function build($options = array())
     if (empty($options)) {
         return false;
     require_once WWW_ROOT . 'php-ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php';
     $chart = new open_flash_chart();
     if (isset($options['title']['txt'])) {
         $title = new title($options['title']['txt']);
         if (isset($options['title']['style'])) {
             $title->set_style("{" . $options['title']['style'] . "}");
     if (isset($options['chart']['bg'])) {
     if (isset($xOptions['color'])) {
     if (isset($xOptions['grid_colour'])) {
     $col = isset($options['color']) ? $options['color'] : null;
     $outlineCol = isset($options['outline_col']) ? $options['outline_col'] : null;
     if (isset($options['charts'])) {
         foreach ($options['charts'] as $chartOpts) {
             $type = isset($chartOpts['type']) ? $chartOpts['type'] : 'bar_filled';
             $diagram = new $type($chartOpts['col'], $chartOpts['outline']);
             if ($type == 'bar_3d') {
                 $diagram->colour = $col;
             if (isset($chartOpts['key'])) {
                 $diagram->key($chartOpts['key'], 12);
             $xAxis = $this->xAxis($options);
             if ($xAxis !== null) {
             $yAxis = $this->yAxis($options);
             if ($xAxis !== null) {
             if (isset($chartOpts['tooltip'])) {
     return $chart->toPrettyString();
 function clientstatAction()
     if (!$this->clientdashboardfilter()) {
     $this->view->activeTab = 'clientstat';
     // process data for chart
     include 'open-flash-chart.php';
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $this->view->campaign_id = $request->getParam('id');
     $campaignModel = new Campaign();
     $campaign = $campaignModel->fetchRow('id = ' . $this->view->campaign_id);
     //if session not exist, get data from webservice
     $reportMap = array();
     $array_data = $this->getReportCountbyCampaign($campaign, 0, $reportMap);
     $sum = 0;
     foreach ($array_data as $date) {
         $sum += $date;
     $i = 0;
     $maxY = 0;
     foreach ($array_data as $date) {
         $array_data[$i] = round($date * 100 / $sum, 1);
         if ($array_data[$i] > $maxY) {
             $maxY = $array_data[$i];
     // create chart
     $array_create_date = array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7');
     $title = new title("Kraft Spraks Comments");
     $title->set_style('{font-size: 14px; color: #FFFFFF; }');
     $max_y = floor($maxY / 10) * 10 + 10;
     $y = new y_axis();
     $y->set_range(0, $max_y, 10);
     $x = new x_axis();
     $x_labels = new x_axis_labels();
     $x->set_range(0, 7, 1);
     //There is a bug on the tooltip of bar: can not show #x_label#. So use bar_stack instead of bar here.
     $bar = new bar_filled();
     $array_bar_data[0] = new bar_value($array_data[0]);
     $array_bar_data[1] = new bar_value($array_data[1]);
     $array_bar_data[2] = new bar_value($array_data[2]);
     $array_bar_data[3] = new bar_value($array_data[3]);
     $array_bar_data[4] = new bar_value($array_data[4]);
     $array_bar_data[5] = new bar_value($array_data[5]);
     $array_bar_data[6] = new bar_value($array_data[6]);
     $array_bar_data[7] = new bar_value($array_data[7]);
     //		$bar->set_tooltip('#x_label#: #val#');
     //		$bar = new bar_stack();
     //		$bar->set_colours(array( '#E2D66A', '#A0C361' ));
     //		foreach ($array_data as $date):
     //		$bar->append_stack(array((int)$date));
     //		endforeach;
     $x_legend = new x_legend('Positive');
     $x_legend->set_style('{font-size: 30px; color: #FFFFFF; }');
     $y_legend = new y_legend($this->view->translate('(%)'));
     $y_legend->set_style('{font-size: 30px; color: #FFFFFF;}');
     $tags = new ofc_tags();
     $tags->font("Verdana", 14)->align_x_right();
     $tag_y_value = -($max_y * 0.3);
     $t = new ofc_tag(6.6, $tag_y_value);
     $t->text($this->view->translate('Client_Report Positive'))->colour("#177A16");
     $t2 = new ofc_tag(0.5, $tag_y_value);
     $t2->text($this->view->translate('Client_Report Negative'))->colour("#D88569");
     $t3 = new ofc_tag(-1, $max_y);
     $t4 = new ofc_tag(-0.7, $tag_y_value);
     $t4->text($this->view->translate('Client_Report No opinion'))->colour("#5D5D5D");
     $this->view->chart3 = new open_flash_chart();

include '../../includes/admin_config.php';
include 'ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php';
$days = 10;
$last_week = time() - 86400 * $days + 86400;
$the_last_week = date('M d', $last_week);
$title = new title("ClipBucket Daily Activity " . $the_last_week . " - " . date("M d"));
$title->set_style("{font-size:14px;font-family:Century Gothic;font-weight:bold}");
$vid_stats = $data['video_stats'];
$vid_stats = json_decode($vid_stats);
$year = array();
//Getting This Weeks Data
for ($i = 0; $i < $days; $i++) {
    if ($i < $days - 1) {
        $date_pattern = date("Y-m-d", $last_week + $i * 86400);
        //echo "date_added LIKE '%$date_pattern%'";
        $data = $db->select(tbl("stats"), "*", " date_added LIKE '%{$date_pattern}%' ", 1);
        $data = $data[0];
        $datas[] = $data;
    $year[] = date("M d", $last_week + $i * 86400);
for ($i = 0; $i < $days; $i++) {
    $day[$i]['video'] = json_decode($datas[$i]['video_stats']);
    $day[$i]['users'] = json_decode($datas[$i]['user_stats']);
    $day[$i]['groups'] = json_decode($datas[$i]['group_stats']);
$max = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $days; $i++) {
    if ($i == $days - 1) {
Exemple #4
                $theValue = $theValue != "" ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
            case "double":
                $theValue = $theValue != "" ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL";
            case "date":
                $theValue = $theValue != "" ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
            case "defined":
                $theValue = $theValue != "" ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
        return $theValue;
$title = new title();
$title->set_style("font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;");
$pie = new pie();
$pie->add_animation(new pie_fade());
$pie->set_tooltip('#val# ' . $multilingual_project_hour);
$pie->set_colours(array('#99C754', '#54C7C5', '#999999', '#996699', '#009900', '#77C600', '#ff7400', '#FF0000', '#4096ee', '#c79810'));
$projectid = $_GET['recordID'];
mysql_select_db($database_tankdb, $tankdb);
$query_Recordset_sumtotal = sprintf("SELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsum(csa_tb_manhour) as sum_hour \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM tk_task_byday \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE csa_tb_backup2 = %s", GetSQLValueString($projectid, "text"));
$Recordset_sumtotal = mysql_query($query_Recordset_sumtotal, $tankdb) or die(mysql_error());
$row_Recordset_sumtotal = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset_sumtotal);
$t = $row_Recordset_sumtotal['sum_hour'];
$sql = sprintf("SELECT * , sum(csa_tb_manhour) as summ1 FROM tk_task_byday \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join tk_task_tpye on\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE csa_tb_backup2 = %s GROUP BY csa_tb_backup4 ORDER BY summ1 DESC", GetSQLValueString($projectid, "text"));
$query = mysql_query($sql, $tankdb) or die(mysql_error());
Exemple #5
  * Sets the title above the chart. You can also style it with
  * css as the second parameter.
