     * render the categories forms
    static function render_categories_form()
        //get all categories from database
        $categories = get_categories(array('hide_empty' => 0));
        $td_category_walker_panel = new td_category_walker_panel();
        $td_category_walker_panel->walk($categories, 4);
        //get_categories(array('hide_empty' => 0));//wordpress way
        $categories = td_util::get_category2id_array(false);
        //our function
        foreach ($td_category_walker_panel->td_category_buffer as $display_category_name => $category_id) {
            <!-- LAYOUT SETTINGS -->
            echo td_panel_generator::box_start($display_category_name, false);

                <!-- DISPLAY VIEW -->
                <div class="td-box-row">
                    <div class="td-box-description">
                        <span class="td-box-title">ARTICLE DISPLAY VIEW</span>
                        <p>Select a module type, this is how your article list will be displayed</p>
                    <div class="td-box-control-full td-panel-module">
            echo td_panel_generator::visual_select_o(array('ds' => 'td_category', 'item_id' => $category_id, 'option_id' => 'tdc_layout', 'values' => array(array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => '', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/module-default.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => '1', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/module-1.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => '2', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/module-2.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => '3', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/module-3.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => '4', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/module-4.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => '5', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/module-5.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => '6', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/module-6.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => '7', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/module-7.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => '8', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/module-8.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => '9', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/module-9.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => 'search', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/module-10.png'))));

                <!-- Custom Sidebar + position -->
                <div class="td-box-row">
                    <div class="td-box-description">
                        <span class="td-box-title">CUSTOM SIDEBAR + POSITION</span>
                        <p>Sidebar position and custom sidebars</p>
                    <div class="td-box-control-full td-panel-sidebar-pos">
                        <div class="td-display-inline-block">
            echo td_panel_generator::visual_select_o(array('ds' => 'td_category', 'item_id' => $category_id, 'option_id' => 'tdc_sidebar_pos', 'values' => array(array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => '', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/sidebar-default.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => 'sidebar_left', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/sidebar-left.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => 'no_sidebar', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/sidebar-full.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => 'sidebar_right', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/sidebar-right.png'))));
                            <div class="td-panel-control-comment td-text-align-right">Select sidebar position</div>
                        <div class="td-display-inline-block td_sidebars_pulldown_align">
            echo td_panel_generator::sidebar_pulldown(array('ds' => 'td_category', 'item_id' => $category_id, 'option_id' => 'tdc_sidebar_name'));
                            <div class="td-panel-control-comment td-text-align-right">Create or select an existing sidebar</div>

                <!-- Show Featured slider -->
                <div class="td-box-row">
                    <div class="td-box-description">
                        <span class="td-box-title">SHOW FEATURED SLIDER</span>
                        <p>Enable or disable the featured slider (only posts that are in the Featured category are showed in slider)</p>
                    <div class="td-box-control-full">
            echo td_panel_generator::checkbox(array('ds' => 'td_category', 'item_id' => $category_id, 'option_id' => 'tdc_slider', 'true_value' => '', 'false_value' => 'yes'));

                <!-- Category color -->
                <div class="td-box-row">
                    <div class="td-box-description">
                        <span class="td-box-title">CATEGORY TAG COLOR ON POST PAGE</span>
                        <p>Pick a color for this category tag on post page</p>
                    <div class="td-box-control-full">
            echo td_panel_generator::color_piker(array('ds' => 'td_category', 'item_id' => $category_id, 'option_id' => 'tdc_color', 'default_color' => ''));

                <!-- BACKGROUND UPLOAD -->
                <div class="td-box-row">
                    <div class="td-box-description">
                        <span class="td-box-title">BACKGROUND UPLOAD</span>
                        <p>Upload your logo (300 x 100px) .png</p>
                    <div class="td-box-control-full">
            echo td_panel_generator::upload_image(array('ds' => 'td_category', 'item_id' => $category_id, 'option_id' => 'tdc_image'));

