Exemple #1
         echo $jobInst->comment;
     echo "&nbsp;</td>\n";
     echo "<td class=list{$jobStyle}>" . $toolInst->getTime("d.m.Y, H:i", $jobInst->start) . "</td>\n";
     if ($jobInst->id == $jobInst->getOpenJob()) {
         echo "<td class=list{$jobStyle}>" . $lang['tasks_running'] . "</td>\n";
     } else {
         echo "<td class=list{$jobStyle}>" . $toolInst->getTime("d.m.Y, H:i", $jobInst->stop) . "</td>\n";
     echo "<td class=list{$jobStyle} align=right>" . $toolInst->formatTime($jobInst->getSummary()) . "</td>\n";
     echo "</tr>\n";
 echo "<tr>\n";
 echo "<td class=list colspan=" . $colspan . " align=right><b>" . $lang['common_summaryTime'] . " : </b></td>\n";
 echo "<td class=list align=right><b>" . $toolInst->formatTime($taskInst->getSummary()) . "</b></td>\n";
 echo "</tr>\n";
 echo "<tr>\n";
 echo "<td class=list_private colspan=" . $colspan . " align=right><b>" . $lang['common_private_jobs'] . " - " . $lang['common_summaryTime'] . " : </b></td>\n";
 echo "<td class=list_private align=right><b>" . $toolInst->formatTime($taskInst->getSummary(true)) . "</b></td>\n";
 echo "</tr>\n";
 if ($projectInst->rate || $userInst->rate) {
     if ($loginInst->hasAccess("task.getSummary")) {
         echo "<tr>\n";
         echo "<td class=list colspan=" . $colspan . " align=right><b>" . $lang['common_roundedSummaryTime'] . " : </b></td>\n";
         echo "<td class=list align=right><b>" . $toolInst->formatTime($toolInst->deductibleSeconds($taskInst->getSummary())) . "</b></td>\n";
         echo "</tr>\n";
     if ($loginInst->hasAccess("task.getCosts")) {
         echo "<tr>\n";
         if ($taskInst->fixedPrice > "0") {
Exemple #2
 echo "<th><a href=\"" . $toolInst->encodeUrl("index.php?content=projectdetails.php&view=details&projectid=" . $projectInst->id . "&order=status&desc=" . $desc) . "\" title=\"" . $lang['common_orderByStatus'] . "\">" . $lang['common_status'] . "</a></th>\n";
 echo "<th>" . $lang['common_usedTime'] . "</th>\n";
 $sum = 0;
 $sum_private = 0;
 $costs = 0;
 $costs_private = 0;
 $customerSum = 0;
 $customerCosts = 0;
 while ($element = current($list)) {
     echo "<tr class=\"light\"><td class=list><nobr><a href=\"" . $toolInst->encodeUrl("index.php?content=taskdetails.php&view=details&taskid=" . $taskInst->id) . "\" title=\"" . $lang['common_showTaskdetails'] . "\">" . substr($taskInst->subject, 0, 15) . "</a></nobr></td>\n";
     echo "<td class=list><nobr>" . $toolInst->getTime("d.m.Y, H:i", $taskInst->time) . "</nobr></td>\n";
     echo "<td><nobr class=" . $taskInst->getPriorityStyle() . ">" . $taskInst->getPriorityName() . "</nobr></td>\n";
     echo "<td><nobr class=" . $taskInst->getTypeStyle() . ">" . $taskInst->getTypeName() . "</nobr></td>\n";
     echo "<td><nobr class=" . $taskInst->getStatusStyle() . ">" . $taskInst->getStatusName() . "</nobr></td>\n";
     echo "<td class=list align=right><nobr>" . $toolInst->formatTime($taskInst->getSummary()) . "</nobr></td></tr>\n";
     $sum += $taskInst->getSummary();
     $sum_private += $taskInst->getSummary(true);
     $costs += $taskInst->getCosts();
     $costs_private += $taskInst->getCosts(true);
     $customerCosts += $taskInst->getCustomerCosts();
     $customerSum += $taskInst->getCustomerSummary();
 echo "<tr><td class=list colspan=6>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
 echo "<tr>\n";
 echo "<td class=list colspan=4 align=right><b>" . $lang['common_summaryTime'] . " : </b></td>\n";
 echo "<td class=list colspan=2 align=right><nobr><b>" . $toolInst->formatTime($sum) . "</b></nobr></td>\n";
 echo "</tr>\n";
 echo "<tr>\n";
 echo "<td class=list_private colspan=4 align=right><b>" . $lang['common_private_jobs'] . " - " . $lang['common_summaryTime'] . " : </b></td>\n";
Exemple #3

$taskInst = new task();
$order = "finish";
if (tool::securePost('order')) {
    $order = tool::securePost('order');
$list = $taskInst->getList($order);
if ($order == "plannedhours") {
    $listByHour = array();
    while ($element = current($list)) {
        if (!$taskInst->isDone() && $taskInst->statusId != TASK_STATUS_WAITING && $taskInst->plannedHours && $taskInst->plannedHours != "0") {
            $diff = $taskInst->plannedHours * 60 * 60 - $taskInst->getSummary();
            $listByHour[$diff] = $taskInst->id;
    while (list($diff, $id) = each($listByHour)) {
<tr class="light" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#fafafa'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor=''"><?php 
        $projectInst = new project($taskInst->projectId);
        echo "<td><nobr><a href=\"javascript:openwindow('" . $toolInst->encodeUrl("index.php?content=projectdetails.php&view=details&projectid=" . $projectInst->id) . "',width='500',height='500')\" title=\"show details for this project\">" . $projectInst->name . "</a></nobr></td>\n";
        if ($loginInst->hasAccess("task.viewOther")) {
            $userInst = new user($taskInst->userId);
            echo "<td><nobr>" . $userInst->username . "</nobr></td>\n";
Exemple #4
 if ($taskInst->isfixedPrice()) {
     $taskCosts = $taskInst->fixedPrice;
 } else {
     $taskCosts = $toolInst->deductibleSeconds($taskSum) / 3600 * $taskInst->getRate();
 // calculate customer part
 $customerTaskCosts = 0;
 $customerTaskSummary = 0;
 $customerTaskSummaryRounded = 0;
 if ($taskInst->hasToPay()) {
     $customerTaskCosts = $taskCosts;
     $customerTaskSummary = $taskSum;
     $customerTaskSummaryRounded = $toolInst->deductibleSeconds($taskSum);
 // determine summaries for completed jobs (not only the shown jobs)
 $completeTaskSummary = $taskInst->getSummary();
 $completeTaskCustomerSummary = $taskInst->getCustomerSummary();
 // add summaries to overall summaries
 $costs += $taskCosts;
 $summary += $taskSum;
 $summaryRounded += $toolInst->deductibleSeconds($taskSum);
 $customerCosts += $customerTaskCosts;
 $customerSummary += $customerTaskSummary;
 $customerSummaryRounded += $customerTaskSummaryRounded;
 $completeCosts += $taskInst->getCosts();
 $completeSummary += $completeTaskSummary;
 $completeSummaryRounded += $toolInst->deductibleSeconds($completeTaskSummary);
 $completeCustomerCosts += $taskInst->getCustomerCosts();
 $completeCustomerSummary += $completeTaskCustomerSummary;
 $completeCustomerSummaryRounded += $toolInst->deductibleSeconds($completeTaskCustomerSummary);
 if ($loginInst->hasAccess("task.getRate") && !$taskInst->isFixedPrice()) {