  * @example $flashChart->setTitle('Awesomeness');
  * @example $flashChart->setTitle('Coolness, by date','{font-size:26px;}');
  * @param string $title_text
  * @param string $style css
 public function setTitle($title_text, $style = '')
     $title = new title($title_text);
     if (empty($style)) {
         $style = $this->title_style;
$year[] = '2002';
$price[] = 69.90000000000001;
$year[] = '2003';
$price[] = 77.90000000000001;
$year[] = '2004';
$price[] = 77.90000000000001;
$year[] = '2005';
$price[] = 79.90000000000001;
$year[] = '2006';
$price[] = 88.90000000000001;
$year[] = '2007';
$price[] = 87.90000000000001;
$year[] = '2008';
$price[] = 103.9;
$chart = new open_flash_chart();
$title = new title('UK Petrol price (pence) per Litre');
$title->set_style("{font-size: 20px; color: #A2ACBA; text-align: center;}");
$area = new area();
$area->set_key('Price', 12);
$x_labels = new x_axis_labels();
// ²åÈëÊý¾Ý
$x = new x_axis();
$data = array();
$dataraw = array();
while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($r)) {
    $dataraw[$row['status']] = $row['status_total'];
$statuslist = array('1', '2', '7', '3', '4', '5', '6');
$statuscolor = array('1' => '#bababa', '2' => '#ababab', '7' => '#838383', '3' => '#900000', '4' => '#ffd200', '5' => '#0066CC', '6' => '#066303');
$statustext = array();
foreach ($statuslist as $status) {
    $text = ($status == '1' ? 'New ' : 'Moved to ') . improvement::getImprovementStatus($status);
    $statustext[$status] = $text;
    $bar = new bar_value(intval($dataraw[$status]));
    $data[$status] = $bar;
$title = new title('MIMS ' . $time_lookback_date . '-' . $time_lookuntil_date . ' (' . array_sum($dataraw) . ')');
$title->set_style("{font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;margin:5px 0 20px 0;}");
$chart = new open_flash_chart();
$pie = new pie();
$pie->add_animation( new pie_fade() );
$pie->set_tooltip('#val# of #total#<br>#percent# of 100%');
$pie->set_colours(array('#bababa', '#ababab', '#838383', '#900000', '#ffd200', '#0066CC', '#066303'));
$chart->add_element( $pie );
Exemple #8
  * public static function to generate two pie charts for the mailing reports
  * It was extracted because there are two graph in mailing for each mailing and general mailing which is the total
  * @param array $results data needed for graph values
 public static function mailingPieChart($results)
     $data = array();
     //First Pie, Pie Chart for HTML/TEXT format
     $valuesFormat = array();
     $pieHtmlValues = new pie_value((int) $results['html_sent'], _JNEWS_GRAPH_LBL_HTML);
     $pieTextValues = new pie_value((int) $results['text_sent'], _JNEWS_GRAPH_LBL_TEXT);
     $valuesFormat[] = $pieHtmlValues;
     $valuesFormat[] = $pieTextValues;
     if (empty($results['html_sent']) && empty($results['text_sent'])) {
         $data['pie1'] = 'empty';
     } else {
         $css = '{font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;color:#0B55C4;}';
         $title = new title(_JNEWS_GRAPH_TITLE_FORMAT);
         //Name of the newsletter
         $pieMailing = new pie();
         $pieMailing->add_animation(new pie_fade());
         $pieMailing->set_tooltip('#val#<br>#percent# of 100%');
         $pieMailing->set_colours(array('#156cbd', '#368d03', '#f7941d', '#ed145a', '#92278f', '#156cbd', '#182972', '#3e5d2b', '#db4b19', '#9d0039', '#440e62'));
         $chartPie = new open_flash_chart();
         $data['pie1'] = $chartPie->toPrettyString();
     //Second chart, Pie chart for the status of mailing process
     $valuesProcess = array();
     //$pieFailedlValues = new pie_value((int)$results['failed'], _JNEWS_MAILING_FAILED);
     //$pieBounceValues = new pie_value((int)$results['bounces'], _JNEWS_MAILING_BOUNCES);
     $piePendingValues = new pie_value((int) $results['pending'], _JNEWS_MAILING_PENDING);
     $pieSentValues = new pie_value((int) $results['sent'], _JNEWS_MAILING_SENT);
     //$valuesProcess[] = $pieFailedlValues;
     //$valuesProcess[] = $pieBounceValues;
     $valuesProcess[] = $piePendingValues;
     $valuesProcess[] = $pieSentValues;
     //if(!empty($results['failed']) && !empty($results['pending']) && !empty($results['bounces'])){
     if (!empty($results['sent']) || !empty($results['pending'])) {
         $css = '{font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;color:#0B55C4;}';
         $title = new title(_JNEWS_GRAPH_PIE_TITLE_MAIL);
         //Name of the newsletter
         $pieMailing = new pie();
         $pieMailing->add_animation(new pie_fade());
         $pieMailing->set_tooltip('#val#<br>#percent# of 100%');
         $pieMailing->set_colours(array('#156cbd', '#368d03', '#f7941d', '#ed145a', '#92278f', '#156cbd', '#182972', '#3e5d2b', '#db4b19', '#9d0039', '#440e62'));
         $chartPie = new open_flash_chart();
         $data['pie2'] = $chartPie->toPrettyString();
     } else {
         $data['pie2'] = 'empty';
     return $data;
 private function getChart($aGraphs)
     $oLabels = new x_axis_labels();
     $oX = new x_axis();
     $oX->set_colours('#000000', '#ffffff');
     $oChart = new open_flash_chart();
     $oTitle = new title($this->getTitle());
     $oTitle->set_style('font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;');
     $oTooltip = new tooltip('#val#');
     $oTooltip->set_body_style('font-size: 10px');
     $aY = array();
     foreach ($aGraphs as $k => $v) {
         $y = empty($v['y-right']) ? 0 : 1;
         $scale = empty($v['scale']) ? 1 : $v['scale'];
         if (!isset($aY[$y])) {
             $aY[$y] = new y_axis();
             $aY[$y]->set_colours($v['colour'], '#f6f6f6');
         if (empty($v['y-remap'])) {
             $this->setAxisRange($aY[$y], $k, $scale);
         } else {
             $this->remapSeries($aY[$y], $k, $scale);
         $oSeries = $this->getSeries($k, $v['type'], $v['colour']);
         if (!empty($this->drillDown)) {
         if ($y) {
         $aGraphs[$k] = $oSeries;
     foreach ($aY as $y => $e) {
         $method = $y ? 'set_y_axis_right' : 'set_y_axis';
