public function sendwxmsg() { $this->checkshoplogin(); $shopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid'); if ($shopid <= 0) { $this->message('操作失败'); } $openid = trim(IReq::get('openid')); $content = trim(IReq::get('content')); if (empty($content)) { $this->message('发送内容不能为空'); } $wechat = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shop_wechat where shopid={$shopid}"); if (empty($wechat)) { $this->message('未设置微信基本信息'); } $wx_s = new wx_s($wechat['token'], $wechat['appid'], $wechat['secret'], $shopid); if ($wx_s->sendmsg($content, $openid)) { $this->success('操作成功'); } else { $this->message($wx_s->err()); } }
function sendwxmsg() { $openid = trim(IReq::get('openid')); $content = trim(IReq::get('content')); if (empty($content)) { $this->message('发送内容不能为空'); } $wx_s = new wx_s(); if ($wx_s->sendmsg($content, $openid)) { $this->success('操作成功'); } else { $this->message($wx_s->err()); } }
function sendmess($orderid) { $smtp = new ISmtp(Mysite::$app->config['smpt'], 25, Mysite::$app->config['emailname'], Mysite::$app->config['emailpwd'], false); $sendmobile = new mobile(); $wx_s = new wx_s(); $orderinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "order where id= '" . $orderid . "' "); $orderdet = $this->mysql->getarr("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "orderdet where order_id= '" . $orderid . "' "); $shopinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shop where id= '" . $orderinfo['shopid'] . "' "); $tempdata = array('orderinfo' => $orderinfo, 'orderdet' => $orderdet, 'sitename' => Mysite::$app->config['sitename']); $contents = ''; $checknotice = isset($shopinfo['noticetype']) ? explode(',', $shopinfo['noticetype']) : array(); $contents = ''; $appcheck = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "applogin where uid = '" . $orderinfo['shopuid'] . "' "); if (!empty($appcheck)) { /* $appCls = new appclass(); $backinfo = $appCls->sendmsg($appcheck['userid'],$appcheck['channelid'],Mysite::$app->config['sitename'].'订单提醒','您有新的订单,单号:'.$orderinfo['dno'],$messagetype=1); logwrite('APP发送:'.$backinfo);*/ } if (in_array(1, $checknotice)) { if (Mysite::$app->config['allowedsendshop'] == 1) { if (IValidate::suremobi($orderinfo['shopphone'])) { $default_tpl = new config('tplset.php', hopedir); $tpllist = $default_tpl->getInfo(); if (!isset($tpllist['shopphonetpl']) || empty($tpllist['shopphonetpl'])) { // logwrite('短信发送商家模板加载失败'); } else { $contents = Mysite::$app->statichtml($tpllist['shopphonetpl'], $tempdata); if (Mysite::$app->config['smstype'] == 2) { //139邮箱转发短信 //使用sms10086cn发送/ $APIServer = ''; $weblink = $APIServer . 'zh=' . trim(Mysite::$app->config['sms86ac']) . '&mm=' . trim(Mysite::$app->config['sms86pd']) . '&hm=' . $orderinfo['shopphone'] . '&nr=' . urlencode($contents) . '&dxlbid=27'; $contentcccc = file_get_contents($weblink); logwrite('短信sms10086cn发送结果:' . $contentcccc); } else { //使用sms10086cn发送/ $phoneids = array(); $phoneids[] = $orderinfo['shopphone']; $chekcinfo = $sendmobile->sendsms($phoneids, $contents); logwrite('亿美短信接口发送结果:' . $chekcinfo); } } } else { logwrite('短信发送商家' . $shopinfo['shopname'] . '联系电话错误'); } } } if (in_array(3, $checknotice)) { $wechat = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shop_wechat where shopid=" . $orderinfo['shopid']); $wx_s = array(); if (!empty($wechat)) { $wx_s = new wx_s($wechat['token'], $wechat['appid'], $wechat['secret'], $orderinfo['shopid']); } if (!empty($orderinfo['shopuid']) && !empty($wechat)) { $wechat = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shop_wechat where shopid=" . $orderinfo['shopid']); //if (!empty($wechat)) { //$wx_s = new wx_s($wechat['token'], $wechat['appid'], $wechat['secret'],$orderinfo['shopid']); //找到要发送的商户微信openid $openid_list = $this->mysql->getarr("select openid from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shop_wxuser where shopid=" . $orderinfo['shopid'] . " and is_merchant=1"); $payarrr = array('outpay' => '到付', 'open_acout' => '余额支付'); $orderpastatus = $orderinfo['paystatus'] == 1 ? '已支付' : '未支付'; $orderpaytype = isset($payarrr[$orderinfo['paytype']]) ? $payarrr[$orderinfo['paytype']] : '在线支付'; $tempdata = array('orderinfo' => $orderinfo, 'orderdet' => $orderdet, 'sitename' => Mysite::$app->config['sitename']); $temp_content = $orderinfo['buyername'] . '在' . Mysite::$app->config['sitename'] . '下单成功' . '\\n'; $temp_content .