protected function get_other_values(renderer_base $output)
     global $PAGE, $CFG;
     // Add user picture.
     $userpicture = new \user_picture($this->data);
     $userpicture->size = 1;
     // Size f1.
     $profileimageurl = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
     $userpicture->size = 0;
     // Size f2.
     $profileimageurlsmall = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
     $profileurl = (new moodle_url('/user/profile.php', array('id' => $this->data->id)))->out(false);
     $identityfields = array_flip(explode(',', $CFG->showuseridentity));
     $data = $this->data;
     foreach ($identityfields as $field => $index) {
         if (!empty($data->{$field})) {
             $identityfields[$field] = $data->{$field};
         } else {
     $identity = implode(', ', $identityfields);
     return array('fullname' => fullname($this->data), 'profileimageurl' => $profileimageurl, 'profileimageurlsmall' => $profileimageurlsmall, 'profileurl' => $profileurl, 'identity' => $identity);
Exemple #2
  * Test the update user profile image function.
 public function test_update_user_profile_image()
     global $DB, $CFG;
     // Set the profile image.
     \enrol_lti\helper::update_user_profile_image($this->user1->id, $this->getExternalTestFileUrl('/test.jpg'));
     // Get the new user record.
     $this->user1 = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $this->user1->id));
     // Set the page details.
     $page = new moodle_page();
     $renderer = $page->get_renderer('core');
     $usercontext = context_user::instance($this->user1->id);
     // Get the user's profile picture and make sure it is correct.
     $userpicture = new user_picture($this->user1);
     $this->assertSame($CFG->wwwroot . '/pluginfile.php/' . $usercontext->id . '/user/icon/clean/f2?rev=' . $this->user1->picture, $userpicture->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
 * Adds the extra fields to user object required for
 * displaying user avatar.
 * @global moodle_page $PAGE
 * @param stdClass $user
function dialogue_add_user_picture_fields(stdClass &$user)
    global $PAGE;
    $user->fullname = fullname($user);
    $userpic = new user_picture($user);
    $imageurl = $userpic->get_url($PAGE);
    $user->imageurl = $imageurl->out();
    if (empty($user->imagealt)) {
        $user->imagealt = get_string('pictureof', '', $user->fullname);
Exemple #4
  * Test get forum discussions paginated
 public function test_mod_forum_get_forum_discussions_paginated()
     global $USER, $CFG, $DB, $PAGE;
     // Set the CFG variable to allow track forums.
     $CFG->forum_trackreadposts = true;
     // Create a user who can track forums.
     $record = new stdClass();
     $record->trackforums = true;
     $user1 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user($record);
     // Create a bunch of other users to post.
     $user2 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     $user3 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     $user4 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     // Set the first created user to the test user.
     // Create courses to add the modules.
     $course1 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_course();
     // First forum with tracking off.
     $record = new stdClass();
     $record->course = $course1->id;
     $record->trackingtype = FORUM_TRACKING_OFF;
     $forum1 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $record);
     // Add discussions to the forums.
     $record = new stdClass();
     $record->course = $course1->id;
     $record->userid = $user1->id;
     $record->forum = $forum1->id;
     $discussion1 = self::getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_forum')->create_discussion($record);
     // Add three replies to the discussion 1 from different users.
     $record = new stdClass();
     $record->discussion = $discussion1->id;
     $record->parent = $discussion1->firstpost;
     $record->userid = $user2->id;
     $discussion1reply1 = self::getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_forum')->create_post($record);
     $record->parent = $discussion1reply1->id;
     $record->userid = $user3->id;
     $discussion1reply2 = self::getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_forum')->create_post($record);
     $record->userid = $user4->id;
     $discussion1reply3 = self::getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_forum')->create_post($record);
     // Enrol the user in the first course.
     $enrol = enrol_get_plugin('manual');
     // We don't use the dataGenerator as we need to get the $instance2 to unenrol later.
     $enrolinstances = enrol_get_instances($course1->id, true);
     foreach ($enrolinstances as $courseenrolinstance) {
         if ($courseenrolinstance->enrol == "manual") {
             $instance1 = $courseenrolinstance;
     $enrol->enrol_user($instance1, $user1->id);
     // Delete one user.
     // Assign capabilities to view discussions for forum 1.
     $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('forum', $forum1->cmid, 0, false, MUST_EXIST);
     $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
     $newrole = create_role('Role 2', 'role2', 'Role 2 description');
     $this->assignUserCapability('mod/forum:viewdiscussion', $context->id, $newrole);
     // Create what we expect to be returned when querying the forums.
     $post1 = $DB->get_record('forum_posts', array('id' => $discussion1->firstpost), '*', MUST_EXIST);
     // User pictures are initially empty, we should get the links once the external function is called.
     $expecteddiscussions = array('id' => $discussion1->firstpost, 'name' => $discussion1->name, 'groupid' => $discussion1->groupid, 'timemodified' => $discussion1reply3->created, 'usermodified' => $discussion1reply3->userid, 'timestart' => $discussion1->timestart, 'timeend' => $discussion1->timeend, 'discussion' => $discussion1->id, 'parent' => 0, 'userid' => $discussion1->userid, 'created' => $post1->created, 'modified' => $post1->modified, 'mailed' => $post1->mailed, 'subject' => $post1->subject, 'message' => $post1->message, 'messageformat' => $post1->messageformat, 'messagetrust' => $post1->messagetrust, 'attachment' => $post1->attachment, 'totalscore' => $post1->totalscore, 'mailnow' => $post1->mailnow, 'userfullname' => fullname($user1), 'usermodifiedfullname' => fullname($user4), 'userpictureurl' => '', 'usermodifiedpictureurl' => '', 'numreplies' => 3, 'numunread' => 0, 'pinned' => FORUM_DISCUSSION_UNPINNED);
     // Call the external function passing forum id.
     $discussions = mod_forum_external::get_forum_discussions_paginated($forum1->id);
     $discussions = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_forum_external::get_forum_discussions_paginated_returns(), $discussions);
     $expectedreturn = array('discussions' => array($expecteddiscussions), 'warnings' => array());
     // Wait the theme to be loaded (the external_api call does that) to generate the user profiles.
     $userpicture = new user_picture($user1);
     $userpicture->size = 1;
     // Size f1.
     $expectedreturn['discussions'][0]['userpictureurl'] = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
     $userpicture = new user_picture($user4);
     $userpicture->size = 1;
     // Size f1.
     $expectedreturn['discussions'][0]['usermodifiedpictureurl'] = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
     $this->assertEquals($expectedreturn, $discussions);
     // Call without required view discussion capability.
     $this->unassignUserCapability('mod/forum:viewdiscussion', $context->id, $newrole);
     try {
         $this->fail('Exception expected due to missing capability.');
     } catch (moodle_exception $e) {
         $this->assertEquals('noviewdiscussionspermission', $e->errorcode);
     // Unenrol user from second course.
     $enrol->unenrol_user($instance1, $user1->id);
     // Call for the second course we unenrolled the user from, make sure exception thrown.
     try {
         $this->fail('Exception expected due to being unenrolled from the course.');
     } catch (moodle_exception $e) {
         $this->assertEquals('requireloginerror', $e->errorcode);
Exemple #5
  * Update or delete the user picture in the site
  * @param  int  $draftitemid id of the user draft file to use as image
  * @param  bool $delete      if we should delete the user picture
  * @param  int $userid       id of the user, 0 for current user
  * @return array warnings and success status
  * @since Moodle 3.2
  * @throws moodle_exception
 public static function update_picture($draftitemid, $delete = false, $userid = 0)
     global $CFG, $USER, $PAGE;
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::update_picture_parameters(), array('draftitemid' => $draftitemid, 'delete' => $delete, 'userid' => $userid));
     $context = context_system::instance();
     if (!empty($CFG->disableuserimages)) {
         throw new moodle_exception('userimagesdisabled', 'admin');
     if (empty($params['userid']) or $params['userid'] == $USER->id) {
         $user = $USER;
         require_capability('moodle/user:editownprofile', $context);
     } else {
         $user = core_user::get_user($params['userid'], '*', MUST_EXIST);
         $personalcontext = context_user::instance($user->id);
         require_capability('moodle/user:editprofile', $personalcontext);
         if (is_siteadmin($user) and !is_siteadmin($USER)) {
             // Only admins may edit other admins.
             throw new moodle_exception('useradmineditadmin');
     // Load the appropriate auth plugin.
     $userauth = get_auth_plugin($user->auth);
     if (is_mnet_remote_user($user) or !$userauth->can_edit_profile() or $userauth->edit_profile_url()) {
         throw new moodle_exception('noprofileedit', 'auth');
     $filemanageroptions = array('maxbytes' => $CFG->maxbytes, 'subdirs' => 0, 'maxfiles' => 1, 'accepted_types' => 'web_image');
     $user->deletepicture = $params['delete'];
     $user->imagefile = $params['draftitemid'];
     $success = core_user::update_picture($user, $filemanageroptions);
     $result = array('success' => $success, 'warnings' => array());
     if ($success) {
         $userpicture = new user_picture(core_user::get_user($user->id));
         $userpicture->size = 1;
         // Size f1.
         $result['profileimageurl'] = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
     return $result;
Exemple #6
  * Helper function for creating a contact object.
  * @param \stdClass $contact
  * @param string $prefix
  * @return \stdClass
 public static function create_contact($contact, $prefix = '')
     global $PAGE;
     // Create the data we are going to pass to the renderable.
     $userfields = \user_picture::unalias($contact, array('lastaccess'), $prefix . 'id', $prefix);
     $data = new \stdClass();
     $data->userid = $userfields->id;
     $data->useridfrom = null;
     $data->fullname = fullname($userfields);
     // Get the user picture data.
     $userpicture = new \user_picture($userfields);
     $userpicture->size = 1;
     // Size f1.
     $data->profileimageurl = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
     $userpicture->size = 0;
     // Size f2.
     $data->profileimageurlsmall = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
     // Store the message if we have it.
     $data->ismessaging = false;
     $data->lastmessage = null;
     $data->messageid = null;
     if (isset($contact->smallmessage)) {
         $data->ismessaging = true;
         // Strip the HTML tags from the message for displaying in the contact area.
         $data->lastmessage = clean_param($contact->smallmessage, PARAM_NOTAGS);
         $data->useridfrom = $contact->useridfrom;
         if (isset($contact->messageid)) {
             $data->messageid = $contact->messageid;
     // Check if the user is online.
     $data->isonline = self::is_online($userfields->lastaccess);
     $data->isblocked = isset($contact->blocked) ? (bool) $contact->blocked : false;
     $data->isread = isset($contact->isread) ? (bool) $contact->isread : false;
     $data->unreadcount = isset($contact->unreadcount) ? $contact->unreadcount : null;
     return $data;
Exemple #7
     * Internal implementation of user image rendering.
     * @param user_picture $userpicture
     * @return string
    protected function render_user_picture(user_picture $userpicture) {
        global $CFG, $DB;

