function process()
     $mid = intval(zmgGetParam($_REQUEST, 'zmg_edit_mid', 0));
     $medium = new zmgMedium(zmgDatabase::getDBO());
     $res = true;
     $events =& zmgFactory::getEvents();
     $messages =& zmgFactory::getMessages();
     if ($mid > 0) {
         if (!($res = $medium->load($mid))) {
             $messages->append(T_('Medium could not be saved') . ': ' . $medium->getError());
     if ($res && $mid > 0) {
         $data = array('name' => zmgSQLEscape(zmgGetParam($_REQUEST, 'zmg_edit_name', $medium->name)), 'descr' => zmgSQLEscape(zmgGetParam($_REQUEST, 'zmg_edit_descr', $medium->descr)), 'keywords' => zmgSQLEscape(zmgGetParam($_REQUEST, 'zmg_edit_keywords', $medium->keywords)), 'shared' => intval(zmgGetParam($_REQUEST, 'zmg_edit_shared', $medium->shared)), 'published' => intval(zmgGetParam($_REQUEST, 'zmg_edit_published', $medium->published)), 'uid' => intval(zmgGetParam($_REQUEST, 'zmg_edit_acl_gid', $medium->uid)));
         //do some additional validation of strings
         $data['name'] = $events->fire('onvalidate', false, $data['name']);
         $data['descr'] = $events->fire('onvalidate', false, $data['descr']);
         $data['keywords'] = $events->fire('onvalidate', false, $data['keywords']);
         if (!$medium->bind($data)) {
             $messages->append(T_('Medium could not be saved') . ': ' . $medium->getError());
         } else {
             if (!$medium->store()) {
                 $messages->append(T_('Medium could not be saved') . ': ' . $medium->getError());
             } else {
                 $isGalleryImg = intval(zmgGetParam($_REQUEST, 'zmg_edit_gimg', 0)) === 1;
                 $isParentImg = intval(zmgGetParam($_REQUEST, 'zmg_edit_pimg', 0)) === 1;
                 if (!($isGalleryImg && $medium->setAsGalleryImage())) {
                     $messages->append(T_('Medium could not be saved') . ': ' . T_('unable to set as image of gallery'));
                     $res = false;
                 if (!($isParentImg && $medium->setAsGalleryImage(true))) {
                     $messages->append(T_('Medium could not be saved') . ': ' . T_('unable to set as image of parent gallery'));
                     $res = false;
                 if ($res) {
                     $messages->append(T_('Medium saved successfully!'));
     } else {
         $messages->append(T_('Medium could not be saved') . ': ' . $mid);
 function finalizeUpload($gid = 0)
     //finish the SwfUpload sequence...
     if ($gid === 0) {
         return zmgToolboxPlugin::registerError(T_('Upload media'), T_('No valid gallery ID provided'));
     $session =& zmgFactory::getSession();
     $events =& zmgFactory::getEvents();
     $config =& zmgFactory::getConfig();
     $db =& zmgDatabase::getDBO();
     $gallery = new zmgGallery($db);
     //now we got the gallery and its data, retrieve the uploaded media
     $media = $session->get('uploadtool.fancyfiles');
     if (!is_array($media) || count($media) == 0) {
         return zmgToolboxPlugin::registerError(T_('Upload media'), T_('No media have been uploaded; nothing to do.'));
     $src_path = ZMG_ABS_PATH . DS . "etc" . DS . "cache" . DS;
     $dest_path = zmgEnv::getRootPath() . DS . $config->get('filesystem/mediapath') . $gallery->dir . DS;
     foreach ($media as $medium) {
         $obj = new zmgMedium($db);
         $name = zmgSQLEscape(zmgGetParam($_REQUEST, 'zmg_upload_name', ''));
         $descr = zmgSQLEscape(zmgGetParam($_REQUEST, 'zmg_upload_descr', ''));
         $data = array('name' => $name, 'filename' => $medium, 'descr' => $descr, 'published' => 1, 'gid' => $gallery->gid);
         //saves a SQL query later on...
         //do some additional validation of strings
         $data['name'] = $events->fire('onvalidate', $data['name']);
         if (!$data['name']) {
             $data['name'] = $name;
         $data['descr'] = $events->fire('onvalidate', $data['descr']);
         if (!$data['descr']) {
             $data['descr'] = $descr;
         if (!$obj->bind($data)) {
             zmgToolboxPlugin::registerError(T_('Upload media'), T_('Medium could not be saved') . ': ' . $obj->getError());
         } else {
             if (!zmgFileHelper::copy($src_path . $medium, $dest_path . $medium)) {
                 zmgToolboxPlugin::registerError(T_('Upload media'), T_('Unable to copy file') . ' ' . $medium);
             } else {
                 if (!zmgFileHelper::delete($src_path . $medium)) {
                     zmgToolboxPlugin::registerError(T_('Upload media'), T_('Unable to delete temporary file') . ' ' . $medium);
                 } else {
                     if (!zmgToolboxPlugin::processMedium($obj, $gallery)) {
                         zmgToolboxPlugin::registerError(T_('Upload media'), T_('Medium could not be processed') . ' ' . $medium);
                     } else {
                         if (!$obj->store()) {
                             //now save this medium in our DB
                             zmgToolboxPlugin::registerError(T_('Upload media'), T_('Medium could not be saved') . ': ' . $obj->getError());
         //delete medium from session data: fourth parameter as TRUE
         $session->update('uploadtool.fancyfiles', $medium, ZMG_DATATYPE_ARRAY, true);