public function execute()
     $this->view->assign('title', $this->getTitle());
     $this->view->assign('title_style', $this->getTitleStyle());
     $this->view->setOptions(array('left_delimiter' => '{', 'right_delimiter' => '}'));
     if ($this->template === null) {
         if (waRequest::isMobile()) {
             $this->template = 'LoginMobile.html';
         } else {
             $this->template = 'Login.html';
         $template_file = wa()->getDataPath('templates/' . $this->template, false, 'webasyst');
         if (file_exists($template_file)) {
             $this->template = 'file:' . $template_file;
         } else {
             $this->template = wa()->getAppPath('templates/actions/login/', 'webasyst') . $this->template;
     $this->view->assign('login', waRequest::post('login', $this->getStorage()->read('auth_login')));
     if ($this->layout) {
         $this->layout->assign('error', $this->view->getVars('error'));
     $ref = waRequest::server('HTTP_REFERER');
     if (waRequest::get('back_to') && $ref) {
         $this->getStorage()->write('login_back_on_cancel', $ref);
     } else {
         if (!$ref) {
     $this->view->assign('back_on_cancel', wa()->getStorage()->read('login_back_on_cancel'));
Exemple #2
 public function __construct()
     $this->view = waSystem::getInstance()->getView();
     if (wa()->getEnv() == 'frontend') {
         // save utm to cookie
         $utm = array();
         foreach (waRequest::get() as $k => $v) {
             if (substr($k, 0, 4) == 'utm_') {
                 $utm[substr($k, 4)] = $v;
         if ($utm) {
             // save utm to cookie
             wa()->getResponse()->setCookie('utm', json_encode($utm), time() + 30 * 86400, null, '', false, true);
         // save referer
         if ($ref = waRequest::server('HTTP_REFERER')) {
             $ref_host = @parse_url($ref, PHP_URL_HOST);
             if ($ref_host != waRequest::server('HTTP_HOST')) {
                 wa()->getResponse()->setCookie('referer', waRequest::server('HTTP_REFERER'), time() + 30 * 86400, null, '', false, true);
         // save landing page
         if (!waRequest::cookie('landing')) {
             wa()->getResponse()->setCookie('landing', waRequest::server('REQUEST_URI'), 0, null, '', false, true);
 public function execute()
     $this->response['files'] = array();
     if (waRequest::server('HTTP_X_FILENAME')) {
         $name = waRequest::server('HTTP_X_FILE_NAME');
         $size = waRequest::server('HTTP_X_FILE_SIZE');
         $file_path = wa()->getTempPath('shop/upload/') . $name;
         $append_file = is_file($file_path) && $size > filesize($file_path);
         file_put_contents($file_path, fopen('php://input', 'r'), $append_file ? FILE_APPEND : 0);
         $file = new waRequestFile(array('name' => $name, 'type' => waRequest::server('HTTP_X_FILE_TYPE'), 'size' => $size, 'tmp_name' => $file_path, 'error' => 0));
         try {
             $this->response['files'][] = $this->save($file);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->response['files'][] = array('error' => $e->getMessage());
     } else {
         $files = waRequest::file($this->name);
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if ($file->error_code != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
                 $this->response['files'][] = array('error' => $file->error);
             } else {
                 try {
                     $this->response['files'][] = $this->save($file);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $this->response['files'][] = array('name' => $file->name, 'error' => $e->getMessage());
 public function defaultAction()
     if (strpos(waRequest::server('HTTP_REFERER'), wa()->getRootUrl(true) . wa()->getConfig()->getBackendUrl() . '/logs') !== 0) {
         //on first app access, show latest updated files
     } else {
         //otherwise default view mode is root log directory
 public function execute()
     if (wa()->getEnv() == 'frontend' && ($currency = waRequest::get("currency"))) {
         if ($this->getConfig()->getCurrencies(array($currency))) {
             wa()->getStorage()->set('shop/currency', $currency);
         $url = $this->getConfig()->getCurrentUrl();
         $url = preg_replace('/[\\?&]currency=' . $currency . '/i', '', $url);
     // save referer
     // @todo: save keywords for referers from search
     if (wa()->getEnv() == 'frontend' && ($ref = waRequest::server('HTTP_REFERER'))) {
         // check $ref domain
         $ref_parts = parse_url($ref);
         if ($ref_parts['host'] != waRequest::server('HTTP_HOST')) {
             wa()->getStorage()->set('shop/referer', waRequest::server('HTTP_REFERER'));
     $this->view->assign('action', waRequest::param('action', 'default'));
      * @event frontend_head
      * @return array[string]string $return[%plugin_id%] html output
     $this->view->assign('frontend_head', wa()->event('frontend_head'));
      * @event frontend_header
      * @return array[string]string $return[%plugin_id%] html output
     $this->view->assign('frontend_header', wa()->event('frontend_header'));
     if (!$this->view->getVars('frontend_nav')) {
          * @event frontend_nav
          * @return array[string]string $return[%plugin_id%] html output for navigation section
         $this->view->assign('frontend_nav', wa()->event('frontend_nav'));
      * @event frontend_footer
      * @return array[string]string $return[%plugin_id%] html output
     $this->view->assign('frontend_footer', wa()->event('frontend_footer'));
     $this->view->assign('currencies', $this->getConfig()->getCurrencies());
     // set globals
     $params = waRequest::param();
     foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
         if (in_array($k, array('url', 'module', 'action', 'meta_keywords', 'meta_description', 'private', 'url_type', 'type_id', 'payment_id', 'shipping_id', 'currency', 'stock_id'))) {
Exemple #6
 public function checkRights($module, $action)
     if ($module == 'frontend' && waRequest::param('ssl') && (strpos($action, 'my') === 0 || $action === 'checkout')) {
         if (!waRequest::isHttps()) {
             $url = 'https://' . waRequest::server('HTTP_HOST') . wa()->getConfig()->getCurrentUrl();
             wa()->getResponse()->redirect($url, 301);
     } elseif ($module == 'order' || $module == 'orders') {
         return wa()->getUser()->getRights('shop', 'orders');
     return true;
 public function execute()
     $return_url = waRequest::get('return_url', waRequest::server('HTTP_REFERER'));
     if ($return_hash = waRequest::get('return_hash')) {
         if ($return_hash = preg_replace('@^#@', '', $return_hash)) {
             $return_url .= '#' . $return_hash;
     $this->view->assign('top', !!preg_match('@^[^/]+$@', waRequest::get('slug')) && !waRequest::get('filter'));
     $this->view->assign('return_url', $return_url);
 public function execute()
     if (!$this->getRights('upload')) {
         throw new waRightsException(_w("You don't have sufficient access rights"));
     $this->response['files'] = array();
     $this->model = new photosPhotoModel();
