Exemple #1
    $p = new subsubsubcounter();
    echo "verify that grandfather constructor can be called, skipping parent constructor<br>\n";
    echo "Result: " . ($p->count == 3 ? 'pass' : 'fail') . "<br><br>\n\n";
function test13()
    class test13class extends person
        function say_hello()
            return person::say_hello();
    $p = new test13class();
    echo "verifying that parentclassname::method() works.<br>\n";
    echo "Result: " . ($p->say_hello() == "I am a person" ? 'pass' : 'fail') . "<br><br>\n\n";
function test14()
    class z
        function identify($type)
            return "I am a {$type}.";
    class zz extends z
        function identify()
            return parent::identify('zz');