stream() public méthode

This method may be repeatedly called to stream the response body. Applications that can afford to buffer an entire response in memory or can wait for all body data to generate may use Response::end() to output the entire response in a single call. Note: Headers are sent upon the first invocation of Response::stream().
public stream ( string $partialBodyChunk ) : Amp\Promise
$partialBodyChunk string A portion of the response entity body
Résultat Amp\Promise to be succeeded whenever local buffers aren't full
Exemple #1
 private function sendMultiRange($handle, Response $response, $fileInfo, $range) : \Generator
     foreach ($range->ranges as list($startPos, $endPos)) {
         $header = sprintf("--%s\r\nContent-Type: %s\r\nContent-Range: bytes %d-%d/%d\r\n\r\n", $range->boundary, $range->contentType, $startPos, $endPos, $fileInfo->size);
         yield from $this->sendSingleRange($handle, $response, $startPos, $endPos);
Exemple #2
 public function __invoke(Request $req, Response $res)
     $headers = $req->getAllHeaders();
     $connection = $headers["connection"];
     foreach ($connection as $value) {
         foreach (explode(",", strtolower($value)) as $type) {
             $type = trim($type);
             if ($type == "upgrade") {
                 $headers["connection"][0] = "upgrade";
             } else {
     if ($this->headers) {
         if (is_callable($this->headers)) {
             $headers = ($this->headers)($headers);
         } else {
             $headers = $this->headers + $headers;
     $promise = $this->client->request((new \Amp\Artax\Request())->setMethod($req->getMethod())->setUri($this->target . $req->getUri())->setAllHeaders($headers)->setBody((yield $req->getBody())));
     // no async sending possible :-( [because of redirects]
     $promise->watch(function ($update) use($req, $res, &$hasBody, &$status, &$zlib) {
         list($type, $data) = $update;
         if ($type == Notify::RESPONSE_HEADERS) {
             $headers = array_change_key_case($data["headers"], CASE_LOWER);
             foreach ($data["headers"] as $header => $values) {
                 foreach ($values as $value) {
                     $res->addHeader($header, $value);
             $res->setStatus($status = $data["status"]);
             if (isset($headers["content-encoding"]) && strcasecmp(trim(current($headers["content-encoding"])), 'gzip') === 0) {
                 $zlib = inflate_init(ZLIB_ENCODING_GZIP);
             $hasBody = true;
         if ($type == Notify::RESPONSE_BODY_DATA) {
             if ($zlib) {
                 $data = inflate_add($zlib, $data);
         if ($type == Notify::RESPONSE) {
             if (!$hasBody) {
                 foreach ($data->getAllHeaders() as $header => $values) {
                     foreach ($values as $value) {
                         $res->addHeader($header, $value);
                 $res->setStatus($status = $data->getStatus());
             if ($status == 101) {
                 $req->setLocalVar("aerys.reverse.socket", $update["export_socket"]());
             $res->end($zlib ? inflate_add("", ZLIB_FINISH) : null);
     (yield $promise);