     $album_rights_model = new photosAlbumRightsModel();
     // rights for photos
     $this->status = waRequest::post('status', 0, 'int');
     $this->groups = waRequest::post('groups', array(), waRequest::TYPE_ARRAY_INT);
     if (!$this->groups) {
         $this->status = -1;
         // only author have access to this photo
         $this->groups = array(-$this->getUser()->getId());
     // work with album
     $this->album_id = waRequest::post('album_id');
     $this->album_id = (int) $this->album_id;
     if ($this->album_id > 0 && !$album_rights_model->checkRights($this->album_id, true)) {
         $this->response['files'][] = array('error' => _w("You don't have sufficient access rights"));
     if (waRequest::server('HTTP_X_FILE_NAME')) {
         $name = waRequest::server('HTTP_X_FILE_NAME');
         $size = waRequest::server('HTTP_X_FILE_SIZE');
         $file_path = wa()->getTempPath('photos/upload/') . $name;
         $append_file = is_file($file_path) && $size > filesize($file_path);
         file_put_contents($file_path, fopen('php://input', 'r'), $append_file ? FILE_APPEND : 0);
         $file = new waRequestFile(array('name' => $name, 'type' => waRequest::server('HTTP_X_FILE_TYPE'), 'size' => $size, 'tmp_name' => $file_path, 'error' => 0));
         try {
             $this->response['files'][] = $this->save($file);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->response['files'][] = array('error' => $e->getMessage());
     } else {
         $files = waRequest::file('files');
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if ($file->error_code != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
                 $this->response['files'][] = array('error' => $file->error);
             } else {
                 try {
                     $this->response['files'][] = $this->save($file);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $this->response['files'][] = array('name' => $file->name, 'error' => $e->getMessage());
 protected function saveReferer()
     $referer = waRequest::server('HTTP_REFERER');
     $root_url = wa()->getRootUrl(true);
     if ($root_url != substr($referer, 0, strlen($root_url))) {
     $referer = substr($referer, strlen($this->getConfig()->getHostUrl()));
     if (!in_array($referer, array(wa()->getRouteUrl('/login'), wa()->getRouteUrl('/forgotpassword'), wa()->getRouteUrl('/signup')))) {
         $this->getStorage()->set('auth_referer', $referer);
 public function execute()
     $url = waRequest::param('url');
     $domain = waRequest::server('HTTP_HOST');
     $model = new waModel();
     //    $main_domain = $model->query("SELECT value FROM wa_app_settings WHERE app_id = 'webasyst' AND name = 'url'")->fetchField();
     $app_settings_model = new waAppSettingsModel();
     $main_domain = trim(str_replace(array('https', 'http', '://'), '', $app_settings_model->get('webasyst', 'url')), "/");
     $data = $model->query("\nSELECT\n  shop_deliveryshop_city_description.*\n,\n, shop_deliveryshop_city.region\nFROM\n  shop_deliveryshop_city_description\nLEFT JOIN\n  shop_deliveryshop_city ON shop_deliveryshop_city_description.cityCode = shop_deliveryshop_city.cityCode\nLEFT JOIN\n  wa_region ON wa_region.code = shop_deliveryshop_city.region AND wa_region.country_iso3='rus'\nWHERE\n  (url = '{$url}' OR city = '{$url}')\nAND\n  domain IN ('{$domain}', '{$main_domain}')\nLIMIT 1\n  ")->fetchAssoc();
     // Уменьшаем стоимость доставки на сумму указанную в настройках плагина
     $delivery_compensation = $model->query("SELECT price FROM shop_deliveryshop_delivery WHERE domain = '" . $domain . "'")->fetchField();
     $delivery_compensation = intval($delivery_compensation);
     $delivery_price = intval($data['delivery_price']);
     $courier_price = intval($data['courier_price']);
     if ($delivery_price > $delivery_compensation) {
         $data['delivery_price'] = (int) (($delivery_price - $delivery_compensation) / 50) * 50;
         //Уменьшаем до ближайшего полтинника
     } else {
         $data['delivery_price'] = 0;
     if ($courier_price > $delivery_compensation) {
         $data['courier_price'] = (int) (($courier_price - $delivery_compensation) / 50) * 50;
         //Уменьшаем до ближайшего полтинника
     } else {
         $data['courier_price'] = 0;
     foreach (array('meta_title' => $main_domain, 'meta_description' => '', 'meta_keywords' => '', 'delivery_time' => '', 'courier_time' => '') as $key => $value) {
         $data[$key] = isset($data[$key]) ? $data[$key] : $value;
     wa()->getResponse()->setMeta('description', $data['meta_description']);
     wa()->getResponse()->setMeta('keywords', $data['meta_keywords']);
     $city_code = isset($data['cityCode']) ? $data['cityCode'] : 0;
     $pvz = $model->query("\nSELECT\n  shop_deliveryshop_pvz.*\nFROM\n  shop_deliveryshop_pvz\nWHERE\n  cityCode = {$city_code}\nAND\n  status = 'completed'\nAND\n  (domain IN ('{$domain}', '{$main_domain}') OR domain IS NULL)\n")->fetchAll();
     //$site_model = new siteDomainModel();
     //$domain_id = $site_model->getByName($domain);
     $domain_id = $model->query("SELECT id FROM site_domain WHERE name = '" . $domain . "'")->fetchField();
     $template_path = wa()->getDataPath('plugins/deliveryshop/templates/actions/frontend/FrontendDostavka' . $domain_id . '.html', false, 'shop', true);
     if (!file_exists($template_path)) {
         $template_path = wa()->getDataPath('plugins/deliveryshop/templates/actions/frontend/FrontendDostavka.html', false, 'shop', true);
     if (!file_exists($template_path)) {
         $template_path = wa()->getAppPath('plugins/deliveryshop/templates/actions/frontend/FrontendDostavka.html', 'shop');
     $this->view->assign('data', $data);
     $this->view->assign('pvz', $pvz);
     $this->view->assign('page', array('id' => null, 'name' => '', 'content' => $this->view->fetch($template_path)));
 private function init()
     $url = parse_url($r = waRequest::server('HTTP_REFERER'), PHP_URL_QUERY);
     if (preg_match('/(^|&)module=(update|apps|plugins)($|&)/', $url, $matches)) {
         $this->module = $matches[2];
     if (installerHelper::isDeveloper()) {
         if (waRequest::request('install')) {
             $msg = _w('Unable to install application (developer version is on)');
         } else {
             $msg = _w('Unable to install application (developer version is on)');
         $this->redirect(array('module' => $this->module, 'msg' => installerMessage::getInstance()->raiseMessage($msg, 'fail')));
 public static function getFilesFromPost()
     if (waRequest::server('HTTP_X_FILE_NAME')) {
         $name = waRequest::server('HTTP_X_FILE_NAME');
         $size = waRequest::server('HTTP_X_FILE_SIZE');
         $safe_name = trim(preg_replace('~[^a-z\\.]~', '', waLocale::transliterate($name)), ". \n\t\r");
         $safe_name || ($safe_name = uniqid('p'));
         $file_path = wa()->getTempPath('photos/upload/') . $safe_name;
         $append_file = is_file($file_path) && $size > filesize($file_path);
         file_put_contents($file_path, fopen('php://input', 'r'), $append_file ? FILE_APPEND : 0);
