function construct_nav_option($title, $url)
    // creates an <option> or <a href for the left-panel of index.php
    // (depending on value of $cpnavjs)
    // NOTE: '&' . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') will be AUTOMATICALLY added to the URL - do not add to your link!
    global $options;
    static $sessionlink = '';
    $url_query = vB_String::parseUrl($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
    if (!isset($options)) {
        $options = array();
        if (vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') == '') {
            $sessionlink = '';
        } else {
            $sessionlink = "s=" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionhash');
    $url .= empty($url_query) ? '?' : '&amp;';
    $options[] = "\t\t<a class=\"navlink\" href=\"{$url}{$sessionlink}\">{$title}</a>\n";
Exemple #2
 function admin_login_error($error, array $args = array())
     global $vbulletin;
     if ($vbulletin->GPC['logintype'] === 'cplogin' or $vbulletin->GPC['logintype'] === 'modcplogin') {
         require_once DIR . '/includes/adminfunctions.php';
         $url = unhtmlspecialchars($vbulletin->url);
         $urlarr = vB_String::parseUrl($url);
         $urlquery = $urlarr['query'];
         $oldargs = array();
         if ($urlquery) {
             parse_str($urlquery, $oldargs);
         $args = array_merge($oldargs, $args);
         $argstr = http_build_query($args);
         $url = "/{$urlarr['path']}?loginerror=" . $error;
         if ($argstr) {
             $url .= '&' . $argstr;
  * Performs fetching of the file if possible
  * @return	integer		Returns one of two constants, VURL_NEXT or VURL_HANDLED
 function exec()
     $urlinfo = @vB_String::parseUrl($this->vurl->options[VURL_URL]);
     // VBV-11823, only allow http/https schemes
     if (!isset($urlinfo['scheme']) or !in_array(strtolower($urlinfo['scheme']), array('http', 'https'))) {
         return VURL_NEXT;
     // VBV-11823, do not allow localhost and range by default
     if (!isset($urlinfo['host']) or preg_match('#localhost|127\\.(\\d)+\\.(\\d)+\\.(\\d)+#i', $urlinfo['host'])) {
         return VURL_NEXT;
     if (empty($urlinfo['port'])) {
         if ($urlinfo['scheme'] == 'https') {
             $urlinfo['port'] = 443;
         } else {
             $urlinfo['port'] = 80;
     // VBV-11823, restrict destination ports to 80 and 443 by default
     // allow the admin to override the allowed ports in config.php (in case they have a proxy server they need to go to).
     $config = vB::getConfig();
     $allowedPorts = isset($config['Misc']['uploadallowedports']) ? $config['Misc']['uploadallowedports'] : array();
     if (!is_array($allowedPorts)) {
         $allowedPorts = array(80, 443, $allowedPorts);
     } else {
         $allowedPorts = array_merge(array(80, 443), $allowedPorts);
     if (!in_array($urlinfo['port'], $allowedPorts)) {
         return VURL_NEXT;
     if (!function_exists('curl_init') or ($this->ch = curl_init()) === false) {
         return VURL_NEXT;
     if ($urlinfo['scheme'] == 'https') {
         // curl_version crashes if no zlib support in cURL (php <= 5.2.5)
         $curlinfo = curl_version();
         if (empty($curlinfo['ssl_version'])) {
             return VURL_NEXT;
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->vurl->options[VURL_URL]);
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->vurl->options[VURL_TIMEOUT]);
     if (!empty($this->vurl->options[VURL_CUSTOMREQUEST])) {
         curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $this->vurl->options[VURL_CUSTOMREQUEST]);
     } else {
         if ($this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_POST) {
             curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
             curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->vurl->options[VURL_POSTFIELDS]);
         } else {
             curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, $this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_HEADER ? 1 : 0);
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this->vurl->options[VURL_HTTPHEADER]);
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, $this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_RETURNTRANSFER ? 1 : 0);
     if ($this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_NOBODY) {
         curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1);
     if ($this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_FOLLOWLOCATION) {
         if (@curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1) === false) {
             return VURL_NEXT;
         curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, $this->vurl->options[VURL_MAXREDIRS]);
     } else {
         curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0);
     if ($this->vurl->options[VURL_ENCODING]) {
         @curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, $this->vurl->options[VURL_ENCODING]);
         // this will work on versions of cURL after 7.10, though was broken on PHP 4.3.6/Win32
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, array(&$this, 'curl_callback_response'));
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, array(&$this, 'curl_callback_header'));
     if (!($this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_VALIDSSLONLY)) {
         curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
         curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
     $result = curl_exec($this->ch);
     if ($urlinfo['scheme'] == 'https' and $result === false and curl_errno($this->ch) == '60') {
         curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, DIR . '/includes/paymentapi/ca-bundle.crt');
         $result = curl_exec($this->ch);
     if ($this->fp) {
         $this->fp = null;
     if ($result !== false or !$this->vurl->options[VURL_DIEONMAXSIZE] and $this->max_limit_reached) {
         return VURL_HANDLED;
     return VURL_NEXT;
Exemple #4
$phrasegroups = array('cphome', 'cpuser');
$specialtemplates = array();
global $DEVDEBUG, $cpnavjs;
// ########################## REQUIRE BACK-END ############################
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/global.php';
// ############################# LOG ACTION ###############################
if (empty($_REQUEST['do'])) {
// ########################################################################
// ######################### START MAIN SCRIPT ############################
// ########################################################################
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array('redirect' => vB_Cleaner::TYPE_NOHTML));
# Not sure where this comes from
if (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['redirect'])) {
    $redirect = vB_String::parseUrl($vbulletin->GPC['redirect']);
    $pathinfo = pathinfo($redirect['path']);
    $file = $pathinfo['filename'];
    parse_str($redirect['query'], $args);
    print_stop_message2('redirecting_please_wait', $file, $args);
// #############################################################################
// ############################### LOG OUT OF CP ###############################
// #############################################################################
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'cplogout') {
    vbsetcookie('cpsession', '', false, true, true);
    $vbulletin->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cpsession WHERE userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . " AND hash = '" . $vbulletin->db->escape_string($vbulletin->GPC[COOKIE_PREFIX . 'cpsession']) . "'");
    $sessionurl_js = vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl_js');
    if (!empty($sessionurl_js)) {
        exec_header_redirect('index.php?' . $sessionurl_js);
    } else {
Exemple #5
  * Get information for a page
  * @param int $pageid
  * @param array $routeData -- The needed to render this pages route.  Will vary by page
  * @return array
  *  	pageid int
  * 		parentid int -- the parent page (currently unused)
  *    pagetemplateid int
  *    title string
  *    metadescription string -- the metadescription to display when page is rendered as html
  *    routeid int -- route associated with this page
  *    moderatorid int -- need to determine
  *    displayorder int -- the order to display page when displaying lists of pages
  * 		pagetype string -- default or custom depending of if this is a page we install with the system
  *		product string -- product the page belongs to 'vbulletin' for pages created by the system and via the admincp
  *		guid string -- globally unique identifier
  *		screenlayoutid int -- layout for the page
  * 		screenlayouttemplate string -- name of the layout template
  *		templatetitle string -- need to determine
  *		ishomepage boolean -- is this the homepage
  * 		makehomepagecheckattr string -- DEPRECATED 'checked=checked' if this is the homepage
  * 		isgeneric boolean -- DEPRECATED true if this is of type default
  *		urlprefix string -- prefix for the route
  *		url string -- url generated from the route -- will be relative to the frontend base
  *		urlscheme string -- DEPRECATED -- will be blank
  *		urlhostname string -- DEPRECATED -- will be blank
  *		noindex boolean -- should this page be indexed.
