Exemple #1
 protected function getInput()
     vmJsApi::css('admin', 'plugins/vmpayment/realex_hpp_api/realex_hpp_api/assets/css/');
     $url = "http://www.realexpayments.com/partner-referral?id=tsmart";
     $logo = '<img src="http://www.realexpayments.com/images/logo_realex_large.png" width="150"/>';
     $html = '<p><a target="_blank" href="' . $url . '"  >' . $logo . '</a></p>';
     $html .= '<p><a target="_blank" href="' . $url . '" class="signin-button-link">' . tsmText::_('VMPAYMENT_REALEX_HPP_API_REGISTER') . '</a>';
     $html .= ' <a target="_blank" href="http://docs.tsmart.net/manual/shop-menu/payment-methods/realex-hpp-and-api.html" class="signin-button-link">' . tsmText::_('VMPAYMENT_REALEX_HPP_API_DOCUMENTATION') . '</a></p>';
     return $html;
    function getInput()
        $js = '
		jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) {

		    jQuery("#paybox_getpaybox_link").click( function() {
				 if ( $("#paybox_getpaybox_show_hide").is(":visible") ) {
			        $("#paybox_getpaybox_link").html("' . addslashes(vmText::_('VMPAYMENT_PAYBOX_ALREADY_ACCOUNT')) . '");
				} else {
			       $("#paybox_getpaybox_link").html("' . addslashes(vmText::_('VMPAYMENT_PAYBOX_GET_PAYBOX_HIDE')) . '");
        vmJsApi::addJScript("vm.getPaybox", $js);
        vmJsApi::css('admin', 'plugins/vmpayment/paybox/paybox/assets/css/');
        $cid = vRequest::getvar('cid', NULL, 'array');
        if (is_Array($cid)) {
            $virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = $cid[0];
        } else {
            $virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = $cid;
        $query = "SELECT * FROM `#__virtuemart_paymentmethods` WHERE  virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = '" . $virtuemart_paymentmethod_id . "'";
        $db = JFactory::getDBO();
        $params = $db->loadObject();
        $html = '<img src="http://virtuemart.boutique-paybox.com/PayboxLogo.jpg" width="200px"/><br />';
        if ($params->created_on == $params->modified_on) {
            $id = "paybox_getpaybox_link";
            $html .= '<a href="#" id="' . $id . '">' . vmText::_('VMPAYMENT_PAYBOX_GET_PAYBOX_HIDE') . '</a>';
            $display = '';
            $html .= '<div id="paybox_getpaybox_show_hide" align=""' . $display . ' >';
        } else {
            $id = "paybox_getpaybox_link";
            $html .= '<a href="#" id="' . $id . '">' . vmText::_('VMPAYMENT_PAYBOX_ALREADY_ACCOUNT') . '</a>';
            $display = ' style="display: none;"';
            $html .= '<div id="paybox_getpaybox_show_hide" align=""' . $display . ' >';
        $id = "";
        $lang = $this->getLang();
        if ($lang == 'fr') {
            $url = "http://virtuemart.boutique-paybox.com/PayboxPres.html";
        } else {
            $url = "http://virtuemart.boutique-paybox.com/PayboxPres.html";
        $html .= '<iframe src="' . $url . '" scrolling="yes" style="x-overflow: none;" frameborder="0" height="1400px" width="800px"></iframe>';
        $html .= "</div>";
        return $html;
Exemple #3
 protected function getInput()
     vmJsApi::css('paypal', 'plugins/vmpayment/paypal/paypal/assets/css/');
     $url = "https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/referral/paypal-payments-standard?partner_id=83EP5DJG9FU6L";
     $logo = '<img src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/logo/PayPal_mark_60x38.gif" />';
     $html = '<p><a target="_blank" href="' . $url . '"  >' . $logo . '</a></p>';
     $html .= '<p><a target="_blank" href="' . $url . '" class="signin-button-link">' . vmText::_('VMPAYMENT_PAYPAL_REGISTER') . '</a>';
     $html .= ' <a target="_blank" href="http://docs.virtuemart.net/manual/shop-menu/payment-methods/paypal.html" class="signin-button-link">' . vmText::_('VMPAYMENT_PAYPAL_DOCUMENTATION') . '</a></p>';
     return $html;
    function getInput()
        vmJsApi::css('klarnacheckout', 'plugins/vmpayment/klarnacheckout/klarnacheckout/assets/css/');
        $jlang = JFactory::getLanguage();
        $lang = $jlang->getTag();
        $langArray = explode("-", $lang);
        $lang = strtolower($langArray[1]);
        $countriesData = KlarnaHandler::countriesData();
        $signLang = "en";
        foreach ($countriesData as $countryData) {
            if ($countryData['country_code'] == $lang) {
                $signLang = $lang;
        		$logo = '<a href="https://merchants.klarna.com/signup?locale=' . $signLang . '&partner_id=7829355537eae268a17667c199e7c7662d3391f7" target="_blank">
        	             <img src="' . JURI::root () . VMKLARNAPLUGINWEBROOT . '/klarna/assets/images/logo/get_klarna_now.png" /></a> ';
        $logo = '<img src="' . JURI::root() . VMKLARNAPLUGINWEBROOT . '/klarna/assets/images/logo/get_klarna_now.jpg" style="margin-bottom: 10px"/>';
        $html = '<p><a href="#" id="klarna_getklarna_link" ">' . $logo . '</a></p>';
        // https://merchants.klarna.com/signup?locale=en&partner_id=7829355537eae268a17667c199e7c7662d3391f7&utm_campaign=Platform&utm_medium=Partners&utm_source=Virtuemart
        $html .= '<div id="klarna_getklarna_show_hide" >';
        $url = "https://merchants.klarna.com/signup/?locale=" . $signLang . "&partner_id=7829355537eae268a17667c199e7c7662d3391f7&utm_campaign=Platform&utm_medium=Partners&utm_source=Virtuemart";
        $js = '
		jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) {
			jQuery("#klarna_getklarna_link").click( function() {
				 if ( $("#klarna_getklarna_show_hide").is(":visible") ) {
			        $("#klarna_getklarna_link").html("' . addslashes($logo) . '");
				} else {
			       $("#klarna_getklarna_link").html("' . addslashes(vmText::_('VMPAYMENT_KLARNA_GET_KLARNA_HIDE')) . '");
        vmJsApi::addJScript('vm.getKlarna', $js);
        $html .= '<iframe src="' . $url . '" scrolling="yes" style="x-overflow: none;" frameborder="0" height="600px" width="850px"></iframe>';
        $html .= '</div>';
        $html .= '<p><a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.klarna.com/1.0/shared/content/integration/guide/virtuemart.pdf" class="signin-button-link">' . vmText::_('VMPAYMENT_KLARNA_DOCUMENTATION') . '</a></p>';
        return $html;
Exemple #5
    static function jDate($date = '', $name = "date", $id = NULL, $resetBt = TRUE, $yearRange = '')
        if ($yearRange) {
            $yearRange = 'yearRange: "' . $yearRange . '",';
        if ($date == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
            $date = 0;
        if (empty($id)) {
            $id = $name;
        static $jDate;
        $dateFormat = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_DATE_FORMAT_INPUT_J16');
        $search = array('m', 'd');
        $replace = array('mm', 'dd');
        $jsDateFormat = str_replace($search, $replace, $dateFormat);
        if ($date) {
            if (JVM_VERSION === 1) {
                $search = array('m', 'd', 'y');
                $replace = array('%m', '%d', '%y');
                $dateFormat = str_replace($search, $replace, $dateFormat);
            $formatedDate = JHTML::_('date', $date, $dateFormat);
        } else {
            $formatedDate = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_NEVER');
        $display = '<input class="datepicker-db" id="' . $id . '" type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $date . '" />';
        $display .= '<input id="' . $id . '_text" class="datepicker" type="text" value="' . $formatedDate . '" />';
        if ($resetBt) {
            $display .= '<span class="vmicon vmicon-16-logout icon-nofloat js-date-reset"></span>';
        // If exist exit
        if ($jDate) {
            return $display;
        $front = 'components/com_virtuemart/assets/';
        $document = JFactory::getDocument();
			jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
			$(".datepicker").live( "focus", function() {
				$( this ).datepicker({
					changeMonth: true,
					changeYear: true,
					' . $yearRange . '
					dateFormat:"' . $jsDateFormat . '",
					altField: $(this).prev(),
					altFormat: "yy-mm-dd"
			$(".js-date-reset").click(function() {
				$(this).prev("input").val("' . JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_NEVER') . '").prev("input").val("0");
        vmJsApi::js('jquery.ui.core', FALSE, '', TRUE);
        vmJsApi::js('jquery.ui.datepicker', FALSE, '', TRUE);
        vmJsApi::css('jquery.ui.all', $front . 'css/ui');
        $lg = JFactory::getLanguage();
        $lang = $lg->getTag();
        $existingLang = array("af", "ar", "ar-DZ", "az", "bg", "bs", "ca", "cs", "da", "de", "el", "en-AU", "en-GB", "en-NZ", "eo", "es", "et", "eu", "fa", "fi", "fo", "fr", "fr-CH", "gl", "he", "hr", "hu", "hy", "id", "is", "it", "ja", "ko", "kz", "lt", "lv", "ml", "ms", "nl", "no", "pl", "pt", "pt-BR", "rm", "ro", "ru", "sk", "sl", "sq", "sr", "sr-SR", "sv", "ta", "th", "tj", "tr", "uk", "vi", "zh-CN", "zh-HK", "zh-TW");
        if (!in_array($lang, $existingLang)) {
            $lang = substr($lang, 0, 2);
        } elseif (!in_array($lang, $existingLang)) {
            $lang = "en-GB";
        vmJsApi::js('jquery.ui.datepicker-' . $lang, $front . 'js/i18n');
        $jDate = TRUE;
        return $display;
     * Start the administrator area table
     * The entire administrator area with contained in a table which include the admin ribbon menu
     * in the left column and the content in the right column.  This function sets up the table and
     * displays the admin menu in the left column.
    static function startAdminArea($vmView, $selectText = 'COM_VIRTUEMART_DRDOWN_AVA2ALL')
        if (vRequest::getCmd('format') == 'pdf') {
        if (vRequest::getCmd('manage', false)) {
            self::$backEnd = false;
        if (self::$vmAdminAreaStarted) {
        self::$vmAdminAreaStarted = true;
        $admin = 'administrator/components/com_virtuemart/assets/css';
        //loading defaut admin CSS
        vmJsApi::css('admin_ui', $admin);
        vmJsApi::css('admin.styles', $admin);
        vmJsApi::css('toolbar_images', $admin);
        vmJsApi::css('menu_images', $admin);
        $view = vRequest::getCmd('view', 'virtuemart');
        $modalJs = '';
        if ($view != 'virtuemart') {
            $modalJs = "\$('.modal').fancybox();";
        if ($view != 'virtuemart') {
            vmJsApi::addJScript('fancybox/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.4.pack', false, false);
            vmJsApi::addJScript('fancybox/jquery.easing-1.3.pack', false, false);
            vmJsApi::addJScript('fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack', false, false);
        //vmJsApi::addJScript ('vm.accordeon',"",true);
        $vm2string = "editImage: 'edit image',select_all_text: '" . vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_DRDOWN_SELALL') . "',select_some_options_text: '" . vmText::_($selectText) . "'";
        vmJsApi::addJScript('vm.remindTab', "\r\r\n\t\tvar tip_image='" . JURI::root(true) . "/components/com_virtuemart/assets/js/images/vtip_arrow.png';\r\r\n\t\tvar vm2string ={" . $vm2string . "} ;\r\r\n\t\tjQuery( function(\$) {\r\r\n\r\r\n\t\t\tjQuery('dl#system-message').hide().slideDown(400);\r\r\n\t\t\tjQuery('.virtuemart-admin-area .toggler').vm2admin('toggle');\r\r\n\t\t\tjQuery('#admin-ui-menu').vm2admin('accordeon');\r\r\n\t\t\tif ( \$('#admin-ui-tabs').length  ) {\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\$('#admin-ui-tabs').vm2admin('tabs',virtuemartcookie);\r\r\n\t\t\t}\r\r\n\t\t\t\$('#content-box [title]').vm2admin('tips',tip_image);\r\r\n\t\t\t" . $modalJs . "\r\r\n\t\t\t\$('.reset-value').click( function(e){\r\r\n\t\t\t\te.preventDefault();\r\r\n\t\t\t\tnone = '';\r\r\n\t\t\t\tjQuery(this).parent().find('.ui-autocomplete-input').val(none);\r\r\n\t\t\t});\r\r\n\t\t});\t");