         $file = new waRequestFile(array('name' => $name, 'type' => waRequest::server('HTTP_X_FILE_TYPE'), 'size' => $size, 'tmp_name' => $file_path, 'error' => 0));
         return array($file);
     } else {
         return waRequest::file('files');
  * @return mixed
  * @throws waException
 protected function getCategory()
     $category_model = $this->getModel();
     $url_field = waRequest::param('url_type') == 1 ? 'url' : 'full_url';
     if (waRequest::param('category_id')) {
         $category = $category_model->getById(waRequest::param('category_id'));
         if ($category) {
             $category_url = wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/category', array('category_url' => $category[$url_field]));
             if (urldecode(wa()->getConfig()->getRequestUrl(false, true)) !== $category_url) {
                 $q = waRequest::server('QUERY_STRING');
                 $this->redirect($category_url . ($q ? '?' . $q : ''), 301);
     } else {
         $category = $category_model->getByField($url_field, waRequest::param('category_url'));
         if ($category && $category[$url_field] !== urldecode(waRequest::param('category_url'))) {
             $q = waRequest::server('QUERY_STRING');
             $this->redirect(wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/category', array('category_url' => $category[$url_field])) . ($q ? '?' . $q : ''), 301);
     $route = wa()->getRouting()->getDomain(null, true) . '/' . wa()->getRouting()->getRoute('url');
     if ($category) {
         $category_routes_model = new shopCategoryRoutesModel();
         $routes = $category_routes_model->getRoutes($category['id']);
     if (!$category || $routes && !in_array($route, $routes)) {
         throw new waException('Category not found', 404);
     $category['subcategories'] = $category_model->getSubcategories($category, $route);
     $category_url = wa()->getRouteUrl('shop/frontend/category', array('category_url' => '%CATEGORY_URL%'));
     foreach ($category['subcategories'] as &$sc) {
         $sc['url'] = str_replace('%CATEGORY_URL%', waRequest::param('url_type') == 1 ? $sc['url'] : $sc['full_url'], $category_url);
     // params
     $category_params_model = new shopCategoryParamsModel();
     $category['params'] = $category_params_model->get($category['id']);
     // smarty description
     if ($this->getConfig()->getOption('can_use_smarty') && $category['description']) {
         $category['description'] = wa()->getView()->fetch('string:' . $category['description']);
     return $category;
 public function execute()
     $this->response['files'] = array();
     $this->model = new photosPhotoModel();
     $data = array('contact_id' => wa()->getUser()->getId(), 'status' => 1, 'groups' => array(0), 'source' => 'publicgallery');
     $plugin = wa()->getPlugin('publicgallery');
     if ($plugin->getSettings('need_moderation')) {
         $data['moderation'] = 0;
     } else {
         $data['moderation'] = 1;
     if ($data['moderation'] <= 0) {
         $data['status'] = 0;
     if (waRequest::server('HTTP_X_FILE_NAME')) {
         $name = waRequest::server('HTTP_X_FILE_NAME');
         $size = waRequest::server('HTTP_X_FILE_SIZE');
         $file_path = wa()->getTempPath('photos/upload/') . $name;
         $append_file = is_file($file_path) && $size > filesize($file_path);
         file_put_contents($file_path, fopen('php://input', 'r'), $append_file ? FILE_APPEND : 0);
         $file = new waRequestFile(array('name' => $name, 'type' => waRequest::server('HTTP_X_FILE_TYPE'), 'size' => $size, 'tmp_name' => $file_path, 'error' => 0));
         try {
             $this->response['files'][] = $this->save($file, $data);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->response['files'][] = array('error' => $e->getMessage());
     } else {
         $files = waRequest::file('files');
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if ($file->error_code != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
                 $this->response['files'][] = array('error' => $file->error);
             } else {
                 try {
                     $this->response['files'][] = $this->save($file, $data);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $this->response['files'][] = array('name' => $file->name, 'error' => $e->getMessage());
Exemple #15
 protected function afterAuth()
     $referer = waRequest::server('HTTP_REFERER');
     $referer = substr($referer, strlen($this->getConfig()->getHostUrl()));
     $checkout_url = wa()->getRouteUrl('shop/frontend/checkout');
     if ($referer && !strncasecmp($referer, $checkout_url, strlen($checkout_url))) {
         $url = $referer;
     } elseif ($referer != wa()->getRouteUrl('/login')) {
         $url = $this->getStorage()->get('auth_referer');
     if (empty($url)) {
         if (waRequest::param('secure')) {
             $url = $this->getConfig()->getCurrentUrl();
         } else {
             $url = wa()->getRouteUrl('shop/frontend/my');
    public function __toString()
        $message = nl2br($this->getMessage());
        if (wa()->getApp()) {
            $app = wa()->getAppInfo();
            $backend_url = waSystem::getInstance()->getConfig()->getBackendUrl(true);
        } else {
            $app = array();
        if (!waSystem::getInstance()->getConfig()->isDebug()) {
            $env = wa()->getEnv();
            $file = $code = $this->getCode();
            if (!$code || !file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/data/' . $code . '.php')) {
                $file = 'error';
            include dirname(__FILE__) . '/data/' . $file . '.php';
        if (waSystem::getInstance()->getEnv() == 'cli') {
            return date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " php " . implode(" ", waRequest::server('argv')) . "\n" . "Error: {$this->getMessage()}\nwith code {$this->getCode()} in '{$this->getFile()}' around line {$this->getLine()}:{$this->getFileContext()}\n" . $this->getTraceAsString() . "\n";
        } elseif ($this->code == 404) {
            $response = new waResponse();
        $result = <<<HTML
<div style="width:99%; position:relative">
<h2 id='Title'>{$message}</h2>
<div id="Context" style="display: block;"><h3>Error with code {$this->getCode()} in '{$this->getFile()}' around line {$this->getLine()}:</h3><pre>{$this->getFileContext()}</pre></div>
<div id="Trace"><h2>Call stack</h2><pre>{$this->getTraceAsString()}</pre></div>
<div id="Request"><h2>Request</h2><pre>
        $result .= var_export($_REQUEST, true);
        $result .= "</pre></div></div>\n<div><h2>Params</h2><pre>";
        $result .= var_export(waRequest::param(), true);
        $result .= "</pre></div></div>";
        return $result;
function smarty_function_wa_pagination($params, &$smarty)
    $total = $params['total'];
    $page = isset($params['page']) ? $params['page'] : waRequest::get('page', 1);
    if ($page < 1) {
        $page = 1;
    if ($total < 2) {
        return '';
    $url = isset($params['url']) ? $params['url'] : '';
    $html = '<ul';
    $attrs = isset($params['attrs']) ? $params['attrs'] : array();
