function handleError($params, tslib_fe $pObj) { // create regular FE environment so we can link, access setup, etc $this->createTSFE(); // get constants/setup $setup = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['itypo_404handler.']; // support for itypo_securedfiles if (t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('itypo_securedfiles') && $params['reasonText'] == 'No permission to access this file') { $throw403 = true; } if (isset($params['pageAccessFailureReasons']['fe_group']) && !isset($params['pageAccessFailureReasons']['hidden']) && current($params['pageAccessFailureReasons']['fe_group']) !== 0 && !is_array($pObj->fe_user->user)) { // redirect to login page, 303 if (is_numeric($setup['loginPage'])) { $loginPage = $this->cObj->getTypoLink_URL(intval($setup['loginPage'])); } else { $loginPage = $setup['loginPage']; } // if the url ends with a /, add a ? for the parameters, this happens when realurl is used for example if (substr($loginPage, -1, 1) == '/') { $loginPage .= '?'; } $url = 'REDIRECT:' . $loginPage . '&redirect_url=' . rawurlencode(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_URL')); } elseif (isset($params['pageAccessFailureReasons']['fe_group']) && !isset($params['pageAccessFailureReasons']['hidden']) && current($params['pageAccessFailureReasons']['fe_group']) !== 0 && is_array($pObj->fe_user->user) || $throw403) { // logged in but no access, 403 $header = 'HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden'; $forbiddenPage = $this->cObj->getTypoLink_URL(intval($setup['forbiddenPage'])); // if the url ends with a /, add a ? for the parameters, this happens when realurl is used for example if (substr($forbiddenPage, -1, 1) == '/') { $forbiddenPage .= '?'; } $url = $forbiddenPage; if (is_array($pObj->fe_user->user)) { $urlParams = '&tx_itypo404handler[ses_id]=' . $pObj->fe_user->user['ses_id']; $url .= $urlParams; $url .= '&cHash=' . t3lib_div::generateCHash($urlParams); } } else { // item not found, 404 $header = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['pageNotFound_handling_statheader']; $notfoundPage = $this->cObj->getTypoLink_URL(intval($setup['notfoundPage'])); // if the url ends with a /, add a ? for the parameters, this happens when realurl is used for example if (substr($notfoundPage, -1, 1) == '/') { $notfoundPage .= '?'; } $url = $notfoundPage; if (is_array($pObj->fe_user->user)) { $urlParams = '&tx_itypo404handler[ses_id]=' . $pObj->fe_user->user['ses_id']; $url .= $urlParams; $url .= '&cHash=' . t3lib_div::generateCHash($urlParams); } } // output the page $pObj->pageErrorHandler($url, $header, $params['reasonText']); }
function processOutput() { if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->type != $GLOBALS['pdf_generator2_parameters']['typeNum']) { parent::processOutput(); } else { $_params = array('pObj' => &$this); require_once t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName('EXT:pdf_generator2/class.tx_pdfgenerator2.php'); t3lib_div::callUserFunction("tx_pdfgenerator2->tslib_fe_processOutput", $_params, $this); } }
/** * Initializes the extension, sets some configuration options and does some basic checks * * @param array holds all the information about the link that is about to be created * @param tslib_fe is a reference to the parent object that calls the hook * @return void */ public function hookInitConfig(array &$parameters, tslib_fe &$parentObject) { $TSconf =& $parameters['config']; // if .simulateStaticDocuments was not present, the installation-wide default value will be used if (!isset($TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments'])) { $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments'] = trim($parentObject->TYPO3_CONF_VARS['FE']['simulateStaticDocuments']); } // simulateStatic was not activated if (!$TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments']) { return; } $this->enabled = true; // setting configuration options $this->conf = array('mode' => $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments'], 'dontRedirectPathInfoError' => $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments_dontRedirectPathInfoError'] ? $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments_dontRedirectPathInfoError'] : $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments.']