Exemple #1
  * Service runner
  * @author Howard <*****@*****.**>
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $wpl_format = wpl_request::getVar('wpl_format');
     if (trim($wpl_format) == '') {
     /** add listing menu **/
     if ($wpl_format == 'b:listing:ajax') {
         $wpl_function = wpl_request::getVar('wpl_function');
         if ($wpl_function == 'save') {
             $table_name = wpl_request::getVar('table_name');
             $table_column = wpl_request::getVar('table_column');
             $value = wpl_request::getVar('value');
             /** for checking limitation on feature and hot tag **/
             if (($table_column == 'sp_featured' or $table_column == 'sp_hot') and $value == 1) {
                 $current_user_id = wpl_users::get_cur_user_id();
                 $user_data = wpl_users::get_wpl_user($current_user_id);
                 $user_limit = $table_column == 'sp_featured' ? $user_data->maccess_num_feat : $user_data->maccess_num_hot;
                 $model = new wpl_property();
                 $used = $model->get_properties_count(" AND `user_id`='{$current_user_id}' AND `{$table_column}`='1'");
                 if ($used >= $user_limit and $user_limit != '-1') {
                     self::response(array('success' => '0', 'message' => '', 'data' => '', 'js' => "wplj(form_element_id).prop('checked', false); wpl_alert(\"" . __('Your membership limit reached. contact to administrator if you want to upgrade!', WPL_TEXTDOMAIN) . "\");"));
Exemple #2
 protected function generate_slide($category)
     $tpl = wpl_flex::get_kind_tpl($this->tpl_path, 'internal_slide', $this->kind);
     $this->fields = wpl_property::get_pwizard_fields($category->id, $this->kind, 1);
     $this->field_category = $category;
     /** import tpl **/
     parent::render($this->tpl_path, $tpl);
  * Listing Contact activity. It's for contacting to a listing agent.
  * @author Howard <*****@*****.**>
  * @static
  * @param array $params
  * @return boolean
 public static function contact_agent($params)
     $replacements = $params[0];
     $notification = new wpl_notifications('email');
     $notification->prepare(2, $replacements);
     /** Disabled **/
     if (!$notification->notification_data['enabled']) {
         return false;
     $property = wpl_property::get_property_raw_data($params[0]['property_id']);
     $user = wpl_users::get_user($property['user_id']);
     $replacements['listing_id'] = $property['mls_id'];
     $notification->replacements = $notification->set_replacements($replacements);
     $notification->rendered_content = $notification->render_notification_content();
     $notification->recipients = $notification->set_recipients(array($user->data->user_email));
     return true;
Exemple #4
 private function contact_listing_user()
     $fullname = wpl_request::getVar('fullname', '');
     $phone = wpl_request::getVar('phone', '');
     $email = wpl_request::getVar('email', '');
     $message = wpl_request::getVar('message', '');
     $property_id = wpl_request::getVar('pid', '');
     $parameters = array('fullname' => $fullname, 'phone' => $phone, 'email' => $email, 'message' => $message, 'property_id' => $property_id, 'user_id' => wpl_property::get_property_user($property_id));
     $returnData = array();
     if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
         $returnData['success'] = 0;
         $returnData['message'] = __('Your email is not a valid email!', WPL_TEXTDOMAIN);
     } else {
         wpl_events::trigger('contact_agent', $parameters);
         $returnData['success'] = 1;
         $returnData['message'] = __('Information sent to agent.', WPL_TEXTDOMAIN);
     echo json_encode($returnData);
  * This method is the main method of each commands
  * @return mixed
 public function build()
     $settings = wpl_addon_mobile_application::get_settings();
     $properties_count = wpl_property::get_properties_count();
     foreach ($settings as $key => $values) {
         $name = strtoupper($values['name']);
         $value = $values['value'];
         $this->built["settings"]["app_settings"][] = array('name' => $name, 'value' => $value);
         if ($name == 'SHOW_BUBBLE_LIMITATION') {
             if ($properties_count <= $value) {
                 $this->built["settings"]["app_settings"][] = array('name' => 'SHOW_BUBBLE', 'value' => 'true');
             } else {
                 $this->built["settings"]["app_settings"][] = array('name' => 'SHOW_BUBBLE', 'value' => 'false');
     $this->built['filter_fragment'] = $this->create_filter_fragment();
     $this->built["settings"]['listing_types'] = $this->get_listing_types();
     $this->built["settings"]['update_status'] = $this->get_update_status();
Exemple #6
 private function infowindow()
     $wpl_property = new wpl_property();
     $listing_fields = $wpl_property->get_plisting_fields();
     $select = $wpl_property->generate_select($listing_fields, 'p');
     $property_ids = wpl_request::getVar('property_ids', '');