    foreach ($attrs as $k => $v) {
        $html .= ' ' . $k . '="' . $v . '"';
    $html .= '>';
    $p = 1;
    $n = 1;
    $nb = 1;
    while ($p <= $total) {
        if ($p > $nb && $total - $p > $nb && abs($page - $p) > $n && ($p < $page ? $page - $n - $p > 1 : $total - $nb > $p)) {
            $p = $p < $page ? $page - $n : $total - $nb + 1;
            $html .= '<li>...</li>';
        } else {
            $url_params = preg_replace('/&?page=[0-9]+?/i', '', waRequest::server('QUERY_STRING', ''));
            if (substr($url_params, -1) == '&') {
                $url_params = substr($url_params, 0, -1);
            $page_url = $url . ($url && $p == 1 ? $url_params ? '?' . $url_params : '' : '?page=' . $p . ($url_params ? '&' . $url_params : ''));
            $html .= '<li' . ($p == $page ? ' class="selected"' : '') . '><a href="' . $page_url . '">' . $p . '</a></li>';
    $html .= '</ul>';
    return $html;
 private function init()
     $url = parse_url($r = waRequest::server('HTTP_REFERER'), PHP_URL_QUERY);
     if (preg_match('/(^|&)module=(themes|plugins)($|&)/', $url, $matches)) {
         $this->extras_type = $matches[2];
     } elseif (preg_match('/^installer(\\w+)RemoveAction$/', get_class($this), $matches)) {
         $this->extras_type = strtolower($matches[1]);
     if (installerHelper::isDeveloper()) {
         switch ($this->extras_type) {
             case 'themes':
                 $msg = _w("Unable to delete application's themes (developer version is on)");
             case 'plugins':
                 $msg = _w("Unable to delete application's plugins (developer version is on)");
                 $msg = '???';
         $msg = installerMessage::getInstance()->raiseMessage($msg, installerMessage::R_FAIL);
         $this->redirect('?msg=' . $msg . '#/' . $this->extras_type . '/');
 public function userAgent($type = null)
     $user_agent = waRequest::server('HTTP_USER_AGENT');
     if (!$type) {
         return $user_agent;
     } elseif ($type == 'isMobile') {
         return waRequest::isMobile(false);
     } elseif ($type == 'platform' || $type == 'os') {
         $patterns = array('android' => 'android', 'blackberry' => 'blackberry', 'linux' => 'Linux', 'ios' => '(ipad|iphone|ipod)', 'mac' => '(Macintosh|Mac\\sOS)', 'windows' => 'Windows');
     } elseif ($type == 'device') {
         $patterns = array('ipad' => 'ipad', 'ipod' => 'ipod', 'iphone' => 'iphone', 'android' => 'android');
     foreach ($patterns as $id => $pattern) {
         if (preg_match('/' . $pattern . '/i', $user_agent)) {
             return $id;
     return '';
 function execute()
     $module = 'apps';
     $url = parse_url(waRequest::server('HTTP_REFERER'), PHP_URL_QUERY);
     if (preg_match('/(^|&)module=(update|apps|plugins)($|&)/', $url, $matches)) {
         $module = $matches[2];
     $app_ids = waRequest::get('app_id');
     try {
         if (!$app_ids || !is_array($app_ids)) {
             throw new waException(_w('Application not found'));
         $vendors = array();
         foreach ($app_ids as $app_id => &$info) {
             if (!is_array($info)) {
                 $info = array('vendor' => $info);
             $vendors[] = $info['vendor'];
         $vendors = array_unique($vendors);
         $apps = new waInstallerApps();
         $app_list = $apps->getApplicationsList(true, $vendors);
         $deleted_apps = array();
         if (installerHelper::isDeveloper()) {
             throw new waException(_w('Unable to delete application (developer version is on)'));
         foreach ($app_list as $info) {
             $app_id = $info['slug'];
             if (isset($app_ids[$app_id]) && $app_ids[$app_id]['vendor'] == $info['vendor']) {
                 if (isset($info['system']) && $info['system']) {
                     throw new waException(sprintf(_w('Can not delete system application "%s"'), $info['name']));
                 $apps->updateRoutingConfig($app_id, false);
                 $apps->updateAppConfig($app_id, null);
                 //remove db tables and etc
                 $paths = array();
                 $app_instance = waSystem::getInstance($app_id);
                 $plugins = $app_instance->getConfig()->getPlugins();
                 foreach ($plugins as $plugin_id => $plugin) {
                     if ($plugin && ($plugin_instance = $app_instance->getPlugin($plugin_id))) {
                     $apps->updateAppPluginsConfig($app_id, $plugin_id, null);
                     $paths[] = wa()->getAppPath("plugins/{$plugin_id}", $app_id);
                     foreach ($paths as $path) {
                         waFiles::delete($path, true);
                     $paths = array();
                 //XXX called at uninstall
                 //$paths[] = wa()->getAppCachePath(null, $app_id);//wa-cache/apps/$app_id/
                 $paths[] = wa()->getTempPath(null, $app_id);
                 $paths[] = wa()->getAppCachePath(null, $app_id);
                 $paths[] = wa()->getDataPath(null, true, $app_id);
                 $paths[] = wa()->getDataPath(null, false, $app_id);
                 //XXX uncomplete code
                 //$paths[] = wa()->   null, false, $app_id);//wa-log/$app_id/
                 //XXX uncomplete code
                 //$paths[] = wa()->getAppPath(null, $app_id);//wa-config/$app_id/
                 $paths[] = wa()->getAppPath(null, $app_id);
                 foreach ($paths as $path) {
                     waFiles::delete($path, true);
                 $deleted_apps[] = $info['name'];
         if (!$deleted_apps) {
             throw new waException(_w('Application not found'));
         $message = _w('Application %s has been deleted', 'Applications %s have been deleted', min(2, count($deleted_apps)), false);
         $message = sprintf($message, implode(', ', $deleted_apps));
         $msg = installerMessage::getInstance()->raiseMessage($message);
         $this->redirect(array('module' => $module, 'msg' => $msg));
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $msg = installerMessage::getInstance()->raiseMessage($ex->getMessage(), installerMessage::R_FAIL);
         $this->redirect(array('module' => $module, 'msg' => $msg));
 public function getDomain($domain = null, $check = false)
     if ($domain) {
         return $domain;
     if ($this->domain === null) {
         $this->domain = waRequest::server('HTTP_HOST');
         if ($this->domain === null) {
             return null;
         $u = trim($this->system->getRootUrl(), '/');
         if ($u) {
             $this->domain .= '/' . $u;
     if ($check) {
         if (!isset($this->routes[$this->domain])) {
             if (substr($this->domain, 0, 4) == 'www.') {
                 $domain = substr($this->domain, 4);
             } else {
                 $domain = 'www.' . $this->domain;
             if (wa()->getEnv() == 'frontend' && isset($this->routes[$domain])) {
                 $https = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? $_SERVER['HTTPS'] : '';
                 $url = 'http' . (strtolower($https) == 'on' ? 's' : '') . '://';