  *		nofollow boolean -- should this page be followed.
 public function fetchPageById($pageid, $routeData = array())
     $pageid = intval($pageid);
     $db = vB::getDbAssertor();
     $conditions = array('pageid' => $pageid);
     //$page = $db->getRow('fetch_page_pagetemplate_screenlayout', $conditions);
     $page = $db->assertQuery('fetch_page_pagetemplate_screenlayout', $conditions);
     $page = $page->current();
     if ($page) {
         // Fetch phrases
         $guidforphrase = vB_Library::instance('phrase')->cleanGuidForPhrase($page['guid']);
         $phrases = vB_Api::instanceInternal('phrase')->fetch(array('page_' . $guidforphrase . '_title', 'page_' . $guidforphrase . '_metadesc'));
         $page['title'] = !empty($phrases['page_' . $guidforphrase . '_title']) ? $phrases['page_' . $guidforphrase . '_title'] : $page['title'];
         $page['metadescription'] = !empty($phrases['page_' . $guidforphrase . '_metadesc']) ? $phrases['page_' . $guidforphrase . '_metadesc'] : $page['metadescription'];
         // check if this is currently the homepage
         $route = vB5_Route::getHomePageRouteInfo();
         if ($route and $route['contentid'] == $page['pageid']) {
             $page['ishomepage'] = true;
             //todo shouldn't use html in the API.
             $page['makehomepagecheckattr'] = ' checked="checked"';
         } else {
             $page['ishomepage'] = false;
             $page['makehomepagecheckattr'] = '';
         $page['isgeneric'] = $page['pagetype'] == vB_Page::TYPE_DEFAULT;
         // get url scheme, hostname and path
         $route = vB5_Route::getRoute(intval($page['routeid']), $routeData);
         if ($route) {
             $page['urlprefix'] = $route->getCanonicalPrefix();
             $page['url'] = $route->getCanonicalUrl();
             $parsed = vB_String::parseUrl($page['url']);
             $page['urlscheme'] = isset($parsed['scheme']) ? $parsed['scheme'] : '';
             $page['urlhostname'] = isset($parsed['host']) ? $parsed['host'] : '';
             $page['urlpath'] = base64_encode($parsed['path']);
             $page['noindex'] = false;
             $page['nofollow'] = false;
             $arguments = $route->getArguments();
             if (!empty($arguments['noindex'])) {
                 $page['noindex'] = $arguments['noindex'];
             if (!empty($arguments['nofollow'])) {
                 $page['nofollow'] = $arguments['nofollow'];
     return $page;
  * Removes bad $_GET variables that may be set by apache when using mod_rewrite.
  * @see
  * When using mod_rewrite, the fragment is urldecoded before the QS is appended
  * to the rewritten url.  If the fragment contains & then $_GET will be
  * corrupted.
  * This method checks the correct uri and resolves the correct values for $_GET.
  * @param string $fragment					- The decoded fragment
 public function fix_query_string($uri)
     static $fixed = false;
     if ($fixed) {
     $fixed = true;
     // Probably also need to return if this is not apache
     $uri = vB_String::parseUrl($uri);
     $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $uri['query'];
     $_REQUEST = array_diff($_REQUEST, array_diff($_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE));
     $_GET = array();
     if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) {
         // Get the query string
         parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $query);
         $_GET = array_merge($_GET, $query);
         $_REQUEST = array_merge($_REQUEST, $_GET);
Exemple #7
  * Performs fetching of the file if possible
  * @return	integer		Returns one of two constants, VURL_NEXT or VURL_HANDLED
 public function exec()
     $urlinfo = @vB_String::parseUrl($this->vurl->options[VURL_URL]);
     if (!$this->validateUrl($urlinfo)) {
         return VURL_NEXT;
     if (!function_exists('curl_init') or ($this->ch = curl_init()) === false) {
         return VURL_NEXT;
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->vurl->options[VURL_TIMEOUT]);
     if (!empty($this->vurl->options[VURL_CUSTOMREQUEST])) {
         curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $this->vurl->options[VURL_CUSTOMREQUEST]);
     } else {
         if ($this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_POST) {
             curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
             curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->vurl->options[VURL_POSTFIELDS]);
         } else {
             curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, $this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_HEADER ? 1 : 0);
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this->vurl->options[VURL_HTTPHEADER]);
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, $this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_RETURNTRANSFER ? 1 : 0);
     if ($this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_NOBODY) {
         curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1);
     //if we aren't following the location or we're using the built in curl method of following
     //redirects we only want to try to load the url once.  Otherwise we'll want to loop internally
     //to handle redirects up to the limit.
     $redirect_tries = 1;
     if ($this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_FOLLOWLOCATION) {
         // disabled in safe_mode/open_basedir in PHP 5.1.6/4.4.4
         // Added method to force "safe mode" behavior without setting it primarily for unit testing
         if ($this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_NOCURLFOLLOW or @curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1) === false) {
             $redirect_tries = $this->vurl->options[VURL_MAXREDIRS];
         } else {
             curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, $this->vurl->options[VURL_MAXREDIRS]);
     } else {
         curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0);
     if ($this->vurl->options[VURL_ENCODING]) {
         // this will work on versions of cURL after 7.10, though was broken on PHP 4.3.6/Win32
         @curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, $this->vurl->options[VURL_ENCODING]);
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, array(&$this, 'curl_callback_response'));
     curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, array(&$this, 'curl_callback_header'));
     if (!($this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_VALIDSSLONLY)) {
         curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
         curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
     $url = $this->vurl->options[VURL_URL];
     $redirectCodes = array(301, 302);
     for ($i = $redirect_tries; $i > 0; $i--) {
         $isHttps = $urlinfo['scheme'] == 'https';
         if ($isHttps) {
             // curl_version crashes if no zlib support in cURL (php <= 5.2.5)
             $curlinfo = curl_version();
             if (empty($curlinfo['ssl_version'])) {
                 return VURL_NEXT;
         $result = $this->execCurl($url, $isHttps);
         //if we don't have another iteration of the loop to go, skip the effort here.
         if ($i > 1 and in_array(curl_getinfo($this->ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE), $redirectCodes)) {
             $url = curl_getinfo($this->ch, CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URL);
             $urlinfo = @vB_String::parseUrl($url);
             if (!$this->validateUrl($urlinfo)) {
                 return VURL_NEXT;
     //if we are following redirects and still have a redirect code, its because we hit our limit without finding a real page
     //we want the fallback code to mimic the behavior of curl in this case
     if ($this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_FOLLOWLOCATION && in_array(curl_getinfo($this->ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE), $redirectCodes)) {
         return VURL_NEXT;
     //close the connection and clean up the file.