		<!--[if lt IE 9]>
		<script src="//ie7-js.googlecode.com/svn/version/2.1(beta4)/IE9.js"></script>
        if (!self::$backEnd) {
            $bar = JToolbar::getInstance('toolbar');
<div class="toolbar-box" style="height: 84px;position: relative;"><?php 
            echo $bar->render();

        $hideMenu = JFactory::getApplication()->input->cookie->getString('vmmenu', 'show') === 'hide' ? ' menu-collapsed' : '';

    <div class="virtuemart-admin-area<?php 
        echo $hideMenu;
		<div class="toggler vmicon-show<?php 
        echo $hideMenu;
			<div class="menu-wrapper<?php 
        echo $hideMenu;
" id="menu-wrapper">
        if (!empty($vmView->langList)) {

					<div class="vm-lang-list-container">
            echo $vmView->langList;

        } else {
<a href="index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=virtuemart" ><img src="<?php 
            echo JURI::root(true) . '/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/assets/images/vm_menulogo.png';

				<div class="vm-installed-version">
					VirtueMart <?php 
        echo VmConfig::getInstalledVersion();

		<div id="admin-content" class="admin-content">
Exemple #7
    static function store($config, $item)
        // Load the language file of com_virtuemart.
        // Load path constant
        if (!defined('VMPATH_ADMIN')) {
            define('VMPATH_ADMIN', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_virtuemart');
        // Load VM configuration if necessary
        if (!class_exists('VmConfig')) {
            require JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'administrator' . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_virtuemart' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'config.php';
        // load necessary classes
        if (!class_exists('calculationHelper')) {
            require JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_virtuemart' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'calculationh.php';
        if (!class_exists('CurrencyDisplay')) {
            require JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_virtuemart' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'currencydisplay.php';
        if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelVendor')) {
            require JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_virtuemart' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'vendor.php';
        if (!class_exists('VmImage')) {
            require JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_virtuemart' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'image.php';
        if (!class_exists('shopFunctionsF')) {
            require JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_virtuemart' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'shopfunctionsf.php';
        if (!class_exists('calculationHelper')) {
            require JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'cart.php';
        if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelProduct')) {
            JLoader::import('product', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_virtuemart' . DS . 'models');
        // load the base
        $productModel = new VirtueMartModelProduct();
        $product = $productModel->getProduct($item['id'], 100, true, true, true);
        $currency = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance();
        $price = '<strong>' . $currency->createPriceDiv($config['vm_show_price_type'], '', $product->prices, true) . '</strong>';
        if ($config['vm_add_to_cart'] == 1 && JRequest::getCmd('option') != 'com_virtuemart') {
        $news_price = '<div>';
        if ($config['vm_show_price_type'] != 'none') {
            if ($config['vm_display_type'] == 'text_price') {
                $news_price .= '<span>' . JText::_('MOD_NEWS_PRO_GK5_PRODUCT_PRICE') . ' ' . $price . '</span>';
            } else {
                $news_price .= '<span>' . $price . '</span>';
        // 'Add to cart' button
        if ($config['vm_add_to_cart'] == 1) {
            if (isset($product->customfields) && count($product->customfields)) {
                foreach ($product->customfields as $field) {
                    if (isset($field->is_cart_attribute) && $field->is_cart_attribute == 1 || isset($field->layout_pos) && $field->layout_pos == 'addtocart') {
                        $product->orderable = 0;
            $code = '<div class="addtocart-area">';
            if ($product->orderable != 0) {
                $code .= '<form method="post" class="product" action="index.php">';
            } else {
                $code .= '<form method="post" class="product-variant" action="' . static::itemLink($item, $config) . '">';
            $code .= '<div class="addtocart-bar">';
            $code .= '<span class="quantity-box" style="display: none"><input type="text" class="quantity-input" name="quantity[]" value="1" /></span>';
            $addtoCartButton = '';
            if ($product->addToCartButton) {
                $addtoCartButton = $product->addToCartButton;
            } else {
                $addtoCartButton = shopFunctionsF::getAddToCartButton($product->orderable);
            $code .= str_replace('addtocart-button-disabled"', 'addtocart-button" type="submit"', $addtoCartButton);
            if ($product->orderable != 0) {
                $code .= '</div>
	                    <input type="hidden" class="pname" value="' . $product->product_name . '"/>
	                    <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_virtuemart" />
	                    <input type="hidden" name="view" value="cart" />
	                    <noscript><input type="hidden" name="task" value="add" /></noscript>
	                    <input type="hidden" name="virtuemart_product_id[]" value="' . $product->virtuemart_product_id . '" />
	                    <input type="hidden" name="virtuemart_category_id[]" value="' . $product->virtuemart_category_id . '" />
            } else {
                $code .= '</div></form>';
            $code .= '</div>';
            $news_price .= $code;
        // display discount
        if ($config['vm_show_discount_amount'] == 1) {
            $disc_amount = $currency->priceDisplay($product->prices['discountAmount'], $currency->getId());
            $news_price .= '<small class="nspDiscount">' . JText::_('MOD_NEWS_PRO_GK5_PRODUCT_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT') . $disc_amount . '</small>';
        // display tax
        if ($config['vm_show_tax'] == 1) {
            $taxAmount = $currency->priceDisplay($product->prices['taxAmount'], $currency->getId());
            $news_price .= '<small class="nspTax">' . JText::_('MOD_NEWS_PRO_GK5_PRODUCT_TAX_AMOUNT') . $taxAmount . '</small>';
        // results
        return $news_price != '<div>' ? $news_price . '</div>' : '';
Exemple #8
     * Start the administrator area table
     * The entire administrator area with contained in a table which include the admin ribbon menu
     * in the left column and the content in the right column.  This function sets up the table and
     * displays the admin menu in the left column.
    static function startAdminArea($vmView, $selectText = 'com_tsmart_DRDOWN_AVA2ALL')
        $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
        $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
        $doc->addScript(JUri::root() . '/media/system/js/jquery.serializeObject.js');
        $doc->addScript(JUri::root() . '/media/jquery-ui-1.11.1/ui/datepicker.js');
        $doc->addScript(JUri::root() . '/media/jquery-ui-1.11.1/ui/effect.js');
        $doc->addScript(JUri::root() . '/media/jquery-ui-1.11.1/ui/draggable.js');
        $doc->addScript(JUri::root() . '/media/jquery-ui-1.11.1/ui/dialog.js');
        $doc->addScript(JUri::root() . '/media/jquery-ui-1.11.1/ui/autocomplete.js');
        $doc->addStyleSheet(JUri::root() . '/media/jquery-ui-1.11.1/themes/base/core.css');
        $doc->addStyleSheet(JUri::root() . '/media/jquery-ui-1.11.1/themes/base/theme.css');
        $doc->addStyleSheet(JUri::root() . '/media/jquery-ui-1.11.1/themes/base/dialog.css');
        $doc->addStyleSheet(JUri::root() . '/media/jquery-ui-1.11.1/themes/base/datepicker.css');
        $doc->addStyleSheet(JUri::root() . '/media/jquery-ui-1.11.1/themes/base/datepicker.css');
        $doc->addStyleSheet(JUri::root() . '/media/system/js/datepicker/css/base.css');
        $doc->addStyleSheet(JUri::root() . '/media/system/js/datepicker/css/clean.css');
        if (vRequest::getCmd('format') == 'pdf') {
        if (vRequest::getCmd('manage', false)) {
            self::$backEnd = false;
        if (self::$vmAdminAreaStarted) {
        self::$vmAdminAreaStarted = true;
        $doc->addLessStyleSheet(JUri::root() . '/administrator/components/com_tsmart/assets/less/admin_ui.less');
        $doc->addStyleSheet(JUri::root() . '/administrator/components/com_tsmart/assets/css/icons.css');
        $doc->addScript(JUri::root() . '/media/system/js/purl-master/purl-master/purl.js');
        $doc->addScript(JUri::root() . '/media/system/js/URI.js-gh-pages/src/URI.js');
        $doc->addScript(JUri::root() . '/administrator/components/com_tsmart/assets/js/asianventure.js');
        $doc->addLessStyleSheet(JUri::root() . '/administrator/components/com_tsmart/assets/less/asianventure.less');
        $admin = 'administrator/components/com_tsmart/assets/css';
        $modalJs = '';
        //loading defaut admin CSS
        vmJsApi::css('admin_ui', $admin);
        vmJsApi::css('admin.styles', $admin);
        vmJsApi::css('toolbar_images', $admin);
        vmJsApi::css('menu_images', $admin);
        $view = vRequest::getCmd('view', 'tsmart');
        if ($view != 'tsmart') {
        if ($view != 'tsmart') {
            vmJsApi::addJScript('fancybox/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.4.pack', false, false);
            vmJsApi::addJScript('fancybox/jquery.easing-1.3.pack', false, false);
            vmJsApi::addJScript('fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack', false, false);
        $app = JFactory::getApplication();
        $input = $app->input;
        $cid = $input->get('cid', array(), 'array');
        $key = $input->get('key', array(), 'array');
        $list_key = array();
        foreach ($key as $a_key => $item) {
            $list_key = "{$a_key}={$item}";
        $str_key = '';
        if ($list_key != '') {
            $str_key = '&' . $list_key;
        $key_string = '';
        $show_edit_in_line = $input->get('show_edit_in_line', 0, 'int');
        $hide_toolbar = $input->get('hide_toolbar', 0, 'int');
        if ($show_edit_in_line) {
            $doc->addLessStyleSheet(JUri::root() . '/administrator/components/com_tsmart/assets/less/asianventure-edit-inline.less');
        $tsmart_product_id = $app->input->get('tsmart_product_id', array(), 'array');
        $tsmart_product_id = $tsmart_product_id[0];
        $uri = JUri::getInstance();
        $url = $uri->toString(array('query'));
        $js_content = '';
    <script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
        echo json_encode(tsmConfig::$show_iframe);
        echo $vmView->add_new_popup == 1 ? 1 : 0;
        echo json_encode($cid);
                key_string: "<?php 
        echo $str_key;
                url: '<?php 
        echo 'index.php' . $url;
                view: '<?php 
        echo $vmView->getName();
        $js_content = ob_get_clean();
        require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_tsmart/helpers/utility.php';
        $js_content = TSMUtility::remove_string_javascript($js_content);
        $vm2string = "editImage: 'edit image',select_all_text: '" . tsmText::_('com_tsmart_DRDOWN_SELALL') . "',select_some_options_text: '" . tsmText::_($selectText) . "'";
        vmJsApi::addJScript('vm.remindTab', "\n\t\tvar tip_image='" . JURI::root(true) . "/components/com_tsmart/assets/js/images/vtip_arrow.png';\n\t\tvar vm2string ={" . $vm2string . "} ;\n\t\tjQuery( function(\$) {\n\n\t\t\tjQuery('dl#system-message').hide().slideDown(400);\n\t\t\tjQuery('.tsmart-admin-area .toggler').vm2admin('toggle');\n\t\t\tjQuery('#admin-ui-menu').vm2admin('accordeon');\n\t\t\tif ( jQuery('#admin-ui-tabs').length  ) {\n\t\t\t\tjQuery('#admin-ui-tabs').vm2admin('tabs',tsmartcookie);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tjQuery('#content-box [title]').vm2admin('tips',tip_image);\n\t\t\tjQuery('.reset-value').click( function(e){\n\t\t\t\te.preventDefault();\n\t\t\t\tnone = '';\n\t\t\t\tjQuery(this).parent().find('.ui-autocomplete-input').val(none);\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t});\t");
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    <script src="//ie7-js.googlecode.com/svn/version/2.1(beta4)/IE9.js"></script>
    <style type="text/css">
        .tsmart-admin-area {
            display: block;