     foreach ($aGraphs as $e) {
     return $oChart;
Exemple #10
function render_service_reports()
    $content = "<h1>Service Reports</h1>";
    // Start Filter for  service type
    $allServiceTypes = ServiceType::get_service_types();
    #	$allServiceTypes = array('all' => 'all');
    #$allServiceTypes = array_merge($allServiceTypes, ServiceType::get_service_types());
    $allServiceTypes['all'] = 'all';
    $service_type = $_GET['service_type'];
    $service_filter = $_GET['service_type'];
    if ($service_type == '' || !isset($service_type) || !is_numeric($service_type)) {
        $service_type = 'all';
        $service_filter = '';
    $filter = "\r\n\t\t<FORM>\r\n\t\t<DIV style=\" \">\r\n\t\t<SELECT name'=service_type_report'\r\n\t\t\tonChange=\"window.location='services.php?&action=serviceReports&service_type='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;\">";
    foreach ($allServiceTypes as $id => $name) {
        if ($service_type == $id) {
            $selected = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $selected = '';
        $filter .= "<OPTION value='{$id}' {$selected}>{$name}\n";
    $filter .= "\r\n\t\t</SELECT>\r\n\t\t</DIV>\r\n\t\t</FORM>\r\n\t";
    // End filter
    $max_date = strtotime("2009-01-01");
    $start_date = date("Y-m") . "-01";
    // Get all months since start
    $workdate = strtotime($start_date);
    $now = strtotime("Now");
    $form = new Form(auto, 3);
    $headings = array("Period", "In production", "Out of Production");
    $data = array();
    $x_ax_data = array();
    $y_ax_data = array();
    $handlers = array();
    while ($workdate > $max_date) {
        $sql_enddate = date("Y-m-d", $workdate);
        $month_period = date("m-Y", $workdate);
        // This is for the chart
        $month_label = date("M\nY", $workdate);
        $graph_date = strtotime("-1 month", $workdate);
        $month_label = date("M\nY", $graph_date);
        $sql_startdate = date("Y-m-d", $workdate);
        array_push($x_ax_data, $month_label);
        array_push($y_ax_data, count(Service::get_inprod_services_at_date($sql_startdate, $service_filter)));
        // Add one month
        $workdate = strtotime("-1 month", $workdate);
        $sql_startdate = date("Y-m-d", $workdate);
        $out_of_prod = count(Service::get_outprod_services_diff_date($sql_startdate, $sql_enddate, $service_filter));
        $in_prod = count(Service::get_inprod_services_diff_date($sql_startdate, $sql_enddate, $service_filter));
        array_push($data, "{$sql_startdate} {$sql_enddate}");
        array_push($data, $in_prod);
        array_push($data, $out_of_prod);
        array_push($handlers, "handleEvent('services.php?action=detailedServiceReports&start_date={$sql_startdate}&end_date={$sql_enddate}&service_type={$service_type}')");
    $content .= "<div style=\"float: left; clear: both; margin-right:28px\">" . $form->showForm() . "</div>";
    // Chart
    // This is the MODEL section:
    include 'open-flash-chart/php-ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php';
    // create an X Axis object
    $y_ax_data = array_reverse($y_ax_data);
    $x_ax_data = array_reverse($x_ax_data);
    $x = new x_axis();
    $max = max($y_ax_data);
    $y = new y_axis();
    $y->set_range(0, $max);
    // Bar
    $bar = new bar();
    // Bar
    // ------- LINE 2 -----
    $line_2_default_dot = new dot();
    $line_2 = new line();
    $chart = new open_flash_chart();
    $title = new title("In Production Services over Time");
    $title->set_style("{font-size: 10px; font-family: Times New Roman; font-weight: bold; color: #000; text-align: center;}");
    //$chart->add_element( $line1 );
    // This is the VIEW section:
    // Should print this first.
    $heading = "\r\n\t<script type='text/javascript' src='open-flash-chart/js/json/json2.js'></script>\r\n\t<script type='text/javascript' src='open-flash-chart/js/swfobject.js'></script>\r\n\t<script type='text/javascript'>\r\n\tswfobject.embedSWF('open-flash-chart/open-flash-chart.swf', 'my_chart', '660', '350', '9.0.0');\r\n\t</script>\r\n\r\n\t<script type='text/javascript'>\r\n\r\n\tfunction open_flash_chart_data() {\r\n\t\treturn JSON.stringify(data);\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tfunction findSWF(movieName) {\r\n  \t\tif (navigator.appName.indexOf('Microsoft')!= -1) {\r\n    \t\t\treturn window[movieName];\r\n  \t\t} else {\r\n    \t\t\treturn document[movieName];\r\n  \t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n    \r\n\tvar data = " . $chart->toPrettyString() . "\r\n\r\n\t</script>\r\n\r\n\r\n\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n \r\n\tOFC = {};\r\n \r\n\tOFC.jquery = {\r\n    \tname: 'jQuery',\r\n    \tversion: function(src) { return \$('#'+ src)[0].get_version() },\r\n    \trasterize: function (src, dst) { \$('#'+ dst).replaceWith(OFC.jquery.image(src)) },\r\n    \timage: function(src) { return \"<img src='data:image/png;base64,\" + \$('#'+src)[0].get_img_binary() + \"' />\"},\r\n    \tpopup: function(src) {\r\n        var img_win ='', 'Charts: Export as Image')\r\n        with(img_win.document) {\r\n            write('<html><head><title>Charts: Export as Image<\\/title><\\/head><body>' + OFC.jquery.image(src) + '<\\/body><\\/html>') }\r\n\t\t// stop the 'loading...' message\r\n\t\timg_win.document.close();\r\n     \t}\r\n\t}\r\n \r\n\t// Using_ an object as namespaces is JS Best Practice. I like the Control.XXX style.\r\n\t//if (!Control) {var Control = {}}\r\n\t//if (typeof(Control == \"undefined\")) {var Control = {}}\r\n\tif (typeof(Control == \"undefined\")) {var Control = {OFC: OFC.jquery}}\r\n \r\n \r\n\t// By default, right-clicking on OFC and choosing \"save image locally\" calls this function.\r\n\t// You are free to change the code in OFC and call my wrapper (Control.OFC.your_favorite_save_method)\r\n\t// function save_image() { alert(1); Control.OFC.popup('my_chart') }\r\n\tfunction save_image() { alert(\"Your image will be displayed in a new window\"); OFC.jquery.popup('my_chart') }\r\n\t</script>\r\n\t<div id='my_chart' style='float:left; margin-left:28px;'></div>\r\n\t";
