public function add(array $item) { if (isset($item['wp:post_type']) && $item['wp:post_type'] != 'post') { return false; } $post = tpost::i(); foreach ($this->tagsmap as $key => $val) { if (isset($item[$key])) { $post->{$val} = $item[$key]; } } if (!$this->ignorelink && isset($item['link'])) { $post->link = $item['link']; } if (isset($item['wp:status'])) { $post->status = $item['wp:status'] == 'publish' ? 'published' : 'draft'; } if (isset($item['wp:comment_status'])) { $post->commentsenabled = $item['wp:comment_status'] == 'open'; } if (isset($item['wp:ping_status'])) { $post->pingenabled = $item['wp:ping_status'] == 'open'; } if (isset($item['category'])) { $post->categories = $this->getcategories($item['category'], 'category'); $post->tags = $this->getcategories($item['category'], 'tag'); } if ($this->script != '') { eval($this->script); } return $post; }
private function findsame($idpost) { $posts = tposts::i(); $post = tpost::i($idpost); if (count($post->categories) == 0) { return array(); } $cats = tcategories::i(); $cats->loadall(); $same = array(); foreach ($post->categories as $idcat) { if (!isset($cats->items[$idcat])) { continue; } $itemsposts = $cats->itemsposts->getposts($idcat); $itemsposts = $posts->stripdrafts($itemsposts); foreach ($itemsposts as $id) { if ($id == $idpost) { continue; } $same[$id] = isset($same[$id]) ? $same[$id] + 1 : 1; } } arsort($same); return array_slice(array_keys($same), 0, $this->maxcount); }
public function getlink($id) { $item = $this->getitem($id); $word = $item['word']; if (isset($this->links[$word])) { return $this->links[$word]; } $items = $this->itemsposts->getposts($id); $c = count($items); if ($c == 0) { $result = sprintf('<span class="wikiword">%s</span>', $word); } elseif ($c == 1) { $post = tpost::i($items[0]); $result = sprintf('<a href="%1$s#wikiword-%3$d" title="%2$s">%2$s</a>', $post->link, $word, $id); } else { $links = array(); $posts = tposts::i(); $posts->loaditems($items); foreach ($items as $idpost) { $post = tpost::i($idpost); $links[] = sprintf('<a href="%1$s#wikiword-%3$d" title="%2$s">%2$s</a>', $post->link, $post->title, $id); } $result = sprintf('<span class="wikiword">%s</span> (%s)', $word, implode(', ', $links)); } $this->links[$word] = $result; return $result; }
public function sendpost($id) { if ($this->host == '' || $this->login == '') { return false; } $post = tpost::i($id); ttheme::$vars['post'] = $post; $theme = ttheme::i(); $content = $theme->parse($this->template); $date = getdate($post->posted); if ($post->status != 'published') { return; } $meta = $post->meta; $client = new IXR_Client($this->host, '/interface/xmlrpc'); //$client = new IXR_Client($this->host, '/rpc.xml'); if (!$client->query('LJ.XMLRPC.getchallenge')) { if (litepublisher::$debug) { tfiler::log('live journal: error challenge'); } return false; } $response = $client->getResponse(); $challenge = $response['challenge']; $args = array('username' => $this->login, 'auth_method' => 'challenge', 'auth_challenge' => $challenge, 'auth_response' => md5($challenge . md5($this->password)), 'ver' => "1", 'event' => $content, 'subject' => $post->title, 'year' => $date['year'], 'mon' => $date['mon'], 'day' => $date['mday'], 'hour' => $date['hours'], 'min' => $date['minutes'], 'props' => array('opt_nocomments' => !$post->commentsenabled, 'opt_preformatted' => true, 'taglist' => $post->tagnames)); switch ($this->privacy) { case "public": $args['security'] = "public"; break; case "private": $args['security'] = "private"; break; case "friends": $args['security'] = "usemask"; $args['allowmask'] = 1; } if ($this->community != '') { $args['usejournal'] = $this->community; } if (isset($meta->ljid)) { $method = 'LJ.XMLRPC.editevent'; $args['itemid'] = $meta->ljid; } else { $method = 'LJ.XMLRPC.postevent'; } if (!$client->query($method, $args)) { if (litepublisher::$debug) { tfiler::log('Something went wrong - ' . $client->getErrorCode() . ' : ' . $client->getErrorMessage()); } return false; } if (!isset($meta->ljid)) { $response = $client->getResponse(); $meta->ljid = $response['itemid']; } return $meta->ljid; }
