private function copy_linked_tcversions($id, $new_tplan_id, $user_id = -1, $options = null, $mappings = null, $build_id_mapping) { $debugMsg = 'Class:' . __CLASS__ . ' - Method: ' . __FUNCTION__; $my['options']['tcversion_type'] = null; $my['options']['copy_assigned_to'] = 0; $my['options'] = array_merge($my['options'], (array) $options); $now_ts = $this->db->db_now(); $sql = "/* {$debugMsg} */ "; if ($my['options']['copy_assigned_to']) { // BUGID 3846 $sql .= " SELECT TPTCV.*, COALESCE(UA.user_id,-1) AS tester, " . " COALESCE(UA.build_id,0) as assigned_build " . " FROM {$this->tables['testplan_tcversions']} TPTCV " . " LEFT OUTER JOIN {$this->tables['user_assignments']} UA ON " . " UA.feature_id = " . " WHERE testplan_id={$id} "; } else { $sql .= " SELECT TPTCV.* FROM {$this->tables['testplan_tcversions']} TPTCV" . " WHERE testplan_id={$id} "; } $rs = $this->db->get_recordset($sql); if (!is_null($rs)) { $tcase_mgr = new testcase($this->db); $doMappings = !is_null($mappings); // BUGID 3846 $already_linked_versions = array(); foreach ($rs as $elem) { $tcversion_id = $elem['tcversion_id']; // Seems useless - 20100204 $feature_id = $elem['id']; if (!is_null($my['options']['tcversion_type'])) { $sql = "/* {$debugMsg} */ SELECT * FROM {$this->tables['nodes_hierarchy']} WHERE id={$tcversion_id} "; $rs2 = $this->db->get_recordset($sql); $last_version_info = $tcase_mgr->get_last_version_info($rs2[0]['parent_id']); $tcversion_id = $last_version_info ? $last_version_info['id'] : $tcversion_id; } // mapping need to be done with: // platforms // test case versions $platform_id = $elem['platform_id']; if ($doMappings) { if (isset($mappings['platforms'][$platform_id])) { $platform_id = $mappings['platforms'][$platform_id]; } if (isset($mappings['test_spec'][$tcversion_id])) { $tcversion_id = $mappings['test_spec'][$tcversion_id]; } } $sql = "/* {$debugMsg} */ " . " INSERT INTO {$this->tables['testplan_tcversions']} " . " (testplan_id,tcversion_id,platform_id,node_order,urgency) " . " VALUES({$new_tplan_id},{$tcversion_id},{$platform_id}," . " {$elem['node_order']},{$elem['urgency']})"; //echo "<br>debug - <b><i>" . __FUNCTION__ . "</i></b><br><b>" . $sql . "</b><br>"; // BUGID 3846 if (!in_array($tcversion_id, $already_linked_versions)) { $this->db->exec_query($sql); $new_feature_id = $this->db->insert_id($this->tables['testplan_tcversions']); $already_linked_versions[] = $tcversion_id; } if ($my['options']['copy_assigned_to'] && $elem['tester'] > 0) { $features_map = array(); $feature_id = $new_feature_id; $features_map[$feature_id]['user_id'] = $elem['tester']; // BUGID 3846 $features_map[$feature_id]['build_id'] = $build_id_mapping[$elem['assigned_build']]; $features_map[$feature_id]['type'] = $this->assignment_types['testcase_execution']['id']; $features_map[$feature_id]['status'] = $this->assignment_status['open']['id']; $features_map[$feature_id]['creation_ts'] = $now_ts; $features_map[$feature_id]['assigner_id'] = $user_id; if ($features_map[$feature_id]['build_id'] != 0) { $this->assignment_mgr->assign($features_map); } } } } }
/** * get_children_testcases * get only test cases with parent=testsuite without doing a deep search * */ function get_children_testcases($id, $details = 'simple') { $testcases = null; $only_id = $details == 'only_id' ? true : false; $subtree = $this->tree_manager->get_children($id, array('testsuite' => 'exclude_me')); $doit = !is_null($subtree); if ($doit) { $tsuite = $this->get_by_id($id); $tsuiteName = $tsuite['name']; $testcases = array(); foreach ($subtree as $the_key => $elem) { if ($only_id) { $testcases[] = $elem['id']; } else { $testcases[] = $elem; } } $doit = count($testcases) > 0; } if ($doit && $details == 'full') { $rs = array(); $tcase_mgr = new testcase($this->db); foreach ($testcases as $idx => $value) { $item = $tcase_mgr->get_last_version_info($value['id']); $item['tcversion_id'] = $item['id']; $parent['tsuite_name'] = $tsuiteName; unset($item['id']); $rs[] = $value + $item + $tsuite; } $testcases = $rs; } return $testcases; }