        .tsmart-admin-area #menu-wrapper {
            float: left;

        .tsmart-admin-area #admin-content {
            margin-left: 221px;

        script >
        if (!self::$backEnd) {
            $bar = JToolbar::getInstance('toolbar');
    <div class="toolbar-box" style="height: 84px;position: relative;"><?php 
            echo $bar->render();
        $hideMenu = JFactory::getApplication()->input->cookie->getString('vmmenu', 'show') === 'hide' ? ' menu-collapsed' : '';
    <div class="tsmart-admin-area<?php 
        echo $hideMenu;
        echo $show_edit_in_line ? 'edit-in-line' : '';
        <div class="div-loading"></div>
        if ($vmView->add_new_popup == 1) {
            <div id="vm-edit-form-<?php 
            echo $vmView->getName();
" class="vm-edit-form">
                <iframe id="vm-iframe-<?php 
            echo $vmView->getName();
" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe>
        <style type="text/css">
            .div-loading {
                display: none;
                background: url("<?php 
        echo JUri::root();
/global_css_images_js/images/loading.gif") center center no-repeat;
                position: fixed;
                z-index: 1000;
                top: 0;
                left: 0;
                height: 100%;
                width: 100%
        <div id="admin-content" class="admin-content container-fluid">
        if (!$hide_toolbar) {
            <div class="row-fluid toolbar-top">

            <div class="toolbar-top2">
                <div class="content-toolbar-top2">
                    <div class="row-fluid">
                        <div class="span6">
                            <img src="<?php 
            echo JUri::root();
                        <div class="span4 offset2">
                            <h2>ADMIN DASKBOARD</h2>

            <div class="toolbar-top3">
                <div class="content-toolbar-top3">
                     <div class="row-fluid">
                        <div class="span5">
                            <a href="index.html" class="navbar-brand">
                                <i class="im-windows8 text-logo-element animated bounceIn"></i><span class="text-logo">Asianventure</span>

                            <a title="" class="pull-right tool">
                                <i class="ec-help"></i>
                            <a title="" class="pull-right tool">
                                <i class="ec-pencil"></i>
                            <a title="" class="pull-right tool">
                                <i class="br-grid"></i>
                            <a title="" class="pull-right tool">
                                <i class="ec-refresh"></i>

                        <div class="span7">
                            <a title="" class="pull-right tool">
                                <i class="ec-help"></i>
                            <a title="" class="pull-right tool">
                                <i class="ec-pencil"></i>
                            <a title="" class="pull-right tool">
                                <i class="br-grid"></i>
                            <a title="" class="pull-right tool">
                                <i class="ec-refresh"></i>

            <div class="toolbar-top5">
                <div class="content-toolbar-top5">
                    <div class="row-fluid">
                        <div class="span3">
                            <h1><span title="" class="icon-palette"></span><span style="margin-left: 20px;color: #990100">Tour portal</span>
        $app = JFactory::getApplication();
        $view = $app->input->get('view', 'tsmart', 'string');
        if ($view == 'tsmart') {
            echo self::show_tab_home_page($tsmart_product_id);
                <div class="vm_toolbar"></div>
                    jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
        if ($view != 'tsmart') {

            if (!$hide_toolbar) {
                if (in_array($view, array('country', 'state', 'cityarea', 'currency', 'language', 'airport'))) {
                    echo self::show_tab_geo($view, $tsmart_product_id);
                        <div class="vm-title tab-geo">
                            <div class="content-vm-title">
                                <div class="row-fluid">
                                    <div class="span2 ">
                                        <h3 class="title_page pull-left"><?php 
                    echo JText::_($vmView->getName());
                        <div class="vm_toolbar"></div>
                } else {
                    echo self::show_tab_default($tsmart_product_id);
                        <div class="vm-title ">
                            <div class="content-vm-title">
                                <div class="row-fluid">
                                    <div class="span2">
                                        <h3 class="title_page pull-left"><?php 
                    echo JText::_($vmView->getName());
                        <div class="vm_toolbar"></div>

 * @version $Id: cart_advertisement.php 7862 2014-04-25 09:26:53Z alatak $
 * @package VirtueMart
 * @subpackage payment
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Virtuemart Team. All rights reserved.   - All rights reserved.
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
 * VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
 * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
 * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
 * other free or open source software licenses.
 * See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
 * http://virtuemart.net
$css = ".totalInPaymentCurrency {display:none;}\n";
if ($viewData['payment_form_position'] == 'right' or $viewData['payment_form_position'] == 'specific') {
    vmJsApi::css('klarnacheckout', 'plugins/vmpayment/klarnacheckout/assets/css');

$class = '';
if ($viewData['message']) {
    $class = 'disableSnippet';

<div id="kco-payment-method" >
	<div id="kco-shipment-method"><?php 
echo $viewData['message'];