        $user = $userpicture->user;

        if ($userpicture->alttext) {
            if (!empty($user->imagealt)) {
                $alt = $user->imagealt;
            } else {
                $alt = get_string('pictureof', '', fullname($user));
        } else {
            $alt = '';

        if (empty($userpicture->size)) {
            $size = 35;
        } else if ($userpicture->size === true or $userpicture->size == 1) {
            $size = 100;
        } else {
            $size = $userpicture->size;

        $class = $userpicture->class;

        if ($user->picture == 0) {
            $class .= ' defaultuserpic';

        $src = $userpicture->get_url($this->page, $this);

        $attributes = array('src'=>$src, 'alt'=>$alt, 'title'=>$alt, 'class'=>$class, 'width'=>$size, 'height'=>$size);
        if (!$userpicture->visibletoscreenreaders) {
            $attributes['role'] = 'presentation';

        // get the image html output fisrt
        $output = html_writer::empty_tag('img', $attributes);

        // then wrap it in link if needed
        if (!$userpicture->link) {
            return $output;

        if (empty($userpicture->courseid)) {
            $courseid = $this->page->course->id;
        } else {
            $courseid = $userpicture->courseid;

        if ($courseid == SITEID) {
            $url = new moodle_url('/user/profile.php', array('id' => $user->id));
        } else {
            $url = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $user->id, 'course' => $courseid));

        $attributes = array('href'=>$url);
        if (!$userpicture->visibletoscreenreaders) {
            $attributes['tabindex'] = '-1';
            $attributes['aria-hidden'] = 'true';

        if ($userpicture->popup) {
            $id = html_writer::random_id('userpicture');
            $attributes['id'] = $id;
            $this->add_action_handler(new popup_action('click', $url), $id);

