = $this->di->get('appConfig')->amap->lbs_cloud; $key = $config->key; $signKey = $config->sign_key; $tableId = $config->table_id; $syncLogTableName = 'beauty_parlor_amap_sync_log'; $lbsColud = new LBSCloud($key, $signKey, $tableId, $syncLogTableName); // 获取已经同步的数据 $aMapData = BeautyParlorAmap::findFirst("source_id={$id}"); if ($aMapData) { $result = $lbsColud->delete($id, $aMapData->amap_data_id); if ($result) { $aMapData->delete(); } } return false; }
public function run() { $longitude = $this->getDataItem('longitude', 0); $latitude = $this->getDataItem('latitude', 0); $page = intval($this->getDataItem('page', 1)); $limit = $this->getConfig()->limit; $config = $this->getDi()->get('appConfig')->amap->lbs_cloud; $key = $config->key; $signKey = $config->sign_key; $tableId = $config->table_id; $syncLogTableName = 'beauty_parlor_amap_sync_log'; $lbs = new LBSCloud($key, $signKey, $tableId, $syncLogTableName); $result = $lbs->around($latitude, $longitude, $limit, $page); if ($result->status) { //var_dump($result); foreach ($result->response as $data) { $this->parlors[] = ['id' => $data['bp_id'], 'name' => $data['_name'], 'cover' => $data['bp_cover'], 'address' => $data['_address'], 'tags' => $this->formatTags($data['bp_tags'], $data['bp_id']), 'distance' => $this->formatDistance($data['_distance']), 'medal_refund' => $data['medal_refund'], 'medal_verify' => $data['medal_verify']]; } } $this->setResult($this->parlors); }
public function run() { //先验证城市是否开通 modify by tanjinyun 2016/01/11 $city_code = $this->getDataItem('city_code'); if ($city_code == null || $city_code == '') { return $this->errorLog(ResultStatus::POST_BODY_PARAM_ERROR, "城市编码为空"); exit; } $is_open = SysOpenCity::findFirst(['columns' => "city_id", 'conditions' => "city_code = {$city_code} AND city_state = 1"]); if (!$is_open->city_id > 0) { return $this->errorLog(ResultStatus::CITY_NOT_OPEN, "城市未开通"); exit; } $longitude = $this->getDataItem('longitude', 0); $latitude = $this->getDataItem('latitude', 0); $page = intval($this->getDataItem('page', 1)); $medal = intval($this->getDataItem('medal', 0)); $keyword = trim($this->getDataItem('keyword', null)); $limit = $this->getConfig()->limit; // $longitude = 106.515605; // $latitude = 29.539727; $config = $this->getDi()->get('appConfig')->amap->lbs_cloud; $key = $config->key; $signKey = $config->sign_key; $tableId = $config->table_id; $syncLogTableName = 'beauty_parlor_amap_sync_log'; //v2.0新增 筛选 $filter = $medal == 1 ? "medal_verify:1" : null; $keywords = $keyword != null ? $keyword : null; $lbs = new LBSCloud($key, $signKey, $tableId, $syncLogTableName); $result = $lbs->around($latitude, $longitude, $limit, $page, $filter, $keywords); if ($result->status) { // var_dump($result);exit; foreach ($result->response as $data) { /** * modify by jinyu * 查询美容院扩展信息 */ $info = BeautyParlorAttr::query()->columns(['b.bp_id', 'b.bp_name', 'b.bp_address', 'b.bp_cover', 'b.bp_tel', 'b.bp_medal', 'open_time', 'close_time', 'low_price', 'open_year', 'shop_area', 'service_num', 'facilities'])->rightJoin('Apps\\Common\\Models\\BeautyParlor', 'b.bp_id = Apps\\Common\\Models\\BeautyParlorAttr.beauty_parlor_id', 'b')->where('beauty_parlor_id=:bp_id: AND bp_state >0')->bind(['bp_id' => $data['bp_id']])->execute()->getFirst(); if ($info) { $this->parlors[] = ['id' => $info['bp_id'], 'name' => $info['bp_name'], 'cover' => PicUrl::BeautyParlorCover($info['bp_cover'], $this->getDi()), 'address' => $info['bp_address'], 'tel' => $info['bp_tel'], 'tags' => $this->formatTagsV2($info['bp_id']), 'distance' => $this->formatDistance($data['_distance']), 'medal_verify' => \Apps\Common\Libs\BeautyParlor::getMedalVerify($info['bp_medal']), 'open_time' => $info['open_time'] == null ? '' : $info['open_time'], 'close_time' => $info['close_time'] == null ? '' : $info['close_time'], 'low_price' => $info['low_price'] == null ? '' : $info['low_price'], 'open_year' => $info['open_year'] == null ? '' : $info['open_year'], 'shop_area' => $info['shop_area'] == null ? '' : $info['shop_area'], 'service_num' => $info['service_num'] == null ? '' : $info['service_num'], 'facilities' => $info['facilities'] == null ? null : (json_decode($info['facilities']) ?: null)]; } else { continue; } } } /** * 第一页获取banner */ if ($page == 1) { $banner = OmBanner::query()->columns(['banner_data'])->where('state = 1 AND banner_name =3 AND city_id =:city_id:')->bind(['city_id' => $is_open->city_id])->execute()->toArray(); foreach ($banner as $k => $v) { $data = json_decode($v['banner_data']); $temp[$k]['url'] = PicUrl::DefaultPics($data->url, $this->getDi()); $temp[$k]['link_type'] = $data->link_type; $temp[$k]['link_data'] = !empty(json_decode($data->link_data)) ? json_decode($data->link_data) : null; } } $list['banner'] = $temp; $list['parlors'] = empty($this->parlors) ? null : $this->parlors; $this->setResult($list); }