function page()
     $user = $this->f3->get("user");
     $catID = $this->f3->get("PARAMS['catID']");
     $category = models\categories::getInstance()->get($catID);
     $categories = $this->f3->get("categories");
     $c = array();
     foreach ($categories as $item) {
         $c["ID-" . $item['ID']] = $item;
     $this->catparents($category, $c);
     $this->breadcrumb = array_reverse($this->breadcrumb);
     $parentIDs = array();
     foreach ($this->breadcrumb as $item) {
         $parentIDs[] = $item['ID'];
     $category['parentIDs'] = $parentIDs;
     //	test_array($c);
     $items = array("suggested" => models\items::format(models\items::getInstance()->getAll("catID='{$category['ID']}' AND recommended='1'", "name ASC")), "other" => models\items::format(models\items::getInstance()->getAll("catID='{$category['ID']}' AND recommended='0'", "name ASC")));
     $relationships = array();
     if ($category['relationship']) {
         $relationships = models\categories::getInstance()->getAll("dir_categories.ID in ({$category['relationship']}) OR parentID='{$category['ID']}'");
     //	test_array($relationships);
     //	test_array($category);
     //	test_array(array("breadcrumbs"=>$this->breadcrumb,"categories"=>$c));
     $tmpl = new \template("template.twig");
     $tmpl->page = array("section" => "categories", "sub_section" => $category['ID'], "template" => "list_category", "meta" => array("title" => "Directory | {$category['category']}"), "css" => "", "js" => "");
     $tmpl->breadcrumb = $this->breadcrumb;
     $tmpl->category = $category;
     $tmpl->related = $relationships;
     $tmpl->items = $items;
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '')
     $template = new template('searchmodule', $view, $loc);
     $template->assign('loc', $loc);
     $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure'), $loc);
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '')
     if (exponent_permissions_check('administrate', $loc) || exponent_permissions_check('create', $loc) || exponent_permissions_check('edit', $loc) || exponent_permissions_check('delete', $loc)) {
         $template = new template('HTMLTemplateModule', $view, $loc);
         $template->assign('noupload', 0);
         $template->assign('uploadError', '');
         if (!defined('SYS_FILES')) {
             include_once BASE . 'subsystems/files.php';
         $directory = 'files/HTMLTemplateModule/' . $loc->src;
         if (!file_exists(BASE . $directory)) {
             $err = exponent_files_makeDirectory($directory);
             if ($err != SYS_FILES_SUCCESS) {
                 $template->assign('noupload', 1);
                 $template->assign('uploadError', $err);
         global $db;
         $templates = $db->selectObjects('htmltemplate');
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($templates); $i++) {
             $assocs = $db->selectObjects('htmltemplateassociation', 'template_id=' . $templates[$i]->id);
             if (count($assocs) == 1 && $assocs[0]->global == 1) {
                 $templates[$i]->global_assoc = 1;
             } else {
                 $templates[$i]->global_assoc = 0;
                 $templates[$i]->associations = $assocs;
         $template->assign('moduletitle', $title);
         $template->assign('templates', $templates);
         $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'create', 'edit', 'delete'), exponent_core_makeLocation('HTMLTemplateModule'));
Exemple #4
    function page()
        $user = $this->f3->get("user");
        //$categories = $this->f3->get("categories");
        //$categories = models\categories::format($categories,true);
        $items = models\items::format(models\items::getInstance()->getAll("gps_long!='' AND gps_lat!=''"));
        $item_json = array();
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            $photo = "";
            if ($item['photo']) {
                $photo = "<img alt='' src='/thumbnail/110/90?crop=false&file=/files/{$item['photo']}' class='img-thumbnail' />";
            $str = "";
            if ($item['phone']) {
                $str = $str . "<em class='dg'>Phone:</em> " . $item['phone'] . "<br>";
            if ($item['website']) {
                $str = $str . "<em class='dg'>Website:</em> " . $item['website'] . "<br>";
            $item_json[] = array("ID" => $item['ID'], "placeTitle" => $item['name'], "tooltip" => '<div class="scrollFix"><strong>' . $item["name"] . '</strong><br><div>
<div class="c" style="margin:10px;">' . $photo . '</div><div>' . $str . '</div></div>', "url" => "/item/{$item['ID']}/{$item['url']}", "lat" => $item['gps_lat'], "lng" => $item['gps_long']);
        //	test_array($item_json);
        $tmpl = new \template("template.twig");
        $tmpl->page = array("section" => "map", "sub_section" => "map", "template" => "map", "meta" => array("title" => "Directory | Map"), "css" => "", "js" => "");
        $tmpl->item_json = json_encode($item_json);
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '')
     $template = new template('LoginModule', $view, $loc);
     $template->assign('title', $title);
     if (exponent_sessions_loggedIn()) {
         global $user, $db;
         $template->assign('loggedin', 1);
         $template->assign('user', $user);
         // Generate display name as username if the first and last name fields are blank.