static $jsAWLoaded = false;
$doc = JFactory::getDocument();
$browser = JBrowser::getInstance();
$isMobile = $browser->isMobile();
if ($isMobile) {
    $doc->setMetaData('viewport', "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1");
if (!$jsAWLoaded) {
    if ($viewData['include_amazon_css']) {
        vmJsApi::css('amazon', 'plugins/vmpayment/amazon/assets/css/');
    //vmJsApi::js('plugins/vmpayment/amazon/amazon/assets/js/site', '');
    $js = "\njQuery(document).ready( function(\$) {\n\tamazonPayment.initPayment('" . $viewData['sellerId'] . "','" . $viewData['amazonOrderReferenceId'] . "', '" . $viewData['addressbook_designWidth'] . "', '" . $viewData['addressbook_designHeight'] . "', '" . $isMobile . "', '" . $viewData['virtuemart_paymentmethod_id'] . "', '" . $viewData['readOnlyWidgets'] . "');\n});\n";
    vmJsApi::addJScript('vm.initAmazonPayment', $js);
    if ($viewData['renderAddressBook']) {
        $js = "\njQuery(document).ready( function(\$) {\n\tamazonPayment.showAmazonAddress();\n});\n";
        vmJsApi::addJScript('vm.showAmazonAddress', $js);
    if ($viewData['renderWalletBook']) {
        $js = "\njQuery(document).ready( function(\$) {\n\tamazonPayment.showAmazonWallet();\n});\n";
        vmJsApi::addJScript('vm.showAmazonWallet', $js);
    $js = "\njQuery(document).ready( function(\$) {\n\$('#leaveAmazonCheckout').click(function(){\n\tamazonPayment.leaveAmazonCheckout();\n\t});\n});\n";
    vmJsApi::addJScript('vm.leaveAmazonCheckout', $js);
    if ($viewData['captureNow']) {
Exemple #11
    function datePicker($jsDateFormat, $name, $id, $date = '', $placeholder = '')
        $display = '<input class="datepicker-db" id="' . $id . '" type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $date . '" />';
        $formatedDate = $date;
        $display .= '<input id="' . $id . '_text" class="datepicker" type="text" value="' . $formatedDate . '" placeholder="' . $placeholder . '" />';
        // If exist exit
        $front = 'components/com_virtuemart/assets/';
        $document = JFactory::getDocument();
			jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
			$("#' . $id . '_text").live( "focus", function() {
				$( this ).datepicker({
					changeMonth: true,
					changeYear: true,
					dateFormat:"' . $jsDateFormat . '",
					altField: $(this).prev(),
					altFormat: "yy-mm-dd"
			$(".js-date-reset").click(function() {
				$(this).prev("input").val("' . $placeholder . '").prev("input").val("0");
        vmJsApi::js('jquery.ui.core', FALSE, '', TRUE);
        vmJsApi::js('jquery.ui.datepicker', FALSE, '', TRUE);
        vmJsApi::css('jquery.ui.all', $front . 'css/ui');
        $lg = JFactory::getLanguage();
        $lang = $lg->getTag();
        $existingLang = array("af", "ar", "ar-DZ", "az", "bg", "bs", "ca", "cs", "da", "de", "el", "en-AU", "en-GB", "en-NZ", "eo", "es", "et", "eu", "fa", "fi", "fo", "fr", "fr-CH", "gl", "he", "hr", "hu", "hy", "id", "is", "it", "ja", "ko", "kz", "lt", "lv", "ml", "ms", "nl", "no", "pl", "pt", "pt-BR", "rm", "ro", "ru", "sk", "sl", "sq", "sr", "sr-SR", "sv", "ta", "th", "tj", "tr", "uk", "vi", "zh-CN", "zh-HK", "zh-TW");
        if (!in_array($lang, $existingLang)) {
            $lang = substr($lang, 0, 2);
        } elseif (!in_array($lang, $existingLang)) {
            $lang = "en-GB";
        vmJsApi::js('jquery.ui.datepicker-' . $lang, $front . 'js/i18n');
        return $display;
			ext = href.substring(href.length-4),
			isImg ;
		ext = ext.toLowerCase();
		isImg = (ext ==".png" || ext ==".jpg" || ext =="jpeg" || ext ==".gif");
		if (isImg) {
			main.find("img").attr("src",this.href ).attr("alt",this.title );
			main.find("a").attr("href",this.href ).attr("alt",this.title );
			return false;

if ($isSlide) {
    $imageJS .= '
		var $slideBar = $(".additional-images .row-fluid");
		var lightSlider =
				  minSlide:' . $imgagesPerRow . ',
				  maxSlide:' . $imgagesPerRow . ',
				  slideMove:' . $imgagesPerRow . ',
				  prevHtml:\'<span class="icon-previous"></span>\',
				  nextHtml:\'<span class="icon-next"></span>\',
				  onAfterSlide: function() {
					// console.log($slideBar.children(".active"),this);
 * @package VirtueMart
 * @subpackage payment
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Virtuemart Team. All rights reserved.   - All rights reserved.
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
 * VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
 * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
 * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
 * other free or open source software licenses.
 * See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
 * http://virtuemart.net

$css =".totalInPaymentCurrency {display:none;}\n";

$js = '
	jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) {
if ($viewData ['hide_BTST']) {
	$js .= '
	jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) {

Exemple #14
  * ADD some CSS if needed
  * Prevent duplicate load of CSS stylesheet
  * @author Max Milbers
 static function cssSite()
     if (!tsmConfig::get('css', TRUE)) {
         return FALSE;
     static $cssSite;
     if ($cssSite) {
     // Get the Page direction for right to left support
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $direction = $document->getDirection();
     $cssFile = 'vmsite-' . $direction;
     if (!class_exists('VmTemplate')) {
         require VMPATH_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'vmtemplate.php';
     $vmStyle = VmTemplate::loadVmTemplateStyle();
     $template = $vmStyle['template'];
     if ($template) {
         //Fallback for old templates
         $path = 'templates' . DS . $template . DS . 'css' . DS . $cssFile . '.css';
         if (file_exists($path)) {
             // If exist exit
         } else {
             $cssFile = 'vm-' . $direction . '-common';
             $cssFile = 'vm-' . $direction . '-site';
             $cssFile = 'vm-' . $direction . '-reviews';
         $cssSite = TRUE;
     return TRUE;
if (method_exists('vmJsApi', 'js')) {
    $app = JFactory::getApplication();
    $jq = $app->get('jquery');
    if (empty($jq) && !OPCJ3) {
        vmJsApi::js('jquery', '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.4', '', TRUE);
        vmJsApi::js('jquery-ui', '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.16', '', TRUE);
    if (OPCJ3) {
        JHtml::_('formbehavior.chosen', 'select');
    } else {
		var vm2string ={' . $vm2string . '} ;
		 jQuery( function($) {
			$(".vm-chzn-select").chosen({enable_select_all: true,select_all_text : vm2string.select_all_text,select_some_options_text:vm2string.select_some_options_text});
} else {
$base = JURI::base();
$jbase = str_replace('/administrator', '', $base);
if (substr($jbase, -1) !== '/') {
Exemple #16
 * @subpackage
 * @author Max Milbers, Valerie Isaksen

