function compile_rule($ID)
    $unix = new unix();
    $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
    $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $f[] = "MAILTO=\"\"";
    $f[] = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/share/artica-postfix/bin";
    $f[] = "0,15,30,45 * * * * root {$nice}{$php5} " . __FILE__ . " --export >/dev/null 2>&1";
    $f[] = "";
    @file_put_contents("/etc/cron.d/iptaccount", @implode("\n", $f));
    shell_exec("/bin/chmod 640 /etc/cron.d/iptaccount >/dev/null 2>&1");
    $q = new mysql();
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM tcp_account_rules WHERE ID='{$ID}'";
    $ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql, 'artica_backup'));
    if ($ligne["ipaddr"] == null) {
    if ($ligne["mode"] == null) {
    $unix = new unix();
    $iptables = $unix->find_program("iptables");
    $cmd = "{$iptables} -A {$ligne["mode"]} -j ACCOUNT --addr {$ligne["ipaddr"]} --tname rule_{$ID} -m comment --comment \"ArticaIptAccountRule_{$ID}\"";
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        echo $cmd . "\n";
function restore($filename)
    $unix = new unix();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $TMP = $unix->FILE_TEMP();
    $filenameBase = basename($filename);
    if (!is_file($filename)) {
        echo "{$filename} no such file\n";
        build_progress("{failed}", 110);
    $tmpf = $unix->FILE_TEMP();
    build_progress("{uncompress} {$filenameBase}", 10);
    if (!$unix->uncompress($filename, $tmpf)) {
        build_progress("{uncompress} {$filenameBase} {failed}", 110);
    build_progress("{importing} {$tmpf}", 50);
    $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
    $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $mysql = $unix->find_program("mysql");
    $gzip = $unix->find_program("gzip");
    $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup");
    $echo = $unix->find_program("echo");
    $rm = $unix->find_program("rm");
    $php = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
    $sh[] = "#!/bin/sh";
    $sh[] = "{$echo} \"{$mysql} -> {$filenameBase}\"";
    $sh[] = "{$nice} {$mysql} {$q->MYSQL_CMDLINES} -f squidlogs < {$tmpf}";
    $sh[] = "{$rm} {$TMP}.sh";
    $sh[] = "\n";
    @file_put_contents("{$TMP}.sh", @implode("\n", $sh));
    @chmod("{$TMP}.sh", 0755);
    build_progress(10, "Starting restore {$filenameBase} - " . basename("{$TMP}.sh") . " ");
    system("{$nohup} {$TMP}.sh >{$TMP}.txt 2>&1 &");
    $PID = $unix->PIDOF_PATTERN("{$TMP}.sh");
    echo "Running PID {$PID}\n";
    while ($unix->process_exists($PID)) {
        build_progress(50, "Starting restoring {$filenameBase}");
        $PID = $unix->PIDOF_PATTERN("{$TMP}.sh");
        echo "Running PID {$PID}\n";
    echo @file_get_contents("{$TMP}.txt") . "\n";
    build_progress(50, "{restore} {done} {$filenameBase}");
    build_progress(50, "{restore} Analyze Hourly tables");
    system("{$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.squid.stats.hours.php --force --verbose");
    build_progress(60, "{restore} Repair Hourly tables");
    system("{$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.squid.stats.hours.php --repair --force --verbose");
    build_progress(70, "{restore} Repair Table days");
    system("{$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/ --tables-day --repair --force --verbose");
    build_progress(80, "{restore} Repair sums");
    system("{$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.squid.stats.totals.php --repair --force --verbose");
    build_progress(100, "{restore} Done");
Exemple #3
function create_cron_task(){
	$unix=new unix();
	$f[]="0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * root $nice$php5 ".__FILE__." --resolv >/dev/null 2>&1";
	@file_put_contents("/etc/cron.d/iptaccount", @implode("\n", $f));
	shell_exec("/bin/chmod 640 /etc/cron.d/freeweb_resolv >/dev/null 2>&1");	
Exemple #4
function chock_status()
    $unix = new unix();
    $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup");
    writelogs_framework("nohup = {$nohup}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    writelogs_framework("nice = {$nice}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
    $cache_file = "/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/monit.status.all";
    if (is_file($cache_file)) {
        writelogs_framework("{$cache_file} exists", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        @chmod($cache_file, 0755);
    } else {
        writelogs_framework("{$cache_file} does not exists", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $cmd = "{$nohup} {$nice} {$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.monit.php --status >/dev/null 2>&1 &";
    writelogs_framework($cmd, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
function directory_backup($WordpressBackupParams, $servername)
    $unix = new unix();
    $tar = $unix->find_program("tar");
    $q = new mysql();
    $free = new freeweb($servername);
    $gzip = $unix->find_program("gzip");
    $WORKDIR = $free->www_dir;
    echo "Backup directory {$WORKDIR}";
    if (!is_dir($WORKDIR)) {
        apache_admin_mysql(0, "{$servername} cannot backup a non-existent directory {$WORKDIR}", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return false;
    $BaseWorkDir = $WordpressBackupParams["DEST"] . "/{$servername}/" . date("Y-m-d-H") . "h";
    @mkdir("{$BaseWorkDir}", 0755, true);
    $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $t = time();
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Compressing {$BaseWorkDir}/wordpress.tar.gz\n";
    shell_exec("{$nice} {$tar} cfz {$BaseWorkDir}/wordpress.tar.gz *");
    $took = $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time());
    $size = FormatBytes(@filesize("{$BaseWorkDir}/wordpress.tar.gz") / 1024);
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Compressing wordpress.tar.gz took {$took} size= {$size}";
    apache_admin_mysql(2, "{$servername} directory backuped {$size} (took {$took})", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
Exemple #6
function parse_memory()
    $unix = new unix();
    $nginx = $unix->find_program("nginx");
    $sock = new sockets();
    $nginx = $unix->find_program("nginx");
    if (!is_file($nginx)) {
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx, not installed\n";
    $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid";
    $pidtime = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".time";
    $pidStampReload = $GLOBALS["pidStampReload"];
    if (!$GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        echo "{$pidtime}\n";
        $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile);
        if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) {
            $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid);
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx Already Artica task running PID {$pid} since {$time}mn\n";
        $TimExec = $unix->file_time_min($pidtime);
        if ($TimExec < 5) {
    @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid());
    @file_put_contents($pidtime, time());
    $python = $unix->find_program("python");
    $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    exec("{$nice}{$python} /usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/ 2>&1", $results);
    $FOUND = false;
    while (list($index, $line) = each($results)) {
        $line = trim($line);
        if ($line == null) {
        if (!preg_match("#^[0-9\\.]+.*?=\\s+([0-9\\.]+)\\s+(.+?)\\s+nginx#", $line, $re)) {
            if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
                echo "Not found \"{$line}\"\n";
        $memoryValue = $re[1];
        $unit = trim(strtolower($re[2]));
        echo "Found {$memoryValue} {$unit}\n";
        if ($unit == "kib") {
            $memoryValue = $memoryValue / 1048.576;
        if ($unit == "mib") {
            $memoryValue = $memoryValue * 1.048576;
        if ($unit == "gib") {
            $memoryValue = $memoryValue * 1048.576;
        $FOUND = true;
    if (!$FOUND) {
        if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
            echo "Not found...\n";
    $memoryValue = round($memoryValue, 2);
    $MaxMemory = max_memory();
    $MaxMemoryReload = $MaxMemory / 2;
    $memoryValueInt = intval($memoryValue);
    echo "Nginx = {$memoryValue} MB  INT({$memoryValueInt}) Reload on:{$MaxMemoryReload}MB; Restart on:{$MaxMemory}MB\n";
    $ACTION_DONE = false;
    if ($MaxMemory > 0) {
        if ($memoryValueInt > 0) {
            if ($memoryValueInt > $MaxMemoryReload) {
                $StampTime = $unix->file_time_min($pidStampReload);
                if ($StampTime > 20) {
                    squid_admin_mysql(1, "Reverse proxy reach medium memory {$memoryValueInt}MB Reload:{$MaxMemoryReload}MB [action=reload]", "The service will be restarted");
                    @file_put_contents($pidStampReload, time());
                    $ACTION_DONE = true;
            if (!$ACTION_DONE) {
                if ($memoryValueInt > $MaxMemory) {
                    squid_admin_mysql(0, "Reverse proxy reach max memory allowed {$memoryValueInt}MB MAX:{$MaxMemory}MB [action=restart]", "The service will be restarted");
    echo basename(__FILE__) . "\n";
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ressources/';
    echo basename(__FILE__) . "::framework/\n";
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/framework/';
    echo basename(__FILE__) . "\n";
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/framework/';
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ressources/';
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ressources/';
$unix = new unix();
$NICE = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
$GetCachesInsquidConf = $unix->SQUID_CACHE_FROM_SQUIDCONF();
$chown = $unix->find_program("chown");
$chmod = $unix->find_program("chmod");
$t = time();
$c = 0;
while (list($CacheDirectory, $type) = each($GetCachesInsquidConf)) {
    if (trim($CacheDirectory) == null) {
    if (!is_dir($CacheDirectory)) {
    $F[] = $CacheDirectory;
    shell_exec("{$NICE} {$chown} -R squid:squid {$CacheDirectory}");
Exemple #8
function backup($ID)
    $date_start = time();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $q = new mysql();
    $unix = new unix();
    $users = new usersMenus();
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM backup_schedules WHERE ID='{$ID}'";
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        backup_events($ID, "initialization", "{$sql}", __LINE__);
    $mount_path = "/opt/artica/mounts/backup/{$ID}";
    if (!$q->TABLE_EXISTS("backup_storages", "artica_backup", true)) {
        if (!$q->TABLE_EXISTS("backup_storages", "artica_backup", true)) {
            backup_events($ID, "initialization", "ERROR, backup_storages, no such table", __LINE__);
    $servername = $users->fqdn;
    $servername = str_replace('.(none)', "", $servername);
    $servername = str_replace(')', "", $servername);
    $servername = str_replace('(', "", $servername);
    $GLOBALS["MYSERVERNAME"] = $servername;
    $ExecBackupDeadAfterH = $sock->GET_INFO("ExecBackupDeadAfterH");
    if (!is_numeric($ExecBackupDeadAfterH)) {
        $ExecBackupDeadAfterH = 2;
    if ($ExecBackupDeadAfterH < 2) {
        $ExecBackupDeadAfterH = 2;
    $ExecBackupDeadAfterH = $ExecBackupDeadAfterH * 60;
    $ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup"));
    if (!$q->ok) {
        send_email_events("Backup Task {$ID}:: Mysql database error !", "Aborting backup\n{$q->mysql_error}", "backup");
        backup_events($ID, "initialization", "ERROR, Mysql database error\n{$q->mysql_error}", __LINE__);
        return false;
    if (!$GLOBALS["ONNLY_MOUNT"]) {
        $pid = $ligne["pid"];
        if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) {
            $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid);
            if ($time > $ExecBackupDeadAfterH) {
                send_email_events("Backup Task {$ID}:: Already instance {$pid} running since {$time}Mn", "The old process was killed and a new backup task will be performed\nstatus:\n\n{$unix->proc_status}", "backup");
            } else {
                send_email_events("Backup Task {$ID}:: Already instance {$pid} running since {$time}Mn", "Aborting backup\n{$unix->proc_status}", "backup");
                backup_events($ID, "initialization", "ERROR, Already instance {$pid} running since {$time}Mn", $unix->proc_status);
                return false;
    $sql = "UPDATE backup_schedules set pid='" . getmypid() . "' WHERE ID='{$ID}'";
    $q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup");
    $ressources = unserialize(base64_decode($ligne["datasbackup"]));
    if (count($ressources) == 0) {
        backup_events($ID, "initialization", "ERROR,No source specified");
        send_email_events("Backup Task {$ID}::  No source specified", "Aborting backup", "backup");
        return false;
    if ($ressources["OPTIONS"]["STOP_IMAP"] == 1) {
        $GLOBALS["NO_STOP_CYRUS"] = " --no-cyrus-stop";
    $backup = new backup_protocols();
    $resource_type = $ligne["resource_type"];
    $pattern = $ligne["pattern"];
    $first_ressource = $backup->extractFirsRessource($ligne["pattern"]);
    $container = $ligne["container"];
    backup_events($ID, "initialization", "resource: {$resource_type} -> {$first_ressource}", __LINE__);
    if ($resource_type == null) {
        backup_events($ID, "initialization", "ERROR,No resource specified");
        send_email_events("Backup Task {$ID}:: No resource specified !", "Aborting backup", "backup");
        return false;
    if ($resource_type == "smb") {
        $mounted_path_sep = "/";
        if (!mount_smb($pattern, $ID, true)) {
            backup_events($ID, "initialization", "ERROR,{$first_ressource} unable to mount mount_smb()", __LINE__);
            send_email_events("Backup Task {$ID}::  resource: {$first_ressource} unable to mount", "Aborting backup", "backup");
            return false;
        $GLOBALS["PCOPY"] = true;
    if ($resource_type == "ssh") {
        $mounted_path_sep = "/";
        if (!mount_ssh($pattern, $ID, true)) {
            backup_events($ID, "initialization", "ERROR,{$first_ressource} unable to mount mount_ssh()", __LINE__);
            send_email_events("Backup Task {$ID}::  resource: {$first_ressource} unable to mount to remote ssh service", "Aborting backup", "backup");
            return false;
        $GLOBALS["PCOPY"] = true;
    if ($resource_type == "usb") {
        $mounted_path_sep = "/";
        if (!mount_usb($pattern, $ID, true)) {
            backup_events($ID, "initialization", "ERROR,{$first_ressource} unable to mount mount_usb()", __LINE__);
            send_email_events("Backup Task {$ID}::  resource: {$first_ressource} unable to mount", "Aborting backup", "backup");
            return false;
        backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, using external device trough USB", __LINE__);
        $GLOBALS["PCOPY"] = true;
    if ($resource_type == "rsync") {
        $mounted_path_sep = null;
        $mount_path = null;
        $GLOBALS["RESOURCE_MOUNTED"] = false;
        $GLOBALS["USE_RSYNC"] = true;
        $GLOBALS["NO_UMOUNT"] = true;
        if (!mount_rsync($pattern, $ID, true)) {