         $display_name = $user->firstname . ' ' . $user->lastname;
         if (trim($display_name) == '') {
             $display_name = $user->username;
         $template->assign('displayname', $display_name);
         // Need to check for groups and whatnot
         if ($db->countObjects('groupmembership', 'member_id=' . $user->id . ' AND is_admin=1')) {
             $template->assign('is_group_admin', 1);
         } else {
             $template->assign('is_group_admin', 0);
     } else {
         $template->assign('loggedin', 0);
Exemple #6
 function page()
     $user = $this->f3->get("user");
     $tmpl = new \template("template.twig");
     $tmpl->page = array("section" => "about", "sub_section" => "about", "template" => "about", "meta" => array("title" => "Directory | About Us"), "css" => "", "js" => "");
Exemple #7
 function page()
     $user = $this->f3->get("user");
     $tmpl = new \template("template.twig", "app/admin/");
     $tmpl->page = array("section" => "home", "sub_section" => "home", "template" => "home", "meta" => array("title" => "Directory | Admin | Home"), "css" => "", "js" => "");
Exemple #8
 function page()
     $user = $this->f3->get("user");
     $tmpl = new \template("template.twig", "app/admin/");
     $tmpl->page = array("section" => "items", "sub_section" => "items", "template" => "items", "meta" => array("title" => "Directory | Admin | Items"), "css" => "", "js" => "");
Exemple #9
 function page()
     $user = $this->f3->get("user");
     $tmpl = new \template("template.twig");
     $tmpl->page = array("section" => "items", "sub_section" => "items", "template" => "_items", "meta" => array("title" => "Directory | Items"), "css" => "", "js" => "");
     $tmpl->items = models\items::format(models\items::getInstance()->getAll());
Exemple #10
 function page()
     $user = $this->f3->get("user");
     $categories = models\categories::getInstance()->getAll("", "category ASC");
     $tmpl = new \template("template.twig", "app/admin/");
     $tmpl->page = array("section" => "categories", "sub_section" => "categories", "template" => "categories", "meta" => array("title" => "Directory | Admin | Categories"), "css" => "", "js" => "");
     $tmpl->categories = $categories;
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = "")
     $loc = exponent_core_makeLocation('FileManagerModule');
     global $db;
     $collections = $db->selectObjects('file_collection');
     $template = new template('FileManagerModule', $view, $loc);
     $template->assign('collections', $collections);
Exemple #12
 function page()
     $user = $this->f3->get("user");
     $cfg = $this->cfg;
     $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : '1';
     $tmpl = new \template("template.twig");
     $tmpl->page = array("section" => "home", "sub_section" => "home", "template" => "home", "meta" => array("title" => "Home Page"), "css" => "", "js" => "");
Exemple #13
 function send_template_mail($to, $subject, $template, $headers = null)
     $param =& $this->using('param');
     $tpl = new template();
     $template = explode('/', $template);
     $tpl->load(TM_TEMPLATES_DIR . C_TEMPLATE . '/layout/views/' . $template[0] . '/' . $template[1]);
     $tpl->set($param->get_params(), true);
     $message = $tpl->output();
     $this->send_mail($to, $subject, $message, null, $headers);
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '')
     $ui_levels = exponent_sessions_get('uilevels');
     if (count($ui_levels)) {
         $template = new template('UISwitchermodule', $view, $loc);
         $template->assign('levels', $ui_levels);
         $default = exponent_sessions_isset('uilevel') ? exponent_sessions_get('uilevel') : max(array_keys($ui_levels));
         $template->assign('default_level', $default);
Exemple #15
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = "")
     $ui_levels = pathos_sessions_get("uilevels");
     if (count($ui_levels)) {
         $template = new template("uiswitchermodule", $view, $loc);
         $template->assign("levels", $ui_levels);
         $default = pathos_sessions_isset("uilevel") ? pathos_sessions_get("uilevel") : max(array_keys($ui_levels));
         $template->assign("default_level", $default);
Exemple #16
 function page()
     $user = $this->f3->get("user");
     $pageID = $this->f3->get("PARAMS['pageID']");
     $data = models\pages::getInstance()->get($pageID);
     $tmpl = new \template("template.twig", "app/admin/");
     $tmpl->page = array("section" => "pages", "sub_section" => "page{$pageID}", "template" => "pages", "meta" => array("title" => "Directory | Admin | Pages"), "css" => "", "js" => "");
     $tmpl->data = $data;
     $tmpl->pageID = $pageID;
Exemple #17
 function page()
     $user = $this->f3->get("user");