 * @link http://www.virtuemart.net
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2004 - 2010 VirtueMart Team. All rights reserved.
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
 * VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
 * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
 * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
 * other free or open source software licenses.
 * @version $Id: default_images.php 6188 2012-06-29 09:38:30Z Milbo $
// Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla!
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
vmJsApi::js( 'fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack');
$document = JFactory::getDocument ();
$imageJS = '
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
		"titlePosition" 	: "inside",
		"transitionIn"	:	"elastic",
		"transitionOut"	:	"elastic"
	jQuery(".additional-images .product-image").click(function() {
		jQuery(".main-image img").attr("src",this.src );
		jQuery(".main-image img").attr("alt",this.alt );
		jQuery(".main-image a").attr("href",this.src );
		jQuery(".main-image a").attr("title",this.alt );
    static function jDate($date = '', $name = "date", $id = NULL, $resetBt = TRUE, $yearRange = '')
        if ($yearRange) {
            $yearRange = 'yearRange: "' . $yearRange . '",';
        $test = (int) str_replace(array('-', ' ', ':'), '', $date);
        if (empty($test)) {
            $date = 0;
        if (empty($id)) {
            $id = str_replace(array('[]', '[', ']'), '.', $name);
            $id = str_replace('..', '.', $id);
        static $jDate;
        if (!class_exists('VmHtml')) {
            require VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'html.php';
        $id = VmHtml::ensureUniqueId($id);
        $dateFormat = vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_DATE_FORMAT_INPUT_J16');
        $search = array('m', 'd', 'Y');
        $replace = array('mm', 'dd', 'yy');
        $jsDateFormat = str_replace($search, $replace, $dateFormat);
        if ($date) {
            $formatedDate = JHtml::_('date', $date, $dateFormat);
        } else {
            $formatedDate = vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_NEVER');
        $display = '<input class="datepicker-db" id="' . $id . '" type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $date . '" />';
        $display .= '<input id="' . $id . '_text" class="datepicker" type="text" value="' . $formatedDate . '" />';
        if ($resetBt) {
            $display .= '<span class="vmicon vmicon-16-logout icon-nofloat js-date-reset"></span>';
        // If exist exit
        if ($jDate) {
            return $display;
        self::addJScript('datepicker', '
			jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
			jQuery(document).on( "focus",".datepicker", function() {
				jQuery( this ).datepicker({
					changeMonth: true,
					changeYear: true,
					' . $yearRange . '
					dateFormat:"' . $jsDateFormat . '",
					altField: $(this).prev(),
					altFormat: "yy-mm-dd"
			jQuery(document).on( "click",".js-date-reset", function() {
				jQuery(this).prev("input").val("' . vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_NEVER') . '").prev("input").val("0");
        $lg = JFactory::getLanguage();
        $lang = $lg->getTag();
        $vlePath = vmJsApi::setPath('i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-' . $lang, FALSE, '', $minified = NULL, 'js', true);
        if (!file_exists($vlePath) or is_dir($vlePath)) {
            $lang = 'en-GB';
        vmJsApi::addJScript('i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-' . $lang);
        $jDate = TRUE;
        return $display;
    public static function getUserInfoST(&$ref, &$OPCloader)
        include JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'config' . DS . 'onepage.cfg.php';
        if (empty($ref->cart)) {
            $ref->cart = VirtueMartCart::getCart();
        //$ref->cart->ST = 0;
        if (method_exists($ref->cart, 'prepareAddressDataInCart')) {
            $ref->cart->prepareAddressDataInCart('ST', 1);
        if (method_exists($ref->cart, 'prepareAddressFieldsInCart')) {
        if (!empty($ref->cart->ST)) {
            $STaddress = $ref->cart->STaddress['fields'];
            foreach ($STaddress as $k => $val) {
                $kk = str_replace('shipto_', '', $STaddress[$k]['name']);
                if (empty($STaddress[$k]['value']) && !empty($ref->cart->ST) && !empty($ref->cart->ST[$kk])) {
                    $STaddress[$k]['value'] = $ref->cart->ST[$kk];
                $STaddress[$k]['value'] = trim($STaddress[$k]['value']);
                if ($val['name'] == 'agreed') {
            $STnamed = $STaddress;
            $STnamed = $OPCloader->setCountryAndState($STnamed);
        } else {
            $STaddress = array();
        //$bt_user_info = $ref->cart->BTaddress->user_infoid;
        				if (!class_exists('VirtuemartModelUser'))
        				require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'user.php');
        require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php';
        $umodel = OPCmini::getModel('user');
        //new VirtuemartModelUser();
        $virtuemart_userinfo_id = 0;
        $currentUser = JFactory::getUser();
        $uid = $currentUser->get('id');
        $userDetails = $umodel->getUser();
        $virtuemart_userinfo_id = $umodel->getBTuserinfo_id();
        $userFields = $umodel->getUserInfoInUserFields('default', 'BT', $virtuemart_userinfo_id);
        if (empty($userFields[$virtuemart_userinfo_id]))
        $virtuemart_userinfo_id = $umodel->getBTuserinfo_id();
        else $virtuemart_userinfo_id = $userFields[$virtuemart_userinfo_id]; 
        //$id = $umodel->getId();
        if (empty($virtuemart_userinfo_id)) {
            return false;
        $STaddressList = $umodel->getUserAddressList($uid, 'ST');
        $STaddressListOrig = $STaddressList;
        $addressCount = count($STaddressListOrig);
        if ($addressCount > 10) {
            $addressCountAjax = true;
        } else {
            $addressCountAjax = false;
        // getUserAddressList uses references/pointers for it's objects, therefore we need to create a copy manually:
        if (false)
        $STaddressListOrig = array(); 
        if (!empty($STaddressList))
        foreach ($STaddressList as $k => $v)
         foreach ($v as $n=>$r)
            $STaddressListOrig[$k]->$n = $r;       
        if (isset($ref->cart->STaddress['fields'])) {
            $BTaddress = $ref->cart->STaddress['fields'];
        } else {
            $BTaddress = $ref->cart->BTaddress['fields'];
        if (!empty($ref->cart->savedST)) {
            foreach ($STaddressList as $key2 => $adr2) {
                foreach ($ref->cart->savedST as $key => $val) {
                    foreach ($adr2 as $keya => $vala) {
                        if ($keya == $key) {
                            if ($val == $vala) {
                                if (!isset($bm[$key2])) {
                                    $bm[$key2] = 0;
            $largest = 0;
            $largest_key = 0;
            if (!empty($bm)) {
                foreach ($bm as $key => $bc) {
                    if ($bc >= $largest) {
                        $largest = $bc;
                        $largest_key = $key;
            if (!empty($largest)) {
                $selected_id = $STaddressList[$largest_key]->virtuemart_userinfo_id;
        $x = VmVersion::$RELEASE;
        $useSSL = VmConfig::get('useSSL', 0);
        foreach ($STaddressList as $ke => $address) {
            $STaddressList[$ke] = $OPCloader->setCountryAndState($STaddressList[$ke]);
            if (empty($address->address_type_name)) {
                $address->address_type_name = OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_ADDRESS_LABEL');
                //$address->address_type_name = OPCLang::_('JACTION_EDIT');
            $link = self::getEditLink($uid, $address->virtuemart_userinfo_id);
            $STaddressList[$ke]->edit_link = $link;
        $new_address_link = '#" onclick="return Onepage.op_showEditST();';
        //vm204: index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=user&task=editaddresscart&new=1&addrtype=ST&cid[]=51
        // don't use ST
        if (empty($only_one_shipping_address)) {
            $arr = array('virtuemart_userinfo_id' => $virtuemart_userinfo_id, 'STaddressList' => $STaddressList);
            $html3 = $OPCloader->fetch($OPCloader, 'list_select_address.tpl', $arr);