            backup_events($ID, "initialization", "ERROR,{$first_ressource} unable to connect");
            send_email_events("Backup Task {$ID}::  resource: {$first_ressource} unable to connect", "Aborting backup", "backup");
            return false;
        } else {
            backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO,{$first_ressource} connect success");
    if ($resource_type == "automount") {
        $mounted_path_sep = "/";
        $mount_path = $first_ressource;
        $GLOBALS["RESOURCE_MOUNTED"] = false;
        $GLOBALS["USE_RSYNC"] = true;
        $GLOBALS["NO_UMOUNT"] = true;
        $GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"] = $first_ressource;
        if (!mount_automount($pattern, $ID, true)) {
            backup_events($ID, "initialization", "ERROR,{$first_ressource} unable to connect");
            send_email_events("Backup Task {$ID}::  resource: {$first_ressource} unable to connect", "Aborting backup", "backup");
            return false;
        backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO,{$first_ressource} connect success");
        $GLOBALS["PCOPY"] = true;
    if ($resource_type == "local") {
        $mounted_path_sep = "/";
        $mount_path = $first_ressource;
        $GLOBALS["RESOURCE_MOUNTED"] = false;
        $GLOBALS["USE_RSYNC"] = true;
        $GLOBALS["NO_UMOUNT"] = true;
        $GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"] = $first_ressource;
        if (!is_dir($first_ressource)) {
            backup_events($ID, "initialization", "{$first_ressource} directory doesn't exsits, create it..", __LINE__);
            @mkdir($first_ressource, 0755, true);
        if (!is_dir($first_ressource)) {
            backup_events($ID, "initialization", "{$first_ressource} no such directory permission denied", __LINE__);
            send_email_events("Backup Task {$ID}::  resource: {$first_ressource} no such directory", "Aborting backup", "backup");
            return false;
        backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO,{$first_ressource} success");
        $GLOBALS["PCOPY"] = true;
    if ($GLOBALS["ONLY_TESTS"]) {
            writelogs(date('m-d H:i:s') . " " . "[TASK {$ID}]:umount {$mount_path}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
            exec("umount -l {$mount_path}");
        writelogs(date('m-d H:i:s') . " " . "[TASK {$ID}]: terminated...", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    if ($GLOBALS["ONNLY_MOUNT"]) {
        return $mount_path;
    if ($container == "daily") {
        backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, Daily container", __LINE__);
        $DirectoryContainer = "backup." . date('Y-m-d') . "/{$servername}";
        $GLOBAL["BACKUP_MEMORY_SQL"]["CONTAINER"] = $DirectoryContainer;
        $mount_path_final = $mount_path . $mounted_path_sep . $DirectoryContainer;
    } else {
        backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, Weekly container", __LINE__);
        $DirectoryContainer = "backup." . date('Y-W') . "/{$servername}";
        $GLOBAL["BACKUP_MEMORY_SQL"]["CONTAINER"] = $DirectoryContainer;
        $mount_path_final = $mount_path . $mounted_path_sep . $DirectoryContainer;
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG"]) {
        $cmd_verb = " --verbose";
        writelogs(date('m-d H:i:s') . " " . "[TASK {$ID}]: Verbose mode detected", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    @mkdir($mount_path_final, 0755, true);
        $GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"] = $mount_path_final;
        $WhatToBackup_ar = null;
        $BACKUP_WWW_ALREADY_DONE = array();
        $BACKUP_WEBGET_ALREADY_DONE = array();
        while (list($num, $WhatToBackup) = each($ressources)) {
            if (is_array($WhatToBackup)) {
                $WhatToBackup_ar = implode(",", $WhatToBackup);
                backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, WhatToBackup Array = {$WhatToBackup_ar}", __LINE__);
            if ($WhatToBackup == "all") {
                backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, Backup starting Running macro all cyrus, mysql, LDAP, Artica...", __LINE__);
                send_email_events("Backup Task {$ID}:: Backup starting Running macro all ", "Backup is running", "backup");
                if ($users->cyrus_imapd_installed) {
                    backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, cyrus-imapd mailboxes processing");
                backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, LDAP Database processing", __LINE__);
                backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, MySQL Database processing", __LINE__);
                backup_mysql($ID, 0);
                backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, Restarting MySQL service...", __LINE__);
                mysql_admin_mysql(0, "Restarting mysql service.", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
                shell_exec("/etc/init.d/mysql restart");
                backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, Artica settings processing", __LINE__);
                if ($users->ZARAFA_INSTALLED) {
                    if ($sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaStoreOutside") == 1) {
                        backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, Zarafa external attachments processing...");
                backup_events($ID, "initialization", "continue to next process", __LINE__);
            if (preg_match("#MYSQLINSTANCE:([0-9]+)#", $WhatToBackup, $re)) {
                $instance_id = $re[1];
                backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, Backup starting backup MySQL instance Number:{$instance_id}", __LINE__);
                if ($instance_id > 0) {
                    if (!isset($BACKUP_INSTANCES_ALREADY_DONE[$instance_id])) {
                        backup_mysql($ID, $instance_id);
                        $BACKUP_INSTANCES_ALREADY_DONE[$instance_id] = true;
            if (preg_match("#FREEWEB:(.+)#", $WhatToBackup, $re)) {
                $sitename = $re[1];
                backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, Backup starting backup Website  {$sitename}", __LINE__);
                if (!isset($BACKUP_WWW_ALREADY_DONE[$sitename])) {
                    backup_freewebs($ID, $sitename);
                    $BACKUP_INSTANCES_ALREADY_DONE[$sitename] = true;
            if (preg_match("#WEBGET:(.+)#", $WhatToBackup, $re)) {
                if (!isset($BACKUP_WEBGET_ALREADY_DONE[$re[1]])) {
                    $arr = unserialize(base64_decode($re[1]));
                    if (!is_array($arr)) {
                        backup_events($ID, "initialization", "ERROR, WEBGET `{$re[1]}` is not an array...", __LINE__);
                    backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, Backup remote Artica FreeWebs Website {$arr["RemoteArticaSite"]} from source {$arr["RemoteArticaServer"]}", __LINE__);
                    backup_webget($ID, $arr);
            backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, `{$WhatToBackup}` could not understood", __LINE__);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM backup_folders WHERE taskid={$ID}";
    $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup");
    if (!$q->ok) {
        if (strpos($q->mysql_error, "gone away")) {
            backup_events($ID, "personal", "ERROR, mysql {$q->mysql_error} Restarting MySQL server (Patch p.20130807)", __LINE__);
            mysql_admin_mysql(0, "Restarting mysql service.", $q->mysql_error, __FILE__, __LINE__);
            shell_exec("/etc/init.d/mysql restart");
            $q = new mysql();
            $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup");
    if (!$q->ok) {
        backup_events($ID, "personal", "ERROR, mysql {$q->mysql_error}", __LINE__);
    while ($ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
        $dd1 = time();
        if ($ligne["recursive"] == 1) {
            $recursive = " --recursive";
        } else {
            $recursive = null;
        $path = trim(base64_decode($ligne["path"]));
        if (!is_dir($path)) {
            backup_events($ID, "personal", "ERROR, [{$path}] no such file or directory", __LINE__);
        backup_events($ID, "personal", "INFO, Backup starting for {$path}", __LINE__);
        send_email_events("Backup Task {$ID}:: Backup starting {$path}", "Backup is running for path {$path}", "backup");
        $results = backup_copy($path, $path, $ID);
        $calculate = distanceOfTimeInWords($dd1, time());
        backup_events($ID, "personal", "INFO, Backup finish for {$path}\n{$results} {$calculate}", __LINE__);
    writelogs(date('m-d H:i:s') . " " . "[TASK {$ID}]: Calculate directory size on {$mount_path_final}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $du = $unix->find_program("du");
    $dut1 = time();
    $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $cmd = "{$nice}{$du} -s {$mount_path_final}";
    exec($cmd, $du_results);
    $calculate = distanceOfTimeInWords($dut1, time());
    $BackupSize = 0;
    if (preg_match("#^([0-9]+)\\s+#", @implode("", $du_results), $re)) {
        $BackupSize = $re[1];
        backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, backup size {$BackupSize} bytes time:{$calculate}", __LINE__);
        backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, cleaning containers....", __LINE__);
        CleanContainers($ID, $mount_path_final);
    } else {
        backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, cannot clean containers, check protocols....", __LINE__);
    $GLOBAL["BACKUP_MEMORY_SQL"]["mount_path_final"] = $mount_path_final;
    $cnx_params = addslashes(base64_encode(serialize($GLOBAL["BACKUP_MEMORY_SQL"])));
    $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO backup_storages (`taskid`,`size`,`cnx_params`,`zmd5`) VALUES('{$ID}','{$BackupSize}','{$cnx_params}','{$zmd5}')";
    $q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup");
    $sql = "UPDATE backup_storages SET `size`='{$BackupSize}' WHERE `zmd5`='{$zmd5}'";
    $q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup");
    if (!$q->ok) {
        backup_events($ID, "initialization", "ERROR, {$q->mysql_error}", __LINE__);
    if (!$GLOBALS["NO_UMOUNT"]) {
        writelogs(date('m-d H:i:s') . " " . "[TASK {$ID}]:umount {$mount_path_final}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        if (preg_match("#^\\/opt\\/artica\\/mounts\\/backup\\/[0-9]+(.+)#", $mount_path_final, $re)) {
            $mount_path_final = str_replace($re[1], "", $mount_path_final);
            writelogs(date('m-d H:i:s') . " " . "[TASK {$ID}]:translated to {$mount_path_final}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, umount {$mount_path_final}", __LINE__);
        writelogs(date('m-d H:i:s') . " " . "[TASK {$ID}]:umount {$mount_path_final}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        exec("umount -l {$mount_path_final} 2>&1", $resultsUmount);
        if (count($resultsUmount) > 0) {
            writelogs(date('m-d H:i:s') . " " . "[TASK {$ID}]:umount : ----- \n" . @implode("\n", $resultsUmount) . "\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $date_end = time();
    $calculate = distanceOfTimeInWords($date_start, $date_end);
    backup_events($ID, "TIME", "INFO, Time: {$calculate} ({$mount_path_final})", __LINE__);
    backup_events($ID, "initialization", "INFO, Backup task terminated", __LINE__);
    send_email_events("Backup Task {$ID}:: Backup stopping", "Backup is stopped", "backup");
    shell_exec(LOCATE_PHP5_BIN2() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.cleanfiles.php");
function xupdate($aspid = false)
    $unix = new unix();
    $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid";
    $pidtime = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/exec.suricata.updates.php.update.time";
    if (!$GLOBALS["FORCE"]) {
        if (system_is_overloaded()) {
        if (!$aspid) {
            $pid = @file_get_contents($pidfile);
            if ($pid < 100) {
                $pid = null;
            if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) {
                echo "PID: {$pid} Already exists....\n";
            @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid());
            $pidExec = $unix->file_time_min($pidtime);
            if ($pidExec < 1439) {
            @file_put_contents($pidtime, time());
    echo "Starting....\n";
    $sock = new sockets();
    $CurrentEmergingRulesMD5 = $sock->GET_INFO("CurrentEmergingRulesMD5");
    $tmpdir = $unix->TEMP_DIR();
    echo "CurrentEmergingRulesMD5={$CurrentEmergingRulesMD5} TMPDIR:{$tmpdir}\n";
    $curl = new ccurl("");
    $targetpath = "{$tmpdir}/emerging.rules.tar.gz.md5";
    if (!$curl->GetFile($targetpath)) {
        echo "{$targetpath} failed\n";
        artica_update_event(0, "Unable to download emerging.rules.tar.gz.md5", $curl->errors, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    echo "Open {$targetpath}\n";
    $f = explode("\n", @file_get_contents($targetpath));
    echo "{$targetpath} " . count($f) . " lines\n";
    if (count($f) > 2) {
        artica_update_event(0, "Truncated emerging.rules.tar.gz.md5", $curl->errors, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $NewEmergingRulesMD5 = trim($f[0]);
    if ($NewEmergingRulesMD5 == $CurrentEmergingRulesMD5) {
        echo "No new updates...\n";
    $curl = new ccurl("");
    $targetpath = "{$tmpdir}/version.txt";
    if (!$curl->GetFile($targetpath)) {
        echo "{$targetpath} failed\n";
        artica_update_event(0, "Unable to version.txt", $curl->errors, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $NextVersion = @file_get_contents($targetpath);
    $curl = new ccurl("");
    $targetpath = "{$tmpdir}/emerging.rules.tar.gz";
    if (!$curl->GetFile($targetpath)) {
        echo "{$targetpath} failed\n";
        artica_update_event(0, "Unable to download emerging.rules.tar.gz", $curl->errors, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $FileMD5 = md5_file($targetpath);
    if ($FileMD5 != $NewEmergingRulesMD5) {
        artica_update_event(0, "Corrupted emerging.rules.tar.gz file", "{$FileMD5}<>{$NewEmergingRulesMD5}", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    echo "Extracting rules\n";
    $tar = $unix->find_program("tar");
    shell_exec("{$tar} xf {$targetpath} -C /etc/suricata/");
    $sock->SET_INFO("CurrentEmergingRulesMD5", $NewEmergingRulesMD5);
    $sock->SET_INFO("CurrentEmergingRulesVersion", $NextVersion);
    $curl = new ccurl("");
    $targetpath = "{$tmpdir}/classification.config";
    if (!$curl->GetFile($targetpath)) {
        echo "{$targetpath} failed\n";
        artica_update_event(0, "Unable to download classification.config", $curl->errors, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    @copy($targetpath, "/etc/suricata/classification.config");
    $php = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
    $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup");
    shell_exec("{$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.suricata.php --classifications");
    $q = new postgres_sql();
    $results = $q->QUERY_SQL("select signature FROM suricata_sig where enabled=0");
    $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $SH[] = "#!/bin/sh";