    print " {$content}\n \r\n\t\t<div style=''<b>Select Service Type:</b>{$filter} <br></div>\n\r\n\t\t{$heading} ";
Exemple #11
 function netio()
     function bit_to_kb($n)
         return round($n / 1000, 2);
     function bit_to_mb($n)
         return round($n / 1000000, 2);
     function get_data()
         $recv_l = trim(shell_exec("cat /sys/class/net/eth0/statistics/rx_bytes")) / 8;
         $recv_n = trim(shell_exec("cat /sys/class/net/eth0/statistics/rx_bytes")) / 8;
         return $recv_n - $recv_l;
     if (array_key_exists('netio', $_SESSION) && array_key_exists('recv_l', $_SESSION)) {
         if (count($_SESSION['netio']) == 10) {
             $_SESSION['netio'][] = get_data();
         } else {
             $_SESSION['netio'][] = get_data();
             $_SESSION['recv_l'] = end($_SESSION['netio']);
     } else {
         $_SESSION['netio'] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
         $_SESSION['netio'][] = get_data();
         $_SESSION['recv_l'] = end($_SESSION['netio']);
     $data = $_SESSION['netio'];
       $data = array();
       $data[] = rand(1000000,10000000);
     foreach (range(1, 10) as $i) {
         settype($i, 'string');
         $second[] = $i;
     if (max($data) <= 1000) {
         $data = array_map("bit_to_kb", $data);
         $y_axis_max = 1;
         $y_axis_key_text = " KB/s";
     } elseif (max($data) <= 10000) {
         $data = array_map("bit_to_kb", $data);
         $y_axis_max = 10;
         $y_axis_key_text = " KB/s";
     } elseif (max($data) <= 100000) {
         $data = array_map("bit_to_kb", $data);
         $y_axis_max = 100;
         $y_axis_key_text = " KB/s";
     } elseif (max($data) <= 1000000) {
         $data = array_map("bit_to_kb", $data);
         $y_axis_max = 1000;
         $y_axis_key_text = " KB/s";
     } elseif (max($data) <= 10000000) {
         $data = array_map("bit_to_mb", $data);
         $y_axis_max = 10;
         $y_axis_key_text = " MB/s";
     } else {
         $data = array_map("bit_to_mb", $data);
         $y_axis_max = 100;
         $y_axis_key_text = " MB/s";
     $y_axis_step = $y_axis_max / 5;
     $chart = new open_flash_chart();
     $title = new title("实时流量显示");
     $title->set_style("{font-size: 12px; color: #A2ACBA; text-align: center;}");
     #		$d = new dot();
     #		$d->colour('#9C0E57')->size(3);
     $area = new area();
     #		$area->set_width(3);
     #		$area->set_default_dot_style($d);
     $area->set_key($y_axis_key_text, 10);
     $x_labels = new x_axis_labels();
     $x_axis = new x_axis();
     $legend_text = "当前网络流量 " . end($data) . $y_axis_key_text;
     $x_legend = new x_legend($legend_text);
     $x_legend->set_style('{font-size: 12px; color: #778877}');
     $y_axis = new y_axis();
     $y_axis->set_range(0, $y_axis_max, $y_axis_step);
     $y_axis->labels = null;
     header("Cache-Control: cache, must-revalidate");
     header("Pragma: public");
     echo $chart->toPrettyString();
Exemple #12
 function subscription()
     acymailing::setTitle(JText::_('CHARTS'), 'stats', 'diagram&task=subscription');
     $listsClass = acymailing::get('class.list');
     $lists = $listsClass->getLists('listid');
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $db->setQuery('SELECT min(subdate) as minsubdate, min(unsubdate) as minunsubdate FROM ' . acymailing::table('listsub'));
     $dates = $db->loadObject();
     $spaces = array();
     $intervals = 10;
     $dates->maxsubdate = time();
     $delay = ($dates->maxsubdate - $dates->minsubdate) / $intervals;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $intervals; $i++) {
         $spaces[$i] = (int) ($dates->minsubdate + $delay * $i);
     $spaces[$intervals] = $dates->maxsubdate;
     $results = array();
     $legendX = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $intervals; $i++) {
         $legendX[] = acymailing::getDate($spaces[$i]);
         $db->setQuery('SELECT count(subid) as total, listid FROM ' . acymailing::table('listsub') . ' WHERE `status` != 2 AND `subdate` < ' . $spaces[$i] . ' AND (`status` = 1 OR `unsubdate`>' . $spaces[$i] . ') GROUP BY listid');
         $results[$i] = $db->loadObjectList('listid');
     $title = new title(JText::_('SUB_HISTORY'));
     $title->set_style('font-size:20px; color: #FF8040');
     $lines = array();
     $maxSub = 0;
     foreach ($lists as $listid => $oneList) {
         $lines[$listid] = new line_base();
         $values = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i <= $intervals; $i++) {
             $values[] = empty($results[$i][$listid]->total) ? 0 : (int) $results[$i][$listid]->total;
         $maxSub = max($maxSub, max($values));
     $x_axis = new x_axis();
     $xlabelobject = new x_axis_labels();
     $y_axis = new y_axis();
     $y_axis->range(0, $maxSub, intval($maxSub / 10));
     $chart = new open_flash_chart();
     foreach ($lines as $oneLine) {
     $this->assignRef('chart', $chart);
Exemple #13
function stacked_bar_chart($host_instance_list)
    $title = new title('所有instance实际内存使用');
    $title->set_style("{color: #567300; font-size: 16px; font-weight:bold;}");
    $bar_stack = new bar_stack();
    $bar_stack->set_colours(array('#C4D318', '#7D7B6A'));
    $max = 64;
    foreach ($host_instance_list as $i => $instance) {
        $jvmmem = isset($instance['jvmmem']) ? explode('/', $instance['jvmmem']) : array();
        if ($jvmmem) {
            foreach ($jvmmem as &$j) {
                $j = intval($j);
            $max = $max < $jvmmem[1] ? $jvmmem[1] : $max;
            $jvmmem[1] = $jvmmem[1] - $jvmmem[0];
        $lables[] = $instance['port_num'];
        $services[$i] = $instance['service_name'];
    $bar_stack->set_keys(array(new bar_stack_key('#C4D318', 'used', 13), new bar_stack_key('#7D7B6A', 'total', 13)));
    $bar_stack->set_on_click('(function(x){var services=' . json_encode($services) . ';alert(services[x]);})');
    $y = new y_axis();
    $y->set_range(0, $max + 32, 256);
    $x = new x_axis();