                <!-- BACKGROUND STYLE -->
                <div class="td-box-row">
                    <div class="td-box-description">
                        <span class="td-box-title">BACKGROUND STYLE</span>
                        <p>How the background will be dispalyed</p>
                    <div class="td-box-control-full">
            echo td_panel_generator::radio_button_control(array('ds' => 'td_category', 'item_id' => $category_id, 'option_id' => 'tdc_bg_repeat', 'values' => array(array('text' => 'Default', 'val' => ''), array('text' => 'Stretch', 'val' => 'stretch'), array('text' => 'Tiled', 'val' => 'tile'))));

                <!-- Background color -->
                <div class="td-box-row">
                    <div class="td-box-description">
                        <span class="td-box-title">BACKGROUND COLOR</span>
                        <p>Use a solid color instead of an image</p>
                    <div class="td-box-control-full">
            echo td_panel_generator::color_piker(array('ds' => 'td_category', 'item_id' => $category_id, 'option_id' => 'tdc_bg_color', 'default_color' => ''));

                <!-- Hide category tag on post -->
                <div class="td-box-row">
                    <div class="td-box-description">
                        <span class="td-box-title">HIDE CATEGORY TAG ON POST</span>
                        <p>Show or hide category tags on post page</p>
                    <div class="td-box-control-full">
            echo td_panel_generator::checkbox(array('ds' => 'td_category', 'item_id' => $category_id, 'option_id' => 'tdc_hide_on_post', 'true_value' => 'hide', 'false_value' => ''));

            echo td_panel_generator::box_end();
        //end foreach
<!-- CATEGORY page -->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Category global settings', true);

    <div class="td-box-description td-box-full">
        <p>Set the default layout for all the categories. Note that you can change the layout and settings on each category from Theme panel ⇢ Categories</p>
            <li>You can view each category page by going to Posts ⇢ Categories ⇢ hover on a category ⇢ select view</li>
            <li>This WordPress template is located in <strong>category.php</strong> file.</li>

    <!-- Category template -->
    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description">
            <span class="td-box-title">Category template</span>
                This is the header of the category
                        <h3>Category template:</h3>
                        <p>From here you can change the category header.</p>
                            <li>This setting can be overwritten on a per category basis from the boxes below</li>
                            <li>Some of the headers also show the category description</li>
                            <li>For advanced users who want to customize the category header, here is the <a target="_blank" href="http://forum.tagdiv.com/api-category-top-section-template-introduction/">API documentation</a></li>
                            <li>Have fun finding the header that you like!</li>
    <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::color_picker(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_footer_text_color', 'default_color' => '#ffffff'));

echo td_panel_generator::box_end();

<!-- SUB FOOTER -->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('子页脚', false);

<!-- FOOTER bottom color -->
<div class="td-box-row">
    <div class="td-box-description">
        <span class="td-box-title">背景颜色</span>
    <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::color_picker(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_footer_bottom_color', 'default_color' => '#0d0d0d'));

echo td_panel_generator::box_end();

<!-- bbPress template -->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('bbPress template', false);

    <div class="td-box-description td-box-full">
        <p>Set the bbPress template settings from here</p>

    <!-- Custom Sidebar + position -->
    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description">
            <span class="td-box-title">CUSTOM SIDEBAR + POSITION</span>
            <p>Sidebar position and custom sidebars</p>
        <div class="td-box-control-full td-panel-sidebar-pos">
            <div class="td-display-inline-block">
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Responsive settings');

    <!-- Responsive -->
    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description">
            <span class="td-box-title">RESPONSIVE</span>
            <p>Set your site dimension</p>
        <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::radio_button_control(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_responsive', 'values' => array(array('text' => 'Full responsive (1264px)', 'val' => ''), array('text' => 'Full responsive (980px)', 'val' => '980_responsive'), array('text' => '980px fixed layout', 'val' => '980'), array('text' => '1264px fixed layout', 'val' => '1264'))));

echo td_panel_generator::box_end();
echo td_panel_generator::box_end();

<!-- 7 days post sorting -->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('7天文章排序', false);

