Exemple #1
  * Executes the configured tasks.
  * @return boolean True if success
  * @throws Exception If an error occurs
 public function execute()
     $conf = Base::parseTS($this->{$this->fieldTSconfig});
     if (!isset($conf['client']['html']['catalog']['detail']['url']['config'])) {
         $conf['client']['html']['catalog']['detail']['url']['config'] = array('plugin' => 'catalog-detail', 'extension' => 'aimeos', 'absoluteUri' => 1);
     if ($this->{$this->fieldSenderFrom} != '') {
         $conf['client']['html']['email']['from-name'] = $this->{$this->fieldSenderFrom};
     if ($this->{$this->fieldSenderEmail} != '') {
         $conf['client']['html']['email']['from-email'] = $this->{$this->fieldSenderEmail};
     if ($this->{$this->fieldReplyEmail} != '') {
         $conf['client']['html']['email']['reply-email'] = $this->{$this->fieldReplyEmail};
     if ($this->{$this->fieldPageDetail} != '') {
         $conf['client']['html']['catalog']['detail']['url']['target'] = $this->{$this->fieldPageDetail};
     if ($this->{$this->fieldContentBaseurl} != '') {
         $conf['client']['html']['common']['content']['baseurl'] = $this->{$this->fieldContentBaseurl};
     if ($this->{$this->fieldTemplateBaseurl} != '') {
         $themeDir = $this->{$this->fieldTemplateBaseurl};
         if ($themeDir != '' && $themeDir[0] !== '/') {
             realpath(PATH_site . $themeDir);
         $conf['client']['html']['common']['template']['baseurl'] = $this->{$this->fieldTemplateBaseurl};
     Scheduler\Base::execute($conf, (array) $this->{$this->fieldController}, $this->{$this->fieldSite});
     return true;
  * Creates a new configuration object.
  * @return MW_Config_Interface Configuration object
 protected function getConfig()
     $settings = (array) $this->settings;
     if (isset($this->settings['typo3']['tsconfig'])) {
         $tsconfig = Base::parseTS($this->settings['typo3']['tsconfig']);
         $settings = \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ArrayUtility::arrayMergeRecursiveOverrule($settings, $tsconfig);
     return Base::getConfig($settings);
Exemple #3
  * Executes the configured tasks.
  * @return boolean True if success, false if not
  * @throws Exception If an error occurs
 public function execute()
     $sitecodes = (array) $this->{$this->fieldSite};
     $controllers = (array) $this->{$this->fieldController};
     $tsconfig = $this->{$this->fieldTSconfig};
     $conf = Base::parseTS($tsconfig);
     Scheduler\Base::execute($conf, $controllers, $sitecodes);
     return true;
  * Executes the Aimeos e-mail jobs
  * The Aimeos shop system needs some maintenance tasks that must be
  * regularly executed. Each of these maintenance tasks must be executed for
  * all shop instances if you have more than one site in your installation.
