public function auth($id, $action)
     if (!litepublisher::$options->user) {
         return false;
     $comments = tcomments::i();
     if (!$comments->itemexists($id)) {
         return false;
     if (litepublisher::$options->ingroup('moderator')) {
         return true;
     $cm = tcommentmanager::i();
     switch ($action) {
         case 'edit':
             if (!$cm->canedit) {
                 return false;
             if ('closed' == litepublisher::$db->getval('posts', $comments->getvalue($id, 'post'), 'comstatus')) {
                 return false;
             return $comments->getvalue($id, 'author') == litepublisher::$options->user;
         case 'delete':
             if (!$cm->candelete) {
                 return false;
             if ('closed' == litepublisher::$db->getval('posts', $comments->getvalue($id, 'post'), 'comstatus')) {
                 return false;
             return $comments->getvalue($id, 'author') == litepublisher::$options->user;
     return false;
 public function getcontent()
     $result = '';
     $comments = tcomments::i();
     $cm = tcommentmanager::i();
     $lang = $this->lang;
     $html = $this->html;
     if ($action = $this->action) {
         $id = $this->idget();
         if (!$comments->itemexists($id)) {
             return $this->notfound;
         switch ($action) {
             case 'delete':
                 if (!$this->can($id, 'delete')) {
                     return $html->h4->forbidden;
                 if (!$this->confirmed) {
                     return $this->confirmdelete($id);
                 $result .= $html->h4->successmoderated;
             case 'hold':
                 if (!$this->moder) {
                     return $html->h4->forbidden;
                 $comments->setstatus($id, 'hold');
                 $result .= $this->moderated($id);
             case 'approve':
                 if (!$this->moder) {
                     return $html->h4->forbidden;
                 $comments->setstatus($id, 'approved');
                 $result .= $this->moderated($id);
             case 'edit':
                 if (!$this->can($id, 'edit')) {
                     return $html->h4->forbidden;
                 $result .= $this->editcomment($id);
             case 'reply':
                 if (!$this->can($id, 'edit')) {
                     return $html->h4->forbidden;
                 $result .= $this->reply($id);
     $result .= $this->getlist($this->name);
     return $result;
 public function wpnewComment($blog_id, $login, $password, $idpost, $struct)
     $this->auth($login, $password, 'moderator');
     if (is_numeric($idpost)) {
         $idpost = absint($idpost);
     } else {
         $urlmap = turlmap::i();
         if (!($item = $urlmap->finditem($url))) {
             return $this->xerror(404, 'Invalid post ID.');
         if ($item['class'] != litepublisher::$classes->classes['post']) {
             return $this->xerror(404, 'Invalid post ID.');
         $idpost = $item['arg'];
     $post = tpost::i($idpost);
     if (!$post->commentenabled || $post->status != 'published') {
         return $this->xerror(403, 'The specified post cannot be used to commenting');
     $manager = tcommentmanager::i();
     return $manager->add($idpost, isset($struct['author']) ? $struct['author'] : '', isset($struct['author_email']) ? $struct['author_email'] : '', isset($struct['author_url']) ? $struct['author_url'] : '', $struct['content']);
 public function getjs($confirmcomment, $logstatus)
     $cm = tcommentmanager::i();
     $result = sprintf('<script type="text/javascript">
 ltoptions.theme.comments = $.extend(true, ltoptions.theme.comments, %s%s);
 </script>', json_encode(array('confirmcomment' => $confirmcomment, 'comuser' => 'comuser' == $logstatus, 'canedit' => $cm->canedit, 'candelete' => $cm->candelete)), $logstatus == 'logged' ? ', {ismoder: <?php echo ($ismoder ? \'true\' : \'false\'); ?>}' : '');
     $template = ttemplate::I();
     $result .= $template->getjavascript($template->jsmerger_comments);
     return $result;
     $result .= $template->getjavascript('/js/litepublisher/confirmcomment.js');