     if ($result !== false or !$this->vurl->options[VURL_DIEONMAXSIZE] and $this->max_limit_reached) {
         return VURL_HANDLED;
     return VURL_NEXT;
    if ($vb5_config['Misc']['debug'] and vB::getUserContext()->hasAdminPermission('canadmintemplates')) {
        echo construct_link_code($vbphrase['rebuild_all_styles'], "template.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=rebuild&amp;goto=template.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl'));
    echo "</p>\n";
// #############################################################################
// rebuilds all parent lists and id cache lists
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'rebuild') {
    if (!vB::getUserContext()->hasAdminPermission('canadmintemplates')) {
    $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array('renumber' => vB_Cleaner::TYPE_INT, 'install' => vB_Cleaner::TYPE_INT, 'goto' => vB_Cleaner::TYPE_STR));
    echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>";
    vB_Library::instance('style')->buildAllStyles($vbulletin->GPC['renumber'], $vbulletin->GPC['install']);
    $execurl = vB_String::parseUrl($vbulletin->GPC['goto']);
    $pathinfo = pathinfo($execurl['path']);
    $file = $pathinfo['basename'];
    parse_str($execurl['query'], $args);
    print_cp_redirect2($file, $args);
// #############################################################################
// hex convertor
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'colorconverter') {
    $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array('hex' => vB_Cleaner::TYPE_NOHTML, 'rgb' => vB_Cleaner::TYPE_NOHTML, 'hexdec' => vB_Cleaner::TYPE_STR, 'dechex' => vB_Cleaner::TYPE_STR));
    if ($vbulletin->GPC['dechex']) {
        $vbulletin->GPC['rgb'] = preg_split('#\\s*,\\s*#si', $vbulletin->GPC['rgb'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
        $vbulletin->GPC['hex'] = '#';
        foreach ($vbulletin->GPC['rgb'] as $i => $value) {
            $vbulletin->GPC['hex'] .= strtoupper(str_pad(dechex($value), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT));
  * Handles a [url] tag. Creates a link to another web page.
  * @param	string	If tag has option, the displayable name. Else, the URL.
  * @param	string	If tag has option, the URL.
  * @return	string	HTML representation of the tag.
 function handle_bbcode_url($text, $link)
     $rightlink = trim($link);
     if (empty($rightlink)) {
         // no option -- use param
         $rightlink = trim($text);
     $rightlink = str_replace(array('`', '"', "'", '['), array('&#96;', '&quot;', '&#39;', '&#91;'), $this->strip_smilies($rightlink));
     // remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap
     $rightlink = str_replace('  ', '', $rightlink);
     if (!preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]+(?<!about|javascript|vbscript|data):#si', $rightlink)) {
         $rightlink = "http://{$rightlink}";
     if (!trim($link) or str_replace('  ', '', $text) == $rightlink) {
         $tmp = unhtmlspecialchars($rightlink);
         if (vbstrlen($tmp) > 55 and $this->is_wysiwyg() == false) {
             $text = htmlspecialchars_uni(vbchop($tmp, 36) . '...' . substr($tmp, -14));
         } else {
             // under the 55 chars length, don't wordwrap this
             $text = str_replace('  ', '', $text);
     static $current_url, $current_host, $allowed, $friendlyurls = array();
     if (!isset($current_url)) {
         $current_url = @vB_String::parseUrl($this->registry->options['bburl']);
     $is_external = $this->registry->options['url_nofollow'];
     if ($this->registry->options['url_nofollow']) {
         if (!isset($current_host)) {
             $current_host = preg_replace('#:(\\d)+$#', '', VB_HTTP_HOST);
             $allowed = preg_split('#\\s+#', $this->registry->options['url_nofollow_whitelist'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $allowed[] = preg_replace('#^www\\.#i', '', $current_host);
             $allowed[] = preg_replace('#^www\\.#i', '', $current_url['host']);
         $target_url = preg_replace('#^([a-z0-9]+:(//)?)#', '', $rightlink);
         foreach ($allowed as $host) {
             if (stripos($target_url, $host) !== false) {
                 $is_external = false;
     // API need to convert link to vb:action/param1=val1/param2=val2...
     if (defined('VB_API') and VB_API === true) {
         $current_link = @vB_String::parseUrl($rightlink);
         if ($current_link !== false) {
             $current_link['host'] = strtolower($current_link['host']);
             $current_url['host'] = strtolower($current_url['host']);
             if (($current_link['host'] == $current_url['host'] or 'www.' . $current_link['host'] == $current_url['host'] or $current_link['host'] == 'www.' . $current_url['host']) and (!$current_url['path'] or stripos($current_link['path'], $current_url['path']) !== false)) {
                 // This is a vB link.
                 if ($current_link['path'] == $current_url['path'] or $current_link['path'] . '/' == $current_url['path'] or $current_link['path'] == $current_url['path'] . '/') {
                     $rightlink = 'vb:index';
                 } else {
                     // Get a list of declared friendlyurl classes
                     if (!$friendlyurls) {
                         require_once DIR . '/includes/class_friendly_url.php';
                         $classes = get_declared_classes();
                         foreach ($classes as $classname) {
                             if (strpos($classname, 'vB_Friendly_Url_') !== false) {
                                 $reflect = new ReflectionClass($classname);
                                 $props = $reflect->getdefaultProperties();
                                 if ($classname == 'vB_Friendly_Url_vBCms') {
                                     $props['idvar'] = $props['ignorelist'][] = $this->registry->options['route_requestvar'];
                                     $props['script'] = 'content.php';
                                     $props['rewrite_segment'] = 'content';
                                 if ($props['idvar']) {
                                     $friendlyurls[$classname]['idvar'] = $props['idvar'];
                                     $friendlyurls[$classname]['idkey'] = $props['idkey'];
                                     $friendlyurls[$classname]['titlekey'] = $props['titlekey'];
                                     $friendlyurls[$classname]['ignorelist'] = $props['ignorelist'];
                                     $friendlyurls[$classname]['script'] = $props['script'];
                                     $friendlyurls[$classname]['rewrite_segment'] = $props['rewrite_segment'];
                             $friendlyurls['vB_Friendly_Url_vBCms']['idvar'] = $this->registry->options['route_requestvar'];
                             $friendlyurls['vB_Friendly_Url_vBCms']['ignorelist'][] = $this->registry->options['route_requestvar'];
                             $friendlyurls['vB_Friendly_Url_vBCms']['script'] = 'content.php';
                             $friendlyurls['vB_Friendly_Url_vBCms']['rewrite_segment'] = 'content';
                             $friendlyurls['vB_Friendly_Url_vBCms2']['idvar'] = $this->registry->options['route_requestvar'];
                             $friendlyurls['vB_Friendly_Url_vBCms2']['ignorelist'][] = $this->registry->options['route_requestvar'];
                             $friendlyurls['vB_Friendly_Url_vBCms2']['script'] = 'list.php';
                             $friendlyurls['vB_Friendly_Url_vBCms2']['rewrite_segment'] = 'list';
                      * 	FRIENDLY_URL_OFF
                      *	showthread.php?t=1234&p=2
                      *	FRIENDLY_URL_BASIC
