Exemple #1
  * Turn this item into an array
  * @return array
 public function toArray()
     $arr = parent::toArray();
     $arr['date_format'] = $this->date_format;
     $arr['time_format'] = $this->time_format;
     return $arr;
Exemple #2
    $editFields = Field::getEditFields($config);
    //add the view fields
    $view->primaryKey = $model::$key;
    $view->rows = ModelHelper::getRows($config, $config->sort);
    $view->editFields = $editFields;
    $view->actions = $config->actions;
    $view->filters = Field::getFilters($config);
    $view->baseUrl = $baseUrl;
    $view->assetUrl = URL::to('bundles/administrator/');
    $view->route = $route['path'] . '/';
    $view->model = isset($view->model) ? $view->model : false;
//admin settings view
View::composer('administrator::settings', function ($view) {
    $config = $view->config;
    $baseUrl = URL::to_route('admin_index');
    $route = parse_url($baseUrl);
    //get the edit fields
    $editFields = Field::getEditFields($config);
    //add the view fields
    $view->editFields = $editFields;
    $view->actions = $config->actions;
    $view->baseUrl = $baseUrl;
    $view->assetUrl = URL::to('bundles/administrator/');
    $view->route = $route['path'] . '/';
//header view
View::composer(array('administrator::partials.header', 'administrator::dashboard'), function ($view) {
    $view->menu = Menu::getMenu();
    $view->settingsPrefix = Admin\Libraries\SettingsConfig::$prefix;
Exemple #3
  * Gets the filters for the given model config
  * @param ModelConfig	$config
  * @return array
 public static function getFilters($config)
     //get the model's filter fields
     $filters = array();
     //if there are no filters, exit out early
     if ($config->filters) {
         //iterate over the filters and create field objects for them
         foreach ($config->filters as $field => $info) {
             if ($fieldObject = Field::get($field, $info, $config)) {
                 $filters[$fieldObject->field] = $fieldObject->toArray();
     return $filters;
  * Given a model, field, type (filter or edit), and constraints (either int or array), returns an array of options
  * @param Eloquent		$model
  * @param string		$field
  * @param string		$type			//either 'filter' or 'edit'
  * @param array			$constraints	//an array of ids of the other model's items
  * @param array			$selectedItems	//an array of ids that are currently selected
  * @param string		$term			//the search term
  * @return array
 public static function updateRelationshipOptions($config, $field, $type, $constraints, $selectedItems, $term = null)
     //first get the related model and fetch the field's options
     $model = $config->model;
     $relatedModel = $model->{$field}()->model;
     $info = Field::getOptions($field, $config, $type);
     //if we can't find the field, return an empty array
     if (!$info) {
         return array();
     //set up the field object
     $info = Field::get($field, $info, $config, false);
     //make sure we're grouping by the model's id
     $query = $relatedModel::with($relatedModel->includes)->group_by($relatedModel->table() . '.' . $relatedModel::$key);
     //set up the selects
     $selects = array(DB::raw($relatedModel->table() . '.*'));
     //if selectedItems are provided, set them up as a proper array
     if ($selectedItems) {
         //if this isn't an array, set it up as one
         $selectedItems = is_array($selectedItems) ? $selectedItems : array($selectedItems);
     } else {
         $selectedItems = array();
     //if this is an autocomplete field, check if there is a search term. If not, just return the selected items
     if ($info->autocomplete && !$term) {
         if (sizeof($selectedItems)) {
             $query->where_in($relatedModel->table() . '.' . $relatedModel::$key, $selectedItems);
             return static::formatOptions($relatedModel, $info, $query->get($selects));
         } else {
             return array();
     //if there are constraints
     if (sizeof($info->constraints)) {
         //iterate over the constraints
         foreach ($info->constraints as $key => $relationshipName) {
             //now that we're looping through the constraints, check to see if this one was supplied
             if (isset($constraints[$key]) && $constraints[$key] && sizeof($constraints[$key])) {
                 //constrain the query
                 $info->applyConstraints($query, $model, $key, $relationshipName, $constraints);
     //if there is a search term, limit the result set by that term
     if ($term) {
         //set up the wheres
         foreach ($info->searchFields as $search) {
             $query->or_where(DB::raw($search), 'LIKE', '%' . $term . '%');
         //include the currently-selected items if there are any
         if (count($selectedItems)) {
             $query->or_where_in($relatedModel->table() . '.' . $relatedModel::$key, $selectedItems);
         //set up the limits
         $query->take($info->numOptions + count($selectedItems));
     //finally we can return the options
     return static::formatOptions($relatedModel, $info, $query->get($selects));
Exemple #5
  * Given a model, field, type (filter or edit), and search term, this returns an array of arrays with 'id' and 'name'
  * @param Eloquent		$model
  * @param string		$field
  * @param string		$type			//either 'filter' or 'edit'
  * @param array|false	$selectedItems	//an array of ids of currently-selected items (necessary to maintain selections)
  * @param string		$term			//the search term
  * @return array