        return html_writer::tag('a', $output, $attributes);
Exemple #8
  * Get the list of users in the given chat session.
  * @param int $chatsid the chat session id
  * @return array of warnings and the user lists
  * @since Moodle 3.0
  * @throws moodle_exception
 public static function get_chat_users($chatsid)
     global $DB, $PAGE;
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_chat_users_parameters(), array('chatsid' => $chatsid));
     $warnings = array();
     // Request and permission validation.
     if (!($chatuser = $DB->get_record('chat_users', array('sid' => $params['chatsid'])))) {
         throw new moodle_exception('notlogged', 'chat');
     $chat = $DB->get_record('chat', array('id' => $chatuser->chatid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
     list($course, $cm) = get_course_and_cm_from_instance($chat, 'chat');
     $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
     require_capability('mod/chat:chat', $context);
     // First, delete old users from the chats.
     $users = chat_get_users($chatuser->chatid, $chatuser->groupid, $cm->groupingid);
     $returnedusers = array();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $userpicture = new user_picture($user);
         $userpicture->size = 1;
         // Size f1.
         $profileimageurl = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
         $returnedusers[] = array('id' => $user->id, 'fullname' => fullname($user), 'profileimageurl' => $profileimageurl);
     $result = array();
     $result['users'] = $returnedusers;
     $result['warnings'] = $warnings;
     return $result;
Exemple #9
  * Return user information including profile picture + basic site information
  * Note:
  * - no capability checking because we return only known information about logged user
  * @param array $serviceshortnames - DEPRECATED PARAMETER - values will be ignored -
  * it was an original design error, we keep for backward compatibility.
  * @return array site info
  * @since Moodle 2.2
 public static function get_site_info($serviceshortnames = array())
     global $USER, $SITE, $CFG, $DB, $PAGE;
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_site_info_parameters(), array('serviceshortnames' => $serviceshortnames));
     $context = context_user::instance($USER->id);
     $userpicture = new user_picture($USER);
     $userpicture->size = 1;
     // Size f1.
     $profileimageurl = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE);
     // Site information.
     $siteinfo = array('sitename' => $SITE->fullname, 'siteurl' => $CFG->wwwroot, 'username' => $USER->username, 'firstname' => $USER->firstname, 'lastname' => $USER->lastname, 'fullname' => fullname($USER), 'lang' => current_language(), 'userid' => $USER->id, 'userpictureurl' => $profileimageurl->out(false));
     // Retrieve the service and functions from the web service linked to the token
     // If you call this function directly from external (not a web service call),
     // then it will still return site info without information about a service
     // Note: wsusername/wspassword ws authentication is not supported.
     $functions = array();
     if ($CFG->enablewebservices) {
         // No need to check token if web service are disabled and not a ws call.
         $token = optional_param('wstoken', '', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
         if (!empty($token)) {
             // No need to run if not a ws call.
             // Retrieve service shortname.
             $servicesql = 'SELECT s.*
                            FROM {external_services} s, {external_tokens} t
                            WHERE t.externalserviceid = AND token = ? AND t.userid = ? AND s.enabled = 1';
             $service = $DB->get_record_sql($servicesql, array($token, $USER->id));
             $siteinfo['downloadfiles'] = $service->downloadfiles;
             $siteinfo['uploadfiles'] = $service->uploadfiles;
             if (!empty($service)) {
                 // Return the release and version number for web service users only.
                 $siteinfo['release'] = $CFG->release;
                 $siteinfo['version'] = $CFG->version;
                 // Retrieve the functions.
                 $functionssql = "SELECT f.*\n                            FROM {external_functions} f, {external_services_functions} sf\n                            WHERE = sf.functionname AND sf.externalserviceid = ?";
                 $functions = $DB->get_records_sql($functionssql, array($service->id));
             } else {
                 throw new coding_exception('No service found in get_site_info: something is buggy, \\
                                             it should have fail at the ws server authentication layer.');
     // Build up the returned values of the list of functions.
     $componentversions = array();
     $availablefunctions = array();
     foreach ($functions as $function) {
         $functioninfo = array();
         $functioninfo['name'] = $function->name;
         if ($function->component == 'moodle' || $function->component == 'core') {
             $version = $CFG->version;
             // Moodle version.
         } else {
             $versionpath = core_component::get_component_directory($function->component) . '/version.php';
             if (is_readable($versionpath)) {
                 // We store the component version once retrieved (so we don't load twice the version.php).
                 if (!isset($componentversions[$function->component])) {
                     $plugin = new stdClass();
                     include $versionpath;
                     $componentversions[$function->component] = $plugin->version;
                     $version = $plugin->version;
                 } else {
                     $version = $componentversions[$function->component];
             } else {
                 // Function component should always have a version.php,
                 // otherwise the function should have been described with component => 'moodle'.
                 throw new moodle_exception('missingversionfile', 'webservice', '', $function->component);
         $functioninfo['version'] = $version;
         $availablefunctions[] = $functioninfo;
     $siteinfo['functions'] = $availablefunctions;
     // Mobile CSS theme and alternative login url.
     $siteinfo['mobilecssurl'] = $CFG->mobilecssurl;
     // Retrieve some advanced features. Only enable/disable ones (bool).
     $advancedfeatures = array("usecomments", "usetags", "enablenotes", "messaging", "enableblogs", "enablecompletion", "enablebadges");
     foreach ($advancedfeatures as $feature) {
         if (isset($CFG->{$feature})) {
             $siteinfo['advancedfeatures'][] = array('name' => $feature, 'value' => (int) $CFG->{$feature});
     // Special case mnet_dispatcher_mode.
     $siteinfo['advancedfeatures'][] = array('name' => 'mnet_dispatcher_mode', 'value' => $CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode == 'strict' ? 1 : 0);
     // User can manage own files.
     $siteinfo['usercanmanageownfiles'] = has_capability('moodle/user:manageownfiles', $context);
     // User quota. 0 means user can ignore the quota.
     $siteinfo['userquota'] = 0;
     if (!has_capability('moodle/user:ignoreuserquota', $context)) {
         $siteinfo['userquota'] = $CFG->userquota;
     // User max upload file size. -1 means the user can ignore the upload file size.
     $siteinfo['usermaxuploadfilesize'] = get_user_max_upload_file_size($context, $CFG->maxbytes);
     // User home page.
     $siteinfo['userhomepage'] = get_home_page();
     return $siteinfo;
     Function to build the user's menu for the top navigation bar
     @param bool $withlinks - not sure if we want this
     @return string HTML fragment
 public function user_menu($user = NULL, $withlinks = NULL)
     global $USER, $CFG, $DB, $SESSION, $PAGE;
     // if we are during install return an empty string
     if (during_initial_install()) {
         return '';
     $course = $this->page->course;
     // at certain times - i.e. installation course id will be empty or null
     if (empty($course->id)) {
         return '';
     // this is the login page so return nothing
     $loginurl = get_login_url();
     if ((string) $this->page->url === $loginurl) {
         return '';
     // user not logged in so return login link
     if (!isloggedin()) {
         return "<li><a href=\"{$loginurl}\">" . get_string('login') . '</a></li>';
     // begin building the user's display name
     $user_string = "";
     // check if the user is logged in as someone else
     #if (session_is_loggedinas()) {
     #    $realuser = session_get_realuser();
     if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
         $realuser = \core\session\manager::get_realuser();
         $user_string = fullname($realuser, true) . " pretending to be ";
     $user_string .= fullname($USER, true);
     $role_switched = false;
     if (is_role_switched($course->id)) {
         // Has switched roles
         $context = context_course::instance($course->id);
         $role_switched = true;
         $rolename = '';
         if ($role = $DB->get_record('role', array('id' => $USER->access['rsw'][$context->path]))) {
             $rolename = ': ' . role_get_name($role, $context);
         $user_string .= $rolename;
     $user_picture = new user_picture($USER);
     $userimgsrc = $user_picture->get_url($PAGE);
     $user_menu = array("<li class='dropdown'>");
     $user_menu[] = "<a class='dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown' href='#' style='min-height: 50px'>";
     $user_menu[] = "<img class='nav-avatar' src='" . $userimgsrc . "'>";
     $user_menu[] = "<span class='hidden-xs'>" . $user_string . "</span>";
     $user_menu[] = "</a>";
     $user_menu[] = "<ul class='dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right'>";
     if ($role_switched) {
         $url = new moodle_url('/course/switchrole.php', array('id' => $course->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey(), 'switchrole' => 0, 'returnurl' => $this->page->url->out_as_local_url(false)));
         $user_menu[] = "<li><a href='" . $url . "'>" . get_string('switchrolereturn') . "</a></li>";