    $tooltip = new tooltip();
    $chart = new open_flash_chart();
    return $chart->toPrettyString();
 function gsitedata()
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $solid = $this->Session->read('sol');
     $host_id = $this->Session->read('host_id');
     $tinterval = 3600;
     $host_srch = "";
     if (!empty($host_id) && $host_id != 0) {
         $host_srch = " AND source_id = " . $host_id;
     $this->DnsMessage->recursive = -1;
     $site_count = $this->DnsMessage->query('SELECT hostname, COUNT(*) FROM dns_messages WHERE sol_id = ' . $solid . $host_srch . ' GROUP BY hostname ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 50');
     $data = array();
     $x = array();
     $max_resp = 0;
     foreach ($site_count as $site) {
         $data[] = array((int) $site[0]['COUNT(*)'], 0);
         if ($max_resp < (int) $site[0]['COUNT(*)']) {
             $max_resp = (int) $site[0]['COUNT(*)'];
         if (empty($site[0]['hostname'])) {
             $x[] = (string) $site['dns_messages']['hostname'];
         } else {
             $x[] = (string) $site[0]['hostname'];
     // joson data format
     $title = new title(__("Host Popularity", true));
     $title->set_style("{font-size: 14px; color: #990000; text-align: center; font-weight:bold;}");
     $bar = new bar_stack();
     $bar->set_colours(array('#e77919', '#577261'));
     $bar->set_on_show(new bar_on_show('grow-up', 0, 0.5));
     $bar->set_tooltip('Host: #x_label#<br>Response #val#<br>');
     $tooltip = new tooltip();
     $data_labels = new x_axis_labels();
     $x_axis = new x_axis();
     $y = new y_axis();
     $y->set_range(0, $max_resp * 1.1, (int) ($max_resp / 10));
     $chart = new open_flash_chart();
     // menu'
     $m = new ofc_menu("#f0E0ff", "#878787");
     $m->values(array(new ofc_menu_item(__('DNS Response', true), 'go_gpage')));
     header("Content-Type: text/plain");
     echo $chart->toPrettyString();
for ($m = $lookback_in_months; $m >= 0; $m--) {
    $ts = strtotime("-{$m} months");
    if ($m == $lookback_in_months) {
        $time_lookback = strtotime(date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', $ts));
    $x_labels[] = date('M y', $ts);
    $x_values[date('Ym', $ts)] = 0;
//Query total unique mims moved to IN PROGRESS and grouped them monthly
$q = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(ish.status_time), '%Y%m') AS period" . ", COUNT(DISTINCT i.improvements_id) AS total_mims" . " FROM improvements i" . " INNER JOIN improvements_status_history ish" . " ON ish.improvements_id=i.improvements_id AND ish.status=3" . " WHERE i.department = {$team_id}" . " AND ish.status_time >= {$time_lookback}" . " GROUP BY period" . " ORDER BY period ASC";
$r = tep_db_query($q);
while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($r)) {
    $x_values[$row['period']] = intval($row['total_mims']);
$tdf = 'd.m.y';
$title = new title('Processed MIMS ' . date($tdf, $time_lookback) . ' - ' . date($tdf));
$title->set_style('{color: #567300; font-size: 14px}');
$bar = new bar_filled('#2020AC', '#202073', 10);
$xfs = 11;
//x fontsize
$yfs = 12;
//y fontsize
$hfs = 16;
//header fontsize
//create chart
$chart = new open_flash_chart();
$db = NULL;
$sql = NULL;
// This is the MODEL section:
include 'php-ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php';
// Make the chart
$chart = new open_flash_chart();
// Create a title object and set the text to todays date
//$title = new title( date("D M d Y") );
if (isset($e)) {
    $title = new title("Error: " . $e->getMessage());
} else {
    $title = new title("{$avg_min} Hours RVK Statistics");
$title->set_style("{font-size: 20px; font-family: Courier; font-weight: bold; color: #A2ACBA; text-align: center;}");
// add the title to the chart:
$m = new ofc_menu("#E0E0ff", "#707070");
$items[] = new ofc_menu_item('Refresh ','load');
$items[] = new ofc_menu_item('1 Hour  ','show_hour1');
$items[] = new ofc_menu_item('2 Hours ','show_hour2');
$items[] = new ofc_menu_item('6 Hours ','show_hour3');
$items[] = new ofc_menu_item('12 Hours','show_hour4');
$items[] = new ofc_menu_item('1 Day    ','show_hour5');
$items[] = new ofc_menu_item('3 Days   ','show_hour6');
$items[] = new ofc_menu_item('1 Week  ','show_hour7');
$items[] = new ofc_menu_item('2 Weeks ','show_hour8');
		FROM ' . $table . ' a INNER JOIN M_RT b ON a.RTID=b.RTId 
		WHERE a.RWID=' . $aRw[$_REQUEST['rwId']]['id'] . '
		GROUP BY a.RTID, b.Nama ORDER BY b.Nama, a.RTID';
$result = mssql_query($sql);
$data = array();
if (mssql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
    while ($val = mssql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $rt[] = 'RT ' . $val['RT'];
        $jumlah[] = $val['Jumlah'];
        $total = $val['total'];
        $tempJumlah = $val['Jumlah'];
        $maxJumlah = $maxJumlah > $tempJumlah ? $maxJumlah : $tempJumlah;
$max = 0;
$title = new title('Jumlah Data Peserta KB Per RT, RW ' . $aRw[$_REQUEST['rwId']]['nama'] . ' Total : ' . $total . ' ( ' . date("D M d Y") . ' ) ');
$title->set_style('{font-size:15px; color: #bcd6ff; margin:0px; background-color: #5E83BF;}');
$bar = new bar_3d();
$bar->colour = '#9999FF';
$bar->set_on_show(new bar_on_show('grow-up', 1, 0));
$labels = new x_axis_labels();
$y_base = new y_axis_base();
$y_base->set_range(0, $maxJumlah + round($maxJumlah / 2), round($maxJumlah / 10));
$x = new x_axis();
$y = new y_axis();
$tags = new ofc_tags();
Exemple #18
function getField37Title()
    //colocando todas as bibliotecas disponiveis na base na variavel collectionIssue
    $dataModel = new title();
    $allData = $dataModel->getAllTitles();
    $field37 = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($allData); $i++) {
        if ($allData[$i][37]) {
            array_push($field37, $allData[$i][37]);
    return array($field37);
Exemple #19
/** flowview_viewchart()
 *  This function is taken from Slowlog.  Given
 *  a title, chart type and chart data, it will
 *  echo the required syntax for the Callback
 *  from the chart page to operate corectly.