 public static function getRelationshipSuggestions($model, $field, $type, $selectedItems, $term)
     //first get the related model
     $related_model = $model->{$field}()->model;
     $info = false;
     //now we can sort out what the actual field info is
     if ($type === 'filter') {
         $fields = static::getFilters($model);
     } else {
         $editFields = Field::getEditFields($model);
         $fields = $editFields['arrayFields'];
     //iterate over the fields to get the one for this $field value
     foreach ($fields as $key => $val) {
         if ($key === $field) {
             $info = $val;
     //if we can't find the field, return an empty array
     if (!$info) {
         return array();
     //set up the field object
     $info = Field::get($field, $info, $model, false);
     //now we can start to set up the query
     $query = new \Laravel\Database\Eloquent\Query($related_model);
     //set up the wheres
     foreach ($info->searchFields as $search) {
         $query->or_where(DB::raw($search), 'LIKE', '%' . $term . '%');
     //include the currently-selected items
     if ($selectedItems) {
         //if this isn't an array, set it up as one
         $selectedItems = is_array($selectedItems) ? $selectedItems : array($selectedItems);
         $query->or_where_in($related_model::$key, $selectedItems);
     } else {
         $selectedItems = array();
     //set up the limits
     $query->take($info->numOptions + count($selectedItems));
     //return the array map based on the result set
     return array_map(function ($m) use($info, $field, $related_model) {
         return array($related_model::$key => $m->{$related_model::$key}, $info->nameField => $m->{$info->nameField});
     }, $query->get());
  * Turn this item into an array
  * @return array
 public function toArray()
     $arr = parent::toArray();
     $arr['table'] = $this->table;
     $arr['column'] = $this->column;
     $arr['foreignKey'] = $this->foreignKey;
     $arr['name_field'] = $this->nameField;
     $arr['options'] = $this->options;
     $arr['selfRelationship'] = $this->selfRelationship;
     $arr['autocomplete'] = $this->autocomplete;
     $arr['num_options'] = $this->numOptions;
     $arr['search_fields'] = $this->searchFields;
     $arr['constraints'] = $this->constraints;
     return $arr;
Exemple #7

use Admin\Libraries\ModelHelper;
use Admin\Libraries\Fields\Field;
use Admin\Libraries\Column;
use Admin\Libraries\Sort;
//View Composers
//admin index view
View::composer('administrator::index', function ($view) {
    //get a model instance that we'll use for constructing stuff
    $modelInstance = ModelHelper::getModel($view->modelName);
    $columns = Column::getColumns($modelInstance);
    $editFields = Field::getEditFields($modelInstance);
    $bundleConfig = Bundle::get('administrator');
    //add the view fields
    $view->modelTitle = Config::get('administrator::administrator.models.' . $view->modelName . '.title', $view->modelName);
    $view->modelSingle = Config::get('administrator::administrator.models.' . $view->modelName . '.single', $view->modelTitle);
    $view->columns = $columns['columns'];
    $view->includedColumns = $columns['includedColumns'];
    $view->primaryKey = $modelInstance::$key;
    $view->sort = Sort::get($modelInstance)->toArray();
    $view->rows = ModelHelper::getRows($modelInstance, $view->sort);
    $view->editFields = $editFields['arrayFields'];
    $view->dataModel = $editFields['dataModel'];
    $view->filters = ModelHelper::getFilters($modelInstance);
    $view->baseUrl = URL::to_route('admin_index');
    $view->bundleHandles = $bundleConfig['handles'];
    $view->expandWidth = ModelHelper::getExpandWidth($modelInstance);
    $view->modelInstance = $modelInstance;
    $view->model = isset($view->model) ? $view->model : false;
Exemple #8
  * Takes a the key/value of the columns array and the associated model and returns an instance of the column or false
  * @param string|int	$field 		//the key of the options array
  * @param array|string	$column		//the value of the options array
  * @param ModelConfig	$config		//this model's config
  * @return false|Field object
 public static function get($field, $column, $config)
     //if this is a numeric field, $column holds the field
     if (is_numeric($field)) {
         $field = $column;
         $column = array();
     //set up the $column array with the supplied or default values
     $column = array('title' => array_get($column, 'title', $field), 'sort_field' => array_get($column, 'sort_field', $field), 'relationship' => array_get($column, 'relationship'), 'select' => array_get($column, 'select'), 'sortable' => true, 'output' => array_get($column, 'output'));
     //if the relation option is set, we'll set up the column array using the select
     if ($column['relationship']) {
         if (!method_exists($config->model, $column['relationship']) || !$column['select']) {
             return false;
         //now we'll need to grab a relation field to see what its foreign table is
         if (!($relationshipField = Field::get($column['relationship'], array('type' => 'relationship'), $config, false))) {
             return false;
         //if this is a belongs_to, we need to set up the proper aliased select replacement
         if (!$relationshipField->external) {
             $selectTable = $field . '_' . $relationshipField->table;
         } else {
             $selectTable = $relationshipField->table;
         $column['select'] = str_replace('(:table)', $selectTable, $column['select']);