['dontRedirectPathInfoError'], 'pEncoding' => $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments_pEnc'] ? $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments_pEnc'] : $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments.']['pEncoding'], 'pEncodingOnlyP' => $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments_pEnc_onlyP'] ? $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments_pEnc_onlyP'] : $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments.']['pEncoding_onlyP'], 'addTitle' => $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments_addTitle'] ? $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments_addTitle'] : $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments.']['addTitle'], 'noTypeIfNoTitle' => $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments_noTypeIfNoTitle'] ? $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments_noTypeIfNoTitle'] : $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments.']['noTypeIfNoTitle'], 'replacementChar' => t3lib_div::compat_version('4.0') ? '-' : '_'); if ($this->conf['pEncodingOnlyP']) { $tempParts = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $this->conf['pEncodingOnlyP'], 1); foreach ($tempParts as $tempPart) { $this->pEncodingAllowedParamNames[$tempPart] = 1; } } // Checks and sets replacement character for simulateStaticDocuments. $replacement = trim($TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments_replacementChar'] ? $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments_replacementChar'] : $TSconf['simulateStaticDocuments.']['replacementChar']); if ($replacement && urlencode($replacement) == $replacement) { $this->conf['replacementChar'] = $replacement; } // Force absRefPrefix to this value is PATH_INFO is used. $absRefPrefix = $TSconf['absRefPrefix']; $absRefPrefix = trim($absRefPrefix); if ((!strcmp($this->conf['mode'], 'PATH_INFO') || $parentObject->absRefPrefix_force) && !$absRefPrefix) { $absRefPrefix = t3lib_div::dirname(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('SCRIPT_NAME')) . '/'; } $parentObject->absRefPrefix = $absRefPrefix; $parentObject->config['config']['absRefPrefix'] = $absRefPrefix; // Check PATH_INFO url if ($parentObject->absRefPrefix_force && strcmp($this->conf['mode'], 'PATH_INFO')) { $redirectUrl = t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_DIR') . 'index.php?id=' . $parentObject->id . '&type=' . $parentObject->type; if ($this->conf['dontRedirectPathInfoError']) { if ($parentObject->checkPageUnavailableHandler()) { $parentObject->pageUnavailableAndExit('PATH_INFO was not configured for this website, and the URL tries to find the page by PATH_INFO!'); } else { $message = 'PATH_INFO was not configured for this website, and the URL tries to find the page by PATH_INFO!'; header(t3lib_utility_Http::HTTP_STATUS_503); t3lib_div::sysLog($message, 'cms', t3lib_div::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_ERROR); $message = 'Error: PATH_INFO not configured: ' . $message . '<br /><br /><a href="' . htmlspecialchars($redirectUrl) . '">Click here to get to the right page.</a>'; throw new RuntimeException($message); } } else { t3lib_utility_Http::redirect($redirectUrl); } exit; // Set no_cache if PATH_INFO is NOT used as simulateStaticDoc. // and if absRefPrefix_force shows that such an URL has been passed along. // $this->set_no_cache(); } }
public function handleError($params, tslib_fe $pObj) { if (isset($params['pageAccessFailureReasons']['fe_group']) && !isset($params['pageAccessFailureReasons']['hidden']) && current($params['pageAccessFailureReasons']['fe_group']) !== 0) { // make sure realurl does't issue this 401 $code = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['ajaxlogin']['unauthorized_handling']; $header = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['ajaxlogin']['unauthorized_handling_statheader']; if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($code, 'REDIRECT:')) { $appendQueryString = 'redirect_url=' . rawurlencode(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_URL')); if (strpos($code, '?') === false) { $code .= '?' . $appendQueryString; } else { $code .= '&' . $appendQueryString; } } } else { $code = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['ajaxlogin']['pageNotFound_handling']; $header = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['pageNotFound_handling_statheader']; } $pObj->pageErrorHandler($code, $header, $params['reasonText']); }