     $query = "SELECT " . $select . " FROM `#__wpl_properties` AS p WHERE 1 AND p.`deleted`='0' AND p.`finalized`='1' AND p.`confirmed`='1' AND p.`expired`='0' AND p.`id` IN (" . $property_ids . ")";
     $properties = $wpl_property->search($query);
     /** plisting fields **/
     $plisting_fields = $wpl_property->get_plisting_fields();
     $this->wpl_properties = array();
     foreach ($properties as $property) {
         $this->wpl_properties[$property->id] = $wpl_property->full_render($property->id, $plisting_fields, $property);
     parent::render($this->tpl_path, 'infowindow');
Exemple #7
  * Render gallery of a property based on custom sizes
  * @author Howard R <*****@*****.**>
  * @static
  * @param int $property_id
  * @param array $images
  * @param array $custom_sizes
  * @return array
 public static function render_gallery_custom_sizes($property_id, $images = '', $custom_sizes = array())
     $kind = wpl_property::get_property_kind($property_id);
     if (!$images) {
         $images = wpl_items::get_items($property_id, 'gallery', $kind);
     /** no image gallery **/
     if (!count($images)) {
         return array();
     $return = array();
     foreach ($custom_sizes as $custom_size) {
         $custom_size = str_replace('*', '_', $custom_size);
         list($x, $y) = explode('_', $custom_size);
         if (trim($x) == '' or trim($y) == '') {
         if (!is_numeric($x) or !is_numeric($y)) {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($images as $image) {
             /** force to array **/
             $image = (array) $image;
             $source_path = self::get_path($image['parent_id'], $image['parent_kind']) . $image['item_name'];
             $source_url = self::get_folder($image['parent_id'], $image['parent_kind']) . $image['item_name'];
             $params = array('image_name' => $image['item_name'], 'image_source' => $source_path, 'image_parentid' => $image['parent_id'], 'image_parentkind' => $image['parent_kind']);
             /** taking care for external images **/
             if ($image['item_cat'] != 'external') {
                 $dest_url = wpl_images::create_gallary_image($x, $y, $params, 0, 0);
                 $pathinfo = @pathinfo($dest_url);
                 $dest_path = self::get_path($image['parent_id'], $image['parent_kind']) . $pathinfo['basename'];
             } else {
                 $dest_url = $source_url;
                 $pathinfo = @pathinfo($dest_url);
                 $dest_path = $source_path;
             $return[$custom_size][$i]['item_id'] = $image['id'];
             $return[$custom_size][$i]['custom_size'] = $custom_size;
             $return[$custom_size][$i]['path'] = $dest_path;
             $return[$custom_size][$i]['url'] = $dest_url;
             $return[$custom_size][$i]['size'] = @filesize($dest_path);
             $return[$custom_size][$i]['title'] = (string) $image['item_extra1'];
             $return[$custom_size][$i]['description'] = (string) $image['item_extra2'];
             $return[$custom_size][$i]['category'] = $image['item_cat'];
             $return[$custom_size][$i]['ext'] = $pathinfo['extension'];
             $return[$custom_size][$i]['raw'] = $image;
     return $return;
Exemple #8
    url = window.location.href;
	url = wpl_update_qs('wplpage', page, url);
	window.location = url;

function wpl_generate_rss()
    var rss = '';
    rss = wpl_update_qs('wplpage', '', wpl_listing_request_str);
    rss = wpl_update_qs('wplview', '', rss);
    rss = wpl_update_qs('wplpagination', '', rss);
echo wpl_property::get_property_rss_link();

if (wpl_global::check_addon('aps')) {
function map_view_toggle_listing()
        wplj('.wpl_property_listing_list_view_container').animate({'margin-right': '-220px'}, function()
Exemple #9
$wpl_properties = isset($params['wpl_properties']) ? $params['wpl_properties'] : array();
/** Parameters **/
$this->params = $params;
/** get params **/
$this->googlemap_view = isset($params['googlemap_view']) ? $params['googlemap_view'] : 'WPL';
$this->map_width = isset($params['map_width']) ? $params['map_width'] : 980;
$this->map_height = isset($params['map_height']) ? $params['map_height'] : 480;
$this->default_lt = isset($params['default_lt']) ? $params['default_lt'] : '38.685516';
$this->default_ln = isset($params['default_ln']) ? $params['default_ln'] : '-101.073324';
$this->default_zoom = isset($params['default_zoom']) ? $params['default_zoom'] : '4';
$this->infowindow_event = isset($params['infowindow_event']) ? $params['infowindow_event'] : 'click';
$this->overviewmap = isset($params['overviewmap']) ? $params['overviewmap'] : 0;
$this->show_marker = 1;
/** unset current key **/
$this->markers = wpl_property::render_markers($wpl_properties);
/** load js codes **/
$this->_wpl_import($this->tpl_path . '.scripts.js', true, true);
$this->_wpl_import($this->tpl_path . '.scripts.default', true, true);
/** Demographic **/
$this->demographic_status = isset($params['demographic']) ? $params['demographic'] : 0;
if ($this->demographic_status and wpl_global::check_addon('demographic')) {
