function footer($javascript = '') { echo '<div id="content"></div>'; echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">'; ?> function contains(arr, key) { for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i].toLowerCase() == key.toLowerCase()) { return true; } } return false; } function albumSwitch(sel) { var selected = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex]; var albumtext = document.getElementById("albumtext"); var albumbox = document.getElementById("folderdisplay"); var titlebox = document.getElementById("albumtitle"); var checkbox = document.getElementById("autogen"); if (selected.value == "") { = "block"; albumbox.value = ""; titlebox.value = ""; document.getElementById("foldererror").style.display = "none"; checkbox.checked = true; toggleAutogen("folderdisplay", "albumtitle", checkbox); } else { = "none"; albumbox.value = selected.value; titlebox.value = selected.text; } } function updateFolder(nameObj, folderID, checkboxID) { var autogen = document.getElementById(checkboxID).checked; var folder = document.getElementById(folderID); var name = nameObj.value; var fname = ""; var fnamesuffix = ""; var count = 1; if (autogen && name != "") { fname = name; fname = fname.toLowerCase(); fname = fname.replace(/[\!@#$\%\^&*()\~`\'\"]/gi, ""); fname = fname.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/gi, "-"); fname = fname.replace(/--*/gi, "-"); while (contains(albumArray, fname+fnamesuffix)) { fnamesuffix = "-"+count; count++; } } folder.value = fname+fnamesuffix; } function validateFolder(folderObj) { var errorDiv = document.getElementById("foldererror"); if (albumArray && contains(albumArray, folderObj.value)) { = "block"; } else { = "none"; } } function toggleAutogen(fieldID, nameID, checkbox) { var field = document.getElementById(fieldID); var name = document.getElementById(nameID); if (checkbox.checked) { window.folderbackup = field.value; field.disabled = true; updateFolder(name, fieldID,; } else { if (window.folderbackup && window.folderbackup != "") field.value = window.folderbackup; field.disabled = false; } } function startUpload(folder) { var xml = window.external.Property('TransferManifest'); var files = xml.selectNodes('transfermanifest/filelist/file'); for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var postTag = xml.createNode(1, 'post', ''); postTag.setAttribute('href', '<?php echo FULLWEBPATH . '/' . basename(__FILE__) . '?cmd=upload'; ?> &folder=' + folder); postTag.setAttribute('name', 'userpicture'); var dataTag = xml.createNode(1, 'formdata', ''); dataTag.setAttribute('name', 'MAX_FILE_SIZE'); dataTag.text = '10000000'; postTag.appendChild(dataTag); files.item(i).appendChild(postTag); } var uploadTag = xml.createNode(1, 'uploadinfo', ''); uploadTag.setAttribute('friendlyname', '<?php echo utf8::encode_javascript(getOption('gallery_title')); ?> '); var htmluiTag = xml.createNode(1, 'htmlui', ''); htmluiTag.text = '<?php echo utf8::encode_javascript(FULLWEBPATH); ?> '; uploadTag.appendChild(htmluiTag); xml.documentElement.appendChild(uploadTag); window.external.Property('TransferManifest')=xml; window.external.SetWizardButtons(true,true,true); content.innerHtml=xml; window.external.FinalNext(); } function OnBack() { <?php echo $this->onBack; ?> } function OnNext() { <?php echo $this->onNext; ?> } function OnCancel() { <?php echo $this->onCancel; ?> } function window.onload() { window.external.SetWizardButtons(1,1,0); window.external.SetHeaderText('<?php echo utf8::encode_javascript(getOption('gallery_title')); ?> ','<?php echo utf8::encode_javascript(FULLWEBPATH); ?> '); } <?php echo $javascript; ?> <?php echo '</script></body></html>'; }
/** * encodes a pre-sanitized string to be used as a Javascript parameter * * @param string $this_string * @return string */ function js_encode($this_string) { global $_zp_UTF8; $this_string = preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", $this_string); $this_string = utf8::encode_javascript($this_string); return $this_string; }