     $cfg = $this->cfg;
     $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : '1';
     $domain = $this->f3->get("domain");
     $tmpl = new \template("template.twig");
     $tmpl->page = array("section" => "contact", "sub_section" => "contact", "template" => "contact", "meta" => array("title" => $domain['domainname'] . " | Contact Us"), "css" => "", "js" => "");
     $tmpl->_page = "contact";
Exemple #18
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '')
     $template = new template('previewmodule', $view, $loc);
     $level = 99;
     if (pathos_sessions_isset('uilevel')) {
         $level = pathos_sessions_get('uilevel');
     $template->assign('editMode', pathos_sessions_loggedIn() && $level != UILEVEL_PREVIEW);
     $template->assign('title', $title);
     $template->assign('previewMode', $level == UILEVEL_PREVIEW);
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '')
     global $db;
     $contacts = $db->selectObjects('contact_contact', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'");
     $t = new template('ContactModule', '_standard', $loc);
     $t->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure'), $loc);
     $template = new template('ContactModule', $view, $loc);
     $template->assign('contacts', $contacts);
     $template->assign('loc', $loc);
     $template->assign('numContacts', count($contacts));
     $template->assign('moduletitle', $title);
     $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure'), $loc);
Exemple #20
 function page()
     $user = $this->f3->get("user");
     $domain = $this->f3->get("domain");
     $cfg = $this->cfg;
     $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : '1';
     $articles = $this->api("article/_list?limit=0,10&thumb_width=64&thumb_height=64&pagination=9&page={$page}");
     $tmpl = new \template("template.twig");
     $tmpl->page = array("section" => "home", "sub_section" => "home", "template" => "home", "meta" => array("title" => "Welcome to " . $domain['domainname']), "css" => "", "js" => "");
     $tmpl->_page = "/";
     $tmpl->articles = $articles['data'];
     $tmpl->pagination = isset($articles['data']['pagination']) ? $articles['data']['pagination'] : false;
Exemple #21
 function page()
     $user = $this->f3->get("user");
     $cfg = $this->cfg;
     $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : '1';
     $domain = $this->f3->get("domain");
     $data = $this->api("event/_list?limit=0,100&daterange=monthfuture&orderby=dateStart+ASC");
     $data = $data['data']['list'];
     $tmpl = new \template("template.twig");
     $tmpl->page = array("section" => "events", "sub_section" => "list", "template" => "event_list", "meta" => array("title" => $domain['domainname'] . " | Events"), "css" => "", "js" => "");
     $tmpl->_page = "events/list";
     $tmpl->data = $data;
     $tmpl->data_orig = $data;
 function show($view, $loc, $title)
     global $db, $user;
     if ($user) {
         $template = new template('InboxModule', $view, $loc);
         $read = $db->countObjects('privatemessage', 'recipient=' . $user->id . ' AND unread=0');
         $unread = $db->countObjects('privatemessage', 'recipient=' . $user->id . ' AND unread=1');
         $template->assign('readMessages', $read);
         $template->assign('unreadMessages', $unread);
         $template->assign('totalMessages', $unread + $read);
         $template->assign('user', $user);
         $template->assign('moduletitle', $title);
         $template->register_permissions('administrate', $loc);
 function page()
     $user = $this->f3->get("user");
     $ID = $this->f3->get("PARAMS['ID']");
     $highlight = isset($_REQUEST['highlight']) ? $_REQUEST['highlight'] : false;
     $details = models\items::getInstance()->get($ID);
     $details = models\items::format($details, $highlight);
     $categories = models\categories::format(models\categories::getInstance()->getAll("dir_items.ID='{$details['ID']}'", "category ASC"), false, $highlight);
     $title = $details['name'];
     //	test_array($category);
     //	test_array(array("breadcrumbs"=>$this->breadcrumb,"categories"=>$c));
     $tmpl = new \template("template.twig");
     $tmpl->page = array("section" => "details", "sub_section" => "item-" . $details['ID'], "template" => "item_details", "meta" => array("title" => "Directory | {$this->f3->scrub($title)}"), "css" => "", "js" => "");
     $tmpl->details = $details;
     $tmpl->categories = $categories;
Exemple #24
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = "")
     global $db;
     $obj = null;
     $o = $db->selectObjects('rotator_item', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'");
     $num = rand(0, count($o) - 1);
     if (isset($o[$num])) {