            $bm = array();
            if (empty($html3)) {
                //theme file not found, please create or copy /overrides/list_select_address.tpl.php to your theme directory
                if (!$addressCountAjax) {
                    $html3 = '<select class="opc_st_select" name="ship_to_info_id" id="id' . $virtuemart_userinfo_id . '" onchange="return Onepage.changeST(this);" >';
                } else {
                    if (defined('OPC_DETECTED_DEVICE') && OPC_DETECTED_DEVICE != 'DESKTOP') {
                        $nochosen = true;
                    } else {
                        $nochosen = false;
                    if ($nochosen) {
                        $html3 = '<select class="opc_st_select" name="ship_to_info_id" id="id' . $virtuemart_userinfo_id . '" onchange="return Onepage.changeSTajax(this);" >';
                    } else {
                        $html3 = '<select class="opc-chzn-select opc_st_select" name="ship_to_info_id" id="id' . $virtuemart_userinfo_id . '" onchange="return Onepage.changeSTajax(this);" >';
                $html3 .= '<option value="' . $virtuemart_userinfo_id . '">' . OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_ST_SAME_AS_BT') . '</option>';
                foreach ($STaddressList as $stlist) {
                    $html3 .= '<option value="' . $stlist->virtuemart_userinfo_id . '">';
                    if (!empty($stlist->address_type_name)) {
                        $html3 .= $stlist->address_type_name;
                    if (isset($stlist->address_1)) {
                        $html3 .= ',' . $stlist->address_1;
                    if (isset($stlist->city)) {
                        $html3 .= ',' . $stlist->city;
                    $html3 .= '</option>';
                $html3 .= '<option value="new">' . OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_ADD_SHIPTO_LBL') . '</option>';
                $html3 .= '</select>';
            if (!empty($selected_id)) {
                $html3 = str_replace('value="' . $selected_id . '"', 'value="' . $selected_id . '" selected="selected" ', $html3);
            $html3 .= '<input type="hidden" name="sa" id="sachone" value="" />';
        } else {
            // load single_shipping_address.tpl.php
            if (!empty($STaddressList)) {
                $adr1 = reset($STaddressListOrig);
                foreach ($adr1 as $k => $v) {
                    $ada[$k] = $v;
                    $ada['shipto_' . $k] = $v;
                $ref->cart->ST = $ada;
            } else {
                $ref->cart->ST = 0;
            if (!empty($ref->cart->ST['virtuemart_country_id'])) {
                $dc = $ref->cart->ST['virtuemart_country_id'];
            } else {
                $dc = OPCloader::getDefaultCountry($ref->cart, true);
            $htmlsingle = $OPCloader->getSTfields($ref, true, false, $dc);
            if (!empty($adr1)) {
                $htmlsingle .= '<input type="hidden" name="shipto_logged" value="' . $adr1->virtuemart_userinfo_id . '" />';
            } else {
                $htmlsingle .= '<input type="hidden" name="shipto_logged" value="new" />';
            // a default BT address
            $htmlbt = '<input type="hidden" name="ship_to_info_id_bt" id="ship_to_info_id_bt" value="' . $virtuemart_userinfo_id . '"  class="stradio"/>';
            $htmlsingle .= $htmlbt;
            $ref->cart->ST = 0;
            return $htmlsingle;
            // end of load single shipping address for a logged in user
        $i = 2;
        $BTaddressNamed = $BTaddress;
        $BTaddressNamed = $OPCloader->setCountryAndState($BTaddressNamed);
        if (!empty($STaddressList) && empty($htmlsingle)) {
            if (!$addressCountAjax) {
                foreach ($STaddressListOrig as $ind => $adr1) {
                    $html2 = self::renderNamed($BTaddressNamed, $adr1, $ref->cart, $OPCloader, $virtuemart_userinfo_id);
            } else {
                // we have a problem, the too many addresses will cause a memory leak, therefore we load them over ajax
        // add a new address:
        if (empty($htmlsingle)) {
            $ref->cart->ST = 0;
            $dc = OPCloader::getDefaultCountry($ref->cart, true);
            $html22 = $OPCloader->getSTfields($ref, true, true, $dc);
            $html22 .= '<input type="hidden" name="shipto_logged" value="new" />';
            //$html2 .= '<div id="hidden_st_" style="display: none;">'.$html22.'</div>';
            $html22 = str_replace('id="', 'id="REPLACEnewREPLACE', $html22);
            $html22 = str_replace('name="', 'name="REPLACEnewREPLACE', $html22);
            $html22 = '<div id="hidden_st_new" style="display: none;">' . $html22 . '<div id="opc_st_new">&nbsp;</div><input type="hidden" name="opc_st_changed_new" id="opc_st_changed_new" value="1" /></div>';
            if (!isset(OPCloader::$extrahtml)) {
                OPCloader::$extrahtml = '';
            OPCloader::$extrahtml .= $html22;
            $html22 = '';
            if (!isset($html2)) {
                $html2 = '';
        } else {
            $html2 = '';
        $ref->cart->ST = 0;
        $STnamed = $STaddress;
        $STnamed = $OPCloader->setCountryAndState($STnamed);
        $vars = array('STaddress' => $STnamed, 'bt_user_info_id' => $virtuemart_userinfo_id, 'BTaddress' => $BTaddress, 'STaddressList' => $STaddressList, 'uid' => $uid, 'cart' => $ref->cart, 'new_address_link' => $new_address_link);
        // a default BT address
        $htmlbt = '<input type="hidden" name="ship_to_info_id_bt" id="ship_to_info_id_bt" value="' . $virtuemart_userinfo_id . '"  class="stradio"/>';
        $html2 .= '<div id="hidden_st_' . $virtuemart_userinfo_id . '" style="display: none;">' . $htmlbt . '</div>';
        //$ref->cart->STaddress = $STaddress;
        //$ref->cart->BTaddress = $BTaddress;
        if (empty($html3) && empty($htmlsingle)) {
            $html = $OPCloader->fetch($OPCloader, 'list_shipto_addresses.tpl', $vars);
        } else {
            $html = '';
        //if (!empty($html) && (!empty($html2)))
        if (!empty($html2)) {
            $html = $html3 . '<div id="edit_address_list_st_section">' . $html . '</div>' . $html2;
        foreach ($STaddressList as $ST) {
            $html = str_replace('for="' . $ST->virtuemart_userinfo_id . '"', ' for="id' . $ST->virtuemart_userinfo_id . '" ', $html);
            $html = str_replace('id="' . $ST->virtuemart_userinfo_id . '"', ' id="id' . $ST->virtuemart_userinfo_id . '" onclick="javascript:Onepage.op_runSS(this);" ', $html);
        $html = str_replace('for="' . $virtuemart_userinfo_id . '"', ' for="id' . $virtuemart_userinfo_id . '" ', $html);
        $html = str_replace('id="' . $virtuemart_userinfo_id . '"', ' id="id' . $virtuemart_userinfo_id . '" onclick="javascript:Onepage.op_runSS(this);" ', $html);
        if (!empty($selected_id)) {
            $jsst = '
if (typeof jQuery != \'undefined\')
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
				  var elst = document.getElementById(\'id' . $virtuemart_userinfo_id . '\'); 
				  if (elst != null)
            if ($addressCountAjax) {
                $jsst .= '
            } else {
                $jsst .= '
            $jsst .= '
            $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
            $nochosen = true;
        } else {
            $nochosen = false;
        if (!$nochosen) {
            if ($addressCountAjax) {
                if (OPCJ3) {
                    JHtml::_('formbehavior.chosen', 'select');
                } else {
                $document = JFactory::getDocument();
		 if (typeof jQuery != \'undefined\')
		 jQuery( function() {
			var d = jQuery(".opc-chzn-select"); 
			if (typeof d.chosen != \'undefined\')
			    enable_select_all: false,
        return $html;
 * @author Valerie Isaksen
 * @version $Id$
 * @package VirtueMart
 * @subpackage payment
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Virtuemart Team. All rights reserved.
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
 * VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
 * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
 * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
 * other free or open source software licenses.
 * See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
 * http://virtuemart.net
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
vmJsApi::css('paybox', 'plugins/vmpayment/paybox/paybox/assets/css/');