public function postadded($idpost) { $post = tpost::i($idpost); if ($post->author <= 1) { return; } $useroptions = tuseroptions::i(); if ('enabled' == $useroptions->getvalue($post->author, 'authorpost_subscribe')) { $this->add($idpost, $post->author); } }
public function beforepost($id, &$content) { $post = tpost::i($id); if (count($post->files) > 0) { $theme = $post->theme; $image = $theme->templates['']; $theme->templates[''] = str_replace('href="$link"', 'href="$!prettyPhoto[gallery-$]/$typeindex/"', $image); $content .= $post->filelist; $theme->templates[''] = $image; } }
public function addfile($id) { $files = tfiles::i(); $file = $files->getitem($id); $posts = $files->itemsposts->getposts($id); if (count($posts) == 0) { $postlink = litepublisher::$site->url . '/'; } else { $post = tpost::i($posts[0]); $postlink = $post->link; } $item = $this->domrss->AddItem(); tnode::addvalue($item, 'title', $file['title']); tnode::addvalue($item, 'link', $postlink); tnode::addvalue($item, 'pubDate', $file['posted']); $media = tnode::add($item, 'media:content'); tnode::attr($media, 'url', $files->geturl($id)); tnode::attr($media, 'fileSize', $file['size']); tnode::attr($media, 'type', $file['mime']); tnode::attr($media, 'medium', $file['media']); tnode::attr($media, 'expression', 'full'); if ($file['width'] > 0 && $file['height'] > 0) { tnode::attr($media, 'height', $file['height']); tnode::attr($media, 'width', $file['width']); } /* if (!empty($file['bitrate'])) tnode::attr($media, 'bitrate', $file['bitrate']); if (!empty($file['framerate'])) tnode::attr($media, 'framerate', $file['framerate']); if (!empty($file['samplingrate'])) tnode::attr($media, 'samplingrate', $file['samplingrate']); if (!empty($file['channels'])) tnode::attr($media, 'channels', $file['channels']); if (!empty($file['duration'])) tnode::attr($media, 'duration', $file['duration']); */ $hash = tnode::addvalue($item, 'media:hash', self::hashtomd5($file['hash'])); tnode::attr($hash, 'algo', "md5"); if (!empty($file['keywords'])) { tnode::addvalue($item, 'media:keywords', $file['keywords']); } if (!empty($file['description'])) { $description = tnode::addvalue($item, 'description', $file['description']); tnode::attr($description, 'type', 'html'); } if ($file['preview'] > 0) { $idpreview = $file['preview']; $preview = $files->getitem($idpreview); $thumbnail = tnode::add($item, 'media:thumbnail'); tnode::attr($thumbnail, 'url', $files->geturl($idpreview)); if ($preview['width'] > 0 && $preview['height'] > 0) { tnode::attr($thumbnail, 'height', $preview['height']); tnode::attr($thumbnail, 'width', $preview['width']); } } $this->onitem($item, $file); }
public function processform() { // return dumpvar($_POST); extract($_POST, EXTR_SKIP); $posts = tposts::i(); $this->basename = 'posts'; $html = $this->html; if ($id == 0) { $forum = tforum::i(); if (!$forum->moderate || litepublisher::$options->ingroup('editor')) { $status = 'published'; } else { $status = 'draft'; // if too many drafts then reject $hold = $posts->db->getcount('status = \'draft\' and author = ' . litepublisher::$options->user); if ($hold >= 3) { return $html->manydrafts; } } if (empty($title)) { $lang = tlocal::i('editor'); return $html->h4->emptytitle; } } $post = tpost::i((int) $id); $post->title = $title; $post->categories = array((int) $category); if ($post->author == 0) { $post->author = litepublisher::$options->user; } if (isset($files)) { $files = trim($files); $post->files = $files == '' ? array() : explode(',', $files); } $post->content = tcontentfilter::remove_scripts($raw); if ($id == 0) { $post->status = $status; $post->comstatus = $forum->comstatus; $post->idview = $forum->idview; $post->idperm = $forum->idperm; $post->url = tlinkgenerator::i()->addurl($post, 'forum'); $id = $posts->add($post); $_GET['id'] = $id; $_POST['id'] = $id; $this->idpost = $id; } else { $posts->edit($post); } return $html->h4->successedit; }
