Exemple #1
  * Initializes the vB framework.
  * All framework level objects and services are created so that they are available
  * throughout the application.  This is only done once per actual request.
  * Note: If the framework is used this way then there are several limitations.
  *  - If no vB_Bootstrap was created (ie, the admincp), then you cannot render any
  *    views created by the framework.
  *  - VB_ENTRY must be defined to a valid request script that runs the framework
  *    with vB::Main()
  *  - If you are rendering views, try to create all of the views that will be
  *    used before rendering any of them.  This optimises template and phrase
  *    fetching.
 public static function init($relative_path = false)
     global $vbulletin, $vbphrase;
     if (self::$initialized) {
     // Reference legacy registry
     self::$vbulletin = $vbulletin;
     // Legacy DB
     self::$db = $vbulletin->db;
     // Set a top level exception handler
     set_exception_handler(array('vB', 'handleException'));
     // Set unserializer to use spl registered autoloader
     ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', 'spl_autoload_call');
     // Set class autoloader
     spl_autoload_register(array('vB', 'autoload'));
     // Legacy language
     vB_Phrase::setLanguage(!empty(self::$vbulletin->session->vars['languageid']) ? self::$vbulletin->session->vars['languageid'] : intval(self::$vbulletin->options['languageid']));
     vB_Phrase::preCache($vbphrase, $GLOBALS['phrasegroups']);
     // Ensure we have friendly url class
     require_once DIR . '/includes/class_friendly_url.php';
     if ($relative_path) {
     // Done
     self::$initialized = true;
Exemple #2
* Returns the initial $vbphrase array
* @return	array
function init_language()
    global $vbulletin, $phrasegroups, $vbphrasegroup;
    global $copyrightyear, $timediff, $timenow, $datenow;
    // define languageid
    define('LANGUAGEID', iif(empty($vbulletin->userinfo['languageid']), $vbulletin->options['languageid'], $vbulletin->userinfo['languageid']));
    // define language direction
    define('LANGUAGE_DIRECTION', iif($vbulletin->userinfo['lang_options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_languageoptions['direction'], 'ltr', 'rtl'));
    // define html language code (lang="xyz")
    define('LANGUAGE_CODE', $vbulletin->userinfo['lang_code']);
    // initialize the $vbphrase array
    $vbphrase = array();
    // populate the $vbphrase array with phrase groups
    foreach ($phrasegroups as $phrasegroup) {
        $tmp = unserialize($vbulletin->userinfo["phrasegroup_{$phrasegroup}"]);
        if (is_array($tmp)) {
            $vbphrase = array_merge($vbphrase, $tmp);
        unset($vbulletin->userinfo["phrasegroup_{$phrasegroup}"], $tmp);
    $vbphrasegroup = array();
    $tmp = unserialize($vbulletin->userinfo["lang_phrasegroupinfo"]);
    if (is_array($tmp)) {
        $vbphrasegroup = $tmp;
    // prepare phrases for construct_phrase / sprintf use
    //$vbphrase = preg_replace('/\{([0-9]+)\}/siU', '%\\1$s', $vbphrase);
    if (!defined('NOGLOBALPHRASE')) {
        // pre-parse some global phrases
        $tzoffset = iif($vbulletin->userinfo['tzoffset'], ' ' . $vbulletin->userinfo['tzoffset']);
        $vbphrase['all_times_are_gmt_x_time_now_is_y'] = construct_phrase($vbphrase['all_times_are_gmt_x_time_now_is_y'], $tzoffset, $timenow, $datenow);
        $vbphrase['vbulletin_copyright_orig'] = $vbphrase['vbulletin_copyright'];
        $vbphrase['vbulletin_copyright'] = construct_phrase($vbphrase['vbulletin_copyright'], $vbulletin->options['templateversion'], $copyrightyear);
        $vbphrase['powered_by_vbulletin'] = construct_phrase($vbphrase['powered_by_vbulletin'], $vbulletin->options['templateversion'], $copyrightyear);
        $vbphrase['timezone'] = construct_phrase($vbphrase['timezone'], $timediff, $timenow, $datenow);
    vB_Phrase::preCache($vbphrase, $phrasegroups);
    // all done
    return $vbphrase;