                      *	showthread.php?1234-Thread-Title/page2&pp=2
                      *	FRIENDLY_URL_ADVANCED
                      *	showthread.php/1234-Thread-Title/page2?pp=2
                      *	FRIENDLY_URL_REWRITE
                      *	/threads/1234-Thread-Title/page2?pp=2
                     // Try to get the script name
                     $scriptname = '';
                     if (preg_match('#([^/]+)\\.php#si', $current_link['path'], $matches)) {
                         $scriptname = $matches[1];
                     } else {
                         // Build a list of rewrite_segments
                         foreach ($friendlyurls as $v) {
                             $rewritesegments .= "|{$v['rewrite_segment']}";
                         $pat = '#/(' . substr($rewritesegments, 1) . ')/#si';
                         if (preg_match($pat, $current_link['path'], $matches)) {
                             $uri = $matches[1];
                         // Decide the type of the url
                         $urltype = null;
                         foreach ($friendlyurls as $v) {
                             if ($v['rewrite_segment'] == $uri) {
                                 $urltype = $v;
                         // Convert $uri back to correct scriptname
                         $scriptname = str_replace('.php', '', $urltype['script']);
                     if ($scriptname) {
                         $oldrightlink = $rightlink;
                         $rightlink = "vb:{$scriptname}";
                         // Check if it's FRIENDLY_URL_BASIC or FRIENDLY_URL_ADVANCED
                         if (preg_match('#(?:\\?|/)(\\d+).*?(?:/page(\\d+)|$)#si', $oldrightlink, $matches)) {
                             // Decide the type of the url
                             $urltype = null;
                             foreach ($friendlyurls as $v) {
                                 if ($v['script'] == $scriptname . '.php') {
                                     $urltype = $v;
                             if ($urltype) {
                                 $rightlink .= "/{$urltype['idvar']}={$matches['1']}";
                             if ($matches[2]) {
                                 $rightlink .= "/page=2";
                         if (preg_match_all('#([a-z0-9_]+)=([a-z0-9_\\+]+)#si', $current_link['query'], $matches)) {
                             foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
                                 $rightlink .= "/{$match}";
     // standard URL hyperlink
     return "<a href=\"{$rightlink}\" target=\"_blank\"" . ($is_external ? ' rel="nofollow"' : '') . ">{$text}</a>";
Exemple #10
  * Function to convert relative URL to absolute given a base URL
  * From
  * @param  string the relative URL
  * @param  string the base URL
  * @return string the absolute URL
 protected function rel2abs($rel, $base)
     if (vB_String::parseUrl($rel, PHP_URL_SCHEME) != '') {
         return $rel;
     } else {
         if ($rel[0] == '#' || $rel[0] == '?') {
             return $base . $rel;
     $parsed_base = vB_String::parseUrl($base);
     $abs = (($rel[0] == '/' or empty($parsed_base['path'])) ? '' : preg_replace('#/[^/]*$#', '', $parsed_base['path'])) . "/{$rel}";
     $re = array('#(/\\.?/)#', '#/(?!\\.\\.)[^/]+/\\.\\./#');
     for ($n = 1; $n > 0; $abs = preg_replace($re, '/', $abs, -1, $n)) {
     return $parsed_base['scheme'] . '://' . $parsed_base['host'] . str_replace('../', '', $abs);
Exemple #11
 protected function resolveRequestUrl()
     // Ports which will not be appended to the URL
     $ignore_ports = array(80, 443);
     $config = vB::getConfig();
     $backend_ports = @$config['Misc']['backendports'];
     if (!empty($backend_ports)) {
         $ignore_ports = array_merge($ignore_ports, $backend_ports);
     // Numerical port this request came from, may be a backend port
     $rawport = 80;
     // Will contain the port portion of the built URL, default empty
     $port = '';
     if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) {
         $rawport = intval($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']);
         $port = in_array($rawport, $ignore_ports) ? '' : ':' . $rawport;
     // resolve the request scheme
     $scheme = ($rawport == 443 or !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) and $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off') ? 'https://' : 'http://';
     $host = $this->fetchServerValue('HTTP_HOST');
     $name = $this->fetchServerValue('SERVER_NAME');
     // If host exists use it, otherwise fallback to servername.
     $host = !empty($host) ? $host : $name;
     // resolve the query
     $query = ($query = $this->fetchServerValue('QUERY_STRING')) ? '?' . $query : '';
     // resolve the path and query
     if (!($scriptpath = $this->fetchServerValue('REQUEST_URI'))) {
         if (!($scriptpath = $this->fetchServerValue('UNENCODED_URL'))) {
             $scriptpath = $this->fetchServerValue('HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL');
     if ($scriptpath) {
         // already have the query
         if ($scriptpath) {
             $query = '';
     } else {
         // server hasn't provided a URI, try to resolve one
         if (!($scriptpath = $this->fetchServerValue('PATH_INFO'))) {
             if (!($scriptpath = $this->fetchServerValue('REDIRECT_URL'))) {
                 if (!($scriptpath = $this->fetchServerValue('URL'))) {
                     if (!($scriptpath = $this->fetchServerValue('PHP_SELF'))) {
                         $scriptpath = $this->fetchServerValue('SCRIPT_NAME');
     // build the URL
     $url = $scheme . $host . '/' . ltrim($scriptpath, '/\\') . $query;
     // store a literal version
     $vbUrl = $url;
     if (!defined('VB_URL')) {
         define('VB_URL', $vbUrl);
     $vbUrlRelativePath = '';
     // Set URL info
     $url_info = @vB_String::parseUrl($vbUrl);
     $url_info['path'] = '/' . ltrim($url_info['path'], '/\\');
     $url_info['query_raw'] = isset($url_info['query']) ? $url_info['query'] : '';
     $url_info['query'] = self::stripSessionhash($url_info['query_raw']);
     $url_info['query'] = trim($url_info['query'], '?&') ? $url_info['query'] : '';
     $url_info['scheme'] = substr($scheme, 0, strlen($scheme) - 3);
     			values seen in the wild:
     			SCRIPT_NAME: /vb4/admincp/index.php
     			ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME: /cgi-sys/php53-fcgi-starter.fcgi
     	CGI #1:
     			SCRIPT_NAME: /index.php
     			ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME: /search/foo
     	CGI #2:
     			SCRIPT_NAME: /index.php/search/foo
     			ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME: /index.php
     if (substr(PHP_SAPI, -3) == 'cgi' and (isset($_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME']) and !empty($_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME']))) {
         if (substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 0, strlen($_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME'])) == $_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME']) {
             // cgi #2 above
             $url_info['script'] = $_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME'];
         } else {
             // cgi #1 and CGI+suexec above
             $url_info['script'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
     } else {
         $url_info['script'] = (isset($_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME']) and !empty($_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME'])) ? $_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME'] : $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