    while ($ligne = @pg_fetch_assoc($results)) {
        $sig = $ligne["signature"];
        echo "Disable signature {$sig}\n";
        $SH[] = "{$nice} /usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/sidrule -d {$sig} || true";
    $targetpath = "{$tmpdir}/";
    $SH[] = "rm -f {$tmpdir}/";
    $SH[] = "/etc/init.d/suricata restart\n\n";
    @file_put_contents("{$tmpdir}/", @implode("\n", $SH));
    @chmod("{$tmpdir}/", 0755);
    shell_exec("{$nohup} {$tmpdir}/ >/dev/null 2>&1 &");
    artica_update_event(2, "Success updating emergingthreatspro IDS patterns v{$NextVersion}", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
function debian_size()
    $sock = new sockets();
    $unix = new unix();
    $MirrorEnableDebian = $sock->GET_INFO("MirrorEnableDebian");
    $MirrorDebianDir = $sock->GET_INFO("MirrorDebianDir");
    $MirrorDebianBW = $sock->GET_INFO("MirrorDebianBW");
    if (!is_numeric($MirrorEnableDebian)) {
        $MirrorEnableDebian = 0;
    if (!is_numeric($MirrorDebianBW)) {
        $MirrorDebianBW = 500;
    if ($MirrorDebianDir == null) {
        $MirrorDebianDir = "/home/mirrors/Debian";
    $unix = new unix();
    $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid";
    $pidTime = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".time";
    $extime = $unix->file_time_min($pidTime);
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        echo "{$extime}Mn\n";
    $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile);
    if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) {
        $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid);
        writelogs("Already process exists pid {$pid} running since {$time}mn", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid());
    if (!$GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        $TIME = $unix->file_time_min($pidTime);
        if ($unix->file_time_min($pidTime) < 30) {
            writelogs("`{$pidTime}` {$TIME}mn, require 30mn, aborting", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    @file_put_contents($pidTime, time());
    if (is_overloaded()) {
        if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
            echo "Overloaded system...\n";
    $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $du = $unix->find_program("du");
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        echo "{$nice} {$du} -s -b {$MirrorDebianDir} 2>&1\n";
    writelogs("{$nice} {$du} -s -b {$MirrorDebianDir} 2>&1", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    exec("{$nice} {$du} -s -b {$MirrorDebianDir} 2>&1", $results);
    writelogs("Done...", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    while (list($num, $val) = each($results)) {
        if (!preg_match("#^([0-9\\.]+)\\s+#", $val, $re)) {
        if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
            echo "{$re[1]} Bytes...\n";
        $sock->SET_INFO("MirrorDebianDirSize", $re[1]);
function nmap_scan()
    if (isset($GLOBALS["nmap_scan_executed"])) {
    $unix = new unix();
    $pidTime = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".time";
    $timeF = $unix->file_time_min($pidTime);
    if ($timeF < 10) {
        $GLOBALS["nmap_scan_executed"] = true;
    $sock = new sockets();
    $SquidPerformance = intval($sock->GET_INFO("SquidPerformance"));
    if ($SquidPerformance > 2) {
    $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
    $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup");
    $exec_nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $cmdNmap = "{$exec_nice} {$nohup} {$php5} " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.nmapscan.php --scan-squid >/dev/null 2>&1 &";
    @file_put_contents($pidTime, time());
    $GLOBALS["nmap_scan_executed"] = true;
Exemple #12
function xtsart()
    $unix = new unix();
    $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . ".pid";
    $pidTime = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . ".time";
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        echo "TimeFile:{$pidTime}\n";
    $unix = new unix();
    if (!$GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        if ($unix->file_time_min($pidTime) < 10) {
        if ($unix->process_exists(@file_get_contents($pidfile, basename(__FILE__)))) {
            if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
                echo " --> Already executed.. " . @file_get_contents($pidfile) . " aborting the process\n";
            writelogs(basename(__FILE__) . ":Already executed.. aborting the process", basename(__FILE__), __FILE__, __LINE__);
        @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid());
        @file_put_contents($pidTime, time());
    $array_load = sys_getloadavg();
    $internal_load = $array_load[0];
    $time = time();
    $BASEDIR = "/usr/share/artica-postfix";
    $hash_mem = array();
    @chmod("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/", 0755);
    $datas = shell_exec(dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/");
    if (preg_match('#T=([0-9]+) U=([0-9]+)#', $datas, $re)) {
        $ram_used = $re[2];
    $cpuUsage = null;
    $ps = $unix->find_program("ps");
    exec("{$ps} -aux 2>&1", $processes);
    foreach ($processes as $process) {
        $cols = explode(' ', preg_replace('# +#', ' ', $process));
        if (strpos($cols[2], '.') > -1) {
            $cpuUsage += floatval($cols[2]);
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        echo "CPU: {$cpuUsage}, LOAD: {$internal_load}, MEM: {$ram_used}\n";
    $q = new postgres_sql();
    $proxyname = $unix->hostname_g();
    $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $sql = "INSERT INTO system (zdate,proxyname,load_avg,mem_stats,cpu_stats)\n\tVALUES('{$time}','{$proxyname}','{$internal_load}','" . intval($ram_used) . "','{$cpuUsage}')";
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        echo $sql . "\n";
    if (!$q->ok) {
        echo $q->mysql_error . "\n";
    if (system_is_overloaded(basename(__FILE__))) {
        $date = time();
        @mkdir("/var/log/artica-postfix/sys_alerts", 0755, true);
        if (!is_file("/var/log/artica-postfix/sys_alerts/{$date}")) {
            $ps = $unix->find_program("ps");
            $nohup = $unix->find_program($nohup);
            $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
            $load = $GLOBALS["SYSTEM_INTERNAL_LOAD"];
            if (!$unix->process_exists($unix->PIDOF_PATTERN("{$ps}"))) {
                $cmd = trim("{$nohup} {$nice} {$ps} auxww >/var/log/artica-postfix/sys_alerts/{$date}-{$load} 2>&1");
function squidz($aspid = false)
    $unix = new unix();
    if (!$aspid) {
        $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid";
        $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile);
        if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) {
            $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid);
            system_admin_events("restart_squid::Already task running PID {$pid} since {$time}mn", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, "proxy");
        @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid());
    echo date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . " Arti| Stopping Squid\n";
    echo date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . " Arti| Please wait....\n";
    $squidbin = $unix->LOCATE_SQUID_BIN();
    $su_bin = $unix->find_program("su");
    $t1 = time();
    exec("{$su_bin} squid -c \"{$squidbin} -z\" 2>&1", $results);
    echo date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . " Arti| Checking caches `{$squidbin}`....Please wait\n";
    while (list($index, $val) = each($results)) {
        echo $val . "\n";
    $execnice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup");
    $chown = $unix->find_program("chown");
    $tail = $unix->find_program("tail");
    $GetCachesInsquidConf = $unix->SQUID_CACHE_FROM_SQUIDCONF();
    while (list($CacheDirectory, $type) = each($GetCachesInsquidConf)) {
        echo date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . " Arti| Lauching a chown task in background mode on `{$CacheDirectory}`... this could take a while....\n";
        $unix->chmod_alldirs(0755, $CacheDirectory);
        $cmd = "{$execnice}{$nohup} {$chown} -R squid:squid {$CacheDirectory} >/dev/null 2>&1 &";
        echo date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . " Arti| {$cmd}\n";
    echo date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . " Arti| Starting squid....Please wait\n";
    exec("{$tail} -n 100 /var/log/squid/cache.log 2>&1", $results2);
    while (list($index, $val) = each($results2)) {
        echo $val . "\n";
    echo date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . " Arti| Done...\n";
    echo date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . " Arti| Took " . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t1, time()) . "\n";
Exemple #14
function ufdb_save_update_settings()
    $unix = new unix();
    $CategoriesDatabasesByCron = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/CategoriesDatabasesByCron"));
    if ($CategoriesDatabasesByCron == 0) {
        if (is_file("/etc/cron.d/webfiltering-update")) {
            system("/etc/init.d/cron reload");
    $WebFUpdateH = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/WebFUpdateH"));
    $WebFUpdateM = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/WebFUpdateM"));
    $NICE = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $php = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
    $f[] = "MAILTO=\"\"";
    $f[] = "{$WebFUpdateM} {$WebFUpdateH} * * * root {$NICE} {$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.squid.blacklists.php --update --bycron >/dev/null 2>&1";
    $f[] = "";
    @file_put_contents("/etc/cron.d/webfiltering-update", @implode("\n", $f));
    system("/etc/init.d/cron reload");
function rebuildcaches()
    $logFile = "/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/rebuild-cache.txt";
    $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid";
    $pid = @file_get_contents($pidfile);
    if ($pid < 100) {
        $pid = null;
    $unix = new unix();
    $sock = new sockets();
    if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) {
        ouputz("Already process exists {$pid}, aborting", __LINE__);
        build_progress("Already process exists {$pid}, aborting", 110);
    $mypid = getmypid();
    @file_put_contents($pidfile, $mypid);
    build_progress("Listing caches....", 10);
    ouputz("Please wait, rebuild caches....", __LINE__);
    $t = time();
    ouputz("Listing caches....", __LINE__);
    $array = ListCaches();
    $mv = $unix->find_program("mv");
    $rm = $unix->find_program("rm");
    $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
    build_progress(count($array) . " Caches to delete...", 15);
    ouputz(count($array) . " caches to delete...", __LINE__);
    if (count($array) == 0) {
        build_progress("Fatal, unable to list available caches.", 110);
        ouputz("Fatal, unable to list available caches...", __LINE__);
        squid_admin_mysql(0, "Fatal, unable to list available caches", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $t = time();
    @file_put_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/squid.lock", time());
    $squidbin = $unix->LOCATE_SQUID_BIN();
    if (!is_file($squidbin)) {
        ouputz("squid, no such binary file", __LINE__);
    build_progress("{stopping_proxy_service}", 20);
    squid_admin_mysql(1, "Stopping Proxy service in order to rebuild caches", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    ouputz("Stopping squid, please wait...", __LINE__);
    if (function_exists("debug_backtrace")) {
        $trace = debug_backtrace();
        if (isset($trace[1])) {
            $sourcefunction = $trace[1]["function"];
            $sourceline = $trace[1]["line"];
            $executed = "Executed by {$sourcefunction}() line {$sourceline}\nusing argv:{$GLOBALS["ARGVS"]}\n";
    shell_exec("/etc/init.d/squid stop --force --script=" . basename(__FILE__));
    if ($GLOBALS["REPORT"]) {
        while (list($cache_dir, $ligne) = each($array)) {
            $DIRARRAY = $unix->DIR_STATUS($cache_dir);
            $size = $array["SIZE"];
            $used = $array["USED"];
            $pourc = $array["POURC"];
            $mounted = $array["MOUNTED"];
            $logs[] = "{$cache_dir} size: {$size}, used:{$used} {$pourc}% mounted on {$mounted}";
        squid_admin_mysql(2, "Report on caches status", @implode("\n", $logs), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    while (list($cache_dir, $ligne) = each($array)) {
        build_progress("Checking {$cache_dir}", 30);
        if (preg_match("#MemBooster#", $cache_dir)) {
            squid_admin_mysql(1, "Removing cache {$cache_dir}", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
            ouputz("Removing {$cache_dir} content...", __LINE__);
            squid_admin_mysql(2, "Removing cache {$cache_dir} done", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
            shell_exec("{$rm} -rf {$cache_dir}/*");
        $DISK_STATUS = $unix->DF_SATUS_K($cache_dir);
        $DIRECTORY_SIZE = $unix->DIRSIZE_BYTES($cache_dir) / 1024 / 1024;
        $AIVA = $DISK_STATUS["AIVA"] * 1024;
        ouputz("Removing {$cache_dir} '{$DIRECTORY_SIZE}'M Available {$AIVA}M", __LINE__);
        shell_exec("{$rm} -rf {$cache_dir}");
        ouputz("re-create {$cache_dir}", __LINE__);
        squid_admin_mysql(2, "Re-create {$cache_dir}", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        @mkdir($cache_dir, 0755, true);
        @chown($cache_dir, "squid");
        @chgrp($cache_dir, "squid");
    $su = $unix->find_program("su");
    $results = array();
    build_progress("Create {$cache_dir}", 30);
    ouputz("Building new caches {$su} -c \"{$squidbin} -z\" squid", __LINE__);
    exec("{$su} -c \"{$squidbin} -z\" squid 2>&1", $results);
    while (list($num, $ligne) = each($results)) {
        ouputz("{$ligne}", __LINE__);
    ouputz("Remove lock file...", __LINE__);
    ouputz("Starting squid, please wait...", __LINE__);
    build_progress("{starting_proxy_service}", 35);
    if (function_exists("debug_backtrace")) {
        $trace = debug_backtrace();
        if (isset($trace[1])) {
            $sourcefunction = $trace[1]["function"];
            $sourceline = $trace[1]["line"];
            $executed = "Executed by {$sourcefunction}() line {$sourceline}\nusing argv:{$GLOBALS["ARGVS"]}\n";
    squid_admin_mysql(2, "Starting Proxy Service after rebuilding caches", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    shell_exec("{$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.squid.watchdog.php --start --script=" . basename(__FILE__));
    for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++) {
        $array = $unix->squid_get_cache_infos();
        if (count($array) > 0) {
        ouputz("Waiting {$i}s/60 cache is not ready...", __LINE__);
    ouputz("Done... Squid-cache seems to be ready...", __LINE__);
    $NICE = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup");
    build_progress("Refresh caches infos...", 50);
    ouputz("Refresh caches information, please wait...", __LINE__);
