esc_like() public méthode

Use this only before wpdb::prepare() or esc_sql(). Reversing the order is very bad for security. Example Prepared Statement: $wild = '%'; $find = 'only 43% of planets'; $like = $wild . $wpdb->esc_like( $find ) . $wild; $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_content LIKE %s", $like ); Example Escape Chain: $sql = esc_sql( $wpdb->esc_like( $input ) );
Since: 4.0.0
public esc_like ( string $text ) : string
$text string The raw text to be escaped. The input typed by the user should have no extra or deleted slashes.
Résultat string Text in the form of a LIKE phrase. The output is not SQL safe. Call $wpdb::prepare() or real_escape next.
 function posts_where($where, &$wp_query)
     global $wpdb;
     if ($title = $wp_query->get('like_title')) {
         $where .= " AND " . $wpdb->posts . ".post_title LIKE '%" . esc_sql(wpdb::esc_like($title)) . "%'";
     return $where;
  * Used internally to generate an SQL string for searching across multiple columns.
  * @since 4.6.0
  * @access protected
  * @param string $string  Search string.
  * @param array  $columns Columns to search.
  * @return string Search SQL.
 protected function get_search_sql($string, $columns)
     $like = '%' . $this->db->esc_like($string) . '%';
     $searches = array();
     foreach ($columns as $column) {
         $searches[] = $this->db->prepare("{$column} LIKE %s", $like);
     return '(' . implode(' OR ', $searches) . ')';
Exemple #3
  * @param array $args
  * @param string $output_type
  * @return int|mixed
 public function find($args, $output_type = OBJECT)
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, array('select' => '*', 'offset' => 0, 'limit' => 1, 'orderby' => 'id', 'order' => 'DESC', 'email' => '', 'method' => '', 'datetime_after' => '', 'datetime_before' => '', 'include_errors' => true));
     $where = array();
     $params = array();
     // build general select from query
     $query = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM `%s`", $args['select'], $this->table_name);
     // add email to WHERE clause
     if ('' !== $args['email']) {
         $where[] = 'email LIKE %s';
         $params[] = '%%' . $this->db->esc_like($args['email']) . '%%';
     // add method to WHERE clause
     if ('' !== $args['method']) {
         $where[] = 'method = %s';
         $params[] = $args['method'];
     // add datetime to WHERE clause
     if ('' !== $args['datetime_after']) {
         $where[] = 'datetime >= %s';
         $params[] = $args['datetime_after'];
     if ('' !== $args['datetime_before']) {
         $where[] = 'datetime <= %s';
         $params[] = $args['datetime_before'];
     if (!$args['include_errors']) {
         $where[] = 'success = %d';
         $params[] = 1;
     // add where parameters
     if (count($where) > 0) {
         $query .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where);
     // prepare parameters
     if (!empty($params)) {
         $query = $this->db->prepare($query, $params);
     // return result count
     if ($args['select'] === 'COUNT(*)') {
         return (int) $this->db->get_var($query);
     // return single row
     if ($args['limit'] === 1) {
         $query .= ' LIMIT 1';
         return $this->db->get_row($query);
     // perform rest of query
     $args['limit'] = absint($args['limit']);
     $args['offset'] = absint($args['offset']);
     $args['orderby'] = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z]/", "", $args['orderby']);
     $args['order'] = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z]/", "", $args['order']);
     // add ORDER BY, OFFSET and LIMIT to SQL
     $query .= sprintf(' ORDER BY `%s` %s LIMIT %d, %d', $args['orderby'], $args['order'], $args['offset'], $args['limit']);
     return $this->db->get_results($query, $output_type);
  * @param array $args
  * @return int|mixed
 public function find($args = array())
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, array('select' => '*', 'email' => '', 'method' => '', 'type' => '', 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 0, 'orderby' => 'id', 'order' => 'DESC'));
     $where = array();
     $params = array();
     // build general select from query
     $query = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM `%s`", $args['select'], $this->table_name);
     // add email to WHERE clause
     if ('' !== $args['email']) {
         $where[] = 'email LIKE %s';
         $params[] = '%%' . $this->db->esc_like($args['email']) . '%%';
     // add method to WHERE clause
     if ('' !== $args['method']) {
         $where[] = 'method = %s';
         $params[] = $args['method'];
     // add where parameters
     if (count($where) > 0) {
         $query .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where);
     // prepare parameters
     if (!empty($params)) {
         $query = $this->db->prepare($query, $params);
     // return result count
     if ($args['select'] === 'COUNT(*)') {
         $query .= ' LIMIT 1';
         return (int) $this->db->get_var($query);
     // return single row
     if ($args['limit'] === 1) {
         $query .= ' LIMIT 1';
         return $this->db->get_row($query);
     // perform rest of query
     $args['limit'] = absint($args['limit']);
     $args['offset'] = absint($args['offset']);
     $order_by = sanitize_key($args['orderby']) . ' ' . strtoupper(sanitize_key($args['order']));
     // add ORDER BY, OFFSET and LIMIT to SQL
     $query .= sprintf(' ORDER BY %s LIMIT %d, %d', $order_by, $args['offset'], $args['limit']);
     return $this->db->get_results($query);
  * Used internally to generate an SQL string for searching across multiple columns
  * @access protected
  * @since 3.1.0
  * @param string $string
  * @param array  $cols
  * @param bool   $wild   Whether to allow wildcard searches. Default is false for Network Admin, true for single site.