         $column['relationshipField'] = $relationshipField;
     } else {
         if (method_exists($config->model, 'get_' . $field) && $field === $column['sort_field']) {
             $column['sortable'] = false;
     //however, if this is not a relation and the select option was supplied, str_replace the select option and make it sortable again
     if (!$column['relationship'] && $column['select']) {
         $column['select'] = str_replace('(:table)', $config->model->table(), $column['select']);
         $column['sortable'] = true;
     //now we do some final organization to categorize these columns (useful later in the sorting)
     if ($column['relationship']) {
         $column['isRelated'] = true;
     } else {
         if (method_exists($config->model, 'get_' . $field) || $column['select']) {
             $column['isComputed'] = true;
         } else {
             $column['isIncluded'] = true;
     //now we can instantiate the object
     return new static($field, $column);

use Admin\Libraries\ModelHelper;
use Admin\Libraries\Fields\Field;
use Admin\Libraries\ModelConfig;
//View Composers
//admin index view
View::composer('administrator::index', function ($view) {
    //get a model instance that we'll use for constructing stuff
    $config = $view->config;
    $model = $config->model;
    $baseUrl = URL::to_route('admin_index');
    $route = parse_url($baseUrl);
    //get the edit fields
    $editFields = Field::getEditFields($config);
    //add the view fields
    $view->primaryKey = $model::$key;
    $view->rows = ModelHelper::getRows($config, $config->sort);
    $view->editFields = $editFields;
    $view->actions = $config->actions;
    $view->filters = Field::getFilters($config);
    $view->baseUrl = $baseUrl;
    $view->assetUrl = URL::to('bundles/administrator/');
    $view->route = $route['path'] . '/';
    $view->model = isset($view->model) ? $view->model : false;
//header view
View::composer(array('administrator::partials.header', 'administrator::dashboard'), function ($view) {
    $view->menu = ModelConfig::getMenu();
Exemple #10
  * Gets a model's columns given the a model's config
  * @param ModelConfig		$config
  * @return array(
  *			'columns' => array(detailed..),
  *			'includedColumns' => array(field => full_column_name, ...)),
  *			'computedColumns' => array(key, key, key)
 public static function getColumns($config)
     $model = $config->model;
     $return = array('columns' => array(), 'columnArrays' => array(), 'columnObjects' => array(), 'includedColumns' => array(), 'computedColumns' => array(), 'relatedColumns' => array());
     //check if there are columns to iterate over
     if (count($config->columns) > 0) {
         $columns = array();
         foreach ($config->columns as $field => $column) {
             //get the column object
             if (!($columnObject = Column::get($field, $column, $config))) {
             //save the column object with a $field-based key, as a simple array (to use in knockout), and as a simple array of arrays
             $return['columnObjects'][$field] = $columnObject;
             $return['columns'][] = $columnObject;
             $return['columnArrays'][] = $columnObject->toArray();
             //categorize the columns
             if ($columnObject->isRelated) {
                 $return['relatedColumns'][$columnObject->field] = $columnObject->field;
                 //if there are nested values, we'll want to grab the values slightly differently
                 if (sizeof($columnObject->nested)) {
                     $fk = $columnObject->nested['models'][0]->{$columnObject->nested['pieces'][0]}()->foreign;
                     $return['includedColumns'][$fk] = $model->table() . '.' . $fk;
                 } else {
                     if ($fk = $columnObject->relationshipField->foreignKey) {
                         $return['includedColumns'][$fk] = $model->table() . '.' . $fk;
             } else {
                 if ($columnObject->isComputed) {
                     $return['computedColumns'][$columnObject->field] = $columnObject->field;
                 } else {
                     $return['includedColumns'][$columnObject->field] = $model->table() . '.' . $columnObject->field;
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Administrator: you must provide a valid 'columns' array in each model's config");
     //make sure the table key is included
     if (!array_get($return['includedColumns'], $model::$key)) {
         $return['includedColumns'][$model::$key] = $model->table() . '.' . $model::$key;
     //make sure any belongs_to fields that aren't on the columns list are included
     $editFields = Field::getEditFields($config);
     foreach ($editFields['objectFields'] as $field => $info) {
         if (is_a($info, 'Admin\\Libraries\\Fields\\Relationships\\BelongsTo')) {
             $return['includedColumns'][$info->foreignKey] = $model->table() . '.' . $info->foreignKey;
     return $return;
Exemple #11
  * The POST method that runs when a user uploads a file on a file field
  * @param ModelConfig	$config
  * @param string	$fieldName
  * @return JSON
 public function action_file_upload($config, $fieldName)
     //get the model and the field object
     $field = Field::findField($config, $fieldName);
     return Response::JSON($field->doUpload());
Exemple #12
  * Turn this item into an array
  * @return array
 public function toArray()
     $arr = parent::toArray();
     $arr['location'] = $this->location;
     $arr['size_limit'] = $this->sizeLimit;
     $arr['upload_url'] = $this->uploadUrl;
     return $arr;