     $user_menu[] = "<li><a href='" . $CFG->wwwroot . "/user/profile.php?id=" . $USER->id . "'>My Profile</a></li>";
     $user_menu[] = "<li class='menu-item-resources'><a href='/'>My Modules</a></li>";
     $user_menu[] = "<li id='student-email-link' style='display: none'><a href=''>My Email</a></li>";
     $user_menu[] = "<li id='staff-email-link' style='display: none'><a href=''>My Email</a></li>";
     $user_menu[] = "<li><a href=''>My Timetable</a></li>";
     $user_menu[] = "<li class='divider'></li>";
     $user_menu[] = "<li><a href='" . $CFG->wwwroot . "/login/logout.php?sesskey=" . sesskey() . "'>" . get_string('logout') . '</a></li>';
     $user_menu[] = "</ul></li>";
     return implode("", $user_menu);
Exemple #11
  * Retrieve a list of ratings for a given item (forum post etc)
  * @param string $contextlevel course, module, user...
  * @param int $instanceid the instance if for the context element
  * @param string $component the name of the component
  * @param string $ratingarea rating area
  * @param int $itemid the item id
  * @param int $scaleid the scale id
  * @param string $sort sql order (firstname, rating or timemodified)
  * @return array Result and possible warnings
  * @throws moodle_exception
  * @since Moodle 2.9
 public static function get_item_ratings($contextlevel, $instanceid, $component, $ratingarea, $itemid, $scaleid, $sort)
     global $USER, $PAGE;
     $warnings = array();
     $arrayparams = array('contextlevel' => $contextlevel, 'instanceid' => $instanceid, 'component' => $component, 'ratingarea' => $ratingarea, 'itemid' => $itemid, 'scaleid' => $scaleid, 'sort' => $sort);
     // Validate and normalize parameters.
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_item_ratings_parameters(), $arrayparams);
     $context = self::get_context_from_params($params);
     // Minimal capability required.
     $callbackparams = array('contextid' => $context->id, 'component' => $component, 'ratingarea' => $ratingarea, 'itemid' => $itemid, 'scaleid' => $scaleid);
     if (!has_capability('moodle/rating:view', $context) || !component_callback($component, 'rating_can_see_item_ratings', array($callbackparams), true)) {
         throw new moodle_exception('noviewrate', 'rating');
     list($context, $course, $cm) = get_context_info_array($context->id);
     // Can we see all ratings?
     $canviewallratings = has_capability('moodle/rating:viewall', $context);
     // Create the Sql sort order string.
     switch ($params['sort']) {
         case 'firstname':
             $sqlsort = "u.firstname ASC";
         case 'rating':
             $sqlsort = "r.rating ASC";
             $sqlsort = "r.timemodified ASC";
     $ratingoptions = new stdClass();
     $ratingoptions->context = $context;
     $ratingoptions->component = $params['component'];
     $ratingoptions->ratingarea = $params['ratingarea'];
     $ratingoptions->itemid = $params['itemid'];
     $ratingoptions->sort = $sqlsort;
     $rm = new rating_manager();
     $ratings = $rm->get_all_ratings_for_item($ratingoptions);
     $scalemenu = make_grades_menu($params['scaleid']);
     // If the scale was changed after ratings were submitted some ratings may have a value above the current maximum.
     // We can't just do count($scalemenu) - 1 as custom scales start at index 1, not 0.
     $maxrating = max(array_keys($scalemenu));
     $results = array();
     foreach ($ratings as $rating) {
         if ($canviewallratings || $USER->id == $rating->userid) {
             if ($rating->rating > $maxrating) {
                 $rating->rating = $maxrating;
             // The rating object has all the required fields for generating the picture url.
             $userpicture = new user_picture($rating);
             $userpicture->size = 1;
             // Size f1.
             $profileimageurl = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
             $result = array();
             $result['id'] = $rating->id;
             $result['userid'] = $rating->userid;
             $result['userpictureurl'] = $profileimageurl;
             $result['userfullname'] = fullname($rating);
             $result['rating'] = $scalemenu[$rating->rating];
             $result['timemodified'] = $rating->timemodified;
             $results[] = $result;
     return array('ratings' => $results, 'warnings' => $warnings);
  * Update attendee.
  * @throws \coding_exception
 protected function api_update_attendee()
     $sessionid = $this->collaborate->sessionid;
     if (has_capability('mod/collaborate:moderate', $this->context)) {
         $role = 'moderator';
     } else {
         if (has_capability('mod/collaborate:participate', $this->context)) {
             $role = 'participant';
         } else {
             return new \moodle_url('/mod/collaborate/view.php', ['id' => $this->cm->id]);
     $attendee = new HtmlAttendee($this->user->id, $role);
     $attendee->setDisplayName(\core_text::substr(fullname($this->user), 0, 80));
     $avatar = new \user_picture($this->user);
     // Note, we get the avatar url for the site instance and don't use the $PAGE object so that this function is
     // unit testable.
     $page = new \moodle_page();
     $avatarurl = $avatar->get_url($page);
     $attendee->setAvatarUrl(new \SoapVar('<ns1:avatarUrl><![CDATA[' . $avatarurl . ']]></ns1:avatarUrl>', XSD_ANYXML));
     $satts = new UpdateHtmlSessionAttendee($sessionid, $attendee);
     $result = $this->api->UpdateHtmlSessionAttendee($satts);
     if (!$result || !method_exists($result, 'getUrl')) {
         return false;
     $url = $result->getUrl();
     return $url;
Exemple #13
function anon_user_picture(stdClass $userin)
    global $PAGE;
    $user = clone $userin;
    $user->imagealt = '';
    $user->picture = '';
    $userpicture = new user_picture($user);
    if (empty($userpicture->size)) {
        $size = 35;
    } else {
        if ($userpicture->size === true or $userpicture->size == 1) {
            $size = 100;
        } else {
            $size = $userpicture->size;
    $class = 'user_picture';
    if ($user->picture == 0) {
        $class .= '';
    $src = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE, null);
    $attributes = array('src' => $src, 'class' => $class, 'width' => $size, 'height' => $size);
    // get the image html output fisrt
    return html_writer::empty_tag('img', $attributes);
 public static function fetch_user_picture($user, $size = 35)
     global $CFG, $PAGE;
     //we ignore size these days Justin 20120705
     $upic = new \user_picture($user);
     if ($upic) {
         return $upic->get_url($PAGE);
     } else {
         return "";
Exemple #15
  * Returns user's results for a specific choice
  * and a list of those users that did not answered yet.
  * @param int $choiceid the choice instance id
  * @return array of responses details
  * @since Moodle 3.0
 public static function get_choice_results($choiceid)
     global $USER, $PAGE;
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_choice_results_parameters(), array('choiceid' => $choiceid));
     if (!($choice = choice_get_choice($params['choiceid']))) {
         throw new moodle_exception("invalidcoursemodule", "error");
     list($course, $cm) = get_course_and_cm_from_instance($choice, 'choice');
     $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
     $groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm);
     // Check if we have to include responses from inactive users.
     $onlyactive = $choice->includeinactive ? false : true;
     $users = choice_get_response_data($choice, $cm, $groupmode, $onlyactive);
     // Show those who haven't answered the question.
     if (!empty($choice->showunanswered)) {
         $choice->option[0] = get_string('notanswered', 'choice');
         $choice->maxanswers[0] = 0;
     $results = prepare_choice_show_results($choice, $course, $cm, $users);
     $options = array();
     $fullnamecap = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $context);
     foreach ($results->options as $optionid => $option) {
         $userresponses = array();
         $numberofuser = 0;
         $percentageamount = 0;
         if (property_exists($option, 'user') and (has_capability('mod/choice:readresponses', $context) or choice_can_view_results($choice))) {
             $numberofuser = count($option->user);
             $percentageamount = (double) $numberofuser / (double) $results->numberofuser * 100.0;
             if ($choice->publish) {
                 foreach ($option->user as $userresponse) {
                     $response = array();
                     $response['userid'] = $userresponse->id;
                     $response['fullname'] = fullname($userresponse, $fullnamecap);
                     $userpicture = new user_picture($userresponse);
                     $userpicture->size = 1;
                     // Size f1.
                     $response['profileimageurl'] = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
                     // Add optional properties.
                     foreach (array('answerid', 'timemodified') as $field) {
                         if (property_exists($userresponse, 'answerid')) {
                             $response[$field] = $userresponse->{$field};
                     $userresponses[] = $response;
         $options[] = array('id' => $optionid, 'text' => external_format_string($option->text, $context->id), 'maxanswer' => $option->maxanswer, 'userresponses' => $userresponses, 'numberofuser' => $numberofuser, 'percentageamount' => $percentageamount);
     $warnings = array();
     return array('options' => $options, 'warnings' => $warnings);
Exemple #16
     * Returns a list of forum discussions optionally sorted and paginated.
     * @param int $forumid the forum instance id
     * @param string $sortby sort by this element (id, timemodified, timestart or timeend)
     * @param string $sortdirection sort direction: ASC or DESC
     * @param int $page page number
     * @param int $perpage items per page
     * @return array the forum discussion details including warnings
     * @since Moodle 2.8
    public static function get_forum_discussions_paginated($forumid, $sortby = 'timemodified', $sortdirection = 'DESC',
                                                    $page = -1, $perpage = 0) {
        global $CFG, $DB, $USER, $PAGE;