                 $url .= $this->getDomainUrl($domain) . '/' . wa()->getConfig()->getRequestUrl();
             return $domain;
     return $this->domain;
 public function execute()
     $code = waRequest::cookie('shop_cart');
     if (!$code) {
         $code = md5(uniqid(time(), true));
         // header for IE
         wa()->getResponse()->addHeader('P3P', 'CP="NOI ADM DEV COM NAV OUR STP"');
         // set cart cookie
         wa()->getResponse()->setCookie('shop_cart', $code, time() + 30 * 86400, null, '', false, true);
     $this->cart = new shopCart($code);
     $this->cart_model = new shopCartItemsModel();
     $data = waRequest::post();
     $this->is_html = waRequest::request('html');
     // add service
     if (isset($data['parent_id'])) {
     // add sku
     $sku_model = new shopProductSkusModel();
     $product_model = new shopProductModel();
     if (!isset($data['product_id'])) {
         $sku = $sku_model->getById($data['sku_id']);
         $product = $product_model->getById($sku['product_id']);
     } else {
         $product = $product_model->getById($data['product_id']);
         if (isset($data['sku_id'])) {
             $sku = $sku_model->getById($data['sku_id']);
         } else {
             if (isset($data['features'])) {
                 $product_features_model = new shopProductFeaturesModel();
                 $sku_id = $product_features_model->getSkuByFeatures($product['id'], $data['features']);
                 if ($sku_id) {
                     $sku = $sku_model->getById($sku_id);
                 } else {
                     $sku = null;
             } else {
                 $sku = $sku_model->getById($product['sku_id']);
                 if (!$sku['available']) {
                     $sku = $sku_model->getByField(array('product_id' => $product['id'], 'available' => 1));
                 if (!$sku) {
                     $this->errors = _w('This product is not available for purchase');
     $quantity = waRequest::post('quantity', 1);
     if ($product && $sku) {
         // check quantity
         if (!wa()->getSetting('ignore_stock_count')) {
             $c = $this->cart_model->countSku($code, $sku['id']);
             if ($sku['count'] !== null && $c + $quantity > $sku['count']) {
                 $quantity = $sku['count'] - $c;
                 $name = $product['name'] . ($sku['name'] ? ' (' . $sku['name'] . ')' : '');
                 if (!$quantity) {
                     $this->errors = sprintf(_w('Only %d pcs of %s are available, and you already have all of them in your shopping cart.'), $sku['count'], $name);
                 } else {
                     $this->response['error'] = sprintf(_w('Only %d pcs of %s are available, and you already have all of them in your shopping cart.'), $sku['count'], $name);
         $services = waRequest::post('services', array());
         if ($services) {
             $variants = waRequest::post('service_variant');
             $temp = array();
             $service_ids = array();
             foreach ($services as $service_id) {
                 if (isset($variants[$service_id])) {
                     $temp[$service_id] = $variants[$service_id];
                 } else {
                     $service_ids[] = $service_id;
             if ($service_ids) {
                 $service_model = new shopServiceModel();
                 $temp_services = $service_model->getById($service_ids);
                 foreach ($temp_services as $row) {
                     $temp[$row['id']] = $row['variant_id'];
             $services = $temp;
         $item_id = null;
         $item = $this->cart_model->getItemByProductAndServices($code, $product['id'], $sku['id'], $services);
         if ($item) {
             $item_id = $item['id'];
             $this->cart->setQuantity($item_id, $item['quantity'] + $quantity);
         if (!$item_id) {
             $data = array('create_datetime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'product_id' => $product['id'], 'sku_id' => $sku['id'], 'quantity' => $quantity, 'type' => 'product');
             if ($services) {
                 $data_services = array();
                 foreach ($services as $service_id => $variant_id) {
                     $data_services[] = array('service_id' => $service_id, 'service_variant_id' => $variant_id);
             } else {
                 $data_services = array();
             $item_id = $this->cart->addItem($data, $data_services);
         if (waRequest::isXMLHttpRequest()) {
             $this->response['item_id'] = $item_id;
             $this->response['total'] = $this->currencyFormat($this->cart->total());
             $this->response['discount'] = $this->currencyFormat($this->cart->discount());
             $this->response['count'] = $this->cart->count();
         } else {
     } else {
         throw new waException('product not found');
Exemple #23
 public function isValid($code = null)
     $response = recaptcha_check_answer($this->options['privatekey'], waRequest::server("REMOTE_ADDR"), waRequest::post("recaptcha_challenge_field"), waRequest::post("recaptcha_response_field"));
     return $response->is_valid;
    public function execute()
        $this->setLayout(new shopFrontendLayout());
        if ($this->params) {
            $product = $this->params;
        } else {
            $product_model = new shopProductModel();
            $product = $product_model->getByField('url', waRequest::param('product_url'));
        if (!$product) {
            throw new waException(_w('Product not found'), 404);
        if ($types = waRequest::param('type_id')) {
            if (!in_array($product['type_id'], (array) $types)) {
                throw new waException(_w('Product not found'), 404);
        $is_cart = waRequest::get('cart');
        if ($is_cart) {
        $product = new shopProduct($product);
        if (!$is_cart) {
        // check url
        $product['num'] = 141;
        if ($product['url'] !== urldecode(waRequest::param('product_url'))) {
            $url_params = array('product_url' => $product['url']);
            if ($product['category_id']) {
                $url_params['category_url'] = $product['category_url'];
            $q = waRequest::server('QUERY_STRING');
            $this->redirect(wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/product', $url_params) . ($q ? '?' . $q : ''), 301);
        // get services
        $type_services_model = new shopTypeServicesModel();
        $services = $type_services_model->getServiceIds($product['type_id']);
        $service_model = new shopServiceModel();
        $product_services_model = new shopProductServicesModel();
        $services = array_merge($services, $product_services_model->getServiceIds($product['id']));
        $services = array_unique($services);
        $services = $service_model->getById($services);
        $variants_model = new shopServiceVariantsModel();
        $rows = $variants_model->getByField('service_id', array_keys($services), true);
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            if (!$row['price']) {
                $row['price'] = $services[$row['service_id']]['price'];