public function getdescription() { if ($list = $this->getlist()) { $result = ''; foreach ($list as $id) { $post = tpost::i($id); $result .= $post->title . ' '; if (strlen($result) > 250) { break; } } //return tcontentfilter::getexcerpt($result, 300); return $result; } return ttemplate::i()->getdescription(); }
private function sendmail($id) { $item = $this->getitem($id); $args = targs::i(); $args->add($item); $args->id = $id; $status = dbversion ? $item['status'] : ($item['approved'] ? 'approved' : 'hold'); $args->localstatus = tlocal::get('commentstatus', $status); $args->adminurl = litepublisher::$site->url . '/admin/comments/pingback/' . litepublisher::$site->q . "id={$id}&post={$item['post']}&action"; $post = tpost::i($item['post']); $args->posttitle = $post->title; $args->postlink = $post->link; tlocal::usefile('mail'); $lang = tlocal::i('mailcomments'); $theme = ttheme::i(); $subject = $theme->parsearg($lang->pingbacksubj, $args); $body = $theme->parsearg($lang->pingbackbody, $args); tmailer::sendmail(litepublisher::$site->name, litepublisher::$options->fromemail, 'admin', litepublisher::$options->email, $subject, $body); }
public function beforecat(&$result) { $cats = $this->cats; $idcat = $cats->id; if (!$idcat) { return; } $result .= $this->getbread($idcat); if ($this->showsimilar) { $idposts = $cats->getidposts($idcat); $list = array(); foreach ($idposts as $idpost) { $list = array_merge($list, tpost::i($idpost)->categories); } array_clean($list); array_delete_value($list, $idcat); $result .= $this->getsimilar($list); } return $result; }
public function pingpost($id) { if (!isset($id)) { return; } $post = tpost::i((int) $id); if (!is_object($post)) { return; } if ($post->status != 'published') { return; } $posturl = $post->link; $meta = $post->meta; if (!isset($meta->lastpinged) || $meta->lastpinged + 3600 * 24 < time()) { $this->pingservices($posturl); $meta->lastpinged = time(); } $pinged = isset($meta->pinged) ? unserialize($meta->pinged) : array(); $links = $this->getlinks($post); $m = microtime(true); foreach ($links as $link) { if (in_array($link, $pinged)) { continue; } if (preg_match('/\\.(zip|gz|js|css|mp3|mp4|wav|mov|flv|avi|mpg|mpeg|jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|gif|ogv|webm|flac)$/i', $link)) { continue; } if (preg_match('/(youtu\\.be|youtube\\.com|facebook\\.com|twitter\\.com|vk\\.com|mail\\.ru|odnoklassniki\\.ru)/i', $link)) { continue; } $this->ping($link, $posturl); $pinged[] = $link; if (microtime(true) - $m > 120) { break; } } if (count($pinged)) { $meta->pinged = serialize($pinged); } }
public function getcontent() { $result = parent::getcontent(); $db = litepublisher::$db; $items = $db->res2items($db->query("select id, class from {$db->prefix}codedoc order by class")); if (count($items) == 0) { return $result; } tposts::i()->loaditems(array_keys($items)); $theme = tview::getview($this)->theme; $args = new targs(); $result .= '<ul class="doc_classes">'; $tml = '<li id="doc-class-$id"><a href="#">$class</a> $post.excerptcontent</li>'; foreach ($items as $id => $item) { $args->add($item); ttheme::$vars['post'] = tpost::i($id); $result .= $theme->parsearg($tml, $args); } $result .= '</ul>'; return $result; }
