function image_retrieval($features, $max = 100) { $ret = ''; $query_args = array("url" => "", "post" => true, "params" => array("feature" => $features, "max" => $max)); $xml_ret = query_cbir_service($query_args); if (!empty($xml_ret)) { $parser = new xml_parser(); $ret = $parser->parse($xml_ret); } return $ret; }
} $post_input = implode("\r\n", file('php://input')); file_put_contents('/tmp/' . $file_date . '-a.xml', $post_input); switch ($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']) { case 'application/vnd.syncml+wbxml': $post_input = wbxml_decode($post_input); case 'application/vnd.syncml+xml': $parser = new xml_parser(); $response = new syncml_response(); break; default: exit('I\'m a SyncML server (2)'); } $message = new syncml_message(); // the header $header = $parser->parse($post_input, new xml_offset_mapper(array('SYNCML', 'SYNCHDR'))); $message->process_header($header); unset($header); // the body $body = $parser->parse($post_input, new xml_offset_mapper(array('SYNCML', 'SYNCBODY'))); $message->process_body($body); unset($body, $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']); // execute and print everything $message->execute($response); $response->print_response(); file_put_contents('/tmp/' . $file_date . '-b.xml', ob_get_contents() . "\n"); if ($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] == 'application/vnd.syncml+wbxml') { // remove the xml declaration tag $xml = substr(ob_get_clean(), 38); ob_start(); // replace some bogus FPI values