function saveImportedTCData(&$db, $tcData, $tproject_id, $container_id, $userID, $kwMap, $duplicatedLogic = array('hitCriteria' => 'name', 'actionOnHit' => null)) { static $messages; static $fieldSizeCfg; static $feedbackMsg; static $tcase_mgr; static $tproject_mgr; static $req_spec_mgr; static $req_mgr; static $safeSizeCfg; static $linkedCustomFields; static $tprojectHas; static $reqSpecSet; static $getVersionOpt; static $userObj; if (!$tcData) { return; } // $tprojectHas = array('customFields' => false, 'reqSpec' => false); $hasCustomFieldsInfo = false; $hasRequirements = false; if (is_null($messages)) { $feedbackMsg = array(); $messages = array(); $fieldSizeCfg = config_get('field_size'); $tcase_mgr = new testcase($db); $tproject_mgr = new testproject($db); $req_spec_mgr = new requirement_spec_mgr($db); $req_mgr = new requirement_mgr($db); $userObj = new tlUser(); $k2l = array('already_exists_updated', 'original_name', 'testcase_name_too_long', 'start_warning', 'end_warning', 'testlink_warning', 'hit_with_same_external_ID'); foreach ($k2l as $k) { $messages[$k] = lang_get($k); } $messages['start_feedback'] = $messages['start_warning'] . "\n" . $messages['testlink_warning'] . "\n"; $messages['cf_warning'] = lang_get('no_cf_defined_can_not_import'); $messages['reqspec_warning'] = lang_get('no_reqspec_defined_can_not_import'); $feedbackMsg['cfield'] = lang_get('cf_value_not_imported_missing_cf_on_testproject'); $feedbackMsg['tcase'] = lang_get('testcase'); $feedbackMsg['req'] = lang_get('req_not_in_req_spec_on_tcimport'); $feedbackMsg['req_spec'] = lang_get('req_spec_ko_on_tcimport'); // because name can be changed automatically during item creation // to avoid name conflict adding a suffix automatically generated, // is better to use a max size < max allowed size $safeSizeCfg = new stdClass(); $safeSizeCfg->testcase_name = $fieldSizeCfg->testcase_name * 0.8; // Get CF with scope design time and allowed for test cases linked to this test project $linkedCustomFields = $tcase_mgr->cfield_mgr->get_linked_cfields_at_design($tproject_id, 1, null, 'testcase', null, 'name'); $tprojectHas['customFields'] = !is_null($linkedCustomFields); $reqSpecSet = $tproject_mgr->getReqSpec($tproject_id, null, array('', ' AS title', 'RSPEC.doc_id as rspec_doc_id', 'REQ.req_doc_id'), 'req_doc_id'); $tprojectHas['reqSpec'] = !is_null($reqSpecSet) && count($reqSpecSet) > 0; $getVersionOpt = array('output' => 'minimun'); $tcasePrefix = $tproject_mgr->getTestCasePrefix($tproject_id); } $resultMap = array(); $tc_qty = sizeof($tcData); $userIDCache = array(); for ($idx = 0; $idx < $tc_qty; $idx++) { $tc = $tcData[$idx]; $name = $tc['name']; $summary = $tc['summary']; $steps = $tc['steps']; // I've changed value to use when order has not been provided // from testcase:DEFAULT_ORDER to a counter, because with original solution // an issue arise with 'save execution and go next' // if use has not provided order I think is OK TestLink make any choice. $node_order = isset($tc['node_order']) ? intval($tc['node_order']) : $idx + 1; $internalid = $tc['internalid']; $preconditions = $tc['preconditions']; $exec_type = isset($tc['execution_type']) ? $tc['execution_type'] : TESTCASE_EXECUTION_TYPE_MANUAL; $importance = isset($tc['importance']) ? $tc['importance'] : MEDIUM; $externalid = $tc['externalid']; if (intval($externalid) <= 0) { $externalid = null; } $personID = $userID; if (!is_null($tc['author_login'])) { if (isset($userIDCache[$tc['author_login']])) { $personID = $userIDCache[$tc['author_login']]; } else { $userObj->login = $tc['author_login']; if ($userObj->readFromDB($db, tlUser::USER_O_SEARCH_BYLOGIN) == tl::OK) { $personID = $userObj->dbID; } // I will put always a valid userID on this cache, // this way if author_login does not exit, and is used multiple times // i will do check for existence JUST ONCE. $userIDCache[$tc['author_login']] = $personID; } } $name_len = tlStringLen($name); if ($name_len > $fieldSizeCfg->testcase_name) { // Will put original name inside summary $xx = $messages['start_feedback']; $xx .= sprintf($messages['testcase_name_too_long'], $name_len, $fieldSizeCfg->testcase_name) . "\n"; $xx .= $messages['original_name'] . "\n" . $name . "\n" . $messages['end_warning'] . "\n"; $summary = nl2br($xx) . $summary; $name = tlSubStr($name, 0, $safeSizeCfg->testcase_name); } $kwIDs = null; if (isset($tc['keywords']) && $tc['keywords']) { $kwIDs = implode(",", buildKeywordList($kwMap, $tc['keywords'])); } $doCreate = true; if ($duplicatedLogic['actionOnHit'] == 'update_last_version') { switch ($duplicatedLogic['hitCriteria']) { case 'name': $info = $tcase_mgr->getDuplicatesByName($name, $container_id); break; case 'internalID': $dummy = $tcase_mgr->tree_manager->get_node_hierarchy_info($internalid, $container_id); if (!is_null($dummy)) { $info = null; $info[$internalid] = $dummy; } break; case 'externalID': $info = $tcase_mgr->get_by_external($externalid, $container_id); break; } if (!is_null($info)) { $tcase_qty = count($info); switch ($tcase_qty) { case 1: $doCreate = false; $tcase_id = key($info); $last_version = $tcase_mgr->get_last_version_info($tcase_id, $getVersionOpt); $tcversion_id = $last_version['id']; $ret = $tcase_mgr->update($tcase_id, $tcversion_id, $name, $summary, $preconditions, $steps, $personID, $kwIDs, $node_order, $exec_type, $importance); $ret['id'] = $tcase_id; $ret['tcversion_id'] = $tcversion_id; $resultMap[] = array($name, $messages['already_exists_updated']); break; case 0: $doCreate = true; break; default: $doCreate = false; break; } } } if ($doCreate) { // Want to block creation of with existent EXTERNAL ID, if containers ARE DIFFERENT. $item_id = intval($tcase_mgr->getInternalID($externalid, array('tproject_id' => $tproject_id))); if ($item_id > 0) { // who is his parent ? $owner = $tcase_mgr->getTestSuite($item_id); if ($owner != $container_id) { // Get full path of existent Test Cases $stain = $tcase_mgr->tree_manager->get_path($item_id, null, 'name'); $n = count($stain); $stain[$n - 1] = $tcasePrefix . config_get('testcase_cfg')->glue_character . $externalid . ':' . $stain[$n - 1]; $stain = implode('/', $stain); $resultMap[] = array($name, $messages['hit_with_same_external_ID'] . $stain); $doCreate = false; } } } if ($doCreate) { $createOptions = array('check_duplicate_name' => testcase::CHECK_DUPLICATE_NAME, 'action_on_duplicate_name' => $duplicatedLogic['actionOnHit'], 'external_id' => $externalid); if ($ret = $tcase_mgr->create($container_id, $name, $summary, $preconditions, $steps, $personID, $kwIDs, $node_order, testcase::AUTOMATIC_ID, $exec_type, $importance, $createOptions)) { $resultMap[] = array($name, $ret['msg']); } } } return $resultMap; }
