/** * Initialize the Search */ public static function initialize() { if (self::$index === false) { // Initialize the ezc/Zend Search class if (titania::$config->search_backend == 'zend') { if (!is_writable(TITANIA_ROOT . self::store_path)) { throw new exception(self::store_path . ' must be writable to use the Zend Lucene Search'); } $handler = new ezcSearchZendLuceneHandler(TITANIA_ROOT . self::store_path); } else { if (titania::$config->search_backend == 'solr') { $handler = new ezcSearchSolrHandler(titania::$config->search_backend_ip, titania::$config->search_backend_port); // In case Solr would happen to go down.. if (!$handler->connection) { // Log this as an error titania::log(TITANIA_ERROR, 'Solr Server not responding'); self::$do_not_index = true; return false; } } else { throw new exception('We need a proper search backend selected'); } } $manager = new ezcSearchEmbeddedManager(); self::$index = new ezcSearchSession($handler, $manager); return true; } }
// Hack for local phpbb::$config['site_upload_dir'] = !isset(phpbb::$config['site_upload_dir']) ? '../phpBB3_titania/files/contribdb' : '../../' . phpbb::$config['site_upload_dir']; $screenshots_dir = phpbb::$config['site_upload_dir'] . '/demo/'; // Table prefix $ariel_prefix = 'community_site_'; $limit = 1000; $mod_validation_trash_forum = 28; $style_validation_trash_forum = 83; $step = request_var('step', 0); $start = request_var('start', 0); // Populated later $total = 0; $display_message = ''; // We index later... titania_search::initialize(); titania_search::$do_not_index = true; $tags_to_cats = array(9 => 12, 10 => 13, 11 => 15, 12 => 14, 30 => 8, 31 => 3, 32 => 4, 33 => 6, 34 => 6, 35 => 5, 36 => 6, 37 => 7, 106 => 9, 107 => 4, 108 => 10, 155 => 12, 165 => 12, 175 => 12, 195 => 16, 235 => 16); $queue_swap = array(1 => TITANIA_QUEUE_NEW, 2 => TITANIA_QUEUE_NEW, 3 => 19, 4 => 20, -1 => TITANIA_QUEUE_APPROVED, -2 => TITANIA_QUEUE_DENIED); switch ($step) { case 0: trigger_error('Are you ready to begin the conversion? All old data in Titania will be lost!<br /><br /><a href="' . append_sid(TITANIA_ROOT . 'ariel_convert.' . PHP_EXT, 'step=1') . '">Continue with the converter</a>'); break; case 1: $truncate = array(TITANIA_AUTOMOD_QUEUE_TABLE, TITANIA_REVISIONS_PHPBB_TABLE, TITANIA_ATTENTION_TABLE, TITANIA_QUEUE_TABLE, TITANIA_ATTACHMENTS_TABLE, TITANIA_AUTHORS_TABLE, TITANIA_CONTRIBS_TABLE, TITANIA_CONTRIB_COAUTHORS_TABLE, TITANIA_CONTRIB_FAQ_TABLE, TITANIA_CONTRIB_IN_CATEGORIES_TABLE, TITANIA_POSTS_TABLE, TITANIA_RATINGS_TABLE, TITANIA_REVISIONS_TABLE, TITANIA_TOPICS_TABLE, TITANIA_TRACK_TABLE, TITANIA_WATCH_TABLE); foreach ($truncate as $table) { phpbb::$db->sql_query('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . $table); } // Truncate search index titania_search::truncate(); // Clean up the files directory foreach (scandir(titania::$config->upload_path) as $item) {