<!-- text -->
<div class="td-box-row">
	<div class="td-box-description td-box-full">
	<div class="td-box-row-margin-bottom"></div>

<!-- use 7 days post sorting -->
<div class="td-box-row">
	<div class="td-box-description">
		<span class="td-box-title">使用7天文章排序</span>
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Background settings');

    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description">
            <span class="td-box-title">SITE BACKGROUND</span>
            <p>Upload a background image, the site will automatically switch to boxed version</p>
        <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::upload_image(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_site_background_image'));

    <!-- Background Repeat -->
    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description">
            <span class="td-box-title">REPEAT</span>
            <p>How the site background image will be displayed</p>
        <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::radio_button_control(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_site_background_repeat', 'values' => array(array('text' => 'No Repeat', 'val' => ''), array('text' => 'Tile', 'val' => 'repeat'), array('text' => 'Tile Horizontally', 'val' => 'repeat-x'), array('text' => 'Tile Vertically', 'val' => 'repeat-y'))));
echo td_panel_generator::dropdown(array('ds' => 'td_ads', 'item_id' => 'custom_ad_2', 'option_id' => 'p_size', 'values' => $td_google_ad_list_sizes));


echo td_panel_generator::box_end();

echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Custom ad 3', false);

    <!-- ad box code -->
    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description">
            <span class="td-box-title">YOUR CUSTOM AD 3</span>
            <p>Paste your ad code here. Google adsense will be made responsive automatically. <br><br> To add non adsense responsive ads, <br> <a target="_blank" href="http://forum.tagdiv.com/ads-system-full-guide/">click here</a> (last paragraph)</p>
        <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::textarea(array('ds' => 'td_ads', 'item_id' => 'custom_ad_3', 'option_id' => 'ad_code'));
<!-- CATEGORY page -->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('分类全局设置', true);

    <div class="td-box-description td-box-full">
        <p>设置所有分类默认布局。注意,你可以从主题面板 ⇢ 分类 每个分类更改布局和设置</p>
            <li>你可以通过去 文章 ⇢ 分类 ⇢ 分类悬停 ⇢ 选择视图 查看每个分类页面</li>
            <li>此WordPress模板位于 <strong>category.php</strong> 文件.</li>

    <!-- Category template -->
    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description">
            <span class="td-box-title">分类模板</span>
                            <li>对于想自定义分类页眉的高级用户,这里是<a target="_blank" href="http://forum.tagdiv.com/api-category-top-section-template-introduction/">API文档</a></li>
<!-- Analitycs -->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Analitycs');

    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description td-box-full">
            <span class="td-box-title">GOOGLE ANALYTICS CODE</span>
            <p>Google analytics helps track your site traffic</p>

    <!-- paste your code here -->
    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description">
            <span class="td-box-title">PASTE YOUR CODE HERE</span>
            <p>Google Analytics code</p>
        <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::textarea(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'td_analytics'));

echo td_panel_generator::box_end();
<!-- CUSTOM Javascript -->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('自定义Javascript');

    <!-- YOUR CUSTOM Javascript -->
    <div class="td-box-row td-custom-javascript">
        <div class="td-box-description">
            <span class="td-box-title">你的自定义JAVASCRIPT</span>
        <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::textarea(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_custom_javascript'));

echo td_panel_generator::box_end();
        <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::color_picker(array('ds' => 'td_block_styles', 'item_id' => 'style_5', 'option_id' => 'tds_block_hover_style', 'default_color' => ''));

echo td_panel_generator::box_end();

<!-- STYLE 6 CSS ------------------------------------------------------------------------->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Style 6 - Pink', false);

    <div class="td-box-row td-block-style">
        <div class="td-box-description">
            <span class="td-box-title">Background color</span>
            <p>Choose the background color for the block</p>
        <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::color_picker(array('ds' => 'td_block_styles', 'item_id' => 'style_6', 'option_id' => 'tds_block_background_color', 'default_color' => '#ff0099'));