     $result .= $template->getjavascript($template->jsmerger_moderate);
     $result .= $template->getjavascript('/js/litepublisher/moderate.js');
     return  $result;
 public function getauthorlink()
     $name = $this->data['name'];
     $website = $this->data['website'];
     if ($website == '') {
         return $name;
     $manager = tcommentmanager::i();
     if ($manager->hidelink || $this->trust <= $manager->trustlevel) {
         return $name;
     $rel = $manager->nofollow ? 'rel="nofollow"' : '';
     if ($manager->redir) {
         return sprintf('<a %s href="%s/comusers.htm%sid=%d">%s</a>', $rel, litepublisher::$site->url, litepublisher::$site->q, $this->author, $name);
     } else {
         if (!strbegin($website, 'http://')) {
             $website = 'http://' . $website;
         return sprintf('<a class="url fn" %s href="%s" itemprop="url">%s</a>', $rel, $website, $name);
 public function processform(array $values, $confirmed)
     $lang = tlocal::i('comment');
     if (trim($values['content']) == '') {
         return $this->geterrorcontent($lang->emptycontent);
     if (!$this->checkspam(isset($values['antispam']) ? $values['antispam'] : '')) {
         return $this->geterrorcontent($lang->spamdetected);
     $shortpost = $this->getshortpost(isset($values['postid']) ? (int) $values['postid'] : 0);
     if ($err = $this->invalidate($shortpost)) {
         return $err;
     if ((int) $shortpost['idperm']) {
         $post = tpost::i((int) $shortpost['id']);
         $perm = tperm::i($post->idperm);
         if (!$perm->hasperm($post)) {
             return 403;
     $cm = tcommentmanager::i();
     if ($cm->checkduplicate && $cm->is_duplicate($shortpost['id'], $values['content'])) {
         return $this->geterrorcontent($lang->duplicate);
     if (!$confirmed) {
         $values['ip'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9., ]/', '', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     if (litepublisher::$options->ingroups($cm->idgroups)) {
         if (!$confirmed && $cm->confirmlogged) {
             return $this->request_confirm($values, $shortpost);
         $iduser = litepublisher::$options->user;
     } else {
         switch ($shortpost['comstatus']) {
             case 'reg':
                 return $this->geterrorcontent($lang->reg);
             case 'guest':
                 if (!$confirmed && $cm->confirmguest) {
                     return $this->request_confirm($values, $shortpost);
                 $iduser = $cm->idguest;
             case 'comuser':
                 //hook in regservices social plugin
                 if ($r = $this->oncomuser($values, $confirmed)) {
                     return $r;
                 if (!$confirmed && $cm->confirmcomuser) {
                     return $this->request_confirm($values, $shortpost);
                 if ($err = $this->processcomuser($values)) {
                     return $err;
                 $users = tusers::i();
                 if ($iduser = $users->emailexists($values['email'])) {
                     if ('comuser' != $users->getvalue($iduser, 'status')) {
                         return $this->geterrorcontent($lang->emailregistered);
                 } else {
                     $iduser = $cm->addcomuser($values['name'], $values['email'], $values['url'], $values['ip']);
                 $cookies = array();
                 foreach (array('name', 'email', 'url') as $field) {
                     $cookies["comuser_{$field}"] = $values[$field];
     $user = tusers::i()->getitem($iduser);
     if ('hold' == $user['status']) {
         return $this->geterrorcontent($lang->holduser);
     if (!$cm->canadd($iduser)) {
         return $this->geterrorcontent($lang->toomany);
     if (!$cm->add($shortpost['id'], $iduser, $values['content'], $values['ip'])) {
         return $this->geterrorcontent($lang->spamdetected);
     //subscribe by email
     switch ($user['status']) {
         case 'approved':
             if ($user['email'] != '') {
                 // subscribe if its first comment
                 if (1 == tcomments::i()->db->getcount("post = {$shortpost['id']} and author = {$iduser}")) {