    $this->_wpl_import($this->tpl_path . '.scripts.addon_demographic', true, true);
/** Map Search **/
$this->map_search_status = isset($params['map_search']) ? $params['map_search'] : 0;
if ($this->map_search_status and wpl_global::check_addon('aps')) {
    $this->_wpl_import($this->tpl_path . '.scripts.addon_aps', true, true);
<div class="wpl_googlemap_container wpl_googlemap_plisting" id="wpl_googlemap_container<?php 
Exemple #10
 private function set_parent()
     $parent_id = wpl_request::getVar('parent_id', 0);
     $item_id = wpl_request::getVar('item_id', 0);
     $parent_data = wpl_property::get_property_raw_data($parent_id);
     $forbidden_fields = array('id', 'kind', 'deleted', 'mls_id', 'parent', 'pic_numb', 'att_numb', 'sent_numb', 'contact_numb', 'user_id', 'add_date', 'finalized', 'confirmed', 'visit_time', 'visit_date', 'last_modified_time_stamp', 'sp_featured', 'sp_hot', 'sp_openhouse', 'sp_forclosure', 'textsearch', 'property_title', 'location_text', 'vids_numb', 'rendered', 'alias');
     $q = '';
     foreach ($parent_data as $key => $value) {
         if (in_array($key, $forbidden_fields)) {
         $q .= "`{$key}`='{$value}', ";
     $q .= trim($q, ', ');
     $query = "UPDATE `#__wpl_properties` SET `parent`='{$parent_id}', {$q} WHERE `id`='{$item_id}'";
     echo json_encode(array('success' => 1));
Exemple #11
echo wpl_global::get_wpl_asset_url('img/ajax-loader3.gif');
" /></div>
                <div id="wpl_slide_container_id10000_after_save" class="hide">
                    <div class="after-finilize-wp">
                        <div class="finilize-icon"></div>
                        <div class="message-wp">
echo __('Your property successfully finalized!', WPL_TEXTDOMAIN);
                            <div class="finilize-btn-wp">
$listing_target_page = wpl_global::get_client() == 1 ? wpl_global::get_setting('backend_listing_target_page') : NULL;
$property_link = wpl_property::get_property_link('', $this->property_id, $listing_target_page);
$new_link = wpl_global::remove_qs_var('pid', wpl_global::get_full_url());
if ($this->kind) {
    $new_link = wpl_global::add_qs_var('kind', $this->kind, $new_link);
if (wpl_global::get_client() == 1) {
    $manager_link = wpl_global::add_qs_var('kind', $this->kind, wpl_global::get_wpl_admin_menu('wpl_admin_listings'));
} else {
    $manager_link = wpl_global::add_qs_var('kind', $this->kind, wpl_global::remove_qs_var('wplmethod', wpl_global::remove_qs_var('pid')));
                                <a class="wpl-button button-2" target="_blank" href="<?php 
echo $property_link;
echo __('View this listing', WPL_TEXTDOMAIN);
Exemple #12

defined('_WPLEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
/** add Layout js **/
$js[] = (object) array('param1' => 'jquery.checkbox', 'param2' => 'packages/jquery.ui/checkbox/jquery.checkbox.js');
foreach ($js as $javascript) {
$bott_div_open = false;
<form action="<?php 
echo wpl_property::get_property_listing_link();
" id="wpl_search_form_<?php 
echo $widget_id;
" method="GET" onsubmit="return wpl_do_search_<?php 
echo $widget_id;
();" class="wpl_search_from_box simple clearfix wpl_search_kind<?php 
echo $this->kind;
echo $this->css_class;
    <!-- Do not change the ID -->
    <div id="wpl_searchwidget_<?php 
echo $widget_id;
" class="clearfix">
Exemple #13
  * Returns all WPL item links (Used in sitemap feature)
  * @author Howard <*****@*****.**>
  * @static
  * @since 1.8.0
  * @param array $exclude
  * @return array
 public static function get_wpl_item_links($exclude = array())
     $links = array();
     /** WPL Properties **/
     $properties = wpl_property::select_active_properties(NULL, '`id`');
     foreach ($properties as $property) {
         /** exclude **/
         if (isset($exclude['properties']) and in_array($property['id'], $exclude['properties'])) {
         $property_data = wpl_db::select("SELECT `id`,`alias`,`last_modified_time_stamp` FROM `#__wpl_properties` WHERE `id`='" . $property['id'] . "'", 'loadAssoc');
         $link = wpl_property::get_property_link($property_data);
         $links[] = array('link' => $link, 'time' => strtotime($property_data['last_modified_time_stamp']));
     /** WPL Profiles **/
     $profiles = wpl_users::get_wpl_users();
     foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
         /** exclude **/
         if (isset($exclude['profiles']) and in_array($profile->ID, $exclude['profiles'])) {
         $link = wpl_users::get_profile_link($profile->ID);
         $links[] = array('link' => $link, 'time' => strtotime($profile->last_modified_time_stamp));
     return $links;
Exemple #14
        $value = rtrim($value, ',');
        if ($value != '') {
            $query .= " AND `" . $table_column . "` IN (" . $value . ")";
    $done_this = true;
} elseif ($format == 'notselect' and !$done_this) {
    if ($value != '-1' and trim($value) != '') {
        $query .= " AND `" . $table_column . "` != '" . $value . "'";
    $done_this = true;
} elseif ($format == 'parent' and !$done_this) {