	                    <a data-td-is-back="yes" href="?page=td_theme_panel">
	                        <span class="td-sp-nav-icon td-ico-back"></span>
	                        <span class="td-no-arrow"></span>
	        <div id="td-col-right" class="td-panel-content" style="min-height: 900px">

	            <!-- Export theme settings -->
	            <div id="td-panel-welcome" class="td-panel-active td-panel">

echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Importing / exporting theme settings');

	                <div class="td-box-row">
	                    <div class="td-box-description td-box-full">
	                        <span class="td-box-title">EXPORT THEME SETTINGS</span>
	                            This box contains all the panel options encoded as a string so you can easily copy them and move them to another server.
	                    <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::textarea(array('ds' => 'td_read_theme_options', 'option_id' => 'tds_read_theme_options', 'value' => base64_encode(serialize(get_option(TD_THEME_OPTIONS_NAME)))));
	                    <div class="td-box-row-margin-bottom"></div>
                                <a data-td-is-back="yes" href="?page=td_theme_panel">
                                    <span class="td-sp-nav-icon td-ico-header"></span>
                                    <span class="td-arrow"></span>
                    <div id="td-col-rigth" class="td-panel-content">

                        <!-- Export theme settings -->
                        <div id="td-panel-welcome" class="td-panel-active td-panel">

echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Import predefined styles');

foreach (td_global::$stacks_list as $stack_file => $stack_name) {

                                <div class="td-box-row">
                                    <div class="td-box-control-full">
                                        <a onclick="return confirm('Are you sure? This will import our predefined settings for the stack (background, template layouts, fonts, colors etc...). Please backup your settings to be sure that you don`t lose them by accident.')" href="?page=td_theme_panel&td_page=td_view_import_theme_styles&td_option=<?php 
    echo $stack_file;
" class="td-big-button" style="width: 150px; text-align: center"><?php 
    echo $stack_name;
                    <a data-td-is-back="yes" href="?page=td_theme_panel">
                        <span class="td-sp-nav-icon td-ico-header"></span>
                        <span class="td-arrow"></span>
        <div id="td-col-rigth" class="td-panel-content">

            <!-- homepage -->
            <div id="td-panel-welcome" class="td-panel-active td-panel">
                <!-- One click demo install -->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Importing old category data');

                <!-- Install demo data -->
                <div class="td-box-row">
                    <div class="td-box-description td-box-full">
                        <span class="td-box-title">Please wait until all the data is imported</span>

td_global::$td_options = get_option(TD_THEME_OPTIONS_NAME);
$td_categories = get_categories(array('hide_empty' => '0'));
foreach ($td_categories as $td_category) {
    echo '<p><strong>Importing: ' . $td_category->name . '</strong><br>';
    $td_cat_options = get_option('tax_meta_' . $td_category->cat_ID);
<!-- Social Networks -->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('社交网络', true);

foreach (td_social_icons::$td_social_icons_array as $panel_social_id => $panel_social_name) {
    <div class="td-box-row">
    <div class="td-box-description">
        <span class="td-box-title"><?php 
    echo strtoupper($panel_social_name);
    echo $panel_social_name;
    <div class="td-box-control-full">
    echo td_panel_generator::input(array('ds' => 'td_social_networks', 'option_id' => $panel_social_id));
Exemple #17
        <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::visual_select_o(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_footer_widget_cols', 'values' => array(array('text' => '1/5 - 1/5', 'title' => '', 'val' => '', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/footer-5.png'), array('text' => '1/4 - 1/4', 'title' => '', 'val' => '14-14', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/footer-6.png'), array('text' => '1/3 - 1/3 - 1/3', 'title' => '', 'val' => '13-13', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/footer-1.png'), array('text' => '2/3 - 1/3', 'title' => '', 'val' => '23-13', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/footer-2.png'), array('text' => '1/3 - 2/3', 'title' => '', 'val' => '13-23', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/footer-3.png'), array('text' => '5/5 (full)', 'title' => '', 'val' => '33', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/wp-admin/images/panel/footer-4.png'))));

echo td_panel_generator::box_end();

echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Sub-footer settings');