  *                       Single site allows leading and trailing wildcards, Network Admin only trailing.
  * @return string
 protected function get_search_sql($string, $cols, $wild = false)
     $searches = array();
     $leading_wild = 'leading' == $wild || 'both' == $wild ? '%' : '';
     $trailing_wild = 'trailing' == $wild || 'both' == $wild ? '%' : '';
     $like = $leading_wild . $this->db->esc_like($string) . $trailing_wild;
     foreach ($cols as $col) {
         if ('ID' == $col) {
             $searches[] = $this->db->prepare("{$col} = %s", $string);
         } else {
             $searches[] = $this->db->prepare("{$col} LIKE %s", $like);
     return ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $searches) . ')';
  * Generate SQL for the ORDER BY condition based on passed search terms.
  * @param array $q Query variables.
  * @return string ORDER BY clause.
 protected function parse_search_order(&$q)
     if ($q['search_terms_count'] > 1) {
         $num_terms = count($q['search_orderby_title']);
         // If the search terms contain negative queries, don't bother ordering by sentence matches.
         $like = '';
         if (!preg_match('/(?:\\s|^)\\-/', $q['s'])) {
             $like = '%' . $this->db->esc_like($q['s']) . '%';
         $search_orderby = '';
         // sentence match in 'post_title'
         if ($like) {
             $search_orderby .= $this->db->prepare("WHEN {$this->db->posts}.post_title LIKE %s THEN 1 ", $like);
         // sanity limit, sort as sentence when more than 6 terms
         // (few searches are longer than 6 terms and most titles are not)
         if ($num_terms < 7) {
             // all words in title
             $search_orderby .= 'WHEN ' . implode(' AND ', $q['search_orderby_title']) . ' THEN 2 ';
             // any word in title, not needed when $num_terms == 1
             if ($num_terms > 1) {
                 $search_orderby .= 'WHEN ' . implode(' OR ', $q['search_orderby_title']) . ' THEN 3 ';
         // Sentence match in 'post_content' and 'post_excerpt'.
         if ($like) {
             $search_orderby .= $this->db->prepare("WHEN {$this->db->posts}.post_excerpt LIKE %s THEN 4 ", $like);
             $search_orderby .= $this->db->prepare("WHEN {$this->db->posts}.post_content LIKE %s THEN 5 ", $like);
         if ($search_orderby) {
             $search_orderby = '(CASE ' . $search_orderby . 'ELSE 6 END)';
     } else {
         // single word or sentence search
         $search_orderby = reset($q['search_orderby_title']) . ' DESC';
     return $search_orderby;
Exemple #7
  * Takes an image URL (or attachment ID) and returns a URL to a version of that same image that is equal in dimensions to the passed $width and $height parameters
  * The image will be resized on-the-fly, saved, and returned if an image of that same size doesn't already exist in the media library
  * @param string|int $image The image URL or attachment ID whose resized version the function should return
  * @param int $width The desired width of the returned image
  * @param int $height The desired height of the returned image
  * @param boolean $crop Should the image be cropped to the desired dimensions (Defaults to false in which case the image is scaled down, rather than cropped)
  * @return string
 public static function thumbIt($image, $width, $height, $crop = true)
     global $wpdb;
     if (is_int($image)) {
         $attachment_id = $image > 0 ? $image : false;
     } else {
         $img_url = esc_url($image);
         $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
         $base_url = $upload_dir['baseurl'];
         if (substr($img_url, 0, strlen($base_url)) !== $base_url) {
             return $image;
         $result = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = '_wp_attachment_metadata' AND meta_value LIKE %s LIMIT 1;", '%' . wpdb::esc_like(str_replace(trailingslashit($base_url), '', $img_url)) . '%'));
         $attachment_id = absint($result) > 0 ? absint($result) : false;
     if ($attachment_id === false) {
         return $image;
     $image = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment_id);
     $attachment_meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($attachment_id);
     if ($attachment_meta === false) {