<div class="paybox response">

if ($viewData['success']) {

		<div class="status_confirmed">
    echo vmText::sprintf('VMPAYMENT_' . $this->_name . '_PAYMENT_STATUS_CONFIRMED', $viewData['amount'] . " " . $viewData['currency'], $viewData["order_number"]);
 * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
 * other free or open source software licenses.
 * See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
 * http://tsmart.net
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
$ccData = $viewData['ccData'];
JHTML::script('vmcreditcard.js', 'components/com_virtuemart/assets/js/', false);
tsmConfig::loadJLang('com_virtuemart', true);
vmJsApi::css('realex', 'plugins/vmpayment/realex_hpp_api/realex_hpp_api/assets/css/');
vmJsApi::addJScript('vmRealexSumit', "\n\n\tjQuery(document).ready(function(\$) {\n\tjQuery(this).vm2front('stopVmLoading');\n\tjQuery('#checkoutRealexFormSubmitButton').bind('click dblclick', function(e){\n\tjQuery(this).vm2front('startVmLoading');\n\te.preventDefault();\n    jQuery(this).attr('disabled', 'true');\n    jQuery(this).removeClass( 'vm-button-correct' );\n    jQuery(this).addClass( 'vm-button' );\n    jQuery('#checkoutRealexFormSubmit').submit();\n\n});\n\n\t});\n\n");
$attribute = '';
if ($viewData['dccinfo']) {
    $attribute = ' readonly ';
<div class="realex remote_cc_form" id="remote_cc_form">