            $services[$row['service_id']]['variants'][$row['id']] = $row;
        $rows = $product_services_model->getByField('product_id', $product['id'], true);
        $skus_services = array();
        foreach ($product['skus'] as $sku) {
            $skus_services[$sku['id']] = array();
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            if (!$row['sku_id']) {
                // remove disabled services and variantsimg
                if (!$row['status']) {
                } elseif ($row['price'] !== null) {
                    // update price
                    $services[$row['service_id']]['variants'][$row['service_variant_id']]['price'] = $row['price'];
                if ($row['status'] == shopProductServicesModel::STATUS_DEFAULT) {
                    // update default
                    $services[$row['service_id']]['variant_id'] = $row['service_variant_id'];
            } else {
                if (!$row['status']) {
                    $skus_services[$row['sku_id']][$row['service_id']][$row['service_variant_id']] = false;
                } else {
                    $skus_services[$row['sku_id']][$row['service_id']][$row['service_variant_id']] = $row['price'];
        foreach ($skus_services as $sku_id => &$sku_services) {
            $sku_price = $product['skus'][$sku_id]['price'];
            foreach ($services as $service_id => $service) {
                if (isset($sku_services[$service_id])) {
                    if ($sku_services[$service_id]) {
                        foreach ($service['variants'] as $v) {
                            if (!isset($sku_services[$service_id][$v['id']]) || $sku_services[$service_id][$v['id']] === null) {
                                $sku_services[$service_id][$v['id']] = array($v['name'], $this->getPrice($v['price'], $service['currency'], $sku_price, $product['currency']));
                            } elseif ($sku_services[$service_id][$v['id']]) {
                                $sku_services[$service_id][$v['id']] = array($v['name'], $this->getPrice($sku_services[$service_id][$v['id']], $service['currency'], $sku_price, $product['currency']));
                } else {
                    foreach ($service['variants'] as $v) {
                        $sku_services[$service_id][$v['id']] = array($v['name'], $this->getPrice($v['price'], $service['currency'], $sku_price, $product['currency']));
        // disable service if all variants disabled
        foreach ($skus_services as $sku_id => $sku_services) {
            foreach ($sku_services as $service_id => $service) {
                if (is_array($service)) {
                    $disabled = true;
                    foreach ($service as $v) {
                        if ($v !== false) {
                            $disabled = false;
                    if ($disabled) {
                        $skus_services[$sku_id][$service_id] = false;
        foreach ($services as $s_id => &$s) {
            if (!$s['variants']) {
            if ($s['currency'] == '%') {
                foreach ($s['variants'] as $v_id => $v) {
                    $s['variants'][$v_id]['price'] = $v['price'] * $product['skus'][$product['sku_id']]['price'] / 100;
                $s['currency'] = $product['currency'];
            if (count($s['variants']) == 1) {
                $v = reset($s['variants']);
                if ($v['name']) {
                    $s['name'] .= ' ' . $v['name'];
                $s['variant_id'] = $v['id'];
                $s['price'] = $v['price'];
                foreach ($skus_services as $sku_id => $sku_services) {
                    if (isset($sku_services[$s_id]) && isset($sku_services[$s_id][$v['id']])) {
                        $skus_services[$sku_id][$s_id] = $sku_services[$s_id][$v['id']][1];
        uasort($services, array('shopServiceModel', 'sortServices'));
        $this->view->assign('sku_services', $skus_services);
        $this->view->assign('services', $services);
        $compare = waRequest::cookie('shop_compare', array(), waRequest::TYPE_ARRAY_INT);
        $this->view->assign('compare', in_array($product['id'], $compare) ? $compare : array());
        if (!$is_cart) {
            $this->view->assign('reviews', $this->getTopReviews($product['id']));
            $this->view->assign('rates', $this->reviews_model->getProductRates($product['id']));
            $this->view->assign('reviews_total_count', $this->getReviewsTotalCount($product['id']));
            $meta_fields = $this->getMetafields($product);
            $title = $meta_fields['meta_title'] ? $meta_fields['meta_title'] : $product['name'];
            wa()->getResponse()->setMeta('keywords', $meta_fields['meta_keywords']);
            wa()->getResponse()->setMeta('description', $meta_fields['meta_description']);
            $feature_codes = array_keys($product->features);
            $feature_model = new shopFeatureModel();
            $features = $feature_model->getByCode($feature_codes);
            $this->view->assign('features', $features);
        $this->view->assign('currency_info', $this->getCurrencyInfo());
         * @event frontend_product
         * @param shopProduct $product
         * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['menu'] html output
         * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['cart'] html output
         * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['block_aux'] html output
         * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['block'] html output
        $this->view->assign('frontend_product', wa()->event('frontend_product', $product, array('menu', 'cart', 'block_aux', 'block')));
        $sku_stocks = array();
        foreach ($product->skus as $sku) {
            $sku_stocks[$sku_id] = array($sku['count'], $sku['stock']);
        $stock_model = new shopStockModel();
        $this->view->assign('stocks', $stock_model->getAll('id'));
        $duble = db_query("SELECT * FROM shop_product where id=" . $product['id']);
        $dubles = mysql_fetch_assoc($duble);
        $dubles_sku = db_query("SELECT * FROM shop_product_skus where product_id=" . $product['id'] . " and  id=" . $dubles['sku_id']);
        $dubl_sku = mysql_fetch_assoc($dubles_sku);
        $dubles_prod = db_query("SELECT * FROM shop_product_skus where product_id!=" . $product['id'] . " and  sku='" . $dubl_sku['sku'] . "' Group by product_id");
        while ($dubl_product = mysql_fetch_array($dubles_prod)) {
            $dubles_img_pr = db_query("SELECT * FROM shop_product p, shop_product_images img where" . $dubl_product['product_id'] . " and img.product_id=" . $dubl_product['product_id'] . "");
            $dubles_img = mysql_fetch_assoc($dubles_img_pr);
            if ($dubles_img['status'] != 0) {
                $koldz = substr($dubles_img['product_id'], -2, 2);
                $kolds = str_replace($koldz, '', $dubles_img['product_id']);
                if (preg_match_all("#\\d#", $kolds) < 2) {
                    $kolds = '0' . $kolds;
                if ($kolds == 0) {
                    $kolds = '00';