    if ($value != '-1' and trim($value) != '') {
        /** converts listing id to property id **/
        if ($value) {
            $value = wpl_property::pid($value);
        $query .= " AND `parent` = '" . $value . "'";
    $done_this = true;
} elseif ($format == 'textsearch' and !$done_this) {
    if (trim($value) != '') {
        $query .= " AND `" . $table_column . "` LIKE '%" . $value . "%'";
    $done_this = true;
} elseif ($format == 'text' and !$done_this) {
    if (trim($value) != '') {
        $query .= " AND `" . $table_column . "` LIKE '%" . $value . "%'";
    $done_this = true;
} elseif ($format == 'unit' and !$done_this) {
Exemple #15
  * Sets Dublin Core Meta Tags
  * @author Howard <*****@*****.**>
  * @return boolean
 public function dublincore()
     $settings = wpl_global::get_settings();
     $dc_status = isset($settings['dc_status']) ? $settings['dc_status'] : false;
     /** check status of geo tags **/
     if (!$dc_status) {
         return false;
     $current_link_url = wpl_global::get_full_url();
     $html = wpl_html::getInstance();
     /** WPL views and WordPress views (Page/Post) **/
     if (trim($this->view) != '' and $dc_status == 2 or $dc_status == 1) {
         if (trim($settings['dc_coverage']) != '') {
             $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.coverage" content="' . $settings['dc_coverage'] . '" />');
         if (trim($settings['dc_contributor']) != '') {
             $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.contributor" content="' . $settings['dc_contributor'] . '" />');
         if (trim($settings['dc_publisher']) != '') {
             $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.publisher" content="' . $settings['dc_publisher'] . '" />');
         if (trim($settings['dc_copyright']) != '') {
             $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.rights" content="' . $settings['dc_copyright'] . '" />');
         if (trim($settings['dc_source']) != '') {
             $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.source" content="' . $settings['dc_source'] . '" />');
         if (trim($settings['dc_relation']) != '') {
             $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.relation" content="' . $settings['dc_relation'] . '" />');
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.type" content="Text" />');
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.format" content="text/html" />');
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.identifier" content="' . $current_link_url . '" />');
         $locale = apply_filters('plugin_locale', get_locale(), WPL_TEXTDOMAIN);
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.language" scheme="RFC1766" content="' . $locale . '" />');
     if ($this->view == 'property_show') {
         $proeprty_id = wpl_request::getVar('pid');
         $property_data = wpl_property::get_property_raw_data($proeprty_id);
         $user_data = (array) wpl_users::get_user($property_data['user_id']);
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.title" content="' . $this->property_page_title . '" />');
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.subject" content="' . $this->property_page_title . '" />');
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.description" content="' . $this->property_description . '" />');
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.date" content="' . $property_data['add_date'] . '" />');
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.creator" content="' . $user_data['data']->user_login . '" />');
     } elseif ($this->view == 'profile_show') {
         $user_id = wpl_request::getVar('uid');
         $user_data = (array) wpl_users::get_user($user_id);
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.title" content="' . $this->user_title . '" />');
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.subject" content="' . $this->user_title . '" />');
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.description" content="' . $this->user_description . '" />');
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.date" content="' . $user_data['data']->user_registered . '" />');
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.creator" content="' . $user_data['data']->user_login . '" />');
     } elseif (is_single()) {
         $post_author_id = wpl_global::get_post_field('post_author');
         $author_username = wpl_global::get_the_author_meta('user_login', $post_author_id);
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.title" content="' . wpl_global::get_the_title() . '" />');
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.subject" content="' . wpl_global::get_the_title() . '" />');
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.date" content="' . wpl_global::get_the_date() . '" />');
         $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.creator" content="' . $author_username . '" />');
Exemple #16

/** no direct access **/
defined('_WPLEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
