                        <h3>Category top post styles:</h3>
                        <p>Highlight the latest posts on a category page</p>
                            <li>This setting can be overwritten on a per category basis from the boxes below</li>
                            <li>Use this setting + the <i>grid style</i> setting to get the results that you want</li>
                            <li>For advanced users, here is the <a target="_blank" href="http://forum.tagdiv.com/api-category-top-section-style-introduction/">API documentation</a></li>
                ', 'right');
        <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::visual_select_o(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_category_top_posts_style', 'values' => td_api_category_top_posts_style::_helper_to_panel_values()));

// show the $big_grid_styles_list only if we have big grids
// Newsmag as of 10 march is not using $big_grid_styles_list
if (!empty(td_global::$big_grid_styles_list)) {
        <div class="td-box-row">
            <div class="td-box-description">
                <span class="td-box-title">Category top posts GRID STYLE</span>
                <p>Each category grid supports multiple styles</p>
            <div class="td-box-control-full">

<div class="td-box-section-separator"></div>
    <!-- Category top posts style -->
    <div class="td-box-row">
        <div class="td-box-description">
            <span class="td-box-title">分类顶部文章风格</span>
        <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::visual_select_o(array('ds' => 'td_category', 'item_id' => $category_id, 'option_id' => 'tdc_category_top_posts_style', 'values' => td_api_category_top_posts_style::_helper_to_panel_values('default+get_all')));

// show the $big_grid_styles_list only if we have big grids
// Newsmag as of 10 march is not using $big_grid_styles_list
if (!empty(td_global::$big_grid_styles_list)) {
        <div class="td-box-row">
            <div class="td-box-description">
                <span class="td-box-title">网格风格分类顶部文章</span>