  * Structure of update data:
  * array(
  *    'section_name' => array(
  * 'old_option_name' => 'custom_community_theme_options',
  * 'old_setting_prefix' => 'cap_',
  * 'new_option_name' =>'cc2_advanded_settings',
  * 'import_data' => array(
  * 'old_option' => 'new_option',
  * 'old_option_2' => => array(
  * 'new_setting_name' => 'new_option_2',
  * 'value_conversion' => array(
  * 'on' => true,
  * 'off' => false,
  * ),
  * ),
  * 'old_option_3' => array(
  * 'new_setting_name' => 'new_option_3',
  * 'callback' => 'font_conversion', // a method or function callback; use array( 'className', 'callback_method') if you want to use an external class instead the current one
  * ),
  * )
  * ); // end of section $section_name
  * @param bool $arrSelectedSections
  * @return array
 function run_updates($arrSelectedSections = false)
     $return = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => 'Something went TOTALLY wrong.');
     if (!empty($this->arrImportOptions)) {
         // prepare section selections
         if (empty($arrSelectedSections)) {
             // no sections selected? use ALL sections
             $arrSelectedSections = array_keys($this->arrImportOptions);
             parent::debug($arrSelectedSections, '$arrSelectedSections');
         // context: import options
         foreach ($this->arrImportOptions as $strSection => $arrSectionOptionData) {
             // soft resets
             $strOldSettingsPrefix = '';
             $arrImportedOptions = array();
             // we specifically use a different name for the variable that will store the updated data
             // test if section is requested for import, and if so, whether there are actual import data or if it's just a stub
             parent::debug($arrOptionData, $strSection . ':arrOptionData');
             // context: section
             if (!empty($arrSectionOptionData['import_data']) && is_array($arrSectionOptionData['import_data'])) {
                 // section contains import data
                 parent::debug($strSection . ' fires');
                 $arrImportData = $arrSectionOptionData['import_data'];
                 parent::debug($arrImportData, 'arrImportData for [' . $strSection . ']');
                 // fetch old data first
                 $arrOldOptionsData = get_option($arrSectionOptionData['old_option_name'], false);
                 parent::debug($arrOldOptionsData, 'arrOldOptionsData for [' . $strSection . ']');
                 // is there a global prefix defined for the old options?
                 if (isset($arrSectionOptionData['old_setting_prefix'])) {
                     $strOldSettingsPrefix = $arrSectionOptionData['old_setting_prefix'];
                 // found old data
                 if (!empty($arrOldOptionsData)) {
                     // cycle through the options of the current section
                     foreach ($arrImportData as $strOldOption => $newOption) {
                         // preparation for the sanity check
                         $strNewOptionName = !isset($newOption['new_setting_name']) ? $newOption : $newOption['new_setting_name'];
                         if (!is_array($newOption)) {
                             // withour further addo ..
                             //$arrImportedOptions[ $newOption ] = $arrOldOptionsData[ $strOldSettingsPrefix . $strOldOption ];
                             $arrImportedOptions[$strNewOptionName] = $arrOldOptionsData[$strOldSettingsPrefix . $strOldOption];
                         } else {
                             // going deeper (has some parameters)
                             if (isset($newOption['value_conversion'])) {
                                 // old values may not be the same as before, eg. for true/false or selections
                                 $arrImportedOptions[$newOption['new_setting_name']] = parent::convert_value_choice($arrOldOptionsData[$strOldSettingsPrefix . $strOldOption], $newOption['value_conversion']);
                             // not so much a callback than a filter
                             if (isset($newOption['callback'])) {
                                 // handled by the helper class
                                 switch ($newOption['callback']) {
                                     case 'convert_font_family':
                                         $arrImportedOptions[$newOption['new_setting_name']] = $this->filter_convert_font($arrOldOptionsData[$strOldSettingsPrefix . $strOldOption]);
                                         // unknown method or separate function / method of another class
                                     // unknown method or separate function / method of another class
                                         $arrImportedOptions[$newOption['new_setting_name']] = parent::handle_callback($value, $this->updatePrefix . $newOption['callback']);
                         // optional sanety check: discard import if empty
                         if (isset($arrSectionOptionData['allow_empty_values']) && $arrSectionOptionData['allow_empty_values'] == false) {