if ($type == 'parent' and !$done_this) {
    /** converts property id to listing id **/
    if ($value) {
        $value = wpl_property::listing_id($value);
    $parent_kind = isset($options['parent_kind']) ? $options['parent_kind'] : 0;
    $replace = isset($options['replace']) ? $options['replace'] : 1;
    $parent_key = isset($options['key']) ? $options['key'] : 'parent';
<label for="wpl_c_<?php 
    echo $field->id;
    echo __($label, WPL_TEXTDOMAIN);
    if (in_array($mandatory, array(1, 2))) {
<span class="required-star">*</span><?php 
<input type="text" class="wpl_c_<?php 
    echo $field->table_column;
" id="wpl_c_<?php 
    echo $field->id;
Exemple #17
  * Removes WPL cached data
  * @author Howard <*****@*****.**>
  * @static
  * @param type $cache_type
  * @return boolean
 public static function clear_cache($cache_type = 'all')
     /** first validation **/
     $cache_type = strtolower($cache_type);
     if (trim($cache_type) == '') {
         return false;
     /** import libraries **/
     if ($cache_type == 'unfinalized_properties' or $cache_type == 'all') {
         $properties = wpl_db::select("SELECT `id` FROM `#__wpl_properties` WHERE `finalized`='0'", 'loadAssocList');
         foreach ($properties as $property) {
     if ($cache_type == 'properties_cached_data' or $cache_type == 'all') {
         $q = " `location_text`='', `rendered`='', `alias`=''";
         if (wpl_global::check_multilingual_status()) {
             $q = self::get_multilingual_query(array('alias', 'location_text', 'rendered'));
         $query = "UPDATE `#__wpl_properties` SET " . $q;
     if ($cache_type == 'location_texts' or $cache_type == 'all') {
         $q = " `location_text`=''";
         if (wpl_global::check_multilingual_status()) {
             $q = self::get_multilingual_query(array('location_text'));
         $query = "UPDATE `#__wpl_properties` SET " . $q;
     if ($cache_type == 'listings_thumbnails' or $cache_type == 'all') {
         $properties = wpl_db::select("SELECT `id`, `kind` FROM `#__wpl_properties` WHERE `id`>0", 'loadAssocList');
         $ext_array = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png');
         foreach ($properties as $property) {
             $path = wpl_items::get_path($property['id'], $property['kind']);
             $thumbnails = wpl_folder::files($path, 'th.*\\.(' . implode('|', $ext_array) . ')$', 3, true);
             foreach ($thumbnails as $thumbnail) {
     if ($cache_type == 'users_cached_data' or $cache_type == 'all') {
         $q = " `location_text`='', `rendered`=''";
         if (wpl_global::check_multilingual_status()) {
             $q = self::get_multilingual_query(array('location_text', 'rendered'), 'wpl_users');
         $query = "UPDATE `#__wpl_users` SET " . $q;
     if ($cache_type == 'users_thumbnails' or $cache_type == 'all') {
         $users = wpl_db::select("SELECT `id` FROM `#__wpl_users` WHERE `id`>0", 'loadAssocList');
         $ext_array = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png');
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             $path = wpl_items::get_path($user['id'], 2);
             $thumbnails = wpl_folder::files($path, 'th.*\\.(' . implode('|', $ext_array) . ')$', 3, true);
             foreach ($thumbnails as $thumbnail) {
     /** trigger event **/
     wpl_global::event_handler('cache_cleared', array('cache_type' => $cache_type));
     return true;
Exemple #18
echo $widget_id;
_', 'sf_') +"=" + value;
	/** Adding widget id **/
	request_str = 'widget_id=<?php 
echo $widget_id;

	/** Create full url of search **/
	search_page = '<?php 
echo wpl_property::get_property_listing_link($target_id);
    if(search_page.indexOf('?') >= 0) search_str = search_page+'&'+request_str
    else search_str = search_page+'?'+request_str
	window.location = search_str;
	return false;

function wpl_sef_request<?php 
echo $widget_id;
 private function assign_related_properties()
     $property_type_id = wpl_request::getVar('property_type_id');
     $select_id = wpl_request::getVar('select_id');
     $j = wpl_property::update_properties('property_type', $property_type_id, $select_id);
     self::remove_property_type($property_type_id, 1);
Exemple #20
 public function display($instance = array())
     /** do cronjobs **/
     /** check access **/
     if (!wpl_users::check_access('propertyshow')) {
         /** import message tpl **/
         $this->message = __("You don't have access to this part!", WPL_TEXTDOMAIN);
         return parent::render($this->tpl_path, 'message', false, true);
     $this->tpl = wpl_request::getVar('tpl', 'default');
     /** property listing model **/
     $this->model = new wpl_property();
     $this->pid = wpl_request::getVar('pid', 0);
     $listing_id = wpl_request::getVar('mls_id', 0);
     if (trim($listing_id)) {
         $this->pid = wpl_property::pid($listing_id);
         wpl_request::setVar('pid', $this->pid);
     $property = $this->model->get_property_raw_data($this->pid);
     /** no property found **/