* 20091109 - franciscom - BUGID 0002937: add/remove test case hover over test case * tooltip replacement with summary */ require_once '../../'; require_once 'common.php'; testlinkInitPage($db); // BUGID 4066 - take care of proper escaping when magic_quotes_gpc is enabled $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST); $tcase_mgr = new testcase($db); $tcase_id = isset($_REQUEST['tcase_id']) ? $_REQUEST['tcase_id'] : null; $tcversion_id = isset($_REQUEST['tcversion_id']) ? $_REQUEST['tcversion_id'] : 0; $info = ''; if (!is_null($tcase_id)) { if ($tcversion_id > 0) { $tcase = $tcase_mgr->get_by_id($tcase_id, $tcversion_id); if (!is_null($tcase)) { $tcase = $tcase[0]; } } else { $tcase = $tcase_mgr->get_last_version_info($tcase_id); } $info = $tcase['summary']; // <p> and </p> tag at the beginning and the end of summary cause visualization // errors -> remove them and add <br> to get a similar effect $info = str_replace("<p>", "", $info); $info = str_replace("</p>", "<br>", $info); if ($info == "") { $info = lang_get("empty_tc_summary"); } } echo $info;
function saveImportedTCData(&$db, $tcData, $tproject_id, $container_id, $userID, $kwMap, $duplicatedLogic = array('hitCriteria' => 'name', 'actionOnHit' => null)) { static $messages; static $fieldSizeCfg; static $feedbackMsg; static $tcase_mgr; static $tproject_mgr; static $req_spec_mgr; static $req_mgr; static $safeSizeCfg; static $linkedCustomFields; static $tprojectHas; static $reqSpecSet; static $getVersionOpt; if (!$tcData) { return; } // $tprojectHas = array('customFields' => false, 'reqSpec' => false); $hasCustomFieldsInfo = false; $hasRequirements = false; if (is_null($messages)) { $feedbackMsg = array(); $messages = array(); $fieldSizeCfg = config_get('field_size'); $tcase_mgr = new testcase($db); $tproject_mgr = new testproject($db); $req_spec_mgr = new requirement_spec_mgr($db); $req_mgr = new requirement_mgr($db); $messages['cf_warning'] = lang_get('no_cf_defined_can_not_import'); $messages['reqspec_warning'] = lang_get('no_reqspec_defined_can_not_import'); $messages['already_exists_updated'] = lang_get('already_exists_updated'); $messages['original_name'] = lang_get('original_name'); $messages['testcase_name_too_long'] = lang_get('testcase_name_too_long'); $messages['start_warning'] = lang_get('start_warning'); $messages['end_warning'] = lang_get('end_warning'); $messages['testlink_warning'] = lang_get('testlink_warning'); $messages['start_feedback'] = $messages['start_warning'] . "\n" . $messages['testlink_warning'] . "\n"; $feedbackMsg['cfield'] = lang_get('cf_value_not_imported_missing_cf_on_testproject'); $feedbackMsg['tcase'] = lang_get('testcase'); $feedbackMsg['req'] = lang_get('req_not_in_req_spec_on_tcimport'); $feedbackMsg['req_spec'] = lang_get('req_spec_ko_on_tcimport'); // because name can be changed automatically during item creation // to avoid name conflict adding a suffix automatically generated, // is better to use a max size < max allowed size $safeSizeCfg = new stdClass(); $safeSizeCfg->testcase_name = $fieldSizeCfg->testcase_name * 0.8; // Get CF with scope design time and allowed for test cases linked to this test project // $customFields=$tproject_mgr->get_linked_custom_fields($tproject_id,'testcase','name'); // function get_linked_cfields_at_design($tproject_id,$enabled,$filters=null, // $node_type=null,$node_id=null,$access_key='id') // $linkedCustomFields = $tcase_mgr->cfield_mgr->get_linked_cfields_at_design($tproject_id, 1, null, 'testcase', null, 'name'); $tprojectHas['customFields'] = !is_null($linkedCustomFields); // BUGID - 20090205 - franciscom $reqSpecSet = $tproject_mgr->getReqSpec($tproject_id, null, array('', ' AS title', 'RSPEC.doc_id as rspec_doc_id', 'REQ.req_doc_id'), 'req_doc_id'); $tprojectHas['reqSpec'] = !is_null($reqSpecSet) && count($reqSpecSet) > 0; $getVersionOpt = array('output' => 'minimun'); } $resultMap = array(); $tc_qty = sizeof($tcData); for ($idx = 0; $idx < $tc_qty; $idx++) { $tc = $tcData[$idx]; $name = $tc['name']; $summary = $tc['summary']; $steps = $tc['steps']; $node_order = isset($tc['node_order']) ? intval($tc['node_order']) : testcase::DEFAULT_ORDER; $externalid = $tc['externalid']; $internalid = $tc['internalid']; $preconditions = $tc['preconditions']; $exec_type = isset($tc['execution_type']) ? $tc['execution_type'] : TESTCASE_EXECUTION_TYPE_MANUAL; $importance = isset($tc['importance']) ? $tc['importance'] : MEDIUM; $name_len = tlStringLen($name); if ($name_len > $fieldSizeCfg->testcase_name) { // Will put original name inside summary $xx = $messages['start_feedback']; $xx .