function flowview_viewchart()
    global $colors, $config;
    include $config['base_path'] . "/plugins/flowview/lib/open-flash-chart-object.php";
    include $config['base_path'] . "/plugins/flowview/lib/open-flash-chart.php";
    $title = $_REQUEST["title"];
    $chart_type = "bar";
    $column = $_REQUEST["type"];
    $sessionid = $_REQUEST["session"];
    /* get the chart data from the session */
    if (isset($_SESSION['flowview_flows'][$sessionid]['data'])) {
        $data = $_SESSION['flowview_flows'][$sessionid]['data'];
    } else {
        $filter = createfilter($sessionid);
        $data = $_SESSION['flowview_flows'][$sessionid]['data'];
    switch ($column) {
        case 'flows':
            $unit = ucfirst($column);
            $suffix = "Total Flows";
            $_SESSION['sess_flows_flows'] = 'on';
        case 'bytes':
            $unit = ucfirst($column);
            $suffix = "Bytes Exchanged";
            $_SESSION['sess_flows_bytes'] = 'on';
        case 'packets':
            $unit = ucfirst($column);
            $suffix = "Packets Examined";
            $_SESSION['sess_flows_packets'] = 'on';
    $columns = $_SESSION['flowview_flows'][$sessionid]['columns'];
    foreach ($columns as $key => $cdata) {
        if (strtolower($cdata) == $column) {
            $column = $key;
    if (sizeof($data)) {
        $elements = array();
        $legend = array();
        $maxvalue = 0;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['exclude']) && $_REQUEST['exclude'] > 0) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < $_REQUEST['exclude']; $i++) {
        foreach ($data as $row) {
            if ($maxvalue < $row[$column]) {
                $maxvalue = $row[$column];
                $scaling = flowview_autoscale($row[$column]);
        $maxvalue = flowview_getmax($maxvalue);
        $autorange = flowview_autoscale($maxvalue);
        $maxvalue = $maxvalue / $autorange[0];
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($data as $row) {
            $elements[$i] = new bar_value(round($row[$column] / $autorange[0], 3));
            $elements[$i]->set_tooltip($unit . ": #val# " . $autorange[1]);
            if (sizeof($row) == 4) {
                $legend[] = $row[0];
            } else {
                $legend[] = $row[0] . " -\n" . $row[1];
        $bar = new bar_glass();
        $title = new title($title . " (" . $suffix . ")");
        $title->set_style("{font-size: 18px; color: #444444; text-align: center;}");
        $x_axis_labels = new x_axis_labels();
        $x_axis = new x_axis();
        //$x_axis->set_3d( 3 );
        $x_axis->set_colours('#909090', '#909090');
        $y_axis = new y_axis();
        $y_axis->set_colours('#909090', '#909090');
        $y_axis->set_range(0, $maxvalue, $maxvalue / 10);
        $y_axis->set_label_text("#val# " . $autorange[1]);
        $chart = new open_flash_chart();
        echo $chart->toString();
  * 工作耗时饼猪状图
  *@param $id		传入的项目ID
 public function buglevel($id)
     $Public = A('Index', 'Public');
     $App = A('App', 'Public');
     $Report = M('Report_table');
     $id = intval($id);
     $color = array('#99C754', '#54C7C5', '#999999', '#996699', '#009900', '#77C600', '#ff7400', '#FF0000', '#4096ee', '#c79810');
     $level = $App->getJson('yanzhongxing', '/Linkage');
     $info = $Report->field('level,COUNT(id) as num')->where('pid=' . $id)->group('level')->order('level')->select();
     $title = new title();
     $title->set_style("font-size:13px; font-weight:bold;");
     $pie = new pie();
     $pie->add_animation(new pie_fade());
     $pie->add_animation(new pie_bounce(5));
     $pie->set_tooltip('数量:#val#条,  占:#percent#');
     foreach ($info as $k => $t) {
         $obj = new pie_value(intval($t['num']), '');
         $name = $Public->searchArr($level, 'id', $t['level']);
         $obj->set_label($name . ':' . $t['num'] . '条', $color[$k], 12);
         $dis_value[] = $obj;
     $chart = new open_flash_chart();
     $chart->x_axis = null;
     $chart->bg_colour = '#FFFFFF';
     echo $chart->toPrettyString();
Exemple #21
 function build()
     //set chart title
     $chart_title = new title($this->title);
     $chart_title->set_style('font-size:' . $this->title_size . 'px; color:' . $this->title_color . ';font-weight:bold;');
     //set chart bg color
     //set chart legend
     //add elements to chart
     foreach ($this->elements as $key => $value) {
     //Axis definition
     switch ($this->type) {
         case self::BAR_HORIZONTAL:
             //Increase max value for better chart's look and feel
             //$this->x_axis_max_val += $this->x_axis_step;
             /*** X AXIS ***/
             //If labels are defined
             if ($this->x_axis_labels != NULL) {
                 $this->x_axis->set_range(0, sizeof($this->x_axis_labels->labels) - 1);
             } else {
                 //Set default labels
                 //No labels will be added; it's a trick to give style to labels assigned with set_range.
                 $this->x_axis_labels = new x_axis_labels();
                 //End trick
                 $this->x_axis->set_range(0, $this->x_axis_max_val);
             /*** Y AXIS ***/
             //If labels are defined
             if ($this->y_axis_labels != NULL) {
                 $this->y_axis->set_range(0, sizeof($this->y_axis_labels->labels) - 1);
                 //$this->y_axis_labels->rotate($this->y_axis_labels_rotation); //*******************
             } else {
                 //Set default labels
                 $this->y_axis->set_range(0, $this->y_axis_max_val - 1);
                 $this->y_axis->set_range($this->y_axis_min_val < 0 ? $this->y_axis_min_val : 0, $this->y_axis_max_val, $this->y_axis_step);
         case self::DONUT:
         case self::PIE:
         case self::RADAR:
             //Increase max value for better chart's look and feel
             //$this->y_axis_max_val += $this->y_axis_step;
             /*** Y AXIS ***/
             //overwrite axis definition
             $this->y_axis = new radar_axis($this->y_axis_max_val);
             //Increase max value for better chart's look and feel
             //$this->y_axis_max_val += $this->y_axis_step;
             //$this->y_axis_max_val += $this->y_axis_step;
             /*** X AXIS ***/
             //thickness and offset
             switch ($this->type) {
                 case self::LINE:
                 case self::STACKED_AREA:
                 case self::LINE_AREA:
                 case self::BAR_3D:
                 case self::BAR_CYLINDER:
                 case self::BAR_CYLINDER_OUTLINE:
                 case self::BAR_DOME:
                 case self::BAR_ROUND_3D:
             //If labels are defined
             if ($this->x_axis_labels != NULL) {
             } else {
                 //Set default labels
                 //No labels will be added; it's a trick to give style to labels assigned with set_range.
                 $this->x_axis_labels = new x_axis_labels();
                 //End trick
             /*** Y AXIS ***/
             //If labels are defined
             if ($this->y_axis_labels != NULL) {
             } else {
                 //Set default labels
                 //No labels will be added; it's a trick to give style to labels assigned with set_range.
