  * Get the latest requests and updates the values avaliable to the model/view.
  * @author Bobby Allen (ballen@bobbyallen.me)
 public function Init()
     //Set class varables
     $this->vars_get = array($_GET);
     $this->vars_post = array($_POST);
     $this->vars_session = array($_SESSION);
     $this->vars_cookie = array($_COOKIE);
     //Here we get the users information
     $user = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail();
     if (!isset($this->vars_session[0]['zpuid'])) {
     if (isset($this->vars_get[0]['module'])) {
     if (isset($this->vars_get[0]['action'])) {
         if (ctrl_groups::CheckGroupModulePermissions($user['usergroupid'], ui_module::GetModuleID())) {
             if (class_exists('module_controller', FALSE) && method_exists('module_controller', 'do' . $this->vars_get[0]['action'])) {
                 call_user_func(array('module_controller', 'do' . $this->vars_get[0]['action']));
             } else {
                 echo ui_sysmessage::shout("No 'do" . runtime_xss::xssClean($this->vars_get[0]['action']) . "' class exists - Please create it to enable controller actions and runtime placeholders within your module.");