public function ping($from, $to) { if (!strbegin($to, litepublisher::$site->url)) { return new IXR_Error(0, 'Is there no link to us?'); } $url = substr($to, strlen(litepublisher::$site->url)); $urlmap = turlmap::i(); if (!($item = $urlmap->finditem($url))) { return $this->xerror(0, 'Is there no link to us?'); } if ($item['class'] != litepublisher::$classes->classes['post']) { return $this->xerror(33, 'The specified target URL cannot be used as a target. It either doesn\'t exist, or it is not a pingback-enabled resource.'); } $post = tpost::i($item['arg']); if (!$post->pingenabled || $post->status != 'published') { return $this->xerror(33, 'The specified target URL cannot be used as a target. It either doesn\'t exist, or it is not a pingback-enabled resource.'); } $pingbacks = $post->pingbacks; if ($pingbacks->exists($from)) { return new IXR_Error(48, 'The pingback has already been registered.'); } if (!($s = http::get($from))) { return new IXR_Error(16, 'The source URL does not exist.'); } $s = str_replace('<!DOC', '<DOC', $s); $s = preg_replace('/[\\s\\r\\n\\t]+/', ' ', $s); // normalize spaces if (!preg_match('|<title>([^<]*?)</title>|is', $s, $matchtitle) || empty($matchtitle[1])) { return new IXR_Error(32, 'We cannot find a title on that page.'); } $s = strip_tags($s, '<a>'); if (!preg_match("|<a([^>]+?" . preg_quote($to) . "[^>]*)>[^>]+?</a>|", $s, $match)) { return new IXR_Error(17, 'The source URL does not contain a link to the target URL, and so cannot be used as a source.'); } if (preg_match('/nofollow|noindex/is', $match[1])) { return new IXR_Error(32, 'The source URL contain nofollow or noindex atribute'); } $pingbacks->add($from, $matchtitle[1]); return "Pingback from {$from} to {$to} registered. Keep the web talking! :-)"; }
public function processform() { //dumpvar($_POST); $result = ''; switch ($this->name) { case 'views': $views = tviews::i(); $idview = (int) tadminhtml::getparam('idview', 0); if (!$idview || !$views->itemexists($idview)) { return ''; } if ($this->action == 'delete') { if ($idview > 1) { $views->delete($idview); } return ''; } $view = tview::i($idview); if ($idview > 1) { $view->customsidebar = isset($_POST['customsidebar']); $view->disableajax = isset($_POST['disableajax']); } $view->name = trim($_POST['name']); $view->themename = trim($_POST['theme_idview']); $view->menuclass = $_POST['menu']; $view->hovermenu = isset($_POST['hovermenu']); $this->set_custom($idview); if ($idview == 1 || $view->customsidebar) { $widgets = twidgets::i(); foreach (range(0, 2) as $index) { $view->sidebars[$index] = array(); $idwidgets = explode(',', trim($_POST["sidebar{$index}"])); foreach ($idwidgets as $idwidget) { $idwidget = (int) trim($idwidget); if (!$widgets->itemexists($idwidget)) { continue; } $view->sidebars[$index][] = array('id' => $idwidget, 'ajax' => isset($_POST["inline{$idwidget}"]) ? 'inline' : isset($_POST["ajax{$idwidget}"])); } } } $view->save(); break; case 'addview': $name = trim($_POST['name']); if ($name != '') { $views = tviews::i(); $id = $views->add($name); } break; case 'spec': foreach (self::getspecclasses() as $classname) { $obj = getinstance($classname); $obj->lock(); $obj->setidview($_POST["idview-{$classname}"]); if (isset($obj->data['keywords'])) { $obj->keywords = $_POST["keywords-{$classname}"]; } if (isset($obj->data['description '])) { $obj->description = $_POST["description-{$classname}"]; } if (isset($obj->data['head'])) { $obj->head = $_POST["head-{$classname}"]; } $obj->unlock(); } break; case 'group': switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'posts': $posts = tposts::i(); $idview = (int) $_POST['postview']; if (dbversion) { $posts->db->update("idview = '{$idview}'", 'id > 0'); } else { foreach ($posts->items as $id => $item) { $post = tpost::i($id); $post->idview = $idview; $post->save(); $post->free(); } } break; case 'menus': $idview = (int) $_POST['menuview']; $menus = tmenus::i(); foreach ($menus->items as $id => $item) { $menu = tmenu::i($id); $menu->idview = $idview; $menu->save(); } break; case 'themes': $themename = $_POST['themeview']; $views = tviews::i(); $views->lock(); foreach ($views->items as $id => $item) { $view = tview::i($id); $view->themename = $themename; $view->save(); } $views->unlock(); break; } break; case 'defaults': $views = tviews::i(); foreach ($views->defaults as $name => $id) { $views->defaults[$name] = (int) $_POST[$name]; } $views->save(); break; case 'headers': $template = ttemplate::i(); $template->heads = $_POST['heads']; $template->save(); $adminmenus = tadminmenus::i(); $adminmenus->heads = $_POST['adminheads']; $adminmenus->save(); $ajax = tajaxposteditor::i(); $ajax->lock(); $ajax->ajaxvisual = isset($_POST['ajaxvisual']); $ajax->visual = trim($_POST['visual']); $ajax->unlock(); litepublisher::$options->show_file_perm = isset($_POST['show_file_perm']); break; case 'admin': return $this->adminoptionsform->processform(); } ttheme::clearcache(); }
public function getpostswidgetcontent(array $items, $sidebar, $tml) { if (count($items) == 0) { return ''; } $result = ''; if ($tml == '') { $tml = $this->getwidgetitem('posts', $sidebar); } foreach ($items as $id) { self::$vars['post'] = tpost::i($id); $result .= $this->parse($tml); } unset(self::$vars['post']); return str_replace('$item', $result, $this->getwidgetitems('posts', $sidebar)); }
public function getcontent() { $theme = tview::i(tviews::i()->defaults['admin'])->theme; $html = tadminhtml::i(); $html->section = 'editor'; $lang = tlocal::i('editor'); $post = tpost::i($this->idpost); ttheme::$vars['post'] = $post; switch ($_GET['get']) { case 'tags': $result = $html->getedit('tags', $post->tagnames, $lang->tags); $lang->section = 'editor'; $result .= $html->h4->addtags; $items = array(); $tags = $post->factory->tags; $list = $tags->getsorted(-1, 'name', 0); foreach ($list as $id) { $items[] = '<a href="" class="posteditor-tag">' . $tags->items[$id]['title'] . "</a>"; } $result .= sprintf('<p>%s</p>', implode(', ', $items)); break; case 'status': $args = new targs(); $args->comstatus = tadminhtml::array2combo(array('closed' => $lang->closed, 'reg' => $lang->reg, 'guest' => $lang->guest, 'comuser' => $lang->comuser), $post->comstatus); $args->pingenabled = $post->pingenabled; $args->status = tadminhtml::array2combo(array('published' => $lang->published, 'draft' => $lang->draft), $post->status); $args->perms = tadminperms::getcombo($post->idperm); $args->password = $post->password; $result = $html->parsearg('[combo=comstatus] [checkbox=pingenabled] [combo=status] $perms [password=password] <p>$lang.notepassword</p>', $args); break; case 'view': $result = $this->getviewicon($post->idview, $post->icon); break; default: $result = var_export($_GET, true); } //tfiler::log($result); return turlmap::htmlheader(false) . $result; }
public function postedited($idpost) { $post = tpost::i($idpost); $this->itemsposts->setitems($idpost, $post->files); }
public function add(array $item) { $post = tpost::i(); foreach ($this->tagsmap as $key => $val) { if (isset($item[$key])) { $post->{$val} = $item[$key]; } } if ($this->script != '') { eval($this->script); } return $post; }
public function editPost($appkey, $id, $login, $password, $content, $publish) { $id = (int) $id; $this->canedit($login, $password, $id); $posts = tposts::i(); if (!$posts->itemexists($id)) { return $this->xerror(404, 'Sorry, no such post.'); } $post = tpost::i($id); $post->status = $publish ? 'published' : 'draft'; $post->title = $this->getposttitle($content); $post->content = $this->removepostdata($content); $post->categories = $this->getpostcategory($content); $posts->edit($post); return true; }