  * @param string $jobs List of job names separated by a space character like "customer/email/watch order/email/payment"
  * @param string $sites List of sites separated by a space character the jobs should be executed for, e.g. "default unittest"
  * @param string $tsconfig TypoScript string for individual configuration
  * @param string $senderFrom Name of the sender in the e-mail
  * @param string $senderEmail Sender e-mail address
  * @param string $replyEmail E-Mail address customers can reply to
  * @param string $detailPid Page ID of the catalog detail page for generating product URLs
  * @param string $baseUrl URL of the Aimeos uploads directory, e.g. https://yourdomain.tld/uploads/tx_aimeos
  * @param string $themeDir Absolute path or relative path from to TYPO3 root to the CSS files of the theme directory
  * @return boolean True on succes
 public function emailCommand($jobs = 'customer/email/watch order/email/delivery order/email/payment', $sites = 'default', $tsconfig = '', $senderFrom = 'Aimeos shop', $senderEmail = '', $replyEmail = '', $detailPid = '', $baseUrl = '', $themeDir = 'typo3conf/ext/aimeos/Resources/Public/Themes/elegance')
     if ($themeDir != '' && $themeDir[0] !== '/') {
         $themeDir = realpath(PATH_site . $themeDir);
     $conf = Base::parseTS($tsconfig);
     if (!isset($conf['client']['html']['catalog']['detail']['url']['config'])) {
         $conf['client']['html']['catalog']['detail']['url']['config'] = array('plugin' => 'catalog-detail', 'extension' => 'aimeos', 'absoluteUri' => 1);
     $conf['client']['html']['email']['from-name'] = $senderFrom;
     $conf['client']['html']['email']['from-email'] = $senderEmail;
     $conf['client']['html']['email']['reply-email'] = $replyEmail;
     $conf['client']['html']['common']['content']['baseurl'] = $baseUrl;
     $conf['client']['html']['common']['template']['baseurl'] = $themeDir;
     $conf['client']['html']['catalog']['detail']['url']['target'] = $detailPid;
     Scheduler\Base::execute($conf, explode(' ', $jobs), $sites);
     return true;
Exemple #5
  * Creates a new configuration object.
  * @param array $paths Paths to the configuration directories
  * @param array $local Multi-dimensional associative list with local configuration
  * @return \Aimeos\MW\Config\Iface Configuration object
 public static function get(array $paths, array $local = array())
     if (self::$config === null) {
         // Using extension config directories
         if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['aimeos']['confDirs'])) {
             foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['aimeos']['confDirs'] as $dir) {
                 if (($absPath = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($dir)) !== '') {
                     $paths[] = $absPath;
         $conf = new \Aimeos\MW\Config\PHPArray(array(), $paths);
         if (function_exists('apc_store') === true && (bool) \Aimeos\Aimeos\Base::getExtConfig('useAPC', false) === true) {
             $conf = new \Aimeos\MW\Config\Decorator\APC($conf, \Aimeos\Aimeos\Base::getExtConfig('apcPrefix', 't3:'));
         self::$config = $conf;
     if (isset($local['typo3']['tsconfig'])) {
         $tsconfig = \Aimeos\Aimeos\Base::parseTS($local['typo3']['tsconfig']);
         $local = \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ArrayUtility::arrayMergeRecursiveOverrule($local, $tsconfig);
     return new \Aimeos\MW\Config\Decorator\Memory(self::$config, $local);
  * Fields validation.
  * This method checks if page id given in the 'Hide content' specific task is int+
  * If the task class is not relevant, the method is expected to return true
  * @param array $submittedData Reference to the array containing the data submitted by the user
  * @param tx_scheduler_Module $parentObject Reference to the calling object (Scheduler's BE module)
  * @return boolean True if validation was ok (or selected class is not relevant), false otherwise
 protected function validateFields(array &$submittedData, $parentObject)
     if (count((array) $submittedData[$this->fieldController]) < 1) {
         throw new \Exception($GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:aimeos/Resources/Private/Language/Scheduler.xml:default.error.controller.missing'));
     if (count((array) $submittedData[$this->fieldSite]) < 1) {
         throw new \Exception($GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:aimeos/Resources/Private/Language/Scheduler.xml:default.error.sitecode.missing'));
     $context = Scheduler\Base::getContext();
     $siteItems = Scheduler\Base::getSiteItems($context, $submittedData[$this->fieldSite]);
     if (count($siteItems) !== count($submittedData[$this->fieldSite])) {
         throw new \Exception($GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:aimeos/Resources/Private/Language/Scheduler.xml:default.error.sitecode'));
     $aimeos = Base::getAimeos();
     $cntlPaths = $aimeos->getCustomPaths('controller/jobs');
     foreach ((array) $submittedData[$this->fieldController] as $name) {
         \Controller_Jobs_Factory::createController($context, $aimeos, $name);
     return true;