    shell_exec("{$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.squid.php --cache-infos --force");
    if (is_array($cachesRename)) {
        while (list($index, $cache_dir) = each($cachesRename)) {
            build_progress("Removing old {$cache_dir}", 60);
            $cmd = "{$NICE} {$rm} -rf {$cache_dir} >/dev/null 2>&1 &";
            squid_admin_mysql(2, "Ask to delete old cache dir {$cache_dir} done", "{$called}", __FILE__, __LINE__);
            ouputz("Deleting  {$cache_dir} {$cmd}", __LINE__);
    build_progress("{done}", 100);
    $took = $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time());
    squid_admin_mysql(2, "All Proxy caches was rebuilded took: {$took}", "{$called}", __FILE__, __LINE__);
function restore_squidlogs($sourceDir)
    if (!($handle = opendir("{$sourceDir}/squidlogs"))) {
        echo "Failed open {$sourceDir}/squidlogs\n";
    $password = null;
    $unix = new unix();
    if (!$unix->is_socket("/var/run/mysqld/squid-db.sock")) {
        system_admin_events("Error,/var/run/mysqld/squid-db.sock no such socket", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return false;
    $sock = new sockets();
    $gunzip = $unix->find_program("gunzip");
    $mysql = $unix->find_program("mysql");
    $BLACKLIST = array();
    $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $BackupArticaRestoreNetwork = intval($sock->GET_INFO("BackupArticaRestoreNetwork"));
        $BackupArticaRestoreNetwork = 0;
    if ($BackupArticaRestoreNetwork == 0) {
        $BLACKLIST["dns_servers.gz"] = true;
        $BLACKLIST["dnsmasq_records.gz"] = true;
    if ($q->mysql_password != null) {
        $password = "******" . $unix->shellEscapeChars($q->mysql_password);
    $prefix = trim("{$mysql} --force -S /var/run/mysqld/squid-db.sock -u {$q->mysql_admin}{$password} squidlogs");
    while (false !== ($filename = readdir($handle))) {
        if ($filename == ".") {
        if ($filename == "..") {
        if (isset($BLACKLIST[$filename])) {
        $SourceFile = "{$sourceDir}/squidlogs/{$filename}";
        if (is_dir($SourceFile)) {
        echo "Restoring Proxy database/{$filename}\n";
        $cmd = trim("{$nice} {$gunzip} -c {$SourceFile} |{$prefix}");
function logrotate()
    $unix = new unix();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $BackupMailLogPath = $sock->GET_INFO("BackupMailLogPath");
    $BackupMailLogMaxTimeCompressed = $sock->GET_INFO("BackupMailLogMaxTimeCompressed");
    if (!is_numeric($BackupMailLogMaxTimeCompressed)) {
        $BackupMailLogMaxTimeCompressed = 10080;
    if ($BackupMailLogPath == null) {
        $BackupMailLogPath = "/home/logrotate_backup";
    $du = $unix->find_program("du");
    $gzip = $unix->find_program("gzip");
    @mkdir("{$BackupMailLogPath}", true, 660);
    if (!is_dir("{$BackupMailLogPath}")) {
        $unix->send_email_events("PostFinder:Error while creating {$BackupMailLogPath}");
    $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $timestart = time();
    $log = array();
    foreach (glob("{$BackupMailLogPath}/*.log") as $filename) {
        $timefile = $unix->file_time_min($filename);
        $basename = basename($filename);
        if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
            echo "{$basename}: {$timefile} minutes (need {$BackupMailLogMaxTimeCompressed} minutes)\n";
        if ($timefile > $BackupMailLogMaxTimeCompressed) {
            $targetgzip = "{$BackupMailLogPath}/{$basename}.gz";
            $cmd = trim("{$nice}{$gzip} -c {$filename} >{$targetgzip}");
            if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
                echo "{$cmd}\n";
            $time = time();
            if (is_file($targetgzip)) {
                $ev = "{$basename} -> {$targetgzip} " . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($time, time());
                if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
                    echo "{$ev}\n";
                $log[] = $ev;
    $strings = null;
    exec("{$du} -h -s {$BackupMailLogPath}", $results);
    $strings = @implode("", $results);
    if (preg_match("#^(.+?)\\s+#", $strings, $re)) {
        $final_size = $re[1];
    @file_put_contents("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/postfinder.dirsize.txt", $final_size);
    @chmod("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/postfinder.dirsize.txt", 777);
    if (count($log) > 0) {
        $unix->send_email_events("Postfinder: Directory size: {$strings} - " . count($log) . " maillog compressed (" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($timestart, time()) . ")", "Directory: {$BackupMailLogPath}\n" . @implode("\n", $log), "postfix");
Exemple #18
function build_system_defaults()
    $unix = new unix();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $php = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
    $ArticaBackupEnabled = intval($sock->GET_INFO("ArticaBackupEnabled"));
    $users = new usersMenus();
    if (is_file('/etc/artica-postfix/artica-backup.conf')) {
        if ($ArticaBackupEnabled == 1) {
            $ini = new Bs_IniHandler();
            if (!isset($ini->_params["backup"]["backup_time"])) {
                $ini->_params["backup"]["backup_time"] = "03:00";
            if (preg_match("#([0-9]+):([0-9]+)#", $ini->_params["backup"]["backup_time"], $re)) {
                $backup_hour = intval($re[1]);
                $backup_min = intval($re[2]);
                $f[] = "MAILTO=\"\"";
                $f[] = "{$backup_min} {$backup_hour} * * * root {$nice} /usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/artica-backup --backup >/dev/null 2>&1";
                $f[] = "";
                @file_put_contents("/etc/cron.d/artica-cron-backup", @implode("\n", $f));
                $f = array();
    if (is_file('/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/pflogsumm')) {
        $ini = new Bs_IniHandler();
        $schedule_time = trim($ini->_params['SETTINGS']['schedule']);
        if ($schedule_time != null) {
            $f[] = "MAILTO=\"\"";
            $f[] = "{$schedule_time} root {$nice} {$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.postfix.reports.php >/dev/null 2>&1";
            $f[] = "";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/cron.d/artica-cron-pflogsumm", @implode("\n", $f));
            $f = array();
    $prefix = "/usr/share/artica-postfix";
    $f = array();
    $f[] = "MAILTO=\"\"";
    $f[] = "@reboot root {$nice} /sbin/modprobe cifs && echo 0 > /proc/fs/cifs/OplockEnabled >/dev/null 2>&1";
    $f[] = "";
    @file_put_contents("/etc/cron.d/cifs-fix", @implode("\n", $f));
    $f = array();
    $f[] = "MAILTO=\"\"";
    $f[] = "@reboot root {$nice} {$php} {$prefix}/exec.schedules.php >/dev/null 2>&1";
    $f[] = "";
    @file_put_contents("/etc/cron.d/schedules", @implode("\n", $f));
    $f = array();
    $f[] = "MAILTO=\"\"";
    $f[] = "7,14,21,28,35,42,49,56 0 * * * * root {$nice} {$php} {$prefix}/exec.dnsmasq.php --varrun >/dev/null 2>&1";
    $f[] = "";
    @file_put_contents("/etc/cron.d/artica-dnsmasqrun", @implode("\n", $f));
    $f = array();
    $f[] = "MAILTO=\"\"";
    $f[] = "10,34,51 0 * * * * root {$nice} {$php} {$prefix}/exec.watchdog.php --monit >/dev/null 2>&1";
    $f[] = "";
    @file_put_contents("/etc/cron.d/artica-dnsmasqrun", @implode("\n", $f));
    $f = array();
    $f[] = "MAILTO=\"\"";
    $f[] = "0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,48,50,52,54,58 * * * * root {$nice} {$php} {$prefix}/exec.parse-orders.php >/dev/null 2>&1";
    $f[] = "";
    @file_put_contents("/etc/cron.d/artica-parseorders", @implode("\n", $f));
    $f = array();
    if ($users->spamassassin_installed) {
        $f[] = "MAILTO=\"\"";
        $f[] = "10 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,23 * * * root {$nice} {$php} {$prefix}/ --execute >/dev/null 2>&1";
        $f[] = "";
        @file_put_contents("/etc/cron.d/artica-salearn-cyrus", @implode("\n", $f));
        $f = array();
    if ($users->fetchmail_installed) {
        $f[] = "MAILTO=\"\"";
        $f[] = "0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,48,50,52,54,58 * * * * root {$nice} {$php} {$prefix}/exec.fetchmail.sql.php >/dev/null 2>&1";
        $f[] = "";
        @file_put_contents("/etc/cron.d/artica-ftechmailsql", @implode("\n", $f));
        $f = array();
Exemple #19
function build_dd($path, $size)
    $dir = dirname($path);
    if (!is_dir($dir)) {
        writelogs("{$dir} no such directory, create it", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        @mkdir(dirname($path), 644, true);
    if (!is_dir($dir)) {
        writelogs("{$dir} no such directory", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return false;
    $unix = new unix();
    $dd = $unix->find_program("dd");
    $size = $size * 1024;
    $NICE = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $cmd = trim("{$NICE} {$dd} if=/dev/zero of={$path} bs=1024 count={$size} 2>&1");
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        echo "{$cmd}\n";
    exec($cmd, $results);
    echo "build_dd() {$cmd} " . count($results) . " rows\n";
    while (list($num, $ligne) = each($results)) {
        echo "build_dd() {$ligne}\n";
    if (!stat_system($path)) {
        echo "build_dd() {$path} no such block\n";
        return false;
    if (build_loop($path)) {
        return true;
if (!is_dir("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/queue/sessions")) {
    @mkdir("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/queue/sessions", 0755, true);
writeprogress(5, "artica-postfix/bin");
$unix->chmod_func(0755, "/usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/*");
$unix->chmod_func(0755, "/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/");
$unix->chmod_func(0644, "/usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/install/amavis/check-external-users.conf");
$unix->chown_func("root", "root", "/usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/*");
$unix->chown_func("root", "root", "/usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/install/amavis");
$unix->chown_func($username, $groupname, "/var/lib/php/session/*");
$unix->chown_func($username, $groupname, "/var/lib/php5/*");
$unix->chown_func($username, $groupname, "/var/lighttpd/upload");
$unix->chown_func("mysql", "mysql", "/var/run/mysqld/*");
writeprogress(5, "/var/lib/mysql");
$chown = $unix->find_program("chown");
$nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
$nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup");
$rm = $unix->find_program("rm");
if (system_is_overloaded(basename(__FILE__))) {
$tmpf = $unix->FILE_TEMP();
$sh[] = "#!/bin/sh";
$sh[] = "{$nice} {$chown} -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql >/dev/null 2>&1";
$sh[] = "{$rm} -f {$tmpf}.sh";
$sh[] = "\n";
@file_put_contents("{$tmpf}.sh", @implode("\n", $sh));
@chmod("{$tmpf}.sh", 0755);
system("{$nohup} {$tmpf}.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 &");
$sh = array();
$postconf = $unix->find_program("postconf");

if (posix_getuid() != 0) {
    die("Cannot be used in web server mode\n\n");
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ressources/';
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/framework/";
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/framework/";
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/framework/";
$GLOBALS["EXEC_PID_FILE"] = "/etc/artica-postfix/" . basename(__FILE__) . "";
$pid = @file_get_contents($GLOBALS["EXEC_PID_FILE"]);
$unix = new unix();
$GLOBALS["NOHUP"] = $unix->find_program("nohup");
if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) {
    $ProcessTime = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid);
    events("artica-background already executed pid {$pid} since {$ProcessTime} Minutes", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " artica-background Already executed pid {$pid}\n";
if ($argv[1] == "--manual") {
$sock = new sockets();
$EnableArticaBackground = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableArticaBackground");
if (!is_numeric($EnableArticaBackground)) {
    $EnableArticaBackground = 1;
if ($EnableArticaBackground == 0) {
function backup_cyrus()
    $unix = new unix();
    $tempdir = $unix->TEMP_DIR();
    $q = new mysql();
    $users = new usersMenus();
    if (!$users->cyrus_imapd_installed) {
        cyrus_admin_mysql(0, "Unable to backup: cyrus-impad NOT Installed", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return true;
    $partition_default = $users->cyr_partition_default;
    $config_directory = $users->cyr_config_directory;
    $tar = $unix->find_program("tar");
    $su = $unix->find_program("su");
    $rsync = $unix->find_program("rsync");
    @mkdir("{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap", 0755, true);
    if (!is_dir("{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap")) {
        cyrus_admin_mysql(0, __LINE__ . "]: Unable to backup: Permission denied", "On NAS {$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap no such directory", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        echo "{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap OK\n";
    if (!is_file("{$users->ctl_mboxlist}")) {
        cyrus_admin_mysql(0, "Unable to backup: ctl_mboxlist no such binary", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $L = explode("\n", @file_get_contents("/etc/security/limits.conf"));
    $T = array();
    while (list($index, $line) = each($L)) {
        $line = trim($line);
        if (trim($line) == null) {
        if (substr($line, 0, 1) == "#") {
        if (preg_match("#^cyrus#", $line)) {
        $T[] = $line;
    $T[] = "cyrus       soft    nofile   64000";
    $T[] = "cyrus       hard    nofile   64000";
    @file_put_contents("/etc/security/limits.conf", @implode("\n", $T) . "\n");
    $L = array();
    $T = array();
    @chmod("{$tempdir}", 0777);
    $cmd = "{$su} - cyrus -c \"{$users->ctl_mboxlist} -d >{$tempdir}/mailboxlist.txt\"";
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        echo $cmd . "\n";
    exec($cmd, $results);
    if (!is_file("{$tempdir}/mailboxlist.txt")) {
        cyrus_admin_mysql(0, "Unable to backup: unable to export mailbox list", "file {$tempdir}/mailboxlist.txt not exists\n****\n{$cmd}\n****\n\n" . implode("\n", $results), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    } else {
        if ($GLOBALS["CyrusBackupNas"]["COMPRESS_ENABLE"] == 0) {
            if (!@copy("{$tempdir}/mailboxlist.txt", "{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap/mailboxlist.txt")) {
                cyrus_admin_mysql(0, "Unable to backup: Permission denied on resource", "{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap permission denied");
            $size = @filesize("{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap/mailboxlist.txt");
            $size = FormatBytes($size / 1024);
            cyrus_admin_mysql(2, "mailboxlist.txt - {$size} - success", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        if ($GLOBALS["CyrusBackupNas"]["COMPRESS_ENABLE"] == 1) {
            if (!$unix->compress("{$tempdir}/mailboxlist.txt", "{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap/mailboxlist.txt.gz")) {
                cyrus_admin_mysql(0, "Unable to backup: Permission denied on resource", "{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap permission denied");