<!-- show/hide sub-footer -->
<div class="td-box-row">
    <div class="td-box-description">
        <span class="td-box-title">SUB-FOOTER</span>
        <p>Hide or show the sub-footer</p>
    <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::checkbox(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_sub_footer', 'true_value' => '', 'false_value' => 'hide'));
        <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::textarea(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_responsive_css_phone'));

echo td_panel_generator::box_end();

<!-- Add custom body class -->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Custom Body Class(s)', false);

<!-- Add custom body class -->
<div class="td-box-row">
    <div class="td-box-description">
        <span class="td-box-title">CUSTOM BODY CLASS(s)</span>
        <p>You can add one or more classes on theme body element. If you need more then one class, add them with a space between them.</p><p>Ex: class-test-1 class-test-2 </p>
    <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::input(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'td_body_classes'));
echo td_panel_generator::dropdown(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_more_articles_on_post_pages_time_to_wait', 'values' => array(array('text' => 'never', 'val' => ''), array('text' => 'for 1 day', 'val' => 1), array('text' => 'for 2 days', 'val' => 2), array('text' => 'for 3 days', 'val' => 3))));

echo td_panel_generator::box_end();

<!-- Advanced options -->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Ajax view count (keep counting with cache plugins)', false);

    <!-- text -->
    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description td-box-full">
            <p>Enabling this feature will update the post view count using ajax on both pages and single post page. This feature is best used if you have a caching plugin active. On pages it will retrieve from the server the correct post view count. On single post page this feature will also increment the post view counter. When this feature is enabled, the default (classic) post counter incrementation is disabled. After enabling or disabling this feature please be sure to empty all caches.  </p>
        <div class="td-box-row-margin-bottom"></div>

Exemple #20
                    <a data-td-is-back="yes" href="?page=td_theme_panel">
                        <span class="td-sp-nav-icon td-ico-back"></span>
                        <span class="td-no-arrow"></span>
        <div id="td-col-right" class="td-panel-content">

            <!-- import data -->
            <div id="td-panel-import" class="td-panel-active td-panel">

                <!-- One click demo install -->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('ONE CLICK DEMO INSTALL');

                <!-- Install demo data -->
                <div class="td-box-row">

                        function td_progressbar_step(step_to_percent) {
                            if (step_to_percent >= 100) {
                            } else {
                                jQuery('.td_progress_bar div').css('width', step_to_percent + '%');
echo td_panel_generator::input(array('ds' => 'td_fonts_user_insert', 'option_id' => 'type_kit_font_family_3'));

echo td_panel_generator::box_end();

                    <!-- google fonts settings-->
                    <div  class="td-panel-active td-panel">
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Google Fonts Settings', false);

                        <!-- info text -->
                        <div class="td-box-row">
                            <div class="td-box-description td-box-full">
                                <p>You can select from here what character subsets will be loaded for each google font. The character subset will be loaded only if the font supports the specific glyphs. Try to enable only the subsets that you use because the site will load slower with each additional subset.</p>

                        <!-- google fonts settings-->
                        <div class="td-box-row">
                            <div class="td-box-description">
                                <span class="td-box-title">LATIN SUPPORT</span>
echo td_panel_generator::dropdown(array('ds' => 'td_ads', 'item_id' => 'content_bottom', 'option_id' => 'p_size', 'values' => $td_google_ad_list_sizes));


echo td_panel_generator::box_end();

//backround add
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Background click Ad', false);

    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description td-box-full">
            <span class="td-box-title">Notice:</span>
            <p>Please go to <strong>BACKGROUND</strong> tab if you also need a background image</p>
        <div class="td-box-row-margin-bottom"></div>

    <!-- ad box code -->
    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description">
            <span class="td-box-title">URL</span>
            <p>Paste your link here like : http://www.domain.com</p>
<!-- Analitycs -->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('分析');

    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description td-box-full">
            <span class="td-box-title">谷歌分析代码</span>