/** * Setting the language key that'll be used by the current page. * In this function it should be checked, 1) that this language exists, 2) that a page_overlay_record exists, .. and if not the default language, 0 (zero), should be set. * * @return void * @access private */ function settingLanguage() { // Get values from TypoScript: $lUid = intval($this->config['config']['sys_language_uid']); //works only with "ignore" setting //need to check access for current page and show error: if (!tx_languagevisibility_feservices::checkVisiblityForElement($this->page['uid'], 'pages', $lUid)) { $GLOBALS['TSFE']->pageNotFoundAndExit('Page is not visible in requested language [' . $lUid . '/' . $this->page['uid'] . ']'); } //overlay of current page is handled in ux_t3lib_pageSelect::getPageOverlay parent::settingLanguage(); }
/** * Checks if rootpage_id is set and if not, sets it * * @return void */ protected function adjustRootPageId() { if (!$this->extConf['pagePath']['rootpage_id']) { if ($this->enableStrictMode) { $this->pObj->pageNotFoundAndExit('RealURL strict mode error: ' . 'multidomain configuration without rootpage_id. ' . 'Please, fix your RealURL configuration!'); } /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ $GLOBALS['TT']->setTSlogMessage('RealURL warning: rootpage_id was not configured!'); $this->extConf['pagePath']['rootpage_id'] = $this->findRootPageId(); if ($this->multidomain && !$this->extConf['pagePath']['rootpage_id']) { $this->pObj->pageNotFoundAndExit('RealURL error: ' . 'unable to determine rootpage_id for the current domain.'); } } }
/** * Checks page record for enableFields * First we use the parent method. * If the page is not disabled we check subpages for contexts. * * @param array $row The page record to evaluate * @param boolean $bypassGroupCheck Bypass group-check * * @return boolean * * @see tslib_fe::checkEnableFields($row, $bypassGroupCheck) * @see Tx_Contexts_Service_Tsfe::checkEnableFields */ public function checkEnableFields($row, $bypassGroupCheck = false) { $bResult = parent::checkEnableFields($row, $bypassGroupCheck); if ($bResult !== true) { return $bResult; } $arParams = array('pObj' => &$this); $test = new Tx_Contexts_Service_Tsfe(); $bResult = $test->checkEnableFields($arParams); if ($bResult === false) { return null; } else { return true; } }
/** * Setting the language key that'll be used by the current page. * In this function it should be checked, 1) that this language exists, 2) that a page_overlay_record exists, .. and if not the default language, 0 (zero), should be set. * * @return void * @access private */ function settingLanguage() { if (is_array($this->TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['tslib/class.tslib_fe.php']['settingLanguage_preProcess'])) { $_params = array(); foreach ($this->TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['tslib/class.tslib_fe.php']['settingLanguage_preProcess'] as $_funcRef) { t3lib_div::callUserFunction($_funcRef, $_params, $this); } } parent::settingLanguage(); if (is_array($this->TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['tslib/class.tslib_fe.php']['settingLanguage_postProcess'])) { $_params = array(); foreach ($this->TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['tslib/class.tslib_fe.php']['settingLanguage_postProcess'] as $_funcRef) { t3lib_div::callUserFunction($_funcRef, $_params, $this); } } }
/** * initialize category related vars and add subcategories to the category selection * * @return void */ function initCategoryVars() { $storagePid = FALSE; if ($this->confArr['useStoragePid']) { $sParr = $this->tsfe->getStorageSiterootPids(); $storagePid = $sParr['_STORAGE_PID']; } $lc = $this->conf['displayCatMenu.']; if ($this->theCode == 'CATMENU') { // init catPidList $catPl = $this->pi_getFFvalue($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'], 'pages', 's_misc'); $catPl = $catPl ? $catPl : $this->cObj->stdWrap($lc['catPidList'], $lc['catPidList.']); $catPl = implode(',', t3lib_div::intExplode(',', $catPl)); $recursive = $this->pi_getFFvalue($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'], 'recursive', 's_misc'); if (!strcmp($recursive, '') || $recursive === NULL) { $recursive = $this->cObj->stdWrap($lc['recursive'], $lc['recursive.']); } if ($catPl) { $storagePid = $this->pi_getPidList($catPl, $recursive); } } if ($storagePid) { $this->SPaddWhere = ' AND IN (' . $storagePid . ')'; } if ($this->conf['catExcludeList']) { $this->SPaddWhere .