                             if (trim($arrOldOptionsData[$strOldSettingsPrefix . $strOldOption]) == '' || empty($arrOldOptionsData[$strOldSettingsPrefix . $strOldOption])) {
                     // finally, update options
                     // test run? => test with transient
                     if ($this->is_test_run != false) {
                         // delete already used transient first
                         delete_transient($this->classPrefix . 'test_run_' . $arrSectionOptionData['new_option_name']);
                         // set the transient anew
                         set_transient($this->classPrefix . 'test_run_' . $arrSectionOptionData['new_option_name'], $arrImportedOptions, 15 * 60);
                         // times out after 10 minutes
                         // check if transient was actually set
                         $testRunResult = get_transient($this->classPrefix . 'test_run_' . $arrSectionOptionData['new_option_name'], false);
                         if ($testRunResult == false || $testRunResult != $arrImportedOptions) {
                             $arrReturn[$strSection] = array('type' => 'error test-run', 'message' => 'Error: Test run failed; could not add the updated data to the current theme options.');
                         } else {
                             $arrReturn[$strSection] = array('type' => 'success', 'message' => 'Successfully completed the test run for [' . $strSection . ']; all lights green! ;-)');
                     } else {
                         // go for the real thing
                         // fetch current option data
                         $currentData = get_option($arrOptionData[$strSection]['new_option_name'], false);
                         $currentDataBackup = $currentData;
                         if (!empty($currentData)) {
                             // cycle through the imported data
                             foreach ($arrImportedOptions as $strSetting => $data) {
                                 // overwrite existing data - but ONLY if the IMPORTED data is NOT empty
                                 $currentData[$strSetting] = $data;
                         } else {
                             $currentData = $arrImportedOptions;
                         // inital test with different option name
                         parent::debug($currentData, 'currentData for [' . $strSection . ']');
                         //$strUpdateOptionName = 'cc20_update_'  . $arrSectionOptionData['new_option_name'];
                         // weaponized ..
                         $strUpdateOptionName = $arrSectionOptionData['new_option_name'];
                          * NOTE: for testing purposes!
                          * update will fail if there is no ACTUAL update happening
                         if ($currentData != $currentDataBackup && !empty($currentData)) {
                             $currentData['cc2_data_imported'] = time();
                             $updateResult = update_option($strUpdateOptionName, $currentData);
                             //$updateResult = update_option( $arrOptionData[ $strSection ]['new_option_name'], $currentData );
                             if ($updateResult != false) {
                                 $arrReturn[$strSection] = array('type' => 'success', 'message' => 'Successfully imported old data (option: [' . $strUpdateOptionName . ']).', 'section' => $strSection);
                             } else {
                                 $arrReturn[$strSection] = array('type' => 'error import', 'message' => 'Error: Could not import old data (failed updating the option [' . $strUpdateOptionName . '] )', 'section' => $strSection);
                         } else {
                             $arrReturn[$strSection] = array('type' => 'error import no-updated-data', 'message' => 'Error: Could not import old data, because all available data is ALREADY imported!', 'section' => $strSection);
                 } else {
                     // no old data found
                     $arrReturn[$strSection] = array('type' => 'error missing-option', 'message' => sprintf('Import for %s failed, because the related option (%s) is empty or does not exist', $strSection, $arrOptionData[$strSection]['old_option_name']));
     } else {
         parent::debug('arrImportOptions are empty!');
     if (!empty($arrReturn)) {
         $return = $arrReturn;
     return $return;
Exemple #2
 public function actionUpdater()
     Yii::import('ext.Updater.index', 1);
     $d = new driversManager();
     $versions = $d->getVersions(1);
     Yii::app()->user->setFlash('versions', json_encode($versions));
     $params = array('version', 'SQLversion');
     foreach ($params as $value) {
         $model = Settings::model()->findByAttributes(array('option' => $value));
         if (!$model) {
             $model = new Settings();
             $model->option = $value;
             $model->value = '0.1';
         $models[] = $model;
     $this->render('updater', array('models' => $models, 'last_check' => updateHelper::lastCheck()));