            $size = @filesize("{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap/mailboxlist.txt.gz");
            $size = FormatBytes($size / 1024);
            cyrus_admin_mysql(2, "mailboxlist.txt.gz - {$size} - success", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $results = array();
    if ($GLOBALS["CyrusBackupNas"]["COMPRESS_ENABLE"] == 0) {
        if (!is_file($rsync)) {
            cyrus_admin_mysql(0, "Rsync is not present, backup operation will be stopped...", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
            return false;
        cyrus_admin_mysql(2, "Starting backup {$partition_default} and {$config_directory}", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        $cmd = "{$rsync} -vaR --delete --delete-after {$partition_default} {$config_directory} {$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap";
        $t = time();
        exec($cmd, $results);
        cyrus_admin_mysql(2, "Backup: took " . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), @implode("\n", $results), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    if ($GLOBALS["CyrusBackupNas"]["COMPRESS_ENABLE"] == 1) {
        cyrus_admin_mysql(2, "Starting Compressing {$partition_default}", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        $cmd = "{$nice} {$tar} -Pcjf {$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap/mail-data-backup.tar.bz2 * >{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap/";
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        echo $cmd . "\n";
    $data = @file_get_contents("{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap/");
    if (!is_file("{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap/mail-data-backup.tar.bz2")) {
        cyrus_admin_mysql(0, "Unable to backup: mail-data-backup.tar.bz2 Permission denied or compression failed", $data, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $size = @filesize("{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap/mail-data-backup.tar.bz2");
    $size = FormatBytes($size / 1024);
    cyrus_admin_mysql(2, "cyrus-imap/mail-data-backup.tar.bz2 - {$size} - success", $data, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $results = array();
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        echo $cmd . "\n";
    cyrus_admin_mysql(2, "Starting Compressing {$config_directory}", null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $cmd = "{$nice} {$tar} -Pcjf {$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap/configdirectory.tar.bz2 * >{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap/";
    $data = @file_get_contents("{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap/");
    if (!is_file("{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap/configdirectory.tar.bz2")) {
        cyrus_admin_mysql(0, "Unable to backup: configdirectory.tar.bz2 Permission denied or compression failed", $data, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $size = @filesize("{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/cyrus-imap/configdirectory.tar.bz2");
    $size = FormatBytes($size / 1024);
    cyrus_admin_mysql(2, "cyrus-imap/mail-data-backup.tar.bz2 - {$size} - success", $data, __FILE__, __LINE__);
function ExportDrop()
    if ($GLOBALS["EnablePostfixAutoBlock"] != 1) {
        if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
            echo "EnablePostfixAutoBlock={$GLOBALS["EnablePostfixAutoBlock"]}, aborting..\n";
    $pidpath = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid";
    $pid = @file_get_contents($pidpath);
    $unix = new unix();
    if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) {
        if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
            echo "Already executed {$pid}\n";
    @file_put_contents($pidpath, getmypid());
    $grep = $unix->find_program("grep");
    $tail = $unix->find_program("tail");
    $syslog = $unix->LOCATE_SYSLOG_PATH();
    $NICE = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $syslogSize = $unix->file_size($syslog);
    if ($syslogSize > 512000000) {
        include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/";
        $unix->send_email_events("{$syslog} too big (" . str_replace("&nbsp;", " ", FormatBytes($syslogSize / 1024)) . "...", __FUNCTION__ . " is aborted from script " . basename(__FILE__), "system");
    $cmd = "{$NICE}{$grep} -E \"kernel.*?SMTP DROP\" {$syslog} |{$tail} -n 2000 >/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/iptables-smtp-drop.log";
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        echo "{$cmd}\n";
    @chmod("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/iptables-smtp-drop.log", 0777);
Exemple #24
function vacuumdb()
    $unix = new unix();
    $TimeFile = "/usr/local/ArticaStats/bin/vacuumdb.forced.time";
    $pidfile = "/usr/local/ArticaStats/bin/";
    $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile);
    if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) {
    @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid());
    $TimeExec = $unix->file_time_min($TimeFile);
    if ($TimeExec < 10080) {
    @file_put_contents($TimeFile, time());
    $postgres = new postgres_sql(true);
    if ($postgres->isRemote) {
    if (!class_exists("usersMenus")) {
        include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/";
    $users = new usersMenus();
    $InfluxAdminRetentionTime = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/InfluxAdminRetentionTime"));
    if ($InfluxAdminRetentionTime == 0) {
        $InfluxAdminRetentionTime = 365;
    if (!$users->CORP_LICENSE) {
        $InfluxAdminRetentionTime = 5;
    $postgres->QUERY_SQL("DELETE FROM access_log WHERE time < NOW() - INTERVAL '{$InfluxAdminRetentionTime} days'");
    $postgres->QUERY_SQL("DELETE FROM main_size WHERE zdate < NOW() - INTERVAL '{$InfluxAdminRetentionTime} days'");
    $postgres->QUERY_SQL("DELETE FROM system WHERE zdate < NOW() - INTERVAL '30 days'");
    $t1 = time();
    $NICE = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    exec("{$NICE} /usr/local/ArticaStats/bin/vacuumdb -f -v -h /var/run/ArticaStats --dbname=proxydb --username=ArticaStats 2>&1", $results);
    $Took = $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t1, time());
    squid_admin_mysql(2, "Indexing Statistics Database took: {$Took}", @implode("\n", $results), __FILE__, __LINE__);
Exemple #25
function execute_hourly()
    $unix = new unix();
    $pidFile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid";
    $pid = @file_get_contents($pidFile);
    if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) {
        sargevents("execute_hourly(): {$pid} already running");
        if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
            echo " {$pid} already running\n";
    @file_put_contents($pidFile, getmypid());
    $pidTime = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".time";
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        echo "Time: {$pidTime}";
    $pidTimeEx = $unix->file_time_min($pidTime);
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        echo " {$pidTimeEx} mn";
    if (!$GLOBALS["FORCE"]) {
        if ($pidTimeEx < 60) {
            sargevents("{$pidTime} = {$pidTimeEx}Mn require 60mn");
    @file_put_contents($pidTime, time());
    sarg_admin_events("Executing hourly task...", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $t = time();
    $unix = new unix();
    $t = time();
    $TODAY = date("d/m/Y");
    $sock = new sockets();
    $date = new DateTime();
    $date->sub(new DateInterval('P1D'));
    $YESTERDAY = $date->format("d/m/Y");
    $LASTHOUR = date("H", time() - 3600);
    $HOUR = date("H", time());
    $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $sarg_bin = $unix->find_program("sarg");
    $results[] = "Today: {$TODAY}";
    $results[] = "Last Hour: {$LASTHOUR}";
    $results[] = "Current Hour: {$LASTHOUR}";
    $SargOutputDir = $sock->GET_INFO("SargOutputDir");
    if ($SargOutputDir == null) {
        $SargOutputDir = "/var/www/html/squid-reports";
    $lighttpd_user = $unix->APACHE_SRC_ACCOUNT();
    $results[] = "Output directory: {$SargOutputDir}\n";
    $results[] = "Web service user: {$lighttpd_user}\n";
    $results[] = "Sarg binary: {$sarg_bin}";
    $results[] = "Nice command: {$nice}";
    @mkdir("{$SargOutputDir}/daily", 0755, true);
    $unix->chown_func($lighttpd_user, $lighttpd_user, "{$SargOutputDir}/*");
    @mkdir("{$SargOutputDir}/hourly", 0755);
    $squid = new squidbee();
    if ($squid->is_auth()) {
        $usersauth = true;
    if ($usersauth) {
        events("User authentification enabled");
        $u = " -i ";
    } else {
        events("User authentification disabled");
    $cmds[] = "{$nice}{$sarg_bin} {$u}-f /etc/squid3/sarg.conf";
    $cmds[] = "-l /var/log/squid/access.log -o \"{$SargOutputDir}/hourly\" -z -d {$TODAY}-{$TODAY}";
    $cmds[] = "-t \"{$LASTHOUR}:00-{$HOUR}:00\"";
    $cmline = @implode(" ", $cmds);
    sargevents("execute_hourly(): {$cmline}");
    exec("{$cmline} 2>&1", $results);
    $took = $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time());
    sargevents("Hourly {$LASTHOUR}:00-{$HOUR}:00 report generated took: {$took}");
    sarg_admin_events("Hourly {$LASTHOUR}:00-{$HOUR}:00 report generated took: {$took}\n" . @implode("\n", $results), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sarg");
    $unix->chown_func($lighttpd_user, $lighttpd_user, "{$SargOutputDir}/*");
function GetIndex()
    $WORKING_DIR = "/home/working_toulouse_databases";
    $WORKING_DOWNLOAD = "{$WORKING_DIR}/dowloads";
    $WORKING_UPLOAD = "{$WORKING_DIR}/uploads";
    @mkdir($WORKING_DOWNLOAD, 0755, true);
    @mkdir($WORKING_UPLOAD, 0755, true);
    $unix = new unix();
    $tar = $unix->find_program("tar");
    $catz = new mysql_catz();
    $tmpfile = $unix->FILE_TEMP();
    $tmpdir = $unix->TEMP_DIR();
    $rm = $unix->find_program("rm");
    $mainuri = "";
    $EXEC_NICE = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $ufdbGenTable = $unix->find_program("ufdbGenTable");
    $curl = new ccurl("{$mainuri}/MD5SUM.LST");
    if (!$curl->GetFile($tmpfile)) {
        echo "Failed to download MD5SUM.LST\n";
    $tr = explode("\n", @file_get_contents($tmpfile));
    while (list($index, $line) = each($tr)) {
        if (preg_match("#(.+?)\\s+(.+)#", $line, $re)) {
            $filename = trim($re[1]);
            $md5 = trim($re[2]);
            $array[$md5] = $filename;
    $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
    $FINAL_ARRAY = array();
    while (list($filename, $md5) = each($array)) {
        $category = str_replace(".tar.gz", "", $filename);
        if (isset($TLSE_CONVERTION[$category])) {
            $FINAL_ARRAY[$filename] = $md5;
    $UPDATED = 0;
    $MAIN_ARRAY = unserialize(base64_decode(@file_get_contents("{$WORKING_UPLOAD}/index.txt")));
    while (list($filename, $md5) = each($FINAL_ARRAY)) {
        $TargetFile = "{$WORKING_DOWNLOAD}/{$filename}";
        $categoryname = str_replace(".tar.gz", "", $filename);
        if ($categoryname == "adult") {
        if ($categoryname == "aggressive") {
        if ($categoryname == "agressif") {
        if ($categoryname == "redirector") {
        if ($categoryname == "ads") {
        if ($categoryname == "drogue") {
        $MyStoreMd5 = md5_file($TargetFile);
        if ($MyStoreMd5 == $md5) {
            echo "Skipping {$filename}\n";
        echo "Downloading {$filename}\n";
        $curl = new ccurl("{$mainuri}/{$filename}");
        $tmpfile = $unix->FILE_TEMP();
        if (!$curl->GetFile($tmpfile)) {
            echo "Failed {$curl->error}\n";
        $md5_tmp = md5_file($tmpfile);
        if ($md5_tmp != $md5) {
            echo "Failed Corrupted file\n";
        if (is_file($TargetFile)) {
        if (!@copy($tmpfile, $TargetFile)) {
            echo "Failed Copy file\n";
        $MyStoreMd5 = md5_file($TargetFile);
        if ($MyStoreMd5 != $md5) {
            echo "Failed MD5 file\n";
        @mkdir("{$WORKING_DIR}/{$categoryname}", 0755, true);
        echo "Extracting {$TargetFile}\n";
        $cmd = "{$tar} xvf {$TargetFile} -C {$WORKING_DIR}/{$categoryname}/";
        echo $cmd . "\n";
        $SOURCE_DIR = find_sources("{$WORKING_DIR}/{$categoryname}");
        if (!is_file("{$SOURCE_DIR}/domains")) {
            echo "Failed {$SOURCE_DIR}/domains no such file\n";
        $COUNT_OF_DOMAINS = $unix->COUNT_LINES_OF_FILE("{$SOURCE_DIR}/domains");
        echo "{$categoryname} {$COUNT_OF_DOMAINS} domains\n";
        if ($COUNT_OF_DOMAINS == 0) {
            shell_exec("{$rm} -rf {$WORKING_DIR}/{$categoryname}");
        if (is_file("{$SOURCE_DIR}/domains.ufdb")) {
        if (!is_file("{$SOURCE_DIR}/urls")) {
        $u = " -u {$SOURCE_DIR}/urls";
        $d = " -d {$SOURCE_DIR}/domains";
        $cmd = "{$EXEC_NICE}{$ufdbGenTable} -n -q -W -t {$categoryname}{$d}{$u}";
        echo $cmd . "\n";
        if (!is_file("{$SOURCE_DIR}/domains.ufdb")) {
            echo "Failed to compile {$categoryname}\n";
        $MD5SRC = md5_file("{$SOURCE_DIR}/domains.ufdb");
        if (is_file("{$WORKING_UPLOAD}/{$categoryname}.gz")) {
        $unix->compress("{$SOURCE_DIR}/domains.ufdb", "{$WORKING_UPLOAD}/{$categoryname}.gz");
        $MD5GZ = md5_file("{$WORKING_UPLOAD}/{$categoryname}.gz");
        $NOTIFICATIONS[] = "{$categoryname} updated with  {$COUNT_OF_DOMAINS} domains";
        $MAIN_ARRAY[$categoryname]["ROWS"] = $COUNT_OF_DOMAINS;
        $MAIN_ARRAY[$categoryname]["MD5SRC"] = $MD5SRC;
        $MAIN_ARRAY[$categoryname]["MD5GZ"] = $MD5GZ;
        $MAIN_ARRAY[$categoryname]["TIME"] = time();
        $MAIN_ARRAY[$categoryname]["SIZE"] = @filesize("{$WORKING_UPLOAD}/{$categoryname}.gz");
        @file_put_contents("{$WORKING_UPLOAD}/index.txt", base64_encode(serialize($MAIN_ARRAY)));
    if ($UPDATED > 0) {
        sendEmail("{$UPDATED} Toulouse Unversity databases uploaded.", @implode("\n", $NOTIFICATIONS));
Exemple #27
function apps_upgrade()
    $unix = new unix();
    $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup");
    $chmod = $unix->find_program("chmod");
    $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
    $NICE = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $cmd = trim("{$NICE} {$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.setup-center.php --install >/dev/null 2>&1 &");
    writelogs_framework($cmd, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
Exemple #28
function test_sensors()
    $unix = new unix();
    $q = new mysql();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $cachefile = "/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/sensors.array";
    $pidtime = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/exec.lm-sensors.php.time";
    $LMSensorsEnable = intval($sock->GET_INFO("LMSensorsEnable"));
    if ($LMSensorsEnable == 0) {
        if (is_file("/etc/cron.d/lm-sensors")) {
    if (!is_file("/etc/cron.d/lm-sensors")) {
        $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
        $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
        $me = __FILE__;
        $cmdline = trim("{$nice} {$php5} {$me} --test --cron");
        $f[] = "MAILTO=\"\"";
        $f[] = "0,15,30,45 * * * *  root {$cmdline} >/dev/null 2>&1";
        $f[] = "";