     if (!$property or $property['finalized'] == 0 or $property['confirmed'] == 0 or $property['deleted'] == 1 or $property['expired'] >= 1) {
         /** import message tpl **/
         $this->message = __("No property found or it's not available now!", WPL_TEXTDOMAIN);
         return parent::render($this->tpl_path, 'message', false, true);
     $this->pshow_fields = $this->model->get_pshow_fields('', $property['kind']);
     $this->pshow_categories = wpl_flex::get_categories('', '', " AND `enabled`>='1' AND `kind`='" . $property['kind'] . "' AND `pshow`='1'");
     $wpl_properties = array();
     /** define current index **/
     $wpl_properties['current']['data'] = (array) $property;
     $wpl_properties['current']['raw'] = (array) $property;
     $find_files = array();
     $rendered_fields = $this->model->render_property($property, $this->pshow_fields, $find_files, true);
     $wpl_properties['current']['rendered_raw'] = $rendered_fields['ids'];
     $wpl_properties['current']['materials'] = $rendered_fields['columns'];
     foreach ($this->pshow_categories as $pshow_category) {
         $pshow_cat_fields = $this->model->get_pshow_fields($pshow_category->id, $property['kind']);
         $wpl_properties['current']['rendered'][$pshow_category->id]['self'] = (array) $pshow_category;
         $wpl_properties['current']['rendered'][$pshow_category->id]['data'] = $this->model->render_property($property, $pshow_cat_fields);
     $wpl_properties['current']['items'] = wpl_items::get_items($this->pid, '', $property['kind'], '', 1);
     /** property location text **/
     $wpl_properties['current']['location_text'] = $this->model->generate_location_text((array) $property);
     /** property full link **/
     $wpl_properties['current']['property_link'] = $this->model->get_property_link((array) $property);
     /** property page title **/
     $wpl_properties['current']['property_page_title'] = $this->model->update_property_page_title($property);
     /** property title **/
     $wpl_properties['current']['property_title'] = $this->model->update_property_title($property);
     /** apply filters (This filter must place after all proccess) **/
     @extract(wpl_filters::apply('property_listing_after_render', array('wpl_properties' => $wpl_properties)));
     $this->wpl_properties = $wpl_properties;
     $this->kind = $property['kind'];
     $this->property = $wpl_properties['current'];
     /** updating the visited times and etc **/
     /** trigger event **/
     wpl_global::event_handler('property_show', array('id' => $this->pid));
     /** import tpl **/
     $this->tpl = wpl_flex::get_kind_tpl($this->tpl_path, $this->tpl, $this->kind);
     return parent::render($this->tpl_path, $this->tpl, false, true);
Exemple #21
    <div id="pmanager_delete<?php 
echo $pid;
" class="p-action-btn" onclick="purge_property(<?php 
echo $pid;
echo __('Purge', WPL_TEXTDOMAIN);
        <i class="icon-delete"></i>
    <a id="pmanager_edit<?php 
echo $pid;
" class="p-action-btn" href="<?php 
echo wpl_property::get_property_edit_link($pid);
echo __('Edit', WPL_TEXTDOMAIN);
        <i class="icon-edit"></i>

Exemple #22
  * Updates properties and regenerate some of cached property data
  * @author Howard R <*****@*****.**>
  * @static
  * @param string $column
  * @param mixed $previous_value
  * @param mixed $new_value
  * @return boolean
 public static function update_properties($column, $previous_value, $new_value)
     $listings = wpl_property::get_properties_list($column, $previous_value);
     $query = "UPDATE `#__wpl_properties` SET `{$column}`='{$new_value}' WHERE `{$column}`='{$previous_value}'";
     $result = wpl_db::q($query);
     foreach ($listings as $listing) {
         $pid = $listing['id'];
         $property = self::get_property_raw_data($pid);
         wpl_property::update_alias($property, $pid);
         wpl_property::update_numbs($pid, $property);
         /** generate rendered data **/
         if (wpl_settings::get('cache')) {
     return $result;
Exemple #23
  * Updates latitude and longitude of a property
  * @author Howard <*****@*****.**>
  * @static
  * @param type $property_data
  * @param type $property_id
  * @return type
 public static function update_LatLng($property_data, $property_id = NULL)
     /** fetch property data if property id is setted **/
     if ($property_id) {
         $property_data = wpl_property::get_property_raw_data($property_id);
     if (!$property_id) {
         $property_id = $property_data['id'];
     $location_text = wpl_property::generate_location_text($property_data);
     $LatLng = self::get_LatLng($location_text);
     if ($LatLng[0] and $LatLng[1]) {
         $query = "UPDATE `#__wpl_properties` SET `googlemap_lt`='" . $LatLng[0] . "', `googlemap_ln`='" . $LatLng[1] . "' WHERE `id`='{$property_id}'";
     $latitude = $LatLng[0] ? $LatLng[0] : $property_data['googlemap_lt'];
     $longitude = $LatLng[1] ? $LatLng[1] : $property_data['googlemap_ln'];
     return array($latitude, $longitude);