<h3 class="order_amount"><?php 
echo $viewData['order_amount'];

<div class="cc_form_payment_name">
    if ($layout != 'default') {
        echo $this->loadTemplate();
    // var_dump($this);
// addon for joomla modal Box
// JHTML::_('behavior.modal');
// JHTML::_('behavior.tooltip');
if (VmConfig::get('usefancy', 0)) {
    $box = "\$.fancybox({\n\t\t\t\thref: '" . $this->askquestion_url . "',\n\t\t\t\ttype: 'iframe',\n\t\t\t\theight: '550'\n\t\t\t});";
} else {
    $box = "\$.facebox({\n\t\t\t\tiframe: '" . $this->askquestion_url . "',\n\t\t\t\trev: 'iframe|550|550'\n\t\t\t});";
if (VmConfig::get('ask_question', 1) == 1) {
    $document = JFactory::getDocument();
    $document->addScriptDeclaration("\n\t//<![CDATA[\n\t\tjQuery(function(\$) {\n\t\t\t\$('a.ask-a-question').click( function(){\n\t\t\t\t" . $box . "\n\t\t\t\treturn false ;\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t});\n\t//]]>\n\t");
/* Let's see if we found the product */
if (empty($this->product)) {
    echo '<br /><br />  ' . $this->continue_link_html;

<div class="productdetails-view productdetails">
  * @author Valérie Isaksen
 function plgVmConfirmedOrder($cart, $order)
     if (!($method = $this->getVmPluginMethod($order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id))) {
         return null;
         // Another method was selected, do nothing
     if (!$this->selectedThisElement($method->payment_element)) {
         return false;
     $this->order_id = $order['details']['BT']->order_number;
     $url = JURI::root();
     // carrega os js e css
     $doc =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $url_lib = $url . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'vmpayment' . DS . 'moip' . DS;
     $url_js = $url_lib . 'assets' . DS . 'js' . DS;
     $this->url_imagens = $url_lib . 'imagens' . DS;
     $url_css = $url_lib . 'assets' . DS . 'css' . DS;
     // redirecionar dentro do componente para validar
     $url_redireciona_moip = JROUTE::_(JURI::root() . 'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=pluginresponse&task=pluginnotification&tmpl=component&pm=' . $order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id);
     $url_pedidos = JROUTE::_(JURI::root() . 'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=orders');
     $url_recibo_moip = JROUTE::_(JURI::root() . 'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=pluginresponse&task=pluginresponsereceived&on=' . $this->order_id . '&pm=' . $order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id);
     // carrega ou não o squeezebox
     $load_squeezebox = $method->load_squeezebox;
     $sq_js = '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="' . $url_js . 'SqueezeBox.js"></script>';
     $sq_css = '<link href="' . $url_css . 'SqueezeBox.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>';
        <script language="javascript">
         var redireciona_moip = "' . $url_redireciona_moip . '";
         var url_pedidos = "' . $url_pedidos . '";
         var url_recibo_moip = "' . $url_recibo_moip . '";
     <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="' . $url_js . 'jquery.mask.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" language="javascript" src="' . $url_js . 'moip.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="' . $url_js . 'jquery.card.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="' . $url_js . 'validar_cartao.js"></script>
     ' . ($load_squeezebox != 0 ? $sq_js : '') . '
     <link href="' . $url_css . 'css_pagamento.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
     <link href="' . $url_css . 'card.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
     ' . ($load_squeezebox != 0 ? $sq_css : '') . '
     $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
     $filename = 'com_virtuemart';
     $lang->load($filename, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);
     $vendorId = 0;
     $this->logInfo('plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: ' . $order['details']['BT']->order_number, 'message');
     $html = "";
     if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelOrders')) {
         require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'orders.php';
     $q = 'SELECT `currency_code_3` FROM `#__virtuemart_currencies` WHERE `virtuemart_currency_id`="' . $method->payment_currency . '" ';
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $currency_code_3 = $db->loadResult();
     $paymentCurrency = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance($method->payment_currency);
     $totalInPaymentCurrency = round($paymentCurrency->convertCurrencyTo($method->payment_currency, $order['details']['BT']->order_total, false), 2);
     $cd = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance($cart->pricesCurrency);
     // pega o nome do método de pagamento
     $dbValues['payment_name'] = $this->renderPluginName($method);
     $html = '<table>' . "\n";
     $html .= $this->getHtmlRowBE('MOIP_PAYMENT_NAME', $dbValues['payment_name']);
     if (!empty($payment_info)) {
         $lang =& JFactory::getLanguage();
         if ($lang->hasKey($method->payment_info)) {
             $payment_info = JText::_($method->payment_info);
         } else {
             $payment_info = $method->payment_info;
         $html .= $this->getHtmlRowBE('MOIP_INFO', $payment_info);
     if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelCurrency')) {
         require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'currency.php';
     $currency = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance('', $order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_vendor_id);
     $html .= $this->getHtmlRowBE('MOIP_ORDER_NUMBER', $order['details']['BT']->order_number);
     $html .= $this->getHtmlRowBE('MOIP_AMOUNT', $currency->priceDisplay($order['details']['BT']->order_total));
     $html .= '
     <input type="hidden" name="order_id" id="order_id" value="' . $order['details']['BT']->order_number . '"/>
 </table>' . "\n";
     $this->chave_moip = $this->getChaveMoip($method);
     $this->token_moip = $this->getAfiliacaoMoip($method);
     if ($method->modo_teste) {
         // url do ambiente de desenvolvimento
     } else {
         // url do ambiente de produção
     $arr_pagamento = $this->solicitaToken($method, $order);
     $this->_virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = $order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id;
     $dbValues['order_number'] = $order['details']['BT']->order_number;
     $dbValues['virtuemart_paymentmethod_id'] = $this->_virtuemart_paymentmethod_id;
     $dbValues['cost_per_transaction'] = $method->cost_per_transaction;
     $dbValues['cost_percent_total'] = $method->cost_percent_total;
     $dbValues['payment_currency'] = $currency_code_3;
     $dbValues['payment_order_total'] = $totalInPaymentCurrency;
     $dbValues['tax_id'] = $method->tax_id;
     $dbValues['token_api'] = (string) $arr_pagamento['token'];
     // grava os dados do pagamento
     if ($arr_pagamento['status'] == "Sucesso") {
         $this->token_api = $arr_pagamento['token'];
         $this->erro_api = $arr_pagamento['erro'];
         // monta o formulário na ultima página
         $html .= $this->Moip_mostraParcelamento($method, $order);
         // envia emails e redireciona
         $novo_status = $method->transacao_nao_finalizada;
         return $this->processConfirmedOrderPaymentResponse(1, $cart, $order, $html, $dbValues['payment_name'], $novo_status);
     } else {
         $this->token_api = null;
         $this->erro_api = $arr_pagamento['erro'];
         JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(utf8_encode($this->erro_api), 'error');
         return false;