        @file_put_contents("/etc/cron.d/lm-sensors", @implode("\n", $f));
    if (!$GLOBALS["FORCE"]) {
        $time = $unix->file_time_min($pidtime);
        if ($time < 15) {
            events("Current {$time}Mn, require 15Mn...", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    @file_put_contents($pidtime, time());
    $sensors = $unix->find_program("sensors");
    events("Running sensors...", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    exec("{$sensors} 2>&1", $results);
    $CurrentDay = date("Ymd");
    if (!$q->TABLE_EXISTS("{$CurrentDay}_sensors", "artica_events")) {
        $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{$CurrentDay}_sensors` (\n\t\t`adaptater` varchar(90) NOT NULL,\n\t\t`zkey` varchar(90) NOT NULL,\n\t\t`percent` FLOAT,\n\t\t`zDate` DATETIME,\n\t\tKEY `adaptater` (`adaptater`),\n\t\tKEY `zDate` (`zDate`),\n\t\tKEY `zkey` (`zkey`),\n\t\tKEY `percent` (`percent`)\n\t\t\n\t\t) ENGINE=MYISAM;";
        $q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_events");
    $rows = array();
    while (list($path, $val) = each($results)) {
        $HIGH = null;
        if (preg_match("#Adapter:(.*)#i", $val, $re)) {
            $adaptater = trim($re[1]);
        if (preg_match("#(.*?):\\s+\\+([0-9\\.]+).*?\\((.*?)\\)#", $val, $re)) {
            $KEY = $re[1];
            $TEMP = $re[2];
            $POSZ = $re[3];
            if (preg_match("#high.*?=\\s+\\+([0-9\\.]+)#", $POSZ, $re)) {
                $HIGH = $re[1];
            if (preg_match("#crit.*?=\\s+\\+([0-9\\.]+)#", $POSZ, $re)) {
                $CRIT = $re[1];
            if ($HIGH == null) {
                $HIGH = $CRIT;
            $xtime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
            $ARRAY[$adaptater][$KEY]["TEMP"] = $TEMP;
            $ARRAY[$adaptater][$KEY]["HIGH"] = $HIGH;
            $ARRAY[$adaptater][$KEY]["CRIT"] = $CRIT;
            $percent = $TEMP / $CRIT;
            $percent = $percent * 100;
            $ARRAY[$adaptater][$KEY]["PERC"] = round($percent, 2);
            $rows[] = "('{$adaptater}','{$KEY}','{$xtime}','{$percent}')";
            if ($ARRAY[$adaptater][$KEY]["PERC"] > 90) {
                squid_admin_mysql(0, "Warning {$ARRAY[$adaptater][$KEY]["PERC"]}% of temperature reached!", "Adaptater:{$adaptater}\nType:{$KEY}\nTemperature: {$TEMP}°C\nCritic:{$CRIT}°C", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    if (count($rows) > 0) {
        $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `{$CurrentDay}_sensors` (`adaptater`,`zkey`,`zDate`,`percent`) VALUES " . @implode(",", $rows);
        $q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_events");
    events("Saving /usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/sensors.array", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    @file_put_contents("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/sensors.array", serialize($ARRAY));
    @chmod("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/sensors.array", 0755);
Exemple #29
function FillMemory()
    $unix = new unix();
    $GLOBALS["TIME"] = unserialize(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . ".GLOBALS"));
    if (GET_INFO_DAEMON("cpuLimitEnabled") == 1) {
        $GLOBALS["cpuLimitEnabled"] = true;
    } else {
        $GLOBALS["cpuLimitEnabled"] = false;
    $_GET["NICE"] = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $GLOBALS["PHP5"] = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
    $GLOBALS["SU"] = $unix->find_program("su");
    $users = new settings_inc();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $DisableArticaStatusService = $sock->GET_INFO("DisableArticaStatusService");
    $EnableArticaExecutor = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableArticaExecutor");
    if (!is_numeric($DisableArticaStatusService)) {
        $DisableArticaStatusService = 0;
    if (!is_numeric($EnableArticaExecutor)) {
        $EnableArticaExecutor = 1;
    $GLOBALS["SPAMASSASSIN_INSTALLED"] = $users->spamassassin_installed;
    $GLOBALS["ARTICA_STATUS_DISABLED"] = $DisableArticaStatusService;
    $GLOBALS["EXECUTOR_DAEMON_ENABLED"] = $EnableArticaExecutor;
    $GLOBALS["CYRUS_IMAP_INSTALLED"] = $users->cyrus_imapd_installed;
    $GLOBALS["KAS_INSTALLED"] = $users->kas_installed;
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
    $GLOBALS["EnableArticaWatchDog"] = GET_INFO_DAEMON("EnableArticaWatchDog");
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
            events("Postfix is installed...");
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        events("Nice=\"\", php5 {$GLOBALS["PHP5"]}");
    $GLOBALS["EnableInterfaceMailCampaigns"] = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableInterfaceMailCampaigns");
    $GLOBALS["CLASS_SOCKETS"] = $sock;
        if (is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/KASPERSKY_WEB_APPLIANCE")) {
            $GLOBALS["KAV4PROXY_INSTALLED"] = true;
    $sock = null;
    $unix = null;
    $users = null;
Exemple #30
function build()
    $users = new usersMenus();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $unix = new unix();
    $SystemLoadNotif = $sock->GET_INFO("SystemLoadNotif");
    if (!is_numeric($SystemLoadNotif)) {
        $SystemLoadNotif = 0;
    $EnableSyslogDB = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableSyslogDB");
    if (!is_numeric($EnableSyslogDB)) {
        $EnableSyslogDB = 0;
    $MySQLSyslogType = $sock->GET_INFO("MySQLSyslogType");
    if (!is_numeric($MySQLSyslogType)) {
        $MySQLSyslogType = 1;
    $SquidPerformance = intval($sock->GET_INFO("SquidPerformance"));
    $EnableIntelCeleron = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/EnableIntelCeleron"));
    $python = $unix->find_program("python");
    $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE();
    $ps = $unix->find_program("ps");
    $sort = $unix->find_program("sort");
    $head = $unix->find_program("head");
    $echo = $unix->find_program("echo");
    $date = $unix->find_program("date");
    $mkdir = $unix->find_program("mkdir");
    $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
    $ZarafaDedicateMySQLServer = $sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaDedicateMySQLServer");
    if (!is_numeric($ZarafaDedicateMySQLServer)) {
        $ZarafaDedicateMySQLServer = 0;
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 22);
    $ini = new Bs_IniHandler();
    if (!is_numeric($ini->_params["SMTP"]["EnableNotifs"])) {
        $ini->_params["SMTP"]["EnableNotifs"] = 0;
    if (!is_numeric($ini->_params["SMTP"]["tls_enabled"])) {
        $ini->_params["SMTP"]["tls_enabled"] = 0;
    $smtp_server = trim($ini->_params["SMTP"]['smtp_server_name']);
    $smtp_server_port = $ini->_params["SMTP"]['smtp_server_port'];
    $smtp_dest = $ini->_params["SMTP"]['smtp_dest'];
    $smtp_sender = $ini->_params["SMTP"]['smtp_sender'];
    $smtp_auth_user = $ini->_params["SMTP"]['smtp_auth_user'];
    $smtp_auth_passwd = $ini->_params["SMTP"]['smtp_auth_passwd'];
    $tls_enabled = $ini->_params["SMTP"]["tls_enabled"];
    $recipientsZ = explode("\n", "/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/SmtpNotificationConfigCC");
    $recipients = array();
    while (list($index, $to) = each($recipientsZ)) {
        if (trim($to) == null) {
        $recipients[] = $to;
    if ($smtp_server == null) {
        $ini->_params["SMTP"]["EnableNotifs"] = 0;
    if ($smtp_dest == null) {
        if (count($recipients) == 0) {
            $ini->_params["SMTP"]["EnableNotifs"] = 0;
    if (!is_numeric($smtp_server_port)) {
        $smtp_server_port = 25;
    $EnableNotifs = $ini->_params["SMTP"]["EnableNotifs"];
    $monit_not_on = 'instance,action';
    $f[] = 'set daemon 60 with start delay 5';
    $f[] = 'set idfile /var/run/monit/';
    $cpunum = $unix->CPU_NUMBER();
    $normal = $cpunum * 2 + 1;
    $normal2 = $cpunum * 2;
    $busy = $cpunum * 4;
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 23);
    $EnableMONITSmtpNotif = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableMONITSmtpNotif");
    if (!is_numeric($EnableMONITSmtpNotif)) {
        $EnableMONITSmtpNotif = 1;
    $MonitCPUUsage = intval($sock->GET_INFO("MonitCPUUsage"));
    $MonitCPUUsageCycles = intval($sock->GET_INFO("MonitCPUUsageCycles"));
    $MonitMemUsage = intval($sock->GET_INFO("MonitMemUsage"));
    $MonitMemUsageCycles = intval($sock->GET_INFO("MonitMemUsageCycles"));
    $MonitReportLoadVG1mn = intval($sock->GET_INFO("MonitReportLoadVG1mn"));
    $MonitReportLoadVG1mnCycles = intval($sock->GET_INFO("MonitReportLoadVG1mnCycles"));
    if ($MonitReportLoadVG1mnCycles == 0) {
        $MonitReportLoadVG1mnCycles = 5;
    $MonitReportLoadVG5mn = intval($sock->GET_INFO("MonitReportLoadVG5mn"));
    $MonitReportLoadVG5mnCycles = intval($sock->GET_INFO("MonitReportLoadVG5mnCycles"));
    if ($MonitReportLoadVG5mnCycles == 0) {
        $MonitReportLoadVG5mnCycles = 15;
    $MonitReportLoadVG15mn = intval($sock->GET_INFO("MonitReportLoadVG15mn"));
    $MonitReportLoadVG15mnCycles = intval($sock->GET_INFO("MonitReportLoadVG15mnCycles"));
    if ($MonitReportLoadVG15mnCycles == 0) {
        $MonitReportLoadVG15mnCycles = 60;
    $MonitMemPurgeCache = intval($sock->GET_INFO("MonitMemPurgeCache"));
    $MonitMemPurgeCacheCycles = intval($sock->GET_INFO("MonitMemPurgeCacheCycles"));
    if ($MonitMemPurgeCache == 0) {
        $MonitMemPurgeCache = 70;
    if ($MonitMemPurgeCacheCycles == 0) {
        $MonitMemPurgeCacheCycles = 5;
    if ($MonitMemUsageCycles == 0) {
        $MonitMemUsageCycles = 5;
    if ($MonitCPUUsageCycles == 0) {
        $MonitCPUUsageCycles = 15;
    if ($MonitCPUUsage > 0) {
        if ($MonitCPUUsage < 50) {
            $MonitCPUUsage = 90;
    if ($MonitMemUsage > 0) {
        if ($MonitMemUsage < 50) {
            $MonitMemUsage = 90;
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 24);
    $rmbin = $unix->find_program("rm");
    $echo = $unix->find_program("echo");
    $SQUIDEnable = $sock->GET_INFO("SQUIDEnable");
    if (!is_numeric($SQUIDEnable)) {
        $SQUIDEnable = 1;
    $f[] = 'set logfile syslog facility log_daemon';
    $f[] = 'set statefile /var/run/monit/monit.state';
    $f[] = '';
    if ($EnableNotifs == 1) {
        if ($EnableMONITSmtpNotif == 1) {
            $f[] = "set mailserver {$smtp_server} PORT {$smtp_server_port}";
            if (strlen($smtp_auth_user) > 0) {
                $f[] = "\tUSERNAME \"{$smtp_auth_user}\" PASSWORD \"{$smtp_auth_passwd}\"";
            if ($tls_enabled == 1) {
                $f[] = "\tusing TLSV1";
            $f[] = "\tset eventqueue";
            $f[] = "\tbasedir /var/monit";
            $f[] = "\tslots 100";
            $f[] = "\tset mail-format {";
            $f[] = "\t\tfrom: {$smtp_sender}";
            $f[] = "\t\tsubject: Artica service monitor: \$SERVICE \$EVENT";
            $f[] = "\t\tmessage: Artica service monitor  \$ACTION  \$SERVICE at  \$DATE on  \$HOST:  \$DESCRIPTION";
            $f[] = "\t}";
            $f[] = "set alert {$smtp_dest} but not on {{$monit_not_on}}";
            if ($recipients > 0) {
                while (list($index, $to) = each($recipientsZ)) {
                    $f[] = "set alert {$to} but not on {{$monit_not_on}}";
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 25);
    $allips = $unix->NETWORK_ALL_INTERFACES(true);
    $f[] = "set httpd port 2874 and use address";
    $f[] = "\tallow";
    while (list($tcpi, $to) = each($allips)) {
        $f[] = "\tallow {$tcpi}";
    $top = $unix->find_program("top");
    $hostname = $unix->hostname_g();
    $TSCR = array();
    if ($MonitReportLoadVG1mn > 0) {
        $TSCR[] = "\tif loadavg (1min) > {$MonitReportLoadVG1mn} for {$MonitReportLoadVG1mnCycles} cycles then exec \"/bin/ LOAD_1 {$MonitReportLoadVG1mn}\"";
    if ($MonitReportLoadVG5mn > 0) {
        $TSCR[] = "\tif loadavg (5min) > {$MonitReportLoadVG5mn} for {$MonitReportLoadVG5mnCycles} cycles then exec \"/bin/ LOAD_5 {$MonitReportLoadVG5mn}\"";
    if ($MonitReportLoadVG15mn > 0) {
        $TSCR[] = "\tif loadavg (15min) > {$MonitReportLoadVG15mn} for {$MonitReportLoadVG15mnCycles} cycles then exec \"/bin/ LOAD_15 {$MonitReportLoadVG15mn}\"";
    if ($MonitCPUUsage > 0) {
        if ($MonitCPUUsage < 75) {
            $MonitCPUUsage = 75;
        $TSCR[] = "\tif cpu usage(system) > {$MonitCPUUsage}% for {$MonitCPUUsageCycles} cycles then exec \"/bin/ CPU_SYSTEM {$MonitCPUUsage}\"";
        $TSCR[] = "\tif cpu usage(user) > {$MonitCPUUsage}% for {$MonitCPUUsageCycles} cycles then exec \"/bin/ CPU_USER {$MonitCPUUsage}\"";
        $TSCR[] = "\tif cpu usage(wait) > {$MonitCPUUsage}% for {$MonitCPUUsageCycles} cycles then exec \"/bin/ CPU_WAIT {$MonitCPUUsage}\"";
    if ($MonitMemUsage > 0) {
        if ($MonitMemUsage < 75) {
            $MonitMemUsage = 75;
        $TSCR[] = "\tif memory > {$MonitMemUsage}% for {$MonitMemUsageCycles} cycles then exec \"/bin/ MEM {$MonitMemUsage}\"";
    if ($MonitMemPurgeCache > 5) {
        @chmod("/usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.kernel.purge.cache.php", 0755);
        $TSCR[] = "\tif memory > {$MonitMemPurgeCache}% for {$MonitMemPurgeCacheCycles} cycles then exec \"/usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.kernel.purge.cache.php\"";
    if (count($TSCR) > 1) {
        $f[] = "check system " . $unix->hostname_g();
        $f[] = @implode("\n", $TSCR);
    $TSCR = array();
    $SCRIPT = array();
    $SCRIPT[] = "#!/bin/sh";
    $SCRIPT[] = "CURRENT=`{$date} +%s`";
    $SCRIPT[] = "DIR=\"/home/artica/system/perf-queue/\$CURRENT\"";
    $SCRIPT[] = "{$mkdir} -p \"\$DIR\"";
    $SCRIPT[] = "{$echo} \$CURRENT >\$DIR/time.txt";
    $SCRIPT[] = "{$echo} \$1 >\$DIR/why.txt";
    $SCRIPT[] = "{$echo} \$2 >\$DIR/why2.txt";
    $iotop = $unix->find_program("iotop");
    if (is_file($iotop)) {
        $SCRIPT[] = "{$iotop} -o -a -b -q -t -n 20  >\$DIR/iotop.txt || true";
    $SCRIPT[] = "{$nice} {$python} /usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/ >\$DIR/psmem.txt 2>&1";
    $SCRIPT[] = "{$ps} --no-heading -eo user,pid,pcpu,args|{$sort} -grbk 3|{$head} -50 >\$DIR/TOP50-CPU.txt 2>&1";
    $SCRIPT[] = "{$ps} --no-heading -eo user,pid,pmem,args|{$sort} -grbk 3|{$head} -50 >\$DIR/TOP50-MEM.txt 2>&1";
    $SCRIPT[] = "{$ps} auxww  >\$DIR/ALLPS.txt 2>&1";
    $SCRIPT[] = "";
    @file_put_contents("/bin/", @implode("\n", $SCRIPT));
    @chmod("/bin/", 0755);
    $SCRIPT = array();
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "check host loopback with address";
    $f[] = "\tif failed icmp type echo with timeout 1 seconds then exec \"/bin/\"";
    $f[] = "";
    $loopbackfailed[] = "#!/bin/sh";
    $loopbackfailed[] = "{$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.virtuals-ip.php --loopback";
    $loopbackfailed[] = "";
    @file_put_contents("/bin/", @implode("\n", $loopbackfailed));
    @chmod("/bin/", 0755);
    $loopbackfailed = array();
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 25);
    $f[] = "check file php.log with path /var/log/php.log";
    $f[] = "\tif size > 100 MB then";
    $f[] = "\t\texec \"/bin/\"";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "check file usrphp.log with path /usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/php.log";
    $f[] = "      if size > 100 MB then";
