Exemple #1
 function wp_head_hook_background_logic()
     global $post, $paged;
     $background_params = array('is_boxed_layout' => false, 'is_stretched_bg' => false, 'theme_bg_image' => td_util::get_option('tds_site_background_image'), 'theme_bg_repeat' => td_util::get_option('tds_site_background_repeat'), 'theme_bg_position' => td_util::get_option('tds_site_background_position_x'), 'theme_bg_attachment' => td_util::get_option('tds_site_background_attachment'), 'theme_bg_color' => td_util::get_option('tds_site_background_color'), 'td_ad_background_click_link' => stripslashes(td_util::get_option('tds_background_click_url')), 'td_ad_background_click_target' => td_util::get_option('tds_background_click_target'));
     /*  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Read the background settings
     // is stretch background?
     if (td_util::get_option('tds_stretch_background') == 'yes') {
         $background_params['is_stretched_bg'] = true;
     // activate the boxed layout - if we have an image or color
     if ($background_params['theme_bg_image'] != '' or $background_params['theme_bg_color'] != '') {
         $background_params['is_boxed_layout'] = true;
     /*  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
             we are on a category
     if (is_category()) {
         // try to read the category settings
         $post_primary_category_id = intval(get_query_var('cat'));
         //we are on a category, get the id @todo verify this, get_query_var('cat') may not work with permalinks
         $background_params = $this->get_category_bg_settings($post_primary_category_id, $background_params);
     } elseif (is_page()) {
         $td_page = get_query_var('page') ? get_query_var('page') : 1;
         //rewrite the global var
         $td_paged = get_query_var('paged') ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
         //rewrite the global var
         if ($td_paged > $td_page) {
             $paged = $td_paged;
         } else {
             $paged = $td_page;
         if (!empty($post->post_content) and strpos($post->post_content, 'td_block_homepage_full_1') !== false and (empty($paged) or $paged < 2)) {
             // deactivate the background only on td_block_homepage_full_1 + page 1.
             // on the second page, load it with the normal site wide background
             //$background_params['theme_bg_image']  = '';
             // THIS SHORTCODE disables the background AND background color!
     } elseif (is_singular('post')) {
         //is_single runs on all the posts types, that's why we need is_singular
         // try to read the background settings for the parent category of this post
         $post_primary_category_id = intval(td_global::get_primary_category_id());
         // we are on single post - get the primary category id
         $background_params = $this->get_category_bg_settings($post_primary_category_id, $background_params);
         // read the per post single_template
         $post_meta_values = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'td_post_theme_settings', true);
         // if we don't have any single_template set on this post, try to laod the default global setting
         if (empty($post_meta_values['td_post_template'])) {
             $td_site_post_template = td_util::get_option('td_default_site_post_template');
         } else {
             $td_site_post_template = $post_meta_values['td_post_template'];
         if (!empty($td_site_post_template)) {
             // we have a single_template set on a per post basis or on the global setting in the pane > post settings -> default post template (site wide)
             // overwrite the theme_bg_image with the featured image if needed
             if (td_api_single_template::get_key($td_site_post_template, 'bg_use_featured_image_as_background') === true) {
                 $background_params['theme_bg_image'] = td_util::get_featured_image_src($post->ID, 'full');
                 $background_params['is_stretched_bg'] = true;
             // disable the background image if needed - used by singe_post_templates that implement their own backgrounds
             if (td_api_single_template::get_key($td_site_post_template, 'bg_disable_background') === true) {
                 $background_params['theme_bg_image'] = '';
                 $background_params['theme_bg_color'] = '';
             // overwrite the box layout settings with the ones provided here
             switch (td_api_single_template::get_key($td_site_post_template, 'bg_box_layout_config')) {
                 case 'auto':
                     // do nothing - the site will load the site wide boxed layout settings
                 case 'td-boxed-layout':
                     //force a boxed layout regardless if the site has a bg image or bg color
                     $background_params['is_boxed_layout'] = true;
                 case 'td-full-layout':
                     //force a full layout regardless if the site has a bg image or bg color
                     $background_params['is_boxed_layout'] = false;
     // WE HAVE TO HAVE A IMAGE OR COLOR - @todo wtf needs to be refactorized
     new td_background_render($background_params);
    function inner($posts, $td_column_number = '')
        if (!empty($posts[0])) {
            $post = $posts[0];
            //we get only one post
            // $td_post_featured_image = td_util::get_featured_image_src($post->ID, 'full');
            $td_mod_single = new td_module_single($post);
            //make the js template

            <!-- add class to body, no jQuery and inline -->
                document.body.className+=' td-boxed-layout single_template_8 homepage-post ';
            echo ob_get_clean();

            <script type="text/template" id="<?php 
            echo $this->block_uid . '_tmpl';

                <article id="post-<?php 
            echo $td_mod_single->post->ID;
" class="<?php 
            echo join(' ', get_post_class('post td-post-template-8'));
" <?php 
            echo $td_mod_single->get_item_scope();
                    <div class="td-post-header td-image-gradient-style8">
                        <div class="td-crumb-container"><?php 
            echo td_page_generator::get_single_breadcrumbs($td_mod_single->title);

                        <div class="td-post-header-holder">

                            <header class="td-post-title">

            echo $td_mod_single->get_category();
            echo $td_mod_single->get_title();

            if (!empty($td_mod_single->td_post_theme_settings['td_subtitle'])) {
                                    <p class="td-post-sub-title"><?php 
                echo $td_mod_single->td_post_theme_settings['td_subtitle'];