         return $image;
     $width = absint($width);
     $height = absint($height);
     $needs_resize = true;
     foreach ($attachment_meta['sizes'] as $size) {
         if ($width === $size['width'] && $height === $size['height']) {
             $image = str_replace(basename($image), $size['file'], $image);
             $needs_resize = false;
     if ($needs_resize) {
         $attached_file = get_attached_file($attachment_id);
         $resized = image_make_intermediate_size($attached_file, $width, $height, (bool) $crop);
         if (!is_wp_error($resized) && $resized !== false) {
             $key = sprintf('resized-%dx%d', $width, $height);
             $attachment_meta['sizes'][$key] = $resized;
             $image = str_replace(basename($image), $resized['file'], $image);
             wp_update_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $attachment_meta);
             $backup_sizes = get_post_meta($attachment_id, '_wp_attachment_backup_sizes', true);
             if (!is_array($backup_sizes)) {
                 $backup_sizes = array();
             $backup_sizes[$key] = $resized;
             update_post_meta($attachment_id, '_wp_attachment_backup_sizes', $backup_sizes);
     return $image;
  * Used internally to generate an SQL string for searching across multiple columns.
  * @since 4.6.0
  * @access protected
  * @param string $string  Search string.
  * @param array  $columns Columns to search.
  * @return string Search SQL.
 protected function get_search_sql($string, $columns)
     if (false !== strpos($string, '*')) {
         $like = '%' . implode('%', array_map(array($this->db, 'esc_like'), explode('*', $string))) . '%';
     } else {
         $like = '%' . $this->db->esc_like($string) . '%';
     $searches = array();
     foreach ($columns as $column) {
         $searches[] = $this->db->prepare("{$column} LIKE %s", $like);
     return '(' . implode(' OR ', $searches) . ')';
Exemple #9
function se_lookup()
    global $wpdb;
    $search = wpdb::esc_like($_REQUEST['q']);
    $query = 'SELECT ID,post_title FROM ' . $wpdb->posts . '
        WHERE post_title LIKE \'' . $search . '%\'
        AND post_status = \'publish\'
        ORDER BY post_title ASC';
    //$post_array = [];
    foreach ($wpdb->get_results($query) as $row) {
        $post_title = $row->post_title;
        //$id = $row->ID;
        //$meta = get_post_meta($id, 'YOUR_METANAME', TRUE);
        echo $post_title . "~";
	 * Used internally to generate a SQL string related to the 'search' parameter.
	 * @since 4.6.0
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $string
	 * @return string
	protected function get_search_sql( $string ) {
		$like = '%' . $this->db->esc_like( $string ) . '%';

		return $this->db->prepare( '(( LIKE %s) OR (t.slug LIKE %s))', $like, $like );
  * Generate SQL JOIN and WHERE clauses for a first-order query clause.
  * "First-order" means that it's an array with a 'key' or 'value'.
  * @since 4.1.0
  * @access public
  * @param array  $clause       Query clause, passed by reference.
  * @param array  $parent_query Parent query array.
  * @param string $clause_key   Optional. The array key used to name the clause in the original `$meta_query`
  *                             parameters. If not provided, a key will be generated automatically.
  * @return array {
  *     Array containing JOIN and WHERE SQL clauses to append to a first-order query.
  *     @type string $join  SQL fragment to append to the main JOIN clause.
  *     @type string $where SQL fragment to append to the main WHERE clause.
  * }
 public function get_sql_for_clause(&$clause, $parent_query, $clause_key = '')
     $sql_chunks = array('where' => array(), 'join' => array());
     if (isset($clause['compare'])) {
         $clause['compare'] = strtoupper($clause['compare']);
     } else {
         $clause['compare'] = isset($clause['value']) && is_array($clause['value']) ? 'IN' : '=';
     if (!in_array($clause['compare'], array('=', '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', 'LIKE', 'NOT LIKE', 'IN', 'NOT IN', 'BETWEEN', 'NOT BETWEEN', 'EXISTS', 'NOT EXISTS', 'REGEXP', 'NOT REGEXP', 'RLIKE'))) {
         $clause['compare'] = '=';
     $meta_compare = $clause['compare'];
     // First build the JOIN clause, if one is required.