    $f[] = "\t\texec \"/bin/\"";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "check file squid-logger-start.log with path /var/log/artica-postfix/squid-logger-start.log";
    $f[] = "\tif size > 100 MB then";
    $f[] = "\t\texec \"/bin/\"";
    $f[] = "";
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 26);
    $f[] = "include /etc/monit/conf.d/*";
    @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} /etc/monit/monitrc done...\n";
    $AA[] = "#!/bin/sh";
    $AA[] = "{$echo} \"#\" >/var/log/artica-postfix/squid-logger-start.log";
    $AA[] = "";
    @file_put_contents("/bin/", @implode("\n", $AA));
    @chmod("/bin/", 0755);
    $AA = array();
    $AA[] = "#!/bin/sh";
    $AA[] = "{$echo} \"#\" >/var/log/php.log";
    $AA[] = "";
    @file_put_contents("/bin/", @implode("\n", $AA));
    @chmod("/bin/", 0755);
    $AA = array();
    $monit = new monit();
    $squidbin = $unix->LOCATE_SQUID_BIN();
    $f = array();
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 27);
    $f = array();
    $f[] = "check process APP_FRAMEWORK";
    $f[] = "with pidfile /var/run/lighttpd/";
    $f[] = "start program = \"/etc/init.d/artica-framework start --monit\"";
    $f[] = "stop program =  \"/etc/init.d/artica-framework stop --monit\"";
    $f[] = "if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
    @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/articaframework.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    $f = array();
    $f = array();
    $f = array();
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 28);
    $f[] = "check process APP_ARTICA_STATUS with pidfile /etc/artica-postfix/";
    $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/artica-status start --monit\"";
    $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/artica-status stop --monit\"";
    $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
    $f[] = "";
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring Artica Status...\n";
    @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_ARTICASTATUS.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    $f = array();
    $EnableInflux = 1;
    if ($SquidPerformance > 2) {
        $EnableInflux = 0;
    $InfluxUseRemote = intval($sock->GET_INFO("InfluxUseRemote"));
    $EnableInfluxDB = intval($sock->GET_INFO("EnableInfluxDB"));
    if ($InfluxUseRemote == 1) {
        $EnableInfluxDB = 0;
    if ($EnableIntelCeleron == 1) {
        $EnableInflux = 0;
    if ($EnableInfluxDB == 0) {
        $EnableInflux = 0;
    if (is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/STATS_APPLIANCE")) {
        $EnableInflux = 1;
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 29);
    if (is_file("/usr/local/ArticaStats/bin/postgres")) {
        if ($EnableInflux == 1) {
            $InfluxRestartMem = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/InfluxRestartMem"));
            $f[] = "check process APP_POSTGRES with pidfile /home/ArticaStatsDB/";
            $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/artica-postgres start --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/artica-postgres --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
            if ($InfluxRestartMem > 50) {
                $f[] = "\tif totalmem > {$InfluxRestartMem} MB for 5 cycles then restart";
            $f[] = "";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring Artica Status...\n";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_POSTGRES.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    $f = array();
    // ********************************************************************************************************************
    $f = array();
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring} Proxy service", 30);
    if (is_dir("/opt/squidsql/data")) {
        if ($SQUIDEnable == 1) {
            $f = array();
            $f[] = "check process APP_SQUID_DB with pidfile /var/run/";
            $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/squid-db start --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/squid-db stop --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tif failed unixsocket /var/run/mysqld/squid-db.sock then restart";
            $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
            $f[] = "";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring Squid MySQL DB...\n";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_SQUIDDB.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    // ********************************************************************************************************************
    $f = array();
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring} Dnsmasq", 31);
    if ($users->dnsmasq_installed) {
        $enabled = $sock->dnsmasq_enabled();
        if ($enabled == 1) {
            $f[] = "check process APP_DNSMASQ with pidfile /var/run/";
            $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/dnsmasq start --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
            $f[] = "";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring DnsMASQ...\n";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_DNSMASQ.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    // ********************************************************************************************************************
    $f = array();
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring} Proftpd", 31);
    $proftpd = $unix->find_program("proftpd");
    if (is_file($proftpd)) {
        $enabled = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/EnableProFTPD"));
        if ($enabled == 1) {
            $f[] = "check process APP_PROFTPD with pidfile /var/run/";
            $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/proftpd start --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/proftpd stop --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
            $f[] = "";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring DnsMASQ...\n";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_PROFTPD.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    // ********************************************************************************************************************
    $f = array();
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring} Bandwidthd", 31);
    if (is_file("/usr/bandwidthd/bandwidthd")) {
        $enabled = $sock->Bandwidthd_enabled();
        if ($enabled == 1) {
            $f[] = "check process APP_BANDWIDTHD with pidfile /var/run/";
            $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/bandwidthd start --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/bandwidthd stop --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
            $f[] = "";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring DnsMASQ...\n";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_BANDWIDTHD.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    // ********************************************************************************************************************
    $f = array();
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring} rsyslog", 32);
    $rsyslogd = $unix->find_program("rsyslogd");
    if (is_file($rsyslogd)) {
        $SCRIPT = array();
        $SCRIPT[] = "#!/bin/sh";
        $SCRIPT[] = "{$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.watchdog.rsyslogd.php --start";
        $SCRIPT[] = "";
        @file_put_contents("/bin/", @implode("\n", $SCRIPT));
        @chmod("/bin/", 0755);
        $SCRIPT = array();
        $SCRIPT[] = "#!/bin/sh";
        $SCRIPT[] = "{$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.watchdog.rsyslogd.php --stop";
        $SCRIPT[] = "";
        @file_put_contents("/bin/", @implode("\n", $SCRIPT));
        @chmod("/bin/", 0755);
        $SCRIPT = array();
        $f[] = "check process APP_RSYSLOG with pidfile /var/run/";
        $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/bin/\"";
        $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/bin/\"";
        $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
        $f[] = "";
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring rsyslogd...\n";
        @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_RSYSLOG.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    // ********************************************************************************************************************
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring} Squid-tail", 32);
    if ($APP_ARTICA_SQUID_TAIL == 1) {
        $f = array();
        $f[] = "check process APP_ARTICA_SQUID_TAIL with pidfile /etc/artica-postfix/pids/";
        $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/squid-tail start\"";
        $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/squid-tail stop\"";
        $f[] = "\tif cpu usage > 95% for 5 cycles then restart";
        $f[] = "\tif totalmem > 550.0 MB for 5 cycles then restart";
        $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
        $f[] = "";
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring squid-tail...\n";
        @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_ARTICA_SQUID_TAIL.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    // ********************************************************************************************************************
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring} Squid-Proxy", 32);
    $APP_SQUID = $unix->SQUID_ENABLED();
    if ($APP_SQUID == 1) {
        $MonitConfig = unserialize(base64_decode(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/SquidWatchdogMonitConfig")));
        if (!isset($MonitConfig["watchdog"])) {
            $MonitConfig["watchdog"] = 1;
        if (!is_numeric($MonitConfig["watchdog"])) {
            $MonitConfig["watchdog"] = 1;
        $f = array();
        if ($MonitConfig["watchdog"] == 1) {
            $MonitSquidMaxRestartMem = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/MonitSquidMaxRestartMem"));
            $MonitSquidMaxCPU = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/MonitSquidMaxCPU"));
            $f[] = "check process APP_SQUID with pidfile /var/run/squid/";
            $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/squid start --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/squid stop --monit\"";
            if ($MonitSquidMaxCPU > 0) {
                $f[] = "\tif cpu usage > {$MonitSquidMaxCPU}% for 5 cycles then restart";
            if ($MonitSquidMaxRestartMem > 0) {
                $f[] = "\tif totalmem > {$MonitSquidMaxRestartMem}.0 MB for 5 cycles then restart";
            $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
            $f[] = "";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring squid...\n";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_SQUID.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    // ********************************************************************************************************************
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring} OpenLDAP", 32);
    $EnableOpenLDAP = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/EnableOpenLDAP"));
    if ($EnableOpenLDAP == 1) {
        if ($EnableIntelCeleron == 0) {
            $f = array();
            $f[] = "check process APP_SLAPD with pidfile {$SLAPD_PID_FILE}";
            $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/slapd start --force --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/slapd stop --force\"";
            $f[] = "\tif cpu usage > 95% for 5 cycles then restart";
            $f[] = "\tif totalmem > 550.0 MB for 5 cycles then restart";
            $f[] = "\tif failed unixsocket /var/run/slapd/slapd.sock then restart";
            $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
            $f[] = "";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring slapd...\n";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_SLAPD.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    // ********************************************************************************************************************
    $f = array();
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring} Suricata", 32);
    $EnableSuricata = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/EnableSuricata"));
    $suricata = $unix->find_program("suricata");
    if (is_file($suricata)) {
        if ($EnableSuricata == 1) {
            $f[] = "check process APP_SURICATA with pidfile /var/run/suricata/";
            $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/suricata start --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/suricata stop --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tif cpu usage > 95% for 5 cycles then restart";
            $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
            $f[] = "";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring Suricata...\n";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_SURICATA.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
            $f = array();
            $f[] = "check process APP_SURICATA_TAIL with pidfile /etc/artica-postfix/";
            $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/suricata-tail start --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/suricata-tail stop --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
            $f[] = "";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring Suricata tail...\n";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_SURICATA_TAIL.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    // ********************************************************************************************************************
    $f = array();
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 32);
    $winbind = $unix->find_program("winbindd");
    if (is_file("/etc/monit/conf.d/winbindd.monitrc")) {
    $EnableKerbAuth = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/EnableKerbAuth"));
    if (is_file($winbind)) {
        if ($EnableKerbAuth == 1) {
            $f[] = "check process winbindd with pidfile /var/run/samba/";
            $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/winbind start\"";
            $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/winbind stop\"";
            $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
            $f[] = "";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring winbindd...\n";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/winbind.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    // ********************************************************************************************************************
    $f = array();
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 33);
    if ($users->C_ICAP_INSTALLED) {
        if ($SQUIDEnable == 1) {
            $CicapEnabled = $sock->GET_INFO("CicapEnabled");
            if (!is_numeric($CicapEnabled)) {
                $CicapEnabled = 0;
            if ($CicapEnabled == 1) {
                $f[] = "check process APP_C_ICAP with pidfile /var/run/c-icap/";
                $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/artica-postfix start cicap\"";
                $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/artica-postfix stop cicap\"";