                                <div class="td-module-meta-info">
            echo $td_mod_single->get_author();
            echo $td_mod_single->get_date(false);
            echo $td_mod_single->get_views();
            echo $td_mod_single->get_comments();



            $td_post_featured_image = td_util::get_featured_image_src($post->ID, 'full');
                // add the template
                jQuery( '.td-header-wrap' ).after( jQuery( '#<?php 
            echo $this->block_uid;
_tmpl' ).html() );

                // make the wrapper and the image -> and add the image inside
                var td_homepage_full_bg_image_wrapper = jQuery( '<div class="backstretch"></div>' );
                var td_homepage_full_bg_image = jQuery( '<img class="td-backstretch not-parallax" src="<?php 
            echo $td_post_featured_image;
"/>' );

                // add to body
                jQuery('body').prepend( td_homepage_full_bg_image_wrapper );

                // run the backstracher
                var td_backstr_item = new tdBackstr.item();
                td_backstr_item.wrapper_image_jquery_obj = td_homepage_full_bg_image_wrapper;
                td_backstr_item.image_jquery_obj = td_homepage_full_bg_image;
                tdBackstr.add_item( td_backstr_item );

            $buffer = ob_get_clean();
            $js = "\n" . td_util::remove_script_tag($buffer);
        return ob_get_clean();

// Template 7 -post-final-7.psd - full image background
$td_post_featured_image = td_util::get_featured_image_src($post->ID, 'full');
if (!empty($td_post_featured_image)) {
    td_js_buffer::add_to_footer('jQuery(window).ready(function() {' . "\r\n" . '(function(){' . "\r\n" . 'var td_backstr_item = new td_backstr.item();' . "\r\n" . 'td_backstr_item.wrapper_image_jquery_obj = jQuery("#td-full-screen-header-image");' . "\r\n" . 'td_backstr_item.image_jquery_obj = td_backstr_item.wrapper_image_jquery_obj.find(\'img:first\');' . "\r\n" . 'td_backstr.add_item(td_backstr_item);' . "\r\n" . "jQuery('.td-read-down a').click(function(event){" . "\r\n" . "event.preventDefault();" . "\r\n" . "var header_wrap = jQuery('.td-full-screen-header-image-wrap:first')" . "\r\n" . "if (header_wrap.length == 1) {" . "\r\n" . "td_util.scroll_to_position(header_wrap.height() + header_wrap.offset().top, 1200);" . "\r\n" . "}" . "\r\n" . "});" . "\r\n" . '})();' . "\r\n" . '});');
//get the global sidebar position from single.php
global $loop_sidebar_position;
// sidebar position used to align the breadcrumb on sidebar left + sidebar first on mobile issue
$td_sidebar_position = '';
if ($loop_sidebar_position == 'sidebar_left') {
    $td_sidebar_position = 'td-sidebar-left';
$td_mod_single = new td_module_single($post);

<article id="post-<?php 
echo $td_mod_single->post->ID;
" class="<?php 
echo join(' ', get_post_class('td-post-template-7'));
" <?php 
echo $td_mod_single->get_item_scope();

    <div class="td-full-screen-header-image-wrap">

        <div class="td-container td-post-header">
    function inner($posts, $td_column_number = '')
        if (!empty($posts[0])) {
            $post = $posts[0];
            //we get only one post
            $td_post_featured_image = td_util::get_featured_image_src($post->ID, 'full');
            $td_mod_single = new td_module_single($post);
            //make the js template
            <script type="text/template" id="<?php 
            echo $this->block_uid . '_tmpl';

                <article id="post-<?php 
            echo $td_mod_single->post->ID;
            echo join(' ', get_post_class('td-post-template-6'));
" <?php 
            echo $td_mod_single->get_item_scope();
                    <div class="template6-header">
                        <div class="td-post-header td-container" id="td_parallax_header_6">
                            <header class="td-pb-padding-side">
            echo $td_mod_single->get_category();
            echo $td_mod_single->get_title();
            if (!empty($td_mod_single->td_post_theme_settings['td_subtitle'])) {
                                    <p class="td-post-sub-title"><?php 
                echo $td_mod_single->td_post_theme_settings['td_subtitle'];
                                <div class="meta-info">
            echo $td_mod_single->get_author();
            echo $td_mod_single->get_date(false);
            echo $td_mod_single->get_views();
            echo $td_mod_single->get_comments();
                                <div class="td-read-down"><a href="#"><i class="td-icon-read-down"></i></a></div>


            td_js_buffer::add_to_footer("jQuery('body').addClass('single_template_6');" . "\r\n" . "jQuery('body').prepend(jQuery('#" . $this->block_uid . "_tmpl').html());" . "\r\n" . 'jQuery(\'body\').prepend(\'<div class="td-full-screen-header-image-wrap"><div id="td-full-screen-header-image" class="td-image-gradient"></div></div>\');' . "\r\n" . 'jQuery().ready(function() {' . "\r\n" . "jQuery('#td-full-screen-header-image').backstretch('" . $td_post_featured_image . "', {fade:1200, centeredY:false});" . "\r\n" . 'td_post_template_6_title();' . "\r\n" . "jQuery('.td-read-down a').click(function(event){" . "\r\n" . "event.preventDefault();" . "\r\n" . "td_util.scroll_to_position(jQuery('.td-full-screen-header-image-wrap').height(), 1200);" . "\r\n" . "});" . "\r\n" . '});');
        return ob_get_clean();