     $url_info['script'] = '/' . ltrim($url_info['script'], '/\\');
     // define constants
     $this->vBUrlScheme = $url_info['scheme'];
     $vBUrlScriptPath = rtrim(dirname($url_info['script']), '/\\') . '/';
     $this->vBUrlPath = urldecode($url_info['path']);
     if (!defined('VB_URL_PATH')) {
         define('VB_URL_PATH', $this->vBUrlPath);
     $this->vBUrlQuery = $url_info['query'] ? $url_info['query'] : '';
     if (!defined('VB_URL_QUERY')) {
         define('VB_URL_QUERY', $this->vBUrlQuery);
     $this->vBUrlQueryRaw = $url_info['query_raw'];
     if (!defined('VB_URL_QUERY_RAW')) {
         define('VB_URL_QUERY_RAW', $this->vBUrlQueryRaw);
     $cleaner = vB::get_cleaner();
     $this->vBUrlClean = $cleaner->xssClean(self::stripSessionhash($vbUrl));
     if (!defined('VB_URL_CLEAN')) {
         define('VB_URL_CLEAN', $this->vBUrlClean);
     $this->vBUrlWebroot = $cleaner->xssClean($this->vBUrlScheme . '://' . $url_info['host'] . $port);
     $this->vBUrlBasePath = $cleaner->xssClean($this->vBUrlScheme . '://' . $url_info['host'] . $port . $vBUrlScriptPath . $vbUrlRelativePath);
     if (!defined('VB_URL_BASE_PATH')) {
         define('VB_URL_BASE_PATH', $this->vBUrlBasePath);
     $this->scriptPath = $cleaner->xssClean($this->addQuery($this->vBUrlPath));
     // legacy constants
     if (!defined('SCRIPT')) {
         define('SCRIPT', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
     if (!defined('SCRIPTPATH')) {
         define('SCRIPTPATH', $this->scriptPath);
     if (!empty($url_info) and !empty($url_info['host'])) {
         $this->vBHttpHost = $url_info['host'];
         if (!defined('VB_HTTP_HOST')) {
             define('VB_HTTP_HOST', $this->vBHttpHost);
Exemple #12
                 case 'timeout':
                     define('CSRF_ERROR', 'timeout');
                     define('CSRF_ERROR', 'invalid');
 } else {
     if (!defined('CSRF_PROTECTION') and !defined('SKIP_REFERRER_CHECK')) {
         if (VB_HTTP_HOST and $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) {
             $host_parts = @vB_String::parseUrl($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
             $http_host_port = isset($host_parts['port']) ? intval($host_parts['port']) : 0;
             $http_host = strtolower(VB_HTTP_HOST . ((!empty($http_host_port) and $http_host_port != '80') ? ":{$http_host_port}" : ''));
             $referrer_parts = @vB_String::parseUrl($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
             $ref_port = isset($referrer_parts['port']) ? intval($referrer_parts['port']) : 0;
             $ref_host = strtolower($referrer_parts['host'] . ((!empty($ref_port) and $ref_port != '80') ? ":{$ref_port}" : ''));
             if ($http_host == $ref_host) {
                 /* Instant match is good enough
                 			no need to check anything further. */
                 $pass_ref_check = true;
             } else {
                 $pass_ref_check = false;
                 $allowed = array('');
                 $allowed[] = '.' . preg_replace('#^www\\.#i', '', $http_host);
                 $whitelist = preg_split('#\\s+#', $vbulletin->options['allowedreferrers'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                 // Get whitelist
                 $allowed = array_unique(is_array($whitelist) ? array_merge($allowed, $whitelist) : $allowed);
                 // Merge and de-duplicate.
                 foreach ($allowed as $host) {
function &fetch_file_via_socket($rawurl, $postfields = array())
    $url = @vB_String::parseUrl($rawurl);
    if (!$url or empty($url['host'])) {
        return false;
        //trigger_error('Invalid URL specified to fetch_file_via_socket()', E_USER_ERROR);
    if ($url['scheme'] == 'https') {
        $url['port'] = $url['port'] ? $url['port'] : 443;
    } else {
        $url['port'] = $url['port'] ? $url['port'] : 80;
    $url['path'] = $url['path'] ? $url['path'] : '/';
    if (empty($postfields)) {
        if ($url['query']) {
            $url['path'] .= "?{$url['query']}";
        $url['query'] = '';
        $method = 'GET';
    } else {
        $fields = array();
        foreach ($postfields as $key => $value) {
            if (!empty($value)) {
                $fields[] = $key . '=' . urlencode($value);
        $url['query'] = implode('&', $fields);
        $method = 'POST';
    $communication = false;
    if (function_exists('curl_init') and $ch = curl_init()) {
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $rawurl);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
        if ($method == 'POST') {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $url['query']);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'vBulletin via cURL/PHP');
        @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
        // disabled in safe_mode/open_basedir in PHP 5.1.6
        @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'gzip');
        // this will work on versions of cURL after 7.10, though was broken on PHP 4.3.6
        $full_result = curl_exec($ch);
        if ($full_result === false and curl_errno($ch) == '60') {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, DIR . '/includes/paymentapi/ca-bundle.crt');
            $full_result = curl_exec($ch);
        if ($full_result !== false) {
            $communication = true;
    if (!$communication) {
        if (VB_AREA == 'AdminCP') {
            $fp = fsockopen($url['host'], $url['port'], $errno, $errstr, 5);
        } else {
            $fp = @fsockopen($url['host'], $url['port'], $errno, $errstr, 5);
        if (!$fp) {
            return false;
            //trigger_error("Unable to connect to host <i>$url[host]</i>.<br />$errstr", E_USER_ERROR);
        socket_set_timeout($fp, 5);
        $headers = "{$method} {$url['path']} HTTP/1.0\r\n";
        $headers .= "Host: {$url['host']}\r\n";
        $headers .= "User-Agent: vBulletin RSS Reader\r\n";
        if (function_exists('gzinflate')) {
            $headers .= "Accept-Encoding: gzip\r\n";
        if ($method == 'POST') {
            $headers .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
            $headers .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($url['query']) . "\r\n";
        $headers .= "\r\n";
        fwrite($fp, $headers . $url['query']);
        $full_result = '';
        while (!feof($fp)) {
            $result = fgets($fp, 1024);
            $full_result .= $result;
    preg_match('#^(.*)\\r\\n\\r\\n(.*)$#sU', $full_result, $matches);
    // when communication is true we've used cURL so lets check for redirect
    if ($communication) {
        while (preg_match("#\r\nLocation: #i", $matches[1])) {
            preg_match('#^(.*)\\r\\n\\r\\n(.*)$#sU', $matches[2], $matches);
    if (function_exists('gzinflate') and preg_match("#\r\nContent-encoding: gzip\r\n#i", $matches[1])) {
        if ($inflated = @gzinflate(substr($matches[2], 10))) {
            $matches[2] =& $inflated;
    return array('headers' => $matches[1], 'body' => $matches[2]);
Exemple #14
  * Returns a matching route if available for $pathInfo
  * @param string $pathInfo
  * @param string $queryString
  * @return vB_Frontend_Route
 public function getRoute($pathInfo, $queryString, $anchor = '')
     static $closed;
     // clean the path if necessary
     $parsed = vB_String::parseUrl($pathInfo);
     $pathInfo = $parsed['path'];
     // check for any querystring to append
     if (!empty($parsed['query'])) {
         if (!empty($queryString)) {
             $queryString = $parsed['query'] . '&' . $queryString;
         } else {
             $queryString = $parsed['query'];
     if (empty($anchor) and !empty($parsed['anchor'])) {
         $anchor = $parsed['anchor'];
     //Check for standard routes.
