Plugin Name: Wordfence Security
Plugin URI: http://www.wordfence.com/
Description: Wordfence Security - Anti-virus, Firewall and High Speed Cache
Author: Wordfence
Version: 5.3.4
Author URI: http://www.wordfence.com/
if (defined('WP_INSTALLING') && WP_INSTALLING) {
define('WORDFENCE_VERSION', '5.3.4');
if (get_option('wordfenceActivated') != 1) {
    add_action('activated_plugin', 'wordfence_save_activation_error');
    function wordfence_save_activation_error()
        update_option('wf_plugin_act_error', ob_get_contents());
    //Used to get version from file.
    if ((int) @ini_get('memory_limit') < 128) {
        if (strpos(ini_get('disable_functions'), 'ini_set') === false) {
            @ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');
            //Some hosts have ini set at as little as 32 megs. 64 is the min sane amount of memory.
    require_once 'lib/wordfenceConstants.php';
    require_once 'lib/wordfenceClass.php';