        require_once($CFG->dirroot . "/mod/forum/lib.php");

        $warnings = array();
        $discussions = array();

        $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_forum_discussions_paginated_parameters(),
                'forumid' => $forumid,
                'sortby' => $sortby,
                'sortdirection' => $sortdirection,
                'page' => $page,
                'perpage' => $perpage

        // Compact/extract functions are not recommended.
        $forumid        = $params['forumid'];
        $sortby         = $params['sortby'];
        $sortdirection  = $params['sortdirection'];
        $page           = $params['page'];
        $perpage        = $params['perpage'];

        $sortallowedvalues = array('id', 'timemodified', 'timestart', 'timeend');
        if (!in_array($sortby, $sortallowedvalues)) {
            throw new invalid_parameter_exception('Invalid value for sortby parameter (value: ' . $sortby . '),' .
                'allowed values are: ' . implode(',', $sortallowedvalues));

        $sortdirection = strtoupper($sortdirection);
        $directionallowedvalues = array('ASC', 'DESC');
        if (!in_array($sortdirection, $directionallowedvalues)) {
            throw new invalid_parameter_exception('Invalid value for sortdirection parameter (value: ' . $sortdirection . '),' .
                'allowed values are: ' . implode(',', $directionallowedvalues));

        $forum = $DB->get_record('forum', array('id' => $forumid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
        $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $forum->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
        $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('forum', $forum->id, $course->id, false, MUST_EXIST);

        // Validate the module context. It checks everything that affects the module visibility (including groupings, etc..).
        $modcontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);

        // Check they have the view forum capability.
        require_capability('mod/forum:viewdiscussion', $modcontext, null, true, 'noviewdiscussionspermission', 'forum');

        $sort = 'd.' . $sortby . ' ' . $sortdirection;
        $alldiscussions = forum_get_discussions($cm, $sort, true, -1, -1, true, $page, $perpage);

        if ($alldiscussions) {
            $canviewfullname = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $modcontext);

            // Get the unreads array, this takes a forum id and returns data for all discussions.
            $unreads = array();
            if ($cantrack = forum_tp_can_track_forums($forum)) {
                if ($forumtracked = forum_tp_is_tracked($forum)) {
                    $unreads = forum_get_discussions_unread($cm);
            // The forum function returns the replies for all the discussions in a given forum.
            $replies = forum_count_discussion_replies($forumid, $sort, -1, $page, $perpage);

            foreach ($alldiscussions as $discussion) {

                // This function checks for qanda forums.
                // Note that the forum_get_discussions returns as id the post id, not the discussion id so we need to do this.
                $discussionrec = clone $discussion;
                $discussionrec->id = $discussion->discussion;
                if (!forum_user_can_see_discussion($forum, $discussionrec, $modcontext)) {
                    $warning = array();
                    // Function forum_get_discussions returns forum_posts ids not forum_discussions ones.
                    $warning['item'] = 'post';
                    $warning['itemid'] = $discussion->id;
                    $warning['warningcode'] = '1';
                    $warning['message'] = 'You can\'t see this discussion';
                    $warnings[] = $warning;

                $discussion->numunread = 0;
                if ($cantrack && $forumtracked) {
                    if (isset($unreads[$discussion->discussion])) {
                        $discussion->numunread = (int) $unreads[$discussion->discussion];

                $discussion->numreplies = 0;
                if (!empty($replies[$discussion->discussion])) {
                    $discussion->numreplies = (int) $replies[$discussion->discussion]->replies;

                $picturefields = explode(',', user_picture::fields());

                // Load user objects from the results of the query.
                $user = new stdclass();
                $user->id = $discussion->userid;
                $user = username_load_fields_from_object($user, $discussion, null, $picturefields);
                // Preserve the id, it can be modified by username_load_fields_from_object.
                $user->id = $discussion->userid;
                $discussion->userfullname = fullname($user, $canviewfullname);

                $userpicture = new user_picture($user);
                $userpicture->size = 1; // Size f1.
                $discussion->userpictureurl = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);

                $usermodified = new stdclass();
                $usermodified->id = $discussion->usermodified;
                $usermodified = username_load_fields_from_object($usermodified, $discussion, 'um', $picturefields);
                // Preserve the id (it can be overwritten due to the prefixed $picturefields).
                $usermodified->id = $discussion->usermodified;
                $discussion->usermodifiedfullname = fullname($usermodified, $canviewfullname);

                $userpicture = new user_picture($usermodified);
                $userpicture->size = 1; // Size f1.
                $discussion->usermodifiedpictureurl = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);

                // Rewrite embedded images URLs.
                list($discussion->message, $discussion->messageformat) =
                    external_format_text($discussion->message, $discussion->messageformat,
                                            $modcontext->id, 'mod_forum', 'post', $discussion->id);

                // List attachments.
                if (!empty($discussion->attachment)) {
                    $discussion->attachments = array();

                    $fs = get_file_storage();
                    if ($files = $fs->get_area_files($modcontext->id, 'mod_forum', 'attachment',
                                                        $discussion->id, "filename", false)) {
                        foreach ($files as $file) {
                            $filename = $file->get_filename();

                            $discussion->attachments[] = array(
                                'filename' => $filename,
                                'mimetype' => $file->get_mimetype(),
                                'fileurl'  => file_encode_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/webservice/pluginfile.php',

                $discussions[] = $discussion;

        $result = array();
        $result['discussions'] = $discussions;
        $result['warnings'] = $warnings;
        return $result;

Exemple #17
" data-prof="<?php 
    echo $student->roleid == 5 ? 'b' : 'a';
" data-order="<?php 
    echo $studentNum++;
    $page = new moodle_page();
    $renderer = $page->get_renderer('core');
    $up3 = new user_picture($student);
    $up3->size = 100;
    $image = $up3->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false);
                        <img src="<?php 
    echo $image;
" alt="<?php 
    echo $student->firstname;
                        <span class="user-name no-text"><?php 
    echo fullname($student);
                        <span class="user-permission no-text"><?php 
    echo $student->roleid == 5 ? get_string('student', 'superchat') : get_string('teacher', 'superchat');
Exemple #18
  * Get the authors of a glossary.
  * @param int $id The glossary ID.
  * @param int $from Start returning records from here.
  * @param int $limit Number of records to return.
  * @param array $options Array of options.
  * @return array Containing count, authors and warnings.
  * @since Moodle 3.1
  * @throws moodle_exception
 public static function get_authors($id, $from, $limit, $options)
     global $PAGE;
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_authors_parameters(), array('id' => $id, 'from' => $from, 'limit' => $limit, 'options' => $options));
     $id = $params['id'];
     $from = $params['from'];
     $limit = $params['limit'];
     $options = $params['options'];
     $warnings = array();
     // Get and validate the glossary.
     list($glossary, $context) = self::validate_glossary($id);
     // Fetching the entries.
     list($users, $count) = glossary_get_authors($glossary, $context, $limit, $from, $options);
     $canviewfullnames = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $context);
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $userpicture = new user_picture($user);
         $userpicture->size = 1;
         $author = new stdClass();
         $author->id = $user->id;
         $author->fullname = fullname($user, $canviewfullnames);
         $author->pictureurl = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
         $authors[] = $author;
     return array('count' => $count, 'authors' => $authors, 'warnings' => array());
Exemple #19
    public function render_user_picture(user_picture $userpicture) {
        global $CFG, $DB;

