Exemple #1

$item = vf::getItem($this->ide, array('width' => 800));
<div class="vf-enlarge-skybox-container">
        <a href="javascript:history.back()">Click Here To Close</a>
        <a href="javascript:history.back()" class="vf-enlarge-skybox">
echo $item->http_html;
Exemple #2
				<a href="#enlarge" class="vf-slideshow-enlarge"></a>
				<a href="#next" class="vf-slideshow-next"></a>
				<a href="#playpause" class="vf-slideshow-pause"></a>
				<a href="#prev" class="vf-slideshow-prev"></a>
	<div class="vf-slideshow-thumbs has-floats"><?php 
// elapsed('before getting thumbnails in batch');
$fetched = vf::getItem($items_arr, array('width' => $gallery->thumb_width, 'height' => $gallery->thumb_height, 'crop' => $gallery->crop));
// krumo(vf::$client);
// elapsed('after getting thunbnails in batch');
// krumo($fetched);
$fetched = $single_to_multiple($fetched);
foreach ($fetched->items as $k => $i) {
    if (!$i->html) {
    if ($k == 0) {
        $class = 'first selected';
    } else {
        if ($k == $gallery->folder->items_count - 1) {
            $class = 'last';
        } else {
            $class = null;
Exemple #3
    if ($empty) {
			<div class="vf-gallery-empty-message">
        echo $gallery->empty_message;
    } else {
        # getItem will strip the data we have already if the item is not an image,
        # we need to preserve non-image items' data
        $_items = $items;
        $items = vf::getItem(vf_gallery_inc::itemsToFlatArray($items), array('width' => $gallery->width, 'height' => $gallery->height, 'crop' => $gallery->crop));
        global $sky_content_type;
        foreach ($_items as $index => $_i) {
            if ($i['media_type'] != 'image') {
            # if we have items that are not images,
            # we need to restore the data to our items array
            # and generate an appropriate html representation (vfolder server file icons)
            $type = $_i['media_type'] . '/' . $i_['media_subtype'];
            $_item_src = sprintf('%s://%s/images/file-icons/%s.jpg', vf::$client->secure ? 'https' : 'http', vf::getFilesDomain(), array_search($type, $sky_content_type) ?: 'file');
            $_item_html = sprintf('<img width="%s" heigh="%s" src="%s" />', $gallery->width, $gallery->height, $_item_src);
            $items->items[$index] = (object) array('_id' => $_i['_id'], 'items_id' => $_i['_id'], 'src' => $_item_src, 'html' => $_item_html);
        // makes sure $items is consistent
        $items = call_user_func(function () use($items) {
Exemple #4
            $event->venue->address1 = $event->address1;
            $event->venue->address2 = $event->address2;
            $event->venue->city = $event->city;
            $event->venue->zip = $event->zip;
            $event->venue->state = $event->state;
            $event->url = parseEventUrl($event);
            $ct_event->ct_event_id = $event->ct_event_id;
             * Fetch media for the event .
            $mediaIds = $ct_event->getMediaIDs(1);
            $index = count($mediaIds) > 1 ? 1 : 0;
            $event->img_small = \vf::getItem($ct_event->getFlyer(), $media_config_small);
            if (!$event->img_small && count($mediaIds)) {
                $event->img_small = \vf::getItem($mediaIds[0], $media_config_small);
        \mem($cache_name, $events, $event_cache_duration);
    $default_markets[$i]['events'] = $events;
			<section class="banner slider">

include "templates/website/media-box/mediabox.php";
Exemple #5

$items_id = decrypt(IDE);
$item = vf::getItem($items_id, array('width' => 800));
<div class="vf-enlarge-skybox-container">
		<a href="javascript:history.back()">Click Here To Close</a>
		<a href="javascript:history.back()" class="vf-enlarge-skybox">
echo $item->html;
Exemple #6

// view item
$i = vf::getItem($this->ide);
$this->redirect($i->errors ? '/404' : $i->http_url);
Exemple #7

	$cache_key = 'newyears.com::cache::event::medias::'.$event->ide ;

	//$medias = mem($cache_key);
	if (!$medias){ 
		$medias = $event->getVenuePhotos(['limit'=>10, 'width'=>600, 'height'=>400]);  

		if ($medias && count($medias)){
			foreach($medias as $key=>$media){

				if( is_object($media) ) {
					$media->thumb = \vf::getItem($media->id, $thumb_config);


			mem($cache_key, $medias, '20 minutes');


	$event->medias = $medias; 

Exemple #8
    echo $this->data[0]['subtitle'];
    <div class="thumbnails">
    foreach ($this->data as $key => $img) {
        // make image heights fill the full height of the mediabox (so no empty spaces)
        $temp_height = ceil($sidebar_height / ($this->num_thumbs - $key));
        $sidebar_height = $sidebar_height - $temp_height;
        $small_conf = array('height' => $temp_height, 'width' => $this->thumb_width - 4, 'crop' => 'center');
        // empty thumbnails need to be there, or images dont cycle properly
        // set to to lookalike object if no thumb width, or things will stop working
        $small_img = !$this->thumb_width || $this->thumb_width <= 4 ? (object) array('src' => '') : vf::getItem($img['media_item_id'], $small_conf);
            <img src="<?php 
        echo $small_img->src;
" class="thumb thumb_<?php 
        echo $key;
" num="<?php 
        echo $key;
" />
Exemple #9

// view item
$i = vf::getItem(IDE);
if ($i->errors) {
    redirect('/404', 302);
redirect($i->src, 302);