    <!-- paste your code here -->
    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description">
            <span class="td-box-title">在这里粘贴你的代码</span>
        <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::textarea(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'td_analytics'));

echo td_panel_generator::box_end();
<!-- Translations -->

echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Load an available translation', false);

<div class="td-box-row">
    <div class="td-box-description td-box-full">
        <span class="td-box-title">MORE INFORMATION:</span>
        <p>Available translations: English, Dutch, Finnish, German, Greek, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Marathi, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish and Urdu. The rest are translated via google translate. Please note that the translations are loaded from our servers.</p>
        <p><strong style="margin-right: 2px">Note:</strong>English translation being the default translation of our theme, will set default values for your translate input fields.</p>

<div class="td-box-row">
    <div class="td-box-description">
            <div class="td-box-control-full">
td_util::update_option('tds_language', '');
$languages[] = array('text' => 'Choose a language...', 'val' => '');
foreach (td_global::$translate_languages_list as $language_code => $language_name) {
    $languages[] = array('text' => $language_name, 'val' => $language_code);
echo td_panel_generator::dropdown(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_language', 'values' => $languages));

    <a id="load_translation" class="td-big-button td-medium-button" href="">Load translation</a>

Exemple #25
echo td_panel_generator::upload_image(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_logo_menu_upload_r'));

echo td_panel_generator::box_end();

<!-- iOS Bookmarklet -->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('iOS Bookmarklet', false);

    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description td-box-full">
            <p>The bookmarklets work on iOS and Android. When a user adds your site to the home screen, the phone will download one of the icons from here (based on the screen size and device type) and your site will appear with that icon on the homes creen</p>
        <div class="td-box-row-margin-bottom"></div>

    <!-- iOS bookmarklet 76x76 -->
    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description">
            <span class="td-box-title">IMAGE 76 x 76</span>
    public function td_custom_typology_generate_font_controls()
        //insert separator after this section numbers from td_fonts::$typography_sections. the counting of td_fonts::$typography_sections starts from 1
        $td_section_separator_array = array(0 => 'Post Page', 16 => 'Slides', 19 => 'Menu`s', 23 => 'Pages', 27 => 'Tabs');
        $td_section_counter = 0;
        foreach (td_fonts::$typography_sections as $font_section_settings_id => $font_section_name) {
            //create the section separators
            if (array_key_exists($td_section_counter, $td_section_separator_array)) {
                echo '<hr>
                      <div class="td-section-separator">' . $td_section_separator_array[$td_section_counter] . '</div>';
            echo td_panel_generator::box_start($font_section_name, false);
            <div class="td-box-row">
                <div class="td-box-description">
                    <span class="td-box-title td-title-on-row">FONT FAMILY</span>
                <div class="td-box-control-full">
            echo td_panel_generator::dropdown(array('ds' => 'td_fonts', 'item_id' => $font_section_settings_id, 'option_id' => 'font_family', 'values' => $this->td_typology_fonts_array));

            <div class="td-box-row">
                <div class="td-box-description">
                    <span class="td-box-title td-title-on-row">FONT SIZE</span>
                <div class="td-box-control-full">
            echo td_panel_generator::dropdown(array('ds' => 'td_fonts', 'item_id' => $font_section_settings_id, 'option_id' => 'font_size', 'values' => $this->td_font_size_list));

            <div class="td-box-row">
                <div class="td-box-description">
                    <span class="td-box-title td-title-on-row">LINE HEIGHT</span>
                <div class="td-box-control-full">
            echo td_panel_generator::dropdown(array('ds' => 'td_fonts', 'item_id' => $font_section_settings_id, 'option_id' => 'line_height', 'values' => $this->td_line_height_list));

            <div class="td-box-row">
                <div class="td-box-description">
                    <span class="td-box-title td-title-on-row">FONT STYLE</span>
                <div class="td-box-control-full">
            echo td_panel_generator::dropdown(array('ds' => 'td_fonts', 'item_id' => $font_section_settings_id, 'option_id' => 'font_style', 'values' => $this->td_font_style_list));