                $alt_test = db_query("SELECT * FROM shop_product_features_selectable where feature_id=12 and  product_id=" . $dubles_img['product_id'] . "");
                $alt_t = mysql_fetch_assoc($alt_test);
                $alt_value = db_query("SELECT * FROM shop_feature_values_color where id=" . $alt_t['value_id'] . "");
                $alt = mysql_fetch_assoc($alt_value);
                $dubl_p = $dubl_p . ' <a  class="duble_prod"  href="http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/index.php/' . $dubles_img['url'] . '" >
		 <img alt="' . $alt['value'] . '" title="' . $alt['value'] . '"  style="width:50px" src="/wa-data/public/shop/products/' . $koldz . '/' . $kolds . '/' . $dubles_img['product_id'] . '/images/' . $dubles_img['id'] . '/' . $dubles_img['id'] . '.96x96.jpg"/></a>';
                $dubl_p2 = $dubl_p2 . '<a onclick="doubl(' . $dubles_img['product_id'] . ')" class="duble_prod" >
		 <img alt="' . $alt['value'] . '" title="' . $alt['value'] . '" style="width:50px" src="/wa-data/public/shop/products/' . $koldz . '/' . $kolds . '/' . $dubles_img['product_id'] . '/images/' . $dubles_img['id'] . '/' . $dubles_img['id'] . '.96x96.jpg"/></a>';
            $dubl_p = $dubl_p;
            $dubl_p2 = $dubl_p2;
        $this->view->assign('duble', $dubl_p);
        $this->view->assign('duble2', $dubl_p2);
        $this->view->assign('duble_list', $dubl_p);
        $product['num'] = $_GET['num'];
        $this->view->assign('numis', $_GET['num']);
        $this->setThemeTemplate($is_cart ? 'product.cart.html' : 'product.html');
 public function getDomain()
     $domain = waRequest::server('HTTP_HOST');
     $u = trim(waSystem::getInstance()->getRootUrl(false, true), '/');
     if ($u) {
         $domain .= '/' . $u;
     return $domain;
  * @static
  * @param array $route
  * @param string $domain
  * @return string
 public static function getUrlByRoute($route, $domain = null)
     $url = self::clearUrl($route['url']);
     if ($domain) {
         if (parse_url($domain, PHP_URL_HOST) == waRequest::server('HTTP_HOST')) {
             $https = waRequest::isHttps();
         } else {
             $https = false;
         return 'http' . ($https ? 's' : '') . '://' . self::getDomainUrl($domain) . '/' . $url;
     return $url;
 public function getDomain($domain = null, $check = false)
     if ($domain) {
         return $domain;
     if ($this->domain === null) {
         $this->domain = waRequest::server('HTTP_HOST');
         if ($this->domain === null) {
             return null;
         $u = trim($this->system->getRootUrl(), '/');
         if ($u) {
             $this->domain .= '/' . $u;
     if ($check) {
         if (!isset($this->routes[$this->domain])) {
             if (substr($this->domain, 0, 4) == 'www.') {
                 $domain = substr($this->domain, 4);
             } else {
                 $domain = 'www.' . $this->domain;
             return $domain;
     return $this->domain;
 public function execute()
     $module = 'update';
     $url = parse_url(waRequest::server('HTTP_REFERER'), PHP_URL_QUERY);
     if (preg_match('/(^|&)module=(update|apps|plugins)($|&)/', $url, $matches)) {
         $module = $matches[2];
     try {
         $updater = new waInstaller(waInstaller::LOG_TRACE);
         $state = $updater->getState();
         if (!isset($state['stage_status']) || $state['stage_name'] != waInstaller::STAGE_NONE && $state['heartbeat'] > waInstaller::TIMEOUT_RESUME + 5 || $state['stage_name'] == waInstaller::STAGE_UPDATE && $state['heartbeat'] || $state['stage_status'] == waInstaller::STATE_ERROR && $state['heartbeat'] || $state['stage_name'] == waInstaller::STAGE_NONE && $state['heartbeat'] === false) {
             $this->view->assign('action', 'update');
             $app_ids = waRequest::request('app_id');
             $default_info = array('vendor' => waInstallerApps::VENDOR_SELF, 'edition' => '');
             $vendors = array();
             if ($app_ids && is_array($app_ids)) {
                 foreach ($app_ids as $app_id => &$info) {
                     if (!is_array($info)) {
                         if (strpos($info, ':') === false) {
                             $vendor = $info;
                             $edition = '';
                         } else {
                             list($vendor, $edition) = explode(':', $info, 2);
                         $info = array('vendor' => $vendor, 'edition' => $edition);
                     } else {
                         $info = array_merge($info, $default_info);
                     $vendors[] = $info['vendor'];
             } else {
                 $app_ids = array();
             $vendors = array_unique($vendors);
             if (!$vendors) {
                 $vendors = array();
             $model = new waAppSettingsModel();
             $license = $model->get('webasyst', 'license', false);
             $locale = wa()->getLocale();
             $apps = new waInstallerApps($license, $locale);
             $app_list = $vendors ? $apps->getApplicationsList(false, $vendors) : array();
             $queue_apps = array();
             foreach ($app_list as &$info) {
                 $app_id = $info['slug'];
                 if ($app_id == 'installer') {
                     $info['name'] = _w('Webasyst Framework');
                 if (isset($app_ids[$app_id])) {
                     if (installerHelper::equals($app_ids[$app_id], $info)) {
                         $queue_apps[] = $info;
                 if (!empty($info['extras'])) {
                     foreach ($info['extras'] as $type => &$extras) {
                         foreach ($extras as $extra_id => &$extras_info) {
                             $extras_id = $extras_info['slug'];
                             $extras_info['name'] .= " ({$info['name']})";
                             if (isset($app_ids[$extras_id]) && installerHelper::equals($app_ids[$extras_id], $extras_info)) {
                                 $queue_apps[] = $extras_info;
             $system_list = $apps->getSystemList();
             foreach ($system_list as $item) {
                 if (!empty($item['subject']) && $item['subject'] == 'systemplugins' && isset($app_ids[$item['slug']])) {
                     $queue_apps[] = $item;
             if (!$queue_apps) {
                 throw new waException(_w('Please select items for update'));
             $this->view->assign('queue_apps', $queue_apps);
             $this->view->assign('apps', $app_list);
             $this->view->assign('install', waRequest::request('install'));
             $this->view->assign('title', _w('Updates'));
         } else {
             $this->redirect(array('module' => $module, 'msg' => installerMessage::getInstance()->raiseMessage(_w('Update is already in progress. Please wait while previous update session is finished before starting update session again.'), 'fail')));
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->redirect(array('module' => $module, 'msg' => installerMessage::getInstance()->raiseMessage($ex->getMessage(), installerMessage::R_FAIL)));
Exemple #29
  * Reads file contents and outputs it to browser with appropriate headers.