= '下单时间:' . date('m-d H:i', $orderinfo['addtime']) . '\\n'; $temp_content .= '配送时间:' . date('m-d H:i', $orderinfo['posttime']) . '\\n'; $temp_content .= '支付方式' . $orderpaytype . ',' . $orderpastatus . ' ' . '\\n'; $temp_content .= '收货人:' . $orderinfo['buyername'] . '\\n'; $temp_content .= '地址:' . $orderinfo['buyeraddress'] . '\\n'; $temp_content .= '联系电话:' . $orderinfo['buyerphone'] . '\\n'; $temp_content .= '单号:' . $orderinfo['dno'] . '\\n'; $temp_content .= '总价:' . $orderinfo['allcost'] . '元,配送费:' . $orderinfo['shopps'] . '元\\n'; $temp_content .= '备注:' . $orderinfo['content'] . '\\n'; foreach ($orderdet as $km => $vc) { $temp_content .= $vc['goodsname'] . '(' . $vc['goodscount'] . '份)\\n'; } if (!empty($openid_list)) { if (!empty($temp_content)) { foreach ($openid_list as $key => $value) { if ($wx_s->sendmsg($temp_content, $value['openid'])) { } else { logwrite('微信客服发送错误:' . $wx_s->err()); } } } } //} //$wxshop = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from ".Mysite::$app->config['tablepre']."wxuser where uid= '".$orderinfo['shopuid']."' "); /*if(!empty($wxshop)){ $payarrr = array('outpay'=>'到付','open_acout'=>'余额支付'); $orderpastatus = $orderinfo['paystatus'] == 1?'已支付':'未支付'; $orderpaytype = isset($payarrr[$orderinfo['paytype']])?$payarrr[$orderinfo['paytype']]:'在线支付'; $tempdata = array('orderinfo'=>$orderinfo,'orderdet'=>$orderdet,'sitename'=>Mysite::$app->config['sitename']); $temp_content = $orderinfo['buyername'].'在'.Mysite::$app->config['sitename'].'下单成功'.'\n'; $temp_content .='下单时间:'.date('m-d H:i',$orderinfo['addtime']).'\n'; $temp_content .='配送时间:'.date('m-d H:i',$orderinfo['posttime']).'\n'; $temp_content .='支付方式'.$orderpaytype.','.$orderpastatus.' '.'\n'; $temp_content .='收货人:'.$orderinfo['buyername'].'\n'; $temp_content .='地址:'.$orderinfo['buyeraddress'].'\n'; $temp_content .='联系电话:'.$orderinfo['buyerphone'].'\n'; $temp_content .='单号:'.$orderinfo['dno'].'\n'; $temp_content .='总价:'.$orderinfo['allcost'].'元,配送费:'.$orderinfo['shopps'].'元\n'; $temp_content .='备注:'.$orderinfo['content'].'\n'; foreach($orderdet as $km=>$vc){ $temp_content .=$vc['goodsname'].'('.$vc['goodscount'].'份)\n'; } //增加超连接 $time = time(); $tempstr = md5(Mysite::$app->config['wxtoken'].$time); $tempstr = substr($tempstr,3,15); $dolink = Mysite::$app->config['siteurl'].'/index.php?controller=wxsite&action=shopshoworder&id='.$orderinfo['id']; $backinfo = ''; if(!empty($dolink)){ $templink = $dolink; for($i=0;$i<strlen($templink);$i++){ $backinfo .= ord($templink[$i]).','; } } $linkstr = Mysite::$app->config['siteurl'].'/index.php?controller=wxsite&action=index&openid='.$wxshop['openid'].'&actime='.$time.'&sign='.$tempstr.'&backinfo='.$backinfo; $temp_content .= '<a href=\''.trim($linkstr).'\'>查看详情</a>'; if(!empty($temp_content)){ $wx_s = new wx_s($wechat['token'], $wechat['appid'], $wechat['secret'],$orderinfo['shopid']); if($wx_s->sendmsg($temp_content,$wxshop['openid'])){ }else{ logwrite('微信客服发送错误:'.$wx_s->err()); } } }*/ } if (!empty($orderinfo['buyeruid']) && !empty($wechat)) { //2015-06-25查不到$shopid把$shopid改成$shopinfo['id'] $wxbuyer = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shop_wxuser where shopid='" . $shopinfo['id'] . "' and uid= '" . $orderinfo['buyeruid'] . "' "); if (!empty($wxbuyer)) { if (empty($contents)) { $default_tpl = new config('tplset.php', hopedir); $tpllist = $default_tpl->getInfo(); if (!isset($tpllist['shopphonetpl']) || empty($tpllist['shopphonetpl'])) { } else { $contents = Mysite::$app->statichtml($tpllist['userbuytpl'], $tempdata); } } if (!empty($contents)) { /*$time = time(); $tempstr = md5(Mysite::$app->config['wxtoken'].$time); $tempstr = substr($tempstr,3,15); $dolink = Mysite::$app->config['siteurl'].'