Exemple #1
} else {
    // build a zip archive
    include_once '../shared/zipfile.php';
    $zipfile = new zipfile();
    // get related files from the database
    $items = array();
    if (isset($type) && isset($id)) {
        $items = Files::list_by_date_for_anchor($type . ':' . $id, 0, 20, 'raw');
    // archive each file
    $file_path = $context['path_to_root'] . Files::get_path($type . ':' . $id);
    foreach ($items as $id => $attributes) {
        // read file content
        if ($content = Safe::file_get_contents($file_path . '/' . $attributes['file_name'], 'rb')) {
            // add the binary data
            $zipfile->deflate($attributes['file_name'], Safe::filemtime($file_path . '/' . $attributes['file_name']), $content);
    // transfer to the user agent
    // send the archive content
    if ($archive = $zipfile->get()) {
        // suggest a download
        Safe::header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
        // suggest a name for the saved file
        $file_name = utf8::to_ascii($item['title']) . '.zip';
        Safe::header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . str_replace('"', '', $file_name) . '"');
        // file size
        Safe::header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($archive));
        // already encoded
Exemple #2
 // place all files into a single directory --fixed time to allow cacheability
 $zipfile->store('yacs/', 0);
 // process every reference file
 $all_files = array();
 $index = 0;
 foreach ($references as $reference) {
     // let's go
     list($path, $file) = $reference;
     if (strlen(trim($path)) > 0) {
         $file = $path . '/' . $file;
     // read file content
     if (($content = Safe::file_get_contents($file_path . $file)) !== FALSE) {
         // compress textual content
         if ($content && preg_match('/\\.(css|htc|htm|html|include|js|mo|php|po|pot|sql|txt|xml)$/i', $file)) {
             $zipfile->deflate('yacs/' . $file, Safe::filemtime($file_path . $file), $content);
         } else {
             $zipfile->store('yacs/' . $file, Safe::filemtime($file_path . $file), $content);
         // to be included in tar file as well
         $all_files[] = $file_path . $file;
     } else {
         $context['text'] .= BR . 'cannot read ' . $file_path . $file;
     // avoid timeouts
     if (!($index++ % 50)) {
 // save the zipfile