public function getmidle() { $result = ''; $items = $this->getmidleposts(); if (!count($items)) { return ''; } ttheme::$vars['lang'] = tlocal::i('default'); ttheme::$vars['home'] = $this; $theme = ttheme::i(); $tml = $theme->templates['']; foreach ($items as $id) { ttheme::$vars['post'] = tpost::i($id); $result .= $theme->parse($tml); // has $author.* tags in tml if (isset(ttheme::$vars['author'])) { unset(ttheme::$vars['author']); } } $tml = $theme->templates['content.home.midle']; if ($tml) { $args = new targs(); $args->post = $result; $args->midletitle = $this->midletitle; $result = $theme->parsearg($tml, $args); } unset(ttheme::$vars['post'], ttheme::$vars['home']); return $result; }
public function processform() { $posts = tposts::i(); $posts->lock(); $status = isset($_POST['publish']) ? 'published' : (isset($_POST['setdraft']) ? 'draft' : 'delete'); if ($this->isauthor && ($r = tauthor_rights::i()->changeposts($status))) { return $r; } $iduser = litepublisher::$options->user; foreach ($_POST as $key => $id) { if (!is_numeric($id)) { continue; } $id = (int) $id; if ($status == 'delete') { if ($this->isauthor && $iduser != $posts->db->getvalue('author')) { continue; } $posts->delete($id); } else { $post = tpost::i($id); if ($this->isauthor && $iduser != $post->author) { continue; } $post->status = $status; $posts->edit($post); } } $posts->unlock(); }
public static function canedit($email, $password, $idpost) { if (litepublisher::$options->auth($email, $password)) { if (litepublisher::$options->hasgroup('editor')) { return true; } if (litepublisher::$options->hasgroup('author')) { if ($idpost == 0) { return true; } $post = tpost::i($idpost); return $post->author == litepublisher::$options->user; } } throw new Exception('Bad login/pass combination.', 403); }
public function getpost($id) { return tpost::i($id); }
public function getcomments($idpost) { $result = ''; $idpost = (int) $idpost; $post = tpost::i($idpost); $comments = tcomments::i($idpost); $lang = tlocal::i('comment'); $list = $comments->getcontent(); $theme = $post->theme; $args = new targs(); $args->count = $post->cmtcount; $result .= $theme->parsearg($theme->templates[''], $args); $result .= $list; if (litepublisher::$urlmap->page == 1 && $post->pingbackscount > 0) { $pingbacks = tpingbacks::i($post->id); $result .= $pingbacks->getcontent(); } if (!litepublisher::$options->commentsdisabled && $post->comstatus != 'closed') { $args->postid = $post->id; $args->antispam = base64_encode('superspamer' . strtotime("+1 hour")); $cm = tcommentmanager::i(); $result .= sprintf('<?php if (litepublisher::$options->ingroups(array(%s))) {', implode(',', $cm->idgroups)); //add hold list because we need container when comment will be hold $result .= 'if ($ismoder = litepublisher::$options->ingroup(\'moderator\')) { ?>'; $args->comment = ''; $result .= $theme->parsearg($theme->templates[''], $args); $result .= $this->loadhold; $result .= '<?php } ?>'; $mesg = $this->logged; if ($cm->canedit || $cm->candelete) { $mesg .= "\n" . $this->adminpanel; } $args->mesg = $this->fixmesg($mesg, $theme); $result .= $theme->parsearg($theme->templates[''], $args); $result .= $this->getjs($post->idperm == 0 && $cm->confirmlogged, 'logged'); $result .= '<?php } else { ?>'; switch ($post->comstatus) { case 'reg': $mesg = $this->reqlogin; if (litepublisher::$options->reguser) { $mesg .= "\n" . $this->regaccount; } $args->mesg = $this->fixmesg($mesg, $theme); $result .= $theme->parsearg($theme->templates[''], $args); break; case 'guest': $result .= $this->getjs($post->idperm == 0 && $cm->confirmguest, 'guest'); $mesg = $this->guest; if (litepublisher::$options->reguser) { $mesg .