  * Parses the HTML tags that would have been inserted to the <head> of a HTML document and returns the found tags as multidimensional array.
  * @return	array		The parsed tags with their attributes and innerHTML parts
 protected function getHeadTags()
     $headTags = array();
     $headDataRaw = $this->fObj->JStop();
     if ($headDataRaw) {
         // Create instance of the HTML parser:
         $parseObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_parsehtml');
         // Removes script wraps:
         $headDataRaw = str_replace(array('/*<![CDATA[*/', '/*]]>*/'), '', $headDataRaw);
         // Removes leading spaces of a multiline string:
         $headDataRaw = trim(preg_replace('/(^|\\r|\\n)( |\\t)+/', '$1', $headDataRaw));
         // Get script and link tags:
         $tags = array_merge($parseObj->getAllParts($parseObj->splitTags('link', $headDataRaw)), $parseObj->getAllParts($parseObj->splitIntoBlock('script', $headDataRaw)));
         foreach ($tags as $tagData) {
             $tagAttributes = $parseObj->get_tag_attributes($parseObj->getFirstTag($tagData), true);
             $headTags[] = array('name' => $parseObj->getFirstTagName($tagData), 'attributes' => $tagAttributes[0], 'innerHTML' => $parseObj->removeFirstAndLastTag($tagData));
     return $headTags;