         $obj = $o[$num];
     } else {
         $obj->text = '';
     $template = new template('rotatormodule', $view, $loc);
     $template->assign('moduletitle', $title);
     $template->assign('content', $obj);
     $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'manage'), $loc);
Exemple #25
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '')
     global $db;
     $template = new template('translatormodule', $view, $loc);
     $langs = array();
     $lloc = pathos_core_makeLocation('translatormodule');
     foreach ($db->selectObjects('translation_language') as $lang) {
         $lloc->int = $lang->id;
         $lang->permissions = array('administrate' => pathos_permissions_check('administrate', $lloc) ? 1 : 0, 'configure' => pathos_permissions_check('configure', $lloc) ? 1 : 0);
         $langs[] = $lang;
     $template->assign('languages', $langs);
     $template->assign('dictionaries', translatormodule::dictionaries());
     $template->assign('moduletitle', $title);
     $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure'), $loc);
Exemple #26
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '')
     global $db;
     $question = $db->selectObject('poll_question', "is_active = 1 AND location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'");
     $answers = array();
     if ($question) {
         $answers = $db->selectObjects('poll_answer', 'question_id=' . $question->id);
     $answers = expSorter::sort(array('array' => $answers, 'sortby' => 'rank', 'order' => 'ASC'));
     $template = new template('simplepollmodule', $view, $loc);
     $template->assign('moduletitle', $title);
     $template->assign('question', $question);
     $template->assign('answers', $answers);
     $template->assign('have_answers', count($answers));
     $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure', 'manage_question', 'manage_answer'), $loc);
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '')
     $template = new template('SharedCoreModule', $view);
     global $db;
     $cores = array();
     foreach ($db->selectObjects('sharedcore_core') as $c) {
         if (file_exists($c->path . 'exponent_version.php')) {
             $c->version = (include $c->path . 'exponent_version.php');
             $c->linked = $db->selectObjects('sharedcore_site', 'core_id=' . $c->id);
             $cores[] = $c;
     $template->assign('cores', $cores);
     $template->assign('moduletitle', $title);
     $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'manage'), $loc);
 function page()
     $user = $this->f3->get("user");
     $cfg = $this->cfg;
     $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : '1';
     $domain = $this->f3->get("domain");
     $article = $this->api("article/_details?ID=" . $this->f3->get("PARAMS['ID']"));
     $article = $article['data'];
     if ($article['ID'] == '') {
     $tmpl = new \template("template.twig");
     $tmpl->page = array("section" => "articles", "sub_section" => $article['category']['url'], "template" => "article_details", "meta" => array("title" => $domain['domainname'] . " | " . $article['heading']), "css" => "", "js" => "");
     $tmpl->article = $article;
     $tmpl->_page = "articles/" . $article['category']['url'];
Exemple #29
 function page()
     $user = $this->f3->get("user");
     $recent = models\items::format(models\items::getInstance()->getAll("", 'datein DESC', '0,5'));
     $items = models\items::format(models\items::getInstance()->getAll("recommended='1' and != ''"));
     $rand = array_rand($items, 10);
     $n = array();
     foreach ($rand as $i) {
         $n[] = $items[$i];
     $suggested = $n;
     $tmpl = new \template("template.twig");
     $tmpl->page = array("section" => "home", "sub_section" => "home", "template" => "home", "meta" => array("title" => "Directory | Home"), "css" => "", "js" => "");
     $tmpl->suggested = $suggested;
     $tmpl->recent = $recent;
Exemple #30
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '')
     global $db;
     $question = $db->selectObject('poll_question', "is_active = 1 AND location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'");
     $answers = array();
     if ($question) {
         $answers = $db->selectObjects('poll_answer', 'question_id=' . $question->id);
     if (!defined('SYS_SORTING')) {
         require_once BASE . 'subsystems/sorting.php';
     usort($answers, 'pathos_sorting_byRankAscending');
     $template = new template('simplepollmodule', $view, $loc);
     $template->assign('question', $question);
     $template->assign('answers', $answers);
     $template->assign('have_answers', count($answers));
     $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure', 'manage_question', 'manage_answer'), $loc);