                 $this->y_axis_labels = new y_axis_labels();
                 //End trick
                 $this->y_axis->set_range($this->y_axis_min_val < 0 ? $this->y_axis_min_val : 0, $this->y_axis_max_val, $this->y_axis_step);
    $sent = 0;
    $package = 0;
//$y_max = max(array($sourcing, $open, $start, $finish, $package, $sent));
$y_max = max(array($sourcing, $start, $ready, $pullrack, $workshop, $ampol, $lab, $finish, $package, $sent));
if ($y_max < 100) {
    $y_max = 100;
$step = $y_max < 1000 ? 50 : round($y_max / 1000) * 100;
if ($y_max > 100) {
    $y_max += $fullscreen ? 2 * $step : $step;
if ($fullscreen) {
    $yfs = $y_max >= 1000 ? 16 : ($y_max >= 500 ? 20 : 30);
$title = new title("{$header_title}");
$title->set_style("{font-size:" . $hfs . "px; font-weight:bold; color:#000, bottom:20px;}");
//$data = array('SOURCING'=>intval($sourcing), 'NEW'=>intval($start), 'OPEN'=>intval($open), 'FINISH'=>intval($finish), 'IN PACKAGE'=>intval($package), 'SENT TO HH'=>intval($sent));
$data = array('SOURCING' => intval($sourcing), 'NEW' => intval($start), 'READY' => intval($ready), 'PULLRACK' => intval($pullrack), 'SOLDER SETTING' => intval($workshop), 'AMPOL AND QC' => intval($ampol), 'LAB' => intval($lab), 'FINISH' => intval($finish), 'IN PACKAGE' => intval($package), 'SENT TO HH' => intval($sent));
if ($bar_selected != '') {
    $dt = array();
    foreach ($bar_selected as $data_key) {
        if ($fullscreen) {
            //translate textbar to indonesian
            //$bar_to_translate = array('NEW', 'READY', 'PULLRACK', 'FINISH');
            $bar_to_translate = array();
            if (in_array($data_key, $bar_to_translate)) {
                if ($data_key == 'NEW') {
                    $dt['BARU'] = $data[$data_key];
                } elseif ($data_key == 'READY') {
                    $dt['AKAN DATANG'] = $data[$data_key];
Exemple #23
 function getNewUsersByTime($timePhase, $fromDate = '', $toDate = '')
     $userId = $this->common->getUserId();
     $toTime = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-1 day"));
     if ($timePhase == "7day") {
         $fromTime = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-8 day"));
         $color = CHART_LINE_1;
         $key = "近7日新增用户";
         $title = new title("近7日新增用户统计");
     if ($timePhase == "1month") {
         $title = new title("近30天新增用户统计");
         $fromTime = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-31 day"));
         $color = CHART_LINE_2;
         $key = "近30天新增用户统计";
     if ($timePhase == "3month") {
         $title = new title("近三个月新增用户统计");
         $fromTime = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-92 day"));
         $color = CHART_LINE_3;
         $key = "近三个月新增用户统计";
     if ($timePhase == "all") {
         $title = new title("所有新增用户统计");
         $fromTime = '1970-01-01';
         $color = CHART_LINE_4;
         $key = "所有新增用户统计";
     if ($timePhase == "any") {
         $title = new title("所有新增用户统计");
         $fromTime = $fromDate;
         $toTime = $toDate;
         $color = CHART_LINE_4;
         $key = "所有新增用户统计";
     $fromTime = $this->product->getUserStartDate($userId, $fromTime);
     $query = $this->newusermodel->getNewUsersByUserId($fromTime, $toTime, $userId);
     $data = array();
     $maxY = 0;
     $recordCount = $query->num_rows();
     $steps = $recordCount - 1 <= 10 ? 2 : (int) (((int) $recordCount - 1) / 10);
     $xlabelArray = array();
     if ($query != null && $query->num_rows() > 0) {
         foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
             $dot = new dot();
             $dot->tooltip($row->startdate . " 新增" . $row->totalusers . "用户");
             $dot->value((int) $row->totalusers);
             if ((int) $row->totalusers > $maxY) {
                 $maxY = (int) $row->totalusers;
             array_push($xlabelArray, date('y-m-d', strtotime($row->startdate)));
             array_push($data, $dot);
     $y = new y_axis();
     $y->set_range(0, $this->common->getMaxY($maxY), $this->common->getStepY($maxY));
     $x = new x_axis();
     $x->set_range(0, $recordCount > 1 ? $recordCount - 1 : 1);
     $x_labels = new x_axis_labels();
     $dot = new dot();
     $line = new line();
     $line->set_key($key, 12);
     $title->set_style("{font-size: 14px; color:#000000; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;}");
     // 		$x_legend = new x_legend("<a href=\"javascript:changeChartName('chartNewUser')\">新增用户</a> <a href=\"javascript:changeChartName('chartActiveUser')\">活跃用户</a> <a href=\"javascript:changeChartName('chartStartUser')\">启动用户</a>");
     // 		$this->ofc->set_x_legend( $x_legend );
     // 		$x_legend->set_style( '{font-size: 14px; color: #778877}' );
     echo $this->ofc->toPrettyString();
Exemple #24
$ofc_path = "../../include/ofc-2-Kvasir/php-ofc-library";
include "{$ofc_path}/open-flash-chart.php";
$d = array();
$rads = $alertaVerde + $alertaRoja + $alertaAmarilla;
//echo "$alertaVerde + $alertaRoja + $alertaAmarilla <hr>";
$d[] = new pie_value(round($alertaVerde), "<10");
$d[] = new pie_value(round($alertaRoja), "<0");
$slice = new pie_value(round($alertaAmarilla), ">10");
$d[] = $slice;
if (!$rads) {
    $rads = 1;
$d[] = new pie_value(1 * 100 / $rads, "");
$pie = new pie();
$title = new title('Estado de Radicados En Bandeja');
$title->set_style("{font-size: 9px; color: #F24062; text-align: center;}");
$pie->add_animation(new pie_fade());
$pie->set_tooltip('#label#<br>Numero de Radicados #val# (#percent#)');
// default on-click event
$pie->set_colours(array('#77CC6D', '#f9022b', '#f6ed05'));
Exemple #25
    echo '[' . mysql_errno() . ']' . PHP_EOL . mysql_error() . PHP_EOL;
    echo $ok . PHP_EOL . $stmt;
} else {
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($ok)) {
        $time_axis[] = date("H:i", strtotime($row->Time));
        $data_watt[] = round((double) $row->Watt, 3);
        //$data_max[]    = round((float)$row->maxWatt,3) ;
        $data_tot[] = round((double) $row->ETotal, 3);
    $chart = new open_flash_chart();
    if (count($time_axis) == 0) {
        echo 0;
    $title = new title("\n" . date('l dS F Y', $time) . " (" . round(max($data_tot) - min($data_tot), 2) . " kWh)");
    $title->set_style('{font-size: 20px; color: #778877;}');
    $tooltip = new tooltip();
    $sline = new scatter_line('#3D3D3D', 3);
    $def = new hollow_dot();
    $sline->set_key('Leistung (W)', 11);
    $v = array();
    foreach ($data_watt as $key => $val) {
        $v[] = new scatter_value($key, $val);
        $v[] = new scatter_value($key + 1, $val);
    $bars_curr = new bar_glass();
Exemple #26
// line properties
$d = new hollow_dot();
// title properties
$portfolio_type = array("", "Unknown", "401(k)", "Traditional IRA", "Roth IRA", "SIMPLE IRA", "SEP-IRA", "Solo 401(k)", "Roth 401(k)", "403(b)", "Other");
$type_idx = $_GET['i'];
$type_idx = $type_idx == 0 ? $type_idx : $type_idx - 1;
$title = new title("Individual Portfolio Performance (" . $portfolio_type[$type_idx] . ")");
$title->set_style("{font-size: 25px; font-family: Calibri; font-weight: bold; color: #121212; text-align: center;}");
// y axis properties
$y = new y_axis();
$y_min = 0.0;
$y_max = 0.0;
$y_min = floor(0.995 * $amt_min);
$y_max = ceil(1.005 * $amt_max);
$y->set_range($y_min, $y_max, round(($y_max - $y_min) / 5.0));
// y legend properties
$y_legend = new y_legend('Amount ($)');
$y_legend->set_style('{font-size:15px; font-family:Calibri; color:#121212}');
Exemple #27
 public function setTitle($text, $css)
     $title = new title($text);
Exemple #28
die('<p style="font-size:36px;color:black;font-weight:bold;">404!</p>');
 * определяем title, keywords, description, h1		
// получаем метатеги для текущего контроллера
$_arr = dbh::get_title();
// инициализируем класс
$title = new title();
if ($_arr) {
    // устанавливаем свойства
    $title->title = NAME_FIRMS . ' - ' . $_arr['title'];
    $_arr['keywords'] != '' ? $title->keywords = $_arr['keywords'] : ($title->keywords = $_arr['title']);
    $_arr['description'] != '' ? $title->description = $_arr['description'] : ($title->description = $_arr['title']);
    $_arr['h1'] != '' ? $title->h1 = $_arr['h1'] : ($title->h1 = $_arr['title']);
global $_str;
// check for crack!