     $join = '';
     // We prefer to avoid joins if possible. Look for an existing join compatible with this clause.
     $alias = $this->find_compatible_table_alias($clause, $parent_query);
     if (false === $alias) {
         $i = count($this->table_aliases);
         $alias = $i ? 'mt' . $i : $this->meta_table;
         // JOIN clauses for NOT EXISTS have their own syntax.
         if ('NOT EXISTS' === $meta_compare) {
             $join .= " LEFT JOIN {$this->meta_table}";
             $join .= $i ? " AS {$alias}" : '';
             $join .= $this->db->prepare(" ON ({$this->primary_table}.{$this->primary_id_column} = {$alias}.{$this->meta_id_column} AND {$alias}.meta_key = %s )", $clause['key']);
             // All other JOIN clauses.
         } else {
             $join .= " INNER JOIN {$this->meta_table}";
             $join .= $i ? " AS {$alias}" : '';
             $join .= " ON ( {$this->primary_table}.{$this->primary_id_column} = {$alias}.{$this->meta_id_column} )";
         $this->table_aliases[] = $alias;
         $sql_chunks['join'][] = $join;
     // Save the alias to this clause, for future siblings to find.
     $clause['alias'] = $alias;
     // Determine the data type.
     $_meta_type = isset($clause['type']) ? $clause['type'] : '';
     $meta_type = $this->get_cast_for_type($_meta_type);
     $clause['cast'] = $meta_type;
     // Fallback for clause keys is the table alias. Key must be a string.
     if (is_int($clause_key) || !$clause_key) {
         $clause_key = $clause['alias'];
     // Ensure unique clause keys, so none are overwritten.
     $iterator = 1;
     $clause_key_base = $clause_key;
     while (isset($this->clauses[$clause_key])) {
         $clause_key = $clause_key_base . '-' . $iterator;
     // Store the clause in our flat array.
     $this->clauses[$clause_key] =& $clause;
     // Next, build the WHERE clause.
     // meta_key.
     if (array_key_exists('key', $clause)) {
         if ('NOT EXISTS' === $meta_compare) {
             $sql_chunks['where'][] = $alias . '.' . $this->meta_id_column . ' IS NULL';
         } else {
             $sql_chunks['where'][] = $this->db->prepare("{$alias}.meta_key = %s", trim($clause['key']));
     // meta_value.
     if (array_key_exists('value', $clause)) {
         $meta_value = $clause['value'];
         if (in_array($meta_compare, array('IN', 'NOT IN', 'BETWEEN', 'NOT BETWEEN'))) {
             if (!is_array($meta_value)) {
                 $meta_value = preg_split('/[,\\s]+/', $meta_value);
         } else {
             $meta_value = trim($meta_value);
         switch ($meta_compare) {
             case 'IN':
             case 'NOT IN':
                 $meta_compare_string = '(' . substr(str_repeat(',%s', count($meta_value)), 1) . ')';
                 $where = $this->db->prepare($meta_compare_string, $meta_value);
             case 'BETWEEN':
             case 'NOT BETWEEN':
                 $meta_value = array_slice($meta_value, 0, 2);
                 $where = $this->db->prepare('%s AND %s', $meta_value);
             case 'LIKE':
             case 'NOT LIKE':
                 $meta_value = '%' . $this->db->esc_like($meta_value) . '%';
                 $where = $this->db->prepare('%s', $meta_value);
                 // EXISTS with a value is interpreted as '='.
             // EXISTS with a value is interpreted as '='.
             case 'EXISTS':
                 $meta_compare = '=';
                 $where = $this->db->prepare('%s', $meta_value);
                 // 'value' is ignored for NOT EXISTS.
             // 'value' is ignored for NOT EXISTS.
             case 'NOT EXISTS':
                 $where = '';
                 $where = $this->db->prepare('%s', $meta_value);
         if ($where) {
             if ('CHAR' === $meta_type) {
                 $sql_chunks['where'][] = "{$alias}.meta_value {$meta_compare} {$where}";
             } else {
                 $sql_chunks['where'][] = "CAST({$alias}.meta_value AS {$meta_type}) {$meta_compare} {$where}";
      * Multiple WHERE clauses (for meta_key and meta_value) should
      * be joined in parentheses.
     if (1 < count($sql_chunks['where'])) {
         $sql_chunks['where'] = array('( ' . implode(' AND ', $sql_chunks['where']) . ' )');
     return $sql_chunks;