     if (is_string($pathInfo)) {
         $common = vB5_Route::fetchCommonRoutes();
         if (isset($common[$pathInfo])) {
             //See if we have a match
             // pattern matching is case-insensitive
             $pattern = '#^' . $common[$pathInfo]['regex'] . '(?:/)?$#i';
             if (preg_match($pattern, $pathInfo, $matches)) {
                 $className = (isset($common[$pathInfo]['class']) and !empty($common[$pathInfo]['class']) and class_exists($common[$pathInfo]['class'])) ? $common[$pathInfo]['class'] : self::DEFAULT_CLASS;
                 if (!empty($common[$pathInfo]['arguments'])) {
                     $common[$pathInfo]['arguments'] = unserialize($common[$pathInfo]['arguments']);
                 try {
                     $route = new $className($common[$pathInfo], $matches, $queryString, $anchor);
                 } catch (vB_Exception $ex) {
                     return $this->handleRouteExceptions($ex);
     if (!isset($route)) {
         // calculate prefixes set
         $prefixes = vB5_Route::getPrefixSet($pathInfo);
         // get matching routes
         $result = vB::getDbAssertor()->assertQuery('routenew', array('prefix' => $prefixes));
         if (in_array($result->db()->errno, $result->db()->getCriticalErrors())) {
             throw new Exception('no_vb5_database');
         $prefixMatches = array();
         foreach ($result as $route) {
             if (($unserialized = @unserialize($route['arguments'])) !== false) {
                 $route['arguments'] = $unserialized;
             } else {
                 $route['arguments'] = array();
             $prefixMatches[$route['routeid']] = $route;
     // check for banned
     $bannedInfo = vB_Library::instance('user')->fetchBannedInfo(false);
     // get best route
     try {
         if (!isset($route)) {
             $route = vB5_Route::selectBestRoute($pathInfo, $queryString, $anchor, $prefixMatches);
         if ($route) {
             // Check if forum is closed
             $routeInfo = array('routeguid' => $route->getRouteGuid(), 'controller' => $route->getController(), 'action' => $route->getAction(), 'arguments' => $route->getArguments());
             $segments = $route->getRouteSegments();
             $cleanedRoute = implode('/', $segments);
             if (in_array($cleanedRoute, $this->GetSpecialRoutes())) {
                 return array('no_permission' => 1);
             //Always allow login and access to the admincp, even if closed.
             if (!in_array($cleanedRoute, $this->whitelistRoute)) {
                 if (!isset($closed)) {
                     if (vB_Cache::instance(vB_Cache::CACHE_FAST)->isLoaded('vB_State_checkBeforeView')) {
                         $closed = vB_Cache::instance(vB_Cache::CACHE_FAST)->read('vB_State_checkBeforeView');
                     } else {
                         $closed = vB_Api::instanceInternal('state')->checkBeforeView($routeInfo);
                 if ($closed !== false) {
                     return array('forum_closed' => $closed['msg']);
             if ($bannedInfo['isbanned']) {
                 return array('banned_info' => $bannedInfo);
             if (!vB::getUserContext()->getChannelPermission('forumpermissions', 'canview', 1)) {
                 $prefix = $route->getCanonicalPrefix();
                 if (!in_array($prefix, $this->whitelistPrefix)) {
                     if ($route->getPrefix() == 'admincp' or $route->getPrefix() == 'modcp') {
                         // do nothing really, just allow passage
                     } else {
                         if ($route->getPrefix() == 'ajax') {
                             $arguments = $route->getArguments();
                             $allowedOptions = array('/api/contactus/sendMail', '/api/hv/generateToken');
                             if (!isset($arguments['route']) or !in_array($arguments['route'], $allowedOptions)) {
                                 return array('no_permission' => 1);
                         } else {
                             return array('no_permission' => 1);
             if (is_array($route) and (isset($route['no_permission']) or isset($route['internal_error']))) {
                 return $route;
             $canonicalUrl = $route->getCanonicalUrl();
             $canonicalUrl = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $canonicalUrl);
             $canonicalPathInfo = $canonicalUrl ? vB_String::parseUrl($canonicalUrl, PHP_URL_PATH) : $pathInfo;
             $canonicalParam = $route->getCanonicalQueryParameters();
             if ($canonicalPathInfo and $canonicalPathInfo[0] == '/') {
                 $canonicalPathInfo = substr($canonicalPathInfo, 1);
             $queryParams = $route->getQueryParameters();
             $routeId = $route->getRouteId();
             // return routeid even for 301 redirects. Certain callers expect
             // this function to return the routeid in order to write a cache record
             if ($redirectId = $route->getRedirect301()) {
                 return array('routeid' => $routeId, 'redirect' => vB5_Route::buildUrl($redirectId, $route->getArguments(), $queryParams, $route->getAnchor()), 'redirectRouteId' => $redirectId);
             } else {
                 if ($pathInfo != $canonicalPathInfo or $canonicalParam !== false and $queryParams != $canonicalParam) {
                     $hashtag = '';
                     if (isset($queryParams['p'])) {
                         $hashtag = '#post' . $queryParams['p'];
                         // some browers do not preserve fragment during redirects, VBV-10255
                     return array('routeid' => $routeId, 'redirect' => $canonicalUrl . $hashtag, 'redirectRouteId' => $routeId);
                 } else {
                     return array('routeid' => $routeId, 'routeguid' => $route->getRouteGuid(), 'controller' => $route->getController(), 'action' => $route->getAction(), 'template' => $route->getTemplate(), 'arguments' => $route->getArguments(), 'queryParameters' => $queryParams, 'pageKey' => $route->getPageKey(), 'userAction' => $route->getUserAction(), 'breadcrumbs' => $route->getBreadcrumbs(), 'headlinks' => $route->getHeadLinks());
         } else {
             return false;
     } catch (vB_Exception $ex) {
         return $this->handleRouteExceptions($ex);
Exemple #15
  * Handles a [url] tag. Creates a link to another web page.
  * @param	string	If tag has option, the displayable name. Else, the URL.
  * @param	string	If tag has option, the URL.
  * @return	string	HTML representation of the tag.
