public function restoreMergedBackup($dataItemId, $files, $session) { global $CFG; $page = new stdClass(); //Move the merged backup file from the session folder to the course folder // Move the backups from the course directory into synch/sessions/sessionid/backups with the serverid appended the file name // Generate a new file name from the original backup file and the local server id //$newFileName = $this->createSessionBackupFileName($preferences); $sessionBackupFileName = $files['merged']; // Generate the path to the session backup folder $sessionBackupPath = $this->createSessionBackupPath($session); // Does the merge file exist if (!FileSystem::exists($sessionBackupPath . '/' . $sessionBackupFileName, 'f')) { return false; } // Move the session merge file to the course backup folder. if (1) { // fudge for testing in development $courseBackupFileName = FileSystem::removeFromFileName($sessionBackupFileName, $CFG->synch->merge_file_suffix); $courseBackupFileName = FileSystem::removeFromFileName($courseBackupFileName, synch_backup_controller::getUniqueCodeFromFileName($sessionBackupFileName)); // Do we need to update the file name within the preferences. We will be passing // the file name and from then on it shouldn't be required. $courseId = SynchContentHierarchy::getIdFromDataItemId($dataItemId); $courseBackupPath = synch_Backup_controller::createBackupFilePath($courseId); // Create the folder structure if necessary FileSystem::createFoldersFromPath($courseBackupPath); $moved = FileSystem::copyFile($sessionBackupPath . '/' . $sessionBackupFileName, $courseBackupPath . '/' . $courseBackupFileName); } else { $moved = true; } if (!$moved) { return false; } $preferences = new Object(); $preferences->course_id = $courseId; $preferences->backup_name = $courseBackupFileName; $preferences->backup_unique_code = synch_backup_controller::getUniqueCodeFromFileName($sessionBackupFileName); global $SynchServerController; // If there are changes from the remote Moodle restore to the local Moodle $remoteServerId = $SynchServerController->getRemoteServerId(); if ($this->getSessionHasChangesByServerId($remoteServerId, $session)) { // Call the restoreCourse method of SynchBackupController $restored = synch_backup_controller::restoreCourse($preferences, $session); } return $restored; }
public static function restoreCourse($preferences, $session) { global $Out; // the initial set of preferences should be enough to get the restore started. // once in progress the restore will obtain the preferences from the backup file // itself if (!isset($preferences)) { return null; } // Assumes the backup file is in the course data directory and the // preferences are in the backup file itself. global $CFG; // for large files uncomment following code //@ini_set("max_execution_time","3000"); //raise_memory_limit("192M"); $file = self::createBackupFilePath($preferences->course_id); $file .= '/' . $preferences->backup_name; //path to file //Check the file exists if (!is_file($file)) { return false; } //Check the file name ends with .zip if (!substr($file, -4) == ".zip") { return false; } //Now calculate the unique_code for this restore $backup_unique_code = $preferences->backup_unique_code; //Now check and create the backup dir (if it doesn't exist) $status = check_and_create_backup_dir($backup_unique_code); //Empty dir if ($status) { $status = clear_backup_dir($backup_unique_code); } //Now delete old data and directories under dataroot/temp/backup if ($status) { $status = backup_delete_old_data(); } $tempBackupPath = synch_backup_controller::createTempBackupPath($backup_unique_code); //Now copy the zip file to dataroot/temp/backup/backup_unique_code if ($status) { if (!($status = backup_copy_file($file, $tempBackupPath . "/" . basename($file)))) { // There has been a problem. Invalid name or bad perms return false; } } //Now unzip the file if ($status) { if (!($status = restore_unzip($tempBackupPath . "/" . basename($file)))) { // error: Invalid zip file return false; } } //Check for Blackboard backups and convert if ($status) { require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/backup/bb/restore_bb.php"; $status = blackboard_convert($tempBackupPath); } // backup file has now been unpacked. Retrieve the serialized preferences $preferencesPath = $tempBackupPath . '/' . self::getPreferencesFileName(); $preferences = FileSystem::unSerializeFromFile($preferencesPath); // Now we have the preferences from the backup we need to tailor it to our current needs // should we be updating an existing item or creating one. $dataItemId = SynchContentHierarchy::generateDataItemId($preferences->course_id, synch_view_controller::$TYPE_ID_COURSE); global $SynchManager, $SynchServerController; $itemExists = $SynchManager->getSessionItemExistsByServerId($SynchServerController->getServerId(), $session); if (isset($itemExists) && is_array($itemExists) && in_array($dataItemId, $itemExists)) { $preferences->restoreto = 1; $preferences->deleting = 1; } else { $preferences->restoreto = 2; } //Now check for the moodle.xml file if ($status) { $xml_file = $tempBackupPath . "/moodle.xml"; if (!($status = restore_check_moodle_file($xml_file))) { if (!is_file($xml_file)) { //Error checking backup file. moodle.xml not found at root level of zip file return false; } else { //Error checking backup file. moodle.xml is incorrect or corrupted. return false; } } } //unpack backup file //read contents //Reading info from file $info = restore_read_xml_info($xml_file); //Reading course_header from file $courseHeader = restore_read_xml_course_header($xml_file); //Save course header and info into php session if ($status) { //$SESSION->info = $info; //$SESSION->course_header = $course_header; } global $restore; $restore = $preferences; $message = null; $restoreSuccess = restore_execute($preferences, $info, $courseHeader, $message); return $restoreSuccess; }