            <div class="td-box-row">
                <div class="td-box-description">
                    <span class="td-box-title td-title-on-row">FONT WEIGHT</span>
                    <p>Default font weight = normal</p>
                <div class="td-box-control-full">
            echo td_panel_generator::dropdown(array('ds' => 'td_fonts', 'item_id' => $font_section_settings_id, 'option_id' => 'font_weight', 'values' => $this->td_font_weight));

            <div class="td-box-row">
                <div class="td-box-description">
                    <span class="td-box-title td-title-on-row">TEXT TRANSFORM</span>
                <div class="td-box-control-full">
            echo td_panel_generator::dropdown(array('ds' => 'td_fonts', 'item_id' => $font_section_settings_id, 'option_id' => 'text_transform', 'values' => $this->td_text_transform));

            <div class="td-box-row">
                <div class="td-box-description">
                    <span class="td-box-title td-title-on-row">TEXT COLOR</span>
                <div class="td-box-control-full">
            echo td_panel_generator::color_piker(array('ds' => 'td_fonts', 'item_id' => $font_section_settings_id, 'option_id' => 'color', 'default_color' => ''));

            echo td_panel_generator::box_end();
        //end foreach

foreach (td_api_module::get_all() as $td_module_class => $td_module_array) {
    if (!empty($td_module_array['excerpt_title']) or !empty($td_module_array['excerpt_content'])) {
        $td_box_title = $td_module_array['text'];
        if (!empty($td_module_array['used_on_blocks'])) {
            $td_box_title .= td_panel_generator::helper_generate_used_on_block_list($td_module_array['used_on_blocks']);
        echo td_panel_generator::box_start($td_box_title, false);

        <div class="td-box-row">
            <div class="td-box-description td-box-full">
                <span class="td-box-title">Notice:</span>
                <p>You can find documentation on how blocks are created from modules <a href="http://forum.tagdiv.com/modules-and-blocks/" target="_blank">here</a></p>
            <div class="td-box-row-margin-bottom"></div>

        if (!empty($td_module_array['excerpt_title'])) {
            <!-- TITLE LENGTH -->
echo td_panel_generator::checkbox(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_footer_social', 'true_value' => '', 'false_value' => 'no'));
echo td_panel_generator::box_end();

echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Sub footer settings', false);

    <!-- text -->
    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description td-box-full">
            <span class="td-box-title">More information:</span>
            <p>The sub footer section is the content under the main footer. It usually includes a copyright text and a menu spot on the right</p>
        <div class="td-box-row-margin-bottom"></div>

    <!-- Enable sub-footer -->
    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description">
    <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::color_picker(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_footer_text_color', 'default_color' => '#ffffff'));

echo td_panel_generator::box_end();

<!-- SUB FOOTER -->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Sub-footer', false);

<!-- FOOTER bottom color -->
<div class="td-box-row">
    <div class="td-box-description">
        <span class="td-box-title">BACKGROUND COLOR</span>
        <p>Select sub footer bottom background color</p>
    <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::color_picker(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_footer_bottom_color', 'default_color' => '#0d0d0d'));

echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Documentation on how to use custom fonts');

    <!-- info text -->
    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description td-box-full">
            <p>You can select from here what character subsets will be loaded for each google font. The character subset will be loaded only if the font supports the specific glyphs. Try to enable only the subsets that you use because the site will load slower with each additional subset.</p>
            <p><a href="?page=td_theme_panel&td_page=td_view_custom_fonts" target="_blank" class="td-big-button">Add custom fonts / Change google fonts settings</a></p>

echo td_panel_generator::box_end();

foreach (td_global::$typography_settings_list as $panel_section => $font_settings_array) {
    echo td_panel_generator::ajax_box($panel_section, array('td_ajax_calling_file' => basename(__FILE__), 'td_ajax_box_id' => 'td_get_font_section_by_section_id', 'section_name' => $panel_section, 'td_ajax_view' => 'td_theme_fonts'));