 function handle_bbcode_url($text, $link)
     $rightlink = trim($link);
     if (empty($rightlink)) {
         // no option -- use param
         $rightlink = trim($text);
     $rightlink = str_replace(array('`', '"', "'", '['), array('&#96;', '&quot;', '&#39;', '&#91;'), $this->stripSmilies($rightlink));
     // remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap
     $rightlink = str_replace('  ', '', $rightlink);
     if (!preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]+(?<!about|javascript|vbscript|data):#si', $rightlink)) {
         $rightlink = "http://{$rightlink}";
     if (!trim($link) or str_replace('  ', '', $text) == $rightlink) {
         $tmp = vB_String::unHtmlSpecialChars($rightlink);
         if (vB_String::vbStrlen($tmp) > 55 and $this->isWysiwyg() == false) {
             $text = vB_String::htmlSpecialCharsUni(vB_String::vbChop($tmp, 36) . '...' . substr($tmp, -14));
         } else {
             // under the 55 chars length, don't wordwrap this
             $text = str_replace('  ', '', $text);
     static $current_url, $current_host, $allowed, $friendlyurls = array();
     if (!isset($current_url)) {
         $current_url = @vB_String::parseUrl(self::$bbUrl);
     $is_external = self::$urlNoFollow;
     if (self::$urlNoFollow) {
         if (!isset($current_host)) {
             $current_host = preg_replace('#:(\\d)+$#', '', self::$vBHttpHost);
             $allowed = preg_split('#\\s+#', self::$urlNoFollowWhiteList, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $allowed[] = preg_replace('#^www\\.#i', '', $current_host);
             $allowed[] = preg_replace('#^www\\.#i', '', $current_url['host']);
         $target_url = preg_replace('#^([a-z0-9]+:(//)?)#', '', $rightlink);
         foreach ($allowed as $host) {
             if (vB_String::stripos($target_url, $host) !== false) {
                 $is_external = false;
     // standard URL hyperlink
     return "<a href=\"{$rightlink}\" target=\"_blank\"" . ($is_external ? ' rel="nofollow"' : '') . ">{$text}</a>";
Exemple #16
        if (defined($define_name) and constant($define_name) !== '') {
            $product['version'] = constant($define_name);
        print_cells_row(array($title, htmlspecialchars_uni($product['version']), htmlspecialchars_uni($product['description']), "<div align=\"" . vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('right') . "\">\n\t\t\t\t<select name=\"s{$product['productid']}\" id=\"prodsel{$i}\" onchange=\"js_page_jump({$i}, '{$product['productid']}')\" class=\"bginput\">\n\t\t\t\t\t" . construct_select_options($options) . "\n\t\t\t\t</select>&nbsp;<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"" . $vbphrase['go'] . "\" onclick=\"js_page_jump({$i}, '{$product['productid']}');\" />\n\t\t\t</div>"), false, '', -2);
    echo '<p align="center">' . construct_link_code($vbphrase['add_import_product'], "product.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=productadd") . '</p>';
// #############################################################################
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'productversioncheck') {
    $product = $assertor->getRow('product', array('productid' => $vbulletin->GPC['productid']));
    if (!$product or empty($product['versioncheckurl'])) {
    $version_url = @vB_String::parseUrl($product['versioncheckurl']);
    if (!$version_url) {
    if (!$version_url['port']) {
        $version_url['port'] = 80;
    if (!$version_url['path']) {
        $version_url['path'] = '/';
    $fp = @fsockopen($version_url['host'], $version_url['port'] ? $version_url['port'] : 80, $errno, $errstr, 10);
    if (!$fp) {
        print_stop_message2(array('version_check_connect_failed_host_x_error_y', htmlspecialchars_uni($version_url['host']), htmlspecialchars_uni($errstr)));
    $send_headers = "POST {$version_url['path']} HTTP/1.0\r\n";
    $send_headers .= "Host: {$version_url['host']}\r\n";
Exemple #17
    if ($vbulletin->GPC['address']) {
        // chosen to address the issue -- redirect to the appropriate page
        $adminmessageid = intval($vbulletin->GPC['address'][0]);
        $adminmessage = vB::getDbAssertor()->getRow('adminmessage', array('adminmessageid' => $adminmessageid));
        if (!empty($adminmessage)) {
            // set the issue as addressed
            vB::getDbAssertor()->update('adminmessage', array('status' => 'done', 'statususerid' => $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']), array('adminmessageid' => $adminmessageid));
        if (!empty($adminmessage) and !empty($adminmessage['execurl'])) {
            if ($adminmessage['method'] == 'get') {
                // get redirect -- can use the url basically as is
                if (!strpos($adminmessage['execurl'], '?')) {
                    $adminmessage['execurl'] .= '?';
                $args = array();
                $execurl = vB_String::parseUrl($adminmessage['execurl'] . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl_js'));
                $pathinfo = pathinfo($execurl['path']);
                $file = $pathinfo['basename'];
                parse_str($execurl['query'], $args);
                print_cp_redirect2($file, $args);
            } else {
                // post redirect -- need to seperate into <file>?<querystring> first
                if (preg_match('#^(.+)\\?(.*)$#siU', $adminmessage['execurl'], $match)) {
                    $script = $match[1];
                    $arguments = explode('&', $match[2]);
                } else {
                    $script = $adminmessage['execurl'];
                    $arguments = array();
                echo '
					<form action="' . htmlspecialchars($script) . '" method="post" id="postform">
Exemple #18
  * Removes HTML characters and potentially unsafe scripting words from a URL
  * Note: The query string is preserved.
  * @param	string	The url to clean
  * @return	string
 public function xssCleanUrl($url)
     if ($query = vB_String::parseUrl($url, PHP_URL_QUERY)) {
         $url = substr($url, 0, strpos($url, '?'));
         $url = $this->xssClean($url);
         return $url . '?' . $query;
     return $this->xssClean($url);
  * Fetches the path for the current request relative to the basepath.
  * This is useful for local anchors (<a href="{vb:raw relpath}#post">).
  * Substracts any overlap between basepath and path with the following results:
  * 		base:
  * 		path:		/forums/content.php
  * 		result:		content.php
  * 		base:
  * 		path:		/forums/content/1-Article
  * 		result:		../content/1-Article
  * @return string
 function fetch_relpath($path = false)
     if (!$path and (isset($this->registry->relpath) and $this->registry->relpath != '')) {
         return $this->registry->relpath;
     // if no path specified, use the request path
     if (!$path) {
         if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' and isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) and $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest' and !empty($_POST['relpath'])) {
             $relpath = $_POST['relpath'];
             $query = '';
         } else {
             $relpath = VB_URL_PATH;
             $query = VB_URL_QUERY;
             $fragment = "";
     } else {
         // if the path is already absolute there's nothing to do
         if (strpos($path, '://')) {
             return $path;
         if (!$path) {
             return $path;
         $relpath = vB_String::parseUrl($path, PHP_URL_PATH);
         $query = vB_String::parseUrl($path, PHP_URL_QUERY);
         $fragment = vB_String::parseUrl($path, PHP_URL_FRAGMENT);
     $relpath = ltrim($relpath, '/');
     $basepath = @vB_String::parseUrl($this->fetch_basepath(), PHP_URL_PATH);
     $basepath = trim($basepath, '/');
     // get path segments for comparison
     $relpath = explode('/', $relpath);
     $basepath = explode('/', $basepath);
     // remove segments that basepath and relpath share
     foreach ($basepath as $segment) {
         if ($segment == current($relpath)) {
         } else {
     // rebuild the relpath
     $relpath = implode('/', $relpath);
     // add the query string if the current path is being used
     if ($query) {
         $relpath = $this->add_query($relpath, $query);
     // add the fragment back
     if ($fragment) {
         $relpath = $this->add_fragment($relpath, $fragment);
     return $relpath;
					$('[name="allbox"]').prop('checked', false);


        print_form_header('rssposter', 'updatestatus');
        print_table_header($vbphrase['rss_feed_manager'], 5);
        print_cells_row(array('<input type="checkbox" name="allbox" title="' . $vbphrase['check_all'] . '" onclick="js_check_all(this.form);" />', $vbphrase['rss_feed_gcron'], $vbphrase['forum'] . ' / ' . $vbphrase['username'], $vbphrase['last_checked'], $vbphrase['controls']), true, '', -4);
        foreach ($feeds as $rssfeedid => $feed) {
            $x = @vB_String::parseUrl($feed['url']);
            if ($feed['lastrun'] > 0) {
                $date = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $feed['lastrun'], true);
                $time = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $feed['lastrun']);
                $datestring = $date . ($vbulletin->options['yestoday'] == 2 ? '' : ", {$time}");
            } else {
                $datestring = '-';
            print_cells_row(array("<input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"rssenabled\" name=\"enabled[{$rssfeedid}]\" value=\"{$rssfeedid}\" title=\"{$vbphrase['enabled']}\"" . ($feed['options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_feedoptions['enabled'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . " />", "<div><a href=\"rssposter.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=edit&amp;rssfeedid={$feed['rssfeedid']}\" title=\"" . htmlspecialchars_uni($feed['url']) . "\"><strong>{$feed['title']}</strong></a></div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"smallfont\"><a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars_uni($feed['url']) . "\" target=\"feed\">{$x['host']}</a></div>", "<div><a href=\"forum.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=edit&amp;nodeid={$feed['nodeid']}\">{$feed['channeltitle']}</a></div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"smallfont\"><a href=\"user.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=edit&amp;userid={$feed['userid']}\">{$feed['username']}</a></div>", "<span class=\"smallfont\">{$datestring}</span>", construct_link_code($vbphrase['edit'], "rssposter.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=edit&amp;rssfeedid={$feed['rssfeedid']}") . construct_link_code($vbphrase['delete'], "rssposter.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=delete&amp;rssfeedid={$feed['rssfeedid']}")), false, '', -4);
        if (vB::getUserContext()->hasAdminPermission('canadmincron')) {
            $runNow = "<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"{$vbphrase['run_scheduled_task_now']}\" onclick=\"window.location='cronadmin.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=runcron&amp;varname=rssposter'\" />";
        } else {
            $runNow = '';
        print_submit_row($vbphrase['save_enabled_status'], false, 5, '', $runNow . "\n\t\t\t\t<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"{$vbphrase['add_new_rss_feed']}\" onclick=\"window.location='rssposter.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=edit'\" />\n\t\t\t");
Exemple #21
  * Prepares data for generating the navbar display, decides which navbar tab to
  * highlight. The passed $data array is modified.