                $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
                $f[] = "";
                if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                    echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring C-ICAP...\n";
                @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_CICAP.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    // ********************************************************************************************************************
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 34);
    if ($EnableSyslogDB == 1) {
        if ($MySQLSyslogType == 1) {
            $f = array();
            $f[] = "check process APP_SYSLOG_DB with pidfile /var/run/";
            $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/syslog-db start --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/syslog-db stop --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tif failed unixsocket /var/run/syslogdb.sock then restart";
            $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
            $f[] = "";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring syslogd...\n";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_SYSLOGDB.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
            $f = array();
    $f = array();
    if (is_file("/etc/monit/templates/rootbin")) {
        $f[] = "check process crond with pidfile /var/run/";
        $f[] = "   group system";
        $f[] = "   group crond";
        $f[] = "   start program = \"/etc/init.d/cron start\"";
        $f[] = "   stop  program = \"/etc/init.d/cron stop\"";
        $f[] = "   if 5 restarts with 5 cycles then timeout";
        $f[] = "   depend cron_bin";
        $f[] = "   depend cron_rc";
        $f[] = "   depend cron_spool";
        $f[] = "";
        $f[] = " check file cron_bin with path /usr/sbin/cron";
        $f[] = "   group crond";
        $f[] = "   include /etc/monit/templates/rootbin";
        $f[] = "";
        $f[] = " check file cron_rc with path \"/etc/init.d/cron\"";
        $f[] = "   group crond";
        $f[] = "   include /etc/monit/templates/rootbin";
        $f[] = "";
        $f[] = " check directory cron_spool with path /var/spool/cron/crontabs";
        $f[] = "   group crond";
        $f[] = "   if failed permission 1730 then unmonitor";
        $f[] = "   if failed uid root        then unmonitor";
        $f[] = "   if failed gid crontab     then unmonitor";
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring cron...\n";
        @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/cron.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
        $f = array();
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 35);
    if (is_file($unix->find_program("zarafa-server"))) {
        $ZarafaApacheEnable = $sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaApacheEnable");
        if (!is_numeric($ZarafaApacheEnable)) {
            $ZarafaApacheEnable = 1;
        $ZarafaApachePort = $sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaApachePort");
        if (!is_numeric($ZarafaApachePort)) {
            $ZarafaApachePort = 9010;
        if ($ZarafaDedicateMySQLServer == 1) {
            $f = array();
            $f[] = "check process APP_ZARAFA_DB with pidfile /var/run/";
            $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/zarafa-db start --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/zarafa-db stop --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tif failed unixsocket /var/run/mysqld/zarafa-db.sock then restart";
            $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
            $f[] = "";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring Zarafa Database...\n";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_ZARAFADB.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
        $f = array();
        $f[] = "check process APP_ZARAFA_SERVER with pidfile /var/run/";
        $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/zarafa-server start --monit\"";
        $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/zarafa-server stop --monit\"";
        $f[] = "\tif failed unixsocket /var/run/zarafa then restart";
        $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
        $f[] = "";
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring Zarafa Server...\n";
        @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_ZARAFASERVER.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
        $f = array();
        $f[] = "check process APP_ZARAFA_SPOOLER with pidfile /var/run/";
        $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/zarafa-spooler start --monit\"";
        $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/zarafa-spooler stop --monit\"";
        $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
        $f[] = "";
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring Zarafa Spooler...\n";
        @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_ZARAFASPOOLER.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
        $f = array();
        $f[] = "check process APP_ZARAFA_GATEWAY with pidfile /var/run/";
        $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/zarafa-gateway start --monit\"";
        $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/zarafa-gateway stop --monit\"";
        $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
        $f[] = "";
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring Zarafa Gateway...\n";
        @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_ZARAFAGATEWAY.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 36);
    $EnableClamavDaemon = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableClamavDaemon");
    $EnableClamavDaemonForced = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableClamavDaemonForced");
    $CicapEnabled = $sock->GET_INFO("CicapEnabled");
    $SQUIDEnable = $sock->GET_INFO("SQUIDEnable");
    if (!is_numeric($EnableClamavDaemon)) {
        $EnableClamavDaemon = 0;
    if (!is_numeric($EnableClamavDaemonForced)) {
        $EnableClamavDaemonForced = 0;
    if (!is_numeric($SQUIDEnable)) {
        $SQUIDEnable = 1;
    if (!is_numeric($CicapEnabled)) {
        $CicapEnabled = 0;
    if ($SQUIDEnable == 1) {
        if ($CicapEnabled == 1) {
            $EnableClamavDaemon = 1;
    if ($EnableClamavDaemonForced == 1) {
        $EnableClamavDaemon = 1;
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 37);
    $MasterBin = $unix->find_program("clamd");
    if (is_file($MasterBin)) {
        if ($EnableClamavDaemon == 1) {
            $f = array();
            $f[] = "check process APP_CLAMAV";
            $f[] = "with pidfile /var/run/clamav/";
            $f[] = "start program = \"/etc/init.d/clamav-daemon start --monit\"";
            $f[] = "stop program =  \"/etc/init.d/clamav-daemon stop --monit\"";
            $f[] = "if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring Clamd service...\n";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_CLAMAV.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
            $f = array();
    $ufdbbin = $unix->find_program("ufdbguardd");
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 38);
    if (is_file($ufdbbin)) {
        $EnableUfdbGuard = intval($sock->EnableUfdbGuard());
        $UseRemoteUfdbguardService = $sock->GET_INFO('UseRemoteUfdbguardService');
        $EnableSquidGuardHTTPService = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableSquidGuardHTTPService");
        $SquidPerformance = intval($sock->GET_INFO("SquidPerformance"));
        $EnableWebProxyStatsAppliance = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableWebProxyStatsAppliance");
        $SquidGuardApachePort = $sock->GET_INFO("SquidGuardApachePort");
        $SquidGuardApacheSSLPort = $sock->GET_INFO("SquidGuardApacheSSLPort");
        if (!is_numeric($UseRemoteUfdbguardService)) {
            $UseRemoteUfdbguardService = 0;
        if (!is_numeric($EnableUfdbGuard)) {
            $EnableUfdbGuard = 0;
        if (!is_numeric($EnableSquidGuardHTTPService)) {
            $EnableSquidGuardHTTPService = 1;
        if (!is_numeric($EnableWebProxyStatsAppliance)) {
            $EnableWebProxyStatsAppliance = 0;
        if ($EnableUfdbGuard == 0) {
            $EnableSquidGuardHTTPService = 0;
        if ($EnableWebProxyStatsAppliance == 1) {
            $EnableSquidGuardHTTPService = 1;
        if (!is_numeric($SquidGuardApachePort)) {
            $SquidGuardApachePort = "9020";
        if (!is_numeric($SquidGuardApacheSSLPort)) {
            $SquidGuardApacheSSLPort = 9025;
        if ($SquidPerformance > 2) {
            $EnableSquidGuardHTTPService = 0;
        if ($SQUIDEnable == 1) {
            if ($EnableSquidGuardHTTPService == 1) {
                $f = array();
                $f[] = "check process APP_SQUIDGUARD_HTTP";
                $f[] = "with pidfile /var/run/lighttpd/";
                $f[] = "start program = \"/etc/init.d/squidguard-http start --monit\"";
                $f[] = "stop program =  \"/etc/init.d/squidguard-http stop --monit\"";
                $f[] = "if failed host port {$SquidGuardApachePort} then restart";
                $f[] = "if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
                if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                    echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring Web filtering HTTP service...\n";
                @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/ufdbweb.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    $EnableArticaFrontEndToNGninx = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableArticaFrontEndToNGninx");
    $EnableArticaFrontEndToApache = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableArticaFrontEndToApache");
    if (!is_numeric($EnableArticaFrontEndToNGninx)) {
        $EnableArticaFrontEndToNGninx = 0;
    if (!is_numeric($EnableArticaFrontEndToApache)) {
        $EnableArticaFrontEndToApache = 0;
    $EnableNginx = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableNginx");
    $EnableFreeWeb = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableFreeWeb");
    if (!is_numeric($EnableFreeWeb)) {
        $EnableFreeWeb = 0;
    if (!is_numeric($EnableNginx)) {
        $EnableNginx = 1;
    if ($EnableNginx == 0) {
        $EnableArticaFrontEndToNGninx = 0;
    $pid = null;
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 39);
    if ($EnableArticaFrontEndToNGninx == 0) {
        $pid = "/var/run/lighttpd/";
        if ($EnableArticaFrontEndToApache == 1) {
            $pid = "/var/run/artica-apache/";
        $f = array();
        $f[] = "check process APP_ARTICAWEBCONSOLE with pidfile {$pid}";
        $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/artica-webconsole start --monit\"";
        $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/artica-webconsole stop --monit\"";
        $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
        $f[] = "";
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring Artica Web Console...\n";
        @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_LIGHTTPD.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    $nginx = $unix->find_program("nginx");
    if (is_file($nginx)) {
        if ($EnableNginx == 1) {
            $f = array();
            $f[] = "check process APP_NGINX with pidfile /var/run/";
            $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/nginx start --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/nginx stop --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
            $f[] = "";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring NgINX...\n";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_NGINX.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 40);
    $f = array();
    if (is_file("/etc/init.d/sysklogd")) {
        $f[] = "check process APP_SYSLOGD with pidfile /var/run/";
        $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/sysklogd start --monit\"";
        $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/sysklogd stop --monit\"";
        $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
        $f[] = "\tcheck file syslogd_file with path /var/log/syslog";
        $f[] = "\tif timestamp > 10 minutes then restart";
        $f[] = "";
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring sysklogd...\n";
        @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_SYSKLOGD.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 41);
    $binpath = $unix->DHCPD_BIN_PATH();
    $f = array();
    if (is_file($binpath)) {
        $EnableDHCPServer = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableDHCPServer");
        if (!is_numeric($EnableDHCPServer)) {
            $EnableDHCPServer = 0;
        if ($EnableDHCPServer == 1) {
            $f[] = "check process APP_DHCP with pidfile /var/run/";
            $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server start --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server stop --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
            $f[] = "";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring DHCP Service...\n";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_DHCPD.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    $binpath = $unix->find_program("rdpproxy");
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 42);
    $f = array();
    if (is_file($binpath)) {
        $EnableRDPProxy = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableRDPProxy");
        if (!is_numeric($EnableRDPProxy)) {
            $EnableRDPProxy = 0;
        if ($EnableRDPProxy == 1) {
            $f[] = "check process APP_RDPPROXY with pidfile /var/run/redemption/";
            $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/rdpproxy start --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/rdpproxy stop --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
            $f[] = "";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring RDP Proxy...\n";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_RDPPROXY.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 43);
    $f = array();
    $binpath = $unix->find_program("dnsmasq");
    if (is_file($binpath)) {
        $EnableDNSMASQ = $users->EnableDNSMASQ();
        if ($EnableDNSMASQ == 1) {
            $f[] = "check process APP_DNSMASQ with pidfile /var/run/";
            $f[] = "\tstart program = \"/etc/init.d/dnsmasq start --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tstop program = \"/etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop --monit\"";
            $f[] = "\tif 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout";
            $f[] = "";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} monitoring DNSMasq Service...\n";
            @file_put_contents("/etc/monit/conf.d/APP_DNSMASQ.monitrc", @implode("\n", $f));
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} checking syslog\n";
    if (is_file("/etc/init.d/syslog")) {
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} configuration done\n";
    shell_exec($GLOBALS["MONIT_CLASS"]->monitor_all_cmdline . " 2>&1");
    build_progress_restart("{reconfiguring}", 45);