= sprintf($messages['testcase_name_too_long'], $name_len, $fieldSizeCfg->testcase_name) . "\n"; $xx .= $messages['original_name'] . "\n" . $name . "\n" . $messages['end_warning'] . "\n"; $summary = nl2br($xx) . $summary; $name = tlSubStr($name, 0, $safeSizeCfg->testcase_name); } $kwIDs = null; if (isset($tc['keywords']) && $tc['keywords']) { $kwIDs = implode(",", buildKeywordList($kwMap, $tc['keywords'])); } $doCreate = true; if ($duplicatedLogic['actionOnHit'] == 'update_last_version') { switch ($duplicatedLogic['hitCriteria']) { case 'name': $info = $tcase_mgr->getDuplicatesByName($name, $container_id); break; case 'internalID': $dummy = $tcase_mgr->tree_manager->get_node_hierarchy_info($internalid, $container_id); if (!is_null($dummy)) { $info[$internalid] = $dummy; } break; case 'externalID': $info = $tcase_mgr->get_by_external($externalid, $container_id); break; } if (!is_null($info)) { $tcase_qty = count($info); switch ($tcase_qty) { case 1: $doCreate = false; $tcase_id = key($info); $last_version = $tcase_mgr->get_last_version_info($tcase_id, $getVersionOpt); $tcversion_id = $last_version['id']; $ret = $tcase_mgr->update($tcase_id, $tcversion_id, $name, $summary, $preconditions, $steps, $userID, $kwIDs, $node_order, $exec_type, $importance); // BUGID 3801 $ret['id'] = $tcase_id; $ret['tcversion_id'] = $tcversion_id; $resultMap[] = array($name, $messages['already_exists_updated']); break; case 0: $doCreate = true; break; default: $doCreate = false; break; } } } if ($doCreate) { $createOptions = array('check_duplicate_name' => testcase::CHECK_DUPLICATE_NAME, 'action_on_duplicate_name' => $duplicatedLogic['actionOnHit']); if ($ret = $tcase_mgr->create($container_id, $name, $summary, $preconditions, $steps, $userID, $kwIDs, $node_order, testcase::AUTOMATIC_ID, $exec_type, $importance, $createOptions)) { $resultMap[] = array($name, $ret['msg']); } } // 20090106 - franciscom // Custom Fields Management // Check if CF with this name and that can be used on Test Cases is defined in current Test Project. // If Check fails => give message to user. // Else Import CF data // $hasCustomFieldsInfo = isset($tc['customfields']) && !is_null($tc['customfields']); if ($hasCustomFieldsInfo) { new dBug($ret); if ($tprojectHas['customFields']) { // BUGID 3431 - Custom Field values at Test Case VERSION Level $msg = processCustomFields($tcase_mgr, $name, $ret['id'], $ret['tcversion_id'], $tc['customfields'], $linkedCustomFields, $feedbackMsg); if (!is_null($msg)) { $resultMap = array_merge($resultMap, $msg); } } else { // Can not import Custom Fields Values, give feedback $msg[] = array($name, $messages['cf_warning']); $resultMap = array_merge($resultMap, $msg); } } // BUGID - 20090205 - franciscom // Requirements Management // Check if Requirement ... // If Check fails => give message to user. // Else Import // $hasRequirements = isset($tc['requirements']) && !is_null($tc['requirements']); if ($hasRequirements) { if ($tprojectHas['reqSpec']) { $msg = processRequirements($db, $req_mgr, $name, $ret['id'], $tc['requirements'], $reqSpecSet, $feedbackMsg); if (!is_null($msg)) { $resultMap = array_merge($resultMap, $msg); } } else { $msg[] = array($name, $messages['reqspec_warning']); $resultMap = array_merge($resultMap, $msg); } } } return $resultMap; }