 private function assign_related_properties()
     $listing_type_id = wpl_request::getVar('listing_type_id');
     $select_id = wpl_request::getVar('select_id');
     $j = wpl_property::update_properties('listing', $listing_type_id, $select_id);
     $this->remove_listing_type($listing_type_id, 1);
Exemple #25
$smart_resize = isset($this->instance['data']['smart_resize']) ? $this->instance['data']['smart_resize'] : false;
$slide_interval = isset($this->instance['data']['slide_interval']) ? $this->instance['data']['slide_interval'] : 3000;
/** add Layout js **/
$js[] = (object) array('param1' => 'modern.slider', 'param2' => 'js/libraries/wpl.modern.slider.min.js');
foreach ($js as $javascript) {
$larg_images = $thumbnail = NULL;
foreach ($wpl_properties as $key => $gallery) {
    if (isset($gallery["items"]["gallery"][0])) {
        $params = array();
        $params['image_name'] = $gallery["items"]["gallery"][0]->item_name;
        $params['image_parentid'] = $gallery["items"]["gallery"][0]->parent_id;
        $params['image_parentkind'] = $gallery["items"]["gallery"][0]->parent_kind;
        $params['image_source'] = wpl_global::get_upload_base_path() . $params['image_parentid'] . DS . $params['image_name'];
        $image_title = wpl_property::update_property_title($gallery['raw']);
        if (isset($gallery['items']['gallery'][0]->item_extra2) and trim($gallery['items']['gallery'][0]->item_extra2) != '') {
            $image_alt = $gallery['items']['gallery'][0]->item_extra2;
        } else {
            $image_alt = $gallery['raw']['meta_keywords'];
        $image_description = $gallery["items"]["gallery"][0]->item_extra2;
        if ($gallery["items"]["gallery"][0]->item_cat != 'external') {
            $image_url = wpl_images::create_gallary_image($image_width, $image_height, $params);
            $thumbnail_url = wpl_images::create_gallary_image($thumbnail_width, $thumbnail_height, $params);
        } else {
            $image_url = $gallery["items"]["gallery"][0]->item_extra3;
            $thumbnail_url = $gallery["items"]["gallery"][0]->item_extra3;
        $larg_images .= '
Exemple #26
$image_width = isset($this->instance['data']['image_width']) ? $this->instance['data']['image_width'] : 90;
$image_height = isset($this->instance['data']['image_height']) ? $this->instance['data']['image_height'] : 82;
<div class="wpl_carousel_container">
	<ul class="simple_list">
foreach ($wpl_properties as $key => $gallery) {
    if (!isset($gallery["items"]["gallery"][0])) {
    $params = array();
    $params['image_name'] = $gallery["items"]["gallery"][0]->item_name;
    $params['image_parentid'] = $gallery["items"]["gallery"][0]->parent_id;
    $params['image_parentkind'] = $gallery["items"]["gallery"][0]->parent_kind;
    $params['image_source'] = wpl_global::get_upload_base_path() . $params['image_parentid'] . DS . $params['image_name'];
    $image_title = isset($gallery['property_title']) ? $gallery['property_title'] : wpl_property::update_property_title($gallery['raw']);
    if (isset($gallery['items']['gallery'][0]->item_extra2) and trim($gallery['items']['gallery'][0]->item_extra2) != '') {
        $image_alt = $gallery['items']['gallery'][0]->item_extra2;
    } else {
        $image_alt = $gallery['raw']['meta_keywords'];
    $image_description = $gallery["items"]["gallery"][0]->item_extra2;
    if ($gallery["items"]["gallery"][0]->item_cat != 'external') {
        $image_url = wpl_images::create_gallary_image($image_width, $image_height, $params);
    } else {
        $image_url = $gallery["items"]["gallery"][0]->item_extra3;
    echo '
                <div class="left_section">
                    <a itemprop="url" href="' . $gallery["property_link"] . '"><span style="width:' . $image_width . 'px;height:' . $image_height . 'px;"><img itemprop="image" src="' . $image_url . '" title="' . $image_title . '" alt="' . $image_alt . '" width="' . $image_width . '" height="' . $image_height . '" style="width: ' . $image_width . 'px; height: ' . $image_height . 'px;" /></span></a>
Exemple #27
" onclick="javascript:window.open(this.href, '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=500,width=600'); return false;"><?php 
    echo __('Pin it', WPL_TEXTDOMAIN);

if ($show_pdf) {
		<li class="pdf_link">
			<a href="<?php 
    echo wpl_property::get_property_pdf_link($property_id);
" target="_blank"><?php 
    echo __('PDF', WPL_TEXTDOMAIN);

if ($show_favorite) {
    $find_favorite_item = in_array($property_id, wpl_addon_pro::favorite_get_pids());
Exemple #28
 private function query($instance)
     /** property listing model **/
     $model = new wpl_property();
     $data = $instance['data'];
     $this->start = 0;
     $this->limit = $data['limit'];
     $this->orderby = urldecode($data['orderby']);
     $this->order = $data['order'];
     /** detect kind **/
     if (isset($data['kind']) and (trim($data['kind']) != '' or trim($data['kind']) != '-1')) {
         $kind = $data['kind'];
     } else {
         $kind = 0;