                     if ('enabled' == tuseroptions::i()->getvalue($iduser, 'subscribe')) {
                         tsubscribers::i()->update($shortpost['id'], $iduser, true);
         case 'comuser':
             if ('comuser' == $shortpost['comstatus'] && $cm->comuser_subscribe) {
                 tsubscribers::i()->update($shortpost['id'], $iduser, $values['subscribe']);
     if (!litepublisher::$options->commentpages || $shortpost['commentscount'] <= litepublisher::$options->commentsperpage) {
         $c = 1;
     } else {
         $c = ceil($shortpost['commentscount'] / litepublisher::$options->commentsperpage);
     $url = litepublisher::$urlmap->getvalue($shortpost['idurl'], 'url');
     if ($c > 1 && !litepublisher::$options->comments_invert_order) {
         $url = rtrim($url, '/') . "/page/{$c}/";
     return $this->sendresult(litepublisher::$site->url . $url, isset($cookies) ? $cookies : array());
 public function CreateFirstPost()
     $html = tadminhtml::i();
     $html->section = 'installation';
     $lang = tlocal::i();
     $theme = ttheme::i();
     $post = tpost::i(0);
     $post->title = $lang->posttitle;
     $post->catnames = $lang->postcategories;
     $post->tagnames = $lang->posttags;
     $post->content = $theme->parse($lang->postcontent);
     $posts = tposts::i();
     $icons = ticons::i();
     $cats = tcategories::i();
     $cats->setvalue($post->categories[0], 'icon', $icons->getid('news'));
     $cm = tcommentmanager::i();
     $users = tusers::i();
     $cm->idguest = $users->add(array('email' => '', 'name' => tlocal::get('default', 'guest'), 'status' => 'hold', 'idgroups' => 'commentator'));
     $users->setvalue($cm->idguest, 'status', 'approved');
     tcomments::i()->add($post->id, $cm->idguest, $lang->postcomment, 'approved', '');
     $plugins = tplugins::i();
 protected function getstat()
     $posts = tposts::i();
     $manager = tcommentmanager::i();
     $lang = tlocal::i('foaf');
     return sprintf($lang->statistic, $posts->archivescount, $manager->count);
Exemple #9
 private function dogetholdcomments($url, $count)
     $this->domrss->CreateRoot(litepublisher::$site->url . $url, tlocal::get('comment', 'onrecent') . ' ' . litepublisher::$site->name);
     $manager = tcommentmanager::i();
     $recent = $manager->getrecent($count, 'hold');
     $title = tlocal::get('comment', 'onpost') . ' ';
     $comment = new tarray2prop();
     foreach ($recent as $item) {
         $comment->array = $item;
         $this->AddRSSComment($comment, $title . $comment->title);
function tblackipUninstall($self)
 public function delete($id)
     $manager = tcommentmanager::instance();
 public function processform()
     extract($_POST, EXTR_SKIP);
     $options = litepublisher::$options;
     $cm = tcommentmanager::i();
     $options->comstatus = $comstatus;
     $cm->filterstatus = isset($filterstatus);
     $cm->defstatus = isset($commentsapproved) ? 'approved' : 'hold';
     $cm->checkduplicate = isset($checkduplicate);
     $useroptions = tuseroptions::i();
     $useroptions->defvalues['subscribe'] = isset($defaultsubscribe) ? 'enabled' : 'disabled';
     $useroptions->defvalues['authorpost_subscribe'] = isset($authorpost_subscribe) ? 'enabled' : 'disabled';
     $options->commentsdisabled = isset($commentsdisabled);
     $options->pingenabled = isset($pingenabled);
     $options->commentpages = isset($commentpages);
     $options->commentsperpage = (int) trim($commentsperpage);
     $options->comments_invert_order = isset($comments_invert_order);
     $cm->sendnotification = isset($sendnotification);
     $cm->hidelink = isset($hidelink);
     $cm->redir = isset($redir);
     $cm->nofollow = isset($nofollow);
     $cm->comuser_subscribe = isset($comuser_subscribe);
     $tc = ttemplatecomments::i();
     foreach (array('logged', 'reqlogin', 'regaccount', 'guest', 'comuser', 'loadhold') as $name) {
         $tc->{$name} = $_POST[$name];
     $subscr = tsubscribers::i();
     $subscr->locklist = $locklist;
     $subscr->enabled = isset($subscribe_enabled);
     $rss = trssholdcomments::i();
     $rss->count = $rsscount;
     $rss->template = $rsstemplate;