        $user = $userpicture->user;

        if ($userpicture->alttext) {
            if (!empty($user->imagealt)) {
                $alt = $user->imagealt;
            } else {
                $alt = get_string('pictureof', '', fullname($user));
        } else {
            $alt = '';

        if (empty($userpicture->size)) {
            $size = 15;
        } else if ($userpicture->size === true or $userpicture->size == 1) {
            $size = 100;
        } else {
            $size = $userpicture->size;

        $class = $userpicture->class;

        if ($user->picture == 0) {
            $class .= ' defaultuserpic';

        $src = $userpicture->get_url($this->page, $this);

        $attributes = array('src'=>$src, 'alt'=>$alt, 'title'=>$alt, 'class'=>$class);

        // get the image html output fisrt
        $output = html_writer::empty_tag('img', $attributes);

        // then wrap it in link if needed
        if (!$userpicture->link) {
            return $output;

        if (empty($userpicture->courseid)) {
            $courseid = $this->page->course->id;
        } else {
            $courseid = $userpicture->courseid;

        //if ($courseid == SITEID) {
            // $url = new moodle_url('local/users/profile.php', array('id' => $user->id));
        //} else {
            $url = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/user/view.php', array('id' => $user->id, 'course' => $courseid));

        $attributes = array('href'=>$url);

        if ($userpicture->popup) {
            $id = html_writer::random_id('userpicture');
            $attributes['id'] = $id;
            $this->add_action_handler(new popup_action('click', $url), $id);