     $where = array('sf_select_confirmed' => 1, 'sf_select_finalized' => 1, 'sf_select_deleted' => 0, 'sf_select_expired' => 0, 'sf_select_kind' => $kind);
     if (trim($data['listing']) and $data['listing'] != '-1') {
         $where['sf_select_listing'] = $data['listing'];
     if (trim($data['property_type']) and $data['property_type'] != '-1') {
         $where['sf_select_property_type'] = $data['property_type'];
     if (trim($data['property_ids'])) {
         $where['sf_multiple_id'] = trim($data['property_ids'], ', ');
     if (trim($data['only_featured'])) {
         $where['sf_select_sp_featured'] = 1;
     if (trim($data['only_hot'])) {
         $where['sf_select_sp_hot'] = 1;
     if (trim($data['only_openhouse'])) {
         $where['sf_select_sp_openhouse'] = 1;
     if (trim($data['only_forclosure'])) {
         $where['sf_select_sp_forclosure'] = 1;
     /** Parent **/
     if (isset($data['parent']) and trim($data['parent'])) {
         $where['sf_parent'] = $data['parent'];
     if (isset($data['auto_parent']) and trim($data['auto_parent'])) {
         /** current proeprty id - This features works only in single property page **/
         $property_data = NULL;
         $pid = wpl_request::getVar('pid', 0);
         if ($pid) {
             $property_data = $model->get_property_raw_data($pid);
         if (isset($property_data['mls_id'])) {
             $where['sf_parent'] = $property_data['mls_id'];
     if (isset($data['random']) and trim($data['random']) and trim($data['property_ids']) == '') {
         $query_rand = "SELECT p.`id` FROM `#__wpl_properties` AS p WHERE 1 " . wpl_db::create_query($where) . " ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT " . $this->limit;
         $results = wpl_db::select($query_rand);
         $rand_ids = array();
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             $rand_ids[] = $result->id;
         $where['sf_multiple_id'] = implode(',', $rand_ids);
     /** Similar properties **/
     if (isset($data['sml_only_similars']) and $data['sml_only_similars']) {
         $sml_where = array('sf_select_confirmed' => 1, 'sf_select_finalized' => 1, 'sf_select_deleted' => 0, 'sf_select_expired' => 0);
         /** current proeprty id - This features works only in single property page **/
         $pid = wpl_request::getVar('pid', 0);
         $property_data = wpl_property::get_property_raw_data($pid);
         if ($property_data) {
             $sml_where['sf_notselect_id'] = $pid;
             $sml_where['sf_select_kind'] = $property_data['kind'];
             if (isset($data['sml_inc_listing']) and $data['sml_inc_listing']) {
                 $sml_where['sf_select_listing'] = $property_data['listing'];
             if (isset($data['sml_inc_property_type']) and $data['sml_inc_property_type']) {
                 $sml_where['sf_select_property_type'] = $property_data['property_type'];
             if (isset($data['sml_inc_price']) and $data['sml_inc_price']) {
                 $down_rate = $data['sml_price_down_rate'] ? $data['sml_price_down_rate'] : 0.8;
                 $up_rate = $data['sml_price_up_rate'] ? $data['sml_price_up_rate'] : 1.2;
                 $price_down_range = $property_data['price_si'] * $down_rate;
                 $price_up_range = $property_data['price_si'] * $up_rate;
                 $sml_where['sf_tmin_price_si'] = $price_down_range;
                 $sml_where['sf_tmax_price_si'] = $price_up_range;
             if (isset($data['sml_inc_radius']) and $data['sml_inc_radius']) {
                 $latitude = $property_data['googlemap_lt'];
                 $longitude = $property_data['googlemap_ln'];
                 $radius = $data['sml_radius'];
                 $unit_id = $data['sml_radius_unit'];
                 if ($latitude and $longitude and $radius and $unit_id) {
                     $sml_where['sf_radiussearchunit'] = $unit_id;
                     $sml_where['sf_radiussearch_lat'] = $latitude;
                     $sml_where['sf_radiussearch_lng'] = $longitude;
                     $sml_where['sf_radiussearchradius'] = $radius;
         /** overwrite $where if similar where is correct **/
         if (count($sml_where) > 3) {
             $where = $sml_where;
     /** start search **/
     $model->start($this->start, $this->limit, $this->orderby, $this->order, $where);
     /** run the search **/
     return $model->query();
Exemple #29
  * Renders profile data
  * @author Howard R <*****@*****.**>
  * @static
  * @param array $profile
  * @param array $fields
  * @param array $finds
  * @param boolean $material
  * @return array
 public static function render_profile($profile, $fields, &$finds = array(), $material = false)
     return wpl_property::render_property($profile, $fields, $finds, $material);
Exemple #30
 public function get_target_page($target_id = NULL)
     if (trim($target_id) and $target_id == '-1') {
         $target_page = wpl_global::get_full_url();
     } else {
         $target_page = wpl_property::get_property_listing_link($target_id);
     return $target_page;