= "\n" . $this->regaccount; } $args->mesg = $this->fixmesg($mesg, $theme); $result .= $theme->parsearg($theme->templates[''], $args); break; case 'comuser': $result .= $this->getjs($post->idperm == 0 && $cm->confirmcomuser, 'comuser'); $mesg = $this->comuser; if (litepublisher::$options->reguser) { $mesg .= "\n" . $this->regaccount; } $args->mesg = $this->fixmesg($mesg, $theme); foreach (array('name', 'email', 'url') as $field) { $args->{$field} = "<?php echo (isset(\$_COOKIE['comuser_{$field}']) ? \$_COOKIE['comuser_{$field}'] : ''); ?>"; } $args->subscribe = false; $args->content = ''; $result .= $theme->parsearg($theme->templates[''], $args); break; } $result .= '<?php } ?>'; } else { $result .= $theme->parse($theme->templates['']); } return $result; }
public function wpnewComment($blog_id, $login, $password, $idpost, $struct) { $this->auth($login, $password, 'moderator'); if (is_numeric($idpost)) { $idpost = absint($idpost); } else { $urlmap = turlmap::i(); if (!($item = $urlmap->finditem($url))) { return $this->xerror(404, 'Invalid post ID.'); } if ($item['class'] != litepublisher::$classes->classes['post']) { return $this->xerror(404, 'Invalid post ID.'); } $idpost = $item['arg']; } $post = tpost::i($idpost); if (!$post->commentenabled || $post->status != 'published') { return $this->xerror(403, 'The specified post cannot be used to commenting'); } $manager = tcommentmanager::i(); return $manager->add($idpost, isset($struct['author']) ? $struct['author'] : '', isset($struct['author_email']) ? $struct['author_email'] : '', isset($struct['author_url']) ? $struct['author_url'] : '', $struct['content']); }
public function getpermheader(array $shortpost) { $urlmap = litepublisher::$urlmap; $url = $urlmap->url; $saveitem = $urlmap->itemrequested; $urlmap->itemrequested = $urlmap->getitem($shortpost['idurl']); $urlmap->url = $urlmap->itemrequested['url']; $post = tpost::i((int) $shortpost['id']); $perm = tperm::i($post->idperm); // not restore values because perm will be used this values return $perm->getheader($post); }
public function processform() { //dumpvar($_POST); $this->basename = 'editor'; $html = $this->html; if (empty($_POST['title'])) { return $html->h2->emptytitle; } $id = (int) $_POST['id']; $post = tpost::i($id); if ($this->isauthor && ($r = tauthor_rights::i()->editpost($post))) { $this->idpost = $post->id; return $r; } $this->set_post($post); $posts = tposts::i(); if ($id == 0) { $this->idpost = $posts->add($post); $_POST['id'] = $this->idpost; } else { $posts->edit($post); } $_GET['id'] = $this->idpost; return sprintf($html->p->success, $post->bookmark); }
public function processform() { $result = ''; parent::processform(); $comments = tcomments::i(); if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['action']) { case 'reply': if (!$this->moder) { return $this->html->h4->forbidden; } $item = $comments->getitem($this->idget()); $post = tpost::i((int) $item['post']); $this->manager->reply($this->idget(), $_POST['content']); return litepublisher::$urlmap->redir($post->lastcommenturl); case 'edit': if (!$this->can($id, 'edit')) { return $this->html->h4->forbidden; } $comments->edit($this->idget(), $_POST['content']); return $this->html->h4->successmoderated; } } $status = isset($_POST['approve']) ? 'approved' : (isset($_POST['hold']) ? 'hold' : 'delete'); foreach ($_POST as $key => $id) { if (!is_numeric($id)) { continue; } if (!strbegin($key, 'checkbox-item-')) { continue; } $id = (int) $id; if ($status == 'delete') { if ($this->can($id, 'delete')) { $comments->delete($id); } } else { if ($this->moder) { $comments->setstatus($id, $status); } } } return $this->html->h4->successmoderated; }
public function getposttitle() { $post = tpost::i($this->post); return $post->title; }