= ' AND tt_news_cat.uid NOT IN (' . $this->conf['catExcludeList'] . ')'; } $this->enableCatFields = $this->getEnableFields('tt_news_cat'); $addWhere = $this->SPaddWhere . $this->enableCatFields; $useSubCategories = $this->pi_getFFvalue($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'], 'useSubCategories', 'sDEF'); $this->config['useSubCategories'] = strcmp($useSubCategories, '') ? $useSubCategories : $this->conf['useSubCategories']; // global ordering for categories, Can be overwritten later by catOrderBy for a certain content element $catOrderBy = trim($this->conf['catOrderBy']); $this->config['catOrderBy'] = $catOrderBy ? $catOrderBy : 'sorting'; // categoryModes are: 0=display all categories, 1=display selected categories, -1=display deselected categories $categoryMode = $this->pi_getFFvalue($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'], 'categoryMode', 'sDEF'); $this->config['categoryMode'] = $categoryMode ? $categoryMode : intval($this->conf['categoryMode']); // catselection holds only the uids of the categories selected by GETvars if ($this->piVars['cat']) { // catselection holds only the uids of the categories selected by GETvars $this->config['catSelection'] = $this->hObj->checkRecords($this->piVars['cat']); $this->piVars_catSelection = $this->config['catSelection']; if ($this->config['useSubCategories'] && $this->config['catSelection']) { // get subcategories for selection from getVars $subcats = tx_ttnews_div::getSubCategories($this->config['catSelection'], $addWhere); $this->config['catSelection'] = implode(',', array_unique(explode(',', $this->config['catSelection'] . ($subcats ? ',' . $subcats : '')))); } } $catExclusive = $this->pi_getFFvalue($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'], 'categorySelection', 'sDEF'); $catExclusive = $catExclusive ? $catExclusive : trim($this->cObj->stdWrap($this->conf['categorySelection'], $this->conf['categorySelection.'])); $this->catExclusive = $this->config['categoryMode'] ? $catExclusive : 0; // ignore cat selection if categoryMode isn't set $this->catExclusive = $this->hObj->checkRecords($this->catExclusive); // store the actually selected categories because we need them for the comparison in categoryMode 2 and -2 $this->actuallySelectedCategories = $this->catExclusive; // get subcategories if ($this->config['useSubCategories'] && $this->catExclusive) { $subcats = tx_ttnews_div::getSubCategories($this->catExclusive, $addWhere); $this->catExclusive = implode(',', array_unique(explode(',', $this->catExclusive . ($subcats ? ',' . $subcats : '')))); } // get more category fields from FF or TS $fields = explode(',', 'catImageMode,catTextMode,catImageMaxWidth,catImageMaxHeight,maxCatImages,catTextLength,maxCatTexts'); foreach ($fields as $key) { $value = $this->pi_getFFvalue($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'], $key, 's_category'); $this->config[$key] = is_numeric($value) ? $value : $this->conf[$key]; } }
/** * @test */ public function roundTripCryptStringAppliedTwoTimesReturnsOriginalString() { $clearText = 'Hello world!'; $this->assertEquals($clearText, $this->fixture->roundTripCryptString($this->fixture->roundTripCryptString($clearText))); }
// Exit, if script is called directly (must be included via eID in index_ts.php) if (!defined('PATH_typo3conf')) { die('Could not access this script directly!'); } $TYPO3_AJAX = true; //print_r(array(TYPO3_REQUESTTYPE_AJAX,TYPO3_REQUESTTYPE,TYPO3_REQUESTTYPE & TYPO3_REQUESTTYPE_AJAX)); $L = intval(t3lib_div::_GP('L')); if ($L > 0) { t3lib_div::_GETset(array('L' => $L)); } $idAndTarget = rawurldecode(t3lib_div::_GP('id')); $idParts = t3lib_div::trimExplode(' ', $idAndTarget, 1); $id = intval($idParts[0]); // Make new instance of TSFE //$temp_TSFEclassName = t3lib_div::makeInstanceClassName('tslib_fe'); $TSFE = new tslib_fe($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'], $id, t3lib_div::_GP('type'), t3lib_div::_GP('no_cache'), t3lib_div::_GP('cHash'), t3lib_div::_GP('jumpurl'), t3lib_div::_GP('MP'), t3lib_div::_GP('RDCT')); // don't cache ajax responses $TSFE->no_cache = true; $TSFE->connectToDB(); $TSFE->initFEuser(); $TSFE->checkAlternativeIdMethods(); $TSFE->clear_preview(); $TSFE->determineId(); $TSFE->getCompressedTCarray(); $TSFE->initTemplate(); $TSFE->getConfigArray(); if ($L > 0) { $TSFE->settingLanguage(); $TSFE->settingLocale(); } // finding the script path from the variable