  * Fetch list of ids by group_id. (For example - all posts by thread id)
  * Attention(!) Selection by pure attributes is ineffective in sphinx.
  * There will be problems for mass threads rebuild.
  * This code is for compatibility reasons, if optimised version
  * not implementer in index controler
 protected function _fetch_object_id_list($group_id, $only_first = false)
     if (is_null($this->_content_type_id) or 0 == (int) $group_id) {
         return false;
     $indexes = implode(",", vBSphinxSearch_Core::get_sphinx_index_map($this->_content_type_id));
     if (empty($indexes)) {
         return false;
     $limit = vBSphinxSearch_Core::SPH_DEFAULT_RESULTS_LIMIT;
     $query = 'SELECT *
                     ' . $indexes . '
                     contenttypeid = ' . $this->_content_type_id . ' AND
                     groupid = ' . $group_id . ($only_first ? ' AND isfirst = 1' : '') . '
                 LIMIT ' . $limit . ' OPTION max_matches=' . $limit;
     $this->_id_list = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < vBSphinxSearch_Core::SPH_RECONNECT_LIMIT; $i++) {
         $con = vBSphinxSearch_Core::get_sphinxql_conection();
         if (false != $con) {
             $result_res = mysql_query($query, $con);
             if ($result_res) {
                 while ($docinfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_res)) {
                     $this->_id_list[] = $docinfo['primaryid'];
                 return true;
     $error = mysql_error();
     $message = "\n\nSphinx: Can't get primaryid list for groupid={$group_id}\nUsed indexes: {$indexes}\n Error:\n{$error}\n";
     return false;
  * Build list of indexes, required for used content types.
 protected function _get_sphinx_indices($content_types = null)
     $indexes = array();
     if (!empty($content_types) and !is_array($content_types)) {
         $content_types = array(vB_Types::instance()->getContentTypeId($content_types));
     } elseif (empty($content_types)) {
         global $vbulletin;
         // Additional setting for our product.
         // Show quick search results as snippets or as threads
         if ($vbulletin->options['sph_quick_search_results_as_post']) {
             // If show as threads - grouping required
             $this->_require_grouping = true;
     $collection = new vB_Collection_ContentType();
     foreach ($collection as $type) {
         $content_type_id = $type->getID();
         if ($content_type_id == vB_Types::instance()->getContentTypeId('vBForum_Thread')) {
             // We use the same index for Posts & Threads
             $content_type_id = vB_Types::instance()->getContentTypeId('vBForum_Post');
         if (!empty($content_types) and !in_array($content_type_id, $content_types)) {
         $sphinx_index = vBSphinxSearch_Core::get_sphinx_index_map($content_type_id);
         if (!empty($sphinx_index)) {
             if ($this->_single_index_enabled) {
                 $indexes[] = $sphinx_index[0];
             } else {
                 $indexes[] = implode(",", $sphinx_index);
     return implode(", ", $indexes);