  * @param	array	Array of navigation items, for the header or the footer
  * @param	string	The current URL
  * @param	bool	True if editing the page, false if not
  * @param	int	Channel Node ID
  * @return	bool	Whether the current navbar item was found or not
 protected function prepareNavbarData(array &$data, $url = false, $edit = false, $channelId = 0)
     $baseurl_short = vB_String::parseUrl(vB::getDatastore()->getOption('frontendurl'), PHP_URL_PATH);
     $found_current = false;
     $found_sub_parent = false;
     $possibleCurrentItems = array();
     $removed_element = false;
     $userinfo = vB_Api::instanceInternal('user')->fetchCurrentUserInfo();
     $phraseApi = vB_Api::instance('phrase');
     foreach ($data as $k => &$item) {
         if (is_array($item) and isset($item['url'])) {
             $item['phrase'] = $item['title'];
             $this->requiredPhrases[] = $item['title'];
             $additionalGrp = false;
             if ($userinfo['membergroupids'] and !empty($item['usergroups'])) {
                 $memberGroups = explode(',', $userinfo['membergroupids']);
                 foreach ($memberGroups as $memberGroup) {
                     if (in_array($memberGroup, $item['usergroups'])) {
                         $additionalGrp = true;
             if ((!$edit or !vB::getUserContext()->hasAdminPermission('canusesitebuilder')) and (!empty($item['usergroups']) and (!in_array($userinfo['usergroupid'], $item['usergroups']) and !$additionalGrp))) {
                 $removed_element = true;
             $item['isAbsoluteUrl'] = (bool) preg_match('#^https?://#i', $item['url']);
             $item['normalizedUrl'] = ltrim($item['url'], '/');
             $item['newWindow'] = $item['newWindow'] ? 1 : 0;
             if (!empty($item['subnav']) and is_array($item['subnav'])) {
                 $found_sub = $this->prepareNavbarData($item['subnav'], $url, $edit, $channelId);
                 if (!$found_current and $found_sub) {
                     $found_sub_parent =& $item;
                     $item['current_sub'] = true;
             if (!$found_current and !empty($url)) {
                 if ($item['isAbsoluteUrl']) {
                     $itemUrl = vB_String::parseUrl($item['normalizedUrl'], PHP_URL_PATH);
                 } else {
                     $itemUrl = $baseurl_short . '/' . $item['normalizedUrl'];
                 if (strtolower($url) == strtolower($itemUrl) || strlen($url) > strlen($itemUrl) && strtolower(substr($url, 0, -(strlen($url) - strlen($itemUrl)))) == strtolower($itemUrl)) {
                     // found an item that might be the current item
                     $possibleCurrentItems[] = array('length' => strlen($itemUrl), 'item' => &$item);
     // Reset the keys of the array, because in js it will be considered as an object
     if ($removed_element) {
         $data = array_values($data);
     // test some special cases where we have non-conforming routes (routes
     // which don't begin with the same text as the navbar tab they are
     // supposed to be in.
     // @TODO consider renaming the /blogadmin route to /blogs/admin
     // and the /sgadmin route to /social-groups/admin
     if (!$found_current) {
         $setCurrentTab = '';
         // special case: the create content pages
         $channelId = (int) $channelId;
         if (strpos($url, $baseurl_short . '/new-content') === 0 and $channelId > 0) {
             switch ($this->getChannelType($channelId)) {
                 case 'blog':
                     $setCurrentTab = 'blogs';
                 case 'group':
                     $setCurrentTab = 'social-groups';
                 case 'article':
                     $setCurrentTab = 'articles';
         } else {
             if (strpos($url, $baseurl_short . '/blogadmin') === 0) {
                 $setCurrentTab = 'blogs';
             } else {
                 if (strpos($url, $baseurl_short . '/sgadmin') === 0) {
                     $setCurrentTab = 'social-groups';
                 } else {
                     if ($channelId > 0) {
                         // special case: social groups, categories & topics
                         // social group routes do not maintain the 'social-groups' bit in the URL
                         if ($this->getChannelType($channelId) == 'group') {
                             $setCurrentTab = 'social-groups';
         // set the special-cased tab to current
         if ($setCurrentTab) {
             foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
                 if ($v['normalizedUrl'] == $setCurrentTab) {
                     $data[$k]['current'] = true;
                     $found_current = true;
     // test the possible current items-- the longest URL is the best match
     if (!$found_current and !empty($possibleCurrentItems)) {
         $longestKey = 0;
         foreach ($possibleCurrentItems as $k => $possibleCurrentItem) {
             if ($possibleCurrentItem['length'] > $possibleCurrentItems[$longestKey]['length']) {
                 $longestKey = $k;
         $possibleCurrentItems[$longestKey]['item']['current'] = true;
         $found_current = true;
     if (!$found_current and !empty($found_sub_parent)) {
         $found_sub_parent['current'] = true;
     return $found_current;
Exemple #22
  *	Validates the data for update or add
  *	@param array $data -- The data to be validated. 
  *	@param string $function -- The function we are validating for, so we can log that with the error message
  *	@return none -- will throw an execption if there is an error.  Will not if everything is valid
 private function validateLinkData($data, $function)
     if (!empty($data['url'])) {
         $urlInfo = vB_String::parseUrl($data['url']);
         if (empty($urlInfo) or !empty($urlInfo['scheme']) and $urlInfo['scheme'] != 'http' and $urlInfo['scheme'] != 'https') {
             throw new vB_Exception_Api('invalid_data_w_x_y_z', array($data['url'], '$data[\'url\']', __CLASS__, $function));