        return html_writer::tag('a', $output, $attributes);
 public function test_get_url()
     global $DB, $CFG;
     // Force SVG on so that we have predictable URL's.
     $CFG->svgicons = true;
     // verify new install contains expected defaults
     $this->assertEquals('standard', $CFG->theme);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $CFG->slasharguments);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $CFG->themerev);
     $this->assertEquals(0, $CFG->themedesignermode);
     $this->assertEquals('', $CFG->wwwroot);
     $this->assertEquals($CFG->wwwroot, $CFG->httpswwwroot);
     $this->assertEquals(0, $CFG->enablegravatar);
     $this->assertEquals('mm', $CFG->gravatardefaulturl);
     // create some users
     $page = new moodle_page();
     $renderer = $page->get_renderer('core');
     $user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('picture' => 11, 'email' => '*****@*****.**'));
     $context1 = context_user::instance($user1->id);
     $user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('picture' => 0, 'email' => '*****@*****.**'));
     $context2 = context_user::instance($user2->id);
     $user3 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('picture' => 1, 'deleted' => 1, 'email' => '*****@*****.**'));
     $context3 = context_user::instance($user3->id, IGNORE_MISSING);
     $this->assertEquals($user3->picture, 0);
     $this->assertNotEquals($user3->email, '*****@*****.**');
     // try legacy picture == 1
     $user1->picture = 1;
     $up1 = new user_picture($user1);
     $this->assertEquals($CFG->wwwroot . '/pluginfile.php/' . $context1->id . '/user/icon/standard/f2?rev=1', $up1->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
     $user1->picture = 11;
     // try valid user with picture when user context is not cached - 1 query expected
     $reads = $DB->perf_get_reads();
     $up1 = new user_picture($user1);
     $this->assertEquals($reads, $DB->perf_get_reads());
     $this->assertEquals($CFG->wwwroot . '/pluginfile.php/' . $context1->id . '/user/icon/standard/f2?rev=11', $up1->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
     $this->assertEquals($reads + 1, $DB->perf_get_reads());
     // try valid user with contextid hint - no queries expected
     $user1->contextid = $context1->id;
     $reads = $DB->perf_get_reads();
     $up1 = new user_picture($user1);
     $this->assertEquals($reads, $DB->perf_get_reads());
     $this->assertEquals($CFG->wwwroot . '/pluginfile.php/' . $context1->id . '/user/icon/standard/f2?rev=11', $up1->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
     $this->assertEquals($reads, $DB->perf_get_reads());
     // try valid user without image - no queries expected
     $reads = $DB->perf_get_reads();
     $up2 = new user_picture($user2);
     $this->assertEquals($reads, $DB->perf_get_reads());
     $this->assertEquals($CFG->wwwroot . '/theme/image.php/standard/core/1/u/f2', $up2->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
     $this->assertEquals($reads, $DB->perf_get_reads());
     // try guessing of deleted users - no queries expected
     $reads = $DB->perf_get_reads();
     $up3 = new user_picture($user3);
     $this->assertEquals($reads, $DB->perf_get_reads());
     $this->assertEquals($CFG->wwwroot . '/theme/image.php/standard/core/1/u/f2', $up3->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
     $this->assertEquals($reads, $DB->perf_get_reads());
     // try incorrectly deleted users (with valid email and pciture flag) - some DB reads expected
     $user3->email = '*****@*****.**';
     $user3->picture = 1;
     $reads = $DB->perf_get_reads();
     $up3 = new user_picture($user3);
     $this->assertEquals($reads, $DB->perf_get_reads());
     $this->assertEquals($CFG->wwwroot . '/theme/image.php/standard/core/1/u/f2', $up3->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
     $this->assertTrue($reads < $DB->perf_get_reads());
     // test gravatar
     set_config('enablegravatar', 1);
     // deleted user can not have gravatar
     $user3->email = 'deleted';
     $user3->picture = 0;
     $up3 = new user_picture($user3);
     $this->assertEquals($CFG->wwwroot . '/theme/image.php/standard/core/1/u/f2', $up3->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
     // verify defaults to misteryman (mm)
     $up2 = new user_picture($user2);
     $this->assertEquals('', $up2->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
     // without gravatardefaulturl, verify we pick own file
     set_config('gravatardefaulturl', '');
     $up2 = new user_picture($user2);
     $this->assertEquals('', $up2->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
     // uploaded image takes precedence before gravatar
     $up1 = new user_picture($user1);
     $this->assertEquals($CFG->wwwroot . '/pluginfile.php/' . $context1->id . '/user/icon/standard/f2?rev=11', $up1->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
     // https version
     $CFG->httpswwwroot = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $CFG->wwwroot);
     $up1 = new user_picture($user1);
     $this->assertEquals($CFG->httpswwwroot . '/pluginfile.php/' . $context1->id . '/user/icon/standard/f2?rev=11', $up1->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
     $up3 = new user_picture($user3);
     $this->assertEquals($CFG->httpswwwroot . '/theme/image.php/standard/core/1/u/f2', $up3->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
     $up2 = new user_picture($user2);
     $this->assertEquals('', $up2->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
     // now test gravatar with one theme having own images (afterburner)
     $CFG->httpswwwroot = $CFG->wwwroot;
     set_config('theme', 'afterburner');
     $page = new moodle_page();
     $renderer = $page->get_renderer('core');
     $up2 = new user_picture($user2);
     $this->assertEquals('', $up2->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
     // https version
     $CFG->httpswwwroot = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $CFG->wwwroot);
     $up2 = new user_picture($user2);
     $this->assertEquals('', $up2->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
     // end of gravatar tests
     // test themed images
     set_config('enablegravatar', 0);
     // use any other theme
     set_config('theme', 'formal_white');
     $CFG->httpswwwroot = $CFG->wwwroot;
     $page = new moodle_page();
     $renderer = $page->get_renderer('core');
     $up1 = new user_picture($user1);
     $this->assertEquals($CFG->wwwroot . '/pluginfile.php/' . $context1->id . '/user/icon/formal_white/f2?rev=11', $up1->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
     $up2 = new user_picture($user2);
     $this->assertEquals($CFG->wwwroot . '/theme/image.php/formal_white/core/1/u/f2', $up2->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
     // test non-slashargument images
     set_config('theme', 'standard');
     $CFG->httpswwwroot = $CFG->wwwroot;
     $CFG->slasharguments = 0;
     $page = new moodle_page();
     $renderer = $page->get_renderer('core');
     $up3 = new user_picture($user3);
     $this->assertEquals($CFG->wwwroot . '/theme/image.php?theme=standard&component=core&rev=1&image=u%2Ff2', $up3->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false));
Exemple #21
 * Give user record from mdl_user, build an array contains all user details.
 * Warning: description file urls are 'webservice/pluginfile.php' is use.
 *          it can be changed with $CFG->moodlewstextformatlinkstoimagesfile
 * @throws moodle_exception
 * @param stdClass $user user record from mdl_user
 * @param stdClass $course moodle course
 * @param array $userfields required fields
 * @return array|null
function user_get_user_details($user, $course = null, array $userfields = array())
    global $USER, $DB, $CFG, $PAGE;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/user/profile/lib.php";
    // Custom field library.
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/lib/filelib.php";
    // File handling on description and friends.
    $defaultfields = user_get_default_fields();
    if (empty($userfields)) {
        $userfields = $defaultfields;
    foreach ($userfields as $thefield) {
        if (!in_array($thefield, $defaultfields)) {
            throw new moodle_exception('invaliduserfield', 'error', '', $thefield);
    // Make sure id and fullname are included.
    if (!in_array('id', $userfields)) {
        $userfields[] = 'id';
    if (!in_array('fullname', $userfields)) {
        $userfields[] = 'fullname';
    if (!empty($course)) {
        $context = context_course::instance($course->id);
        $usercontext = context_user::instance($user->id);
        $canviewdetailscap = has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $context) || has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $usercontext);
    } else {
        $context = context_user::instance($user->id);
        $usercontext = $context;
        $canviewdetailscap = has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $usercontext);
    $currentuser = $user->id == $USER->id;
    $isadmin = is_siteadmin($USER);
    $showuseridentityfields = get_extra_user_fields($context);
    if (!empty($course)) {
        $canviewhiddenuserfields = has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenuserfields', $context);
    } else {
        $canviewhiddenuserfields = has_capability('moodle/user:viewhiddendetails', $context);
    $canviewfullnames = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $context);
    if (!empty($course)) {
        $canviewuseremail = has_capability('moodle/course:useremail', $context);
    } else {
        $canviewuseremail = false;
    $cannotviewdescription = !empty($CFG->profilesforenrolledusersonly) && !$currentuser && !$DB->record_exists('role_assignments', array('userid' => $user->id));
    if (!empty($course)) {
        $canaccessallgroups = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context);
    } else {
        $canaccessallgroups = false;
    if (!$currentuser && !$canviewdetailscap && !has_coursecontact_role($user->id)) {
        // Skip this user details.
        return null;
    $userdetails = array();
    $userdetails['id'] = $user->id;
    if (in_array('username', $userfields)) {
        if ($currentuser or has_capability('moodle/user:viewalldetails', $context)) {
            $userdetails['username'] = $user->username;
    if ($isadmin or $canviewfullnames) {
        if (in_array('firstname', $userfields)) {
            $userdetails['firstname'] = $user->firstname;
        if (in_array('lastname', $userfields)) {
            $userdetails['lastname'] = $user->lastname;
    $userdetails['fullname'] = fullname($user);
    if (in_array('customfields', $userfields)) {
        $fields = $DB->get_recordset_sql("SELECT f.*\n                                            FROM {user_info_field} f\n                                            JOIN {user_info_category} c\n                                                 ON\n                                        ORDER BY c.sortorder ASC, f.sortorder ASC");
        $userdetails['customfields'] = array();
        foreach ($fields as $field) {
            require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/user/profile/field/' . $field->datatype . '/field.class.php';
            $newfield = 'profile_field_' . $field->datatype;
            $formfield = new $newfield($field->id, $user->id);
            if ($formfield->is_visible() and !$formfield->is_empty()) {
                // TODO: Part of MDL-50728, this conditional coding must be moved to
                // proper profile fields API so they are self-contained.
                // We only use display_data in fields that require text formatting.
                if ($field->datatype == 'text' or $field->datatype == 'textarea') {