if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
} else {
    $_GET['page'] = 1;
// добавление новости
if (system::IsPost()) {
    if (!captcha::check_captcha()) {
        //выводим сообщение
$q .= " AND o.orders_status<=10";
$q .= " UNION ALL";
$sp_active = $class_sp->retrieveList();
//Products sold on sp's
$q .= " SELECT jo.order_date, joi.order_quantity AS products";
$q .= " FROM jng_sp_orders jo";
$q .= " LEFT JOIN jng_sp_orders_items joi ON joi.jng_sp_orders_id=jo.jng_sp_orders_id";
$q .= " WHERE jo.jng_sp_id IN (" . implode(',', array_keys($sp_active)) . ") AND jo.order_date>=DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL {$days} DAY) AND joi.status NOT IN (10,12)";
$q .= ")dt ORDER BY order_date";
$res = tep_db_query($q);
while ($r = tep_db_fetch_array($res)) {
    $p = date($format_date, strtotime($r['order_date']));
    $bar_values[$p] += $r['products'];
//Start constructing charts
$title = new title('Last ' . $days . ' Days Sales Chart');
$title->set_style("{font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; padding:10px;}");
$chart = new open_flash_chart();
$area = new area();
$area->set_key('Products', 12);
//define x-axis
$x_labels = new x_axis_labels();
$x = new x_axis();
Exemple #30
function generateStats($params)
    global $reportCacheLocation;
    // Computer Statistics Generation
    $dbTrackHandler = connectDb();
    $resultBag = generateStatsBag($params, $dbTrackHandler);
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    // Generate charts
    $animation_1 = isset($params['animation_1']) ? $params['animation_1'] : 'pop';
    $delay_1 = isset($params['delay_1']) ? $params['delay_1'] : 0.5;
    $cascade_1 = isset($params['cascade_1']) ? $params['cascade_1'] : 1;
    $title = new title("Genie Report: " . $params['reportName'] . " - Generated on " . date('Y/m/d h:i:s A'));
    $title->set_style("{font-size: 12px; color: #000000; text-align: center;}");
    $bar_stack = new bar_stack();
    if ($params['reportType'] == 'computerStats') {
        foreach ($resultBag as $elm) {
            if ($tmpTotal == 0) {
                $tmpTotal = 1;
            // Only Chuck Norris can divide by Zero.
            $bar_stack->append_stack(array($elm[AVAIBILITY_TYPE_OFFLINE] / $tmpTotal * 100, $elm[AVAIBILITY_TYPE_AVAILABLE] / $tmpTotal * 100, $elm[AVAIBILITY_TYPE_BUSY] / $tmpTotal * 100));
        $bar_stack->set_colours(array('#FF0000', '#00FF00', '#A25B00'));
        $bar_stack->set_keys(array(new bar_stack_key('#FF0000', 'OFFLINE', 13), new bar_stack_key('#00FF00', 'FREE', 13), new bar_stack_key('#A25B00', 'BUSY', 13)));
    } else {
        $allProgNames = array();
        foreach ($resultBag as $elm) {
            $progNames = array_keys($elm);
            foreach ($progNames as $progName) {
                if (validProgram($progName)) {
                    if (!array_key_exists($progName, $allProgNames)) {
                        $allProgNames[$progName] = "#" . dechex(rand(0, 10000000));
        $progsArray = array();
        foreach ($resultBag as $elm) {
            $tmpTotal = 0;
            $progNames = array_keys($elm);
            foreach ($elm as $programName => $programWeight) {
                if (validProgram($programName)) {
                    $tmpTotal += $programWeight;
            //echo "<h1>$tmpTotal</h1>";
            if ($tmpTotal == 0) {
                $tmpTotal = 1;
            // Only Chuck Norris can divide by Zero.
            $progs = array();
            foreach ($elm as $programName => $programWeight) {
                if (validProgram($programName)) {
                    $percentVal = $programWeight / $tmpTotal * 100;
                    $progs[] = new bar_stack_value($percentVal, $allProgNames[$programName]);
                    $progsArray[$percentVal * 1000000] = $programName;
        $legends = array();
        //$strAllProgNames = array_keys($allProgNames);
        foreach ($allProgNames as $programName => $programColor) {
            $legends[] = new bar_stack_key($programColor, $programName, 13);
        echo "<pre>";
        while (list($key, $value) = each($progsArray)) {
            $kw = $key / 1000000;
            echo "{$kw}: {$value}<br />\n";
        echo "</pre>";
    //$bar_stack->set_tooltip( 'In #x_label# you get #total# days holiday a year.<br>Number of days: #val#' );
    $bar_stack->set_on_show(new bar_on_show($animation_1, $cascade_1, $delay_1));
    $y = new y_axis();
    $y->set_range(0, 100, 10);
    //$y->set_range( 0, $tmpMax, $tmpMax/10 );
    $x_labels = new x_axis_labels();
    $x = new x_axis();
    $tooltip = new tooltip();
    $chart = new open_flash_chart();
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    $cacheid = time();
    $filename = $cacheid . '.cache.json';
    $myFile = "{$reportCacheLocation}/reports-cache/" . $filename;
    $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file");
    fwrite($fh, $chart->toPrettyString());
    return $cacheid;