  * @param string $file File to path
  * @param string|null $attach Name, which will be suggested to user when he requests to download the file.
  *     If not specified, browser's auto-suggestion will be used.
  * @param bool $exit Flag requiring to send file transfer headers to user's browser. By default (true) headers are sent.
  * @param bool $md5 Flag requiring to send the Content-MD5 header. By default (false) this header is not sent.
  * @throws waException If file does not exist
 public static function readFile($file, $attach = null, $exit = true, $md5 = false)
     if (file_exists($file)) {
         $response = wa()->getResponse();
         $file_type = self::getMimeType($attach ? $attach : $file);
         if ($md5) {
             $md5 = base64_encode(pack('H*', md5_file($file)));
         @ini_set('async_send', 1);
         if ($attach !== null) {
             $send_as = str_replace('"', '\\"', is_string($attach) ? $attach : basename($file));
             $send_as = preg_replace('~[\\n\\r]+~', ' ', $send_as);
             $x_accel_redirect = waSystemConfig::systemOption('x_accel_redirect');
             $file_size = filesize($file);
             if (empty($x_accel_redirect)) {
                 $from = $to = false;
                 if ($http_range = waRequest::server('HTTP_RANGE')) {
                     // multi range support incomplete
                     list($dimension, $range) = explode("=", $http_range, 2);
                     $ranges = explode(',', $range);
                     $intervals = array();
                     foreach ($ranges as $range) {
                         $range = trim($range);
                         if (preg_match('/^(\\d+)-(\\d+)$/', $range, $matches)) {
                             $intervals[] = array('from' => intval($matches[1]), 'to' => intval($matches[2]));
                         } elseif (preg_match('/^(\\d+)-$/', $range, $matches)) {
                             $intervals[] = array('from' => intval($matches[1]), 'to' => $file_size - 1);
                         } elseif (preg_match('/^-(\\d+)$/', $range, $matches)) {
                             $intervals[] = array('from' => $file_size - intval($matches[1]), 'to' => $file_size - 1);
                         } else {
                             throw new waException('Requested range not satisfiable', 416);
                     foreach ($intervals as $interval) {
                         if ($from === false) {
                             $from = $interval['from'];
                         if ($to === false) {
                             $to = $interval['to'];
                         } else {
                             if ($to + 1 == $interval['from']) {
                                 $to = $interval['to'];
                             } else {
                                 //hole at interval
                                 throw new waException('Requested range not satisfiable', 416);
                     if ($from < 0 || $to + 1 > $file_size) {
                         throw new waException('Requested range not satisfiable', 416);
                     $range_length = $to - $from + 1;
                     $response->addHeader("Content-Length", $range_length);
                     $response->addHeader("Content-Range", "bytes {$from}-{$to}/{$file_size}");
                 } else {
                     $response->addHeader("Content-Length", $file_size);
                     if ($md5) {
                         $response->addHeader("Content-MD5", $md5);
                 $response->addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, must-revalidate");
                 $response->addHeader("Content-type", "{$file_type}");
                 $response->addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"{$send_as}\"");
                 $response->addHeader("Last-Modified", filemtime($file));
                 $response->addHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
                 $response->addHeader("Connection", "close");
                 $fp = fopen($file, 'rb');
                 if ($from) {
                     fseek($fp, $from);
                 $response = null;
                 //TODO: adjust chunk size
                 $chunk = 1048576;
                 while (!feof($fp) && $chunk && connection_status() == 0) {
                     if ($to) {
                         $chunk = min(1 + $to - @ftell($fp), $chunk);
                     if ($chunk) {
                         print @fread($fp, $chunk);
             } else {
                 $response->addHeader("Content-type", $file_type);
                 //RFC 6266
                 $response->addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"{$send_as}\"");
                 $response->addHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
                 $response->addHeader("Content-Length", $file_size);
                 $response->addHeader("Expires", "0");
                 $response->addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, must-revalidate", false);
                 $response->addHeader("Pragma", "public");
                 $response->addHeader("Connection", "close");
                 if ($md5) {
                     $response->addHeader("Content-MD5", $md5);
                 $response->addHeader("X-Accel-Redirect", $file);
                 $response = null;
                 //$response->addHeader("X-Accel-Limit-Rate", $rate_limit);
         } else {
             $response->addHeader("Content-type", $file_type);
             $response->addHeader("Last-Modified", filemtime($file));
             if ($md5) {
                 $response->addHeader("Content-MD5", $md5);
             $response = null;
         if ($exit) {
             if (!empty($response)) {
                  * @var waResponse $response
     } else {
         throw new waException("File not found", 404);
Exemple #30
 /** Description of all framework settlements. */
 public static function getDomains($hash, $photo = null)
     $domains = array();
     // Params for getRouteUrl() based on $hash or $photo
     if ($photo) {
         $route_module_action = 'photos/frontend/photo';
         $route_url_params = array('url' => $photo['url'] . (isset($photo['status']) && ($photo['status'] <= 0 && !empty($photo['hash'])) ? ':' . $photo['hash'] : ''));
     } else {
         $route_module_action = 'photos/frontend';
         $route_url_params = array();
         $hash = trim($hash, '#/');
         $hash = explode('/', $hash);
         if (count($hash) >= 2) {
             if ($hash[0] == 'album') {
                 $route_module_action = 'photos/frontend/album';
                 $route_url_params = array('url' => photosCollection::frontendAlbumHashToUrl('album/' . $hash[1]));
             } else {
                 $route_url_params[$hash[0]] = $hash[1];
         } else {
             if (count($hash) == 1) {
                 $route_url_params[$hash[0]] = $hash[0];
     // Domains with Photos frontend
     foreach (wa()->getRouting()->getByApp('photos') as $domain => $params) {
         $domain_url = 'http://' . rtrim(wa()->getRouting()->getDomainUrl($domain), '/') . '/';
         $domains[$domain_url] = array('url' => $domain_url, 'frontend_url' => wa()->getRouteUrl($route_module_action, $route_url_params, true, $domain));
     // Other domains
     foreach (array_merge(wa()->getRouting()->getDomains(), array(waRequest::server('HTTP_HOST') . wa()->getConfig()->getRootUrl())) as $domain) {
         $domain_url = 'http://' . rtrim(wa()->getRouting()->getDomainUrl($domain), '/') . '/';
         if (empty($domains[$domain_url])) {
             $domains[$domain_url] = array('url' => $domain_url, 'frontend_url' => '');
     return $domains;