                    $fieldvalue = $formfield->display_data();
                } else {
                    // Cases: datetime, checkbox and menu.
                    $fieldvalue = $formfield->data;
                $userdetails['customfields'][] = array('name' => $formfield->field->name, 'value' => $fieldvalue, 'type' => $field->datatype, 'shortname' => $formfield->field->shortname);
        // Unset customfields if it's empty.
        if (empty($userdetails['customfields'])) {
    // Profile image.
    if (in_array('profileimageurl', $userfields)) {
        $userpicture = new user_picture($user);
        $userpicture->size = 1;
        // Size f1.
        $userdetails['profileimageurl'] = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
    if (in_array('profileimageurlsmall', $userfields)) {
        if (!isset($userpicture)) {
            $userpicture = new user_picture($user);
        $userpicture->size = 0;
        // Size f2.
        $userdetails['profileimageurlsmall'] = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
    // Hidden user field.
    if ($canviewhiddenuserfields) {
        $hiddenfields = array();
        // Address, phone1 and phone2 not appears in hidden fields list but require viewhiddenfields capability
        // according to user/profile.php.
        if ($user->address && in_array('address', $userfields)) {
            $userdetails['address'] = $user->address;
    } else {
        $hiddenfields = array_flip(explode(',', $CFG->hiddenuserfields));
    if ($user->phone1 && in_array('phone1', $userfields) && (in_array('phone1', $showuseridentityfields) or $canviewhiddenuserfields)) {
        $userdetails['phone1'] = $user->phone1;
    if ($user->phone2 && in_array('phone2', $userfields) && (in_array('phone2', $showuseridentityfields) or $canviewhiddenuserfields)) {
        $userdetails['phone2'] = $user->phone2;
    if (isset($user->description) && (!isset($hiddenfields['description']) && !$cannotviewdescription or $isadmin)) {
        if (in_array('description', $userfields)) {
            // Always return the descriptionformat if description is requested.
            list($userdetails['description'], $userdetails['descriptionformat']) = external_format_text($user->description, $user->descriptionformat, $usercontext->id, 'user', 'profile', null);
    if (in_array('country', $userfields) && (!isset($hiddenfields['country']) or $isadmin) && $user->country) {
        $userdetails['country'] = $user->country;
    if (in_array('city', $userfields) && (!isset($hiddenfields['city']) or $isadmin) && $user->city) {
        $userdetails['city'] = $user->city;
    if (in_array('url', $userfields) && $user->url && (!isset($hiddenfields['webpage']) or $isadmin)) {
        $url = $user->url;
        if (strpos($user->url, '://') === false) {
            $url = 'http://' . $url;
        $user->url = clean_param($user->url, PARAM_URL);
        $userdetails['url'] = $user->url;
    if (in_array('icq', $userfields) && $user->icq && (!isset($hiddenfields['icqnumber']) or $isadmin)) {
        $userdetails['icq'] = $user->icq;
    if (in_array('skype', $userfields) && $user->skype && (!isset($hiddenfields['skypeid']) or $isadmin)) {
        $userdetails['skype'] = $user->skype;
    if (in_array('yahoo', $userfields) && $user->yahoo && (!isset($hiddenfields['yahooid']) or $isadmin)) {
        $userdetails['yahoo'] = $user->yahoo;
    if (in_array('aim', $userfields) && $user->aim && (!isset($hiddenfields['aimid']) or $isadmin)) {
        $userdetails['aim'] = $user->aim;
    if (in_array('msn', $userfields) && $user->msn && (!isset($hiddenfields['msnid']) or $isadmin)) {
        $userdetails['msn'] = $user->msn;
    if (in_array('firstaccess', $userfields) && (!isset($hiddenfields['firstaccess']) or $isadmin)) {
        if ($user->firstaccess) {
            $userdetails['firstaccess'] = $user->firstaccess;
        } else {
            $userdetails['firstaccess'] = 0;
    if (in_array('lastaccess', $userfields) && (!isset($hiddenfields['lastaccess']) or $isadmin)) {
        if ($user->lastaccess) {
            $userdetails['lastaccess'] = $user->lastaccess;
        } else {
            $userdetails['lastaccess'] = 0;
    if (in_array('email', $userfields) && ($isadmin or $currentuser or $canviewuseremail or in_array('email', $showuseridentityfields) or $user->maildisplay == 1 or $user->maildisplay == 2 and enrol_sharing_course($user, $USER))) {
        $userdetails['email'] = $user->email;
    if (in_array('interests', $userfields)) {
        $interests = core_tag_tag::get_item_tags_array('core', 'user', $user->id, core_tag_tag::BOTH_STANDARD_AND_NOT, 0, false);
        if ($interests) {
            $userdetails['interests'] = join(', ', $interests);
    // Departement/Institution/Idnumber are not displayed on any profile, however you can get them from editing profile.
    if (in_array('idnumber', $userfields) && $user->idnumber) {
        if (in_array('idnumber', $showuseridentityfields) or $currentuser or has_capability('moodle/user:viewalldetails', $context)) {
            $userdetails['idnumber'] = $user->idnumber;
    if (in_array('institution', $userfields) && $user->institution) {
        if (in_array('institution', $showuseridentityfields) or $currentuser or has_capability('moodle/user:viewalldetails', $context)) {
            $userdetails['institution'] = $user->institution;
    // Isset because it's ok to have department 0.
    if (in_array('department', $userfields) && isset($user->department)) {
        if (in_array('department', $showuseridentityfields) or $currentuser or has_capability('moodle/user:viewalldetails', $context)) {
            $userdetails['department'] = $user->department;
    if (in_array('roles', $userfields) && !empty($course)) {
        // Not a big secret.
        $roles = get_user_roles($context, $user->id, false);
        $userdetails['roles'] = array();
        foreach ($roles as $role) {
            $userdetails['roles'][] = array('roleid' => $role->roleid, 'name' => $role->name, 'shortname' => $role->shortname, 'sortorder' => $role->sortorder);
    // If groups are in use and enforced throughout the course, then make sure we can meet in at least one course level group.
    if (in_array('groups', $userfields) && !empty($course) && $canaccessallgroups) {
        $usergroups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $user->id, $course->defaultgroupingid, ',,g.description,g.descriptionformat');
        $userdetails['groups'] = array();
        foreach ($usergroups as $group) {
            list($group->description, $group->descriptionformat) = external_format_text($group->description, $group->descriptionformat, $context->id, 'group', 'description', $group->id);
            $userdetails['groups'][] = array('id' => $group->id, 'name' => $group->name, 'description' => $group->description, 'descriptionformat' => $group->descriptionformat);
    // List of courses where the user is enrolled.
    if (in_array('enrolledcourses', $userfields) && !isset($hiddenfields['mycourses'])) {
        $enrolledcourses = array();
        if ($mycourses = enrol_get_users_courses($user->id, true)) {
            foreach ($mycourses as $mycourse) {
                if ($mycourse->category) {
                    $coursecontext = context_course::instance($mycourse->id);
                    $enrolledcourse = array();
                    $enrolledcourse['id'] = $mycourse->id;
                    $enrolledcourse['fullname'] = format_string($mycourse->fullname, true, array('context' => $coursecontext));
                    $enrolledcourse['shortname'] = format_string($mycourse->shortname, true, array('context' => $coursecontext));
                    $enrolledcourses[] = $enrolledcourse;
            $userdetails['enrolledcourses'] = $enrolledcourses;
    // User preferences.
    if (in_array('preferences', $userfields) && $currentuser) {
        $preferences = array();
        $userpreferences = get_user_preferences();
        foreach ($userpreferences as $prefname => $prefvalue) {
            $preferences[] = array('name' => $prefname, 'value' => $prefvalue);
        $userdetails['preferences'] = $preferences;
    return $userdetails;
Exemple #22
  * Retrieve a list of users blocked
  * @param  int $userid the user whose blocked users we want to retrieve
  * @return external_description
  * @since 2.9
 public static function get_blocked_users($userid)
     global $CFG, $USER, $PAGE;
     // Warnings array, it can be empty at the end but is mandatory.
     $warnings = array();
     // Validate params.
     $params = array('userid' => $userid);
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_blocked_users_parameters(), $params);
     $userid = $params['userid'];
     // Validate context.
     $context = context_system::instance();
     // Check if private messaging between users is allowed.
     if (empty($CFG->messaging)) {
         throw new moodle_exception('disabled', 'message');
     $user = core_user::get_user($userid, '*', MUST_EXIST);
     // Check if we have permissions for retrieve the information.
     if ($userid != $USER->id and !has_capability('moodle/site:readallmessages', $context)) {
         throw new moodle_exception('accessdenied', 'admin');
     // Now, we can get safely all the blocked users.
     $users = message_get_blocked_users($user);
     $blockedusers = array();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $newuser = array('id' => $user->id, 'fullname' => fullname($user));
         $userpicture = new user_picture($user);
         $userpicture->size = 1;
         // Size f1.
         $newuser['profileimageurl'] = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
         $blockedusers[] = $newuser;
     $results = array('users' => $blockedusers, 'warnings' => $warnings);
     return $results;
Exemple #23
  * Returns the profile information for a contact for a user.
  * @param int $userid The user id
  * @param int $otheruserid The id of the user whose profile we want to view.
  * @return \stdClass
 public static function get_profile($userid, $otheruserid)
     global $CFG, $DB, $PAGE;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/user/lib.php';
     $user = \core_user::get_user($otheruserid, '*', MUST_EXIST);
     // Create the data we are going to pass to the renderable.
     $data = new \stdClass();
     $data->userid = $otheruserid;
     $data->fullname = fullname($user);
     $data->city = '';
     $data->country = '';
     $data->email = '';
     $data->isonline = null;
     // Get the user picture data - messaging has always shown these to the user.
     $userpicture = new \user_picture($user);
     $userpicture->size = 1;
     // Size f1.
     $data->profileimageurl = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
     $userpicture->size = 0;
     // Size f2.
     $data->profileimageurlsmall = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false);
     $userfields = user_get_user_details($user, null, array('city', 'country', 'email', 'lastaccess'));
     if ($userfields) {
         if (isset($userfields['city'])) {
             $data->city = $userfields['city'];
         if (isset($userfields['country'])) {
             $data->country = $userfields['country'];
         if (isset($userfields['email'])) {
             $data->email = $userfields['email'];
         if (isset($userfields['lastaccess'])) {
             $data->isonline = helper::is_online($userfields['lastaccess']);
     // Check if the contact has been blocked.
     $contact = $DB->get_record('message_contacts', array('userid' => $userid, 'contactid' => $otheruserid));
     if ($contact) {
         $data->isblocked = (bool) $contact->blocked;
         $data->iscontact = true;
     } else {
         $data->isblocked = false;
         $data->iscontact = false;
     return $data;