/index.php?controller=wxsite&action=ordershow&orderid='.$orderinfo['id']; $backinfo = ''; if(!empty($dolink)){ $templink = $dolink; for($i=0;$i<strlen($templink);$i++){ $backinfo .= ord($templink[$i]).','; } } // $backinfo = str_replace(array('"',',','&'),array('-','^','@'),json_encode($dolink)); //shopshoworder $linkstr = Mysite::$app->config['siteurl'].'/index.php?controller=wxsite&action=index&openid='.$wxbuyer['openid'].'&actime='.$time.'&sign='.$tempstr.'&backinfo='.$backinfo; $contents .= '<a href=\''.trim($linkstr).'\'>查看详情</a>';*/ if ($wx_s->sendmsg($contents, $wxbuyer['openid'])) { } else { logwrite('微信客服发送错误:' . $wx_s->err()); } } } } } if (!empty($shopinfo['machine_code']) && !empty($shopinfo['mKey'])) { $payarrr = array('outpay' => '到付', 'open_acout' => '余额支付'); $orderpastatus = $orderinfo['paystatus'] == 1 ? '已支付' : '未支付'; $orderpaytype = isset($payarrr[$orderinfo['paytype']]) ? $payarrr[$orderinfo['paytype']] : '在线支付'; $temp_content = ''; foreach ($orderdet as $km => $vc) { $temp_content .= $vc['goodsname'] . '(' . $vc['goodscount'] . '份) \\n '; } $msg = '商家:' . $shopinfo['shopname'] . ' 订餐热线:' . Mysite::$app->config['litel'] . ' 订单状态:' . $orderpaytype . ',(' . $orderpastatus . ') 姓名:' . $orderinfo['buyername'] . ' 电话:' . $orderinfo['buyerphone'] . ' 地址:' . $orderinfo['buyeraddress'] . ' 下单时间:' . date('m-d H:i', $orderinfo['addtime']) . ' 配送时间:' . date('m-d H:i', $orderinfo['posttime']) . ' ******************************* ' . $temp_content . ' ******************************* 配送费:' . $orderinfo['shopps'] . '元 合计:' . $orderinfo['allcost'] . '元 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 谢谢惠顾,欢迎下次光临 订单编号' . $orderinfo['dno'] . ' 备注' . $orderinfo['content'] . ' '; $this->dosengprint($msg, $shopinfo['machine_code'], $shopinfo['mKey']); } if (in_array(2, $checknotice)) { //同时使用邮件通知 if (Mysite::$app->config['noticeshopemail'] == 1) { //同时使用邮件通知 if (IValidate::email($shopinfo['email'])) { $default_tpl = new config('tplset.php', hopedir); $tpllist = $default_tpl->getInfo(); if (!isset($tpllist['emailorder']) || empty($tpllist['emailorder'])) { logwrite('邮件发送商家模板加载失败'); } else { //surelink //算方计算 $time = time(); $tempstr = md5($orderinfo['dno'] . $time); $tempstr = substr($tempstr, 3, 15); $tempstr = md5($orderinfo['shopuid'] . $tempstr); $tempstr = substr($tempstr, 3, 15); $tempdata['surelink'] = Mysite::$app->config['siteurl'] . '/index.php?controller=site&action=makeshow&id=' . $orderinfo['id'] . '&actime=' . $time . '&sign=' . $tempstr . '&status=1'; $tempdata['closelink'] = Mysite::$app->config['siteurl'] . '/index.php?controller=site&action=makeshow&id=' . $orderinfo['id'] . '&actime=' . $time . '&sign=' . $tempstr . '&status=2'; $emailcontent = Mysite::$app->statichtml($tpllist['emailorder'], $tempdata); $title = '您有一笔' . Mysite::$app->config['sitename'] . '新订单,请尽快处理'; $info = $smtp->send($shopinfo['email'], Mysite::$app->config['emailname'], $title, $emailcontent, "", "HTML", "", ""); } } else { logwrite('商家' . $shopinfo['shopname'] . '邮箱地址' . $shopinfo['shopemail'] . '错误'); } } } $contents = ''; if (Mysite::$app->config['allowedsendbuyer'] == 1) { if (IValidate::suremobi($orderinfo['buyerphone'])) { $default_tpl = new config('tplset.php', hopedir); $tpllist = $default_tpl->getInfo(); if (!isset($tpllist['userbuytpl']) || empty($tpllist['userbuytpl'])) { logwrite('短信发送会员模版失败'); } else { $contents = Mysite::$app->statichtml($tpllist['userbuytpl'], $tempdata); if (Mysite::$app->config['smstype'] == 2) { //139邮箱转发短信 //使用sms10086cn发送 $APIServer = ''; $weblink = $APIServer . 'zh=' . trim(Mysite::$app->config['sms86ac']) . '&mm=' . trim(Mysite::$app->config['sms86pd']) . '&hm=' . $orderinfo['buyerphone'] . '&nr=' . urlencode($contents) . '&dxlbid=27'; $contentcccc = file_get_contents($weblink); logwrite('短信sms10086cn发送结果:' . $contentcccc); } else { //使用sms10086cn发送 $phoneids = array(); $phoneids[] = $orderinfo['buyerphone']; $chekcinfo = $sendmobile->sendsms($phoneids, $contents); logwrite('亿美短信接口发送结果:' . $chekcinfo); } logwrite($contents); } } } }